828-《青少年心理学》教案 - 图文

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: 青少年心理学 : 4043213

学院、专业、年级: 心理学院应用心理学、心理学专业 任

: 张文新

教师所在单位: 心理学院








授课时间 第 1、2 次课 授课章节 教学方法与手段 绪论 任课教师及职称 讲授、讨论、实验教学 课时安排 6课时 使用教材和1. 张文新主编. 青少年发展心理学. 山东人民出版社, 2003. 主要参考书 2. Steinberg L.著. Adolescence. Mcgraw-Hill高等教育出版社, 2005. (英文版) 3. Steinberg L. & Lerner R. 主编. Handbook of Adolescent Psychology. John Wiley & Sons公司出版, 2004. (英文版) 教学目的与要求: 1、理解并掌握发展的含义、阶段及青少年期的界定 2、了解青少年期的基本变化 3、了解青少年发展的社会背景 4、了解青少年心理发展的主题 5、了解人们关于青少年的认识(青少年的刻板印象) 教学重点、难点: 发展的含义、阶段以及青少年期的界定 教学内容: 1. What Is Development? Development refers to the sequential and irreversible biological, cognitive and social changes that occur across human life span. 2. Stages of Human Development ?Childhood –Prenatal period, Infancy(0-3 years old), Early childhood(3-6 years old), and Middle and late childhood(6-11 years old) ?Adolescence --- A transition period from childhood to adulthood –Early adolescence(10-13 years old), Middle adolescence (14-18 years old), and Later adolescence (19-22 years old) ?Adulthood (Figure 1-1) 3. Boundaries of Adolescence 《青少年心理学》教案

Theorists proposed and adopted various makers to define adolescence(Table 1-1) 4. Fundamental Changes of adolescence There are three fundamental changes occurring during adolescence which give the period its special flavor and significance: onset of puberty, emergence of more advanced thinking abilities, and transition into new roles in society. (1)Biological transitions: (2)Cognitive Transitions: (3)Social Transitions: 5. Contexts of Adolescence The psychological development of adolescence is a result of the interaction of the basic changes in individual‘s body, cognition, and social status and the contexts where these changes occur (Steinberg, 1999) (Figure 2). Four main contexts affect the development and behavior of young people: Families, Peer Groups, Schools, and Work and Leisure. 6. Themes of Development of Adolescents (1) Cognition (2) Identity (3) Autonomy (4) Intimacy (5) Sexuality (6) Achievement (7) Psychosocial problems 7. 实验教学:Stereotype of Adolescents (1)研究报告的一般格式与规范 一份研究报告应包括如下部分:问题提出、研究方法、结果分析与讨论、参考文献。 研究报告的写作要规范,包括应有的部分必须有,此外,按照研究报告的写作方式与风格进行写作,语言尽可能准确、简练等。参考文献需符合要求。 (2)数据的分析与解释 常用的数据分析涉及描述统计和推论统计。推论统计又可按研究问题和任务分为描述或确定变量间的关系、确定变量间的差异、确定一个变量对另一变量的影响以及做出预测等。本项研究报告中主要涉及推论统计中的前两者。数据或结果的解释需准确、有根据,一方面基于数据,另一方面需参照有关文献。本研究未涉及内容,不能有过多的演绎。 《青少年心理学》教案

复习思考题、作业题: 1、 人生可以分为哪些主要的阶段及亚阶段? 2、 界定青少年期的标准有哪些?依据这些标准,如何界定和理解青少年期? 3、 青少年期发展的基本过渡有哪些? 4、 如何运用生态系统的观点来理解青少年发展的社会背景? 5、 青少年期发展的主题有哪些? 下次课预习要点 各种理论派别有关青少年期心理与行为特点的观点 实施情况及教学效果分析 学院审核意见 学院负责人签字 年 月 日


授课时间 第 3、4 次课 授课章节 教学方法与手段 青少年心理发展的理论流派 讲授、讨论 任课教师及职称 课时安排 6课时 使用教材和1.张文新主编. 青少年发展心理学. 山东人民出版社, 2003. 主要参考书 2.Steinberg L.著.Adolescence.Mcgraw-Hill高等教育出版社, 2005.(英文版) 3.Steinberg L.& Lerner R. 主编. Handbook of Adolescent Psychology. John Wiley & Sons公司出版,2004.(英文版) 教学目的与要求: 1、 理解生物学取向的青少年发展理论 2、 理解精神分析学派的青少年发展理论 3、 了解华生和斯金纳的行为主义的青少年发展观 4、 理解并掌握社会学习理论及其青少年发展观 5、 理解勒温的场论与斯普兰格的人格理论 6、 理解并掌握皮亚杰的心理发展理论 7、 理解文化人类学和生态学的发展理论 教学重点、难点: 霍尔的青少年发展观;艾森克的青少年发展观;社会学习理论;勒温的场论;皮亚杰的心理发展观;生态学的观点 教学内容: 1、 生物学取向的青少年发展理论 从个体生理的发生发展过程出发,认为人的心理发展是生理成熟的结果。个体发展表现出的类型差异和年龄差异是由生物遗传因素决定的,不受或极少受环境的影响。认为个体生理和心理成熟所经历的阶段对每个人来说具有普遍性。包括: (1)霍尔的复演说 个体心理发展是一系列或多或少复演种族进化历史的过程,个体心理的发展层次与种系发生的进化层次在本质上是对应的、平行的。 《青少年心理学》教案

个体心理发展完全由生物因素决定。 心理发展按照一个普遍的、固定的模式进行,极少受环境的影响。 与人类物种进化的历史相对应,将个体心理发展划分为四个阶段:婴幼儿期、儿童期、少年期和青年期。 (2)格塞尔的成熟论 个体生理发展与心理发展经历了一个有规律的顺序过程,这一过程由物种和生物的进化顺序决定。个体发展变化的本质是结构性的,基本结构的变化在生物因素(如成熟)的影响下有规律地发展着,从而控制着外显行为特征的差异。环境只是起着支持和沟通各发展阶段的作用,而不能产生或改变发展的基本形式和顺序。没有足够的成熟就没有真正的发展变化,在结构得以发展之前,特殊的训练是没有多少成效的。 2. 精神分析学派的青少年发展理论 主要从心理发展的动力来分析、探讨青少年心理发展的一般规律。 (1)弗洛伊德的精神分析理论 将无意识作为研究对象,从人格结构入手来探讨心理发生、发展的深层动因。 心理发展的基本动力是性本能——力比多(libido)。 人格结构:伊底、自我和超我 青春期: 随着青春期生理变化的发生,儿童期(潜伏期)的平静状态被打破、俄底普斯情结再次出现、与异性接触。青春期俄底普斯情结的解决不好,可能会出现同性恋。青春期生理变化带来行为变化及适应困难,青少年易产生精神机能障碍。 (2)安娜·弗洛伊德的精神分析理论 认为青春期在个性形成中起更重要的作用,更多地对青少年发展的动力问题进行了研究。在探讨青春期的发展,更多地强调伊底、自我和超我间的关系。青春期随着性功能的成熟,伊底的力量超过超我,先前建立起来的伊底与自我间的平衡被打破,从而产生了新的内在冲突。超我通过逐渐内化父母或权威的道德价值观念也得到了发展,自我与当前超我中内化的道德标准发生冲突。青春期的任务之一是重新获得内在平衡。青春期再次产生俄底普斯情结。 (3)埃里克森的心理社会发展理论 《青少年心理学》教案

埃里克森重视社会文化因素对发展的影响;将心理发展阶段扩展至老年,提出了心理社会发展阶段理论(psychosocial theory of human development)。认为每一阶段都有一个普遍的发展任务,这些任务是由成熟与社会文化环境、社会期望间不断产生的冲突所规定的。按照在不同阶段上个体面临的发展任务或危机不同,将个体发展划分为8个阶段。 埃里克森关于青少年期的发展的观点:青少年心理发展的主要任务——同一性的获得,以及完成这一任务的可能性。 3. 行为主义和社会学习理论的青少年发展观 未专门研究发展问题。 (1)华生的行为主义理论 (2)斯金纳的操作行为主义理论 (3)班杜拉的社会学习理论 观察学习是人类主要的学习方式。观察学习又称替代性学习,是通过观察他人(榜样)的行为及其结果而进行的学习。 强化:直接强化、替代性强化和自我强化 观察学习的子过程:注意、保持、动作复现、强化和动机过程 4. Lewin‘s Field Theory (1)基本观点 认为人的心理活动是在一定的心理场或生活空间中进行的。―Behavior (B) is a function of the Person (P) and the Environment (E), i.e. B=F(P, E)‖. The sum total of all environmental and personal factors in interaction is called the ―life space‖ (LSp) or ―psychological space‖ , i.e. B=F(LSp) (2)勒温有关心理发展的观点 从场论出发描述并解释了心理与行为发展变化的动力。认为个体发展(development of individual)的一个主要特征是随年龄的增长,生活空间中尚未分化、较松散的区域开始逐渐分化,且在分化的同时个体对各子领域也进行着重新建构。分化有快有慢。 Lewin‘s view of point about developmental stages: 1. An increase in the scope of the life space in regard to a. What is part of the psychological present; b. The time perspective in the direction of the psychological past and the psychological future. 2. An increasing differentiation of every level of the life space into a multitude of social relations and area of activities 3. An increasing organization 《青少年心理学》教案

4. A change in the general fluidity or rigidity of the life space (3)勒温有关青少年心理发展的观点 Fundamental to Lewin‘s theory of development is the view that: adolescence is a period of transition during which adolescents must change their group membership. 5.斯普兰格的人格理论 关注青少年发展中结构变化的个体差异:青少年可能经历不同的发展过程(或发展模式)。 6. Piaget‘s theory: Basic concepts 心理发展的实质:主体通过同化和顺应两种方式实现的动作对客体的适应 Four stages of cognitive development:Sensorimoter stage(0-2 years old),Preoperational stage(2-7 year old),Concrete operational stage(7-11 years old),and Formal operational stage(from 11 years old on). Formal operational thought:Distinction between operational thought of the child and the formal operations of adolescence: The former can deal with problems that are presented concretely, while the later can deal with abstract ideas and use more involved logical processes. Four major components of formal operations: ? Conception of possibilities ? Hypothetical deductive reasoning ? Interpropositional thinking ? Combinational or systemic thinking 7. Cultural anthropological perspectives on adolescence The cultural anthropological perspectives emphasis on the role of culture on adolescent development. ―Cultural determinism‖ or ―Cultural relativism‖ on development (1)玛格丽特·米德的观点 The question that Margaret Mead explored: “Are the disturbance which vex our adolescents due to the nature of adolescence itself or to the civilization? Under different conditions does adolescence present a different picture?‖ (Mead, 1928/1950). 《青少年心理学》教案

青春期并非必然是一个危机四伏的紧张时期,任何心理紧张都来自于文化条件,也即原先我们“归诸于人类本性的东西,绝大多数不过是我们对于生活于其中的文明施加给我们的种种限制的某种反应。”(玛格丽特·米德, 1988) 后来,玛格丽特·米德修正了其理论,认为个体发展的某些方面存在着跨文化的普遍性。 (2)Ruth Benedict‘s theory of cultural conditioning Believe that human beings show far greater plasticity and modifiability than animals, and humans were from the time of birth on conditioned by the cultural setting, so that human species has made great progress and there are wide intercultural differences. Growth was a gradual, smooth, and continuous process, if natural growth is uninfluenced by social-environmental forces. However, to the extent that social groups introduce requirements, restrictions, differential treatment, and expectations, discontinuities would emerge. 8. Ecological perspectives of human development (1) 布朗芬布伦纳的人类发展生态学模型 强调环境/生态在个体心理发展中的作用。 四种生态:微系统(microsytem)、中间系统(mesosystem)、外层系统(exosystem)、宏系统(macrosystem)、历史年代系统(chronosystem) (2)Life Course theory by Glen Elder Jr Emphasis on the life course or time-dimension of development Believed that human life span can be best understood by considering lives in their historical time and place, the timing of social roles and life events, the interdependence or connections among lives, and the role of human agency and social constraints in decision making A. Human lives in historical time and place: family obligation of current adolescents and their parents, grandparents; perspectives on consumptions of current adolescents and their parents; morality and values of current adolescents and their parents. B. Linked lives: such as parental divorce, unemployment, parental conflicts, etc. C. The timing of lives: whether or not a person experiences certain events at a given time. D. Human agency and social constraints: people‘s choice and planning of life


复习思考题、作业题: 1、如何理解青少年发展的各种理论观点? 2、基于所学理论和相关事实,你将如何描述一个典型的青少年的特征? 3、这些理论观点对青少年心理发展的实证研究有哪些启示? 下次课预习要点 青春期的生理变化以及这些变化对心理社会发展的影响 实施情况及教学效果分析 学院审核意见 学院负责人签字 年 月 日 《青少年心理学》教案

授课时间 第 5、6 次课 授课章节 教学方法与手段 青少年的生理过渡 任课教师及职称 讲授、讨论 课时安排 6课时 使用教材和1.张文新主编. 青少年发展心理学. 山东人民出版社, 2003. 主要参考书 2.Steinberg L.著.Adolescence.Mcgraw-Hill高等教育出版社, 2005.(英文版) 3.Steinberg L.& Lerner R. 主编. Handbook of Adolescent Psychology. John Wiley & Sons公司出版, 2004.(英文版) 教学目的与要求: 1、 理解青春期主要的生理变化 2、 理解青春期的生理变化对青少年心理与行为的影响 3、 了解青少年的饮食失调以及青少年期身体健康与卫生保健 教学重点、难点: 青春期的生理变化对青少年心理与行为的影响 教学内容: 1. Puberty: An overview Chief manifestation of puberty (Marshall, 1978): ? Rapid acceleration in growth: dramatic increases in both height and weight. ? Development of primary sex characteristics, including the further development of the gonads, or sex glands. ? Development of secondary sex characteristics, involving changes in the genitals and breast, and growth of pubic, facial, and body hair, and the further development of the sex organs. ? Changes in body composition, specifically, in the quantity and distribution of fat and muscle. ? Changes in the circulatory and respiratory systems, which lead to increased strength and tolerance for exercise. 2. Somatic development 《青少年心理学》教案

(1) Changes in stature and the dimensions of the body Adolescent growth spurt At the time of peak height velocity, adolescents are growing at the same rate as a toddler. For boys, peak height velocity averages about 4.1 inches (10.5 cm) per year, and for girls, 3.5 inches (9.0 cm) (J. Tanner, 1972). The composition of the skeletal structure also changes Bones become harder, more dense, and more brittle. At the end of puberty, the ends of the long bones in body are closed, which terminates growth in the height. Increases in the size and capacity of the heart and lungs and, consequently, in exercise tolerance In all these areas, the rate and magnitude of the gains favor males over females. By the end of puberty, boys are stronger, have ?larger hearts and lungs relative to their size, a higher systolic blood pressure, a lower resting heart rate, a greater capacity for carrying oxygen to the blood, …‘ (Peterson & Taylor, 1980, p.129). (2) Brain changes during adolescence Cell bodies and dendrites do not change much during adolescence but that axons continue to develop through adolescence. Another important aspect of the brain‘s development at the cellular level the dramatic increase in connections between neurons. (3) Sexual maturation Sexual maturation in boys The sequence of developments in secondary sex characteristics among boys is fairly orderly. Sexual maturation in girls The sequence of developments in secondary sex characteristics among girls is somewhat less regular than it is among boys. 3. The timing and tempo of puberty The are great variation in the timing and tempo of puberty. The onset of puberty can occur as early as 7 years in girls and 9? in boys or as late as 13 in girls and 13? in boys. What factors underlie the tremendous variations in the timing and tempo of puberty? Why do some individuals mature relatively early and others relatively late? 《青少年心理学》教案

4. The psychological and social impact of puberty Young people‘s reactions to the changes brought on by puberty, and others‘ reactions to them, are influenced by the broader social environment. (1)The immediate impact of puberty Puberty and self-esteem Adolescent moodiness Changes in sleep patterns Puberty and family relationships Changes of peer affiliations during puberty (2)The impact of specific pubertal events ? Girls‘ reactions to breast development ? Girls‘ reactions to menstruation and menarche ? Boys‘ reactions to their first ejaculation ? Social and cultural factors influence adolescents‘ responses to specific pubertal events (3)The impact of early or late maturation Early versus late maturation among boys Early maturation seems to have some advantages for individuals‘ certain psychological functioning, such as self-esteem, peer relationship and interactions, etc. Early versus late maturation among girls Not as boys, early maturers among girls seem to experience some disadvantages related to their early maturation compared to their peers, e.g. more emotional difficulties, including low self-image and higher rate of depression, anxiety, eating disorder, and panic attacks. 5. Eating disorder Eating disorder refers to patterns of behaviors and attitudes about eating that are unhealthy. Ranging from unnecessary preoccupation with weight and body image to full-blown clinical eating disorders, such as anorexia (厌食症), bulimia(易饿症), and anorexia nervosa (神经性食欲缺乏). 6. Physical health and health care in adolescence Disordered eating is associated with a range of psychological problems associated with stress, including poor body image, depression, alcohol and tobacco use, and poor interpersonal relationships. 《青少年心理学》教案

复习思考题、作业题: 1、 青春期的生理变化主要有哪些? 2、 如何理解生物过渡是青少年期的基本过渡之一。 3、 为什么青春期对青少年的这种长期影响趋势在男生身上并没有得到印证? 4、 如何理解早熟和晚熟对青少年发展的影响? 下次课预习要点 青少年的认知的主要特点、有关青少年认知发展的理论、青少年认知发展的个别差异研究以及青少年的社会认知 实施情况及教学效果分析 学院审核意见 学院负责人签字 年 月 日


授课时间 第 7、8次课 授课章节 教学方法与手段 青少年的认知过渡 任课教师及职称 讲授、讨论 课时安排 6课时 使用教材和1.张文新主编. 青少年发展心理学. 山东人民出版社, 2003. 主要参考书 2.Steinberg L.著.Adolescence.Mcgraw-Hill高等教育出版社, 2005.(英文版) 3.Steinberg L.& Lerner R. 主编. Handbook of Adolescent Psychology. John Wiley & Sons公司出版,2004.(英文版) 教学目的与要求: 1、 理解并掌握青少年期认知的基本变化 2、 理解青少年认知的理论观点 3、 理解青少年期智力的个体差异 4、 理解青少年社会认知的特点及其与青少年行为间的关系 教学重点、难点: 青少年认知发展的主要特点;青少年认知发展存在很大的个别差异;青少年的社会认知及其与青少年的行为间的关系 教学内容: 1. Changes in cognition ? Adolescents become better able than children to think about what is possible, instead of limiting their thought to what is real ? Adolescents become better able to think about abstract things ? Adolescents begin thinking more often about the processes of thinking itself ? Adolescents‘ thinking tends to become multidimensional, rather than being limited to a single issues ? Adolescents are more likely than children to see things as relative, rather than as absolute 2. Theoretical perspectives on adolescent thinking (1)Piagetian view of adolescent thinking Formal operational thought: 《青少年心理学》教案

? Conception of possibilities ? Hypothetical deductive reasoning ? Interpropositional thinking ? Combinational or systemic thinking Research on adolescent formal-operational thinking ? 天平实验 ? 钟摆实验 ? 化学混色实验 Research on social cognition: Moral reasoning (2)Lev Vogtsky‘s sociocultural cognitive theory Emphasizes how culture and social interaction guide cognitive development. Development of memory, attention, and reasoning involves learning to use the inventions of society, such as language, mathematical systems, and memory strategies. So, it is important that we understand the nature of the environment in which an adolescent develops in terms of its demands for intelligent behavior and its opportunities for learning. Zone of proximal development (3)Information-processing view of adolescent thinking Information-processing researchers apply the same techniques to understanding human reasoning that computer scientists employ in writing programs. Attention、Memory、Processing speed、Organization、Metacognition 3. Individual differences in intelligence in adolescence (1)传统智力测验 Nature of IQ:Measure of ―school smarts‖;Always be presented as a relative score in comparison to the scores of other individuals of the same age and from approximately the same cohort, ie quotient; May reflect an individual‘s several aspects of intelligence or intelligence of different areas, such as verbal and performance. (2) Sternberg‘s Triarchic theory Componential intelligence, Experiential intelligenc, and Contextual intelligence (3) Gardner‘s theory of multiple intelligence Verbal, Mathematical, Spatial, Kinesthetic (movement), Self-reflective, Interpersonal, Musical, (4) Gender differences (5) Culture and intelligence:Culture-fair tests 《青少年心理学》教案

4. Adolescent thinking in context (1)Social cognition Impression formation:During preadolescence and adolescence, individual‘s impressions of other people develop in five main directions(Hill & Palmquist, 1978):More differentiated、Less egocentric、More abstract、Greater use of inference、More highly organized. 青少年的内隐人格理论: Three aspects of adolescent personality theory that differ from that of children: ? First, when given information about another person, adolescents are more likely to consider both previously acquired information and current information, rather than relying only on the concrete information as hand. ? Second, more likely to detect the situational or contextual variability in personality, rather than thinking personality is always stable. ? Third, rather than merely accepting surface traits as a valid description of someone‘s personality, adolescents are more likely than children to look for deeper, more complex, even hidden causes of personality. Social perspective taking: Individuals in early adolescence are in the stages of Mutual perspective taking. That is, young people can be an objective third party and can see how the thoughts or actions of one person can influence those of another. In later adolescence, perspective taking develops an in-depth, societal orientation, that is, adolescent can understands that the perspectives that people have on each other are complicated, are often unconscious, and are influenced by larger forces than individuals can control, including each person‘s position in society or within a social institution. Conceptions of morality and social convention Adolescents do not see moral guidelines as absolutes any more, but can be changed given all agreement. Later in adolescence comes the emergence of reasoning that is based on such moral principles as equality, justice, or fairness– abstract guidelines that transcend concrete situations and can be applied across a variety of moral dilemmas. The development of individual‘s understanding of social conventions follows a similar course. In early adolescence, conventions are seen as arbitrary and changeable in both their origins and their enforcement. Young adolescents often seen social conventions as nothing but social expectations and consequently, as insufficient reasons for 《青少年心理学》教案

compliance. Gradually, adolescents begin to see social conventions as means to regulate people‘s behavior. Ultimately, adolescents come to see that social conventions serve a function in coordinating interactions among people, and social norms and expectations are derived from and maintained by individuals having a common perspective and agreeing that, in given situations, certain behaviors are more desirable than others, because such behaviors help society and its institutions function more smoothly. (2) Adolescent risk taking Behavior decision theory: Processes leading to behavior decision: ? identifying alternative choices ? Identifying the consequences that follow each choice ? Evaluating the desirability of each possible consequence ? Combining all this information according to some decision rule Adolescents employ the same basic cognitive processes in behavior decision making as adults, and are not more likely to underestimate the likelihood of being harmed by potentially harmful experiences than do adults. Then, why adolescents seem to take more risk behaviors? Adolescents and adults evaluate the desirability of different consequences in different ways. 《青少年心理学》教案

复习思考题、作业题: 1. 青少年期认知发展的主要特点有哪些? 2. 关于青少年认知发展的基本理论观点有哪些?如何理解这些理论观点? 3. 青少年的社会认知发展有哪些特点? 4. 基于行为决策理论,如何理解青少年的危险行为? 5. 如何理解认知过渡是青少年的基本过渡之一? 下次课预习要点 青少年经历的基本社会过渡、中国社会文化特点与当前社会文化变革对青少年心理社会发展的影响 实施情况及教学效果分析 学院审核意见 学院负责人签字 年 月 日


授课时间 第9、10次课 授课章节 教学方法与手段 青少年的社会过渡 任课教师及职称 讲授、讨论 课时安排 3课时 使用教材和1.张文新主编. 青少年发展心理学. 山东人民出版社, 2003. 主要参考书 2.Steinberg L.著.Adolescence.Mcgraw-Hill高等教育出版社, 2005.(英文版) 3.Steinberg L.& Lerner R. 主编. Handbook of Adolescent Psychology. John Wiley & Sons公司出版, 2004. (英文版) 教学目的与要求: 1、了解社会过渡是青少年期的重要过渡之一 2、了解青少年的社会建构性 3、理解并掌握中国传统文化和当前社会文化变革对青少年发展的影响 4、理解并掌握青少年经历的社会过渡 5、了解社会过渡中可能出现的问题以及帮助青少年社会过渡的策略 教学重点、难点: 中国传统文化与当前社会文化变革及其对青少年心理社会发展的影响;青少年的社会过渡的表现 教学内容: 1. Social redefinition and psychosocial development Changes in social definition The nature of adolescence–compared with the biological or cognitive changes of the period – is far more influenced by the way in which society defines the economic and social roles of young people. Adolescence is a period of social redefinition. Although the specific elements of the social passage from childhood into adulthood vary from one society to another, all societies recognize that the social status of the individual changes –a social redefinition of the individual--during the adolescent period. 《青少年心理学》教案

2. Adolescence as a social construction A social construction Adolescence is defined primarily by the ways in which society recognizes (or does not recognizes) the period as distinct from childhood to adulthood. Adolescence has its roots in the industrial revolution of 19th century Preparation for adulthood Adolescence is seen as a lengthy period of preparation for adulthood in contemporary society, in which young people, in need of guidance and supervision, remain economically dependent on their elders 3. Traditional culture and contemporary social and cultural revolution of China Traditional culture of China Strict father kind mother Filial piety and loyalty to leaders and parents Family conception Social and economic revolution in contemporary China At the very end of the 20th century, however, China began to undergo additional social and economic changes, so many observers believe free-market economy will be more successful in weakening Chinese traditional values and bringing distinct changes pread use of internet. 4. Changes in status Changes in interpersonal status Individuals who are recognized as adults are expected to maintain different social relationships with their parents, with the community‘s elders, and with young people whose Status has not yet changed. Changes in political status In contemporary China, many new rights are reserved for our society‘s adult members. e.g., voting is not conferred until the age of 18. Changes in economic status Adolescents can have more pocket money than young children, some young people, such as those in college and university can have their personal account in bank. 《青少年心理学》教案

Changes in legal status In most societies, not until adult status is attained is the young person permitted to participate in a variety of activities that are typically reserved for adults. e.g., drinking alcohol and smoking 5. The process of social redefinition Certain themes are common to the process of social redefinition across many societies. these include: ? The real or symbolic separation of young people from their parents ? The emphasis of differences between males and females ? The passing on of cultural, historical, or practical information considered important for adulthood 6. Problems in social transition Many social scientists believe that the relatively high rate of divorce, family violence, youth unemployment, juvenile delinquency, and teenage alcoholism stem from the confusing and contradictory nature of the passage into adulthood in modern society. They argue that the vague and discontinuous nature of the adolescent passage in contemporary society has contributed to numerous psychological and behavioral problems among the juveniles 7. What can be done to ease the transition 《青少年心理学》教案

复习思考题、作业题: 1、如何理解社会过渡是青少年的基本过渡之一。 2、青少年的社会过渡的表现有哪些? 3、中国社会的变化对青少年心理发展的影响。 下次课预习要点 1、了解当前社会背景下青少年群体的起源 2、理解青少年群体的作用 3、了解青少年群体的实质 4、理解青少年和他们的族群以及小圈子 5、理解青少年同伴群体的欢迎和拒绝 6、理解青少年群体和心理社会发展 实施情况及教学效果分析 学院审核意见 学院负责人签字 年 月 日 《青少年心理学》教案

授课时间 第 10—12次课 授课章节 教学方法与手段 青少年发展的社会背景—家庭 讲授、讨论 任课教师及职称 课时安排 6课时 使用教材和1.张文新主编. 青少年发展心理学. 山东人民出版社, 2003. 主要参考书 2.Steinberg L.著.Adolescence.Mcgraw-Hill高等教育出版社, 2005.(英文版) 3.Steinberg L.& Lerner R. 主编. Handbook of Adolescent Psychology. John Wiley & Sons公司出版,2004.(英文版) 教学目的与要求: 1、了解青少年期家庭环境、功能等方面的变化 2、掌握青少年期的家庭关系的特点 3、了解父母教养方式的概念及类型,理解并掌握不同类型的教养方式与青少年心理发展的关系 4、了解当代家庭结构的变化及其青少年发展之间的关系 教学重点、难点: 青少年期亲子关系的特点;父母教养方式及其与青少年发展的关系;当代家庭结构与关系的变化及其与青少年发展的关系 教学内容: 1. Family relationships during adolescence Two sides are included in adolescent-parent relationships: Cohesion and Conflict Adolescent-parent cohesion (亲子亲和): ? The intimate feeling between adolescents and their parents, either manifesting in active interactions or in the intimate sensitivity of psychology. ? Compared with fathers, adolescents have more intimate relationship with mothers, and female adolescents have most intimate relationship with mothers ? Mothers are more involved in adolescents‘ daily household chores ? Fathers are responsible for adolescents‘ long-term aim, less involved in family daily management


Adolescent-parent conflict(亲子冲突): The open behavioral confrontation or opposition between adolescents and their parents. In early adolescence, adolescent-parent conflict escalates, and adolescent-parent conflict decreases from early adolescence through late adolescence. Much of the adolescent-parent conflict involves the everyday events of family life, such as keeping a bedroom clean, dressing neatly, getting home by a certain time, not talking on the phone forever, and so on. Adolescent- parent conflict rarely involves to major dilemmas like drugs and delinquency 2. Family relationships and adolescent development Parenting style(教养方式) refers to The integration of parenting attitudes, parenting behaviors and non-verbal expressions, which reflects the characteristics of parent-adolescent interaction and have quite stability cross situations and time.Four types of parenting styles ? Authoritative parenting(权威型教养方式) ? Authoritarian parenting(专制型教养方式) ? Indulgent parenting(溺爱型教养方式) ? Indifferent parenting(放任型教养方式) 3. The adolescent‘s family in a changing society ? Increases in the rate of divorce ? Increases in the number of single parents ? Increases in the rate of mothers‘ employment ? Increases in the proportion of families living in poverty 4. The changing family and development of adolescence (1) Adolescents, Divorce, and Single-Parent Families (2) Remarriage (3) Parental Employment and Adolescent Adjustment (4) Economic Stress and Poverty 5. 实验教学:青少年期亲子关系特点的研究设计 运用问卷调查的方法考察青少年期个体与父母的亲和和冲突情况。 设计原理:随着青少年期(青春期)的到来,青少年自己、青少年的父母及家庭等的各方面都经历了很大变化,如青少年的生理发育使得他们在身体外形上成为一个大人,认知的发展使得他们具有更强的观点采择能力、推理能力等,这使得青少年与父母的关系将发生重要变化。 《青少年心理学》教案

复习思考题、作业题: 1、为什么青少年期个体与父母的亲和下降,亲子冲突却不断增多? 2、如何理解青少年期亲子关系的文化差异。 3、离婚或再婚家庭对青少年发展的影响有哪些?为什么? 下次课预习要点 青少年的同伴群体的教育及社会根源;青少年文化;青少年的同伴关系的特点;青少年的同伴团伙与族群;同伴拒绝与同伴接受;同伴在青少年心理社会发展中的作用 实施情况及教学效果分析 学院审核意见 学院负责人签字 年 月 日 《青少年心理学》教案

授课时间 第 12—14 次课 授课章节 教学方法与手段 青少年发展的社会背景—同伴 讲授、讨论 任课教师及职称 课时安排 7课时 使用教材和1.张文新主编. 青少年发展心理学. 山东人民出版社, 2003. 主要参考书 2.Steinberg L.著.Adolescence.Mcgraw-Hill高等教育出版社, 2005.(英文版) 3.Steinberg L.& Lerner R. 主编. Handbook of Adolescent Psychology. John Wiley & Sons公司出版,2004.(英文版) 教学目的与要求: 1、了解当前社会背景下青少年的同伴群体的根源 2、了解青少年的同伴文化以及同伴文化影响青少年的机制 3、理解并掌握青少年期同伴关系的特点 4、理解并掌握青少年的同伴团伙、族群:概念及其在青少年心理社会发展中的作用与价值 1、理解并掌握青不良同伴团体对青少年攻击与反社会行为的影响及其机制 2、掌握同伴接受与拒绝的测评方法,了解影响同伴接受与拒绝的因素等 3、掌握同伴关系在青少年心理社会发展中的作用 教学重点、难点: 青少年期同伴关系的特点;青少年的同伴团伙与族群在青少年心理社会发展中的作用与价值;不良团伙影响青少年攻击与反社会行为的机制 教学内容: 1. The Origins of Adolescent Peer Groups in Contemporary Society (1) The Educational origins of Adolescent Peer Groups: Age grading (2) Work, Family Life, and Adolescent Peer Groups 九年义务教育法规定,每个中国公民必须接受九年义务教育。部分青少年中期以后的个体参加工作,他们的交际圈子将扩大。部分青少年继续学业,同伴依然是他们未来几年的主要交往对象。 中国传统的大家庭的减少,越来越多的家庭成为由父母和子女组成的核心家庭。加之越来越多的家庭中父亲和母亲都需要外出工作,因此,青少年生活中与成人的接触减少 《青少年心理学》教案

(3) Origins of adolescent peer groups: Contributing factors of adolescents themselves Biological development Cognitive development Changes of social environment during adolescence 2. The adolescent peer group: A problem or a necessity? (1) Is There a Separate Youth Culture? Is the rise of peer groups in modern society a problem that needs to be remedied, or is it an inevitable—perhaps even necessary—part of life ? On one side are those who say that age segregation has led to the development of a separate youth culture, in which young people maintain attitudes and values that are different from—even contrary to –those of adults. On the other side are those who argue that industrialization and modernization have made peer groups more important, that adults alone can no longer prepare young people for the future, and that peer groups play a vital and needed role in the socialization of adolescents for adulthood. What should we make of the fact that adolescents hold some different attitudes and values from that of adults or their parents? ? Age segregation has so strengthened the power of the peer group that adolescents have become alienated and unfamiliar with the values of adults. ? Teenagers have become separated from adult society to such an extent that they have established their own society—a separate youth culture that undermines parents‘ efforts to encourage academic excellence and instead emphasizes sports, dating, and partying. Has the rise of adolescent peer groups in modern society really caused so many problems? It is very difficult to give an answer to this question. To a great extent, whether adolescent peer group will promote negative development or not depends on the nature of adolescent peer group, such as, deviant peer group or normal peer group. (2) The Need for Peer Groups in Modern Society 在当今社会,同伴群体都构成了青少年发展的重要背景和影响源,同伴群体在文化传递中起着重要的作用。 ? 群体社会化理论(Harris) 《青少年心理学》教案

3. The nature of adolescent peer groups (1) Changes in Peer Groups During Adolescence ? individuals spend the sheer amount of time with their peers ? peer groups function more often ? increasingly more contact with opposite-sex friends ? the emergence of larger collectives of peers (2) Cliques and Crowds: Cliques 团伙(cliques)是指由2-12名同性别同年龄的个体组成的小型团体。 ? First, despite the popular image of adolescents as ―cliquish,‖ fewer than half the adolescents in any school were members of cliques. Second, girls were more likely than boys to be members of cliques, whereas boys were more likely to be isolates Finally, adolescents‘ positions in their school‘s social network was relatively stable over time ? ? (3) Cliques and Crowds: Crowds 族群(crowds)是由名声相同、行为模式类似的个体组成的更大集合,族群成员可能经常在一起,也可能不经常在一起。 (4) Changes in Clique and Crowd Structure over Time ? ? The changes in clique The changes in peer crowds 4. Adolescents and Their Crowds Crowds as reference groups: ? Knowing where an adolescent fits into the social system of the school can often tell a fair amount about the individual‘s behavior and values ? More important is that adolescents‘ crowds serve as a reference groups ? Given the fact that adolescent‘s peer group plays an important role as a reference group and a source of identity, the nature of the crowd with which an adolescent affiliates is likely to have an important influence on his/her behavior, activities, and self-concept ? How peer group membership– that is, which peer group the adolescent affiliates with – affect the adolescent‘s development and behavior:Peer group pressure、einforcement within one‘s peer groups ? Crowd membership can also affect the way adolescents feel about themselves


5. Adolescents and their cliques The most important influence on the composition of cliques is similarity. Similarity among clique members: Age segregation and Sex segregation Do adolescents who associate with one another also share certain interests and activities? ? Orientation towards school ? Orientation toward the teen culture ? Involvement in antisocial activity How do gangs or deviant peer groups form, and how do deviant peer groups influence adolescents? Antisocial children who are rejected by normal peers and fail in school work find that he or she can be accepted by other aggressive boys Once such a friendship is formed, adolescent and his/her friends seems to take part in and reward each other for participating in a shared activity – in this case, antisocial behaviors. Which will, in turn, contribute to the enhancement of friendship between each other, and the strengthening of individuals’ antisocial trait, including delinquent behavior and antisocial personality. 6. Popularity and rejection in adolescent peer groups 7. The peer group and psychosocial development 《青少年心理学》教案

复习思考题、作业题: 1、青少年的同伴团体的教育与社会根源有哪些? 2、青少年期个体同伴关系的特点有哪些? 3、何谓族群和团伙?它们在青少年心理社会发展中的作用是什么? 4、同伴在青少年心理发展中的作用有哪些? 5、青少年的不良团伙是如何形成的?不良团伙如何影响青少年的攻击与反社会行为? 下次课预习要点 亲密性的概念;有关青少年亲密性的理论观点;青少年亲密性的发展;亲密性在青少年的心理社会发展中的作用 实施情况及教学效果分析 学院审核意见 学院负责人签字 年 月 日 《青少年心理学》教案

授课时间 第 15次课 授课章节 教学方法与手段 青少年亲密感的发展 任课教师及职称 讲授、讨论 课时安排 3课时 使用教材和1.张文新主编. 青少年发展心理学. 山东人民出版社, 2003. 主要参考书 2.Steinberg L.著.Adolescence.Mcgraw-Hill高等教育出版社, 2005.(英文版) 3.Steinberg L.& Lerner R. 主编. Handbook of Adolescent Psychology. John Wiley & Sons公司出版,2004.(英文版) 教学目的与要求: 1、理解并掌握亲密感是青少年发展的重要主题之一 2、理解并掌握沙利文和埃里克森有关青少年亲密感发展的理论观点 3、了解亲密感与同一发展间的关系 4、掌握青少年亲密感发展的特点 5、了解青少年亲密感的发展与其心理社会的发展的关系 教学重点、难点: 亲密感是青少年心理社会发展的重要主题;沙利文和埃里克森有关青少年亲密感发展以及亲密感与自我同一性间关系的观点;青少年亲密感发展的特点 教学内容: 亲密感的概念 ? 人与人之间的一种情感依恋,其外在表现是人与人之间建立了亲密关系 ? 即具有如下特征的关系: ? ? ? 关心对方的身心健康 自愿向对方敞开心扉,吐露有关自己的一些隐私和敏感性的话题 有共同的兴趣爱好、共同的活动 1. Intimacy as an adolescent issue Close relationships are extremely important to people of all ages. Why, then, is the development of intimacy especially important during adolescence? 《青少年心理学》教案

It is not until adolescence that truly intimate relationships– relationships characterized by openness, honesty, self-disclosure, and trust – first emerge. Although children certainly have important friendships, their friendships are activity oriented. For teenagers, close friendships are more likely to have a strong emotional foundation. That is, they are built on the sorts of bonds that form between people who care about and know and understand each other in a special way. The development of intimacy during adolescence is related to the biological, cognitive, and social changes of the period. 2. Theoretical perspectives on adolescent intimacy (1) Sullivan‘s theory of interpersonal development Sullivan took a far less biological view of development than other psychoanalytic theorists had taken. Sullivan emphasized the social aspect of growth, suggesting that psychological development can be best understood when looked at in interpersonal terms. Sullivan‘s theory focuses on transformation in the adolescent‘s relationship with others. In particular, the changes of adolescence (indeed, according to Sullivan, of the entire life cycle) revolve around trying to satisfy our changing interpersonal needs. (2) Erikson‘s view of intimacy Erikson (1968) argued that development during the adolescent and young adult years revolves around two psychological crises: Crisis of identity verses identity diffusion, which is prominent during adolescence Crisis of intimacy versus isolation, which is prominent during early adulthood Erikson‘s ideas about intimacy were far less developed than his ideas about identity. However, his view of the relation between intimacy and identity is important for us to understand and provides somewhat of a contrast to Sullivan‘s perspective. Erikson and Sullivan: Conflicting Views? There seems to be disagreement between Erikson and Sullivan about the relationship between intimacy and identity. Which comes first, the development of intimacy or the development of identity? They emphasized different aspects of intimacy. (3) Attachment in adolescence The nature of the individual‘s attachment relationships during infancy continues to have an influence on his/her capacity to form satisfying intimate relations during adolescence and adulthood. 《青少年心理学》教案

3. The development of intimacy in adolescence (1) Changes in the nature of friendship It is not until early adolescence that such features as self-disclosure and loyalty are mentioned as important dimensions of friendship. That is, intimacy becomes defining feature of close friendship of adolescents throughout early and middle adolescence. (2) Changes in the display of intimacy Compared to children, adolescents know more personal and intimate things about their close friends, such as ―what my friends worry about or what he/she is proud of‖. Individuals also become more responsive to close friends, less controlling, and more tolerant to their friends‘ individuality during adolescence. (3) Changes in the targets of intimacy From early adolescence on, teenagers describe their relationships with their best friends and romantic partners as more intimate than those with their mother or father Although there is sometimes a slight drop in intimacy between adolescents and parents sometime during adolescence, the decline reverses as young people move toward young adulthood. (4) Friendships with the other sex It is not until late adolescence that intimate friendships with opposite-sex peers begin to be important. During preadolescence and early adolescence, boys rarely report friendships with girls, and girls rarely reporting friendships with boys. Transition period – between same-sex nonsexual relationships and opposite-sex sexual ones: There always are teasing, joking around, and overt discomfort in situations that are a little too close to being romantic or sexual. 4. Date and romance ? Infatuation phase ? Status phase ? Intimate phase ? Bonding phase 5. Intimacy and adolescent psychosocial development 1) Close friends serve as a sounding board for adolescents‘ fantasies and questions about the future. 2) Friends provide advice on a range of identity-related matters. 3) Intimate friendship is central to adolescents‘ mental health. 4) Intimate relationships can have negative effects on young person‘s development. 1) The effects of having an intimate friendship depend on who that someone is and what takes place in the relationship.


复习思考题、作业题: 1、如何理解亲密感是青少年的发展的重要主题之一? 2、沙利文和埃里克森关于青少年亲密感发展的观点有哪些?亲密感与自我同一性间的关系是什么? 3、青少年期亲密感的发展表现在哪些方面? 下次课预习要点 自我同一性是青少年期发展的重要主题;青少年的自我概念与自尊的发展变化;自我同一的概念以及青少年的自我同一性;种族同一性与性别角色 实施情况及教学效果分析 学院审核意见 学院负责人签字 年 月 日 《青少年心理学》教案

授课时间 第 16次课 授课章节 教学方法与手段 青少年期自我的发展 任课教师及职称 讲授、讨论 课时安排 3课时 使用教材和1.张文新主编. 青少年发展心理学. 山东人民出版社, 2003. 主要参考书 2.Steinberg L.著.Adolescence.Mcgraw-Hill高等教育出版社, 2005.(英文版) 3.Steinberg L.& Lerner R. 主编. Handbook of Adolescent Psychology. John Wiley & Sons公司出版,2004.(英文版) 教学目的与要求: 1、理解并掌握自我的发展是青少年期心理发展的主题之一 2、理解青少年期自我概念和自尊的变化 3、理解并掌握埃里克森和马西亚关于自我同一性的观点 4、理解并掌握自我同一性的概念以及几种同一性状态 5、理解并掌握青少年自我同一性发展的特点 6、了解青少年的种族同一性和性别角色的发展 教学重点、难点: 自我的发展是青少年期心理发展的主题之一;青少年自我概念与自尊的发展变化;自我同一性的概念及几种同一性状态;青少年自我同一性的发展 《青少年心理学》教案

教学内容: 1. Identity as an adolescent issue During adolescence, individuals experience dramatic changes biologically, cognitively, and socially, which contribute to the development of self of adolescence. 2. Changes in self-conceptions Self-conception(自我概念)是关于自己的能力、外表和社会接受性等方面的态度、情感和知识的自我知觉(Byrne, 1986)。 (1)Adolescents‘ self-conceptions ? Compared with children, who tend to describe themselves in relatively simple, concrete terms, adolescents are more likely to use complex, abstract, and psychological self-characterizations (Harter, 1999). ? During adolescence, self-conceptions become more differentiated and better organized structurally (Byrne & Shavelson, 1996; Marsh, 1989; Montemayer & Eliven, 1977). (2) Abstraction and psychological complexity of adolescents‘ self-description ? The increased abstraction and psychological complexity may present some difficulties for middle adolescents, who may be able recognize – but not yet quite understand or reconcile – inconsistencies and contractions in their personalities. Understanding how self-conceptions change during adolescence helps explain why identity issues begin to take on so much importance at this time in the life span. As self-conceptions become more abstract and as individuals become more able to see themselves in psychological terms, young people become more interested in understanding their own personalities and why they behave the way they do. (3) Dimensions of personality in adolescence Five-factor model for assessment of personality (Big five): ?Extraversion(外向性) ?Agreeableness(宜人性) ?Conscientiousness(谨慎性) ?Neuroticism(神经质) ?Openness to experience(开放性) 3. Changes in self-esteem 自尊(self-esteem)是一种有关个人的价值判断,它表达了个体对自己所持的态度(Coopersmith, 1967),是个体自我评价的结果及由此而产生的对自己的情感。 《青少年心理学》教案

虽然个体的基线自尊在整个青少年期不会有很大变化,但是青少年早期是个体浮动自尊波动很大的时期。青少年自尊发展具有个体差异,自尊的不同维度的发展也具有差异。 4. The adolescent identity crisis (1) Erikson‘s Theoretical Framework:Identity versus identity diffusion (2) The social context of identity development The key to resolving the crisis of identity versus identity diffusion lies in the adolescent‘s interactions with others Forging an identity is a social as well as a mental process The social context in which the adolescent attempts to establish a sense of identity exerts a tremendous impact on the nature and outcome of the process Psychosocial moratorium(心理社会延缓期): 在寻求自我发现的过程中青少年从各种过多的责任和义务中解脱出来,暂时休息的时期。 During the psychosocial moratorium, the adolescent can experiment with various roles and identities, in a context that permit and encourages this sort of exploration. According to Erikson, without a period of moratorium, a full and thorough exploration of the options and alternatives available to the young person can not occur, and identity development will be somewhat impeded. In other words, according to Erikson, adolescents must grow into an adult identity– they should not be forced into one prematurely 5. Research on identity development 马西亚关注个体在三个领域的探索—— 职业、意识形态(价值观和信念)和人际关系。 Two dimensions for rating adolescents‘ ego-identity: Commitment and Exploration. Four status of identity: identity diffusion, identity foreclosure, moratorium, and identity. 同一性并非像埃里克森所说的那样在18 岁前就确立。对不同年龄组的个体的比较显示,18 岁与21 岁的个体的同一性地位存在明显差异。这表明,对自我探索在青少年期就开始,但是一致的同一性建立是在青少年末期。 Shifts in identity status 青少年的同一性是不断地丧失与获得的过程,同一性问题的解决不是一劳永逸的,它在人的一生中尤其是青少年期和成年初期会反复出现,个体也会从某一同一性状态转向另一状态。 6.The development of ethnic identity 7.Gender-role development 《青少年心理学》教案

复习思考题、作业题: 1、如何理解自我是青少年发展的重要主题? 2、青少年的自我概念与自尊发展的特点有哪些? 3、埃里克森关于青少年的自我同一性的观点有哪些? 4、青少年自我同一性的发展特点有哪些? 5、青少年性别角色的发展特点有哪些? 下次课预习要点 发展心理学研究与数据收集方法 实施情况及教学效果分析 学院审核意见 学院负责人签字 年 月 日


授课时间 第 17次课 授课章节 教学方法与手段 青少年的心理社会问题 任课教师及职称 调查 课时安排 4课时 使用教材和1.张文新主编. 青少年发展心理学. 山东人民出版社, 2003. 主要参考书 2.Steinberg L.著.Adolescence.Mcgraw-Hill高等教育出版社, 2005.(英文版) 3.董奇著. 心理与教育研究方法. 北京师范大学出版社. 2004. 教学目的与要求: 1. 掌握青少年心理社会问题的概念及理论。 2. 了解青少年药物使用的特点及成因、干预。 3. 了解青少年反社会及其他外部问题的特点、成因及干预。 4. 了解青少年抑郁、焦虑等内部化问题的成因及干预。 教学重点、难点: 青少年的药物使用与滥用,青少年的反社会及其他外部问题,青少年的抑郁、焦虑及其他内部问题 教学内容: 1 Some general principles about problems in adolescence 1) We need to distinguish between occasional experimentation and enduring patterns of dangerous or troublesome behavior. 2) We need to distinguish between problems that have their origins and onset during adolescence and those that have their roots during earlier periods of development. 3) It is important to remember that many, although not all, of the problems experienced by adolescents are relatively transitory and are resolved by the beginning of adulthood, with few long-term repercussions in most cases. 4) Problem behavior during adolescence is virtually never a direct consequence of going though the normative changes of adolescence itself. 《青少年心理学》教案

2 Psychosocial problems: their nature and co-variation 2.1 Three broad categories of problems 1) Substance abuse; 2) Internalizing disorders; 3) Externalizing disorders; 1.2 Problem behavior syndrome The co-variation among externalizing problems during adolescence—and the comorbidity of externalizing and substance-abuse problems in particular The origins of problem behavior syndrome Richard Jessor: The underlying cause of externalizing problems during adolescence is unconventionality in both the adolescent‘s personality and social environment (Donovan & Jessor, 1985). Denise Kandel (1991 ): Some activities —drug use, in particular—lead to involvement in other problem behavior. Social control theory (Gottfredson & Hirschi, 1990): Individuals who do not have strong bonds to society‘s institutions – such as the family, the school, or the workplace – are likely to deviate and behave unconventionally in a variety of ways. 2.3 Comorbidity of internalizing problems There is also a good deal of comorbidity in internalizing disorders, which tend to have in common the subjective state of distress. Various indicators of internalizing problems may be thought of as different manifestations of a common underlying factor, which is often referred to as negative affectivity. 3 Substance use and abuse in adolescence 3.1 The prevalence of substance use and abuse in adolescence Alcohol; Cigarettes; 3.2 The causes and consequences of adolescent substance use and abuse 1) Substance abusers score lower on measures of psychological adjustment as teenagers and are more likely to have been maladjusted as children (Shedler & Block, 1990) 《青少年心理学》教案

2) Substance abuse during adolescence, whatever its antecedents, is associated with a host of other problems. Which adolescents are most likely to become substance abusers? 1) Psychological factors: 2) Familial factors 3) Social factors 4) Contextual factors 5) Some protective factors 3.3 The prevention and treatment of substance use and abuse Efforts to prevent substance use and abuse among teenagers focus on one of three factors (Newcomb & Bentler, 1989) : 1) The supply of drugs 2) The environment in which teenagers may be exposed to drugs 3) Characteristics of the potential drug user 4 Antisocial behavior, violence, and other externalizing problems 4.1 The prevalence of antisocial behavior during adolescence 4.2 The causes of antisocial behavior in adolescence 1) Delinquent behavior of serious and chronic 2) Less worrisome delinquent behavior 3) Runaways 4.3 The prevention and treatment of externalizing problems in adolescents 4.3.1 The prevention of chronic antisocial behavior 4.3.2 The prevention of less worrisome delinquent behavior 5 Depression, suicide, and other internalizing problems in adolescence 5.1 The nature and prevalence of adolescent depression The symptoms of depression 1) Emotional symptoms, including dejection, decreased enjoyment of pleasurable activities, and low self-esteem. 2) Cognitive symptoms, such as pessimism, and hopelessness. 3) Being under stress (especially in the areas of achievement and sexuality); 4) Experiencing parental rejection, family disruption, or extensive family conflict. 5.3 The prevention and treatment of internalizing problems in adolescence 1) Biological therapies 2) Psychotherapies 3) Family therapy ? Behavioral and cognitive-behavior approaches 《青少年心理学》教案

复习思考题、作业题: 1. 青少年心理社会问题的理论有哪些? 2. 青少年药物使用的特点及成因如何?怎样干预? 3. 青少年反社会及其他外部问题的特点、成因如何?怎样干预? 4. 青少年抑郁、焦虑等内部化问题的成因是什么?怎样干预? 下次课预习要点: 青少年心理发展的个案研究的研究设计与数据解释。 实施情况及教学效果分析 学院审核意见 学院负责人签字 年 月 日 《青少年心理学》教案

授课时间 第 18次课 授课章节 教学方法与手段 青少年心理发展的个案研究 调查 任课教师及职称 4课时(课上不足课时由学生课下完成) 使用教材和1.张文新主编. 青少年发展心理学. 山东人民出版社, 2003. 主要参考书 2.Steinberg L.著.Adolescence.Mcgraw-Hill高等教育出版社, 2005.(英文版) 3.董奇著. 心理与教育研究方法. 北京师范大学出版社. 2004. 教学目的与要求: 独立进行研究设计与实施,完成对1名(或几名)青少年个案研究,并完成研究报告。研究内容要涉及青少年心理发展的主要方面,分析和解释恰当、准确。 教学重点、难点: 研究设计与数据解释 教学内容: 1、青少年心理发展总结 青少年心理发展的主要特点在于其过渡性。青少年心理发展的三个基本过渡:生理过渡、认知过渡及社会过渡。青少年心理的发展是发生于家庭、同伴等各种社会背景之中的。除上述主题和发展背景外,青少年心理发展的重要主题还包括亲密性、自我同一性等。 2、心理学研究的一般程序与方法 程序:提出研究问题与目的、实施研究、数据处理与分析、完成研究报告等。 方法:研究设计方法(如横断设计与追踪设计)、数据收集方法(如问卷调查、访谈等)、数据处理方法(如平均数间差异的检验、相关分析等)等。 3、如何分析与解释数据 分析方法要得当,恰当使用图表及文字叙述。解释合理。 4、研究报告的一般格式 包括问题提出、研究方法、结果分析与讨论、参考文献等。 课时安排 《青少年心理学》教案

复习思考题、作业题: 1. 运用所学知识分析一名典型的青少年。 下次课预习要点 实施情况及教学效果分析 学院审核意见 学院负责人签字 年 月 日

