
更新时间:2023-10-04 04:28:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载



BNC最常用15000词汇排序 BNC(British National corpus) the to a you and it s of for I in on is that What be have are this No we me t there can here with but he now so my not do your at one up was go out How like if know just get Come they don see about right who good when time Let did from

want think take Why m look an all back some re would been Where then him got as or going were could say something had way make by too us his ll more over didn them down never Well Yes d should will she tell only our give her need has little off thing man any mean much said Oh sure am two really doing even anything sorry before because people into very first again nothing these put please thought better still Thank Yeah than help other Maybe last day those wait find work does after talk life long away keep around call doesn won Hey told ever always things great home made stop believe night love everything another kind 1

isn place feel hear wrong new big bad every through their leave lot coming enough must Thanks fine might getting remember nice being try wanted name done else gonna ask left next wouldn Listen years happened talking care God own three old came mind looking trying stay understand yourself someone wasn same guess went best may course which show guy 2

BNC最常用15000词汇排序 BNC(British National corpus) today while seen heard without hold real use together whole haven saw Hello once took yet ready found idea already pretty start myself used Okay many knew head since couldn room matter world friend Mr girl bring most boy until hope both called hard guys minute run looks morning live Excuse move house wants few Hi meet job later turn

dead says woman alone gone watch having problem ago open hell saying somebody days probably tonight second worry thinking kill everybody lost end happen forget tomorrow money makes taking such huh face part soon sit late under whatever anyone hand mother happy gave actually friends exactly each knows aren supposed father Miss stuff mine making least easy working anyway chance play family true gets comes check door change means deal gotta minutes five point far business set close times goes car word son Nobody rest sir hurt everyone asked hit baby bit yours hands crazy week break men couple either year waiting beautiful wish almost cause afraid cut pay four stand case important tried anybody different hours walk telling eat 2

reason Shut inside wife trouble eyes also hate read behind started ahead pick side person damn half young brought sleep funny die between fun kid though wanna front question heart seems number line school against anymore kids phone welcome met shouldn high outside killed sometimes moment needs fact sounds drink Dad six answer feeling hour full along glad speak quite 3

BNC最常用15000词汇排序 BNC(British National corpus) buy able death free stupid running story lose send trust shot hot truth honey clear till lady water town bed living seem Mom sound happens lives save taken months serious touch bet news office leaving body dinner married fire light perfect special hang luck lucky promise uh sick weren asking sense women order its fast brother game catch sent sort

himself boys alive known died party drive playing doctor fight kidding figure pull throw cool calling unless looked Hurry girls past hair takes except top food finally straight sweet wonder giving drop worked small plan somewhere less blood none safe sign piece cold weeks Bye turned clean dear Ah follow seeing Mrs learn street works explain ass ain husband Wow possible police wonderful white lie felt meant step air fall city moving scared words meeting expect rather worth country absolutely become early company longer children thinks ten handle shoot control careful feet worse book poor forgot eye busy beat black changed talked ones picture questions broke pass tired watching em quiet anywhere wear finish mistake ride fault ladies needed quick 3

choice act cannot given hasn child caught shall worried dog sister red coffee spend kept mouth certainly yesterday sitting attention stick daughter date power gun mad loved middle gentlemen decided write human O wake Perhaps missed others parents month across Besides table appreciate ran simple suppose bitch secret personal blow short instead near fair terrible dream relax evening smart happening 4

BNC最常用15000词汇排序 BNC(British National corpus) clothes wearing win cover seven finished enjoy road Um interesting tough kiss ma surprise forever lying floor imagine join standing music bought stopped strong eight completely charge interested state count certain Daddy paid Dr lunch calls future dark entire missing paper team present proud report mess hospital return realize afternoon weird difference swear fix pain born likes war pleasure putting

figured shit strange spent million neither during liked law lead using bag situation starting age sex blue lovely Whoa walking feels calm dance cute especially deep class seat holding window hungry sell picked problems message fell history building broken quit service smell voice record moved grab definitely slow dangerous bother killing single information offer favor fool amazing gives trip named upset box owe third hide share forward earth saved boss honest speaking buddy wondering usually stuck loves th twice totally Jesus whose Goodbye ground respect agree driving Tv prove private whether listening Congratulations beginning system lived bar mention forgive position dress seriously carry plenty accident list notice doubt key involved kick protect promised area joke club upstairs teach idiot obviously 4

store hundred gotten normal ya sake admit nose difficult fly ought card public blame bunch eating nervous wall rich push movie station surprised group test Hmm awful visit American fit knock worst staying dying York ring land ball extra grow miles learned dirty impossible lots fighting foot fat marry murder security keeps low sleeping soul keeping rid spot officer hotel 5

BNC最常用15000词汇排序 BNC(British National corpus) wrote shoes often drunk losing begin English sad seconds crap John cost brain Lord reach experience ridiculous reading force within tells favorite ice jump places C double nine suddenly breakfast consider hoping neck waste attack sun folks fresh lay bigger girlfriend song arm suit helping ourselves everywhere laugh rules seemed college ways decide hanging cash field type passed roll fear

green darling walked rock cry turns round Holy honor arms plans smoke machine gift warm park B raise relationship feelings Bill peace complete lock Uncle angry closed accept hardly action silly legs glass court bathroom treat pulled sweetheart boyfriend interest showed contact taste herself willing apart star possibly wind upon kitchen dropped acting further tight decision corner beer quickly thousand pictures played helped lately names conversation department pardon Captain books crime dollars knowing steal America above bottom wild smile apartment bringing partner track Ok scene pants themselves empty comfortable Major train letter continue evidence excellent hole Ooh drinking marriage sing locked fuck dreams allowed Apparently hat Yep Christ L leaves starts due excited final nuts lights dressed fish somehow checked 5

asleep jail stole necessary cross risk fill size cops South arrest plane address closer heavy king dare lawyer apologize concerned press board deserve advice sight discuss space birthday bastard whoever following Otherwise noticed crying allow support pressure wedding common afford Jack emergency easier price beg P burn sold clock held responsible writing turning huge summer letting fired teeth choose radio


BNC最常用15000词汇排序 BNC(British National corpus) note tree judge Plus immediately North grand weekend shop became paying breaking heaven gas shows breath pal art hearing evil greatest bucks pack bank level General leg Mark earlier dude horse belong hall According West chicken guard hiding cup pretend sweetie Although natural bottle perfectly heads match simply fucking cares truck However chair shooting threw orders President search Pop written

bus innocent finding build medical taught guilty dry form opportunity gold rule skin duty prison settle trick fellow nature goddamn government shame wine laughing memory loose army career loud spoke beauty biggest correct older dumb flying bear bite local nowhere remind beyond credit suggest brings tape personally horrible large Mama tie usual feed planning several French lied papers cop sees spirit expecting whenever East patient cell invited boat practice rough built rain copy games famous ugly agreed opinion onto destroy keys breathe itself stories bullshit arrived study danger sooner view total tea split wet desk bright killer main shirt Agent driver realized ours dancing eh faster prepared familiar camera account cat escape meaning Christmas guest hero hurts condition Chief animal 6

insane sending cook ordered color lonely serve subject opening flight pair aware downstairs draw Saturday wash blind cards sea States ideas lines expected cream recognize truly health church screw fantastic introduce stayed Unfortunately incredible Friday Nope regular add Mommy responsibility sometime purpose matters checking flowers master ticket opened block cars followed falling heat code prefer believed sudden guns assume teacher 7

BNC最常用15000词汇排序 BNC(British National corpus) cheap signed Frank runs stars y planned shower suspect shake weight butt forgotten showing beach Gee Brown nearly Subtitles mood finger E meat nights ate exciting hook picking dogs pocket covered file lies ears movies terrific among asshole selling coat brothers confused pieces lift bedroom reasons buying milk scare slept speed center knife gentleman mentioned whom dig noise numbers saving

Shh restaurant someday fingers com Yo strike ends throat Aw indeed strength fancy sky weapon rush crowd enemy someplace drinks mister finds Sunday depends blew computer throwing magic witness faith stomach powerful naked barely heading ended clearly drugs arrested river soft Ow records pregnant jealous outta kinda remain fixed growing St obvious screaming legal pool freak cake operation understood bird singing spread prepare crack headed market shape issue queen spare waited example ruin brilliant harm liar weak doors thoughts language program chest damage stage victim chances travel genius release harder professional devil suck positive character Joe moon kicked repeat George ship tickets touched romantic warning including United wherever yourselves changes laid race dealing details roof goodness safety page pulling R 7

sugar borrow hired loss tall filled balls grew student animals U handsome mission social murdered discovered national cheese battle trade screwed band burning ls carrying lesson tongue bless eggs Angel nor brave invite proof jerk mail belongs ha member sat Tom survive towards expensive fake decent ear male style property toast bodies doctors drove la pleased unbelievable answers mostly nurse 8

BNC最常用15000词汇排序 BNC(British National corpus) fan training load neighborhood particular began buried camp drug failed tiny speech smells changing video honestly Michael received shock criminal destroyed recently faces n pray schedule forced Doc Mike deliver focus square stolen watched available concern moves parts permission rent enter streets oil appointment lips riding pig badly complicated lower manager Mary tied justice tear woke exist offered points spending

meal original shopping dump bridge fortune hated wise avoid fellas slip cousin grown likely burned caused raised research female process crew bell Monday letters ln anytime ashamed player tip weather dick puts brains curious regret spring insurance paint society warn signal higher J passing period physical nonsense rights based client command yellow reached attitude awake science thousands film wanting amount boring base San disappeared connection glasses rise lab unit bleeding bullet post dating dozen success charges grateful medicine season switch breathing jobs stood babies energy midnight bath surely grade plays eventually license pounds traffic babe bags celebrate disgusting healthy hung Detective Freeze hates treated staff talks below friendly stranger telephone dies project airport knocked model wide desperate ruined aside direction 8

vacation fought assistant gay gosh score shoulder Charlie Ms becomes drag trees proper jacket closing cases event weapons Bob firm theory becoming cab extremely funeral Nah trial setting slowly military practically appear carefully clever basically hire distance easily wasting Aunt Chinese freedom remembered toilet considered led pure shots David James suicide birth exact Sam rooms charming knees loving monster target 9

BNC最常用15000词汇排序 BNC(British National corpus) chase stealing younger punch rate smoking de rat fourth California fail circumstances stone wound knowledge pride official television bomb tour hitting returned kinds direct pathetic unusual attorney effect fella staring parking statement bust disappointed Paul section embarrassing plate create access joy steps pissed County hill scary committed advantage reality odd quarter community loser winner sale separate Van flat sexual sexy

sucks sharp request sensitive edge helps cutting Washington bread candy gate beating button reports bloody facts alarm cooking joint Paris suffer intend nasty hundreds investigation understanding guts leader mistakes stopping shoe crash Twenty members gorgeous manage walls chocolate claim closet Lieutenant lover moments mountain rude guests lousy silence spell cleaning talent row stops attractive grave parties silver thrown guarantee toward busted G stands directly highly awesome counting dollar divorce falls miracle mirror path scream fate fucked rare wore signs sweat terms ocean value attacked behavior giant minds presence cigarette horses planet capable illegal magazine naturally nightmare spoken swing Previously bone delicious miserable protection Grandma garbage media sports hearts wheel owner secrets convinced equipment F interrupt jumped kissed popular refuse policy 9

successful appears champagne Mm stairs carried created officers swim negative expert frankly happiness secure garden pizza served stays winter belt considering contract outfit disappear mystery courage hidden pity affair embarrassed nerve progress defense plain plant Rose windows juice soldier mixed kills storm FALSE material possibility families settled impressed leading location object Al tail disease assure Chicago latest wire downtown image 10

BNC最常用15000词汇排序 BNC(British National corpus) Junior millions remove results leads precious tears garage hits pen sounded interview learning winning argue dirt Professor reminds pink source dust piss rings entirely bones breaks director uniform armed engine football pleasant trap convince map approach trash thin gang lake pushing Sergeant super cast conference hurting coast effort per explanation frightened pushed services shift sisters couch flesh panic authority collect

engaged percent pie Central friendship Angeles impression recall seats notes bored mercy mighty particularly Peter silent monkey secretary solid terribly awfully Johnny mile Richard students Thursday result rocks tests cleaned yard artist chose enjoying lifetime stock photo senior village deny London snow enjoyed ignore owns trapped Europe chasing surgery emotional eaten rescue screen useless violence yelling rip Tuesday figures ghost memories Whoo pot soup Jeez lack stronger loaded bothering walks audience bury golden threat partners receive suffering bills exchange grandmother provide solve underwear wood rolling attempt newspaper confidence insist route vision foreign joking blowing fifth Grace potential Ray routine sandwich asks packed ripped failure specific coincidence spit steady trained crossed woods chain chick fully Robert ancient bound houses birds detail 10

sneak quality range wrap prize teaching reputation scratch cheer desire England Henry vote march touching farm yell desert therefore tricks Jim murderer slipped cow standard ambulance cancel century channel egg kissing arrive wipe climb commit passion Jimmy proceed wasted starving former performance ease fallen escaped begins fruit hunt Cheers impressive series hoped nail smooth tries aboard believes odds ordinary sec


BNC最常用15000词汇排序 BNC(British National corpus) Hm lit marvelous purple April attacks chapter develop musical parade survival basketball closest paradise reception sucked booth bugs meetings operations priority prisoners species campaign dignity discussing surprises worker concert heal rounds screwing worthy arrangements grows interfere physically reverse splendid everyday murders Phil ships visitors waves announce closely fries jet July magazines severe suspected testify celebration Christian creative labor payment registered

shed sixth visual adults cooperate covers disturbed scout unfair banks fairly massive plot abuse breasts contrary delicate explode floating Fox meets multiple phase temple tested capture explains lecture relieved steam sworn alternative colors deadly dough obsessed photograph punished rage shining Dean envy Fort killers salary underground clerk Mexican potatoes upside appeared candles conclusion Las script sealed thumb bush corn defeat fetch fried preparing production shell tennis heels organized paranoid somewhat terrified Aye disturbing governor menu punish retire tools tooth ward blessing connect emotions hint Mount mouse spots sunshine bacon battery beard counsel eternal grip injury link nurses oxygen waking bleed chamber dramatic Southern waitress absurd accidentally hallway Lincoln located log scientist succeed admitted combat cos Dan height laughter plug quote 16

recognized singer barn costume cruise examine hammer launch Louis minister Brian clubs executive gods invisible lick Madame pole reads strikes thee gut bait blade collar described directions fridge Sarah sheep accounts bucket burden crashed pencil perfume picnic promotion scale signing unexpected Walter workers bitches blank constantly convenient hears Hiya Luke appetite chew crawling disappoint levels poetry stuffed tons cloud daylight 17

BNC最常用15000词汇排序 BNC(British National corpus) fund satellite slut testimony arrives cigar con investigate motive pill rape structure tissue vulnerable apologies arrangement council crowded faint fuel policeman praying realise rode rumor scientific scum tense toe various zoo assholes brass copies hats Hunter industry naughty potato reveal rifle servant skirt thou weakness carpet demon Fortunately lamp Marie mob owes prayers random worthless bells Buzz Forty Margaret needing

puppy scares tire beers castle clouds exam inner internal leak observe port root thus award bombs chemical Cliff Geez Manhattan misery regarding requested sweep crossing gig profession relations shrink teachers tender waters actress bits chased fucker nuclear Scott boarding embarrass glorious raining widow cherry delightful et louder rented tapes goose nearby opera psychiatrist reminded sober stinking wolf associate corpse dresses exception lungs resources shelter stations sunset boot branch crystal determine display fears fingerprints Foundation humble luggage pops salesman tore barrel blond deposit deputy electricity established filed independent investment transport damaged divine threaten visitor washing excuses fathers increase recording smack strategy suitcase compare dedicated empire forbid harmless Helen insisted Mac stores wrist Halt mon rd Susan tips tool Eric fires Howdy 17

losers picks backs companies fighter generally jewelry nest swore burst cells countries finishing pan principal rolled spoiled cave indicate investigating returns beds conspiracy dug en hopeless population reservation studies tellin ultimate Chuck crown crushed daughters decides demands error judging Kitty minimum pointing qualified senses applause areas atmosphere awhile budget coma gently peanut petty planted presume roast addition August burnt clinic 18

BNC最常用15000词汇排序 BNC(British National corpus) groups misunderstanding Objection publicity roommate cent curiosity formal Kim lightning phrase stones vicious advanced billion chairs flattered recovered seventh ties volunteer fee sum bid characters courtesy dizzy hostage impact Pat reaching replaced se shadows slice technique amusing improve lighter massage positions rolls shorts spill sympathy tension buildings scaring serial Ted wished airplane application arrival bare betray dial fortunate rug vital

wiped activities Bureau faithful humanity rumors destroying flush interrupting larger popped smelled ex kicks maniac pointed producer recover rehearsal rising sleepy thrill ceiling Jewish Joseph planes repair taxes thunder distant existed genuine kindness meals cities complaint rot setup snack chaos films quitting theirs accomplished Carol guessed Harvard Miami nicer passengers sail traditional Academy cotton gates lunatic penis shotgun silk sneaking accurate assist lemon proves sleeps bounce nearest pulls seated thoughtful wars Adam bench focused fraud Knight Latin Miller residence spray tremendous writes dealt devoted emotion guitar included magical offers recovery September arriving banging bore Bunny diamonds Japan kidnapping obey roads bears chart lad twin values boats communicate connections danced goat gratitude nickel photographs subway tits Arthur conflict cooperation discovery drain 18

madness occur pace perspective anyways bonus Catholic disgrace efforts forehead glove mere porch prior reference spite sweating tattoo buttons circles corporate discipline ham horror legally stabbed stall symbol affection bald computers cough dummy Hail importance mankind Q recorded strings towels Amy approval attacking defending occasionally pale refer rhythm risky shirts takin vodka capacity duties graduated Greek ruining convention curtain lipstick 19

BNC最常用15000词汇排序 BNC(British National corpus) mature oven react sandwiches switched backed continued dive editor undercover dame favors fry girlfriends homeless nd sins throws wired Emily inviting Kong largest lion rely shiny triple watches actors Ally Almighty arts distracted hooker offended pad posted remembers Sally skill thieves tops begged buys engineer envelope expense explaining monsters retirement storage banana bothers businessman cart casino completed fame follows nailed

polish rank sources versus wandering breeze Broadway currently Elizabeth fuss ordering philosophy pistol primary proposal relative technical acid aggressive anonymous attempted bold bra claimed flame gesture receiving revolution verdict amongst chef comedy embrace Harbor lamb October phony signals Ace Alice approximately caring cheering coroner diner Eastern performed prom sexually sickness sucking trucks Williams Barbara blues Brooklyn declare fold haircut inspired instinct mutual plants rack searched stab tires ton tossed alien bartender bizarre civilian content creating document farmer fluid hostile Pacific terror weekends Crane observation spiritual strict wealthy achieve dip exclusive freaks gin institution November referring Rome situations statue breast climbing contacted defendant expenses fork Lewis pork principle ranch regard resting tricky doomed gathering horny limits outer rarely smash stepping annual 19

confusion convincing dreadful electrical elephant harsh husbands poem quicker refrigerator warehouse cock instrument ladder slightest standards terrorist visited Wilson abandon brutal cabinet centre documents Mum tolerate belief blaming deaths Duke instincts involve Jake owed perimeter samples traitor consideration ego fatal Germany gunshot hardest Lucy Majesty misses proposition proven Ross sang sings Tim Association congratulate contacts farewell ideal leaders maximum muscles 20

BNC最常用15000词汇排序 BNC(British National corpus) narrow popcorn psychic rides sighs Alan catches counselor disagree ditch float jammed kisses logical notify oath suspicion touches wakes audition demons dock eager Korea Peg penalty scandal scar therapist urge allergic convicted expose grades Jason native raped scan tortured ashes betting burger compete complaints illusion jazz prices protest savings Senator affected chickens depression hysterical legitimate nowadays Pearl Reverend satisfaction sophisticated

trips ye Betty couples dragging helmet Boo centuries colour comic controls emotionally ghosts humiliated ribs sock subtle bachelor bent blocked eternity identification lifted smashed swallowed bearing draft floors Le messy method mortal Pa racket sells strongly Tokyo whisper chemistry column compliments Davis extend forgiveness gamble Goodnight haul household kiddo manual originally Pierce respected responsibilities cease collecting domestic Hollow honesty promising winds worlds Carter certificate chopper controlled intentions intimate jar mistress novel peculiar serves violation infection liable medal scheme scientists carries dice guaranteed hose Martha prep retreat adore dentist faced lasted Luckily possibilities reckon stream worship aspirin beautifully cans Cd cue fist outstanding racing railroad sailing spreading volume whack bubble Canada flames hunch lined notion pickup pronounce scores shoots Supreme tearing 20

autopsy avoiding butcher candle Carl civilization clearing closes declared injuries passage rash reporters Sixteen soil strain stunt sunny theft trailer breakdown broadcast counted disguise endless habits Inspector liking Mickey parole relaxed solo spinning Virginia auto happiest inspiration Jackie Leo porn sensible Shakespeare canceled hack hangs kings objects persons photographer rocket teenager traveled troubled web assured brandy campus coin core holidays

