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-- 2016年福建省泉州市中考英语试卷??


一、听力(共两节,满分7.5分)(一)第一节(共5小题:每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面五个句子,从每小题所给的A 、B 、C三幅图中选出与句子意思相符的图.,每个句子读两遍.?? 1.










6.whereisthe manfrom?

A.Britain ?




7.whatwill Jim do fortheartfestival???

A.Put on aplay

B.Perform magic tricks??

C.Play theviolin.??


8.Theboy likesbest.

A.Sports Shows??

B.World Tour?

C.News Reports.

9.听第四段对话,回答第9、10小题. ?

9.They want to play this morning. ?




10.Betty's violin lesson doesn't finish until.??





11.Mary gives some advice on studying.?


B.Fren ch?

C.English ?

12.Howmanypiecesof advice does Marygive??


B.Three ?



13.What does thewoman probablydo? ??


B.A cook?

C.A nurse?

14.The man's hometownlies intheof England.?

A.east ?


C.north ?



15.The man'shometown is .?

A.big and busy??

B.small and awful??

C.small and busy.?


16.Lily isnow.??

A.making a list??

B.writing a letter ?

C.designing a poster?

17.Lilywillbuy somefood forthe .

A.school field trip?

B.familyget﹣together ?

C.graduation party??

18.Jackoften shops at Cost Lessbecause.?

A.it isnot crowded

B.The salespersons arekind?

C.thethings arecheap?

19.What's the weatherlike?

A.It's raining ?

B.It's snowing?

C.It's sunny

20.How will they go to the supermarket? ?

A.Onfoot ?




21.﹣Is thatappletree?() ?

﹣Yes.My father planted itin2008.??


22.﹣The water in the glass issweet.Did you put anyin it?()?

﹣Yes.I added some toit just now.

A.sugar B.salt?C.oil

23.﹣This camera is tooexpensive.Do you have anyothers?( )

﹣Sorry,but that's t heone.??

A.biggest B.longest?C.cheapest

24.It isnecessarypeople to have food and waterevery day.()?

A.of?B.for C.with

25.﹣3﹣D printing couldbe used to build ahouse in lessthan24hours.?

﹣Itamazing.It's my first timeto get to know this.()?


26.﹣How isLilyin thenew school?( )?



﹣Sheis doing very well.There isto worry about.?

A.nothing B.something C.anything

27.Last weekthe old booksto raisemoney forFreetheChildren.()??A.sold B.are soldC.weresold

28.﹣Sir,would you mind speaking a little more??

﹣Of course not.I thought you could follow me.( )?

A.quickly B.slowly?C.politely

29.We teenagers shouldthe old and offer ourseats to them on buses.( ) ?

A.laugh at

B.dependon C.carefor

30.﹣Have you watchedthenew movie KungFu Panda3,Kelly??

﹣Not yet.Iit with my classmate tonight.()?

A.will watch B.waswatching C.have watched

31.JanePeter is warm﹣hearted.They're popular withourclass.()??A.Both,and?B.Notonly,but also?


32.﹣What's wrong with Judy?She has been absent for two days.?

﹣Oh,shebe ill.Let's go toask Mr.Green.()?




33.he wasvery tired,he continued working in hisoffice.( )?



34.﹣Couldyou tell me??

﹣Talking about Picasso'sWorks Show.()??

A.when they are playing B.what they are doing

C.wheretheyare going??

35.﹣Ihope I will win theEnglish speaking competition tomorrow.


A.What a pity!?B.Congratulations!

C.Good luck to you!??


36.Dear Mum, ?

I have studiedabroad for some time.I miss you very much now.

I(36)learned thefamoussaying"You don't knowwhat y ou've got untilit'sgone."Yes MissLisaidhermathteacher made a huge differenceinher life.Butshewas(37)because she had nochanceto tell her teacher.This made me think alot,especially (38)I'mthousands of kilometers away.I'mwriting toyou because I wantyou to knowhow (39)I love you.?

It's saidthat a (40)happiness was mostly because of their

childhood.That's quiteright.I still rememb erthetimes whenyou(41) my hand as we walkedalong.You toldme stories about the brave



elephant andencouraged me to bea(42)girl.…My childhood was filledwith these warm memories.

How time flies!There havebeengood times andbad times,but you were always bymyside.When I won a prize,you smiledandfelt proud (43)me.When I failed an exam,youcomforted me.You always gave me courage to(44)all mydifficulties.?

You've alwayssaid that weshould judge(判断)people's(45)

by how they live theirlives everyday.I think I'm now living a happy lif e.Thankyou,Mum.?



36.A.once B.never C.hardly




40.A.mother's B.person's C.teacher's

41.A.beat B.showed?C.held

42.A.funny B.confident C.beautiful

43.A.of?B.with C.to

44.A.carryout?B.keep on?C.dealwith





A.What is it?

B.That's great.

C.Oh,to buyDVDs?

D.You arewelcome.

E.But where isthebusstop?

Ann:What areyougoingto do this afternoon??

Ken:I'm going tobuy some DVDs aboutQuanzhou Maritime Silk Road.??Ann:(46) Why not go to the Film Fans'Room??

Ken:The Film Fans'Room?(47) ?

Ann:Itisaplace wherestudentscan exchange theirDVDs with others.I thinkyoucan get what you want there.

Ken:(48) How can I get there??

Ann:It's next to Donghu Cinema.Youcan take the No.13bus.??





51.Sienais an oldcity in the north of Italy.Itbeganwith a gro upof people livingon itshills over 2,900 years ago.Around theyear 1100,Siena became animportantbusiness center inItaly.In 1472,the first bank oftheworldwasbuilt inthis cityand has been doing bus

inessever since. ?

Today Siena is famous forkeepingits"old face".Forexample,its citywalls,which helped keepthe city safein the past,are hundreds ofyears old nowandlookalmost the same as before.Also,manyold buildingsare seen atthe Piazzadel Campo,themost important meeting placeof thecity.Few things have reallychanged in thiscenterof public life for h undreds ofyears.Now peoplestill go tothe openspace forsharing news,shopping,or playing sp orts.Thereis onemore thingthat helps keep Siena'soldface:cars cannot enter thecity most of the time.

True,Siena is old,but it'sbeautifullyold.People are welcome to visit thisb eautiful city andwalk into thepast.



51.The old city,Siena,began more than 2,900 years ago.

52.Siena is famousfor having the firstbank of theworldtoday.


53.People in Siena have protected the oldcity walls very we


54.Fewold buildings can be found atthe Piazza del Campo.??55.Most of the timecars are notallowed toenterSiena..



56.There were three big fish in the lake.Oneof them,Demo,was wise;another one,Jimmy,was half﹣wise;Martin,the third one,wasstupid.??Somefishermencame to the bankof the lake with their nets.The

three fishsawthem.

Demodecided atonceto leave,to make thelong and difficult tripto the ocean.He thought,"I won'tdiscuss with thesetwo about this.They love this placeso much that they callithome and will stay



on.How silly theyare!They still haven't realizedweare ingreatdangernow.Theirignorancewill cost them their lives."?

Seeingthewise fish hadleft,Jimmy thought,"My guide hasgone and nowI've lostmychance to escape."He feltsorry forit and then

thought,"What can I do tosave myself from these menandtheir

nets?Perhaps I should pretend(假装)tobe already dead,givingmyself tota lly tothe water."So he did that.He went up and downwiththewater,h elpless,within arm'sreach of the fishermen.??

"Look at this!The best and biggest fishis dead."One of themen liftedhim bythe tail,and threwhim up on the ground.He rolled (滚动)over andover and movedsecretly towardthewater,and then,back in.

The third fish was aimlessly jumping about,trying to escapewithhis speed and cleverness.The net,of course,finally closed around him,and as he

lay in the hot frying﹣pan bed,he thought,"IfI get out ofthis,I'll neverliveagain in the limits ofthe lake.Nexttime,theocean!I'll makeit myhome."??


56.Thepassage isa?



C.notice ?

57.The underlined word"ignorance"in the passage means""in Chines





58.Jimmy thought thathe couldescapefromthe fishermen


A.traveling to the ocean?

B.pretending tobe dead?

C.jumping here and there ?

59.Who was caught by the fishermen at last??

A.Demo ?



60.What can we learn fromthe passage??

A.Itis important tomake proper changes in time.??

B.Good chances arealwaysgivento the honest.

C.Thestupid canalsosucceed withgreat efforts.




61. Whatwouldtheworld be like if cars coulddrive themselves?Imagineseeing anemptycar passing by onits way to pickup its owner,or acarfull of passengerswho arereading,listeningto

music or evensleeping.But none of them are worried aboutthe road ahead.?

Well,all ofthiscould be the future of driving.There are several companies,includingGoogle,workingondriverless cars.Sofar,no Go ogle self﹣drivencar has gotten a traffic ticket,but some of them h

ave been in accidents when other carshitthem. ?

These cars are now still inthe testingstages.But,if the tests aresucces

sful,theseelectricself﹣driven cars couldbe put intouse very soon.

The cars alreadyhave manyfeatures (特点)allowing them to takethe place of drivers duringcertain situations.Some featuresincludecars being able to park themselves,or slow down whenthey notice objects

close by.They can also controlthespeed if there aredangerousconditions.

Scientistsand engineersbelieve,with thehelp of wireless(无线电的)signals,camerasand GPS,we are nowat a stagewhere creatingasafe se lf﹣driven car might be possible. ?

The causeof deadly road accidentsis usually careless driversor

dangerous conditions.Theself﹣driven car may beable to prevent these.H owever,somepeopledo not like theidea.American lawyerWhit Drake,for example,doesn't believe these cars aresafe.He thinks that technologie scan also bemistakes.?

61.The main purpose ofthe firstparagraph isto.?

A.make readers wonderabout self﹣driven cars?

B.get readers to pay attentionto road safety

C.tell readers to keep away from heavy traffic?

62.Thetesting self﹣driven cars need energy to run. ?






63.From the passage,we knowthatthe testingself﹣driven cars ca nalready ?

A.avoid being hitby other vehicles on roads??

B.control the speedin dangerous situations

C.turn around when getting near objects?

64.Whatmight makethe self﹣driven carsrun safely accordingtothe passage? ??


b.wireless signals



A.a,b,c ?



65.Whatis Whit Drake's attitude (态度)toward the safetyof the self﹣driven cars??

A.Hehas doubt about it.?

B.He believes it completely.

C.He doesn'tcare about it.??



I always had a nice cup oftea every morning in mycountryin Indonesia.toorder. "I thoughtshewas making a morning joke with me.SoI said,"Redtea,please."With a veryunfriendly face shea sked me again,"Black or white tea,please?"(69)I didn't know what actually blackor white tea was.Ionly knew that having tea isusually with or without sugar.??

One day Ihada cup of tea at the university tea room.I sawa lady drinking tea with milkinit.Then I askedher,"(70)"She smiledand said,"Yes,you can."Atthatmoment,Iunderstoodthatblackteaisno milk added and white tea iswithmilk.Howbigis the difference of having tea betweenIndonesian and Australian people!??

A.Ididn't sayanything.

B.I jumpedintothe queue.



C.Wouldyoulike black or white tea?

D.CanIsay that you are having a white tea?

E.Itgaveme a great feelingin the morning.

71.I'mJane,fromAmerica.I can not sleep welland Ialwayswake up several times duringthe night.Iknow fora factthat there are many otherpeoplewho havetrouble goingtosleep,too.So,I've collected some adviceI'vereceived over thepast fewmonths thathave not onlyhelped me get to sleep faster,but helpedmeget betternight sleeps.?

Have regularsleephabits??

Go to bed atthe same time everynight.Try notto break thishabit on weekends when you maybe made to stayup late.Wakeup atthesame time every day.Ifyou're getting enough sleep,youshould wakeup naturallywithout an alarm.

Turnoff yourcomputer?

Don't play on the computer forhalfan hour before you decideto sleep.Studies showthatitis bad for thequality of yoursleep.Read a book or listen to some lightmusictoprepare your body forsleeping.??

Have a nice bedroom ?

A clean environment helps people tobe happyand relaxed.Makesuretha tyouhave turned off all light that might comeintoyour room,and that the temperature is comfortable.

Exercise often?

Exercising will help you to fall asleep more easily,so walk outfor45mi nutes everydayandyou will sleep better at night.Butdon't do it just before you goto bed﹣you won't be ableto sleep! ?

Eat properly

Eat onlya little for supper.A full stomach may make it much harder for you tosleep.??


Adviceon How to (71)Well

Haveregular sleep habits Go to bed and wakeup at thesame time every day.

Get (72)sleep and you'll wake up naturally.

Turn offyour computer Don't play on the computerfor a long time.Tryto areada book or listen tolight music(73)you go tosleep.

Haveanice bedroom Keep your bedroomclean.It will make vou(74) and relaxed.



-- T urn off a ll ligh t tha t might come i nto the room.

Exe rcise oft en G o o ut for a (7

5) e very day fo r sleeping better .

Ea t prop erly It 's muc h (76) for you to fall as le ep if you onl y ea t a little for sup pe r.


第四部分 语言知识运用填写题(共三节,满分4分)第一节词汇运用(共4小题;每小题1分,满分4分)选择括号内恰当的单词填入空白处,使句子完整、正确.?

77. (What/How ) a heavy stone !?

78.Febr uary is th e (two/se cond ) month of a ye ar. ? 79.﹣Wh o se home i s (f ar/farther ) fro m scho ol,Alice's o r Dais y's ? ?

﹣A li ce's,I think .??

80.W e m ust try (our/o urs ) b est to p rote ct pla nts.T hey're im portant to hu ma n be ings.



81.The new hotel w il l be b uilt /bi 'sa id/the river. ?

82.L ast ye ar Su san gave a /'fl au ?/to Ms .L u on Teach ers'Day .?? 83.﹣Co ul d you pass me t hose (盒子)? ?

﹣Ce rt ain ly.Here yo u are .?

84.Te lesc op es are (有用的).We can lo ok at t he u ni verse throu gh them .??

85.﹣We'd better b ook a stan dard r oom before we set o ff .?

﹣I (同意)with y ou.

86.It was a difficult t im e f or them ,but th ey didn't (放弃)thei r hope.?


第二节遣词造句(共5小题:每小题2分,满分10分) ?

87.根据提供的图画和提示词,写一个符合图意的完整、正确的句子. ?



face,now .?



collect,fun .



make,wood .?






