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M: ________________________ , Madam ? W: Yes , I’m looking for a sweater. M: ________________________? W: Size M.

M: ________________________? W: I want a warm color.

M: Let me see what colors I have … oh , how about the red one ? W: Hmm…It looks too bright . ____________________________? M: How about the brown and the orange one ?

W: Well , I prefer the orange one. Is it made of wool or cotton? M: _____________________. W: _____________________? M: $190.

W: Oh, it’s a bit expensive , but I’ll take it.

2 W: Hi ,Peter ! M: Hi ,Susan !

W: ________________________________?

M: We went to a place where the weather is always warm.

W: Is it Mexico or Japan ? M: ________ . It’s Hawaii.

W: ______________________________? M: No. I went there with my friends. W: ______________________________? M: Did you have a good time ?

W: Well , the first day was great. We went to the beach and went swimming.

M: _____________________________.

W: Yeah .But on the second day it started to rain. M: Oh.

W: It rained and rained for 5 days. M: _____________________________!


W: Hi ,David ,______________________________? M: Hi ,Wang Mei .I’m not doing much.

W: Great. I’d love you to come to our party at Peter’s house. It’s for Lucy .Tomorrow is her birthday.

M: Thanks , _____________! ___________________? W: At eight pm. Do you know how to get there ?

M: Sure. I have been to Peter’s house ,behind the cinema ,it’s

next to the Century Park. W: Quite right.

M: ____________________________? W: One small present will be OK.

M: Oh, I see. _____________________________?

M: Let me see. Besides us , Tom ,Tony , Lisa and our English teacher will come.

M: ______________________________!


M: Excuse me . _____________________________________? W: Sure .Go along this street until you see the library on your left ,turn left and keep walking. The post office is just behind the library.

M: ___________________________? W: Yes .It’s across from the supermarket. M: _____________________________?

W: No, you needn’t .You can walk there .It’s not far. M: __________________________. W: My pleasure.


M: Hi,Rose ,__________________________. W: Hi ,Bill . I’m busy with the exam. M:








now ._____________________?

W: Yes. My sister is coming for a visit , and we’d like to go to the

beach. But the hotels are so expensive in this season. M: Then ,camping might be a good choice. W: Camping ? ___________________________. M: Oh ,you’ll like it. It’s cheaper and closer to nature.

W: __________________! It’s a good way to forget our school

work for a while.

M: Right. _______________________________. W: Thanks for your suggestion.


W: _______________________________________? M: I think the most important invention is the light bulb. W: ___________________________?

M: Because we can not see anything in the dark without it. W: _____________________________? M: Thomas Edison , a great American inventor. W: ________________________?

M: He was born on February 11 th ,1847. W: _____________________? M: He died in 1931.

W: But I think the most important invention is the telephone and

the computer. M: Why do you think so ?

W: Because they make us communicate easily.

7 W: ___________________________? M: I’ve been to a park.

W: ________________________?

M: I found that the visitors throw rubbish into the lake nearby .The

lake has become very dirty. Lots of fish have died. W: ____________________! What did you do then ?

M: I took a bottle of water and some dead fish to the leader of the


W: __________________________?

M: He said that they would do something to solve the problem.



Last Sunday , my parents l___?___ for London on

b____?__. I had to stay at home for two weeks by m__?___ . I used to be a___?___ of the dark , so I t__?___ on all the lights in the evening . I keep the lights on in my bedroom the w__?___ night. My mother u__?___ to wake me up every morning , but now she isn’t at home. So I have set my a_?____ clock at 6:30 before g__?___ to bed .My mother used to wash clothes for me. She told me I could s___?__ the dirty clothes to the l__11____ . But I didn’t want to do that. Look! I’m w__12____ my clothes now.


One summer , a library in Texas in the United States was

h__1___ a big problem. The books in the library i__2____ fast but there was not enough room to hold them. They had to be m___3___ to a newly built library across the town. E__4____ had been ready. Then the heads of the library found out that they hadn’t left enough money to move their mountain of books across the town .Even the c__5_____ moving company would ask for s__6____ thousand dollars to have books packed into boxes and moved .What could they do ? F___7____ one clever librarian had an idea .She said that the

move would take all summer and the library would be closed d__8____ that time. Why not ask everyone to come to borrow 20 ,40 ,or even 100 books ? At the e___9___ of the summer they could r__10_____ them to the new library .The idea worked s____11___ .Not only d___12__ the library save much money ,but also people read many books.


Failure is what often happens. It is e__1____ in our life .Students may f___2__ in exams ,scientists may fail in their research work ,and players may fail in competitions. Although failure h___3___ to everyone , different people’s attitudes t___4____ failure are different.

Some people don’t think that their failure is an important thing at all. So they pay no a____5____ to it .As a r__6_____ ,they will have the same failure later .Some people think they t__7_____ are fools and lose their h___8____ in everything after they get a failure .Then they spent their time and energy on useless things .At last ,they may really be fools as they have thought.

Other people are quite different from these two kinds of people m__9_____ above . I___10___ of being hopeless and

lost , they d___11___ a lesson from every failure and become more e__12______ . After hard work ,they will be successful in the end .So we should draw a lesson from every failure and become more experienced.


Little Tommy was doing very b__1___ in math. His parents had t__2___ everything—tutors, cards, special learning centers—in short, everything they could think of. Finally they took Tommy to a catholic school.

After the first day, little Tommy came home with a very s__3____ look on his face. He didn‘t kiss his mother h_4____. Instead, he went s_5____ to his room and started s__6____. Books and papers were spread out all over the room and little Tommy was hard at work. His mother was s___7____. She called him down to dinner and as soon as he finished e___8_____, he went back to his room, w__9____ a word. In no time he was back hitting the books as h___10__ as before. This went on for some time, day after day while the mother tried to understand what was h__11_____.

Finally, little Tommy b___12___ home his r___13___ card. He q__14____ put it on the table and went up to his

room and hit the books. His mom looked at it and to her surprise, little Tommy got an A in math. She went to his room and asked, “Son, what was it? Was it the nuns?” Little Tommy looked at her and s___15___ his head,“No.” “Well then,” she asked again. “What was it?”

Little Tommy looked at her and said, “Well, on the first day of school, when I saw that man nailed to the plus sign , I knew they weren‘t j____16__.”


It was M__1____ Day, but the young mother was

a little u___2____, because she was 800 miles away from her parents. In the morning she p__3___ her mother to wish her a happy Mother's Day, and her mother told her about the beautiful lilacs (丁香) in the g__4_____.

Later that day, when she told her husband about

the lilacs, he said, \want. Get our children Peter and Lily, and come on.\went, d__6____ down the country roads.

There on a small h__7____, they saw a lot of beautiful purple lilacs, The young woman ran q___8____ to enjoy the flowers. Carefully, she p___9___ a few here and a

few there. On their w__10____ home there was a smile o__11____ her face.

When they were p__12_____ a nursing home , the young woman saw an old granny s___13____ in a chair. She had no children w___14___ her. They s___15___ the car and the young woman walked to the old woman, put the flowers i__16_____ her hands, and smiled at her. The old granny thanked her again and again. She smiled h____17___, too.

When the young mother came back to her car, her children asked her, \our flowers to her?

\Day, and she has no children. I have all of you, and I s___18____ have my mother. Just think how much those flowers m__19____ to her.\


A___1___ her husband had g___2___ to work. Mrs. Richards s___3__ her children to school and went u____4___ to her bedroom. She was too e___5___ to do any housework that morning, f__6____ in the evening she

was going to an i___7___ fancy dress party with her husband. What she wanted to play was a terrible genie and she had made that special dress of h__8___ the night before, she was a__9____ to try it on. Though the dress was just a big p___10___ of old cloth which was red ,green, black and white , it w__11___ be very effective to make her like a red genie. After p_12____ it on, Mrs. Richards went d____13___. She wanted to find out w__14____ it would be c___15____ to wear.

Just as Mrs. Richards was e__16_____ the dinning- room, there was a k__17___ at the door. She thought that it must be the baker. She had told him to come s__18___ in if ever she f___19___ to open the door and to l___20___ the bread on the k____21__ table. Now not w__22____ to frighten the poor man, Mrs. Richards quickly h___23___ in the small storeroom under the stairs. She h___24___ the front door open and a man came in. When Mrs. Richards r___25___ that it was the man from the Electricity Board who had come to r___26__ the meter. She tried to e_27____ the m__28_____, saying 'It's only me', but it was too late. The man let out cry and jumped back several paces. Then he ran a__29____ the door behind him with

great force and noise.


A long time ago, there was a h__1___ apple tree. A little boy l__2___ to come and play a___3___ it every day. He c___4___ to the tree top, a___5___ the apples, took a nap under the shadow .He loved the tree and the tree loved to play w__6___ him. T__7___ went by ... The little boy had g__8___ up and he no l___9___ played around the tree every day.

One day, the boy came back to the tree and he looked s__10___. \the boy. \anymore.\The boy r___11__ , \want t___12__. I need money to buy them.\you can p__13___ up all my apples and s__14_____ them. So, you will have money.\got all the apples on the tree and l__16____ happily. The boy never came back after he picked the apples. The tree was sad.

One day, the boy came back and c___17__ all the branches off the tree to play with .One hot summer

day , the boy r__18____ again and cut the tree trunk to make a b__19___ to go s__20____ .The tree was g___21___ to see him happy but the boy n__22___ came back since then. The tree was again l__23___ and sad.

Finally, the boy a___24____ after he left for so many years. \can’t give you a__26____ . The only thing l__27____ is my dying roots,\the tree said with t__28____. \a place to r__29____. I am t__30___ after all these years,\the boy r_31____. \to lean on and rest. \glad and smiled with tears ...

This is a story of e__32____ one. The tree is our p_33____. (When we were young, we loved to play with Mom and Dad ...When we grew up, we leave them ... only come to them when we need something or when we are in trouble.) No matter what h_34_____, parents will always be there and give e__35_____ they can to make you happy.


One day a l__1___ girl f___2__ two weak birds while she was w__3___ in the woods. She t___4__ them home

and put them in a small cage. She f__5___ them with love and the birds g__6___ strong. E___7___ morning they greeted her w__8____ a beautiful song. The girl loved them very much and wanted their singing to last f___9___.

One day the girl left the cage’s door o___10___. The larger and s___11___ of the t__12___ birds flew out of the cage. The girl watched w___13___ as it circled(盘旋) high above her. She was a__14____ that it would f__15___ away and she would n___16___ see it again. So when it flew close, she grasped(抓) at it wildly. She was very happy that she h__17___ it tightly within her h__18____! S___19___, she felt something had h__20____ to the bird. She opened her hand and was s___21___ to find the bird was d___22___. Her love for the bird k_23___ it.

She noticed the o__24___ bird j__25____ in the cage. She could feel that it wanted to be f___26___. It hoped to fly into the clear, blue s__27___. She lifted(举起) it from the c__28___ and flew it into the air. The bird circled once, twice, three t____29__…

When the bird was f__30____ happily in the sky, she was so glad. Just then the bird f___31___ closer and sat softly on her s__32____. It sang the s___33____ song she

had ever heard.

The fastest way to l__34____ love is to hold it tight; the b___35__ way to keep love is to let it fly!


When I was a t____1___, my family was p___2__. What I ate, w___3____ and used were always the w___4___ in my class. I felt sorry about my life. I kept q____5____ in class and didn’t study hard. The f___6___ of inferiority was with me all the time and I even wanted to e___7__ my school life.

I w__8____ to my mother’s workplace to see her one

day . She was m___9____ a bike there. Most of the workers were m___10____ . My mother was one of the two w___11____ workers. Near my mum I found a p_12_____ of tennis rackets and a box of cucumber slices. I asked the other woman about the tennis rackets and she t___13___ me. “Your mother usually asks me to play tennis with her. She wants to k__14_____ slim.” I asked my mother w__15____ she kept some cucumber slices. She said that she used them to c__16___ her face and make her look y___17___ and more beautiful.

I couldn’t say a w__18____ . H_19_____ optimistic

my mother was! Although life was h__20___ , she never thought of g____21__ up. I sat for a while and then went b__22___ to school. I studied hard and went to c____23___ two years l___24____.


Monty was the son of a horse trainer. When he was in his n__1___ grade, he was asked to write a p__2____ about what he wanted to be and do when he g__3____ up.

That night he wrote a seven-page paper s____4___ that someday he’d o___5___ a horse ranch (牧场). He wrote about his dream in great detail and he e___5___ drew a picture of a 200-acre ranch with all the buildings.

He put a great deal of his h__6____ into the project and the next day he h__7____ it in to his teacher. Two days later he r___8___ his paper back. On the front p__9____ was a large red F with a n___10___ that read, “See me after class. ”

The boy w__11___ the dream went to see the teacher after class and asked, “W___12___ did I receive an F?”

The teacher said, “This is an unrealistic d___13___

for a young boy l___14___ you. You come from a poor family. Owning a horse ranch r___15____ a lot of money. You have to buy the land. You have to p___16___ for other things. There is no w__17____ you could ever do it.” Then the teacher a__18____, “If you rewrite this paper with a more realistic goal, I will reconsider your g___19___.”

The boy went home and thought about i___20___ long and hard. He asked his father what he should do. His father said, “Look, son, you have to make up your own m__21____ on this. However, I think it is a very important d_____22___for you.”

F___23____, after sitting with it for a week, the boy turned in the s___24____ paper, m___25___ no c___26____ at all. He said to the teacher, “You can keep the F and I’ll keep my dream.

