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a[????], an[?????] art. 1.一(个,件,?) 2.任何?都3.每(一) 4.某,某一个:I have got a ticket. 我有一张票。/ an awful noise 一种可怕的噪音 / A bird can fly. 鸟会飞。/ We often go to school two times a day. 我们常常一天两次去学校。/ A Mr. Brown wishes to see you. 一位叫布朗的先生想见你。
【注意】1.单数可数名词若泛指,其前需加 a / an,不要从汉语习惯出发,漏掉此不定冠词(高考短文改错中常考查此知识点,许多同学在做书面表达时也常犯此错),如不能说Mr. Smith is interesting man.(需在 is后 加 an) 2.在序数词之前使用a(an),可以表示数量或序数的增加:Do you want to read it a third time? 你还想看第三次吗?
able[?????] adj.能?的,有才能的,能干的,能够的:She’s as clever and able as her sister. 她像她姐姐一样聪明能干。 【句型】be able to do sth 能做某事
【说明】比较级和最高级可以是 abler 和 ablest 或 more able, better able 和 most able,但不如前者常见。
【辨析】be able to 与 can的区别,见 can。
about[??????] prep.在附近,关于,在?周围,忙于 adv.附近,大约,转向,左右,周围:She sat up and looked about her. 她坐了起来,环顾四周。/ I had no money about me. 我身边没有带钱。/ She likes to walk about. 她喜爱四处走走。/ There were few people about. 附近几乎无人。
【句型】1. be about to do 即将,就要(不能与 tomorrow 等具体时间状语连用) 2. How [What] about…(你认为)?怎么样?
【辨析】about与on:前者指泛泛地或非正式地谈论某事,后者指比较系统、深入地论述某事:It is a book on birds. 那是一本论及鸟类的书。(可能是一本学术著作) / It is a book about birds. 那是一本关于鸟的书。(可能是一本供小孩看的关于鸟类的故事书) above[?????] prep.在?上方,过于,超出 adv. 在上面 adj. 上面的,上述的,上文的:We were flying above the clouds. 我们在云层上面飞行。/ Health is above wealth. 健康胜过财富。/ He is above doing such things. 他不至于做出这样的事来。
【辨析】above与over:over 表示垂直在上的正上方,above 则不一定表示正上方(即表示正上方时两者均可用,不表示正上方时要用 above)。
abroad[???????] adv. 到(在)国外:He has gone abroad. 他出国了。/ He has just returned from abroad. 他刚从国外归来。
【用法】1.是副词,不是形容词,不置于名词前作定语,但可置于名词后作定语:one’s recent tour abroad 某人最近的国外之行。2.是副词,不是名词,所以不说 go to abroad之类的。 accept[???????] vt. 接受,承认:Much to my regret, I’m unable to accept your kind invitation. 我不能接受你盛情的邀请, 非常遗憾。
【辨析】accept 与receive:前者指主观上接受,后者指客观上收到:He received the gift, but he did not accept it. 他收到这件礼物,但没有接受。
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accident[?????????] n.[C]事故:She was injured badly in an accident during the work. 她在一次工伤事故中受了重伤。 【短语】by accident偶然,无意中
according to[????????????] prep.按照,根据:from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs 各尽所能,按需分配 / According to my watch it is 10 o’clock. 按我的表是10点钟。
【注意】1.不能用于第一人称,即不能说according to me (us)。2.其后不能接view, opinion等表示观点或看法的词,要表示类似意思可改用in one’s opinion等。
ache[???] n. [C]疼痛 vi. 痛;渴望:Her head ached all night. 她的头整夜都疼。/ I am aching to join in the game. 我渴望参加比赛。
achieve[???????] v. 1.达到,取得 2.完成,实现:He hopes to achieve all his aims soon. 他希望尽快达到所有目标。
across[??????] prep.& adv. 穿过,在另一边,在对面:We swam across the river. 我们游到河对岸。/ Across the street from the school is the library. 从学校穿过大街就是图书馆。
act[???] n.[C]动作;举动;节目;(戏剧的)幕;法案,法令 vi.行动;产生?的效果;表演;表现;见效 vt.扮演(角色):People praised his brave act. 人们赞扬他的勇敢行为。/ Think before you act! 三思而后行!/ Does the drug take long to act? 这药要很久才能起作用吗?
【短语】act as 充当 / act for 代理,代表
active[??????] adj.积极的,活泼的,活跃的:She is very active. 她非常活跃。/ He is an active member of the club. 他是俱乐部的积极分子。 actor[?????] n.[C](男)演员:professional actor 专业演员
actress[???????] n.[C]女演员:an experienced actress有经验的女演员
actual[????????] adj. 实际的,真实的,现实的,目前的:I can not give the actual figures. 我不能举出实际数字。/ What’s the actual price? 实价多少?
add[??] vi.&vt. 加,增加,增进,补充说:“I felt sorry for her,” Bob added. “我为她感到惋惜,”鲍勃又说道。
【短语】add in 包括 / add to 增加 / add up 加起来 / add up to 加起来等于,总之就是? address[??????] n. [C]住址,通迅处 vt.向?致辞,演说,写姓名地址:What’s your home address? 你的家庭住址呢? / Write the address clearly. 地址请写清楚。
admire[???????] vt. 钦佩,赞美,羡慕:I admire her for her bravery. 我钦佩她的勇气。
【注意】其后不能接双宾语,也不接that 引导的宾语从句。
admit[??????] vt. 接纳,让?进入,承认:He admitted that it was really his fault. 他承认这确实得怪他。
【用法】后接动词要用动名词,不用不定式:She admitted having read the letter. 她承认看过这封信。
advance[????????] vi.前进,进展 vt. 推进,促进,提升,提前,预付 n.[C,U]前进,进展,进步,提升,预付款:The general commanded his men to advance. 将军命令他的士兵向前挺进。
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【短语】in advance 在前头,事先,提前 / in advance of 在?前面,比?进步,超过 / on the advance (物价)在上涨 / advance on 朝?前进
advantage[???????????] n.[C,U]优势,长处,有利条件,利益:A better education gave us the advantage. 良好的教育使我们处于有利地位。/ The advantage of the idea was its simplicity. 这个主意的优点就在于它简单明了。
【短语】have [gain, get] the [an] advantage over [of] 胜过,优于 / take advantage of 乘机利用,利用别人的弱点,占便宜
adventure[?????????] n.[C,U]冒险,冒险活动,奇遇 v. 冒险,胆敢:He lived for adventure. 他平生喜欢冒险。/ No man would adventure it. 没有人敢冒险做这种事。 【用法】表示抽象意义的“冒险”,不可数;表示具体意义的“冒险的经历或事件”,则可数。
advice[???????] n.[U]忠告,建议:Your advice was a great help to me. 你的建议对我有很大的帮助。 / I don’t know who ask advice from. 我不知道该向谁讨教。 【用法】1.不可数,不与不定冠词或数词连用,也不用复数形式,如说a piece of advice, some advice,但不说an advice, some advices。2.表示征求意见,通常用ask (for) advice;表示听从或接受某人的意见,通常用follow [take] one’s advice。
advise[???????] vt.劝告,建议:Be advised! 接受意见吧! / They will advise you what to do. 他们将给你出主意怎么办。
【用法】1.其后接动词作宾语,要用动名词,不能用不定式,即说advise doing sth,不说 advise to do sth。2.表示建议某人做某事,要用 advise sb to do sth(此时的不定式作宾语补足语);若表示建议某人不要做某事,则用advise sb not to do sth 或 advise sb against doing sth。3.后接 that 引导的宾语从句时,从句谓语要用“should+动词原形”这样的虚拟语气:We advised her that she (should) wait. 我们劝她等。
affair[?????]n.[C]事件,事情,事务,私事,恋爱事件:foreign affairs 外交事务 / school affairs 校务 / How are your affairs going? 你的情况怎么样?
afford[??????] vt. 买得起,经受得住,承担得起:I can’t afford to buy a car. 我买不起汽车。/ We can’t afford to pay such a price. 我们付不起这个价钱。
【用法】1.常与can, could, be able to 连用。2.其后可接名词、代词或不定式作宾语,若意思明确,可省略有关成分:afford to buy a car =afford a car 买得起小车 / afford the time for a holiday=afford a holiday 抽得出时间去度假
afraid[???????] adj.(用作表语)害怕的,担心的;恐怕:Don’t be afraid. 不用怕。/ He is afraid to say that. 他不敢说那事。/ I was afraid of waking him. 我担心会把他吵醒。/ I’m afraid you’re wrong. 恐怕是你错了。
【比较】1. be afraid to do sth与be afraid of doing sth:前者指害怕(不敢)做某事,而后者有两个意思,一是表示害怕做某事(此时可be afraid to do sth 互换),二是表示担心会发生某情况(所担心的情况不一定会发生,此时不能与 be afraid to do sth 互换)。2. I’m afraid not 与 I’m not afraid:前者为委婉的否定回答,意为“恐怕不?”;后者意为“我不怕”。
Africa[???????]n.非洲:Africa is a continent. 非洲是个大陆。 African[????????] adj.非洲的,非洲人的 n.[C]非洲人
after[??????] prep.在?后面 conj.在?以后 adv.在后,后来:What did you do after leaving school? 离开学校之后你干什么了? / I will tell them after you leave (have left). 你走了之后我再告诉他们。/ We arrived soon after. 我们随后就到了。
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【辨析】1. after与behind:前者指位次的先后,后者指位置的前后。2. after与in:前者以过去时间为起点,通常连用过去时态;而in 则以现在时间为起点,通常连用将来时态。但是,若表示在某一点时间之后,则只能用after(无论是现在还是过去):I’ll leave here after 6 o’clock. 我6点后离开这儿。
afternoon[???????????] n.[C,U]下午,午后:He returned in the late afternoon. 他是在傍晚时分回来的。/ This afternoon will be cloudy, turning clear. 今天下午阴转晴。 again[??????] adv.再一次,又,再:After the storm it became calm again. 暴风雨过后,天气又恢复平静无风。/ Look to it that this doesn’t happen again. 注意不要再发生这种事。
【短语】again and again 再三地,反复地 / once again 再一次
against[??????????] prep. 相反,反对,逆着,靠着,倚着:Are you for or against it? 你是支持它还是反对它? / Drug taking is against the law. 吸毒是违法的。/ It is a great joy to battle against nature. 与大自然作斗争,其乐无穷。
【注意】against 是介词,不是动词,所以不能说 Do you against?之类的。
age[????] n.年龄,时代,(用复数表示)长时间:What is your age? 你年纪多大?/ She died in 1936 at the age of 84. 她死于1936年,享年84岁。/ I haven’t seen him for ages. 我已好长时间没有见到他了。
【注意】不要按汉语习惯将“他年纪轻”说成He age is young. 可说成 He is young. ago[?????] adv.以前:That was some twenty years ago. 那大约是20年前。/ We came a week ago, since when the weather has been bad. 我们一星期前来到这里,从那时起天气一直不好。
agree[??????] v.同意,赞成,答应:She agreed to my idea. 她同意我的想法。/ I quite agree with what you say. 你所说的我很赞成。/ If you agree, so; if not, so. 如果你同意,就这样;如果你不同意,也这样。
【比较】agree to do sth 同意做某事 / agree with sb 赞成某人的意见,与某人意见相同 / agree on (upon) 对?持相同观点 / agree to 同意(某项计划、建议、安排等)
【注意】不要将汉语的“同意某人做某事”直译为agree sb to do sth,可改说agree to let sb do sth等。
agriculture[???????????] n.[U]农业,农艺,农学:United States Department of Agriculture 美国农业部
ahead[?????] adv.在前面,向前:Walk straight ahead until you reach the river. 一直朝前走到河边。
【短语】ahead of 在?之前;超过 / ahead of time [schedule] 提前 / Go ahead! 前进,有进展,继续干下去
【注意】ahead 是副词,不是名词,所以不能说 in the ahead, at the ahead等。
aim[???] n.[U]瞄准,对准 [C]目标 v.瞄准,对准,以?为目标:It is now our aim to set up a factory. 我们现在的目标是创办一座工厂。/ I aim to be a lawyer. 我要当个律师。
【用法】1.表示“瞄准”时,不可数,所以在 take aim at, take careful aim at 这类短语中没有不定冠词。2.表示“想做某事”或“以做某事为目标”,动词aim后可接不定式或接at doing sth,即aim to do sth=aim at doing sth。
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air[??] n.[U]空气,大气,天空,空中 [C]样子,神态,气氛:Birds fly in the air. 鸟在空中飞翔。/ Better let in some fresh air. 最好放些新鲜空气进来。/ He came into the room with an air of importance. 他带着一副了不起的神情走进室内。
aircraft[?????????] n.[C]飞机,航空器:There are enemy aircraft on the radar screen.雷达荧屏上出现了敌人的飞机。
【注意】单复数同形,所以不要说 five aircrafts,some aircrafts 之类的。
airport[???????] n.[C]航空站,飞机场:At the airport, the customs officers searched his case. 在机场,海关人员检查了他的箱子。
alive[??????] adj. 活着的,活跃的,充满?的,通着电流的:The fish we caught is still alive. 我们捉的鱼还活着。/ The wire is alive. 这条电线带电。
【注意】1.可用作表语,不作前置定语,但有时可用作后置定语:the greatest man alive当今伟人 2.通常不用 very 修饰,但可用 much 或 very much 修饰。
all[???] adj.全部的,所有的 pron. 全体,全部 adv. 全部地,都,更加:Are all the students here today? 今天所有的学生都到了吗? / I know that all is well with her. 我知道她一切都好。/ She is all in favor of my suggestion. 她完全赞同我的建议。/ She hated him all the more. 她更加恨他了。
【短语】all along 自始至终 / all the same 依然,仍然 / not?at all 一点也不,从来不 / all over 到处,结束 / in all 总计,全部 / above all 首先,最重要的是 / after all 毕竟,终究
allow[?????] v.允许,准许:Smoking is not allowed here. 此处不准吸烟。/ He doesn’t allow cats in the room. 他不允许猫进入房内。
【用法】可接不定式作宾语补足语,但不接不定式作宾语,即可说allow sb to do sth,但不说allow to do sth(可改为 allow doing sth)。
【辨析】allow 与 permit:permit 通常指上级、规则或法令等表示的准许,其语气较重;而 allow 通常指消极地不加反对,有时含有听任或默许之意,语气较轻。如:Nothing is permitted; everything is allowed. 一切都没明文规定可以做,但一切做了也无妨。 almost[?????????] adv. 几乎,差不多:It was almost dark when they got there. 他们抵达那里时,天几乎黑了。
【辨析】almost与nearly:almost 可用于 any 以及 no, none, nobody, nothing, never 等否定词之前,但 nearly 一般不这样用。而nearly 前可用 very, pretty, not 等词修饰,但 almost 之前不能用这些词。
alone[??????]adj. 单独的,独自的adv.独自,单独,仅仅:She watches TV when she is alone. 独自一人时,她便看电视。/ He alone knows the secret. 只有他一人知道秘密。 【短语】leave?alone 听其自然,不要去管 / let alone 至于,更不必说
【用法】用作副词表示“仅仅”时,要放在被修饰词语之后,比较:He can do it alone. 他一个人可以做此事。/ He alone can do it. 只有他能做此事。
along[?????] prep.沿着,顺着 adv. 向前,往前;一起:We walked along the river. 我们沿着河走。/ I took my brother along. 我带着弟弟。
【短语】all along一直,始终 / along with 和?一起[一道],随着,除?以外(还) aloud[??????] adv. 出声地,大声地:He read the poem aloud. 他高声朗诵那首诗。 【短语】think aloud 自言自语
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already[????????] adv.已经:I’ve already forgiven you. 我已经原谅了你。/ It is already the middle of summer. 现在已是仲夏了。/ She had already gone when I arrived. 我到的时候她已经走了。
【注意】一般用于肯定句,不用于否定句或疑问句(此时用 yet),不过有时在疑问句中也用它,用于表示惊讶(且多用于句末)。
also[???????] adv. 也 conj. 又,并且:He also asked to join the army. 他也要求去参军。/ Also, he has gone abroad. 而且,他已去了国外。 【短语】not only?but also ?不但?而且
although[???????] conj.虽然,然而:Although he was ill, he worked hard. 他虽然生病,但仍努力工作。/ I did not know that then, although I learned it later. 当时我不知道那件事,但我后来知道了。
【用法】不能按汉语习惯在主句前用连接词 but, 但可用副词yet, nevertheless 等。 altogether[???????????] adv. 完全地,总共:I am altogether on your side in this matter. 在这个问题上我完全支持你。/ Altogether there were 36 people in the bus. 在公共汽车上一共有36人。
【注意】altogether与 all together不同,后者表示“一起”、“同时”。
always [????????] adv.总是,永远:He always keeps to his promises. 他总是说话算数的。
【注意】与否定词连用构成部分否定(not always=并非总是),且只能位于否定词之后:Money doesn’t always bring happiness. 财富并不一定总带来幸福。
America[????????] n.美国,美洲:the Voice of America (VOA) 美国之音 / Columbus discovered America in 1492. 哥伦布于1492年发现了美洲。
American[?????????] n.[C]美国(洲)人 adj.美国(洲)的:American English 美国英语 / He’s an American citizen but lives in Canada. 他是美国公民,但住在加拿大。 among[?????] prep.在?中间,在(三者或三者以上)之间,?之一:They live among the mountains. 他们住在群山之中。/ Baseball is very popular among Americans. 棒球运动很受美国人的欢迎。/ She is among the best of our typists. 她是我们最好打字员之一。 【辨析】among与between:前者主要用于三者或三者以上之间,后者主要用于两者之间。 and[????????] conj.和,又;然后,接着:Let’s go and play basketball. 我们去打篮球吧。/ She read for an hour and went to bed. 她读了一小时的书,然后就去睡了。 【用法】1.用于连接两个比较级,表示“越来越”:colder and colder 越来越冷 2.用于 good, nice, fine 等之后,表示“很”、“挺”:good and fast 很快
anger[?????] n.[U]生气,愤怒 v. (使)发怒:Anger showed in his face. 他脸上露出怒容。/ His loud radio angered me. 他大声放收音机使我很生气。
angry[??g???] adj.生气的;愤怒的:He changed his mind, which made me very angry. 他改变了主意,这使我很生气。
【用法】注意其后所接介词:be [get] angry at sth 因某事而生气 / be [get] angry about sth 因某事而生气 / be [get] angry with sb 生某人的气(注:不要想当然地用be angry to sb 来表示此义)。
animal[???????] n. [C]动物,兽 adj.动物的:plants and animals 动植物(注意词序) / The lion is a wild animal. 狮子是一种野生动物。
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announce[???????] vt.宣告,宣布,发表:He announced the good news to her. 他向她宣布了这个好消息。/ He announced to her that he would go soon. 他告诉她不久就离开。
【注意】不能后接双宾语,即不用于announce sb sth,要表示类似意思可用announce sth to sb。
another[??????] adj.再一,另一,别的 pron.另一个:Please give me another. 请给我另一个。/ You’d better stay in hospital for another few days. 你最好在医院再住几天。 【用法】1.泛指不确定数目中的“另外任何一个”;若特指两个当中的另外一个,不用 another,而用the other:Please show me another. 请再拿一个给我看看(至少已看过一个)。2. 在一般情况下,其后不能接复数名词,而接单数可数名词(表泛指),但若复数名词之前有数词或few修饰,则可用它修饰:another five students 另外5个学生
【短语】one after another 一个又一个地,一个接一个地,相继地 / one another 互相,彼此
answer[??????] v.回答,答复;回信;满足于n. [C]答案;回应:Please answer the telephone. 请接电话。/ This tool will answer our needs. 这工具能满足我们的需要。
【短语】answer back 回嘴,顶嘴 / answer for 对?担保,为?的后果承担责任 / answer to 符合,适合 / in answer to 为了回答(响应),听(接)到?后就
anxious[???????] adj.忧虑的,担心的;渴望的:People all over the world were anxious to have peace. 全世界人民都渴望和平。
【用法】表示为某事担心,其后可接介词 about / for;表示渴望得到某物,其后通常接for,而不用about,当然也可接不定式:He’s anxious for [to know] the result. 他急于想知道结果。
any[????] adj.(用于疑问句,否定句等)什么;一些,任何的 pron.(无论)那些;(无论)哪一个 adv.略微,一点:Have you any money with you? 你身上带钱了吗? / I’m too tired to walk any further. 我太累了,不能再往前走了。
【用法】1.用作代词时,只能用于三者或三者以上,不能用于两者(表示两者中的任意一个,可用either),如不能说 any of my parents,但可说 either of my parents。2. 用于否定句时,只能用于否定词之后,即可说not?any,不说any?not。
anybody[????????i] / anyone[???????] pron.任何人:Hello! Is anybody here? 喂!有人吗?/ You mustn’t tell anybody about this; it’s secret. 这件事你不能告诉任何人,这是秘密。
anyhow[???????] adv.无论如何,不管怎样;随便:Anyhow, I will see you tonight. 无论如何, 今天晚上我要见你。
anything [???????] pron. 东西,任何事物,无论什么:You can’t believe anything she says. 你不能相信她说的话。/ I want something to eat, and anything will do. 我想弄点东西吃,什么都行。
【短语】anything but 绝不,并不 / if anything 如果有什么不同的话
anywhere[???????] adv.无论何处,任何地方:Did you go anywhere yesterday? 你昨天去没去过什么地方?/ You can go anywhere you like. 你可以去你喜欢的任何地方。
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apologize / apologise[???????????] vi.道歉:You might at least apologize. 你至少应该道个歉吧。/ I have come to apologize to you. 我是来向您道歉的。/ I must apologize for calling you so late. 实在抱歉,这么晚给您打电话。
appear[?????] vi. 出现,看来,似乎:It appears that he is ill.=He appears to be ill. 他似乎病了。/ There appears to be something the matter with her. 她好像出了什么事似的。 【用法】1.不及物,不能有宾语,也不能用于被动语态。2.与look, seem 后可接介词 like 不同,appear 后不接介词like。
apple[????] n. [C]苹果:the apple of sb’s eye 珍爱之物
April[???????] n.四月(略作Apr.):April fool=April Fools’ Day 愚人节(4月1日) area[??????] n. [C,U]面积,地区,区域:Teachers are in demand in this area. 在这个地区很需要教师。/ Parking is prohibited in this area. 此处禁止停车。
【用法】表示某地面积大小的方法很多,如要表示“我们庭园的面积为20平方米”,可说成:Our garden has an area of twenty square meters. / The area of our garden is twenty square meters. / Our garden is twenty square meters in area. / Our garden covers an area of twenty square meters.
argue[???????] v.争论,说服,证明:He argued for (against) the plan. 他赞成(反对)这个计划。/They always argue about [over] money. 他们总是为钱争吵。
arm[???] n. [C]手臂,胳膊;(用复数)武器 v.武装,装备:He was wounded in the arm. 他的胳膊受伤了。/ She held [took] her handbag in her arms. 她双手把手提包抱在怀里。 【短语】arm in arm 臂挽着臂 / be armed to the teeth 全副武装
army[?????] n.军队;大群:He also asked to join the army. 他也要求去参军。/ an army of bees 一大群蜜蜂
【用法】用作主语,谓语动词用单数(从整体考虑)或复数(从个体考虑)均可:The army was [were] wiped out. 这支军队被消灭了。
around[???????] prep.在?周围;环绕;大约 adv.(在)各处,(在)附近,到处,在周围:There was a wall around the park. 公园四周有围墙。/ Will you please wait around for me? 请在附近等我好吗?
arrival[????????] n.[U]到达 [C]到来的人或物:On my arrival at [in] Paris I went to see her. 我一到巴黎,就去看她了。/ Come and meet the new arrivals. 来见见新来的人。
arrive[??????] vi.到达,(时间)到来,得出(结论),(婴儿)出生,来到:He was the first to arrive. 他第一个到。/ It took a long time to arrive at a conclusion. 花了很长时间才达成一个结论。/ Her baby arrived during the night. 她的小孩是夜里生的。 【用法】不及物,后接地点,需借助介词at或in (地方较小用at,较大用in)。
art[???] n.[U,C]艺术,美术;技艺,技术;(用复数)人文学科:Art is long; life is short. (谚语)艺术长久,人生短暂。/ a work of art 一件美术品 / Language teaching is both a science and an art. 语言教学既是一门科学又是一门艺术。
article[???????] n.[C](尤指报刊杂志上的)文章;物品,物件;冠词:What does the article discuss? 这篇文章讲的是什么? / an article of clothing 一件衣服
artist[???????] n. [C]美术家:He has no wish to be an artist. 他不想做艺术家。 as[??] conj.当?的时候;由于;尽管;随着,与?一样 prep.作为,当作adv.同样,相同 pron.正如:He dropped the glass as he stood up. 他站起来时,把杯子摔了。/ This is the same as it was before. 这个与以前一样。/ As you are tired, you had better rest. 你累了,
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最好休息一下。/ As the wages advanced, so did the cost of living. 随着工资的提高, 生活费用也提高了。
【短语】as?as 与?一样 / not as [so]?as 不像,不如 / as if=as though 好像,好似 / as yet 迄今,到目前为止 / as [so] long as 只要 / as soon as 一?就 / as to 关于,至于 【用法】1.用作连词,表示“尽管”时,要用于倒装句,且倒装后位于句首的名词通常不用冠词(等于though):Child as[=though] he was, he did quite well. 他虽是个孩子, 但已干得很不错。2.用作关系代词,有两种用法:一是用于such, the same, as等之后引导限制性定语从句:Such men as(=Those men who) heard of him praised him. 听说过他的人都赞扬他。二是单独用作关系代词,引导非限制性定语从句,可放在主句之前(常译为:正如)或之后(常译为:这一点),且主从句之间一般要用逗号隔开:He was absent, as is often the case. 他缺席了,这是常有的事。
ash[??] n.灰,(常用pl)灰烬,骨灰,遗体:The house (was) burned to ashes. 房子烧成灰烬了。
【用法】表示“灰”时本来不可数,但有时可用复数形式代替单数形式,且意思不变:cigarette ash [ashes] 烟灰
ashamed[???????] adj.惭愧,害臊:I am half ashamed to do so. 这样做我有些不好意思。/ You really ought to be ashamed of that. 你实在应该对此感到惭愧。/ Not feel ashamed to ask and learn from people below. 不耻下问。
Asia[?????] n.亚洲:China is in the east of Asia. 中国位于亚洲东部。/ Our factory exports to Southeast Asia. 我厂向东南亚出口产品。
Asian[??????] n.[C]亚洲人 adj.亚洲的,亚洲人的:The First East Asian Games were held in Shanghai in 1993. 第1届东亚运动会于1993年在上海举行。
ask[????] v.问,要求;请求:Since you ask, I will tell you. 你既然问,我就告诉你。He asked to see the manager. 他求见经理。
【短语】ask for sth 请求,向?要 / ask sb for sth 请某人给某物 / ask after 问候(身体健康) / ask about 打听,查询
asleep[???????] adj.睡着的:He fell asleep during the lesson. 他在上课时睡着了。 【用法】1. 通常只用作表语,不能单独放在名词前作定语,不说 an asleep child,可改说a sleeping child。2.汉语说“睡得很熟”,英语习惯上用 fast [sound] asleep,而不说 very (much, very much) asleep。
assistant[?????????] n.[C]助手,助教,图书馆管理员:shop assistant 店员 / assistant engineer 助理工程师 / assistant manager 副经理
astonish[????????]vt.使惊讶,使吃惊:The news astonished everybody. 这消息使人人感到惊讶。/ I was astonished at [by] the news.=I was astonished to hear the news. 听到这消息我很吃惊。
at[??????] prep.在,于;向,对准;因为,由于;在?方面;(表示速度、程度、价格等)以,按:He lives at 35 Manchester Road, London. 他住在伦敦曼彻斯特路35号。/ Everybody, we begin at page 50 today. 各位,我们今天从第50页开始。/ At the news he became excited. 一听到这消息,他变得很激动。/ He bought it at (the price of) 50 dollars. 他以50美元的价格买下了它。
attack[?????] v.攻击 n.[C,U]进攻;(疾病)侵袭,发作:Wolves will not usually attack humans. 狼通常不会袭击人。
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attempt[???????] v.& n.尝试,试图:She made every attempt. 她尽一切努力。/ She attempted to get [getting] in touch with them. 她企图和他们联系上。
【用法】1.后接动词作宾语时,该动词可用不定式,也可用动名词。2. make an attempt 后接动词表示试图做某事时,该动词可用不定式或用at doing sth 的形式。
attend[??????] v.出席,参加;看护,照料,护理;注意:He didn’t attend the meeting because he was ill. 他因病没有出席会议。/ I’ll attend to the matter. 这事我来处理。/ I’m too busy. I can’t attend to you now. 我很忙,现在不能接待你。
attention[????????] n.[U]留心,注意:Please give it your attention. 请关注此事。/ He called our attention to what he said. 他提醒我们注意他说的话。
【用法】在 pay [give, bring] attention to 等短语中的 to 是介词,后接动词时用动名词:He gives all his attention to making money. 他的注意力完全集中在赚钱上。
attract[???????] vt.吸引、引起(兴趣,注意),招引:The film attracts a large audience. 这部电影吸引很多观众。/ Newton found that all masses attract each other. 牛顿发现所有的物质都相互吸引。
August[???????] n.八月(缩写Aug.):August 1 is our Army’s Day. 8月1日是我国建军节。
aunt[????] n.[C]姨,姑,伯母,舅母,婶:Aunt Polly 波莉姑妈
Australia[??????????] n.澳洲,澳大利亚:Don’t confuse Austria with [and] Australia. 不要把奥地利与澳大利亚弄混淆了。
Australian[???????????] n. [C]澳大利亚人 adj.澳大利亚(人)的:The Australians speak English. 澳大利亚人说英语。
author[?????] n.[C]作家,创造者:The book has a preface written by the author. 该书有作者写的序言。
autumn[??????] n.[C,U]秋天,秋季:In autumn the leaves change from green to brown. 秋天树叶由绿变黄。/ the Moon Festival=the Mid-autumn Festival 中秋节
average[????????] n.[C]平均(数) adj.平常的,平均的 v.平均为,求?的平均数:An average of 10 students are absent each day. 平均每天有10个学生缺席。/ What was the average temperature yesterday? 昨天的平均气温是多少? / He is just an average student. 他只是个普通的学生。/ He averages two trips a year. 他平均每年旅游两次。 【短语】above the average 中上 / below the average 中下 / on (the, an) average 平均,按平均数计算,一般地说
awake[??????] v.(awoke, awoken / awaked)醒,唤醒;使醒adj.(作表语)醒着的:The baby is awake. 婴儿是醒的。/ He is awake to the serious problem. 他已意识到了这个严重的问题。
【用法】1.用作动词时,相当于 wake up,但本身通常不与副词 up 连用。2.用作形容词时,只用作表语,不作定语;要表示“完全醒着”,不用 very 修饰,而用 wide, fully, thoroughly 等修饰。
away[?????] adv.离开;远离:My birthday is two months away. 我的生日还有两个月。 【短语】right away 马上 / straight away 马上 / far away 在远处
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baby[??????] n.[C]婴儿,幼畜,幼鸟 adj.婴儿的,微型的:She is going to have a baby. 她就要生小孩了。/ a baby elephant 小象
back[???] n.[C]背部,后面 adv.向后,回(原处) adj.后面的 v.(使)倒退:I’ll be back in a minute. 我马上就回来。/ Let’s try knocking at the back door. 咱们敲后边的门试试。 【短语】at back of 在?后面 / at the back of 在?的后面(范围之外);在?的后部(范围之内) / in the back of 在?后部 / back to back 背靠背
bad[???] adj.(worse, worst)坏的,不正确的;使人不愉快的;严重的:He’s got a bad cold. 他得了重感冒。/ Smoking is bad for health. 抽烟对身体有害。
badly[??????]adv. (worse, worst)坏地,恶劣地:I slept very badly last night. 昨天夜里我睡得很不好。/ He spoke badly of his boss. 他说他老板的坏话。
【用法】在口语中,可用于表示“迫切地”、“非常”,通常与 want, need, be in need of 等连用:He wants to come badly. 他非常想来。
bag[???] n. [C]书包,提包,袋子:a shopping bag 购物袋
baggage[???????] n. [U](美)行李:They examined all baggage at the airport. 他们在机场检查了所有行李。
【用法】不可数,没有复数形式,也不能与不定冠词、数词以及 many, few, a few, several 等词连用。若要表示行李的具体数量, 可用单位词 piece (article):five pieces [articles] of baggage 五件行李
bake[????] v.烤,烘,焙:baked chicken 烤鸡肉
ball[????] n. [C]球;舞会:He passed [threw] the ball to me. 他把球传给了我。 balloon[???????] n. [C]气球:He crossed the river in a balloon. 他乘气球过河。 banana[????????] n. [C]香蕉:a banana 一根香蕉 / three bananas 三根香蕉 bank[????] n. [C]银行,(河,海湖的)岸,堤:He lives on the south bank of the river. 他住在河的南岸。/ He put his money in the bank. 他把钱存入银行。
bargain[???????] n.[C]协议,合同;(经过讨价还价之后)成交的商品,廉价货v.议价,讨价还价;提出条件:It’s a real bargain. 真便宜。/ That’s [It’s] a bargain. 就这么说定了(或一言为定)。/ If you bargain with them they might reduce the price. 你讲讲价,他们可能会把价钱降低。
base[????] n.[C]基础,基地,根据地 vt.基于,以?作根据:This news report is based on fact. 这篇新闻报导是根据实际情况写成的。
basic[???????] adj.基础的,基本的:Now I have a basic understanding of the matter. 现在我对这事有了基本的了解。
basin[???????]n.[C]脸盆,水盆;流域:Go and get a basin of hot water. 去弄盆热水来。/ The Amazon Basin is very large. 亚马逊河流域很大。 basket[????????] n.[C]篮子:a wastepaper basket 字纸篓
basketball[????????????] n. [C]篮球 [U]篮球运动:Let’s go and play basketball. 我们去打篮球吧。/ This basketball is better than that one. 这个篮球比那个好。 bath[????] n. [C]洗澡;澡盆 v. 洗澡,给(孩子)洗澡:He had a bath and then went to bed. 他洗了个澡,然后睡觉了。/ I usually bath at night. 我通常晚上洗澡。
bathe[????] v.浸,洗,(在河或海里)洗浴,游泳 n.(用单数)游泳:Tears bathed his cheeks. 他泪流满面。/ Will you help me bathe the baby? 你能帮我替孩子洗澡吗?
【辨析】bath与bathe:前者主要指在室内“洗澡”,后者则通常指到室外的河里或湖里等去游泳:go for a bathe 去游泳
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bathroom[?????????] n.[C]浴室,(美)厕所,澡堂:The bathroom is upstairs. 洗澡间在楼上。/ She went into the bathroom and took a shower. 她到浴室去淋浴。 battle[?????] n.[C]战斗,竞争 v. 战斗,作战,竞争:He has proved his courage in battle. 他已在战斗中证明了自己的勇气。/ The sailors battled with the winds and waves.水手们与风浪搏斗。
be[?????]v.(am, is, are, was, were, being, been)是;在;成为
beach[??????] n.[C]海滩,(海,河,湖等)滨:The children are playing on [at] the beach. 孩子们在海滩玩耍。/ I spent a day on [at] the beach. 我在海滩上度过了一天。 bear[???] n.[C]熊v.忍受;载运,负荷;有,显示;怀有;生(孩子),生产(农作物或水果):He was born of a wealthy family. 他出身富门。/ Different trees bear different fruits. 什么样的树结什么样的果。
【用法】1.用于 can’t bear,意为“不能忍受”,其后接不定式或动名词均可:I can’t bear living [to live] alone. 一个人独居我受不了。2.表示“出生”时,用be born,其他过去分词用borne:He was borne by an English woman. 他是一个英国妇女生的。 beard[????] n.[C]胡须,络腮胡子:He wears [grows, has] a long beard. 他留有长胡子。
【辨析】beard 指下巴上的“胡须”,moustache 指嘴上的“胡须”,whiskers 指腮上的“胡须”。
【用法】a beard指一个人的所有胡须,而不是指一根胡须;类似地,其复数形式 beards 指的是多个人的胡须,而不是指多根胡须。
beat[????] v.(beat, beaten)敲打,(脉,心脏)跳动,打胜,打赢:My heart beat fast at the sight of him. 一看见他,我的心跳就加快。/ He beat me in maths. 他的数学比我学得好。
beautiful[??????????] adj.美丽的,漂亮的,优美的:The scenery in the mountains is very beautiful. 山里的景色非常美。/ That’s a beautiful shot. 那一枪打得真准。 beauty[???????] n.[U]美 [C]美人:She is really a beauty. 她的确是个大美人。 because[??????] conj.因为,由于:He was angry because we were late. 他很生气因为我们迟到了。
【用法】1. because与because of不同:前者为连词,引导从句;后者为复合介词,后接名词、代词或相当于名(代)词的成分(包括what从句)。2.不要将汉语中的“因为?所以?”直译为because?so?。
become[??????] v.(became, become)变得,成为;适合(某人),与?相称:She has become a doctor. 她已成为一名医生。/ This color becomes you. 这颜色适合你。 【用法】其后不接不定式表示“逐渐”,可改用come [begin]+不定式:He began [came] to like the girl. 他开始喜欢起这个女孩来。(不能用became)
bed[???] n. [C,U]床,卧床,睡觉:She lay down on her bed. 她躺在床上。 【用法】1.表示“睡觉”时,通常不用冠词或其他限定词;表示实实在在的“床”时,则可用。2.与介词in, into, out of等连用时,通常不用冠词:lie in bed 躺在床上 / get into bed 上床 / jump out of bed 跳下床
bedroom[???????]n.[C]卧室:They have a large bedroom. 他们有一间大卧室。 bee[???] n. [C]蜜蜂:He is as busy as a bee. 他忙得团团转。 beef[????] n.[U]牛肉:The beef is overdone. 牛肉煮得太老。
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beer[???] n.[U,C] 啤酒,一杯(一瓶)啤酒:Would you like a (glass of ) beer? 您要不要喝(杯)啤酒? / Three beers, please. 请来三杯啤酒。
before[??????] prep.在?前面,在?以前 conj.在?之前adv.以前:Knock on the door before you enter. 进屋之前要先敲门。/ I have never met him before. 以前我从来没有见过他。
【比较】before long 不久以后 / long before 很久以前
begin[??????] v.(began, begun)开始,着手:The bell rang for the lesson to begin. 开始上课的铃响了。/ Once you begin you must continue. 你一旦开始,便不可停下来。 【用法】1.有时用于进行时态,表示“慢慢开始”、“逐渐”:He was beginning to miss her. 他慢慢开始想念她了。2.其后接不定式或动名词均可,含义基本相同:The band began to play [playing]. 乐队开始演奏。但是,当begin 本身是-ing形式时或后接表心理活动的动词时,则只能接不定式:He began to like poetry when he was a boy. 他还是孩子时就开始喜欢诗歌。
beginning[????????] n. [C]开始,开端,起源:Of course that’s only a beginning. 当然这只是一个开头。
【短语】at [in] the beginning 起初,在开始时 / at the beginning of 在?之初,在?开始时 / from the beginning 从开始,从一开始
behind[????????] prep.在?后面 adv.在后面:He was behind the others in ability. 他的能力比其他人差。/ If winter comes,can spring be far behind? 冬天来了,春天还会远吗?
【短语】fall [drop] behind 落在后面,落后
believe[???????] v.相信,想,认为:You can’t believe anything she says. 你不能相信她说的话。/ I believe he has come. 我想他已经来了。
【比较】believe sb=相信某人的话是真的,believe in sb=相信某人为人可靠,believe in sth=相信?的存在,相信?的真实性
bell[???] n. [C]钟,铃,钟(铃)声,钟形物:He rang the bell but no one came to the door. 他按了门铃,可是没有人来开门。
belong[??????] v.属于,为?所有:They belonged to a younger generation. 他们属于年轻的一代。
【用法】1.不及物,不用于被动语态,也不用于进行时态。2.表示“属?所有”时,其后接介词to,但若表示“某物应归入(位于)?”,则后接介词 in, under, with等:The pan belongs under the sink. 锅应放在洗碗池下面。
below[??????]adv.在下面,向下 prep.在?下面:The temperature was 20 degrees below zero. 温度为零下20度。/ He was below the standard required. 他没达到要求的水平。 【辨析】below与under:under 主要表示垂直在下的正下方,而 below 则不一定表示正下方(即可以是正下方或非正下方)。
belt[????] n.[C]腰带,带 vt.系上:a waist belt 腰带 / safety belt 安全带 bench[?????] n.[C]长凳,工作台:repair bench 修理台
bend[????] v.(bent, bent)使弯腰,弯曲,专心于:He bent down [over] to tie his shoe. 他弯腰系鞋带。/ He bent his mind to the job. 他专心于他的工作。
beside[???????] prep.在?旁边,在?附近:Standing beside the table was an interpreter. 站在桌旁的是一位翻译。
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besides[????????]adv. 此外,而且 prep. 除?之外:To begin with, it is too cold. Besides, we’ve no money. 首先,天气太冷,再者我们也没有钱。/ We all agreed besides him. 除了他之外,我们也都同意。
【辨析】besides与except:besides 表示一种累加关系,意指“除了什么之外,还有?”;而 except表示一种排除关系,意指“除了什么之外,不再有?”。
best[????] adj.& n.最好的(人或物):I think it best that you should stay here. 我认为你留在这里最好。
【短语】do one’s best 尽最大的努力 / make the best of 尽量利用,善用 / at (the) best 充其量,至多 / had best 最好,应该(=had better)
better[?????] adj.较好的,更好的:Any is better than none. 有点总比没有好。 【短语】had better 最好,应该(后接动词原形)
between[????????] prep.在(两者)之间;在?中间:I sat between them. 我坐在他们两人之间。/ He had to choose between death and dishonour. 他必须在死亡和屈辱之间做出选择。
beyond[???????] prep.在?那边,晚于,超出 adv.在(往)更远处:The house is beyond the bridge. 房子在桥那边。/ The explanation you give is beyond me. 你做的解释我不懂。/ Good advice is beyond price. (谚)有益的忠告是无价之宝。
bicycle[????????] / bike[????]n.[C]自行车,脚踏车:She goes to work on her [by] bicycle. 她骑自行车上班。
big[???] adj.大的;重要的:Ours is a big family. 我们家人口很多。/ He made a big mistake. 他犯了个大错误。
bill[???] n.[C]账单,清单,法案,议案,告示,(美)钞票,纸币 vt.通告,宣布:Waiter, bill please. 服务员,买单。/ Mary won’t pay this bill. 玛丽不肯付这笔钱。/ The bill was passed. 这法案获得通过。
【用法】表示账单的数额,其后通常用介词for:The shop sent me a bill for $800. 商店给我送来了一张800元的账单。
billion[???????] num.(英,德)百亿,兆,无数(美,法)十亿:Billions of stars twinkled in the sky. 无数星星在天空闪烁。
biology[??????????] n.[U]生物学:He is a biology professor. 他是生物教授。 bird[????] n. [C]鸟,禽类:Most birds can fly. 多数的鸟会飞。
birth[????] n. [C,U]出生,诞生:The exact date of his birth is not known.他出生的确切日期无人知道。/ He is a man of low birth. 他出身低微。 【短语】give birth to 生产(小孩) / by birth 在血统上,生来,天生地
birthday[????????] n.[C]生日:Happy birthday to you! 祝你生日快乐! / Today is my grandfather’s sixtieth birthday. 今天是我爷爷的60大寿。 birthplace[??????????] n.[C]出生地,(重要事件的)发源地
biscuit[???????] n. [C] (英)饼干,(美)果料小点心:a box of biscuits一盒饼干 / They fed him on biscuits. 他们用饼干喂他。
bit[???] n.少量,一点,一些:She is a bit like my sister. 她有点像我姐姐。/ He’s feeling a bit [=a little] better. 他感觉好些了。
【短语】a bit of 一点儿,有点儿 / bit by bit=by bits 一点一点地,逐渐地
【比较】a bit 与 a little:在肯定句中两者意思比较接近,但在否定句中意思区别很大:I’m not a bit tired. 我一点也不累。/ I’m not a little tired. 我很累。
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bite[????] v.(bit, bitten)咬,迷住,(鱼)上钩 n. [C]咬,伤痛:Barking dogs seldom bite. (谚)爱叫的狗很少咬人。/ There seems to be a bite to his words. 他话里似乎带刺。 bitter[?????] adj.有苦味的,苦的;刺痛的(寒冷,风等);痛苦的;悲伤的:The medicine tastes bitter. 这药有苦味。/ She has a bitter tongue. 她说话刻薄。
blackboard[?????????] n.[C]黑板:Please look at the blackboard. 请看黑板。 blame[?????] vt.责备,谴责 n. [U]过失,责备:I don’t blame you for doing that. 我不责备你做了那事。/ He put [laid] all the blame on me. 他把一切都归咎于我。 【用法】1.下面两句结构不同,但意思相同:He blamed the failure on me.= He blamed me for the failure. 他把失败归咎于我。2. be to blame 虽为主动形式,却表示被动意义:You are not to blame for what happened. 对所发生的事不该怪你。
blanket[????????] n.[C]毯子,毛毯:Cotton blankets are generally cheapest. 棉毛毯一般最便宜。
blind[??????] adj.瞎的,缺乏理解力的:He is blind in both eyes. 他双目失明。/ The blind are leading the blind. 盲人在给盲人领路。
block[????] n. [C]大块;一组,一批;街区;阻塞vt.阻塞,拦阻:The store is three blocks away. 那家商店距此三条街。
blood[????] n. [U]血:Blood is thicker than water. 血浓于水。
blouse[?????] n. [C](妇女穿的)短上衣,女衬衫:A button of my blouse has come off. 我上衣的一个纽扣掉了。
blow[????]v.(blew, blown)吹,刮风,吹气 n. [C]打,打击:Two trees were blown down in the storm. 在暴风雨中两棵树被风刮倒。/ He gave me a blow in the eye. 他冲着我的眼睛打了一拳。
【用法】用作名词可表示“打击”,但用作动词时并无此意,如“他给我重重地一击”可译为He struck me heavily 或 He gave me a heavy blow,但不能译为He blew me heavily. blue[????] n. [C,U]蓝色 adj.蓝色的,沮丧的,忧郁的:She has got blue eyes. 她有一双蓝眼睛。/ I’m feeling rather blue today. 我今天觉得很沮丧。
board[????] n. [C,U]木板;膳食费用;委员会,董事会vt.上(船,飞机等):We will provide room and board for them. 我们将提供他们的食宿。/ Passengers checked their baggage before boarding the plane. 旅客上飞机前托运了行李。
boat[????] n.[C]小船,小艇 vi.划船,乘船:We crossed the river in a boat. 我们乘一条小船过了河。/ We shall go boating on the lake on Saturday. 我们星期六到湖上去划船。
body[?????] n.[C]身体,躯体,尸体,正文:He loves her body and soul. 他真心实意爱她。/ He does his work body and soul. 他全心全意地工作。
【说明】body是相对于精神(mind, spirit, soul)的身体以及侧重指躯体的身体,不用于指健康状况的“身体”,如“他身体健康”不能译为His body is healthy,可译为He is in good health.或 He is healthy.
boil[????] v.(水,液体)沸腾;(水)开,用开水煮;使(水,液体)沸腾:boiling water 正在沸腾的水 / boiled water 开水(已经开过的水)
bone[????] n.[C]骨(头),(鱼)刺:She is all skin and bones. 她骨瘦如柴。 book[???] n.[C]书,本子 vt.预定(房间,票等):Here is the telephone book. 电话簿在这。/ I want to book a ticket for Beijing. 我想订一张去北京的票。
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born[????] v.(动词bear的过去分词)出生 adj.天生的,生来的:I was born in 1962. 我生于1962年。/ He is a born poet. 他是天生的诗人。
borrow[??????] v.(向别人)借,借用:Can I borrow two books at a time? 我能一次借两本书吗?
【用法】1.一般不接双宾语,若要表示类似意思可用 borrow sth from sb。2.有时与一段时间连用,表示借来使用的时间:He borrowed a car from a friend for a few days. 他借朋友的车子用了几天。
boss[???] n. [C]老板,领班:Don’t call me “boss”. 不要叫我“老板”。/ He wants to marry his boss’s daughter. 他想娶他老板的女儿。
both[????] adj.两,双 pron.两者,两人,双方:Why not use both? 何不两者都用? / He speaks both English and French. 他既说英语也说法语。
bother[?????] v.& n.打扰,烦扰,麻烦:Don’t bother him to do it for you. 别去麻烦他去为你做这事。/ They didn’t bother about [with] that. 他们对那件事并不感到焦急。/ Did you have much bother (in) finding his office? 你是不是费了很大的劲才找到他的办公室?
【用法】后接动词时,用不定式或动名词均可:Don’t bother to lock [locking] the door. 别费事锁门了。
bottle[????] n.[C]瓶子 (连用the)酒 v.用瓶子装:John’s on the bottle again! 约翰又在喝酒了! / This is where they bottle the milk. 在这里他们用瓶子装牛奶。
bottom[??????] n.[C]底;末端:He is at the bottom of the class. 他在班上排名最后。 bowl[????] n.[C]碗:A bowl of hot chicken soup is good for you. 喝一碗热鸡汤对你有好处。
box[????] n. [C]箱子,盒子,匣子 v.拳击:We used boxes for chairs. 我们用箱子当椅子坐。/ They boxed (with) each other. 他们互相拳击。
boy[???] n. [C]男孩,男仆:The boy cried for help. 男孩大声呼救。
brain[?????] n. [C,U]脑子,大脑;(复)头脑,脑力:He hasn’t got much brain. 他没什么头脑。/ He has very little brains. 他没什么头脑。/ Use your brain(s). 动动脑子。/ Where’s your brains? 你的脑子到哪里去了(你怎么不动动脑子)?
【用法】表示“头脑”、“智力”等,不可数,但也可拼为 brains(仍不可数),如可说 much brain(s)或 little brain(s),但不说 many brains 或 few brains。不过值得注意的是,brain 表示此义时虽为不可数名词,但却可与不定冠词连用:He has a good brain. 他头脑好。 branch[???????] n.[C]树枝;分部,分支,部门;支流:This river has two main branches. 这条河有两条主要的支流。/ Her father is the secretary of the Party branch. 她父亲是这个党支部的书记。
brave[?????] adj.勇敢的:It was brave of him to enter the burning building.=He was brave to enter the burning building. 他敢进入那燃烧的建筑,真是勇敢。
bread[????] n.[U]面包,生计:He doesn’t just write for fun. Writing is his bread and butter. 他写作不只为了乐趣,写作是他的饭碗。
break[?????] v.(broke broken)打破,折断,打碎n. [C]休息:I admitted breaking the window. 我承认打破了窗子。/ Let’s take a short break for lunch. 我们休息一下吃中饭。 【短语】break away (from) 突然逃掉;脱离;破除 / break down 坏,失败,中断 / break in 突然进来;插嘴 / break into 强行进入;插嘴 / break out (火灾、战争等)突然发生,爆发(不用于被动语态) / break up 解散;结束;破裂;绝交
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breakfast[?????????] n. [C,U]早饭,早餐:Is breakfast ready? 早餐准备好了吗? / After breakfast it began to snow. 早饭后开始下起雪来。
【用法】1.其前通常不用冠词,但若特指,则用定冠词;若受到形容词的修饰表示具有某种特点的“早餐”,则用不定冠词:Thank you for the breakfast. 谢谢你的这顿早餐。/ After a quick breakfast, he hurried to the station. 匆匆忙忙吃完早餐,他就赶到车站去了。2.要表示“吃”早餐,英语通常用 have,有时也可用 take 或eat(但较少见)。3.at breakfast 与 for breakfast 不同: 前者表示在吃早餐或在吃早餐的时候,后者表示为早餐而吃东西:I always drink tea at breakfast. 我总是用早餐时饮茶。/ I have an egg for breakfast. 我早餐吃1只鸡蛋。(注:lunch, supper 也具有类似用法)
breath[????] n. [C,U]呼吸,气息:Let me get my breath back. 让我喘口气。/ I’ll love you as long as I have breath. 我终身爱你。
【短语】hold one’s breath 屏住气 / out of breath 上气不接下气
breathe[?????] v.呼吸:Lie down flat and breathe deeply. 平躺下,做深呼吸。/ I want to go out and breathe the fresh air. 我想出去呼吸新鲜空气。
brick[????] n. [C,U]砖块,砖形物:He built his own house brick by brick. 他的房子是他自己一砖一瓦建成的。
bridge[?????] n.[C]桥:Don’t cross the bridge until you come to it. 不要杞人忧天。 bright[?????] adj. 明亮的,明朗的,晴朗的;鲜明的;聪明的;伶俐的;美好的;有希望的:It was a bright day. 那是一个晴朗的日子。/ Her face was bright with happiness. 她喜气洋洋。/ You have a bright future. 你的前途是光明的。
bring[????] vt.(brought, brought)带来;传到;拿来;引起:What brings you here today? 今天是什么风把你吹来了? / And it will bring more trouble. 这会带来更多的麻烦。/ You are welcome to bring your wife to the party. 欢迎你带你的妻子来参加聚会。 【短语】bring about 引起,实现,导致 / bring (a)round 使改变观点或看法;使苏醒;顺便把某人带来串门 / bring back 送还,带回;使想起,使恢复 / bring down 击落或打落(飞机等);降低(温度、价格等) / bring on 带来,引起;促使成长或提高 / bring out 取出;显示出;衬托出;出版(书刊等),推出(作品等) / bring through 使渡过(困难,危机等) / bring together 使和解 / bring up 提出;培养;呕吐
Britain[???????] n.不列颠(英格兰、威尔士和苏格兰的总称),英国:In Britain police do not carry guns. 在英国警察不带枪。
British[???????] adj.英国的,英国人的,大不列颠的:British English 英国英语 / the British Museum 大英博物馆
【用法】the British 相当于名词,指全体英国人,用作主语时,谓语用复数:The British drink a lot of tea. 英国人喝很多茶。
broad[?????] adj. 宽的,阔的;广泛的;概括的;明显的:How broad is the street (river)? 街(河)有多宽? / It’s as broad as it is long. 半斤八两;彼此相同。
broadcast[???????????] v.(broadcast or broadcasted)广播 n. [C]广播,播音:The BBC broadcasts every day. 英国广播公司每天广播。
broom[?????] n. [C]扫帚:A new broom sweeps clean. 新扫帚扫得干净(新官上任三把火)。
brother[??????] n.[C]兄,弟:elder brother 哥哥 / younger brother 弟弟
brown[?????] adj.& n.棕色(的),褐色(的):dark brown 深褐色 / brown paper 牛皮纸,包装纸 / brown sugar 红糖
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brush[????] n. [C]刷子,毛刷,画笔;(一)刷v.刷,擦:He was painting with a brush. 他在用刷子刷漆。/ Give my coat a brush. 把我的大衣刷一刷。 bucket[??????] n. [C]水桶;铲斗:a bucket of milk一桶牛奶
build[????] v.(built, built)建筑(造);建设(立):They decided to build a new school. 他们决定盖一所新学校。/ We are building socialism. 我们在建设社会主义。 building[???????] n.[C]建筑物,房屋:This office building is 25 stories high. 这幢办公楼高18层。
burn[????]v. 燃烧 n. [C]烧伤;灼伤:I smelled something burning. 我闻到东西烧焦的味道。/ Dad has had his hands burned. 爸的手给烫了。
burst[?????] v.(burst, burst)(使)破裂,突然发生,爆炸 n. [C] (感情等的)爆发:She burst through the door. 她突然闯进门。/ Everyone burst out laughing. 大家都哄堂大笑。/ She burst into tears. 她突然哭了起来。
【用法】burst into和burst out都可表示突然进入某种状态或发生某种情况,但前者通常后接名词,后者通常后接动名词。
bury[?????] v.埋葬:He was buried alive. 他被活埋了。/ He buried himself in his work (studies). 他埋头于工作(学习)。
bus[???] n.[C]公共汽车:I went there by bus. 我乘公共汽车去那儿。/ He had to run to catch the bus. 他不得不跑着去赶搭公共汽车。
bush[???] n.[C]灌木丛:The hare hid itself in the bush. 野兔藏在灌木丛中。 business[???????] n.[C,U]工作,职业;生意;商店,公司;职责,本分;事务,事情:It’s time we got down to business. 我们该认真办事了(讨论实质问题了)。/ Mind your own business.=It’s none of your business. 这不关你的事(你少管闲事)。/ I’m here on business, not for pleasure. 我是来办公事,不是来玩的。
busy[?????] adj.忙,繁忙的:He is as busy as a bee. 他很忙。/ She was busy writing letters. (当时)她正忙着写信。/ He is busy with [at, in, over, about] his work. 他在忙于工作。
【注意】要表示“忙于做某事”,be busy要接动名词,不接不定式。
but [???????] conj. 但是 prep. 除了:I was going to write, but I lost your address. 我本来要写信的,可是把你的地址弄丢了。/ We had no choice but to wait. 我们除了等待之外别无其他选择。
【短语】can but 只能,只好(后接动词原形) / cannot but 不得不,禁不住(后接动词原形) / but for 若不是,要不是(通常连用虚拟语气) / nothing but 只有 / anything but 绝不,并不
butcher[??????] n. [C]肉店,屠夫 vt.屠宰(动物),残杀(人):I’m going to the butcher’s (shop). 我到肉铺去。/ They butchered the prisoners. 他们残杀囚犯。
butter[?????] n.[U]黄油,奶油:A pound of butter, please. 我要一磅黄油。 button[?????] n.[C]纽扣,(电铃等的)按钮 v.扣(纽扣):A button of my blouse has come off. 我上衣的一个纽扣掉了。
buy[???] v.(bought, bought)购买:Buy whichever is cheapest. 买最便宜的。/ He bought me a bike.=He bought a bike for me. 他给我买了辆自行车。
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by[???] prep.靠近,经过;在?时间,在?旁,(指时间)不迟于,(用于被动语态)被,(表示方法,手段)用;由(指交通工具等)乘,用adv.在附近,经过:Sit by me. 挨着我坐吧。/ The thief was caught by the police. 小偷被警察抓住了。/ He came here by water, not by land. 他是从水路来的,不是从陆路来的。/ He came in by the back door. 他从后门进来。/ She held the child by the hand. 她抓住小孩的手。/ I shall have finished the work by the time you come back. 你回来时,我会已经把工作完成了。/ They are paid by the hour. 他们所得报酬按小时计。
bye(-bye)[???????] interj.(口语),再见,回头见,再会:Bye! See you tomorrow. 明天见。/ She waved her hand to say good-bye. 她挥手告别。
cabbage]. 她买了两棵卷心菜。
cabbage[???????] n. [C,U]卷心菜,洋白菜:She bought two cabbages [two heads of café[?????] n.[C]咖啡馆,餐馆:It was very quiet in the cafe. 在咖啡店很安静。 cage[?????] n.[C]笼,鸟笼,兽槛:She loosed the bird from the cage. 她把小鸟放cake[????] n.[C,U]蛋糕,饼:It’s a piece of cake. 这很容易(这是小菜一碟)。 call[????] n. [C]叫,喊;(一次)电话,通话 v.称呼,取名;呼唤,叫喊:The moment I have finished I’ll give you a call. 我一干完就给你打电话。/ He called a taxi for me. 他为我叫了出租车。/ Get out before I call the police. 滚开,否则我叫警察。 【短语】call for 去取(某物),去接(某人);要求,号召 / call at 访问(某地) / call in 召来,召集 / call on 拜访(某人) / call away 叫走;转移(注意力等) / call back 唤回;回电话 / call off 叫走,转移开;取消 / call (up)on sb to do sth 叫(请)某人做某事,号召某人做某事 / call out 大声叫(喊),召唤 / call up (给?)打电话;想起
calm[????] adj.镇静,沉着;风平浪静的 v.(使)安静,镇定:The sea was calm after the storm. 经过这场风暴后,大海平静下来了。/ The crying child soon calmed down. 哭闹的小孩不多一会就安静下来。
camera[???????] n.[C]摄影机,照相机:The camera clicked and their picture was taken. 照相机“卡嗒”一声照下了他们的相片。
camp[????] n.[C]野营,营地 v.(使)扎营:Those who are going camping please gather at the gate. 要去露营的人请在大门口集合。
can[???????]v.& aux. (could)能够,可以,可能,会 n.[C](美)罐头,听头,一罐之量:Difficulties can and must be overcome. 困难能够而且必须克服。/ He drank four cans of beer. 他喝了四罐啤酒。
【用法】1.表推测时,通常只用于否定句和疑问句,一般不用于肯定句。2.若对过去可能已经发生的情况作推测,不能只用can的过去式could,而应后接动词的完成式:She can’t [couldn’t]have left so soon. 她不可能走得这么早。
Canada[???????] n.加拿大:Canada is north of the United States. 加拿大在美国的北面。
Canadian[??????????] adj.加拿大(人)的 n.[C]加拿大人:She’s Canadian, but her Chinese is excellent. 她是加拿大人,但她的汉语非常出色。
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candle[??????] n.[C]蜡烛:Man’s life is often compared to a candle. 人生常被喻为蜡烛。/ burn the candle at both ends 过分浪费精力(财产等)
cap[???] n.[C]帽子;(管,瓶等的)盖:It’s a nice cap. 那是一顶好看的帽子。 capital[????????] n.[C]首都(府),省会;大写字母 [U]资本,资金:Please write your name in capitals [in capital letters]. 请用大写字母写你的名字。/ He has enough capital to build another factory. 他有足够的资金再建一家工厂。
captain[???????] n. [C]陆军上尉,海军上校;船长,(足球队)队长:We chose him (as) captain. 我们选他当队长。
car[???] n. [C]小汽车;火车车厢;(电梯,缆车等的)厢,舱:He entered [got into] the car and drove (it) home. 他进了小汽车就开车回了家。
card[????] n. [C]卡片,名片;请柬;纸牌:Could you please give me your card? 请给我一张你的名片好吗?/ This is my identity card. 这是我的身份证。
care[???] n.[U]小心,谨慎,注意;关怀,爱护,照料 v.忧虑,烦恼喜欢,想要;介意,在乎,关心,忧虑:Please do this with care. 你做这事时请格外小心。/ I don’t care to play football. 我不喜欢踢足球。/ Would you care for a drink? 你想喝一杯吗? 【短语】care about 关心,担心 / care for 喜欢,愿意,照看,爱护,关心,担心 / take care (of) 当心,小心,照看
【用法】用作名词时,不可数,所以在 take good care of 这类表达中,不要在take 后误加不定冠词。
careful[???????] adj.谨慎的,小心的,仔细的:Be careful not to fall off the ladder. 当心别从梯子上掉下来。/ I hope you will be more careful of [about] your health. 希望你更注意身体。/ You should be careful in operating this machine. 操作这部机器时要小心。
【比较】be careful (in) doing sth 与be careful to do sth:前者指做某事时很小心或仔细,后者指小心地去做某事。
careless[???????] adj.粗心的,漫不经心的:Careless driving cost him his life. 漫不经心的开车使他丢了性命。/ He’s careless of [about] his appearance. 他不修边幅。 【比较】1.以下两句结构不同,但含义相同:It was careless of you to leave the room unlocked.= You were careless to leave the room unlocked. 你没有把门锁上真是太粗心(太大意)了。2.be careful in doing sth与be careful to do sth:前者指做某事时很粗心,后者指粗心地做了某事(不定式为结果状语):He was careless to make some mistakes. 他很粗心,结果出了些错。/ He was careless in typing the letter. 他打印这封信时很粗心。 carpet[???????] n.[C,U]地毯;像地毯铺的东西:She laid a carpet on the floor. 她在地板上铺了地毯。
carrot[??????] n.[C,U]胡萝卜:grow carrots in the garden 在菜园里种胡萝卜 carry[?????] v.运送,搬运,携带:He offered to carry my bags. 他主动要帮我提行李。/ These bags carry easily. 这些包便于携带。
【短语】carry away 带走,冲走;使非常兴奋或失去自制力 / carry off 拿走;获奖;成功在应付 / carry on 继续(下去),进行(下去) / carry out 进行,完成;履行,实现,执行 / carry through 成功地完成;帮助渡过难关
cart[????] n.[C](二轮运货)马车,(二轮或四轮)手推车,大车
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express[????????] vt.表达,表示:I don’t know how to express myself. 我不知道怎样表达自己的意思。
expression[??????????] n.[C,U]表达;词句;表情:Her feelings at last found expression in tears. 她的感情终于通过眼泪发泄出来。/ His face was without expression. 他的脸上毫无表情。
extra[???????] adj.特别的,额外的 adv.特别地,非常地 n.[C]另收费用的项目,附加费用:We are willing to do extra work though we are not paid for it. 虽然不给报酬,我们也愿多干些分外的工作。/ He was extra glad to see us. 他见到我们高兴极了。/ They charge extra for wine. 喝酒他们另外收费。
extremely[???????????] adv.极其,非常:I’m extremely sorry. 我非常抱歉。 eye[??] n. [C]眼睛,视力,眼光,观点:I saw it with my own eyes. 那是我亲眼看到的。/ He’s keeping an eye open for a better job. 他正在留意一个更好的工作。
a face (at) 做鬼脸,装怪相,做苦脸(=make faces) / pull [wear] a long face 愁眉苦脸的样子,板着面孔 / save (one’s) face 挽回面子
face1[????] n.[C]脸,面孔:She had a worried look on her face. 她脸上有一种忧虑【短语】face to face (with) 面对面 / in (the) face of 面对,不顾 / lose face 丢面子 / make
face2[????] v.面向,面对:Other problems also had to be faced. 还需面对其他问题。/ My house faces the park. 我的房子面对公园。 【短语】be faced with 面临 / face up to 大胆面向
fact[????] n.[C]事实,实际:It is a fact that smoking is a danger to health. 吸烟危害健康,这是事实。
【短语】in actual fact 事实上 / as a matter of fact 事实上 / in fact 事实上,实际上 factory[????????] n.[C]工厂:The factory produces cars. 这家工厂生产小汽车。 fail[????] v.失败,不及格:He’ll surely fail. 他必定失败。/ He failed (in) his English examination. 他的英语考试不及格。
fair[???] adj.公平的,合理的;尚好的;晴朗的 adv. 公平地,公正诚实地 n. [C]商品交易会:That’s a fair comment. 那是公正的评价。/ a world’s fair 世界博览会 fairly[??????] adv.公道地,相当地,还算:He told the facts fairly. 他实事求是地叙述这些事实。/ That is a fairly easy book. 这是一本相当容易的书。
faith[????] n. [U]信仰,信念,相信;保证,诺言:Faith can move mountains. 精诚所至,金石为开。/ I have faith in his ability. 我对他的能力有信心。
fall1[????] n.&v.(fell, fallen)落下,跌倒;倒下,下降:The price of food has fallen. 食品价格下跌了。/ Be careful not to fall off the ladder. 当心别从梯子上掉下来。 【短语】fall behind 落后,掉队 / fall in love with 爱上? / fall off 跌落,下降 / fall over 跌倒,倒下
【辨析】fall 与drop:见drop。
【用法】在少数短语中可用作连系动词,后接形容词:fall asleep 入睡 / fall ill 生病
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fall2 [????] n.(美)秋季:in the fall of 1988 1988年秋天 / He entered college last fall. 他去年秋天上大学。/ These leaves turn yellow in the fall. 这些叶子秋天变黄。 false[??????????] adj.假的,虚伪,捏造的:false hair 假发 / His story proved false. 他讲的情况事实表明是假的。
familiar[????????] adj. 熟悉的,常见的:We are familiar with his character. 我们了解他的性格。/ These tales are familiar to Chinese children. 这些故事对中国小孩而言是听惯了的。
【比较】We are familiar with the saying. 我们熟悉这条格言。/ The saying is familiar to us. 这条格言我们熟悉。
family[???????] n. [C]家,家庭,家族;子女:What’s his family name? 他姓什么? 【用法】若视为整体,则为单数;若考虑其个体,则为复数:My family is very large. 我的家庭是个很大的家庭。/ My family are all tall. 我全家人的个子都很高。
famous[???????] adj.著名的,有名的:Her dream to enter a famous university came true. 她要进入名牌大学的梦想实现了。
【用法】后接介词as和for意义不同:接as表示“作为?而出名”,接for表示“因?而出名”:He is rather famous as a writer. 他是位著名作家。/ France is famous for its wine. 法国因其葡萄酒而出名。
fan[???]n. [U]扇子,爱好者 vt.扇;煽动;激起:a film [movie] fan 影迷 / electric fan电风扇 / The breeze fanned her hair. 微风吹拂着她的头发。
far[???] adj.& adv.(farther, farthest; further, furthest)远的(地);很,极,太:If winter comes, can spring be far behind? 冬天来了,春天还会远吗?
【短语】as far as 像?一样远 / by far ?得多,最(加强比较级,最高级) / far from 远离,决非,完全不 / so far 到目前为止(一般和完成时连用)
【用法】用作副词时,可修饰动词、比较级、最高级(=by far)、副词too(太)、介词短语:This story is far more interesting. 这个故事有趣得多。/ He speaks English far better than I. 他说英语比我好得多。/ He was at the station far too early. 他去车站去得太早。 【辨析】farther与further:见further。
farm[????] n.[C]农场,农庄:He works on the farm. 他在农场工作。 farmer[??????] n. [C]农场主,农夫:fruit farmer果农
farther[??????] adj.& adv.较远,更远(far的比较级):We went no farther than the bridge. 我们走到桥头就不再往前走了。 【辨析】farther与further:见further。
fast[?????] adj. 快的,(钟表)走得快的;紧的adv. 快地;紧地:I’m afraid my watch is fast. 我的表快了。/ You’re driving too fast. 你车开得太快。
fasten[??????] v. 闩;栓住;捆;系:Fasten your seat belts! 请系上安全带! 【用法】1.用于本义,表示把某物系于另一物上,通常与介词to连用:He fastened the ox to a tree. 他把牛拴在树上。2.用于引申义,表示“注视”、“集中注意力于”等,则通常与介词on [upon]连用:He fastened his eyes (up)on the stranger. 他的眼睛盯着这个陌生人。
fat[???] adj.肥胖的,多脂肪的n.[U]脂肪,油脂:The doctor told him to stay away from fat foods. 医生要他不要吃油腻的食品。
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father[??????] n.[C]父亲:father and mother 父母 / Father’s Day 父亲节
fault[?????] n. [C,U]过错,缺点,故障,毛病:It’s not my fault. 这不是我的错。/ Your only fault is carelessness. 你惟一的缺点是粗心大意。
【短语】at fault 有错,有责任,有毛病 / find fault (with sb) 找(某人的)缺点
favour(美favor)[??????] n. [C]恩惠,帮助 [U]好感,喜欢:May I ask you a favor? 我可以请您帮个忙吗?
【短语】in favor of 赞成,支持 / in one’s favour 对某人有利
【用法】1. do sb a favour 意为“帮助某人”,也可说成 do a favour for sb,注意其中的动词do不能换成give。2. 在do sb a favor中,当favor后用作定语的不定式或of doing sth时,其前的不定冠词通常要改为定冠词。
favo(u)rite[?????????] adj.最喜爱的n.[C]最喜爱的人或物:My favourite sport is skiing. 我最喜欢的运动是滑雪。David’s a great favourite with his teacher. 大卫是他的老师最为喜欢的学生。
fear[???] n.&v.害怕,恐惧,担心:He was shaking with fear. 他害怕得直发抖。/ Children fear dogs. 小孩怕狗。
【短语】for fear of 由于怕,以防 / in fear of 害怕,担心
【用法】1.后接动词可用不定式或动名词:He fears to tell [telling] her what happened. 他害怕告诉她所发生的事情。2.fear sb与fear for sb不同:前者指害怕某人,后者指为某人担心。
feather[?????] n. [C]羽毛:His death is as light as a feather. 他的死轻如鸿毛。 February[?????????] n.二月:February is the shortest month of the year. 二月是一年最短的一个月。
feed[????](fed, fed) v. 喂(养),饲(养),供养;吃:Sheep feed mostly on grass. 羊以草为主食。/ He fed the horse on potatoes. 他给马喂土豆。
feel[????] v.(felt, felt)摸,触;感觉:Ice and snow feel cold. 冰雪摸着是冷的。/ Do you feel sure about it? 你能对这有把握吗? / He felt them to be right. 他认为他们是对的。
【说明】feel like 是常用短语,其后可接名词或动名词,表示“感到想要(做某事)”、“摸起来好像”、“(感到)像是?的样子”:I don’t feel like going to the movies. 我不想去看电影。/ It feels like silk. 这东西摸起来像丝绸。/ I feel like catching a cold. 我像是感冒了。
feeling[???????] n. [C,U]感觉;知觉;(常用复)感情:I have a feeling he’ll come. 我觉得他会来。/ I worry about whether I hurt her feelings. 我担心是否伤了她的感情。 fellow[??????] n.[C](口语)人,家伙,小伙子,同伴:fellow workers同事 / Poor fellow! 可怜的家伙!/ He’s a nice fellow. 他是个很好的人。
fence[????] n.[C]篱笆,栅栏:The fence kept the dog in the yard. 栅栏把狗圈在了院子里。
fetch[????] v.取来,带来;去取:It’s time to fetch the children from school. 是把孩子们从学校接回来的时候了。
【用法】可带双宾语,若双宾语易位,通常用介词 for 来引出间接宾语,即fetch sb sth=fetch sth for sb。
fever[??????] n.[C,U]发烧,发热:She has a slight fever. 她有点儿发烧。
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few[????] adj.& pron.少数(的),不多(的) n.(表示否定)几乎没有:Who has the fewest mistakes? 谁的错最少?/ Only a few of the children can read. 孩子们只有几个能阅读。 【辨析】few与a few:两者均用于表示数量,连用或代替可数名词(必须用复数),前者表示数量很少甚至几乎没有,强调“少”,含有否定意味;后者表示数量虽不多,但毕竟还有,强调“有”,含有肯定意味。
field[?????] n.[C]田地;领域;场地;牧场:in the fields 在田地里
fierce[????] adj.凶猛的;猛烈的:He was frightened of the fierce dog. 他让这只凶猛的狗吓怕了。/ Because there is so much unemployment, the competition for jobs is very fierce. 由于失业如此众多,求职的竞争十分激烈。
fifteen[?????????] num.十五:The water was fifteen feet deep. 水有15英尺深。 fifth[????] num.第五:Two fifths of the students are girls. 五分之二的学生是女孩。 fifty[??????] num.五十:He got married in his fifties. 他50多岁才结婚。
fight[????] v.(fought, fought)打仗,打架;与?打架n.[C]战斗,斗争:The children fought with snow-balls. 孩子们打雪战。
figure[?????] n.[C]数字;外形,图形,塑像,画像 v.描绘;计算;估计:She has a five figure income. 她有五位数的收入。/ She has a trim figure. 她身材苗条。/ You can figure on him to be on time. 你可以指望他准时来。
fill[???] v.装满,充满,满,填充:Her eyes filled with tears. 她眼睛里充满了眼泪。 【短语】fill in 填充,填写,填满 / fill up 填写,填满,装满
film[????] n. [C,U]影片,电影;胶卷(片):The film begins at two o’clock. 电影两点钟开始。/ Please buy a roll of film for me. 请给我买一卷胶卷。
final[???????] adj.最后的 n.(复数)决赛,期末考试:Is that your final offer? 这是你最后的报价吗? / When do you take your finals? 你什么时候参加期终考试?
find[?????] v.(found, found)找到,发现;感到;查明:He found her crying in the corner. 他发现她在角落里哭。/ He found the city much changed. 他发现这个城市发生了巨大的变化。/ We found him to be dishonest. 我们发现他不诚实。 【短语】find out 查明,弄清
【用法】1.可接双宾语,若双宾语易位,用介词for引出间接宾语:Please find me my key.=Please find my key for me. 请给我找到我的钥匙。
finger[??????] n.[C]手指:She wore a gold ring on her finger. 她的手指上戴了枚金戒指。/ His fingers are all thumbs. 他笨手笨脚。
finish[??????] v.结束,完成:It’s a pity (that) he didn’t finish college. 真遗憾他大学没毕业。
【短语】finish off [up] 吃完,吃光;做完,结束
【用法】后接动词时不用不定式,而用动名词,且该动名词要用一般式,不用完成式:There was a deadly silence after she finished speaking. 她说完话后是一片沉默。
fire[????] n.[C,U]火,火灾,火炉 v.开火,射击;解雇:There is no fire without some smoke. (谚)有火就有烟。/ In case of fire, ring the bell. 如有火灾,按铃。 【短语】catch fire 着火 / on fire 着火 / set fire to 放火烧 / make [start] a fire 生火 firm[????] n. [C]公司,企业:a printing firm 印刷公司
firm[????] adj. 坚固的,坚定的;坚决的,严格的adv.牢牢地,坚定地:The teacher was firm and did not change her mind. 老师很坚决,他不改变主意。
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first[?????] num.第一 adv.& adj.第一,最初 n.开始,开端:You’ll be the first to speak. 你将第一个发言。/ It’s the first time she has driven a car. 这是她第一次开车。 【短语】at first 起初,开始时 / first of all 首先,第一
fish[???] n.[C]鱼 [U]鱼肉vi.捕鱼,钓鱼:Do try this fish. 请尝尝这鱼。/ Let’s go fishing. 我们去钓鱼吧。
fist[????] n.[C]拳头:He hit me with his fist. 他用拳头打我。
fit[???] v.(使)适合,(使)符合;安装 adj.适合的,恰当的;胜任的;健康的 n.适合;合身(的衣服):Does the coat fit? 上衣合身吗? / I hope you’ll keep fit. 希望你身体保持健康。
【用法】表示“适合做某事”,可用be fit to do sth,此时若主语与不定式有动宾关系,不定式可用主动式也可用被动式:They are not fit to eat [to be eaten]. 它们不适合食用。
five[????] num.五:five senses 五官
fix[????] vt. 使固定;确定,决定;准备,安排;修理:He fixed a picture to the wall. 他往墙上贴了张画。/ Have you fixed (on) the date for the meeting? 你们确定了开会的时间吗? / We are going to have the TV fixed. 我们要请人把电视机修好。 flag[????] n. [C]旗,标志:the national flag 国旗
flash[????] v.闪亮,(使)闪现 n.[C]一闪,闪光;转瞬间:His eyes flash with anger. 他眼中冒出怒火。
flat[????] adj.平的,扁平的;平坦的;平展的 n.[C]公寓,一套房:Lie down flat and breathe deeply. 平躺下,作深呼吸。/ The flat is on sale. 公寓出售。
flight[?????] n.[C]航班,飞行;楼梯的一段:Did you have a good flight? 乘机旅行愉快吗?/ My room is two flights up. 我的房间要上两段楼梯。
float[?????] v.(使)浮动,(使)漂浮,飘动:Wood floats on water. 木头漂浮在水上。/ They floated down the river. 他们沿河向下游漂去。
flood[????] vt.淹没,使泛滥,充斥 n.[C]洪水,洪灾:Much of the land was flooded. 很多土地被水淹了。/ The floods are going down. 洪水正在消退。
floor[????] n.[C]地面,地板;楼层:He lives on the fifth floor. 他住在5楼。 flour[?????] n. [U]面粉,粉:rice flour 米粉
flow[????] vi.流,流动:Water flows through the pipe. 水从水管中流过。
flower[??????] n. [C]花:The rose is my favourite flower. 玫瑰是我最喜欢的花。 fly[????] n.[C]苍蝇 v.(flew, flown)飞,飞行,乘飞行旅行,使飞,放(风筝等):We can either fly there or go by train. 我们可以坐飞机去也可坐火车去。
follow[??????] v.跟随;(表示时间,顺序等)接着;遵循,理解:Summer follows spring. 春天之后是夏天。/ But worse was to follow. 但更坏的情况还在后头。
fond[????] adj.喜爱的,爱好的:She became very fond of her. 她变得非常喜欢她。 【用法】表示“喜欢做某事”,be fond 后接of doing sth,不接不定式。 food[????] n.[U,C]食物:This food tastes sweet. 这种食品是甜的。
【用法】通常不可数,但若表示某种特殊种类的食物,则可数:breakfast foods 早餐食物 fool[????]n. [C]傻子,蠢人v.愚弄,欺骗:He is not such a fool as he looks. 他并不像他看起来那么傻。/ He fooled me into going with him. 他欺骗我,要我跟他去。
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