《Unit 4 Space Exploration Reading for Writing》教案(附导学

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Unit 4 Space Exploration

Reading for Writing


The topic of this part is “Present an argument about space exploration”.

This section is about an argument about introducing different benefits of exploring space. Argumentative essays have a stable structure. The first paragraph always presents a certain phenomenon or topic. The body always has the structure of putting up with the supportive or opposing views and their reasons or specific cases. The end always draws a conclusion. In the first paragraph, the author put forward the discussed topic—the benefits of exploring space. In paragraph 2 to paragraph 4, he or she gave 3 pieces of supportive opinions and the reasons or the specific cases. In paragraph 5, we can come to the conclusion—exploring space provides the world with many different benefits.

Therefore, students should be guided to learn the structure and write an essay like this after reading the argumentative essay. But before doing this, students should understand the main ideas about the article and find the topic sentences of each paragraph.


1. Read quickly to get the main idea; read carefully to get the detailed information.

2. Learn the characteristics or structures of argumentative essays.

3. Learn to write an argumentative essay.

4. Learn to correct others’ writing.


1. Learn the characteristics or structures of argumentative essays.

2. Learn to write an argumentative essay.


Step 1 Lead in—Small talk

Space exploration has a great number of benefits, but there are also great risks


and a large amount of money to spend. So some people support space exploration because they think it has brought a lot of benefits to humans. But on the other hand, some people think there are a lot of questions to be solved like hunger and diseases. Why d on’t we spend more money and effort on them? What is your idea and why?

I think we should be in favor of it because a lot of space technologies have already provided service for us common people, like GPS.

I think we should stop it because we need more money and effort to help the poor, the disabled. What’s worse, there are a lot of risks in space exploration, like the Challenger accident.

Step 2 While reading—Task 1

1. Find the topic sentence of each paragraph.

Para 1 Present an argument whether exploration space is a waste of time and money.

Para 2 Exploring space has contributed great to the fight against world hunger.

Para 3 Space exploration has already promoted technological improvement.

Para 4 Sending astronauts into space has furthered understanding of the world’s problems and figuring out ways to solve them.

Para 5 Draw a conclusion that exploring space is of great benefit, so we should continue.

2. The main idea of the passage is about an argument about introducing different benefits of exploring space.

Step 3 While reading—Task 2

Read the text and answer the following questions.

Q1: Why are some people against space exploration according to the passage?

Q2: What are the benefits of exploring space?

Q3: What did the picture of Earth from space make people realise?

Q4: What’s the author’s attitude to exploring space?

Step 4 Post reading—Summary


Answers: 1. shallow

2. made a difference

3. promoted

4. think about

5. continue

Step 5 Before writing—Words and phrases

Translate the phrases from the text.

①launch a satellite发射卫星

②collect data收集数据

③explore space探索太空

④make a difference有很大影响

⑤result in导致

⑥benefit from从中受益

⑦advanced technology先进的技术

⑧meet the requirements满足要求

⑨change our lives改变我们的生活

⑩limited resources有限的资源

?be close to靠近;接近

?provide for提供生活所需

?promote technological improvement促进技术改进?provide solutions to problems提供解决问题的办法


Step 6 While writing


Step 7 While writing—the outline

Paragraph 1:Recently, students in our class have had a discussion on whether space is worth exploring.

Paragraph 2:30% of us think space exploration is not worthwhile.

Paragraph 3:On the other hand, 70% think space is worth exploring.

Paragraph 4:As far as I am concerned, it is worthwhile to explore the space. Step 8 While writing—words and phrases

①have a heated discussion 举行热烈的讨论

②be worth doing 值得做

③hold different ideas 持有不同的观点

④be far away from 离……很远

⑤be used to do 被用来做……

⑥benefit a lot from... 从……受益良多

⑦communication n.交际

⑧weather forecast 天气预报

⑨energy shortages 能源短缺

⑩as far as I’m concerned在我看来

Step 9 While writing—make sentences


And the money spent on space exploration can be used to solve the earth’s problems such as starvation and pollution.


②30%的同学认为不值得探索。30% of us think space exploration is not worthwhile.


They think space is too far away from us and our daily life and is a waste of money.


70% think space is worth exploring because we have benefited a lot from it.

⑤总有一天,我们可以搬到其他星球去解决人口问题。(by doing)

We may solve the population problem by moving to other planets one day.


Space research will enable us to find new sources to solve the problem of energy shortage on the earth.

⑦在我看来,探索太空是值得的。As far as I am concerned, it is worthwhile to explore the space.

Step 10 Writing—draft

Have the Ss write their own drafts.

Step 11 Pair work

Exchange drafts with a partner. Use this checklist to help your partner revise his/her draft.

1. Does the writer explain why he/she changed/wanted to change?

2. Does the writer tell how the changes have improved or will improve his/her life?

3. Is the text well-organised?

4. Does the writer use words and expressions to show similarities and differences?

5. Are there any grammar or spelling errors?

6. Does the writer use correct punctuation?

Step 12 Homework

Put up your revised draft in the classroom or read it to your class.


Unit 4 Space Exploration

Reading for Writing导学案


1. Read quickly to get main idea; read carefully to get the detailed information.

2. Learn the characteristics or structures of argumentative essay.

3. Learn to write an argumentative essay.

4. Learn to correct others’ writing.


1.Learn the characteristics or structures of argumentative essay.

2.Learn to write an argumentative essay.


Step 1 Lead in—Small talk

Space exploration has a great many of benefits, but there are also great risks and a large amount of money to spend. So some people support space exploration because they think it has brought a lot of benefits to humans. But on the other hand, some people think there are a lot of questions to to be solved like hunger and diseases, why not spend more money and effort on them? What is your idea and why?

Step 2 While reading—Task 1

1. Find the topic sentence of each paragraph.

Para 1 _____________________________________________

Para 2 _____________________________________________

Para 3 _____________________________________________

Para 4 _____________________________________________

Para 5 _____________________________________________

2. The main idea of the passage is about __________________________

Step 3 While reading—Task 2

Read the text and answer the following questions.


Q1: Why are some people against space exploration according to the passage?

Q2: What are the benefits of exploring space?

Q3: What did the picture of Earth from space make people realize?

Q4: What’s the author’s attitude to exploring space?

Step 5 Before writing—words and phrases

















Step 6 While writing


Step 7 While writing—the outline

Paragraph 1:________________________________________________

Paragraph 2:________________________________________________

Paragraph 3:________________________________________________

Paragraph 4:________________________________________________

Step 8 While writing—words and phrases







⑦________________________ n.交际





Step 9 While writing—make sentences





⑤总有一天,我们可以搬到其他星球去解决人口问题。(by doing)



Step 10 Writing—draft

Step 11 Pair work

Exchange drafts with a partner. Use this checklist to help your partner revise his/ her draft.

√ Does the introduction state the topic?

√ Does the introduction express different opinions about the topic?

√ Does the body give arguments with suitable supporting information?

√ Does the closing express the writer's opinion and end properly?

√ Are there any grammar, spelling, or pun ctuation errors?

Step 12 Homework

Put up your revised draft in the classroom or read it to your class.


