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Previously on \吸血鬼日记 前景提要...

For over a century, I have lived in secret... 一个世纪以来 我一直秘密地生活着...

Until now. I know the risk, and I have to know her.

直到现在 我知道这很冒险 但我必须要认识她

Elena, she's a dead ringer for Katherine. Elena 她简直是Katherine的翻版

- Where is he? - They have him. I can't get in.

- 他在哪儿? - 他们抓了他 我进不去 Who says we're not here for revenge, right? 谁说我们不是为了复仇而来? That's exactly what we're here for. 复仇正是我们的目的 Can you make it? 你还能走吗? Unh! Uhh! 呃! 呃!

Take my wrist. You need more blood. 咬我的手腕 你需要更多血 Stefan, he's dead. Stefan 他已经死了

You were like this other person. 你就像变了一个人

Everything's gonna be ok. 一切都会好的

They found Vicki Donovan. 他们找到了Vicki Donovan

A storm unearthed the grave off county road. 暴风雨把坟墓打开了 尸体在路边被发现 - She's dead? - Matt. - 她死了? - 哦 Matt

Could you turn it up a little bit? 你还能再开大点儿么? It's not annoying yet. 还不够吵 Sorry. 抱歉 When you goin' back to school? 你什么时候去学校? Soon. 马上就去

Oh, come on. Just drink already. 哦 喝点儿吧 Come on. 来吧

This self-detox is unnatural. 这东西魔力无穷

Could you get that away from me, please? 你能把那东西拿远点儿么?

How long did it take you to wean yourself off of it

你上回放纵于血液的愉悦中后 after you last indulged? 用了多久才戒掉? That's not good. 那可不好

Be fine. It just takes a little bit of time. 没事的 我只是需要点时间 I don't get it. You know, 我不明白 你知道

you don't have to kill to survive. 不用杀人 你也能生存

That's what blood banks are for. 这就是血库的作用

I haven't hunted a human in... 我已经好久

gahh... way too long. 天呐 好久没去\觅食\了 Oh, I'm impressd. 真了不起啊

It was completely self-serving. 我们太自私了

Trying to get the town off the trail of vampires,

想赶走镇子里所有的吸血鬼 which is not very easy. 而且这也绝非易事

Considering there's an entire tomb of them running around.


What are we planning on doing about that?


We're not gonna be doing much of anything 如果你不恢复力量

if you don't have your strength. 那我们什么都不能做

There's nothing wrong with partaking 从血库买血以保持正常饮食

in a healthy diet of human blood from a blood bank.


You're not actually killing anyone. 你没有杀任何人 I have my reasons. 我有自己的原因

Well, what are those holier-than-thou reasons? 有什么虚伪的原因呢?

You know, we've never actually discussed that.


You know, I... I'd love to hear this story. 我... 我真挺想听听

You're really enjoying this, aren't you, 你难道不乐于

just watching me in a struggle? 看着我纠结吗? Very much so. 毫无疑问

I hate to break it to you, Damon, 我真不想告诉你 Damon

But... I actually have it under complete control.

但是... 一切尽在我的掌控下 You do? 真的?

Oh. Well, then you should just carry on 哦 那你就继续自善其身

making the rest of us vampires look bad. 让我们其他吸血鬼相形见绌吧 Have a great day, Stef. 祝你愉快 Stef

Oh. Hey, I almost forgot something. 哦 嘿 我差点把这个忘了 Oops. 抱歉 Mmm. Mmm. 恩 真不错

吸血鬼 第一季第集

Come on, Jeremy. Going to school. Jeremy 快点 该去学校了 Walking out the door now. 现在就得出门 You forgot this. 你忘带这个了 Thank you. 谢谢 Elena. 嘿 Elena

Uncle John. Hi. John叔叔 嗨 Jenna. 嘿 Jenna

John. You made it. John 这么快就到了 Said I'd be in by noon. 我说了我中午到

Oh, what you say and what you do 哦 你言行不一

are typically two very different things. 非常正常

Uncle John. What's up? John叔叔 你好啊 Hey. 嘿

I had some business in town. 我在镇里有些事办

I thought a visit was in order. 我觉得来顺路拜访下比较好

- How long you staying? - I don't know yet. - 你要呆多久? - 还不知道

Hmm. Ok. Well, I'm gonna go to school. I'll see you later.

呃 好的 我要去学校了 晚些时候见 What's up with Jeremy? Jeremy怎么了? He just lost a friend, 他刚痛失一位友人 so try to be sensitive. 你体谅下他

I'm always sentive. 我一向很体谅人

Right. So really, how lo are you staying? 还真是 说真的 你要呆多久?

Can't you at least pretend that you're happy to see me?

你就不能假装见到我很高兴? Oh, my god, John. 哦 天呐 John

It is so good to see you. 见到你太开心了 How have you been? 你最近怎么样 这样吗? No, I can't. 办不到

Did you really think I was just gonna sign 你真的认为我会签

the escrow papers and send 'em back? 授权书 把他们送回去吗? Actually, I did. 是的

I'm not gonna let you sell my brother's office. 我不会让你把我哥哥的办公室卖掉的 It's not up you or me.

这不是你或我可以决定的 It belongs to Jeremy and Elena. Jeremy和Elena才有权决定

But they're minors, so I get the final say, 但是他们还小 所以最后我说了算 Being that I'm the estate's trustee. 我才是遗产受托人

He said his trip is open-ended. 他说他这趟来没定什么时候回去

Uncle John. I never really liked that guy. 我一点都不喜欢John叔叔 Heh. Does anyone? 有人喜欢么?

I am here for moral support if you need me. 我永远在精神上支持你

Thanks. I think I'll suffer this one alone. 谢了 我想这次我得独自忍受了 You've been through enough. 你已经承受够多的了 Thank you, by the way, 顺便说句 谢谢你

for just... for everything you did 为了... 为了你在Vicki葬礼

at Vicki's funeral and her memorial. 和悼念会上所做的一切

I couldn't have done it without you. 没有你 我就撑不住了 Of course, Matt. Matt 这是应该的

So is Caroline still baking for you guys around the clock?

Caroline还整天给你们做饭? She finally went to her dad's, 她终于去她爸爸那儿了

which is a good thing, because my mom was gonna strangle her

这是件好事 因为如果她再做烤面条我妈妈 if she dropped off more lasagna. 真要杀了她了 Oh. 哦 Nah. 不要

What's your problem? 你怎么了?

I just don't want any. 就是不想要了 All right. 好吧

They say she oded.


That's what I don't get. She was doin' ok. 我就是想不明白这点 她没有嗑太多 Apparently not. 看样子可不这样

How'd she end up buried in the woods? 那她怎么会被埋在树林里? That's what I don't understand. 这就是我想不通的地方

By whoever was with her when she oded. 她嗑药的时候跟谁在一起 谁就埋了她 Yeah, but you leave her there. 可是把她扔在那儿

You don't take the time to bury her.


Maybe she saw something and... 也许她看到了什么... Hell, man, I don't know. 靠 老兄 我啥也不知道

The coroner's office has officially ruled 验尸处最终正式宣布

Vicki Donovan's death drug overdose. Vicki Donovan是嗑药过多致死 Her family has been notified. 已经通知了她的家人

The truth will stay in this room, 只有这个房间里的人知道真相 and we can put this behind us. 希望大家忘却这一切 Thank you, sheriff. 谢谢你 警长

And on to a more pressing issue. 还有一个更重要的事情

John Gilbert has asked to say a few words. John Gilbert要求说两句

Welcome back, John. It's good to see you. 欢迎回来 John 很高兴见到你 Thank you, mayor. Yeah. 谢谢你 市长

Hello, everyone. It's wonderful to see you. 大家好 很高兴见到你们

I wish it were under better circumstances 作为创始人家族一员

as a founding family member, 我希望一切越来越好

I find it's my duty to report some very distressing news.

公布一些令人痛苦的消息是我的责任 He's a Gilbert?

他是Gilbert家族的? Elena's uncle. Elena的叔叔

His name's John, but I call him jackass. 叫John 但我叫他蠢货

A hospital blood bank in the neighboring county of Amherst

据报道 Amherst县的医院血站

has reported several break-ins over the past weeks.


hunters, campers, and state employees 名猎人 名露营者 名政府雇员 have been reported missing as well, 也被报失踪

All of this within a -mile radius of Mystic Falls.

这一切都发生在Mystic Falls方圆英里内 O... ok. No need to get alarmed right at this moment.

好了 够了 这时候没必要再担心这个了 Meaning he doesn't wanna cancel the founder's day kick-off party. 他是说他不想取消创始人派对

You think all of your problems are over, 你们认为一切问题都解决了

But I'm here to tell you nothing's been solved. 但我要告诉你们 一切都没解决

I made a copy of a paper that Jeremy wrote for me.

我复印了Jeremy写的论文 I think you should take a look it. 你该看看

Jeremy wrote this? 这是Jeremy写的?

He's very clear that he didn't think it was real. 他不相信世上存在吸血鬼 I really hope you're right, 我希望他真是这样

because I've done so much to protect him from all this.

我可是竭尽了全力向他隐瞒这一切啊 So how do you deal with it? 那你打算怎么办? What do you mean? 什么意思?

I don't know. With all the lies and the secrets, 我不知道 如今谎言遍布

you have to lie to everyone who's important to you.

而且你必须对所有你爱的人隐瞒这一切 It's not safe for them to know the truth, 他们知道了真相后会有危险

so, yes, I keep it from them, 所以 对 我不告诉他们

but it's only because I love them. 是因为我爱他们

I think Stefan's a good guy, 我觉得Stefan是个好人 but, uh... 但是 呃...

At the end of the day, he's still a vampire. 他终归是吸血鬼

I know it's hard to understand, 我知道你很难理解 but stefan's different. 但Stefan确实很不同

He would never do anything to hurt me. 他从未伤害过我

I have no interest in the founder's day kick-off party.

我对创始人派对没什么兴趣 Sure, you do. It's tradition. 你该有兴趣 这可是传统

Far be it for us to break from tradition. 我们不该打破这传统

The Gilberts have been a part of this town for years,

Gilberts家族在这个小镇已经居住了年 one of the founding families, 是创始家族之一

and with that distinction comes certain obligations,

因为我们出身于众不同 便要履行相应的义务

including going to the party. 包括参加这个派对

One day when you can appreciate the significance,

你哪天感受到了这种重要性 I'll tell you all about your heritage. 我就会告诉我们家的光荣传统 Hmm. The Gilbert family legacy. 嗯 Gilbert家族的遗产 I forgot how sacred it was. 我都忘了那有多神圣了

I'm not a Gilbert, so I was never cool enough to hear it.

我不姓Gilbert 所以我也不可能知道这遗产有多棒

Why does she hate you? 她为什么讨厌你?

We used to sleep together. 我们有过一腿

I'm standing right here. 我还在场呢

Why would he write a report on vampires? 他为什么要写个关于吸血鬼的论文呢? Do you think he's starting to remember? 你说他是不是开始恢复记忆了?

Damon took away those memories for good. Damon给他永远地抹去了那段记忆 You don't have to worry about that. 你不必担心

Tell you what. Why don't you just ask him? 我说你 干嘛不直接去问问他? I... I can't.

我... 我做不到

Why not? I mean, if he doesn't know anything, 为什么做不到? 我是说 要是他一无所知 then it's just a... an innocent question. 那就只是个... 无关痛痒的问题

I don't even know how to talk to him anymore. 我都不知道该怎么和他交谈了

I mean, we used to be a lot more open with each other,


but now, with all these secrets just piling up... 可现在 秘密越滚越多...

You know, I haven't even told him 连我被收养这事 that I'm adopted yet. 我都没告诉他

Maybe it's time you start opening up to him again.


I'm not saying you should tell him everything, 我不是让你告诉他一切

But at least try to find out what he does know and be prepared for it.

但你至少该试探一下他到底知道多少 以便


What about you? How are you doing? 那你呢? 你怎么样? I'm much, much better. 我好多了

Yeah, I'm... I'm still, you know, a little, uh... 嗯 我... 我还是 有点 呃... a little jittery, 有点紧张不安

a little bit on edge, but, uh... 有些焦虑 但是... I'm... I'm gonna be ok. 我肯定会好起来的

I've been really worried about you, 我真的很担心你 and I missed you. 而且很想你

I just needed to lay low for a little while, 我沉寂了几天

and, uh, let my body readjust. 让身体重新调整过来 It's only been a few days. 就几天时间而已 It feels like a lifetime. 但对我来说很漫长 I've missed you, too. 我也很想你

Stefan, what's wrong? Stefan 怎么了? Stefan. Stefan啊

Oh, good. You're here. 哦太好了 你来了 You ask, I come. 你让我来我就来 I'm easy like that. 我就是这么好指使 No, Elena, I will not... 不 Elena 我不会...

go to your bedroom with you. 和你一起进房间的 Ah... 啊...

Just like I remembered. 和我记忆中的一样 Stop messing around. 别胡闹了

You know, did you know 啊 你知道

that your uncle's been kickin' it with the Founder's Council?

你叔叔和创始人理事会的人吵架了吗? - What? - Yep. - 什么? - 是啊

Perfect. We'll just add it to the growing list 太棒了 还嫌一切

of how everything's falling apart. 不够分崩离析啊

What happened right there? 那边发生了什么? Uh, nothing. 啊 没什么 Look, Damon, 听着 Damon

I... I'm worried about Stefan. 我很担心Stefan

He says that everything's ok, 他说他没事

but he's clearly struggling. 但他明明在困境中挣扎

How long it gonna take before he's back to normal?

他还要多久才能恢复正常? Few days, give or take. 大概再过几天

It's been a few days. 已经好几天了

Give then. I don't know. 那就再多几天 我也不知道 What's the big deal? 这有什么大不了的? He's not himself, Damon.

他像变了一个人似的 Damon

Well, maybe his problem is he's spent too long 嗯 可能他的问题在于他已经好久都没有 not being himself. 真正找回自己了

Please don't make me sorry for asking you.

别让我后悔找你帮忙 It is what it is, Elena. 事情就是如此 Elena Hey. 嘿

The stefan you know 你认识的Stefan

was \behavior\Stefan, \it in\Stefan,

是一个表现良好 能自我控制的Stefan

\against his nature to an annoyingly obsessive level\


but if you think there's not another part to this, 但如果你发现了他的另外一面 难以接受 then you have not been paying attention. 说明你没注意到这点

He's not you, not even close. 他可不是你 和你完全不同 Well, he doesn't wanna be me. 嗯 他也不会想和我一样

But that doesn't mean deep down that he's not. 但从本质上说他和我还是一样 Mm... hmm. 嗯哼 Hey. 嘿

What's up? 有事吗?

Do you have some time to talk? 有时间谈谈吗? Uh, yeah, sure. 有 没问题 Not here. 别在这说

Come on. Let's get out of the house. 走吧 我们去外面说

I just can't believe mom and dad never told you that you were adopted.

真不敢相信爸妈从没告诉过你 你是被收养的

I'm sure they would have eventually. 我相信他们本打算说的 Why were you worried about what I thought? 你干嘛担心我怎么想?

Because... I don't know. It's weird... 因为... 我也不知道 只是觉得...

going your whole life thinking you're related blood to someone.

长久以来一直以为你和别人血肉相连 很奇怪...

Does it bug you that we're not? 我们不是血亲 让你很困扰吗? No. Jere... 不 Jere...

You're my brother. That's all that matters. 你是我弟弟 这已足够

So Mr. Saltzman said you've been doing great in history now.

对了 Saltzman先生告诉我你现在历史学得很好

Yeah. Yeah, he's really been helpin' me out. 是的 是的 他真的帮了我不少忙 He gave me some extra credit and stuff. 他给我打额外学分什么的 He loved your vampire paper. 他喜欢你的吸血鬼论文

Yeah, he thought I had a clever angle. 是的 他认为我的视角很好

What drew you to that subject matter? 你为什么会选择那个题目? Uh, I don't know. Um, boredom. 呃 我不知道 因为无聊吧

Or maybe I'm just as nuts as the long line of Gilbert crazies.

或许我只是继承了Gilbert家族疯癫的特点 The Gilberts aren't crazy.


Ah, easy for you to say. You're not one. 呃 你说得轻巧 你可不姓Gilbert Ouch. 真伤人 Oh, God. 哦 天哪

I shouldn't be here. 我不该来这儿

Come on. Don't be a downer.

拜托 别扫兴

It's a party for the founding families. 这是创始家族的聚会

That would be us. It would be rude to skip it. 我们可是创始家族成员 不参加很不好

You know, I... I really like you a whole lot better when you hated everybody.

你知道吗 你讨厌所有人时 我更喜欢你 Oh, I still do.

哦 我还是讨厌他们

I just love that they love me. 我只是喜欢他们喜欢我 How you feelin'? 感觉怎么样? I'm good. I'm fine. 我很好 不错

No cravings? No urges? 没有欲望? 不想吸血?

Has that whiskey you been drinkin' all day doin' its job?

你整天喝的威士忌管用吗? Ah heh. 当然

We are who we are, stefan. 我们就是吸血鬼 Stefan

Pretending doesn't change that. 装模作样不会改变这个事实

Ah, nothing would make you happier 啊 没有比看着我向血液妥协

than to just see me give in, huh, damon? 更让你快乐的事了 对吗 Damon? Whatever. It's inevitable. 切 这是不可避免得 Hmm. 嗯

I'm gonna go find Elena. 我要去找Elena了

Don't embarrass me, young man. 别让我难堪啊 小子 Ahh. 啊

I'm so glad you could join us tonight. 我很高兴今晚你能来

It was nice of you to reach out to us. 谢谢你能来帮助我们

This town is one big family, 小镇是个大家庭

and when we lose a member, 当我们失去一位成员时 we all have to come together. 我们所有人更该团结在一起 - Matt. Kel.

- Matt 节哀顺变 Kel 我们走 Well, I guess dead kid 哦 貌似孩子死了

rates a special greeting from the mayor, huh? 反倒能得到镇长的特殊问候 是吧? God mom.

老妈 别这么说 I need a drink. 我想喝点东西 Hey, check it out. 嘿 看这是什么

Dude, your dad's gonna beat you down if he catches you.

哥们 你老爸要是发现会打死你的 Yeah, let him try.

是么 那就让他试试看 All right, screw it. 好吧 管他呢 Hey. 嘿

Hey. How are you? 嘿 你好吗? Are you drunk? 你喝多了? Um... 嗯...

Ok, I know it's a little weird, 好吧 我知道有点奇怪 but it's really helping me. 但是这样确实能让我好受些 The alcohol, it, uh... 酒精 呃...

takes the edge off.


You're totally that drunk high school guy 你真像是那种在派对上躲起来

at the party sneaking booze. 自己偷偷喝醉的高中生 I tolly am. Yeah. 没错 我确实是

How worried do I need to be? 我要为你而担心吗?

Oh, no. You don't need to be worried. 哦 不 你不必担心

It's just until, um, the cravings go away. 只要等欲望消失就好

Listen. I think we should enjoy it while it lasts.

听着 我觉得我们应该好好享受直到酒会结束

Would you like to dance with me? 你愿意和我跳支舞吗? You hate dancing. 你不是讨厌跳舞吗

I usually have to beg you. 我一般都求你你才肯跳

No, no, no. You have to beg the sober me. 不 不 不 你得求平时的我

The drunk me, there's no begging necessary. 喝醉的我 不需要求也会陪你跳舞 There's really no one dancing. 可是都没人跳舞

That's because they need something better to dance to.

那是因为他们需要更好的东西来伴舞 Be right back. 我一会回来

Yeah, that's not gonna work. 哦 那根本没用

I already tried to bribe the guy with bucks and a date.

我已经试着用块钱和一次约会贿赂那家伙 He said Carol Lockwood has complete control over the music choices.

他说Carol Lockwood已经授意不得随意转换音乐

You'd be surprised what Stefan can accomplish

那要是看到Stefan能够让他改变想法 when he puts his mind to it. 你一定会大吃一惊的 Thank God. 天啊

Have I entered an alternate universe where Stefan is fun?


Is he gonna be ok? 他会好吗? Eventually. 最终

One way or another. 变坏或者变好

Histy teacher, o'clock. 历史老师在点钟方向

- How do I look? - Beautiful. - 我看起来怎么样? - 漂亮 Ah, I been lookin' for you. 啊 我正找你呢 Here I am. 我在这呢

I haven't seen you in a while. 我有段时间没见到你了 Yeah. Well, uh, 是啊 呃

things have been a little crazy. Heh. 事情有点棘手 呵呵 But I'm here now. 但是现在没事了

Do you wanna get a drink? 你想喝点东西吗? Sure. 好啊

Ok. Great. 好的 太好了

When did this happen? 什么时候这么热闹了? DJ had a change of heart. DJ洗脑了

- Wanna dance? - I don't know. - 想跳舞吗? - 我没想好 - Yes. Yes. - Matt. Matt. - 来嘛 来嘛 - Matt Matt Come on.


Ah, you know I love a woman in uniform, 啊 你知道我最爱身着制服的女人 but I have to side with this look. 但是这身打扮让我眼前一亮 You look... you look smashing. 你看起来... 你看起来太美了 Heh. Thank you, Damon. 呵呵 谢谢你 Damon Cheers. 干杯

I needed that.

我需要打扮一下的 Heh. 呵呵

You know, I had my doubts about you at first. 你知道吗 刚开始我对你有所怀疑 But like everyone else on the council, 但是就像理事会的其他人一样 you've won me over. 你赢得了我的信任 Heh. Thanks, Liz. 呵呵 谢谢 Liz

It's... it's really nice how welcoming the council's been.

理事会... 理事会那么热情 真的很好 I like my life here in Mystic Falls. 我很喜欢我在Mystic Falls的生活 Starting to feel like home again. 渐渐有种归属感

Well, then you're not gonna like what I have to tell you.

哦 我要告诉你个坏消息

Jonathan Gilbert's claims check out. Jonathan Gilbert的断言被证实了

The blood banks, the missing people, all of it's true.

满是血迹的河岸 失踪人口 这一切都是真的

We might have a problem. 我们可能遇到麻烦了 Excuse me, Sheriff. 打扰一下 警长

Um, I was curious if there's been 嗯 我很好奇 对于Vicki Donovan的死因 any more information on what happened to Vicki Donovan.


It was an overdose, Jeremy.

Jeremy 那是吸毒过量致死的结果 Yeah, but her body was buried. 是 但是她的尸体被埋了

Somebody must have done that. 肯定是其他人做的 We're aware of that. 我们很清楚这点

The investigation is ongoing, 正在进行调查

but there's nothing more I can tell you at this time.

但是现在我不能对你透露过多细节 I'm sorry. 抱歉

Uh, that's ok. 呃 没事

Please dance with your alcoholic vampire boyfriend.

请你和你这醉酒的吸血鬼男友跳跳舞吧 - Ohh! - Oh. - 噢! - 哦 Watch it. 小心点

I'm sorry. My fault. I'm clumsy. 对不起 我的错 我太笨了

Heh. Then get off the dance floor. 呵呵 那就一边呆着去吧 Excuse me? 你说什么?

That's no way to talk to a lady. 你不应该这么跟一位女士说话 Whatever. 随便了

I think you need to apologize. 我想你需要道歉 I'm sorry. 对不起

Now say it like you mean it. 现在 真心地道歉

I'm really, really sorry. 我真的真的很抱歉 Stefan, it's fine. Stefan 没事了 Now walk away. 马上滚

Are you all right? 你还好吗?

Have you noticed what your brother's been up to?

你注意到你弟弟最近在做什么了吗? Nope. Been too preoccupied with yours. 没注意 你太迷恋你的男友了吧

Jeremy's been asking questions Jeremy对Vicki Donovan的死 about Vicki Donovan's death. 有所疑问

He knows that her death was ruled an overdose.

他知道她的死因被认定是吸毒过量致死 Really? \真的吗? \哦 但是 警长 有人把她埋了 Who would do that?\是谁做的呢?\

I know. I know. Me. 我知道 我知道 是我

I mean, I could compel him, but he's wearing vervain.

我可以对他进行思维强制 但是他带着马鞭草

No. I don't want you to compel him. 不 我不希望你这样对他 If he keeps asking questions... 如果他总是问起来... Damon, no. I'm serious. Damon 不要 我是说真的

I'm not gonna do that to him again. I'll handle it.

我不想再给他催眠 我会处理好的 Ok. 好的

Don't say I didn't warn you. 别说我没提醒过你 I saw that. 我看到了 Shh. 嘘

We'll keep that between you and me. 天知地知 你知我知 Where's the ladies' room? 洗手间在哪?

This way. I'll show you. 这边 我带你去 Is that soda? 这是苏打水吗? Um... 嗯... Mmm. 呃

Vodka. Thank god. 伏特加 我的天啊 Damon, right?

你是Damon 对吗? John. John啊

We didn't get a chance to meet at the council meeting.

我们在理事会议上没机会认识 Yeah. It's... it's a pleasure. 是啊 很... 很荣幸认识你

Are you enjoying the, uh, kick-off? 你很喜欢这个创始派对吗? Oh, yeah. Forgot how much fun 哦 没错 都快忘了这个小镇

these small-town celebrations can be. 狂欢舞会有多快乐了 Yeah. Yeah. 没错 没错

When's the last time you were here? 你上次来这是什么时候?

Hasn't been that long. My brother's funeral. 相隔不太久 来参加我哥哥的葬礼的时候 How long have you been in town? 你来这里有多久了? Well, not long at all. 最近才来的

So what do you think, Damon?

那你怎么看 Damon?

You know this vampire problem is real, right? 你知道吸血鬼的事情是真的 对吗? It's a potential blood bath. 这是潜在的大屠杀

I wouldn't overreact, John. 我才不会反应过度 John

Oh, I think it's like all over again, 喔 这就像年的一切再重演 vampires running amok. 吸血鬼四处肆虐

Guess we're just gonna have to hunt them down,


throw 'em in a church, and burn them to ash. 将其关入教堂 烧成灰烬 That is the story, huh? 只是谣言而已 嗯? Part of the story, yeah. 没错 部分是谣言

Oh, there's, uh... there's more? 哦 还有更多?

Oh, there's a lot more. 相当多呢

You see, seems there was a tomb under the church

知道么 似乎教堂下有个墓穴

where the vampires were hidden away, 吸血鬼就藏在那

waiting for someone to come along and set them free.


But then you already knew that, didn't you? 你早就知道了 不是么?

Being that you're the one that did it. 作为其中的一份子

And you're telling me this why? 你为什么要告诉我这些?

I just thought we'd get the introductions out of the way.


Well, you know that I could rip your throat out 知道么 我能轻而易举地 before anyone would notice. 将你脖子扭断

- Yeah. - Yeah. Ok. - 好啊 - 很好

But you probably ingest vervain, so... 但你可能吃了马鞭草 所以...

Why don't you take a bite, find out? 何不咬一口试试看? It's not worth my time. 你不值得我浪费时间 Jer. 嘿 Jer

I, um... I heard about your conversation with Sheriff Forbes.

嗯... 我听说你找Forbes警长谈了

No one is trying figure out what happened to her.


They're all willing to believe that she oded. 他们都宁愿相信那是嗑药过多导致 The Coroner's office confirmed it. 验尸所已经确认了

If that's what they said happened, then... 如果他们说的是真的 那么... Is that what you believe? 你相信么?

What do you think happened? 你怎么看?

I think somebody killed her and buried her body,

有人杀了她 掩埋了尸体

and I don't think we should write it off just 'cause it's easy.


They're just doing what they can to move on. 他们只是尽所能让大家好过点

The truth is the only thing that's gonna help people move on.

事实才能帮助人们振作起来 Jer, just... just let it go. Ok? Jer 别想那么多 好么?

Whatever it was, she's gone now. 无论如何 她已经不在了 Whatever it was? 无论如何?

So you don't think it was an overdose? 那么你也不相信是嗑药过多? Yes. I... I do. 不 我相信

Is there something you're not telling me? 你是不是瞒着我什么?

Why aren't you looking at me? 为什么都不看着我?

Stop it. That doesn't mean anything. 别说了 这没什么意义

If there was something else, you would tell me, right?

如果真有什么 你会告诉我的 对么? Of course I would. 当然了

Oh, god. I ca... I can't even walk. 喔 天啊 我都站不稳了 I know. Me neither. 我知道 我也是

Oh, god. Matt's gonna kill me. 喔 上帝 Matt会杀了我的 Ah, he won't even notice. 他发现不了的

I think he's actually letting himself have some fun for once.


Yeah, well... well, I know i'm supposed to be 好吧... 因为Vicki的死 我知道该

on my best behavior because of Vicki, but I don't wanna think about it.

注重自己的言行 但我根本不想想起 I can't, 'cause if I do... 我做不到 一旦我想起... Yeah, I was a dick to her. 我是个混蛋 I was really bad. 我差劲极了

That's what I hate 我最讨厌自己

is I can't make any of it right. 什么都做不对

It's like I don't deserve to even miss her. 我甚至都没资格想念她 You're nice to talk to me. 你能和我说说话真好

I don't have anyone to talk to. 我都没人可以倾诉

I don't have anyone to talk to either. 我也没有可以倾诉的对象

Who knew I'd be missing all the fun at the Founder's parties?

我会想念创始人庆典上所有的快乐 This is rare, believe me. 相信我 非常快乐

Is it bad that I'm, uh, enjoying myself? 我玩得这么开心是不是不大好?

No. It's great that you're enjoying yourself. 不 你能开心这很好

Thanks for making me dance. 谢谢你邀请我跳舞 Hey, not a problem. 嘿 这算什么 Air. Ah heh. 空气 啊嘿

Air. I need some air. 我得透透气

Um, come with me? 嗯 一起来? Sure. 当然

You haven't seen my mom, have you? 你见到我妈妈了么? Um, no. Not in a while. 嗯 没 有一会没见着了 All right. 好吧

Oh, my god. 喔 我的神啊

What the hell are you doin', man?! 你们到底在干嘛?! - Matt... - mom! - Matt... - 妈妈!

Whoa. Dude, calm down. 伙计 冷静点 - Matt! - No! - Matt! - 不! Stop it! 住手!

Tyler! 嘿 Tyler!

Tyler! Matt! Stop it! Tyler! Matt! 住手! Somebody help them! 快来人帮帮他们! Hey. Hey. 嘿 嘿 Hey! 喂! Stop! 住手!

What the hell was that? 到底怎么了? Are you ok? 你还好吧? How was it? 怎么了?

I'll take it from here. I'll take it from here. 好了 我来处理吧 我来处理吧 It's all right. It's ok. 没事了 没事了 You hurt? 受伤了么?

Go get cleaned up. It's ok. 去洗一下 没事了 Go get cleaned up. 去洗一下

Thank you for your help. 谢谢你的帮忙

Erything's fine. Everything's fine, everybody. 已经没事了 已经没事了 各位

Come on. Everybody back to the party. Let's go.

大家继续在派对上玩吧 都散了吧 Come on. Have a good time 快啊 玩得开心

- Are you ok? - Where is she? - 你还好吧? - 她在哪? I don't know. 我不知道

Come on. Put your head up. 快 把头抬起来

Do you wanna hear the bad news or the really bad news?


Hmm. Actually I don't want any news, Damon.

嗯 我什么都不想听 Damon All right, let me phrase. 好吧 我来说

Do you wanna hear how the council's back in vampire mode

你想听理事会是怎样重回吸血鬼预警模式 or how just killed Uncle John Gilbert?

或者我是怎么把John Gilbert叔叔给杀掉的? What? 什么?

Great party by the way, huh? 顺便 不错的派对哈? Damon. 嘿 Damon

Is everything all right? 你没事吧? No. 不

I... I ruined it. 我搞砸了

I always ruin it. 我总是搞砸

What is wrong with me? 我究竟怎么了? God. 天啊

What are you doing? 你在做什么? Uh... 呃...

I'm sorry. 抱歉

You've gotta be kidding me. 这不是真的吧 Thank you all. 谢谢你们

Thank you very much. Thank you. 非常感谢 谢谢你们

Thank you all for joining us tonight. 非常感谢你们今晚能光临

In just a few moments, 不一会儿

we will officially begin the countdown 我们将迎来创始人周年庆的

to our upcoming Founder's Day Celebration, 官方倒计时

and it's a very special one this year, 今年是特殊的一年

the th birthday of our town. 我们小镇的年纪念

And... and I would like to welcome back 同时 我想请回我们小镇 one of our town's favorite sons 最宠爱的子民

to do the honors of ringing our official charter bell.


John Gilbert, would you please join me up here?

John Gilbert 能到我这来么?

years of community, prosperity, family. 年的小镇 年的繁荣 年的一家人 We take care of each other, 我们互相帮助

look after each other, 互相照顾

protect each other. 保护着彼此

It's good to be home. 能回家真好

- Look at his right hand. - Whose? - 看他的右手 - 谁的?

The town's favorite son. Look at his ring. 小镇最宠爱的子民 看他的戒指 Oh. That looks like mine. 喔 和我的很像

Yeah, and that would be a big coincidence 如果他不是分钟前才死过一回的话

if he didn't just come back from the dead minutes ago.


Where the hell did you get that ring? 你从哪弄来的那戒指? Isobel, my wife. 从Isobel 我妻子那 Who gave birth Elena 那个生Elena的女人

under the medical care of the esteemed Dr. Grayson Gilbert,

她是由尊敬的Grayson Gilbert医生护理的 John's brother.


Oh. You think John knew Isobel? 哦 你觉得John认识Isobel? I think John knows a lot of things. 我觉得John知道很多事呢 - Take care - Have a good night - 保重 - 晚安

Sorry about that, man. 对不起 伙计

No, really, I'm terribly sorry. 不 说真的 我真的很抱歉 You don't wanna do this, man. 你会后悔的 哥们 Sorry about that, too. 这次我也很抱歉

God, all I can do is apologize.

天啊 看来我除了道歉什么都不会了 What's that about? 到底是怎么了?

Get out of my way, please. 请别挡我的路

No girl to show off for now? 现在没有女孩让你炫耀了? I see how this is. 那我这样呢

Wh... what are you, man? 你... 你是什么人啊 哥们? Stefan. 嘿 Stefan Stefan. 嘿 Stefan

Hey. Hey, are you ok? 嘿 嘿 你还好吗? What happened? 出什么事了? My arm. 我的胳膊

I lost my balance and fell. 我失去平衡摔倒了 I'm clumsy. 我太笨了 Let's go. 我们走

Dad, I'm sorry. 爸爸 对不起

I don't even know what happened. 我根本不知道发生了什么事 I was drinking, and... 我在那里喝酒 后来... I lost control. 就失控了

Can't explain it. 这事没法解释

That is the last time you ever embarrass this family.

这次 你最好是最后一次让家族蒙羞 What are you doing? 你在干什么? Matt, don't. Matt 不要

I can't do it anymore, Mom, so just go, all right?

我实在受不了了 妈妈 你还是走吧 行吗? You've done it before and more times than I can count.

你做过多少次这样的事 我都数不清了 I'm not leaving you. 我不要离开你 Matty. 嘿 Matty Mom! 妈妈!

Don't you get it? 你还不明白吗?

I'm better off without you. 没你我活的会更好的 No. 不

Tonight was a... 今晚是个...

God, I'm so sorry. 天啊 我很抱歉

I know I failed you, and I failed Vicki, 我知道我让你失望 让Vicki失望 but I won't do it to you again. 但我再也不会这样对你了 I promise I'll get it together. 我发誓 我会振作的

I want you out of the house... 我要你早上前离开这里... and my life by morning. 远离我的生活 Matty. 哦Matty

Goin' somewhere? Hmm? 要去哪里吗? 嗯?

Never like to be the last one to leave a party. 我从不喜欢最后一个离开派对 Hmm! It's too desperate. 嗯! 那样会比较绝望 You here to kill me again? 你来这想再杀我一次?

Or you gonna let Mr. Saltzman do your dirty work?

还是你想让Saltzm先生来办这事儿? Ok, you obviously know who I am. 好吧 看来你显然知道我是谁 I do. Alaric Saltzman, 没错 Alaric Saltzman

the high school history teacher with a secret. 神秘的高中历史老师

Sure know a lot for someone who just got to town.


More than you can imagine, Damon. 超出你的想象 Damon

My knowledge of this town goes beyond anything that you,

我对这小镇的了解远远超过你 you or the council knows. 还有你 还有理事会的理解

So if you were planning on some clever high-speed,

如果你计划点儿自以为聪明的快速 snatch-ring, vampire kill move,


know that if I die everything I know goes to the council,

要知道如果我死了 我所知道的会直接传给理事会

including the fascinating little tale 包括令人着迷的

of the original Salvatore brothers 以前的Salvatore兄弟

and their present-day return to Mystic Falls. 和现在他们又回到Mystic Falls的故事 How'd you get that ring? 你怎么得到那戒指的? I inherited one, 我继承了一个

my brother Gray, the other. This was his. 我兄弟Gray也有一个 这是他的

And I wouldn't have given mine to Isobel 我没把自己的给Isobel

had I known she'd hand it over to another guy. 因为我知道她满脑子都想着另一个男人 So you did know her. 那你真的认识她

Who do you think sent her your way 你以为她想变成吸血鬼

when she wanted to become a vampire? 是谁送她去你那里的? You sent her? 你送她去的? Guilty. 内疚了

Why, did you think someone else sent her? 怎么 你以为是别人送她去的? Maybe Katherin Pierce? 或许是Katherin Pierce?

How do you know about Katherine? 你怎么会知道Katherine的? How do I know anything, Damon? 我怎么会知道一切的 Damon? What do you want? 你想干什么?

So many questions. 太多问题了吧

It was a pleasure meeting you, Rick. 很高兴认识你 Rick

I've heard so much about you. 我听说了你很多事

Not so excited that we have another month of these Founder's day events.

下次的创始人日 我不会再兴奋 Oh, tell me about it. 哦 快别提了 You ok? 你还好吗? Fine. 很好

Are you sure? 真的吗? I'm fine, Ela. 我没事 Ela

Oh, my God. You scared me. 哦 天啊 你吓着我了 Sorry. 对不起

I'm sorry that I... I ran off earlier. 对不起 我... 我早就跑出来 What happened? 出什么事了? Is everything ok? 一切都好吗? Uh... 啊... No. 不

Talk to me. 告诉我

Stefan, tell me. Stefan 告诉我 I tried... 我努力了...

so hard to keep it together tonight. 今晚对我来说可真不容易

And it was working, it was working, 我走着 走着

uh, but... but then Matt's Mom, she, 后... 后来走到Matt妈妈那里 got hurt, and she was bleeding, 她受伤了 在流血

and I had her... her blood on my hands. 我的手沾到了她... 她的血 And then what happened? 后来发生了什么?

And then that... that guy in the parking lot, 后来... 碰到停车场那家伙 I want do feed on him, 我真想吸了他的血

and it took everything inside of me not to do it.

而我内心有种声音告诉我不能这样做 But you didn't? 那你没那样?

No, but I wanted to. 没有 但我想那样 God. 天啊

Elena, I... my... Elena 我... 我的... my head is pounding, 就像有东西敲打我的头

I feel like my... skin is on... is on fire. 我觉得我的... 皮肤像... 火烧一样

I have this hunger inside of me that I've never...

我内心的那种饥饿感 我从未... I've never felt before in my entire life, 我从未有过这种感觉

and all I keep thinking about 我一直在想

is how I promised that I would never keep anything from you,

我发过誓 我们之间没有秘密 and so I'm telling you this. 所以我来告诉你这些

That's ok. I need you to tell me these things. 这很好 我需要你来告诉我这些事 But I don't want you to see me like this. 但我不想你见到我这样

I don't want you to know that this side of me exists.

我不想你知道 还存在着这样的一个我 Stefan, you're gonna get through this. Stefan 你会熬过去的

I'm gonna help you pull through. 我会帮你渡过难关的

It's gonna be ok. You're gonna be ok. 会没事的 你会没事的

No, no, no, no. No, no, no, no, no. 不 不行 这不行 这样不行 No, I'm sorry. I can't. 对不起 我不能这么做

I... I'm afraid of what I could do to you. 我害怕自己会对你做出什么事 I'm not. 我不怕 Stefan. 嘿 Stefan

Stefan, I'm not. Stefan 我不怕 I'm not, ok?

我不怕 知道吗? I love you so much. 我好爱你

Oh, I love you, too. 哦 我也爱你


仅供翻译交流使用, 禁止用于商业用途 We have a problem, Stefan. 我们有麻烦了 Stefan

And when I say, \I mean global crisis.

我说的\麻烦\是指全球危机 Sees uncle John has a... 我看到John叔叔有一个... You don't look so good. 你看起来很不好

It's different this time, isn't it? 这次不同了 是吗? The need is too strong. 需求太强了

Of course it would be after all these years. 过了这么多年 当然会这样 Have a good night, brother. 祝你今晚过的愉快 弟弟

