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B单元完形填空 1

B1 记叙文 1

B2 夹叙夹议文31

B3 议论文错误!未定义书签。

B4 说明文错误!未定义书签。

B5 应用文错误!未定义书签。




My husband and I arrived in a new country just a month ago. We were sort of 11 about what was waiting for us. However, when we 12 at the airport, a tall man with smiling eyes greeted us. The days and months were 13 made easy for us by this kind man.

He greeted us every day with his smiling face. He 14 us in going to the bank, in buying our groceries, in telling us 15 to buy almost everything. He told us he is our big brother.

16 , we watched the match in a coffee shop. During the first get-together, he 17 us that we‘ re lucky—my husband and I are 18 in this foreign land. He said he has been 19 for eight years now because he rarely sees his family, 20 they are in his home country.

During the second get-together, he 21 told us that we are his family. He said that he loves us and that he will 22 us because he has been given a 23 of 45 days to go back to his home country. That night, he spoke these words which 24 a great impact in my life: ―You changed my life…‖

That night deep in our hearts we were 25 by our friend‘s words. We texted him upon reaching home, 26 him for being a Big Brother to us in the foreign land. We told him 27 that we feel safe in going out when we are with him, to which he 28 , ―You are my family here.‖

On the first week of October, we‘re going to29 him back from his vacation. We‘ll watch the football match again in that 30 shop that holds dear memories.

11. A. curious B. worried C. certain D. crazy

12. A. checked B. dropped C. landed D. settled

13. A. therefore B. instead C. anyhow D. otherwise

14. A. expected B. troubled C. comforted D. accompanied

15. A. when B. where C. why D. whether

16. A. Once B. So C. Twice D. Finally

17. A. informed B. warned C. blamed D. convinced

18. A. together B. nearby C. around D. apart

19. A. sick B. lonely C. cheerful D. scared

20. A. if B. unless C. as D. although

21. A. secretly B. jokingly C. proudly D. sincerely

22. A. remember B. miss C. forget D. respect

23. A. delay B. right C. vacation D. date

24. A. created B. designed C. solved D. received

25. A. puzzled B. touched C. astonished D. flattered

26. A. thanking B. forgiving C. repaying D. punishing

27. A. after all B. as well C. in return D. in advance

28. A. agreed B. objected C. added D. replied

29. A. see B. pick C. call D. force

30. A. book B. grocery C. coffee D. sports




11.B A. curious 好奇的B. worried 担心的C. certain肯定的D. crazy疯狂的;由情理可知当人们初到异国他乡,在举目无亲的情况下,面对陌生的环境心里是担忧的,不安的。

12.C A. checked 检查 B. dropped 下降C. landed 着陆D. settled定居;根据at the airport可知他们是乘飞机去的,所以用land―着陆,降落‖。

13.A A. therefore 因此B. instead取代C. anyhow 无论如何D. otherwise否则;从下文可知因为有了这个和善的―大哥哥‖的帮助,他们在这个新地方的生活变得很容易,所以此处表示因果关系,故选A。

14.D A. expected 期待 B. troubled麻烦C. comforted 安慰D. accompanied 陪伴。根据下文going to the bank, in buying our groceries,可以判断作者和她丈夫是在他的陪同下购物,办理一切手续等。

15.B A. when 何时B. where 何地 C. why 为什么D. whether是否。根据语境in showing us__ __to buy almost everything.判断他指给我们去哪里买东西,此处指买东西的地方,故答案选B。

16.C A. Once 一次;一旦B. So 因此C. Twice 两次D. Finally最终;根据下文During the first get-together, During the second get-togethe可知是两次。

17.D A. informed 通知B. warned 警告 C. blamed责备 D. convinced使信服;从下文的讲述可知这位好心的―大哥哥‖独自在国外八年,通过这种对比可知因为有着丈夫的陪伴,作者深信自己是幸运的。

18.A A. together 一起B. nearby附近C. around四处D. apart分开;根据上下文可以判断此处侧重与那位好心人孤身一人在国外居住的对比,所以答案选A。

19.B A. sick 生病的B. lonely 孤独的C. cheerful 欢呼D. scared害怕;根据下文he hardly s ees his family… they are in his home country.判断他是独自一人居住在国外,所以用lonely―孤


20.C A. if 如果B. unless 除非C. as由于D. although尽管;从he hardly sees his family,和they are in his home country判断前后句是因果关系,答案选C。

21.D A. secretly秘密地B. jokingly开玩笑地C. proudly 自豪地D. sincerely真诚地。由情理可知当他说He said that he loves us….的时候应该是发自内心、真诚地说,故答案选D。22.B A. remember 记得B. miss 错过;想念C. forget 忘记D. respect尊重;根据后句because he has been given a __ ___of 45 days to go back to his home country可知他要回国,由情理可知在此他表示在此期间他会想念作者和他丈夫。答案选B。

23.C A. delay 推迟B. right 权力C. vacation假期D. date日期。根据下文……from his vacation 可以判断他获得了一个45天的假期,选C。

24.A A. created 创造;造成 B. designed 设计C. solved解决D. received受到;那天晚上,他的话对我们的生活产生重大影响。

25.B A. puzzled迷惑B. touched 感动C. astonished震惊D. flattered奉承;谄媚;由上文He said that he loves us等可知这位热心人的坦诚让作者非常感动,答案选B。

26.A A. thanking感谢B. forgiving 原谅C. repaying 报答 D. punishing惩罚。在上文中作者提到这位热心人给予他们无私的帮助,由此推断作者在此是表示对他的感激,thank sb for sth/doing sth,―因……而感激‖,选A。

27.B A. after all 毕竟;终究B. as well也C. in return 回报D. in advance预先。上文作者发短信表示对这位好人的感激,所以此处再提到其他内容时可以用as well,意思是―也‖,答案选B,其他选项不合语境。

28.D A. agreed 同意 B. objected 反对C. added 加D. replied回复。根据下文―You are my family here.‖可知这是―大哥哥‖所回短信的内容,reply to ―对……做出回复、回答‖,故答案选D。

29.A A. see 看B. pick捡C. call 叫D. force从下文We ‘ll watch the football match again可知作者是去见刚刚探亲回来的这位朋友,故答案选A。

30.C A. book 书B. grocery杂货C. coffee 咖啡D. sports运动。根据上文the match in a coffee shop.可以推断他们会再次去那家有着美好回忆的咖啡店去看球赛,答案选C。



―I wouldn‘t buy that woman a Mother‘s Day card, even if my life depended upon it,‖ said the woman standing by the card shelf at Wal-Mart. I looked up and saw a(n) 31 of total complaint and dislike.

Having been 32 at a Florida orphanage at age four, I never knew what it felt like to have a mother or a father. Never once had I received a hug or a kiss from my parents. That part of my life is a total 33 .

She looked up, saw me looking at her and 34 angrily, ―Just what are you looking at, you fool?‖

―Sorry Ma‘am. I never had a mother, and I was35 by your words.‖ I reached over and picked up a nice-looking 36 , opened it and began to read, ―Thank you 37 for being my mother.‖

―Do you think your mother would like that card? Mine would, I think,‖ I said.

―Do you know what it is like to be 38 at for years, and never be told that you are loved?‖

she asked.

―My mother didn‘t 39 me, let alone shout. She just took me to the orphanage where I stayed until I grew up,‖ I replied.

―Don‘t you 40 her?‖ she asked.

―Oh, I can‘t. She‘s my mother. Being a mother is a position to be 41 , even if she is not a very nice person,‖ I told her. The woman stood there 42 her head.

I looked down at the floor and said, ―I know your mother might have done a lot of things that

43 you. It appears as if you hate her. But I can tell you this from my 44 that disliking her, or even hating her, feels nowhere near as 45 as never having known a mother at all—good or bad. At least, you feel 46 . For me, it‘s all just a large blank of loneliness inside my heart, and that‘s 47 I‘ll feel until I die.‖

The woman stood there for a moment. 48 , she reached out, took the card from my hand, smelled it, and placed it in her cart.

After she left, I 49 a nice card for my mother. I took it home, 50 it, and placed it with the other Mother and Father‘s Days cards bought all these years, each marked ―Address Unknown‖.

31. A. idea B. appearance C. expression D. impression

32. A. deserted B. lost C. reserved D. rescued

33. A. dark B. pain C. misfortune D. blank

34. A. requested B. considered C. screamed D. refused

35. A. relieved B. annoyed C. disappointed D. shocked

36. A. cart B. card C. book D. magazine

37. A. simply B. largely C. originally D. basically

38. A. shouted B. glared C. laughed D. pointed

39. A. set aside B. leave behind C. care about D. know about

40. A. miss B. love C. accuse D. hate

41. A. depended B. obeyed C. respected D. observed

42. A. shaking B. dropping C. raising D. nodding

43. A. hurt B. blamed C. disturbed D. punished

44. A. conscience B. efforts C. experiences D. nature

45. A. fragile B. lonely C. hateful D. anxious

46. A. anything B. everything C. nothing D. something

47. A. whether B. how C. where D. why

48. A. Cheerfully B. Eagerly C. Hesitantly D. Seriously

49. A. picked out B. packed up C. brought out D. took up

50. A. mended B. exposed C. addressed D. signed




31.C A. idea 想法B. appearance 外貌C. expression 表达D. impression印象;一位女士这样说道,她站在沃尔玛商场里摆放贺卡的架子前。

32.A A. deserted舍弃;遗弃B. lost丢失C. reserved 储备D. rescued救援;四岁那年,我被遗弃在佛罗里达州的一家孤儿院里。

33.D A. dark 黑暗B. pain疼痛C. misfortune 不幸D. blank空白;我从未得到过父母的一个拥抱、一个亲吻。我生命的这部分完全是一片空白。

34.C A. requested 要求B. considered考虑C. screamed 尖叫D. refused拒绝;看见我在注视着她,便尖叫起来:“你这个傻子在看什么?

35.D A. relieved减轻B. annoyed 打扰C. disappointed失望D. shocked震惊;我没有母亲,你说的话让我大吃一惊。

36.B A. cart马车B. card卡片C. book书D. magazine杂志;根据上文可知,谈论的是卡片。

37.A A. simply简单地;仅仅B. largely大部分地C. originally 最初地D. basically基本地;“谢谢您,就因为您是我的母亲。”

38.A A. shouted大喊B. glared瞪C. laughed 笑D. pointed指出;你知道多年来一直忍受她的吼叫,并且从未听她说过她爱我,那是什么感觉吗?

39.C A. set aside 不理会B. leave behind留下C. care about 关心D. know about了解;我母亲根本不在乎我,更没有对我吼叫过

40.D A. miss 错过;想念B. love 爱C. accuse 指责;谴责D. hate憎恨;难道你不恨她吗?

41.C A. depended 依靠B. obeyed服从C. respected 尊重D. observed观察;身为母亲,就应该受到尊重。

42.A A. shaking 摇头B. dropping 下降C. raising筹集;出现D. nodding点头;女人站在那里,摇头。

43.A A. hurt 使伤心B. blamed 责备C. disturbed 打扰D. punished惩罚;我知道,你母亲也许做了很多令你不开心的事。

44.C A. conscience 良心B. efforts 努力C. experiences 经历D. nature自然;但是,我可以凭我的经历告诉你,讨厌她,甚至是恨她,可也比根本不知道自己的母亲是谁那么孤独。45.B A. fragile 易碎的B. lonely 孤独的 C. hateful 憎恨的 D. anxious担心的;根据下文lonliness可知,选B。

46.D 至少你会感觉到一些东西,而我什么都感觉不到。

47.B A. whether是否B. how 怎样C. where 哪儿D. why为什么; 这种感觉会一直持续到我死去的那一刻。

48.C A. Cheerfully 欢呼地B. Eagerly渴望地C. Hesitantly 犹豫地D. Seriously严重地; 女人在那里站了好几秒钟,犹豫了一会,她慢慢地伸过手来,拿走我手上的贺卡,闻了一下

49.A A. picked out 挑出B. packed up 打包C. brought out公布D. took up开始从事;我又挑了一张漂亮的卡片,准备送给我的母亲。

50.D A. mended 修理B. exposed 揭露C. addressed 写地址D. signed签字;我把它带回家,签上名字。

【英语卷(解析)·2015届黑龙江省哈六中高三上学期期末考试(201501)】第三部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节:完形填空 (共20小题,每小题.1.5分, 满分30分)

On a weekday evening, Jane was at home as usual. As her __41__swung between what she was going to do with her life and their dinner plans for the evening, she was unexpectedly __42__by an urgent call from her sister ―Get over here! Tu rn on NBC and check these guys out. They are just like you…..‖ One facebook message and a phone interview later, Jane __43__herself on a bus with 8 strangers in the middle of the sweltering (令人发昏的)desert heat of Utah, picking up trash and __44___ awareness(意识)about zero-waste and climate change.

With a deep __45__ of the environment and a desire to make a __46__, Jane, Davey, and a group of self __47__ ―environmental pick-up artists‖ went on a coast to coast road side trash

pick-up. As they walked, sometimes only __48__0.9 miles in an entire day, they __49__ and

steadily made their way across the United States for three years, picking up a total of 201,678 pounds of trash.

Jane and Davey _50__ with us wonderful stories of hope and inspiration that fueled their __51__to continue their journey. After spending weeks silently __52__how she would have enough __53__ to fly home for their two-week spring break, Jane found a blank, unidentified envelope __54__with $850 cash in the desert. Just enough to get her home and back. After their bus __55__ outside of Denver, they unexpectedly got __56__and arrived in Yosemite National Park three weeks later, just in time for the ―Yosemite Facelift‖ where __57__from all over the state came together with a __58__of cleaning up trash all over the park.

Being at the right place at the right time became almost normal, and they realized that much of what they __59__was more than just a coincidence. Together, their team learned to simply __60__ themselves to their task, and surrender to the journey.

41. A. hands B. thoughts C. balance D. position

42. A. blamed B. frightened C. moved D. interrupted

43. A. found B. cheered C. dropped D. taught

44. A. abandoning B. raising C. shaking D. hiding

45. A. pride B. trust C. love D. fear

46. A. plan B. promise C. mistake D. difference

47. A. described B. corrected C. repeated D. discovered

48. A. driving B. covering C. riding D. fixing

49. A. slowly B. secretly C. helplessly D. frequently

50. A. heard B. read C. wrote D. shared

51. A. problems B. costs C. efforts D. choices

52. A. depending on B. replying to C. worrying about D. meeting with

53. A. time B. money C. food D. room

54. A. filled B. supplied C. decorated D. equipped

55. A. set off B. held on C. headed for D. broke down

56. A. rest B. practice C. help D. understanding

57. A. volunteers B. members C. tourists D. reporters

58. A. question B. purpose C. decision D. lesson

59. A. introduced B. expected C. examined D. experienced

60. A. turn B. limit C. devote D. compare




41.B A. hands手B. thoughts 想法C. balance 平衡D. position 位置;当她的想法在打算过什么样的生活和晚餐计划间摇摆不定时。

42.D A. blamed 责备B. frightened惊吓C. moved 移动;感动D. interrupted 打断;意外地被妹妹紧急的电话声打断了。

43.A A. found 找到B. cheered欢呼C. dropped 下降D. taught 教;简发现自己和8个陌生人坐在一辆公交车上…….

44.B A. abandoning 放弃B. raising 提升;提高C. shaking摇,抖D. hiding 藏;捡拾垃圾并且提升人们的认识。

45.C A. pride 自豪B. trust 信任C. love 爱D. fear 害怕;对环境的热爱和强烈的希望产生作用……

46.D A. plan 计划B. promise诺言C. mistake错误D. difference 差别;make a difference有


47.A A. described 描述B. corrected改正C. repeated 重复D. discovered 发现;他们把自己描述为“环保的检拾艺术家”。

48.B A. driving 开车B. covering走(完一段路)C. riding骑D. fixing 修理;他们一天走的路程只有0.9英里。

49.A A. slowly 慢地B. secretly 秘密地C. helplessly无助地D. frequently 经常地;slowly and steadily 平稳缓慢地。

50.D A. heard 听说B. read读C. wrote 写D. shared 分享;share…with 和…….分享

51.C A. problems 问题B. costs花费 C. efforts努力D. choices 选择;他们和我们分享他们精彩的故事:希望和灵感,推动他们继续前行的努力。

52.C A. depending on 依靠;依赖B. replying to 回复C. worrying about 担心D. meeting with 要去见某人;她为如何飞回家过为期2周的春节担心了几周后,发现了一个空白的、身份不明的信封,里面装有850美元现金。

53.B A. time 时间B. money 金钱C. food食物D. room 房间;空间;根据下文的_with $850 cash in the desert. Just enough to get her home and back,可推出,这里是钱。

54.A A. filled 装满B. supplied提供C. decorated 装饰;装饰D. equipped 装备;配备;钱装在信封里,故用A 。

55.D A. set off 出发B. held on 坚持,等一等 C. headed for 出发D. broke down 出故障,坏了;根据下文的three weeks later, just in time for,及时赶上,可推出他们的车坏了。

56.C A. rest 休息B. practice 练习C. help 帮助 D. understanding 理解;意想不到的是他们得到帮助并于三周后到达约塞米特蒂国家公园。

57.A A. volunteers 志愿者B. members成员C. tourists游客D. reporters 记者;来自本国各地的志愿者…..

58.B A. question 问题B. purpose目的C. decision决定 D. lesson 课;志愿者共同的目的就是清扫干净整座公园的垃圾。

59.D A. introduced 介绍B. expected期望C. examined检查D. experienced 经历;在恰当的时间,恰当的地点,一切都变得正常,他们意识到他们所经历的不仅仅是和巧合。

60.C A. turn 变得;转B. limit限制C. devote 奉献;致力于D. compare与……相比;devote oneself to…致力于



On Nov.18,1995,violinist Itzhak Perlman performed a concert at Avery Fisher Hall at Lincoln Center in New York City.

Stricken with polio (小儿麻痹症)as a child,Perlman 31 walked with the aid of two crutches(拐杖)to a chair in the middle of the stage.He carefully laid the crutches on the floor,32 one leg forward and the other underneath his chair,picked up his instrument and nodded to the 33 to begin.

But something went wrong.After only seconds of playing,one of the strings on his violin 34 .The audience immediately knew what happened and fully expected the concert to be 35

until another string or even another insrument could be found.But Perlman 36 them.He quickly calmed down,closed his eyes and then 37 the conductor to begin again.So the orchestra played from where they had 38 and Perlman played on three strings.He played 39 passion and power.All the time he worked out new fingering in his mind to make up for the 40 string.A work that few people 41 play well on four strings Perlman accomplished on three.When he finished,a(n)42 silence hung in the room.And then as one,the crowd rose to their feet and 43 wildly.Applause burst forth from every corner of the auditorium 44 fans showed deep 45 for his talent and his courage.Perlman smiled and wiped the sweat from his forehead.Then he raised his bow to 46 the crowd and said,not proudly,but in a 47 ,quiet,holy tone,―You know.sometimes it is the artist's 48 to find out how much music you can still make with what you have left.‖

Such was Itzhak Perlman.a great violinist.Playing a concert on three strings is not unlike his philosophy of life -- he 49 what he had left and still made music.And isn't that true with us?As for me I'm 50 that the world,more than ever,needs the music only you and I can make.

31.A.hopefully B.painfully C.immediately D.eventually 32.A.exposed B.exported C.expanded D.extended 33.A.conductor B.audience C.assistant D.performer 34.A.burst B.erupted C.broke D.collapsed 35.A.continued B.paused C.proceeded D.organized 36.A.confused B.amused C.concerned D.surprised 37.A.signaled B.marked C.consulted D.indicated 38.A.cut off B.put off C.taken off D.left off 39.A.with B.for C.to D.of 40.A.original B.similar C.vague D.missing 41.A.might B.should C.could D.would 42.A.awesome B.deliberate C.subtle D.evident 43.A.pursued B.cheered C.responded D.observed 44.A.before B.until C.while D.as 45.A.reputation B.impression C.appreciation D.attention 46.A.delight B.emerge C.relax D.quiet 47.A.thoughtful B.tough C.blank D.weak 48.A.status B.explanation C.responsibility D.intelligence 49.A.got accustomed to B.gave way to C.looked forward to D.held on to

50.A.convinced B.reminded C.disappointed D.informed




31.B考查副词辨析A.hopefully 有希望地;B.painfully痛苦的;C.immediately立刻;D.eventually最终;句意:他小的时候患过小儿麻痹症,所以他需要靠双拐走路。


32.D 考查动词辨析A.exposed暴露;B.exported 出口;C.expanded扩展;D.extended 延伸;句意:他小心的拄拐上来,先伸出一只来向前,再另外一只,拿起乐器,与指挥点头;根据语境可知选D项。

33.A考查名词辨析A.conductor售票员,指挥;B.audience 观众;C.assistant助手;D.performer表演者;他小心的拄拐上来,先伸出一只来向前,再另外一只,拿起乐器,与指挥点头,根据He quickly calmed down,closed his eyes and then 37 the conductor to begin again故选A项。

34.C 考查动词辨析A.burst爆发;B.erupted 喷发;C.broke打碎;D.collapsed 崩溃;句意:当弹了几秒之后,一根琴断了。根据But something went wrong出错了,可知弦断了,故选C项。

35.B考查动词辨析A.continued继续;B.paused暂停;C.proceeded行进;D.organized 组织;句意:观众立刻明白发生什么事了,以为这个演唱会要中断。根据语境可知选B 项。

36.D考查动词辨析A.confused困惑;B.amused愉快;C.concerned 关心;D.surprised 吃惊;句意:帕尔曼对此事非常的吃惊。根据He quickly calmed down他很快平静下来,可知对当时的情况感觉非常的吃惊,故选D项。

37.A考查动词辨析A.signaled发信号;B.marked 标记;C.consulted咨询;D.indicated 表明;句意:当他平静下来,闭上眼睛,然后示意指挥重新开始。Signal sb to do 示意某人做某事,故选A项。

38.D考查动词短语辨析A.cut off 切断;B.put off 推迟;C.taken off 起飞;D.left off停止;句意:乐队再一次从刚才停止的地方开始,用仅有的三根弦演奏;根据语境可知从刚才停止的地方开始,故选D项。

39.A考查介词辨析句意:他以前所未有的激情,力量进行演奏。With表示伴随,故选A 项。

40.D考查形容词辨析A.original 最初的;B.similar 类似的;C.vague模糊的;



41.C考查情态动词辨析A.might 可能;B.should 应该;C.could 能够;D.would 将会;句意:一个连四根琴弦都不一定能弹好的作品他却用三根琴弦完成了。根据语境可知选C项。

42.A考查形容词辨析A.awesome可怕的,极好的;B.deliberate故意的;C.subtle 微妙的;D.evident明显的;句意:当他完成时,面部表情非常的平静;根据语境可知选A项。

43.B考查动词辨析A.pursued 购买;B.cheered 欢呼;C.responded回应;D.observed 观察;句意:观众们站起来,热烈的欢呼。根据下方提到Applause burst forth from every corner of the auditorium掌声充满每个角落,故选B项。

44.D 考查连词辨析A.before之前;B.until直到;C.while 然而;D.as因为;句意:因为粉丝们对他的天赋和勇气表现出欣赏,所以掌声充满每个角落。根据语境可知两个句子是因果关系,故选D项。


D.attention注意;句意:因为粉丝们对他的天赋和勇气表现出欣赏,所以掌声充满每个角落。Show appreciation for 对。。表现出欣赏,故选C项。

46.D 考查名词辨析A.delight 高兴;B.emerge出现;C.relax休息;D.quiet安静;


47.A考查形容词辨析A.thoughtful体贴的,深思的;B.tough困难的;C.blank 空白的;D.weak虚弱的;句意:他鞠躬示意人群平静下来,没有一丝的骄傲,用平静虔诚的语气说到你们知道,有时候,用你仅有的一切去发现怎样创造音乐,也是艺术家的责任,故项。



49.D考查动词短语辨析A.got accustomed to习惯于;B.gave way to让路;C.looked forward to盼望;D.held on to坚持住;句意:用三根弦演奏就象他的人生哲理,他坚持自己所现有的,仍然坚持演奏音乐。根据语境可知选D项。






My class and I visited Chris Care Center in Phoenix, Arizona to comfort the old people who needed a little cheering up during the holiday season.

The first two __21__ there were for persons requiring help in taking care of themselves. We sang __22__ for them. They loved our sweet songs and the flowers that we left with them.

As we were __23__ on the third floor for old people with Alzheimer (老年痴呆症), most of them __24__ off at the walls or floor. However, one lady __25__ my eye. She was sitting by the door, in a wheelchair, singing songs to herself. They weren‘t the songs that we were singing, at least they didn‘t __26__ like that. As we got __27__ with each festive song, she did as well. The louder we got, the louder she got. __28__ she was singing, she was also __29__ out to us with her hands and body. I knew that I should have gone over to her, but I thought that my __30__ were to my students. People who worked at the care center could __31__ to her, I thought. Just when I stopped feeling __32__ about not giving her the attention she needed, one of my students, Justin, showed me what the holiday season is really about.

Justin also __33__ the same lady. The difference between us is that he __34__ on her needs, but I didn‘t. During the last song, ―Silent Night,‖ Justin walked over to her and held her hand. He looked this aged lady in her __35__and with his actions said, ―You are important, and I will take my __36__to let you know that.‖

This tired, elderly lady stopped singing and held his hand. Then she touched his cheek with the other hand. Tears began to fall down her face. No __37__can completely describe that touching moment...

It __38__a boy to teach me, a man, about kindness and love. Justin‘s example of a comple te, selfless attitude toward another was a __39__ that I will never forget. He was the teacher that day, and I consider myself __40__ to have witnessed his lesson.

21. A. rooms B. buildings C. floors D. groups

22. A. bravely B. shyly C. madly D. beautifully

23. A. dancing B. meeting C. gathering D. singing

24. A. stared B. shut C. paid D. glared

25. A. looked B. caught C. escaped D. hurt

26. A. appear B. hear C. sound D. feel

27. A. louder B. nearer C. faster D. higher

28. A. Because B. As C. Since D. Though

29. A. moving B. reaching C. coming D. spreading

30. A. interests B. abilities C. feeling s D. responsibilities

31. A. speak B. object C. attend D. compare

32. A. afraid B. sure C. guilty D. scary

33. A. feared B. avoided C. helped D. noticed

34. A. called B. acted C. insisted D. kept

35. A. tears B. hands C. eyes D. face

36. A. time B. flower C. body D. cheek

37. A. words B. poems C. expressions D. songs

38. A. took B. wasted C. caused D. made

39. A. message B. lesson C. activity D. class

40. A. clever B. foolish C. right D. lucky




21.C A. rooms 房间B. buildings 建筑C. floors 地板D. groups小组;根据第三段中As we were 23 on the third floor for old people with Alzheimer (老年痴呆症),可知这一空是前两层故答案选C

22.D A. bravely勇敢地B. shyly 害羞地C. madly疯地D. beautifully美丽地;根据后一句中our sweet songs可知我们唱着动人的歌曲。

23. D A. dancing 跳舞B. meeting遇见C. gathering收集D. singing唱歌;根据上下文可知我们在一层二层唱完之后去三楼唱歌.

24.A A. stared 凝视 B. shut 关上C. paid 付款D. glared怒目而视;因为三层的老人是老年痴呆症患者,因此当我们唱歌的时候他们看着墙或者是地板。

25.B A. looked看B. caught 抓住C. escaped逃脱D. hurt受伤;一位女士引起了我的注意。caught my eye : 引起了我的注意

26.C A. appear 出现B. hear 听说C. sound 听起来D. feel感觉;根据句意她唱的歌和我们唱的不一样,至少听起来不一样。

27.A A. louder 大声的B. nearer附近的C. faster 快的D. higher高的;根据后一句The louder we got, the louder she got.可知本句话讲当我们唱歌声音变大时,她的声音也变大了。

28.B A. Because因为B. As 当……时候C. Since自从D. Though尽管;根据句意可知当她唱歌的时候。

29.B A. moving 移动B. reaching 伸C. coming 来D. spreading传播;reach out to us with her hands :伸手去够

30.D A. interests兴趣爱好B. abilities 能力C. feelings感觉D. responsibilities责任;根据上下文可知我应该走过去,但我认为我的责任是负责我的学生,和后一句这个中心的工作人员应该照顾她。

31.C A. speak 说B. object反对C. attend参加D. compare与…..相比;attend to : 照顾

32.C A. afraid 害怕的B. sure肯定的C. guilty内疚的D. scary可怕的;根据上下文因为作者认为是中心的工作人员应该照顾她,所以本句话意思是当我不在内疚的时候…

33.D A. feared 恐惧B. avoided避免C. helped帮助D. noticed 注意;根据上下文可知Justin也注意到了她。

34.B A. called 叫B. acted行动C. insisted坚持D. kept保持;act on her needs :根据她的需要做出了行动。

35.C A. tears 眼泪B. hands 手C. eyes眼镜D. face脸;为是看故用eyes。

36.A A. time 时间B. flower 花C. body 身体D. cheek脸颊;你很重要,我会花时间慢慢让你知道的。take my time :从容不迫。

37.A A. words 话B. poems诗C. expressions表达D. songs歌;没有话可以表达我此刻的感动。

38.A A. took 花费B. wasted浪费C. caused引起D. made使;通常情况下take 后面加时间。本句中it took a boy to teach me …take在这里意为need

39. BA. message信息B. lesson课C. activity行动D. class班级;他对待别人全心全意豪不利己的态度给我上了终生难忘的一课。

40.D A. clever聪明的B. foolish愚蠢的C. right对的D. lucky幸运的;那一刻他成为了我的老



阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、 B 、C 、D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

A man wanted to make an investment (投资). An id ea struck him : ―Why don't I plant a small mango tree and enjoy the benefits when it grows into a big one?‖ So he went to the 41 , bought a small tree and took it home. To the pride of his family, he 42 it in the center of his 43 .

He read everything about 44 a mango tree. He got up early every morning, for he was determined to supply the tree with all the necessary nutrients. He watered it, 45 it with manure (粪肥),and took good care of its leaves by removing those 46 ones. He made sure the tree received enough care.

Many times he sat and 47 the beauty of the growing tree while dreaming about the 48 mangoes that the tree would 49 . His mind was always filled with the wish to taste the first fruit of the tree.

Years went by 50 … now, he had a big tree with its leaves shining and healthy, its bark healthy and hard. It was a big attraction 51 it decorated his whole garden.

Then one day he noticed a small bud (花蕾), which in a couple of days grew into a beautiful 52 . Now he could 53 wait for the fruit so he started to increase his supply of nutrients and care. Then one day the tree let out its first product — a small green fruit. The man was so 54 .

He waited for a few more weeks till the fruit grew in 55 . The day came when he decided to 56 the first fruit of the tree. He 57 the tree, picked the fruit and then came his 58 . The fruit was not like what he expected. It was hard, big and round. He was puzzled. He was sad.

Seeing this, his 59 came and asked him what happened. He told them that the fruit from his tree was not what he wanted. When the neighbours heard this, they did not know whether to 60 or comfort him, for what he planted years ago was not a mango tree. We can only reap (收获) what we plant.

41.A. city B.farm C.market D.shop

42.A. grew B.moved C.planted D.threw

43.A. garden B.house C.village D.yard

44.A. buying B.improving C.keeping D.raising

45.A. decorated B.equipped C.served D.supplied

46.A. green B.red C.white D.yellow

47.A. admired B.drew C.greeted D.operated

48.A. beneficial B.expensive C.healthy D.tasty

49.A. bear B.burst C.deserve D.make

50.A. immediately B.quickly C.narrowly D.suddenly

51.A. because B.if C.though D.when

52.A. flower B.fruit C.leaf D.nut

53.A. always B.hardly C.never D.strangely

54.A. greedy B.happy C.nervous D.sad

55.A. age B.length C.size D.width

56.A. observe B.sell C.steal D.taste

57.A. climbed B.cut C.hid D.killed

58.A. anxiety B.cheers C.disappointment D.opinion

59.A. children B.friends C.neighbours D.relatives

60.A. complain B.laugh C.motivate D.support

【答案】【知识点】B1 记叙文




41.C 考查语境化选词。city ―城市‖farm ―农场‖market ―市场‖shop ―商店‖。由后面的bought a small tree可知购买树苗应该是在―市场‖。

42.C 考查动词。grow ―种植‖move ―移动‖plant ―栽种‖throw ―扔丢掉‖。买芒果树苗回来后将其―栽‖在花园里。故选C项。

43.A 考查名词。garden ―花园‖house ―房子‖village ―村庄‖yard ―院子‖。B、C两项可轻易排除。D项易错选但根据第四段最后一句―it decorated his whole garden‖可知选A项。44.D 考查动词。buy―购买‖improve―改进提高‖keep―保持饲养(动物)‖raise ―养殖种植增加‖。此处raise a mango tree指维护、管理芒果树。故选D项。

45.D 考查动词。decorate ―装饰‖equip ―装备武装‖serve ―服务供应‖supply ―提供‖。此处是为果树施肥应使用supply A with B故选D项。

46.D 考查形容词。果树管理需要剪去老叶子——枯萎的叶子。枯萎的叶子会变黄而green leaves属于好叶子。red leaves只是有些树有一般是秋天才有也是即将死去的叶子但秋天不需要剪枝。white leaves很少见显然A、B、C三项可排除。故选D项。47.A 考查动词。admire ―欣赏赞美‖draw ―画画‖greet ―打招呼欢迎‖operate ―操作管理‖。根据接下来的―…dreaming about…His mind was always filled with the wish to taste the first fruit of the tree.‖可知那个人是经常坐在树下―赞赏‖树长得漂亮并展望着早日品尝其结的芒果故选A项。

48.D 考查形容词。beneficial―有益的‖expensive ―昂贵的‖healthy ―健康的‖tasty ―可口的美味的‖。根据句意这个人是展望早日品尝果树结的―可口的‖芒果故选D项。49.A 考查动词。bear―生育结果实‖burst ―爆裂突发‖deserve ―值得‖make ―制造‖。此处是指果树―结果实‖使用bear故选A项。

50.B 考查副词。immediately ―立即马上‖quickly ―迅速地快‖narrowly ―勉强地

狭窄地‖suddenly ―突然‖。根据接下来的―now he had a big tree‖可知这一天到来了


51.A 考查连词。because表示原因if表示条件though表示让步when表示时间。此处前后为因果关系it decorated his whole garden是原因It was a big attraction为结果故选A项。

52.A 考查名词。flower―花朵‖fruit ―水果‖leaf ―叶子‖nut ―果仁‖。根据常识可知

先是长出花蕾(a small bud)然后花蕾长成flower花粉受精后才会结出果实故选A项。53.B 考查副词。always ―总是始终‖hardly ―几乎不‖never―从不‖strangely ―奇怪地‖。can't/hardly wait for意为―等待不及‖这个人等不及要品尝芒果树结出的果实故选B 项。

54.B 考查形容词。greedy ―贪婪的‖happy ―快乐的‖nervous ―紧张的‖sad ―悲伤的‖。


55.C 考查名词。age―年龄‖length ―长度‖size ―尺寸大小‖width ―宽度‖。这个人又等了几周以便让树上的果实―长大点‖果子不像他所期盼的那样故选C项。

56.D 考查动词。observe ―观察观看‖s ell―卖‖steal―偷‖taste ―品尝‖。这个人一直期待的是―品尝‖自己栽的果树上结出的果实故选D项。

57.A 考查动词。climb ―爬上‖cut ―砍伐‖hide ―躲收藏‖kill―杀死‖。这个人感觉树上的果实应该成熟了决定―爬到树上‖去摘下来吃故选A项。

58.C 考查名词。anxiety ―焦虑‖cheers ―欢呼声‖disappointment ―失望‖opinion ―观点看法‖。根据接下来―The fruit was not like what he e xpected. It was hard big and round. He was puzzled. He was sad.‖可知这个人摘下树上的果实品尝后很是―失望‖果子不像他所期盼的那样故选C项。

59.C 考查名词。根据最后一段中的―When the neighbours heard this‖可知选C项neighbours ―邻居‖。children ―孩子‖friends ―朋友‖relatives ―亲戚‖。

60.B 考查动词。complain ―抱怨‖laugh ―笑‖m otivate ―激励‖support ―支持‖。邻居们听完这个人的诉苦后不知道是该―笑‖他还是安慰他因为他几年前栽的树不是芒果树。故选B项。



My husband and I arrived in a new country just a month ago. We were sort of 11 about what was waiting for us. However, when we 12 at the airport, a tall man with smiling eyes greeted us. The days and months were 13 made easy for us by this kind man.

He greeted us every day with his smiling face. He 14 us in going to the bank, in buying our groceries, in telling us 15 to buy almost everything. He told us he is our big brother.

16 , we watched the match in a coffee shop. During the first get-together, he 17 us that we‘ re lucky—my husband and I are 18 in this foreign land. He said he has been 19 for

eight years now because he rarely sees his family, 20 they are in his home country.

During the second get-together, he 21 told us that we are his family. He said that he loves us and that he will 22 us because he has been given a 23 of 45 days to go back to his home country. That night, he spoke these words which 24 a great impact in my life: ―You changed my life…‖

That night deep in our hearts we were 25 by our friend‘s words. We texted hi m upon reaching home, 26 him for being a Big Brother to us in the foreign land. We told him 27 that we feel safe in going out when we are with him, to which he 28 , ―You are my family here.‖

On the first week of October, we‘re going to29 him back from his vacation. We‘ll watch the football match again in that 30 shop that holds dear memories.

11. A. curious B. worried C. certain D. crazy

12. A. checked B. dropped C. landed D. settled

13. A. therefore B. instead C. anyhow D. otherwise

14. A. expected B. troubled C. comforted D. accompanied

15. A. when B. where C. why D. whether

16. A. Once B. So C. Twice D. Finally

17. A. informed B. warned C. blamed D. convinced

18. A. together B. nearby C. around D. apart

19. A. sick B. lonely C. cheerful D. scared

20. A. if B. unless C. as D. although

21. A. secretly B. jokingly C. proudly D. sincerely

22. A. remember B. miss C. forget D. respect

23. A. delay B. right C. vacation D. date

24. A. created B. designed C. solved D. received

25. A. puzzled B. touched C. astonished D. flattered

26. A. thanking B. forgiving C. repaying D. punishing

27. A. after all B. as well C. in return D. in advance

28. A. agreed B. objected C. added D. replied

29. A. see B. pick C. call D. force

30. A. book B. grocery C. coffee D. sports




11.B A. curious 好奇的B. worried 担心的C. certain肯定的D. crazy疯狂的;由情理可知当人们初到异国他乡,在举目无亲的情况下,面对陌生的环境心里是担忧的,不安的。

12.C A. checked 检查 B. dropped 下降C. landed 着陆D. settled定居;根据at the airport可知他们是乘飞机去的,所以用land―着陆,降落‖。

13.A A. therefore 因此B. instead取代C. anyhow 无论如何D. otherwise否则;从下文可知因为有了这个和善的―大哥哥‖的帮助,他们在这个新地方的生活变得很容易,所以此处表示因果关系,故选A。

14.D A. expected 期待 B. troubled麻烦C. comforted 安慰D. accompanied 陪伴。根据下文

going to the bank, in buying our groceries,可以判断作者和她丈夫是在他的陪同下购物,办理一切手续等。

15.B A. when 何时B. where 何地 C. why 为什么D. whether是否。根据语境in showing us__ __to buy almost everything.判断他指给我们去哪里买东西,此处指买东西的地方,故答案选B。

16.C A. Once 一次;一旦B. So 因此C. Twice 两次D. Finally最终;根据下文During the first get-together, During the second get-togethe可知是两次。

17.D A. informed 通知B. warned 警告 C. blamed责备 D. convinced使信服;从下文的讲述可知这位好心的―大哥哥‖独自在国外八年,通过这种对比可知因为有着丈夫的陪伴,作者深信自己是幸运的。

18.A A. together 一起B. nearby附近C. around四处D. apart分开;根据上下文可以判断此处侧重与那位好心人孤身一人在国外居住的对比,所以答案选A。

19.B A. sick 生病的B. lonely 孤独的C. cheerful 欢呼D. scared害怕;根据下文he hardly sees his family… they are in his home country.判断他是独自一人居住在国外,所以用lonely―孤独的‖,选B。

20.C A. if 如果B. unless 除非C. as由于D. although尽管;从he hardly sees his family,和they are in his home country判断前后句是因果关系,答案选C。

21.D A. secretly秘密地B. jokingly开玩笑地C. proudly 自豪地D. sincerely真诚地。由情理可知当他说He said that he loves us….的时候应该是发自内心、真诚地说,故答案选D。22.B A. remember 记得B. miss 错过;想念C. forget 忘记D. respect尊重;根据后句because he has been given a __ ___of 45 days to go back to his home country可知他要回国,由情理可知在此他表示在此期间他会想念作者和他丈夫。答案选B。

23.C A. delay 推迟B. right 权力C. vacation假期D. date日期。根据下文……from his vacation 可以判断他获得了一个45天的假期,选C。

24.A A. created 创造;造成 B. designed 设计C. solved解决D. received受到;那天晚上,他的话对我们的生活产生重大影响。

25.B A. puzzled迷惑B. touched 感动C. astonished震惊D. flattered奉承;谄媚;由上文He said that he loves us等可知这位热心人的坦诚让作者非常感动,答案选B。

26.A A. thanking感谢B. forgiving 原谅C. repaying 报答 D. punishing惩罚。在上文中作者提到这位热心人给予他们无私的帮助,由此推断作者在此是表示对他的感激,thank sb for sth/doing sth,―因……而感激‖,选A。

27.B A. after all 毕竟;终究B. as well也C. in return 回报D. in advance预先。上文作者发短信表示对这位好人的感激,所以此处再提到其他内容时可以用as well,意思是―也‖,答案选B,其他选项不合语境。

28.D A. agreed 同意 B. objected 反对C. added 加D. replied回复。根据下文―You are my family here.‖可知这是―大哥哥‖所回短信的内容,reply to ―对……做出回复、回答‖,故答案选D。

29.A A. see 看B. pick捡C. call 叫D. force从下文We ‘ll watch the football match again可知作者是去见刚刚探亲回来的这位朋友,故答案选A。

30.C A. book 书B. grocery杂货C. coffee 咖啡D. sports运动。根据上文the match in a coffee shop.可以推断他们会再次去那家有着美好回忆的咖啡店去看球赛,答案选C。




Christmas was always an amazing time in my home when l was growing up.My parents were not rich, but they were always _11 when it came to giving us presents.Every year, they 12 a Christmas Eve party and gave all the kids in the neighborhood presents 13 .One year when I was eight years old,1 was hoping that would 14 a bike for Christmas.I made it clear in every way known to my 15 .Left hints all over the place.On the Christmas morning, all the kids received presser after present.16 we got to the end of presents,1 was very 17 .There was no bike for me.I cried, "Is that all?" The moment 18 it, I knew had made a big 19.After my parents worked so hard, 20 I could complain that I did not receive a bike when I had received so many other things? My father 21 and went outside.He came back wheeling fife bicycle that they had been 22 to give me after all the other presents were 23 .At that time, I felt even 24 than before.How could ever enjoy after fiat?

My parents 25 me to think about how I felt the moment I had 26 received the bike.They told me to remember that 27 that l would never repeat that mistake and feel that way again.

In the four years after that, at fife 28 of all the presents given, my father _29 ask me what I had to say to everyone.It had become a family _30 .1 would always say, "Is that all?" But what really meant was "Thank you so much".And everyone knew that.




11.B,generous 慷慨的,我的父母不富裕,但是当给我们礼物的时候总是很慷慨,上下转折;

12.D,hold 举办,这里指的是父母每年都举办圣诞晚会,给我们礼物,也包括邻居家的孩


13.A,参照上题,as well 也;

14.C,get 得到,作者是想作为礼物得到一辆自行车,其他的都不合题意;


16.B,since 因为;由于,由于我是最后一个得到礼物的,因为我没有得到自行车,所以我


17.C,disappointed 失望的,没有实现自己的愿望,所以感到失望,参照上题;

18.C,say 表示说的内容,表示作者自己说完上面的话就后悔了;他意识到自己犯了一个大


19.B,make a mistake 犯错误,父母已经非常努力工作了,尽管我没有得到自行车,但是我


20.A,结合上题,父母已经非常努力了,我怎么还能抱怨呢?所以用how;How I could ……


21.D,get up 站起来,父亲听了我的话,站起来,走了出去;

22.B,had been planning 表示父亲一直计划给我买的自行车;

23.D,distribute 分发,在其他的礼物分发完了之后,父亲又给我的另外的礼物;


25.B,我父母让我想一想我真正得到自行车时的感受;tell sb to do sth 告诉某人做某事;

26.A,actually 实际上;真正的;

27.D,feeling 情感,他让我记住那种感受,不要再重犯那种错误;

28.C,在分完礼物之后,end 表示末尾、最终;







Roland,a carpenter in Virginia,and Sheila had three kids一two boys and one baby Jessica. The baby had been in and out of 11 for the last year because of several diseases. She was very weak and sick. The doctors were not 12 that she would live another year.

Taking care of Jessica was so costly that the family felt it hard to 13 it.

Things were hard. Roland saw no 14 at the end of this tunnel. Then he saw a(n)

15 in the newspaper:“Security guards and contract workers 16 .$100,000 a year. First$80,000 tax free.$20,000 17 for extending contract an extra year.”He called

the number. The 18 was busy,but he kept calling and finally got through. He 19

that the jobs were all taken,but they told him plenty of jobs were 20 ,available. They said,hey would give him two weeks of 21 in Texas. Then they would fly him to Iraq

for his jot).

Roland told Sheila lie had to 22 this job. He knew it was dangerous;he might get injured or killed,but the money was only too 23 .Plus·the family would have full medical benefits·,which would enable the baby to get the 24 she needed. Roland said if

he 25 the first year,he would probably 26 for the bonus and a second year.

But Sheila was worried. She asked,“What if you get killed?What are we going to do

27 you?‖

“You can't think like that,honey,”he said.“You've got to be 28 .Think about how well off we'll be in two or three 29 after I bring back all that money. This is the

best thing I can do for this 30

Sheila hugged him and sobbed.―I don‘t want you to go.‖

11. A. bed B. hospital C. sight D. time

12. A. confident B aware C.. worried D . surprised

13. A. count B. afford C. put D. face

14. A. sign B. traffic C.train D. light

15. A. advertisement B. article C. picture D. job

16. A. wanted B. employed C. found D. offered

17. A. income B. salary C. bonus D. tax

18. A. line B. telephone C. interviewer D. operator

19. A. believed B. feared C. hoped D. knew

20. A. almost B. hardly C. still D. even

21. A. thinking B. training C. holiday D. salary

22. A. take B. keep C. refuse D. offer

23. A. much B. touching C. hard D. inviting

24. A. money B. care C. schooling D. food

25. A. held B. failed C. survived D. died

26. A. hang on B. move on C. sign up D. end up

27. A. for B. beyond C. with D. without

28. A. diligent B. independent C. careful D. positive

29. A. years B. seasons C. months D. weeks

30. A. purpose B. reason C. family D. country

【答案】【知识点】B1 记叙文

【文章综述】本文是记叙文。Roland一家人幸福地生活在弗吉尼亚州,但是最小孩子Jessica 的罕见疾病让这个家庭饱受折磨,作为木工的Roland为了拯救这个家庭依然选择奔赴伊拉克战争前线。这份父爱让人感到沉甸甸的。


11.B 名词辨析。根据下文出现的diseases判断选B。

12.A 形容词辨析。A有自信心的;B清醒的;C焦虑的;D吃惊的。根据前文的very weak and sick判断选A。

13.B 动词辨析。A计算;B负担得起;C放下;D面对。根据前文的costly和hard 判断选B。







