
更新时间:2023-08-16 06:51:01 阅读量: 教学研究 文档下载


英语的数词除基数词外,还有dozen, score, hundred, thousand, million, billion, trillion七个。它们除了表达基本的数目和顺序外,还有一些特殊用法,涉及到用单数还是用复数,与不与介词连用,与不与定冠词the连用等,本文对它们的用法作七点分析总结。



湖南怀化广播电视大学 湖南 怀化 418000

【摘 要】英语的数词除基数词外,还有dozen, score, hundred, thousand, million, billion, trillion七个。它们除了表达基本的数目和顺序外,还有一些特殊用法,涉及到用单数还是用复数,与不与介词连用,与不与定冠词the连用等,本文对它们的用法作七点分析总结。


英语的数词由基数词one至 nineteen, 以及twenty至ninety组成,共二十七个。除了这二十七个基数词外,还有七个表示整数的特殊数词,它们分别是dozen(十二),score(二十), hundred(百), thousand(千), million(百万), billion(【美国、法国】十亿 ,【英国、德国】万亿), trillion(【英】百万兆,一百万的三次幂,【美】万亿,兆,一千的四次幂)。称这七个数词为特殊数词,是因为它们除了表达基本的数目和顺序外,还有一些特殊用法,涉及到用单数还是用复数,与不与介词连用,与不与定冠词the连用等,本文对它们的用法作七点分析总结。这七个词中,billion和trillion用法与其它五个词相同,但很少用,故本文不为它们举例。


He had come half a dozen times to call upon his sister.他来看望他姐姐已有六七次了。

Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation conceived in Liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.(亚伯拉罕·林肯,葛底斯堡演讲)八十七年前,我们的先辈在这个大陆上创立了一个新的国家,它孕育于自由之中,奉行一切人生来平等的原则。

英语的数词除基数词外,还有dozen, score, hundred, thousand, million, billion, trillion七个。它们除了表达基本的数目和顺序外,还有一些特殊用法,涉及到用单数还是用复数,与不与介词连用,与不与定冠词the连用等,本文对它们的用法作七点分析总结。

I can give you a hundred reasons for not going. 我可以给你列出一百条不去的理由。

About three million workers were on strike. 大约有三百万工人参加了罢工。

He was prepared to pay two million(dollars). 他愿意支付200万(美元)。


He planned to buy dozens of reference books.他计划买几十本参考书。 I've seen this phenomenon hundreds of times.这种现象我看见过好几百次。

The sun was shining. Thousands of people were lying on the beach. 阳光灿烂,数以千计的人躺在海滩上。

She won the lawsuit and received millions of dollars in compensation. 她赢了这个官司,获得了几百万美元的赔偿。

The city subways carry hundreds of thousands of passengers a day. 市内的地下铁每天运载数十万乘客。

Hundreds of millions of people across the world held their breath. Each one was anxiously watching a tiny robot on their TV screen. 全世界数亿人都屏住呼吸,焦急地注视着电视屏幕里的微型机器人。

这些不具体、确切的数量前还可以加上a few, some, several, many等表示不具体、确切数目的形容词。如:

several dozens of port wine 数十瓶葡萄酒

some scores of volunteers 几十名志愿者

some thousands of books 几千本书

Several hundreds of people gathered in front of the hall,waiting for the president to meet them.好几百人聚集在大厅里等候总统的接见。

英语的数词除基数词外,还有dozen, score, hundred, thousand, million, billion, trillion七个。它们除了表达基本的数目和顺序外,还有一些特殊用法,涉及到用单数还是用复数,与不与介词连用,与不与定冠词the连用等,本文对它们的用法作七点分析总结。

Why some millions of Californians choose not to prepare for disaster?数百万加州人为什么选择不作防灾准备?

3.当它们表示某个整体中的部分数目时,不用复数,且后面紧跟of+the或these, those,my, our等限定词引导的该整体,基本句型为:数词+特殊数词单数+of+the/these/those, etc.+(描绘性形容词+)名词。如:

I want three dozen of these eggs.这些鸡蛋我要三打。(这些鸡蛋不止三打)

About three hundred of the students in our school will graduate this summer. 我校学生约有300人将于今年夏季毕业。(我校学生不止300)

Half a thousand of our employees are college graduates. 我厂的员工有五百都是大学毕业生。(五百员工是我厂员工中的一部分)

Many millions of Indian women are married against their wills.数百万印度女性被违心嫁人。(数百万是印度妇女中的少数)


We buy tea by the pound, cloth by the yard and eggs by the dozen. 我们买茶叶以磅计, 买布以码计,买蛋以打计。

The shop sells 2B pencils by the long dozen. 这家商店的2B铅笔卖一打送一支。

We were monthly losing ships, including valuable tankers, by the score. 我们每月损失的船只, 包括昂贵的油船,以数十计。

The allied warplanes bombed the country by the hundred. 盟军数以百计的飞机轰炸了那个国家。

The ants arrived at the picnic by the hundreds.成群的蚂蚁来到野餐的地方。

Our candidate will rake in votes by the thousand. 我们的候选人将会得到上千张选票。

Books are being scanned into digital form by the thousands. 成千上

英语的数词除基数词外,还有dozen, score, hundred, thousand, million, billion, trillion七个。它们除了表达基本的数目和顺序外,还有一些特殊用法,涉及到用单数还是用复数,与不与介词连用,与不与定冠词the连用等,本文对它们的用法作七点分析总结。



Of the apples we bought yesterday, more than three dozens were rotten.在我们昨天买的苹果里,有三十多个都烂掉了。(three dozens=three dozens of the apples)

The US embassy slammed the ‘horrific’ Nigerian massacre where hundreds were killed. 美国大使馆强烈谴责造成数百人死亡的尼日尼亚大屠杀。(hundreds=hundreds of people)

The government has decided to invest eight hundred millions in the project.(eight hundred millions=eight hundred million yuan or dollars)政府已决定在该项目上投资8个亿。

6. 受some这个单词意义的影响,它们的复数形式和单数形式意义有所不同。如:

There are eighty thousand books in our school library. And I have read some hundred of them. 我校图书馆有8万册藏书,我已读了大约一百本。(some=about)

There are eighty thousand books in our school library. And I have read some hundreds of them. 我校图书馆有8万册藏书,我已读了几百本。(some=several)

Some two thousand years ago, in a river in ancient India, there was a pond full of fish. 约两千多年前,古印度有一条小河,其中有个满是鱼儿的水塘。(some=about)

These college students have presented some thousands of books to the left-behind children in our village in the last four years. 这些大学生在过去的四年里已为我乡的留守儿童捐赠图书几千册了。

7. dozen和score可组成较多的习惯用语,而hundred,thousand,million,billion和trillion则比较少见,在此不赘述。Dozen和score的主要搭配如下:


英语的数词除基数词外,还有dozen, score, hundred, thousand, million, billion, trillion七个。它们除了表达基本的数目和顺序外,还有一些特殊用法,涉及到用单数还是用复数,与不与介词连用,与不与定冠词the连用等,本文对它们的用法作七点分析总结。

dozens of 很多;许多

a dime a dozen多得很;不稀罕;不值钱

a baker's(devil's, printer's, long) dozen十三个

dozens of times 屡次;多次

talk thirteen(nineteen) to the dozen 喋喋不休;说个不停

six of one and half a dozen of the other 半斤八两;毫无区别 score:

go off at full score(马)突然向前猛冲;(人)突然开始讲或做 have an old score to settle with跟……有旧怨

make a score off驳倒……;说得无话可说

make a score off one's own bat独立做;自力更生

on a new score重新

on more scores than one由于许多原因

on that score因此;在那一点上

on the same score用同样的理由

on the score of因为;为了

pay(wipe) off a score付清欠账;还清债务

pay off old scores=to quit the scores报宿怨;雪旧恨

quit score with跟……结清前账;向……报复

run up scores at对……负债累累

know the score知道事实真相;精通世故


英语的数词除基数词外,还有dozen, score, hundred, thousand, million, billion, trillion七个。它们除了表达基本的数目和顺序外,还有一些特殊用法,涉及到用单数还是用复数,与不与介词连用,与不与定冠词the连用等,本文对它们的用法作七点分析总结。


1. 霍恩比,《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》,牛津大学出版社、商务印书馆,1997年第四版

2. 张道真、温志达,英语语法大全(上),1998年第一版

3. 新东方英语句库: /juku/search_hundreds_18.html

4. 可可英语网:hundred, thousand和million的用法说明 /yufa/78768.shtml

5. 恒星英语网:dozen, score, hundred, thousand, million用法要点 /grammar/shuci/2009-09-11/89321_2.html

