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16、But the idea that the journalist must understand the law more profoundly than an ordinary citizen rests on an understanding of the established conventions and special responsibilities of the news media.

词汇突破:1.rests on 基于…,取决于…


The True Finns' chances probably rest on the degree/ to which Mr Soini is prepared to compromise his anti-EU position.

主干:chances probably rest on the degree (机会取决于程度) 词汇: compromise 妥协让步;

(正统芬兰人党的机会或许将取决于索依尼准备对其反欧盟立场作出让步的程度。) 2. established conventions 已确立的传统 3. journalist 新闻记者

主干识别:the idea rests on an understanding

其他成分:the journalist must understand the law more profoundly than an ordinary citizen (同位语从句)

of the established conventions and special responsibilities of the news media.


翻译点拨:词汇点拨: rests on 基于…

established conventions 已确立的传统(规定/习俗)



the journalist must understand the law more profoundly than an ordinary citizen 新闻记者应比普通公民更加深刻(透彻)地了解法律 再翻主句:


an understanding of the established conventions and special responsibilities of the news media. 对于新闻媒体中已确立的传统和特殊责任的理解

根据语义可以确定of the news media.修饰the established conventions and special responsibilities


GeorgeOsborne, Britain’s chancellor 英国的财务大臣乔治奥斯本,他的很多主张让英国的经济恢复的很好。但是傲慢的经济学人就是觉得他是个屌丝,觉得他缺乏体面的帝国尊严感,只知道赚钱,而且奥斯本对中国的发展之路是比较认可的,这也成了他被攻击的对象。老牌傲慢的日不落帝国的遗老们对于中国的崛起一时是很难接受的,我们可以给他们时间适应。今天的文章一开头就是这样写道的:

IFYOU want to get rich, goes a Chinese saying, first build a road. GeorgeOsborne, Britain’s chancellor, seems to agree. He seldom misses a chance to puton a hard hat and proclaim the

virtues of more roads and railways.

中国谚语说道,要想富,先修路。乔治奥斯本作为英国的大臣似乎认同这一说法,他很少错过任何一个机会去戴上安全帽并宣讲修更多铁路和更多公路的好处。 然后讲了他给的很多修路好处的修辞; 接着第二段就谈到:

Yetfor all the rhetoric, in recent years British infrastructure has been deteriorating. 尽管给了这么多修辞,最近几年英国的基础设施建设变得越来越糟糕。

17、A small infrastructure budget is not necessarily a bad thing, if the money is used wisely. This often means spending on unsexy things—improving traffic lights and so forth—rather than big, expensive undertakings. In 2006 Sir Rod Eddington, an Australian businessman, published a government-backed review of Britain’s infrastructure provision, warning against grand projects for having cost-benefit ratios that are often worse than other less-exciting transport projects. 词汇突破:1. Infrastructure budget基础设施预算

2. unsexy 不性感,但在这里表示“普通”;= less-exciting 反义词:big 和 expensive

sexy常常被用到,比如你考试成绩不错,可以说: Your exam score is really sexy. 你的计划真棒:Your plan is sexy.

老外就是没有进化完整,夸个人都是污,really dirty! 3.undertaking 项目,事业

4. government-backed 政府支持的 5. provision 供应,供给; 例句:

The government is respopnsible for the provision of health care.


infrastructure provision 这里可以翻译为基础设施的建设 6. cost-benefit ratios 开支和收益比率

解析:1. A small infrastructure budget is not necessarily a bad thing, if the money is used wisely. (中英文语序基本一致。)


2. This often means spending on unsexy things—improving traffic lights and so forth—rather than big, expensive undertakings. (中英文语序基本一致。)


3. In 2006 Sir Rod Eddington, an Australian businessman, published a government-backed review of Britain’s infrastructure provision, warning against grand projects for having cost-benefit ratios that are often worse than other less-exciting transport projects. 主干:Sir Rod Eddington published a review.

其他成分: warning against grand projects for having cost-benefit ratios that are often worse than other less-exciting transport projects. 这个部分可以独立成句为:

Review warns against…

Sir Rod Eddington warns against…

因为是这个写的这份报告,所以warns的主语既可以是人也可以是报告; grand projects for/ (grand projects ) having cost-benefit ratios

/ that= (cost-benefit ratios )are often worse than other less-exciting transport projects.

参考译文 :(早在)2006年,一位澳大利亚的商人,Rod Eddington爵士在政府的支持下出版了一份英国基础设施建设的报告(综述),对那些开支和收益率常常比其他小型交通项目更糟糕的大型项目提出了警告。


18、Anthropology is a science in that anthropologists use a rigorous set of methodsand techniques to document observations that can be checked by others.

词汇突破:1. Anthropology 人类学Anthropologist 人类学家

2. rigorous: done carefully and with a lot of attention to detail.谨慎的,细致的,彻底的; demanding that particular rules, processes, etc. are strictly followed. 严格的,严厉的; 3. document (动词)记录 4. a set of 一套

5. in that= because 因为引导状语从句;

解析:Anthropology is a science(主句) //(状语从句) in that anthropologists use a rigorous set of methods and techniques to document observations /(定语从句)that can be checked by others. 翻译的时候可以分为三个部分。

参考译文: 人类学是一门科学,因为人类学家采用一整套极细致的方法和技术来记录观测结果,同时这样记录下来的观测结果可供他人检验。



牛津字典的定义是:knowledge about structure and behavior of the natural and physical world, based on facts that you can prove, for example by experiments.


SINCE its return to power last May, Britain’s Conservative government has made clear its intention to loosen the laws on Sunday trading by devolving decisions over shops’ opening hours to local councils.


背景介绍: 二战结束以后,英国工党(labor) 和保守党(conservative又叫 Tory托利党)轮流执政。工党政府在五十年代建立起来的国家福利体制,对英国和欧洲的发展有深远的影

响,后来保守党执政并不改变工党的社会福利政策。免费教育和医疗体系非常健全。当年国务院副总理王震访英深受震撼,回来后成为邓小平同志改革开放政策的坚定支持者。 英国的劳动法也是很矫情的。商场周日上班时间就是中午12点到下午6点; 你要敢开门你就是违反劳动法;但是政府准备放开这个规定

19、A of B and C这种情况到底是:A of B 和C 并列呢?还是 of B and C 做A的定语; 这个从语法上真没有办法判定,一般都是结合语境从语义的角度进行判断;不过通常我会优先认定为of B and C做定语;实在语义不通顺再改判;

The government says loosening the regulations would help the high street, which is struggling to compete with online retailers that trade seven days a week. Labour opposed the plan on the ground that workers could be forced to work when they do not want to. Tory traditionalists said Sunday should remain a day of rest.


1.SINCE its return to power last May, /Britain’s Conservative government has made clear its intention to loosen the laws on Sunday trading /by devolving decisions over shops’ opening hours to local councils(独立成句).

词汇突破:1. Britain’s Conservative government 英国保守党政府 2. loosen the laws on Sunday trading 放松周日商业的法律规定

3. devolving decisions (over shops’ opening hours定语修饰decision) to local councils. Over=关于

Devolve A to B将关于商店营业时间的决定权交给地方议会 参考译文:自从去年五月保守党重新执政以来,保守党政府就是明确表示他们有意放松对于周日交易的法律规定,并将关于商店营业时间的决定权交给地方议会。

2. The government says loosening the regulations would help the high street, /which is struggling to compete with online retailers that trade seven days a week. 词汇突破 1. loosen 放松 2. the high street 商业街

是城镇主要商业街通用的一个转喻说法,可以直接称为“商业街”,在英国尤为常用。High Street通常是市中心商店和商家最集中的地方,也经常被用来指代零售业。 在美国、加拿大和爱尔兰则多用Main Street来指代商铺集中的商业街,苏格兰一些小乡镇和澳大利亚部分郊区也用这个说法。在牙买加、英格兰东北部以及加拿大和美国部分地区,主要的商业区则用Front Street表示。 3. trade 经营 参考译文:城市零售业正在与那些一天经营七天的网络零售商苦苦地竞争,政府认为放宽规定将有助于城市商业街的(经营)。

3. Labour opposed the plan on the ground that workers could be forced to work when they do not want to. Tory traditionalists said Sunday should remain a day of rest.(今天的任务) 词汇突破:Labour 工党

Tory traditionalists 传统的保守主义者;(在保守党里还要分为传统的保守主义者和新保守主义者,这里的传统保守主义者的看法和政府的看法还不一样。)

参考译文:工党反对政府的计划基于的理论是当工人不想工作的时候会被强迫去工作。 传统的保守主义者们也说周日应该是休息日。

20、For now, he reckons, general-purpose machine intelligence remains a long way off. The pattern-recognizing abilities of deep-learning algorithms(n.演算法; 运算法则; algorithm的名词复数 ) 计算程序; are impressive, but computers still lack many of the mental tools that humans take for granted. A big one is “transfer learning”, which is what AI researchers call reasoning by analogy. This is the ability to take lessons learned in one domain and apply them to another. And machines like AlphaGo have no goals, and no more awareness of their own existence than does a word processor or a piece of accounting software.

词汇突破:1. Reckon 认为 (这样的词最安全的就是翻译为认为。)

2. general-purpose (Having a wide range of different uses;)多功能的,多用途的;

3. The pattern-recognizing abilities of deep-learning algorithms 深度学习运算法则的模式识别能力 (这个名词真的是够装的,我反正不知道在说什么,但是据说就是阿尔法狗的核心竞争力。)

4. transfer learning 转移学习能力

5. reasoning by analogy. 通过类比来推理 6. apply A to B 运用A到B中

7. no more…than…双方否定句型 (这是每年考研都会讲到的一个句型,今年的句子中又遇到了,所以变得是内容,不变的是结构。) 例句: I run no faster than dose Jack.

=I run no faster than Jack does.(faster 中的-er就等于more,每年都有蠢萌的人来问我怎么没有more)


这种结构也可以是:not (few)…any more than…这样的变体。

解析:1. For now, he reckons, general-purpose machine intelligence remains a long way off. 他认为,迄今一般性目的的机器智能还有很长一段路要走。

2. The pattern-recognizing abilities of deep-learning algorithms are impressive, but computers still lack many of the mental tools that humans take for granted. 虽然深度学习运算法则的模式识别能力给人印象深刻,但是计算机依然缺乏很多人类轻易就能具备(take for granted)的思维工具.

3. A big one is “transfer learning”, which is what AI researchers call reasoning by analogy.其中很大的一个就是“转移学习能力。” 也就是人工智能研究者所称的“通过类比来推理” 4. This is the ability to take lessons learned in one domain and apply them to another. 这种能力是指把在一个领域中所学的教训运用到另外的一个领域中去。

5. And machines like AlphaGo have no goals, and no more awareness of their own existence than does a word processor or a piece of accounting software. 而且像阿尔法狗这样的机器是没有目标的。他们没有自己存在的意识,就如一个文档处理软件或者会计软件也没有自我存在意识一样。

21、But his primary task is not to think about the moral code which governs his activity, any more than a businessman is expected to dedicate his energies to an exploration of rules of conduct in business.

词汇突破: 1.primary 首要的 2.moral code 道德原则/规范

3.Govern 管理,支配,统治

4.dedicate one’s energies to sth 致力于某事 5.exploration 探索,探究

句子解析:还是not…any more than 结构,双方否定的句型;还是把句子拆分: A= But his primary task is not to think about the moral code which governs his activity.

B= a businessman is (not) expected to dedicate his energies to an exploration of rules of conduct in business.


友情提示: Not…any more than, 从结构上我们已经掌握了,再从表意功能上看,我们其实可以知道,这个结构很多时候就是为了把两个表示否定的句子连接起来而已。第二个句子所表述的事实往往是被读者所熟悉的,和接受的,这样能更好的表达第一个句子的意思。 再提醒一下,这个结构中的not,可以不是not,可以是其他的否定词,no, few, hardly, never,nobody都可以;


Nobody with any sense expects to find the whole truth in job advertisement //any more than he expects a man applying for a job to describe his shortcomings and more serious faults.

这个句子同样是结构:not...any more than 的变体;这是在这里not 变成了nobody; Nobody with any sense expects to find the whole truth in job advertisement One with any sense (有头脑的人) 先翻前半句:

任何有头脑的人都不指望招聘广告里说的话都是真话, any more than + 否定含义

同样他也不会指望求职者会说出自己的缺点和严重过失。 参考译文:任何有头脑的人都不指望招聘广告里说的话都是真话,同样他也不会指望求职者会说出自己的缺点和严重过失。 欧洲经济一直是在苦苦挣扎,

E.C.B. Takes Bold Steps to Stimulate Eurozone Economy 欧洲央行推出强力措施刺激欧元区经济

The European Central Bank took a series of unexpected and radical steps on Thursday to stimulate the sluggish Euro zone economy, including effectively paying banks to lend money. 欧洲中央银行(European Central Bank)采取了一系列出人意料的激进措施,包括相当于出钱让银行放贷,以刺激疲软的欧元区经济。

22、While increasing the penalty it charges banks to store funds in its virtual vaults, as expected, the central bank surprised analysts and investors by saying it would also offer four-year loans to commercial banks under an arrangement that would pay the banks interest on money they lend to businesses and consumers.

词汇突破:1.as expected 如预期那样 2. penalty 处罚

3. virtual vaults 虚拟金库 Virtual reality 虚拟现实

Virtual 这个词一定要看英文解释; 1)almost or very nearly the thing described, so that any slight difference is not important. 几乎,


He married a virtual stranger. 他娶了一位几乎素不相识的女子。

2) made to appear to exist by the use of computer software 虚拟的 4. surprise 使…吃惊

主干识别:the central bank surprised analysts and investors

切分1.While increasing the penalty it charges banks to store funds in its virtual vaults, (状语)

Increasing 的动作发出者是the central bank; 所以独立成句为:

The central bank increases the penalty(主干)/ (that it charges banks to store funds in its virtual vaults).


2. by saying it would also offer four-year loans to commercial banks under an arrangement that would pay the banks interest on money they lend to businesses and consumers.


Saying的动作发出者也是the central bank; 所以独立成句为:

The central bank says it would also offer four-year loans to commercial banks /under an arrangement/ that=loans(根据语义找出来的,和语法无关,能发出pay这个动作的只有loans) would pay the banks interest on money / (that) they lend to businesses and consumers. 参考译文:与此同时,该行还表示,将按一项协议的规定,向商业银行提供四年期贷款。这些贷款将向银行支付其发放给企业和消费者的贷款产生的利息。

说明:这样这个句子其实是“主句+1+2”一共三个句子构成;翻译的时候按照汉语的习惯。将主句最后翻译。 (切分,调序)

参考译文:如预期那样,欧洲央行加大了对银行把钱存放在其虚拟金库里的惩罚力度。与此同时,该行还表示,将按一项协议的规定,向商业银行提供四年期贷款。这些贷款将向银行支付其发放给企业和消费者的贷款产生的利息。此举令分析人士和投资者大感意外。 今天句子是关于美国法学院学生就业的句子: 近十年前,加利福尼亚州怀有一腔抱负的年轻律师安娜·阿拉布尔达(Anna Alaburda)以在班上名列前茅的成绩毕业,并通过了州律师资格考 但周一,在圣地亚哥的一家法院,她将讲述一个对美国的法律专业学生来说再熟悉不过的故事:自2008年从托马斯·杰斐逊法学院(Thomas Jefferson School of Law)毕业以来,她尚未找到一份带薪的全职律师工作。

23、From there, though, her story has taken an unusual twist: Alaburda, 37, is the first former law student whose case against a law school, charging that it inflated the employment data for its graduates as a way to lure students to enroll, will go to trial. 词汇突破:

1. take an unusual twist : 发生了不寻常的转折; 2.inflate: 增加 3.lure:引诱 4.enroll: 入学

5.go to trial: 开庭审理

6. charge: 指控,指责,(要价,收费,昨晚句子中就是这个意思。) 7.against: 反对

8.though : 两个逗号间的though表示“但是”

主干识别:Her story has taken an unusual twist. 她的故事发生了不同寻常的转折。 切分: 1. Alaburda, 37, is the first former law student 2. whose case against a law school will go to trial 独立成句:

Alaburda’s case (against a law school 定语修饰case) will go to trial.

3. charging that it inflated the employment data for its graduates as a way to lure students to enroll. charge 的动作发出者是:Alburda ,独立成句为:

Alburda charges that it inflated the employment data for its graduates as a way to lure students to enroll.

这样这个句子就是“主句+1+2+3” 再按中文的习惯调序。什么?你不会!我知道。慢慢就会了。


24、With Humility, Starbucks Will Enter Italian Market 带着一颗谦卑的心,星巴克来到意大利

Equally remarkable, given that Starbucks operates in 70 countries, is this: Not one of those people is in Italy, a country where coffee culture is central to daily life, and that represents something of a coffee holy grail to Schultz. Italy, land of the perfect espresso and the exquisitely frothy cappuccino, is a Starbucks-free nation.

词汇突破: 1.remarkable 引人注意

2. holy grail (圣杯=grail) 渴望但永远得不到的东西;努力追求但永远不可能实现的目标(或理想)

3. espresso 意式浓缩咖啡

Schultz 这是人名,是星巴克的老总,你不认识也无所谓了哈。 4. frothy 多泡沫的 5. exquisitely 精致的

the exquisitely frothy cappuccino “这里可以不翻译为精致的了,翻译为:绵密,很多,就可以了。”

6. be central to 对…很重要;

Equally remarkable, given that Starbucks operates in 70 countries, is this: Not one of those people is in Italy, a country where coffee culture is central to daily life, and that represents something of a coffee holy grail to Schultz. Italy, land of the perfect espresso and the exquisitely frothy cappuccino, is a Starbucks-free nation.

主干识别:Equally remarkable is this 这是完全倒装啊!我的天啊!真的又遇到了啊! 赶快还原:

This is equally remarkable. 翻译的时候可以翻译为: 同样引人注意的一点是。

状语: given that Starbucks operates in 70 countries

考虑到星巴克在70个国家开展业务 冒号继续解释:

Not one of those people is in Italy, 没有一个业务员在意大利。 同位语独立成句:

Italy is a country /where coffee culture is central to daily life, and/ that=(Italy) represents something of a coffee holy grail to Schultz.

这个国家的咖啡文化是日常生活中极为重要的部分,对舒尔茨而言,意大利也有着咖啡圣杯的意义。 第二句:

Italy, land of the perfect espresso and the exquisitely frothy cappuccino, is a Starbucks-free nation.

主干识别:Italy is a Starbucks-free nation.

同位语:(Italy is) the land of the perfect espresso and the exquisitely frothy cappuccino. 意大利,一个出产完美浓缩咖啡和铺着绵密奶泡的卡布奇诺的地方,没有星巴克。


25、The pursuit of private interests with as little interference as possible from government was seen as the road to human happiness and progress rather than the public obligation and involvement in the collective community that emphasized by the Greeks.

词汇突破:pursuit 追求 Interference 干涉

Obligation 责任,义务

Involvement 关于,涉及,参与 rather than 而不是

Greeks 不是“格瑞克斯”哈,是希腊人

主干识别:The pursuit of private interests was seen as the road to human happiness and progress.

其他成分:with as little interference as possible from government 状语

rather than the public obligation and involvement in the collective community that emphasized by the Greeks.状语 难点解析:最难的就是第一个状语的语序,其实如果看句子比较多的同学你会发现这种用法基本是种习惯用法了,我来帮你调一下语序:

with as little interference as possible from government= with interference from government as little as possible 这样就懂了吧。


in as obvious a manner as possible 试着调整一下语序;


参考译文: 在尽可能少的ZF干预下追求个人利益被看作为通往人类幸福和进步的道路, 而不是希腊人所强调的集体社会中的公共义务与参与。 这里有一个同类型的句子:

His function is analogous to that of a judge, who must accept the obligation of revealing in as obvious a manner as possible the course of reasoning which led him to his decision.

词汇突破:analogous 类似于 Obligation 义务 Manner 方式 Reason 推理

Reveal 揭示(在这个句子中最好翻译为“展示”) Function 在这个语境中应该是“职责”

句子主干:His function is analogous to that of a judge

其他成分:who must accept the obligation of revealing in as obvious a manner as possible the course of reasoning which led him to his decision.定语从句 微观分析:who=judge 或者就是前面的he,因为两人的职责是类似的所以指代谁都是一样的。 这个部分的难点在于你要识别出revealing的宾语

revealing the course of reasoning which led him to his decision.

in as obvious a manner as possible做的是状语,看看刚才我们是怎么处理的: in a manner as obvious as possible 用尽可能明显的方式;

( ,in the manner of a hero ,用一种英雄的方式)

后面的which led him to his decision修饰过程,你问我为什么不修饰reasoning,你自己翻译就知道不通顺了,这是语法解决不了的二义性,从语法上讲都是可以的时候就只有看语境了。


26、ON MARCH 16th, in a move that may test the mettle of recalcitrant Senate

Republicans, Barack Obama nominated Merrick Garland, a widely respected and politically moderate judge, to fill the late Antonin Scalia’s Supreme Court seat. Mr Obama presented Mr Garland as a “serious man and exemplary judge” who is “uniquely prepared” for the job.


mettle 和 recalcitrant

he attacks on the twin towers and the Pentagon in 2001 would have tested the mettle of the greatest statesman.

2001年针对纽约世贸中心和五角大楼的袭击,会考验最伟大政治家的勇气。 词汇突破: 1.mettle 毅力,勇气

2.Recalcitrant 桀骜不驯的,难以控制的 3.Move 行为 4.Nominate 提名

5.politically moderate 政治中庸

6.exemplary 可做榜样的,可做楷模的

例句:Her behavior is exemplary. 她的行为堪称楷模

7.late 已故的

8. He is uniquely prepared for the job 这份工作非他莫属

9. present somebody as… (to show or describe sth in a particular way) 用某种方式展示,呈现,表现;

句子主干: Barack Obama nominated Merrick Garland to fill the late Antonin Scalia’s Supreme Court seat.

同位语: , a widely respected and politically moderate judge,

状语:ON MARCH 16th, in a move/ that may test the mettle of recalcitrant Senate Republicans, 这里可以单独成句: (The move may test the mettle of recalcitrant Senate Republicans.) 这个行为有可能会测试那些参议院中桀骜不驯共和党人的毅力和勇气。(这句可以放到最后翻译。)

参考译文:3月16日,奥巴马总统提名Merrick Garland法官接替已故法官安东尼.斯堪尼亚在最高法院中的位置。Merrick Garland法官是一位广受人们尊敬并且在政治上中庸的法官。奥巴马总统的这一行为可能会测试那些参议院中桀骜不驯的共和党人的毅力和勇气。(你看,神奇的独立成句和调序是不是让句子变得流畅了很多!去点吧!周末的支持需要你!) 2.Mr Obama presented Mr Garland as a “serious man and exemplary judge”/ who is “uniquely prepared” for the job.


27、Investors and companies are still jittery. Those worried that a new internet bubble pumped up by wild dreams and unabashed greed is now deflating will be watching closely to see whether tech firm’s latest results give further cause for alarm.

词汇突破:1.jittery 小心谨慎 2.internet bubble 互联网泡沫

3.unabashed greed 不知廉耻的贪婪 4.deflate 破裂

5.alarm 警报;恐慌(There is no cause for alarm.不必惊慌) tech firm 科技公司 句子解析:

第一句:Investors and companies are still jittery. 投资者和公司依然紧张不安,小心谨慎。 第二句:句子主干:Those will be watching closely( to see whether tech firm’s latest results give further cause for alarm.目的状语)(will be watching不是被动,是将来进行时。) 其他成分:

worried that a new internet bubble pumped up by wild dreams and unabashed greed is now deflating 定语修饰those; 单独切分成句就好了。 = those who are worried that … 进一步切分:

a new internet bubble pumped up by wild dreams and unabashed greed is now deflating

主干结构:a new internet bubble is now deflatingpumped up by wild dreams and unabashed greed修饰bubble

参考译文:有些人担心由狂野的梦想和不知廉耻的贪婪所催生(pumped up)的新的互联网泡沫正在破裂; 他们将更紧密地观察以确定科技公司最近的表现(results)是否会引发进一步的恐慌。

或者: 公司和投资人仍坐立不安。他们担心荒诞的梦幻和无尽的贪婪催生的新互联网泡沫正濒临破灭,所以紧密地观察市场变化,看看科技公司的最新结果是否值得警惕。

28、特斯拉是Elon Musk的电动车,之前的两款车都是面对高端人群,这些人很在乎自己的环保形象,家里都不只有一部车,所以不会介意特斯拉充电不方便等很多问题。但是限制特斯拉准备推出Model3 面向大众人群。这样的客户对象那可就是指着这款车带给生活方便啊。所以特斯拉将面对新的挑战。

It is unclear how well suited it will be to the task of designing and churning out cars at far higher rates than now.

特斯拉过高的估值一直都是让外界感到困惑的。 (churn out 快速生产; 大量生产;) 第二部分调整语序:

It will be how well suited to the task of designing and churning out cars at far higher rates than now.



\reet Journal column, \lies not in how well it can control expression but in whether it gives freedom of

thought and expression the widest possible latitude, however disputable or irritating the results may sometimes be.\

【词汇突破】Wall Street Journal:华尔街日报

latitude:纬度(the widest possible latitude:尽可能大的自由)

however+形容词= 无论多麽… (常置于句首,但在理解的时候放在系动词 后) column 报纸专栏 disputable 争议 irritating 令人不快

【主干识别】the test lies not in A but in B

注意:lie就是系动词;等于is 还可以改为:comes,stands;翻译的时候就处理为,是,在于…,不要翻译为躺就好了。

【其他成分】he wrote in a Wall Street Journal column主谓充当插入语; A= how well it can control expression;

B= whether it gives freedom of thought and expression the widest possible latitude,however disputable or irritating the results may sometimes be.

【微观解析】B的主干为 it gives freedom the widest possible latitude. give sb sth 是我们熟悉的表达,但是give sth sth 也是可以的。 however disputable or irritating the results may sometimes be. 状语 调整语序:

the results may sometimes be however disputable or irritating

【译文赏析】 他在《华尔街日报》的一个专栏文章中写到:\对任何一个民主社会的考验,不在于它能够多有效地控制各种意见的表达,而在于这个社会是否能给予思考和表达以尽可能广泛的自由,无论可能造成的结果有时是多么的富有争议或令人不快。”

29、So, Tesla's ultimate aim may be more to create a platform for slick electric, autonomous cars that can also be built by others, in the way that various smartphone brands run on Google's Android operating system. In that case, how well the Model 3 sells may not be the main determinant of the firm's value.

词汇突破:ultimate 终极 Slick 精致的,光滑的;

autonomous car 自动驾驶汽车 In the way that (状语从句的引导词)

主干识别:Tesla's ultimate aim may be more to create a platform for slick electric, autonomous cars.

特斯拉的终极目标可能更多是去创建一个制造平台。 定语从句:that can also be built by others That= slick electric, autonomous cars

其他制造商也能在这里生产(精致的自动驾驶的电动)汽车。 状语从句:in the way that various smartphone brands run on Google's Android operating system. 就如各种品牌的智能手机都会在谷歌的安卓操作平台上运行一样。

In that case, how well the Model 3 sells may not be the main determinant of the firm's value. 词汇突破: determinant 决定因素 In that case 就那种情况而言

主干识别:(how well the Model 3 sells=主语从句)may not be the main determinant of the firm's value.

就那种情况而言,Model 3卖的怎么样就不是这家公司估值的主要因素了。 昨天句子的解析:

In the idealized version of how science is done, facts about the world are waiting to be observed and collected by objective researchers who use the scientific method to carry out their work. 主干识别:facts about the world are waiting to be observed and collected by objective researchers

其他成分:In the idealized version of how science is done 状语

who use the scientific method to carry out their work.定语 who=researcher 翻译点拨:词汇的处理: Idealized理想的

Version 版本 (这里可以处理为“情况,状况”) facts about the world 关于世界的事实 carry out 进行,从事 成分的点拨: 先翻译状语:

In the idealized version of how science is done 直接翻译:在理想的科学怎么被做的状态中, 改进: 去掉被动态

科学怎么被做=科学研究 在科研的理想状态中, 再翻主句:

facts about the world are waiting to be observed and collected by objective researchers

关于世界的事实正在等待着那些客观的研究者来观察和搜集, 最后翻译定语从句:

who use the scientific method to carry out their work. 研究者们会用科学的方法来进行他们的工作 参考译文:在科学研究的理想状态下,关于世界的事实正在等待着那些客观的研究者来观察和搜集,研究者们会用科学的方法来进行他们的工作。 30、Medical research groups in America, Britain and Australia, for example, have emphasised that scientific work will be judged by its quality, not by the reputation of the journal it is published in. That will certainly be more onerous for committees than counting up the “right” sort of papers. But if more researchers feel comfortable about uploading their work to preprint servers, it will break the stranglehold of elite journals on biomedical science and accelerate discovery. That would save millions of dollars. More importantly, it would save lives.

词汇突破:1.reputation 名望

2. Onerous 繁琐,艰巨,困难

例句:This obligation sometimes proves onerous.这一义务有时被证明是艰巨的。(prove这个词主动表被动)

3. preprint servers (为了让国际研究同仁尽快获知自己的研究结果,学者不只利用国际会议,他们还更常利用预印版伺服器(Preprint-Server) 4. stranglehold 束缚; 压制; 5. elite journals 知名杂志

解析:1.Medical research groups in America, Britain and Australia, for example, have emphasised that scientific work will be judged by its quality, not by the reputation of the journal /(that) it is published in.


2. That will certainly be more onerous ( for committees) than counting up the “right” sort of papers.

(这里所谓的“right”sort of papers 就相当于我们国内的核心期刊文章的概念。) 参考译文:对于委员会来而言,判断一篇文章的质量肯定比清点核心期刊论文的数量更艰巨。

3. But if more researchers feel comfortable about uploading their work to preprint servers, it will break the stranglehold of elite journals on biomedical science and accelerate discovery.(break 和 accelerate并列)


4. That would save millions of dollars. More importantly, it would save lives. 这样会节省数百万美金,更重要的是,这将会拯救很多条生命。

31、valeant 这家公司可能会是继雷曼兄弟之后有一个美国公司的灾难。“不能对实体经济产生价值的商业模式,迟早会走上崩溃的一天。”对于在美上市加拿大药企Valeant,这一真理已然通过股价的血洗得以印证。上周二Valeant下调营收预期并称可能产生债务违约风险后,股价暴跌51%,紧接着周四再跌逾11%。从去年8月高点算起,Valeant股价已经跌去89%。 Valeant’s business model was buying other drug firms, cutting costs and yanking up prices. Since 2010 it has done $35 billion of deals, mainly financed by debt. At a time when Americans face stagnant living standards, a strategy based on squeezing customers was bound to encounter political hostility—“I’m going after them,” Hillary Clinton has vowed.

词汇突破:1.yank up 上升

2.Finance (动词)提供资金

3.At a time when= when 当…的时候,(强调就是这个时间) 例句:At a time when I was a little boy, my mother used to tell me to be polite to others. 在我还是个小孩的时候,我妈妈就常告诉我对别人要有礼貌。 4. stagnant 停滞的,不景气的,萧条的 5. squeeze 压榨 6.be bound to 一定 7. encounter 遇到

8. political hostility 政治上的敌意 9. vow 发誓

解析: 1. Valeant’s business model was buying other drug firms, cutting costs and yanking up prices.

Valeant公司的商业模式是收购其他的制药公司,减少开支,提高价格。 2. Since 2010 it has done $35 billion of deals, /mainly financed by debt.

从2010以来,这家公司完成了350美金的交易,而且主要是通过借债来获得的资金。 3. At a time when Americans face stagnant living standards, a strategy (based on squeezing customers定语) was bound to encounter political hostility—“I’m going after them,” Hillary Clinton has vowed.


32、America offers lessons for Europe. The decline of for-profit higher education is one reason Barack Obama could oversee a fall in the share of 18- to 24-year-olds attending university, argues Mr Rosen. It need not be like this. Students canbenefit from being treated as consumers. But regulation is needed. Providers should be transparent about admissions and employment data. Failing private colleges should be shut down. Across Europe, students are looking beyond traditional options when deciding their future. Governments should be equally open-minded. ( 现在经济学人也在简化语言,越来越是长短句相结合。) 词汇突破: 1. for-profit 盈利性质的

2. oversee 检测,监督;但是在这里=witness见证到 3. transparent 透明 4. Failing 失败的 5.

1. America offers lessons for Europe.


2. The decline of for-profit higher education is one reason Barack Obama could oversee a fall in the share of( 18- to 24-year-olds复合名词) (attending university后置定语), (argues Mr Rosen= Mr rosen argues).


3. It need not be like this. Students can benefit from being treated as consumers. But regulation is needed.

参考译文:情况可以不是这样的。学生也能从被当作是消费者中获益。但监管是必要的。 4. Providers should be transparent about admissions and employment data.

参考译文:高等教育的提供者应该确保招生和就业数据是透明的。 5. Failing private colleges should be shut down. 参考译文:失败的私立学校就应该被关掉。

6. Across Europe, students are looking beyond traditional options (when deciding their future当学生们在决定自己的未来时). Governments should be equally open-minded.


33、The very things that in the moment dampen our moods can later be sources of intense gratification and delight.


It’s no surprise that Jennifer Senior’s insightful, provocative magazine cover story, “I love My Children, I Hate My Life,” is arousing much chatter – nothing gets people talking like the suggestion that child rearing is anything less than a completely fulfilling, life-enriching experience.

词汇突破:1. Provocative 有争议性的,煽动性的; 2. chatter 讨论,唠叨

the chattering classes 喋喋阶级(贬)喋喋阶级(受过教育的人士,尤指学术界、艺术界或媒体人士,习惯于发表有关社会和文化的自由主义见解) 3. life-enriching 丰富人生的 4. fulfilling 满足的

5. anything less than 绝不是

句子解析: 1. It’s no surprise that 毫无疑问 2. Story is arousing much chatter

3. nothing gets people talking like the suggestion Nothing…like….

最高级:the suggestion gets people talking:这样的说法是最能引起人们谈兴的。 4. that child rearing is anything less than a completely fulfilling, life-enriching experience. 养孩子绝不是一种能令人满足和丰富人生的经验。


参考译文: 1毫无疑问, Jennifer Senior发表的一篇有见地的而且是有争议性的杂志封面文章:2“我爱我的孩子,我恨我的生活”一定会引起人们的热烈讨论:4“养孩子绝不是一种能令人满足和丰富人生的经验。”3这样的说法是最能引起人们谈兴的。


34、 今天的句子来自这样一篇文章:

Colleges with big endowments face calls to scrap tuition payments


Some lawmakers are wondering whether threats to change the tax-exempt status of endowments might be used to persuade colleges to bring down the cost of tuition, which has increased by 220% in real terms since 1980.

Harvard could scrap tuition payments without damaging its finances or touching the restricted portion of its endowment, he reckons.

Furthermore, the abolition of both complicated financial-aid forms and terrifying sticker-prices for tuition could, he argues, do much to encourage applicants from beyond the plutocracy. 词汇突破:1.tax-exempt status 免税地位 2. bring down 降低

3. in real terms 就实际情况来讲 4. scrap 废除

5. reckon=argue=认为 6. abolition 废除

7. plutocracy 权贵阶层 8. applicants 申请者 9. endowment 捐赠 10. sticker-prices 标价

解析:1. Some lawmakers are wondering/ whether threats(从句主语) to change the tax-exempt status of endowments might be used(从句谓语) to persuade colleges to bring down the cost of tuition,/ which has increased by 220% in real terms since 1980.

参考译文:一些立法者想要知道是否威胁改变捐赠的免费地位就有可能说服大学降低学费的开销。从1980以来,就实际情况而言,学费已经上涨了2.2倍。(threats 这里是名词,但是在翻译的时候我转译为了动词,让句子更通顺。)

2. Harvard could scrap tuition payments/ without damaging its finances or touching the restricted portion of its endowment, he reckons.


3. Furthermore, (the abolition of both complicated financial-aid forms and terrifying sticker-prices for tuition主语) could, (he argues主谓充当插入语)从句主语), do much to encourage applicants( from beyond the plutocracy,applicant的定语) 有这样一个结构,之前就遇到过: A of B and C

到底是:A of B 和C 并列呢,还是 A of ( B and C )

再说一次,都有可能,但是第二种可能性更大一些,而且根据语义,这里就应该是第二种。 参考译文:进一步的讲,他认为,废除复杂的财务助学表格以及令人生畏的高学费,将极大地鼓励权贵阶层以外的申请者。

