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Part I Listening Comprehension ( 33 minutes )

Section A

Directions: In this section, you will hear several conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. 1.

A) She wants to find a house. B) She wants to look for a house.

C) She hopes to have some information on advertisement.

D) She hopes to advertise her house for renting. Script: Man: Hi, Regal Real Estate Agents. Can I help you? Woman: Yes, please. I am looking for some tenants for my house and I was hoping you could advertise it for me. Question: What is the purpose of the woman?

正确答案: D 2.

A) Friends.

B) Landlady and potential tenant. C) Landlord and potential tenant. D) Teacher and Student.

Script: Woman: Good. Now let’s get down to the serious stuff. What have you got in the kitchen? A fridge, of course. Man: Yes, a fridge, and there’s a dishwasher.

Question: What is the possible relationship between the two speakers?

正确答案: C 3.

A) 0164326455. B) 0176423455. C) 0173423544. D) 0173426455.

Script: Man: Could I have your telephone number, please? Woman: Sure, 01734 26455.

Question: What is the correct number?

正确答案: D 4.

A) He got a broken arm when he was 16. B) He got a broken leg when he was 17. C) He got a sprained ankle when he was 17. D) He got a twisted wrist when he was 16.

Script: Woman: Fine, now, let’s get some of your medical background. Have you ever had any serious illness or accidents? Man: A broken leg I got playing football when I was 17. I was in the school team.

Question: What is the medical background of the boy?

正确答案: B


A) He is keen on the project.

B) He is busy going on with the project.

C) He wants to talk with the woman about the project. D) He is fine.

Script: Woman: Hi, Martin, how are you getting on with your project? You’ve got to give the seminar on Friday, haven’t you?

Man: I am getting on fine. It is just so interesting! Do you want to hear about it?

Question: What is the man’s attitude towards the project?

正确答案: A

Questions 6 to 8 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

Script: Man: Am I too late for the opening ceremony? Woman: No, it’s just starting. The runner is just coming into the Olympic Village with the torch.

Man: Oh, this is so exciting! I love the Summer Olympics. Track and field, gymnastics, swimming — I can’t wait!

Woman: Oh, here come the athletes from each country, with their flag-bearer in front. Look at all those gold, silver, and bronze medalists.

Man: Isn’t it funny that that country only has one competitor?

Woman: No way! Can you imagine the honor you’d get as the only athlete from your country that’s of Olympic caliber? I’d trade places with her any day.

Man: This schedule says that the track and field events begin tomorrow.

Woman: Yeah, but those are just the qualifying heats. The real races don’t start for three days. What’s that? Man: My flag. I’m cheering on the U.S. team. Woman: From the living room? Man: Sure, why not? It can’t hurt, can it? 6.

A) Swimming. B) Track and field. C) Gymnastics. D) Wrestling.

Script: What is not mentioned by the man as his interested


正确答案: D 7.

A) Right after the ceremony. B) Tomorrow. C) In three days.

D) The day after tomorrow.

Script: When will the real races of track and field begin?

正确答案: C 8.

A) In the stadium. B) At the ceremony. C) In the living room. D) In the track and field event.

Script: Where will the man cheer for the American team?

正确答案: C

Questions 9 to 11 are based on the conversation you have

just heard.

Script: Woman: Hey, what are you listening to?

Man: Right now I’m listening to the Foo Fighters? the latest album. There are some really good tracks on this CD, including their new single.

Woman: Let me see your iPod for a minute. It looks like you’ve got a ton of good stuff loaded up. I like Gwen Stephanie, too, and what’s this? Shakira? I had no idea you were a fan of hers.

Man: I think she’s a really talented singer and songwriter. And, well, she’s attractive, too.

Woman: Yeah, I bet. Let’s see. You’ve got some great jazz and blues standards here, too. Charlie Parker, Duke Ellington, and Billie Holiday. This one is a live recording, and these are compilations. You’ve got their greatest hits, too. I never knew you were such a jazz fan.

Man: Yeah, I like all kinds of music. Now, where are you going with my iPod?

Woman: I thought I would just borrow it for a little while. Man: Yeah, right. Hand it over. I’ve got to download my favorite podcast.


A) She is a friend. B) She is a playwright. C) She is a fan of music. D) She is a singer.

Script: What can be inferred about Shakira?

正确答案: D 10.

A) Classic. B) Jazz. C) Pop. D) Rock and roll.

Script: What kind of music does the man have in his iPod?

正确答案: B 11.

A) He is going to listen to his latest album. B) He is going out with the girl.

C) He is going to download some podcast. D) He is going to give his iPod to the girl. Script: What will the man do next?

正确答案: C

Section B

Direstions:Listen to three short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. All the recordings will be played once only. After you hear a question, please choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D).

Passage One

Questions 12 to 14 are based on the passage you have just heard.

Script: Today we explore the ballet version of one of the most popular stories ever told. Throughout history,

in cultures around the world, the story of Cinderella has remained a favorite. We tell about the music Russian composer Sergei Prokofiev wrote for his version of “Cinderella.”

And, we visit the artistic director of the Washington Ballet as he and his dancers work together to perform this famous ballet.

Her name may be Yeh-shen, Cendrillion or Aschenputtel. But her story is always about a caring young woman who overcomes her difficult family life with the support of a magical helper. This helper makes the dreams of Cinderella come true. And, by the end of the story Cinderella is repaid for her goodness when she marries the man she loves.

One of the earliest versions of the story comes from ninth-century China. Yeh-shen talks to a magic fish, which makes her wishes come true. The Algonquin Native American version is about Rough-Face Girl, whose kindness and inner beauty win the love of an invisible warrior spirit.

The seventeenth century French writer Charles Perrault included another version in his book, Tales of Mother Goose. His version is one of the most famous. Cinderella lives with her father’s second wife and the woman’s daughters. Cinderella’s stepmother and stepsisters are

unkind to her and make her do all the work in the house while they prepare for a party given by the ruling prince.

Cinderella’s fairy godmother gives her beautiful clothes to wear to the party. She magically turns a pumpkin and mice into a carriage pulled by horses so Cinderella can go to the party. But, the godmother warns Cinderella that she must return home by midnight, when all of her magical belongings will turn back into their normal forms. After the party, Cinderella hurries home but leaves her shoe behind. This glass slipper helps the prince search for and find Cinderella so that they can marry and live together happily ever after. 12.

A) Yeh-shen. B) Cendrillion. C) Ascheputtel. D) Joanna.

Script: Which of the following names is not mentioned as a foreign version of Cinderella?

正确答案: D 13.

A) She is a magic spirit who helps the poor to have a better life.

B) She is a young girl who overcomes her difficult family life with the support of a magical helper.

C) She is a princess who is killed by an evil queen and later saved by a prince.

D) She is a fairy with a kind heart and can talk to a fish. Script: What can be inferred about Cinderella from the passage?

正确答案: B 14.

A) 16th century. B) 17th century. C) 18th century. D) 19th century.

Script: When was the most well-known version of Cinderella written?

正确答案: B

Passage Two

Questions 15 to 17 are based on the passage you have just heard.

Script: The world experienced a global grain crisis between 2007 and 2008. These years saw grain prices soar, and exports drop, causing social unrest and famine in many parts of the world.

The most recent global grain crisis began in June 2007. By March 2008, global grain prices had risen by 40 percent. The global food reserve was only sufficient to last for 53 days. In April 2008, the International Monetary Fund released a stern warning that sharp rises in food prices could trigger war.

To reserve more grain, many countries made policy changes. Morocco cut its wheat import tariff from 130 percent to 2.5 percent. The European Commission suspended most tariffs on grain imports. Cambodia and Egypt banned rice exports altogether. Vietnam and India, the world’s second and third biggest exporters of rice, both raised prices and lowered exports. The panic for grain triggered turbulence in many areas

in the world. A UN report revealed 1 billion people were in famine, or on the brink of famine in 2008.

But what’s puzzling is that global grain output didn’t see a drop, as might be expected. The annual grain output reached 1.6 billion tons between 2007 and 2008, up 5.7 percent year on year. Analysts say grain used for energy that’s increasing overall grain consumption. The amount of grain used to fill a car’s gas tank is enough to feed a person for a year. Global warming and its effects, including more frequent floods and drought, have also impacted the world’s grain production. 15.

A) Grain prices went up. B) Exports fell.

C) Social unrest was caused. D) Famine all over the world.

Script: What result is not mentioned about the global grain crisis?

正确答案: D 16.

A) Morocco increased its wheat import tariff. B) Cambodia stopped exporting of rice. C) Egypt sold a lot of grains to other countries. D) Vietnam lowered prices and increased exports. Script: Which one of policy changes of the many countries is correct?

正确答案: B 17.

A) The global grain output has increased. B) The grain is used for feeding animals. C) The global warming has its effects. D) The floods and drought never occur. Script: What may be the cause of the grain crisis?

正确答案: C

Passage Three

Questions 18 to 20 are based on the passage you have just heard.

Script: People around the world celebrate the coming of a New Year. The celebrations include parties and religious observances. Many people take part in special activities said to bring good luck and success in the New Year. Ancient Romans observed New Year’s Day on March 1st. Later, Roman leaders made January 1st the beginning of the year. One thousand years ago, parts of Europe started the year on March 25th. By the year 1600, many European nations agreed on a new system to measure time. It is called the Gregorian calendar. This calendar moved New Year’s Day to January 1st.

January 1st is an important day in Greece. It is both the beginning of a New Year and Saint Basil’s Day. Saint Basil was a leader of the early Greek Orthodox Church. Stories say he would come in the night and leave presents for children in their shoes. Many children leave their shoes out by the fireplace in the hope that Saint Basil will visit them.

Other European countries have New Year’s traditions. In Belgium, for example, children write messages to their parents on colorful pieces of paper. The children read the messages to their families on New Year’s Day.

In Spain, everyone must have at least twelve

grapes ready on the final day of the year. One grape represents each month in the year. As the New Year begins, a person puts a grape in his or her mouth each time the clock rings. Each piece of fruit is said to bring good luck and happiness in the New Year. The New Year is celebrated in a big way in Japan. Japanese people often begin by cleaning their homes in late December. Some people hang long ropes across the front of their home. This is supposed to keep bad spirits away.

Not all countries celebrate the New Year at the same time. This is because people in different areas have different ways to measure time. Some systems are based on the movement of the moon. Others are based on the position of the sun. Still others are based on both the sun and the moon. 18.

A) On January 1st. B) On February 1st. C) On March 1st. D) On December 1st.

Script: When was the New Year’s Day first celebrated in ancient Rome?

正确答案: C 19.

A) Everyone must have at least 12 grapes ready. B) Everyone is given a piece of cake.

C) Many children leave their shoes out by the fireplace. D) Children write messages to their parents on colorful paper.

Script: What is the tradition of New Year celebration in Belgium?

正确答案: D 20.

A) It is for decoration purposes. B) It is for keeping devils away. C) It is for memorizing the ancestors. D) It is for keeping the house quiet.

Script: Why do some Japanese hang long ropes across the front of their home?

正确答案: B

Section C

Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks with the exact words you have just heard. Finally, when the passage is read for the third time, you should check what you have written.

Girls in the United States are more educated, socially connected and empowered (授权) than ever, but that is not the case for many of their (21)_________________ in developing countries who still struggle to attend school, see a doctor or to (22)_________________ meaningful roles in their communities.

However, a campaign for girls, by girls, is out to change that. Betsy Cribb was one of more than 300 girls who came to New York City to kick off the Girl Up Campaign.

\a for-girls-by-girls campaign,\she says. %uses American girls' (23)_________________ and energy to raise awareness for girls in the developing countries and really give them a voice because they don't have the opportunity to speak for themselves.\

The campaign is (24)_________________ by the United Nations Foundation, a charity that supports U.N. causes. Its (25)_________________ , Elizabeth Gore, says Girl Up is off to an exciting start.

\would (26)_________________ it as walking into a room with the most passionate (热诚的) young girls from all





backgrounds, working together and really learning about girls globally,\says Gore. \only did they really want to understand the statistics — like one in four girls unfortunately experience (28)_________________ before they are 18 or one in seven girls are married in developing countries before the age of 15, and they were just so blown away by that — but they really wanted to know stories about these girls. They wanted to understand, are they like them? Do they like boys? Are they going to school?\ Now,







