
更新时间:2023-11-23 13:38:01 阅读量: 教育文库 文档下载


最常用功能性段落 1. 2. 3.


现象阐释 利弊分析 个人观点

On E-shopping 1. 2. 3.

当前网络购物盛行 网上购物的利与弊 你的看法


Reaching new peak of popularity in modern live is online shopping, which has attracted people from all walks of life. Specifically, it is not surprising to see young ladies ordering fashionable dresses from www.taobao.com, young men purchasing magazines from some book-selling website, and even the aged buying household appliances from the Internet.


It is indisputable that the prevalence of E-shopping has impact, be it strong or slight, on our daily live. Thanks to the marketplace on the Internet, we have more choices than ever to pay bill for gas, television or telephone without going to an office several blocks away. However, this marvelous technology is condemned by some indignant characters. According to them, with this business, no department would have a control on the quality of service or commodities.


The prevalence of E-shopping seems not unusual, but is actually a controversial issue. Indeed, with the assistance of this amazing internet-based marketplace, we can conveniently enjoy the pleasure of ordering services or commodities with but few clicks. However, there is no garden without weeds! This new technology is also blamed by some critics for its inability of having control over the quality of goods or service it offers.


In just one generation, millions of people, regardless of their status or background, have indulged in this “Online Transaction”. Scholars and social researchers from every part of the nation are singing high praise of the value of the E-Business System: convenience, efficiency, and low costs, but few have ever looked at the side effect: lack of quality assurance. Consumers who feel overcharged or underserved can hardly find a chance to complain.


Although it is not so perfect, we can never deny the convenience it brings us. We are definitely stepping into an era when all these trouble are solved and everyone, no matter he is an adult or a kid, well-educated or just normal, would enjoy the convenience which E-shopping bring us.


Not everyone can withstand the imperfection of the network-based shopping system, and some frankly declare their distaste for the Click-to-Buy process. But as a well-educated young lady, I am confident that “involution makes human, and renovation makes human life”, and that the march of time will definitely bring about the mature of online shopping system.

Celebrities Being Products’ Spokesmen

1. 2. 3.


明星代言广告可能存在一些问题; 我的看法。 第一段

Have you ever found any celebrity’s advertisements on the Internet, televisions, newspapers, magazines or on the outdoor bulletins? If so, remember, it’s nothing uncommon! In the contemporary society, it is not surprising for celebrities, or the so-called superstars, to be spokesmen or representatives for a wide variety of products.


Popular as they are, these advertisements have given rise to some problems for both celebrities and the consumers. To begin with, before representing, a star may know nothing about the product. Thus, consumers may be misled. Even worse, for the sake of money, some stars advertise for items with low quality, even for fake commodities. In the case of Sanlu, the public image of stars involved was spoiled. Last but not least, the high income of advertising does not deserve their labor, which widens the gap between the poor and the rich.


The prevalence of public character advertising seems not unusual, but it has become a social disaster. Admittedly, businessmen have the right and need to make their products household brands with the assistance of superstars’ advertising. However, some of them have broken (blow up) the moral bottom-line. Some celebrities, for their inability of judging the quality of commodities they advertise, get involved into scandal of fake-product advertising and money-oriented boasting. Consequently, the public figure is ruined and consumers are misled.


In just one generation, for millions of people, regardless of their status or background, their consuming decision has been guided by “Public Figure Advertising”. Scholars and social researchers from every part of the nation are singing high praise of the value of the social information system: efficient and persuasive, but few have ever looked at the side effect: inaccurate and misleading. Consumers who were persuaded to purchase a substandard product can neither be satisfied nor blame the spokesman – superstar in their mind.


From my point of view, it is high time that measures were taken to eliminate the demerits. Firstly, laws should be worked out to regulate celebrities’ advertising. Secondly, stars should be required to tell the truth to the public. Only by doing so can stars be trusted by their fans and can consumers benefit.


When it comes to the concrete solution to this demerit, it occurs to most people that the best policy is to punish these stars by corresponding laws. Legislation, however, is a time-consuming process, and works only on extreme cases. The key factor lies in the TV institutions, while those “superstars” are not the core of the corrupted group. Therefore, a better approach may be to take measures against these organizational “rumor producers”.


Para. 1 (第一段开头句)

1. There arises a controversial debate over whether we should … or … / X is on earth a blessing or curse. Those who are in favor

of … deem that is advisable to …. According to them, no one could … without ….

2. We often find ourselves caught in a dilemma, whether we should … or … / view X as a blessing or curse. …. 3. Whether we should … or … / view X as a blessing or curse has triggered a heated discussion. 4. Whether we should … or … / view X as a blessing or curse has become a very controversial issue. 5. As to whether we should … or … / view X as a blessing or curse, people’s views are divergent.

6. Whether we should … or … / view X as a blessing or curse is a very popular topic which is often talked about not only by city

residents but by farmers as well.

例:Whether we should read selectively or extensively is a very popular topic which is often talked not only by students but by most scholars as well.

Para. 2 (第二段开头句)

1. The arguer may be right about …., but he seems to neglect / fail to mention (take into account ) the fact that … 2. It would be nature to take the view that …., but it would be absurd to claim that ….

3. Such idea, if not entirely unreasonable / unacceptable / inappropriate / improper / undesirable, is somewhat misleading / doubtful

and needs careful consideration.

Para. 3 (第三段开头句)

1. If asked to make a choice, I would not hesitate to side with the former / latter view. 2. Taking into account all these factors, we may reasonably come to the conclusion that …

Students' Commonweal Activity

1. 目前大学生有很多机会参与公益活动;

2. 有人认为参与这些活动对学生有益,而另些人则认为会影响学业; 3. 你的看法。

In a world of increasing diversity, college students have more access to participating in commonweal activities. No better example than

the following one can illustrate this trend. On 8th, Aug. 2008, tens of thousands of young college students were organized to be volunteers of the grand event, Beijing Olympic Games, serving the athletes, referees and spectators from every part of the world.

Whether it is a blessing or curse for students to take part in such an activity has triggered a heated discussion among the general public

and students themselves alike. Some folks, longing for the corresponding trainings, deem it an opportunity for students not only to acquire practical skills, but to broaden their horizon. Sadly, others cling to the idea that it is totally a waste of time, spending a whole summer on something irrelevant to academic practice.

From my perspective, I would never hesitate to engage myself to activities like this. As a student, my sole purpose is not only to obtain

knowledge concerning my major, but to fully adapt myself to society. It is my duty to be proficient in communicating with people with different background, serving people in need and contributing my youth to my country.

The Way to Get Books

1. 书籍对学生而言是不可或缺的; 2. 有人赞成学生买书,有人赞成学生借书; 3. 你的看法。

Wind is to fire what distance is to love——风对于火,正如距离对于爱情!

Guns are to soldiers what books are to students! <1>Looking at their bookcases, we can judge whether they are qualified college

students by determining if they own sufficient materials relevant to their profession. <2>Scanning their computer, we can declare whether they are diligent students by estimating how many E-books are on their hard-disks. Indeed, books are an indispensible to any college students.

Since books are an essential part of students’ campus life, how could they get access to these reading materials, to buy or to borrow?

This question has triggered a heated discussion among us. The vast majority of us are willing to own their own books, that is, to buy. According to them, possessing these books, they can read them anytime, take them anywhere, and lend them to anyone without any limit. For some people, however, that is just an unaffordable dream. In their eyes, books are costly and one can never afford to purchase all the books he need. Therefore, they insist on making a full use of libraries and borrowing materials at low expense.

In the aggregate, the former method renders me the freedom to read, though, at a high cost, while the latter brings down my expenses

but sets up too many restrictions. As a college student, I am determined to achieve a balance between these two choices. Specifically, I would buy my favorite books and borrow the rest from either libraries or my friend.


图表作文段落功能 1、 描述图表 2、 分析原因 3、 个人建议

图表类型 1. 2. 3. 4.

Table: 数据繁杂,点到为止

Pie chart: 两种词组(consist of / be composed of)(account for / make up / take up) Column chart: 抓两端,点中间 Line chart / Line graph:

经典图表术语 1&5

adv. Slightly


gently moderately

by the least amount





in a moderate way

go upward / increase / rise / grow / ascend / accumulate go downward / decrease / drop / fall / decline / shrink

2&4 v.

shoot / jump / soar / skyrocket / leap / surge / swell collapse / slide / nose-dive / plunge


Considerably quickly




markedly sharply


significantly suddenly

alarmingly amazingly

substantially enormously steeply incredibly

by leaps and bounds by a massive leap

