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第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 1.What does the man suggest doing? A.Taking a taxi. B.Taking a bus. C.Holding a meeting.

2.What’s the woman doing? A.Watching a game. B.Seeing a doctor. C.Resting in bed.

3.When does the man have classes? A.On Monday and Wednesday nights. B.On Friday and Saturday nights. C.On Tuesday and Thursday nights. 4.How are the speakers going to leave? A.By bus. B.By train. C.By air.

5.What are the speakers talking about? A.Where to put the furniture. B.Why the room is so small. C.What to buy for the room.

第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听第6段对话,回答第6至8题。

6.Why doesn’t the man book the seats downstairs? A.They are too close to the stage. B.They are expensive. C.They are uncomfortable.

7.Which row will the man sit in? A.Row 4. B.Row 21. C.Row 38.

8.How much do the tickets cost? A.$10. B.$12. C.$15.

听第7段对话,回答第9至11题。 9.Where are the speakers? A.In China. B.In Britain. C.In America.

10.Where will the speakers have dinner? A.At the hotel. B.At their friend’s home. C.At a famous restaurant.

11.How many people will have dinner with the speakers? A.Three. B.Four. C.Five.


12.What is the relationship between the speakers? A.Guide and traveller. B.Teacher and student. C.Musician and fan.

13.What is the woman’s dream? A.To travel around the world. B.To start a school. C.To receive a good education. 14.Which of the following is true?

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A.The woman works hard.

B.The man is getting very tired of travelling.

C.There are very few schools in the woman’s country. 听第9段对话,回答第15至17题。

15.Why does the woman want to talk with the man? A.She wants to improve her study. B.She wants to ask for a sick leave.

C.She wants some advice on how to make friends. 16.What does the man think the woman should do? A.Keep relaxed. B.Be confident. C.Study harder.

17.What does the man do? A.A teacher. B.A student. C.A nurse.

听第10段独白,回答第18至20题。 18.What can we learn about the speaker? A.She has a travel agency. B.She is an assistant. C.She is studying in a university. 19.Where is the speaker? A.In Britain. B.In the West Indies. C.In East Africa.

20.What can we learn from the talk?

A.The talk is mainly for people who want to study in America. B.The speaker knows about many places in the world well. C.The speaker thinks the information on the pages is helpful. 第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)

第一节 语法和词汇知识(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)

21.Tom showed musical talent at________early age and began to play________piano when he was 3.

A.an;the B./;/ C.an;a D.the;/ 22.—Are you inviting Lucy to your birthday party?

—________I hate her. She is always speaking ill of me behind my back. A.No problem. B.No way! C.Not at all. D.It depends.

23.Little Jack was not at home when the fire broke out,or he would have________his life. A.lasted B.lost C.missed D.reduced

24.He showed a great talent ________writing as a child and his special writing style had great influence________ later writers.

A.with;on B.for;on C.in;with D.in;in

25.I was deeply________with the disabled girl’s big smile.I didn’t find any pain in her. A.impressed B.affected C.moved D.pleased 26.His political ideas were too________for ordinary people to understand,so he couldn’t get support from them.

A.natural B.serious C.reasonable D.complex

27.________for more than two hours,the fans were told that the tickets for the World Cup

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final had been sold out.

A.Waiting B.Waited C.Having waited D.To have waited 28.________he grew older,he lost interest in watching TV. A.With B.While C.As D.Since 29.—Are you ready for Tibet?

—Yes.I want my children to experience some suffering________they are young. A.until B.while C.before D.whether

30.The Canadian tourist hurried to the station,only to find that the train to Shanghai________.

A.left B.has left C.would leave D.had left 31.—It’s said that Simon and Susan are________.

—Really?They seemed very happy together when I last saw them. A.splitting up B.picking up C.taking up D.looking up

32.Was it in the Science Museum________you visited yesterday________you left your keys?

A.that;where B.that;/ C./;that D.where;when 33.—Tim was seriously hurt and sent to hospital. —________,let’s go and see him. A.If necessary B.If probable C.If not D.If so

34.Peter,as well as my other classmates,________going to attend a lecture this Sunday. A.is B.was C.are D.were

35.I had just arrived home from school________it began to rain heavily. A.while B.when C.as D.until

第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分) The king’s Elephant-keeper had a Dog,who often went into the house where the king’s

Elephant lived.At first the Dog went there to get the__36__that was left after the Elephant had__37__eating.Day after day they became great__38__.The Elephant began to share his food with the Dog,and they__39__and played together. One day a__40__saw the Dog.He loved the Dog,so he__41__the Dog and took him away from the Elephant-keeper.The Elephant__42__the Dog and did not want to eat.The next__43__,

the king knew it.He sent his servant to find out why the Elephant was__44__in that way.

The servant went to__45__the Elephant-keeper,“Why does the Elephant look

so__46__?” The keeper answered,“There was a Dog who was the Elephant’s friend but he__47__yesterday.”

“Do you know__48__he is now?” asked the servant. “No,I do not,” said the keeper.

Then the servant went back to the king and said,“The Elephant is not sick,but he is__49__without his friend,the Dog.A farmer took him away,but nobody knows where the farmer__50__.”

“Well,” said the king,“I’ll send__51__all over the country,asking the farmer to turn him__52__.I’ll give him as much money as he paid for the Dog.”

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When the farmer__53__this,he turned him loose.The Dog ran back as__54__as he could.The Elephant was so__55__to see the Dog that he picked him up and put him on his head. All the rest of their lives the Elephant and the Dog lived together. 36.A.money B.water C.cloth D.food 37.A.hated B.allowed C.finished D.forgot 38.A.friends B.heroes C.soldiers D.workers 39.A.traveled B.ate C.studied D.tried 40.A.farmer B.keeper C.servant D.king 41.A.trained B.borrowed C.bought D.refused 42.A.visited B.met C.welcomed D.missed 43.A.week B.day C.hour D.month 44.A.acting B.running C.sleeping D.drinking 45.A.warn B.recognize C.ask D.help 46.A.clever B.short C.busy D.sad 47.A.passed away B.went away C.turned up D.came back 48.A.where B.who C.how D.why 49.A.free B.slow C.lonely D.lovely 50.A.walks B.writes C.reads D.lives 51.A.wood B.word C.air D.medicine 52.A.loose B.quick C.right D.open 53.A.felt B.stopped C.imagined D.heard 54.A.often B.fast C.carefully D.quietly 55.A.glad B.sorry C.safe D.shy 第三部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)


A German dog in Alaska has been given a hero’s award for saving his owner’s house from a fire.Buddy guided a team of firefighters through winding roads to the house in an isolated (偏远的) area.

That day,his owner Ben Heinrichs was working on his truck inside his garage when a spark 北京一对一上门家教品牌 家教电话:010—62561255

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ignited some fuel and caught fire.

Ben managed to run outside,closed the door to stop the fire from spreading and rolled in the snow to put out the flames on his clothes.But he suddenly remembered the dog was still in the workshop and ran back to fetch him.While Buddy escaped uninjured,his owner suffered burns to his face and second-degree burns to his left hand.

The dog ran off after his master said he needed help.On the road he came across the Alaskan firemen who had been called about the fire.But they had got lost and were about to turn down the wrong road.When they caught sight of Buddy who made eye contact with them and raced ahead down the right road,the firemen immediately followed him and he often turned round to make sure they were behind him.The dog’s quick reaction saved the family.

“Buddy recognized how serious the situation was and acted bravely in getting help for his family,” said Officer Holloway at a ceremony to honor the dog.Buddy,whose good deed was shown on a police car’s video,was given a smart dog bowl as a reward,and a big bone.

Ben said that he knew Buddy was clever and added that Buddy was brave too,having twice driven bears away when he was fishing.

56.What does the underlined word “ignited” in Paragraph 2 mean? A.To make a mistake.

B.To make something more serious. C.To stop something from happening. D.To cause something to burn.

57.Ben ran back into the garage because________. A.he wanted to save his whole family B.he wanted to put out the fire himself C.he wanted to save his dog Buddy D.he heard someone calling “help”

58.What can we infer from the passage? A.The dog has never been so brave before. B.The dog has saved his owner’s life before.

C.The firemen didn’t believe a dog would know the way.

D.The firemen didn’t know what the dog was trying to tell them at first. 59.What’s the purpose of the ceremony? A.To honor the dog Buddy. B.To honor the firemen. C.To honor Ben. D.To encourage people to keep dogs.


Quite simply,a domestic robot is a machine used for household work.There are only a few limited models so far,but scientists all over the country are expecting a robot revolution within the next couple of decades.In fact,in 2006,America’s richest man Bill Gates wrote an article “A Robot in Every Home”,which discussed the great potential (潜力) for robots in every American home.

There are three types of domestic robots:low-level robots,care robots and the highest level

robots.Low-level robots are basic machines designed for fun.There are several domestic robots in

the market today,but most of them are not very advanced.However,there are three domestic robots that are useful when it comes to helping you with housework.


Produced by MobileRobots Inc.,the PatrolBot is a service robot.It can walk around like a security guard (保安),or go to pre-programmed places using a map,which you can create using

its computer system.It can act as a guard with its cameras and detection (侦查) abilities.It can carry up to 15 lbs of weight,which means you can have it carry things from point A to point B.


The Roomba is a smart cleaner and is becoming popular in the US.More than 3 million units have been sold since it was introduced in 2002.You can program your Roomba to clean even when

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you’re out.The robot can also move from one room to another after finishing cleaning one.


While the Roomba cleans your floor,the Scooba washes it.Produced by iRobot,the Scooba is another robotic floor washer that uses a special cleaning solution that effectively cleans the floors and prevents rust.It leaves a totally clean and dry floor.

60.What’s the author’s purpose in writing this passage? A.To introduce some robots for home use. B.To teach us how to buy a cheap robot. C.To tell us how to operate a robot. D.To encourage us to buy a robot.

61.We can learn from the passage that________. A.Bill Gates is against the use of robots B.people produce low-level robots mainly for fun

C.there are four types of domestic robots now D.Scooba is produced by MobileRobots Inc.

62.Which robot can help people wash and dry floors? A.PatrolBot. B.Roomba. C.Scooba. D.IRobot.

63.Which of the following statements is NOT true about Roomba? A.It was introduced in 2002. B.It has not been well-received in the US.

C.It can work when you are not at home. D.It can move from one room to another.


Although mobile phones have brought a lot of convenience (便利) to people,they have also brought troubles.

Besides endless spam text messages (垃圾短信),another problem seems even more annoying (讨厌的).That is the so-called “one ring” call.It is a phone call that only rings one time and

stops before the receiver is able to pick it up.When the receiver calls back,the other side is usually a recorded advertisement.And by the time people realize that they have been hoaxed,they’ve already paid for the call.

An article in the China Youth Daily says that these terrible calls trouble many mobile users day and night.But up till now,the government hasn’t taken any steps to solve the problem.It seems that if someone chooses to use a cellphone,he must bear (忍受) the trouble.

The number of mobile phone users in China has risen to more than 570 million.Thanks to news reports,many people have come to understand the harm of the “one ring” call.Some users say they won’t call back if it is an unknown number.But the article points out that this doesn’t mean the related government departments should turn a blind eye to it.

According to an online survey of more than 200,000 Chinese netizens (网民),nearly 70 percent believed telecommunication (电信) operators make money from these annoying phone calls.The article argues that “one ring” calls not only take away people’s money,but also trouble their lives.

New technology should not do harm to society.Instead,people should enjoy the convenience of information technology.Thus,the article advises that laws should be set up to protect people’s legal rights.

64.The underlined word “hoaxed” in Paragraph 2 probably means “________”. A.selected B.cheated C.heard D.refused

65.Who helped the mobile users most to realize the harm of the “one ring” call? A.Netizens. B.News reporters. C.Government officials. D.Telecommunication operators.

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66.It can be inferred from the passage that________.

A.“one ring” calls and spam text messages are from the same people B.mobile users can’t do anything about the “one ring” call C.“one ring” calls will be got rid of in the near future

D.telecommunication operators hate “one ring” calls too 67.What’s the main idea of this passage?

A.“One ring” calls do great harm to our society. B.Mobile phones do people more harm than good.

C.Information technology brings people much trouble. D.We need better ways to enjoy information technology.


Shopping in Thailand is fun for westerners because of the low prices of many goods,but that is only the beginning of the fun.Not only can you expect fairly low prices,but Thailand has a system of bargaining for goods that makes shopping great fun.At any of the markets and street stores,you can expect to pay 10-50% less than the price that is asked,but you have to master bargaining skills.

If the shop has fixed prices,then there is no bargaining.Only bargain at places where there are no posted prices.

You may need to shop around to get an idea of the proper local price for an item before you seriously start to bargain.

Learn some Thai and start the conversation in Thai.This will make you not seem like a tourist and the seller will be less likely to increase the price.Try to learn Thai numbers as well.

Use humor and flattery (奉承).Thai people love to laugh and they love to be flattered.Making a joke or praising them is an easy way to lower the price of almost any item.

Don’t lose your temper about the bargaining.Thai people do not like conflicts (冲突).If you lose your temper,you will seem rude and lose face with the Thai.Always be polite and smile when bargaining.

Remember that bargaining for Thai people is both like a game and a way to deal with people.If you can make the bargaining more like a conversation,you’ll do much better and everyone will be happier.

Don’t be afraid to walk away if the price seems too high.Many times this will cause the seller to come after you saying “OK” and agree to your price.On the other hand,don’t back out of a sale after a price has been agreed upon.This is considered quite rude.If you agree to a price,then just buy the item.

68.Which of the following is considered rude in Thailand? A.Walking away when the price is too high. B.Flattering the sellers.

C.Losing your temper when bargaining. D.Considering bargaining as a game.

69.We can learn from the passage that in Thailand,________. A.one should bargain even if the prices are posted

B.store owners love to laugh and make jokes with customers C.westerners like shopping there because of high quality D.store owners seldom ask for too high prices

70.According to the last paragraph,when a price has been agreed upon in Thailand,________.

A.it’s quite OK for the customer to give it up

B.the customer can try to cut the price down again

C.the customer can pretend to walk away to get a lower price D.the customer had better stick to the deal 第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)

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When I was a kid my parents sent me to a summer camp in New Hampshire.71.________At camp we did tons of great things like swimming,sports,and archery,but for me,the most memorable experience was an overnight trip of mountain climbing.If you’ve ever hiked a mountain,you know it’s a physical challenge,especially when you’re carrying your food and shelter on your back.72.________

“How much farther is it?”

“My pack is too heavy,can you carry it for me?”

The reply of the teachers was,“Suck it up.” The truth is,the complaining campers were nowhere near the point of exhaustion.If they had been,the teachers would have noticed the signs and given them care.73.________Once they realized they weren’t getting any sympathy they overcame the discomfort,and in most cases ended up having a great time.

74.________You can complain,or you can make the best of it.If you complain,you might feel like you’re getting the negative energy out,but you’re probably not going to cause a positive change.It’s much more likely that your complaining will arouse the dislike of those around you.

No one likes a complainer.Complaining makes life harder for everyone.75.________ A.The summer camp was interesting but full of complaint. B.The kids simply weren’t used to the physical challenge. C.It’s no use complaining and it can’t bring us what we want. D.This was a great experience for me.

E.There are two ways to deal with an unpleasant situation. F.When campers got tired,they certainly started complaining. G.We should complain less and make more effort.

第Ⅱ卷 (非选择题,共35分)


第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)

I wrote a letter to Jim on last Sunday to ask for some advices on how to be a good teacher.Soon I accepted his letter.“To be a good teacher,” Jim said in his letter,“you must able to hold the attention and interest of your students.Beside,a good teacher should do what he can act what he is teaching to make its meaning clear.Watch a good teacher,and you would see that he does not sit still before their class.However,a good teacher may not be able to acting well on the stage for there are very important differences between the teacher’s work and the actor.”

第二节 书面表达(满分25分)

请根据下列表格提示,介绍音乐人周杰伦的生平事迹。 姓名 周杰伦 英文名 Jay Chou 出生 1979.1.18 籍贯 中国台湾 1.杰出的歌手、出色的演员,现在也是导演 2.14岁父母离异,性格孤僻,但对音乐表现出惊人的天赋 生平简介 3.专长R&B和rap,有“亚洲流行天王”之称 4.创造出多变的演唱表演风格,他的歌曲受到全世界华人的喜爱 注意:1.词数:100左右; 2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

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1.B 2.A 3.C 4.B 5.A 6.B 7.C

8.A 9.B 10.C 11.A 12.C 13.B 14.A 15.C 16.B 17.A 18.B 19.A 20.C


第一节 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一个小题。每段对话仅读一遍。

(Text 1)

W:Shall we take a taxi or a bus to the meeting?

M:We’d better take a bus.It’s almost impossible to find a taxi during rush hour. (Text 2)

W:This is wonderful!It’s really an exciting game.

M:Don’t get too excited!Relax.You’ve got a weak heart and you should avoid excitement. (Text 3)

W:Are you going to school?

M:Yes,I’m studying law.I have classes at night every Tuesday and Thursday. (Text 4)

M:Where have you been all this time?The train is about to leave.

W:I’m sorry I’m late,John,but I was waiting for you at the information desk upstairs. (Text 5)

M:Oh,the room is so small.I thought it was a lot bigger.

W:So did I.I think we’d better put the chairs in front of the fireplace.

M:Um,but we should first consider where to put the bed.It is the biggest piece of furniture. W:Well,let’s put it behind the door. 第二节 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。

听第6段对话,回答第6至8题。 (Text 6)

M:I’d like to book seats for Macbeth please. W:Yes,of course,sir.

M:Have you got any seats downstairs,please? W:Yes,we do.

M:How much are they,please? W:$3.75 each.

M:Are there any seats for $2.50?

W:Yes.They are upstairs.For how many? M:For four,please. W:For which night?

M:What about Saturday,October 21st? W:I can give you four seats in Row 38. M:How long will the performance last? W:Two and a half hours.

M:Thank you.How much is that? W:Ten dollars.

听第7段对话,回答第9至11题。 (Text 7)

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W:We’ve been eating at the hotel all the time.How about going out for dinner tonight?

M:What a wonderful idea!

W:What kind of food would you like to eat,Chinese food or English food?

M:We are used to Chinese food,but as we are in England,I would like to have something English for dinner.What about you?

W:Please don’t worry about me.OK,let’s have English food for dinner.There is a very famous restaurant nearby that serves very good food.Is that all right with you?

M:That’s fine with me. W:Today is Saturday.The restaurants are usually very crowded and they’re always full in the evening.I’m going to reserve a table for five right now and will be back in a few minutes.

M:That’s very kind of you.

听第8段对话,回答第12至14题。 (Text 8)

M:I’d like to congratulate you on your wonderful performance. W:Thank you very much.

M:I read about you in the newspaper and decided to come and hear you play.I’ve travelled many miles and I’m very glad I made the effort.You played the piano so beautifully.What are your next plans?

W:At present I’m giving a lot of concerts.Fortunately people want to come and hear me play,but I’m getting very tired of travelling.

M:Why do you have to work so hard?

W:I’m planning to start a school,so I’m trying to save as much money as possible. M:What kind of school?

W:A music school for disabled children.I think they have the right to receive an education just like healthy children.At the moment there are very few such schools in my country.Unfortunately it will cost a lot of money.

M:But I think a lot of people will support you,and I’m sure your dream will come true. 听第9段对话,回答第15至17题。 (Text 9)

W:Can I talk with you now,Mr Smith? M:Sure,what is it?

W:Well,I feel so lonely.How I wish I had a good friend!Could you give me some advice? M:Sit here,please.Tell me everything.

W:I spend most of my time studying.I hardly talk to my classmates. M:I see.Your problem is a common one among middle school students.First of all,believe in yourself.You just lack self-confidence.The first thing you must do is to smile at your

classmates.Your smile will show that you are friendly to them.

W:But I also want to talk.I just don’t know what to talk about and how to begin a conversation.

M:You could try talking with a student who is as shy as yourself or who has the same interests as you.You can ask a classmate about your studies,and you can also talk about hobbies you have in common with him or her.If a classmate has some trouble,you should be ready to help.Once you have more confidence,you can make many friends.

W:I’m feeling much better now.Thank you very much,Mr Smith. 听第10段独白,回答第18至20题。 (Text 10)

Good morning,ladies and gentlemen.Welcome to our university.I’m Miss Kay,the assistant to the university president.I’m glad to introduce our university to you.The University of Bradford is proud of the fact that it can make students from other countries feel welcome.27% of our present postgraduate students come from outside the European Union,studying courses and doing research across all the university’s departments.The presence of so many students from so many

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different countries and cultures helps to create an environment for everyone in the university.Bradford is a beautiful city and it also has a long tradition of attracting people from other countries and many of them have settled here.There are large communities coming from Eastern Europe,the West Indies and East Africa.Most of the international students quickly feel at home in Bradford.If you think you would like to study in England,and at the University of Bradford in particular,you should read this statement carefully to see which courses interest you.The pages in this section will then give you some extra information which you might find helpful.

第二部分 21.A 考查冠词。at an early age意为“在很小的时候”;play the piano意为“弹钢琴”。 22.B 考查交际用语。句意为:“你打算邀请露西参加你的生日聚会吗?”“绝不!我不喜欢她。她总是在背后说我的坏话。”No way!决不!No problem.没问题。Not at all.不用谢。It depends.那得看情况。

23.B 考查动词辨析。句意为:火灾发生时,小杰克没在家,否则的话,他将会丧命。lose失去,丢失。

24.B 考查介词搭配。 talent for在??方面的天赋;have influence on...对??有影响。

25.A 考查动词辨析。句意为:我被那个残疾女孩灿烂的笑容深深震撼了。在她身上我没有看到任何痛苦。 be impressed with对??留下印象。

26.D 考查形容词辨析。句意为:他的政治思想太复杂了,普通百姓理解不了,所以他没能得到他们的支持。complex复杂的。

27.C 考查非谓语动词。分析句子结构可知,句子的主语the fans与wait构成逻辑上的主谓关系,故用动词-ing形式;再根据空格后面的时间状语for more than two hours可知,

wait动作在were told之前已发生,故用Having waited。

28.C 考查连词。as在这里作连词,意为“随着”。with是介词,不符合语法。 29.B 考查连词辨析。句意为:“你们准备好去西藏了吗?”“是的。我想让我的孩子们小时候体验一些磨难。”while在此意为“当??的时候”。

30.D 考查动词的时态。根据句中的only to find可知后面是意料之外的结果:火车早已离开,火车的离开发生在匆忙到达车站之前,故用过去完成时。

31.A 考查短语动词辨析。句意为:“听说西蒙和苏珊正在闹离婚。”“真的吗?上次我见他们时他们在一起看起来很幸福。”split up在此意为“断绝关系,分手”。

32.C 考查定语从句及强调句型。先行词在定语从句中作宾语,可省略关系代词which或that,故第一空可不填;第二空是强调句中的that。

33.D 考查短语辨析。if so是if (it is) so的省略形式,意为“如果是这样”。

34.A 考查主谓一致。as well as连接两个主语时,句子的谓语动词要和前面的主语保持一致;this Sunday暗示用一般将来时。

35.B 考查时间状语从句。had just done when...意为“刚刚做了某事,这时(突然)??”。

[语篇解读] 一条狗和一头大象建立了一段珍贵的友谊。

36.D 从本空后eating推断:狗吃的是大象剩下的食物(food)。

37.C 由本空前left可知:大象吃完(finished)食物后,会剩下一些。

38.A 下文friend有提示:时间久了,他们就变成了一对好朋友(friends)。 39.B 大象与狗分享自己的食物,所以他们同吃(ate)、同玩耍。 40.A 下文farmer有提示;是一个农夫(farmer)看到了这条狗。

41.C 根据倒数第三段国王说的话I’ll give him...paid for the Dog可知:他买(bought)走了这条可爱的狗。

42.D 由本空后大象不进食的事实推断:大象想念(missed)自己的朋友,心里很难过,所以吃不下饭。

43.B 从下文yesterday得出:第二天(day),国王就知道了大象的情况。 44.A 于是,国王就派仆人去看看这头大象为什么会有这种行为(acting)。

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清华北大家教中心 家教电话:010—62561255

45.C 所以,仆人就去问(ask)大象驯养员。

46.D 显然,这头大象此时很悲伤(sad)。

47.B 根据上文可知,这条狗昨天走了(went away)。 48.A 仆人在问这条狗的下落(where)。

49.C 由本空后without his friend,the Dog推断:失去了好朋友,大象感到很孤独(lonely)。

50.D 由下文国王寻找农夫的事实可知:没有人知道他居住(lives)在哪里。 51.B 国王要想找到这个农夫,就得在全国下发告示(word)。

52.A 下文loose有提示:要求买了那条狗的农夫把狗给放(loose)了。 53.D 正是因为农夫听到了(heard)这个消息,他才把这条狗给放了。 54.B 与朋友分别了一段时间,这条狗归心似箭,所以就飞快地(fast)向大象那儿跑去。 55.A 大象见了老朋友,自然会非常高兴(glad)。 第三部分

[语篇解读] 一条聪明勇敢的德国狗带来了消防员,使主人家的房子得以避免被烧毁。 56.D 词义猜测题。根据后文的some fuel and caught fire可知燃料被点着,起火了,因此可推断ignite意为“点燃”。

57.C 细节理解题。根据第三段的But he suddenly remembered the dog was still in the workshop and ran back to fetch him.可知Ben跑回车库是为了救他的狗。

58.B 推理判断题。根据末段的having twice driven bears away when he was fishing.可知Buddy以前救过它的主人。

59.A 细节理解题。根据倒数第二段的said Officer Holloway at a ceremony to honor the dog.可知应选A。

[语篇解读] 本文介绍了三款家用机器人。

60.A 作者意图题。阅读全文可知本文主要是介绍三款家用机器人。 61.B 细节理解题。根据第二段的Low-level robots are basic machines designed for fun


62.C 细节理解题。根据文章最后一段的the Scooba washes it 和It finishes by leaving a totally clean and dry floor可知选C。

63.B 细节理解题。根据第四段的the Roomba is becoming popular in the US可知B项错误。

[语篇解读] 本文论述了“响一声”电话的危害,同时呼吁国家出台法律来保护人们更好地享受信息技术带来的便利。

64.B 词义推测题。根据下文人们付出了无谓的话费可以判断出,人们是“被欺骗了”,因此选择B项。

65.B 细节理解题。根据第四段Thanks to news reports,many people come to understand...可知,新闻工作人员对于让人们意识到“响一声”电话的危害做出了最大的贡献。

66.B 推理判断题。根据第三段结尾It seems that if someone chooses to use a cellphone,he must bear the trouble可知,手机用户只能忍受“响一声”电话的骚扰,对此无能为力。

67.A 主旨大意题。本文主要论述了“响一声”电话的危害。 [语篇解读] 本文教大家在泰国购物时如何进行讨价还价。

68.C 细节理解题。根据第六段的If you lose temper,you will seem rude and lose face with the Thai可知应选C。

69.B 细节理解题。根据第五段的Thai people love to laugh and they love to be flattered.Making a joke or praising them is an easy way to lower the price of almost any item.可知应选B。

70.D 推理判断题。根据末段的This is considered quite rude.If you agree to a price,then just buy the item.可知讨价还价达成价格的一致后,最好还是把东西买了,否则会显得无礼。

71.D 72.F 73.B 74.E 75.G 第四部分

北京一对一上门家教品牌 家教电话:010—62561255

清华北大家教中心 家教电话:010—62561255


I wrote a letter to Jim on— last Sunday to ask for some advices on how to be a good

adviceteacher.Soon I acceptereceivedd his letter.“To be a good teacher,” Jim said in his letter,“you must ∧able to hold the attention and interest of your students.BesidBesidese,a good teacher should

bedo what he can ∧act what he is teaching to make its meaning clear.Watch a good teacher,and

toyou woulwilld see that he does not sit still before theihisr class.However,a good teacher may not be able to acting well on the stage for there are very important differences between the teacher’s

actwork and the actoactorr’s.”


Zhou Jielun

Zhou Jielun,whose English name is Jay Chou,was born on January 18,1979,in Taiwan. When he was 14,his parents split up.Because of this,he changed a lot and became silent.On the other hand,he had a great talent for music and was crazy about music,especially R&B and rap.He created and developed many different kinds of singing and acting styles.His songs are very popular with Chinese people all over the world. The talented boy is honored as“Asian Pop Star”.

Zhou Jielun is famous at home and abroad.He is a successful singer,excellent actor and even director at present.

北京一对一上门家教品牌 家教电话:010—62561255

