Section B 2a—3b Self check 初中八年级下册英语教案教学设计课

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Why don’t you talk to your parents? Section B(2a-3b) 教学设计

Unit4 Section B (2a-2e) 教学设计


1. 语言知识目标

(1)能掌握以下单词:compete, typical, skill, typical, compare,

compare…with, continue, crazy, push, development, cause.


1. Why don’t they just let their kids be kids?

2. Although it’s normal to want successful children, it’s even more

important to have happy children.

2. 情感态度与价值观

了解中西方家长对待孩子参加课外活动和课外辅导班的态度与做法,了解同学们生活和学习中的苦恼,辩证的去看待生活学习中的苦恼, 并学会自己减压。







2 教学难点






Step 1 warming-up

1)Introduc e Dalong to the class and enjoy a video of Dalong’s crazy weekend.

2) Talk about what Dalong’s after-school classes and Dalong’s opinion of these activities.

3)Lead the class to talk about if they have some after-school classes to take. (Purpose:get the students interested in the class and lead in the topic of this period)

Step 2 while reading

Task 1. Skim the whole passage and find out the answer to the following question. What is the common problem for Chinese and American families?

A. Chinese and American students are relaxed.

B. Children have to take so many after-school classes.

(Purpose: During this time of reading, the teacher introduces reading strategy 1—skimming to teach the students how to skim a passage to get the main idea of a passage.)

Task 2. Guess the meaning of the words in bold. Try to choose the right


(Purpose: During this time of reading, the teacher introduces reading strategy 2-- Guessing the Meaning to teach the students how to guess the meanings of words with the help of the context.)

Task 3. Read para.2 and 3 and fill in the table.

(Purpose:students should be aware that different people have different opinions about after-school classes )

Task 4. Read para.4 and choose the right answer.

(Purpose:read the doctor’s opinion about after-school classes and prepare for the next step )

Task 5. Group discussion

Who do you agree with? Why?

A---I agree/disagree with Linda. Al though it’s important to…, it’s more important for kids to...

B--I agree/disagree with Cathy,because it's important for kids to... ,so that they can….

(Purpose:After reading different opinions about after-school classes, let the students talk about their own opinions on this matter. )

Step 3 After reading

This is a special task. Students are supposed to Work in groups and write the letter to Dalong to cheer him up.

Step4 Homework

Interview the people around you about after-school classes, and write a report on it.

