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UL 842

ISBN 0-7629-1302-9

Valves for Flammable Fluids 用于可燃液体阀的标准


Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (UL) 333 P ngsten Road Northbrook, IL 60062-2096 UL Standard for Safety for Valves for Flammable Fluids, UL 842 Ninth Edition, Dated April 19, 2007 Summary of Topics

This new edition of ANSI/UL 842 includes editorial revisions consisting of updated references and renumbering of the standard. No changes in requirements have been made.

UL Standards for Safety are developed and maintained in the Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML). SGML --an international standard (ISO 8879-1986) --is a descriptive markup language that describes a document’s structure and purpose, rather than its physical appearance on a page. Due to formatting differences resulting from the use of UL’s new electronic publishing system, please note that additional pages (on which no requirements have been changed) may be included in revision pages due to relocation of existing text and reformatting of the Standard.

As indicated on the title page (page 1), this UL Standard for Safety is an American National Standard. Attention is directed to the note on the title page of this Standard outlining the procedures to be followed to retain the approved text of this ANSI/UL Standard.

As indicated on the title page (page1), this UL Standard for Safety has been adopted by the Department of Defense.

The UL Foreword is no longer located within the UL Standard. For information concerning the use and application of the requirements contained in this Standard, the current version of the UL Foreword is located on UL Standards Info Net at: /ulforeword.html

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New product submittals made prior to a speci ed future effective date will be judged under all of the requirements in this Standard including those requirements


with a speci ed future effective date, unless the applicant speci cally requests that the product be judged under the current requirements. However, if the applicant elects this option, it should be noted that compliance with all the requirements in this Standard will be required as a condition of continued Listing, Recognition, and Follow-Up Services after the effective date, and understanding of this should be signi ed in writing. Copyright © 2007 Underwriters Laboratories Inc.

ThisStandardconsistsofpagesdatedasshowninthefollowingchecklist: Page Date 1-30 ............................................................................April19,2007


APRIL 19, 2007

ANSI/UL 842-2007 UL 842

Standard for Valves for Flammable Fluids

The rst edition was titled Construction and Performance of Hazardous Liquid Valves. The second edition was titled Valves for Hazardous Liquids. The third and fourth editions were titled Valves for Flammable Liquids and Fuel Gases.

First Edition – May, 1930 Second Edition – July, 1950 Third Edition – November, 1959 Fourth Edition – May, 1973 Fifth Edition – January, 1974 Sixth Edition – June, 1980 Seventh Edition – June, 1993 Eighth Edition – April, 1997 Ninth Edition April 19, 2007

The most recent designation of ANSI/UL 842 as a Reaffirmed American National Standard (ANS) occurred on April 19, 2007.

This ANSI/UL Standard for Safety, which consists of the Eighth Edition is under continuous maintenance, whereby each revision is ANSI approved upon publication.

An effective date included as a note immediately following certain requirements is one established by Underwriters Laboratories Inc.

The Department of Defense (DoD) has adopted UL 842 on August 10, 1989. The publication of revised pages or a new edition of this Standard will not invalidate the DoD adoption.

Revisions of this Standard will be made by issuing revised or additional pages bearing their date of issue. A UL Standard is current only if it incorporates the most recently adopted revisions, all of which are itemized on the transmittal notice that accompanies the latest set of revised requirements. Comments or proposals for revisions on any part of the Standard may be submitted to UL at any time. Proposals should be submitted via a Proposal Request in UL’s On-Line Collaborative Standards Development System (CSDS) at . ISBN 0-7629-1302-9




1 Scope ...............................................................................5 2 Glossary .............................................................................6 3 General ..............................................................................6

3.1 Components ...................................................................6 3.2 Units of measurement...........................................................7 3.3 Undated references.............................................................7 CONSTRUCTION 装配

4 Assembly ............................................................................7

4.1 All valves ......................................................................7 4.2 Shut off valves..................................................................8 4.3 Hose nozzle valves .............................................................8

5 Materials................................... .........................................10 6 Bodies and Covers...................................................................11 7 Seals and Stuffing Boxes .............................................................11 8 Diaphragms .........................................................................12 9 Springs .............................................................................13

10 Operating Mechanisms ..............................................................13 PERFORMANCE 性能测试

11 General............................................................................13 12 Deformation Test ...................................................................14 13 External Leakage Test ..............................................................15

13.1 General .....................................................................15 13.2 Fuel gas valves ..............................................................15

13.3 Diaphragm-type fuel gas valves ................................................16 14 Seat Leak age Test..................................................................17

15 Hose Nozzle Valve Strength Test.....................................................18 16 Operation Test .....................................................................19


16.1 General .....................................................................19 16.2 Hose nozzle valve............................................................20 17 Fire Test...........................................................................20 1

18 Weak Section Strength Test .........................................................21 19 Pull Test...........................................................................22 20 Sensitivity Test .....................................................................22 21 Endurance Test ....................................................................23

22 Hydrostatic Strength Test ............................................................24 23 Electrical Continuity Test ............................................................24 24 Salt Spray Test.....................................................................25

25 10-Day Moist Ammonia-Air Stress Cracking Test ....................................25 26 Tests of Synthetic Rubber Parts ......................................................26

26.1 General .....................................................................26

26.2 Volume change test ..........................................................26 26.3 Weight loss test ..............................................................27

27 Marking Adhesion Test ..............................................................27

MANUFACTURING AND PRODUCTION TESTS 制造及产品测试 28 General............................................................................28 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS

29 General……………………………………………………… 28 MARKING

30 General……………………………………………………….28



1 Scope 范围

1.1 These requirements cover valves that are intended to be used for the control of ammable uids. They are of the type commonly used in piping

systems and in the assembly of motor fuel dispensing and fuel burning equipment. Valves covered by this standard are for use with ammable uids which are handled at temperatures within the range of minus 29°C (minus 20°F) to 52°C (125°F). 1.1 这些条件适用于控制可燃液体的阀门。他们是常用的管道系统和分配燃料的发动机和燃料的燃烧设备组装使用的类型。本标准所涵盖的阀门使用易燃液体的温度下处理,这是在零下29范围° C(-20 ° F)至52℃(125℉)。

1.2 These requirements cover valves of the manually operated, pressure operated, or temperature operated types, or combinations of such to the

exclusion of types operated wholly or partially by electricity. When they form a part of an assembly which provides for additional functions or service, the requirements are outside the scope of these requirements.

1.2 这些条件包含了手工操作的、压力操作的、温度操作的或者不用电力操作的组合阀门。当他们组成一个整体,具有额外的功能时,就不在这个范围之内。

1.3 These requirements do not cover the following: 不包含以下几种条件:

a) Valves for handling liquids under cryogenic conditions. 使用低温液体的阀门

b) Valves for general re nery service, offshore and pipe line terminals, natural gas processing plants, gas distribution systems, petrochemical processing facilities, or the like. 炼油厂,海洋管道,天然气加工厂,配气系统,石化加工设施,或类似系列的阀门。 c) Constant-level oil valves and electrically operated valves. 恒定液体油阀和电控阀

d) Relief valves and pressure regulators for lique ed petroleum gas (LP-Gas) service. 用液化石油气的安全阀和压力调节阀 e) Shutoff and check valves for lique ed petroleum gas (LP-Gas) in the liquid phase. 用液化石油气的切断阀和止回阀


f) Manually operated gas valves of the plug and body or rotating disc type which are evaluated under the Standard for Manually Operated Gas Valves for Appliances, Appliance Connector Valves and Hose End Valves, ANSI Z21.15.

根据手动气阀标准或者ANSI Z21.15(Appliance Connector Valves and Hose End Valves)可手工操作赌帽和阀体或者要摇动阀瓣的气阀。

g) Valves covered by the Standard for Gas Appliance Pressure Regulators, ANSI Z21.18; the Standard for Automatic Valves for Gas Appliances, ANSI Z21.21; or the Standard for Gas Appliance Thermostats, ANSI Z21.23.

标准ANSI Z21.18(Standard for Gas Appliance Pressure Regulators)、ANSI Z21.21(Standard for Automatic Valves for Gas Appliances)、ANSI Z21.23(Standard for Gas Appliance Thermostats)所包含的阀门。

1.4 A product that contains features, characteristics, components, materials, or systems new or different from those covered by the requirements in this standard, and that involves a risk of fire or of electric shock or injury to persons shall be evaluated using appropriate additional component and end-product requirements to maintain the level of safety as originally anticipated by the intent of this standard. A product whose features, characteristics, components, materials, or systems conflict with specific requirements or provisions of this standard does not comply with this standard. Revision of requirements shall be proposed and adopted in conformance with the methods employed for development, revision, and implementation of this standard.

1.4 产品包括功能、特点、元件、材料或跟标准所规定的有所不同,同时涉及到火灾或触电或人身伤害风险而增加的元件要符合原标准规定。一个产品其功能,特点,元件,材料,或系统有特殊要求与本标准规定相抵触。要求修改的,应当提交申请,修订和新版本采取同一标准。

2 Glossary 术语

2.1 EMERGENCY SHUTOFF VALVES – Valves intended for installation at the inlet of remote control type ammable liquid dispensing devices. They are normally held open by a mechanical holding means. They incorporate a fusible element and close automatically in the event of exposure to re or break-off resulting from severe impact. They are designed for an operating pressure of not less than 50 psi (345 kPa).


一种安装在可燃液体设备入水口端用于远程控制的阀门。通常由机械控制保持打开状态。运用易熔元件在火灾或爆破时自动关闭。最小承受压力50 psi (345 kPa)。

2.2 FLAMMABLE FLUIDS – Fuel oil, gasoline, kerosene, and similar petroleum products, lique ed petroleum gas (LP-Gas) in the gaseous phase,


not in excess of 1 pound per square inch (psi) (6.9 kPa), and manufactured and natural fuel gases.


2.3 FUSIBLE LINK VALVES – Valves intended for use in lines conveying fuel gas or fuel oil which function to close when the temperature in the vicinity of the valve exceeds the fusing temperature of the fusible element.


2.4 HOSE NOZZLE VALVE, AUTOMATIC – A hose nozzle valve that incorporates a mechanism that shuts off the ow of liquid during refueling operations to prevent over ow from the ll opening when the tank is over lled.


2.5 HOSE NOZZLE VALVES – Self-closing type valves designed for an operating pressure of minimum 50 psi (345 kPa) and intended for use at the outlet end of a hose for dispensing ammable liquids.

2.5软管喷嘴阀--在易燃液体的软管出水口使用。最小承受压力为50 psi (345 kPa)的自闭型阀门。

3 General 综述 3.1 Components 元件

3.1.1 Except as indicated in 3.1.2, a component of a product covered by this standard shall comply with the requirements for that component. 3.1.1除3.1.2所述的元件外,本标准范围内的产品,其元件都应符合对该元件的要求。

3.1.2 A component is not required to comply with a speci c requirement that:

a) Involves a feature or characteristic not required in the application of the component in the product covered by this standard, or


b) Is superseded by a requirement in this standard.

3.1.2 在以下情况下,元件不必满足特定的要求:

a) 元件具有一个特征,使其不适用于本标准范围内的元件 b) 其要求被本标准的要求所替代

3.1.3 A component shall be used in accordance with its rating established for the intended conditions of use.

3.1.3 元件应在其标定值下使用。

3.1.4 Speci c components are incomplete in construction features or restricted in performance capabilities. Such components are intended for use only under limited conditions, such as certain temperatures not exceeding speci ed limits, and shall be used only under those speci c conditions. 3.1.4 某些元件在结构上不完整,或者受到性能的限制,只能在限定状况下使用(如温度不能高于限值),则这些元件只能在规定状况下使用。

3.2 Units of measurement 度量单位

3.2.1 When a value for measurement is followed by a value in other units in parentheses, the rst stated value is the requirement. 3.2.1 如果一个度量值后面用括号注明另一度量单位值,则不带括号的值是要求值。

3.3 Undated references 未注明日期参考

3.3.1 Any undated reference to a code or standard appearing in the requirements of this standard shall be interpreted as referring to the latest edition of that code or standard.

3.3.1 本标准中,未注明日期的参考代号或参考标准,均是指最新版本的代号或标准。



4 Assembly 概述

4.1 All valves 所有阀门

4.1.1 A valve shall include all of the components required for its intended function and installation. 4.1.1 一个阀门应该包括所有要求用来正常运作的部件和装置。

4.1.2 When a valve requires the use of special pipe flanges, gaskets, bolts, or other special fittings or parts for making an installation, such parts shall be furnished by the manufacturer with each valve.

4.1.2 当一个阀门的设计需要用到特殊管法兰、垫片、飞边或者其他特殊配置来制作一个装置,诸如此类的部件应该由制造商配备。

4.1.3 Two or more subassemblies intended to be assembled in the field as a unit shall be capable of being joined together without requiring any of the subassemblies to be cut, drilled, welded or otherwise altered.

4.1.3 当两个或者两个以上元件要组合在一起,这些元件应当不用切割、打孔、焊接等改动就能组合作在一起。

4.1.4 When two or more valves or actuating devices, or both, are to be used together as one unit, the entire assembly is, for the purpose of these requirements, to be considered and tested as one valve.

4.1.4 当两个或者多个阀门或者启动装置组合在一起时,应该按一个阀门整体进行测试。

4.1.5 The construction of a valve shall be such that parts can be reassembled after being dismantled to the extent provided for routine maintenance. 4.1.5 阀门的构造应该是在日常维修拆卸后能重新组装的

4.1.6 Means shall be provided for the purpose of making any required field adjustment. 4.1.6 为现场任何调整需求提供方法

4.1.7 A seat disc shall be attached to its poppet or holder or otherwise assembled so as to prevent it from becoming dislocated under service conditions as determined by the Endurance Test, Section 21. The means to secure the disc shall not rely upon cement or adhesive.

4.1.7 阀座应该通过支撑或者其他方式组装保持和阀体的紧密连接,避免在2.1寿命测试中脱离。保护阀座不能依赖水泥或者粘合剂。


4.1.8 A brazing material used for joining liquid confining parts of a valve shall have a melting point (solidus temperature) of minimum 538°C (1000°F). 4.1.8 阀门中使用铜焊材料的熔点不能低于538°C (1000°F)

4.1.9 A valve with socket or butt weld ends shall be capable of being installed without damaging nonmetallic seats or seals. Required instructions for accomplishing this shall accompany each valve.


4.2 Shutoff valves 截止阀

4.2.1 A shutoff valve shall not be equipped with a bypass or with a means to prevent it from closing completely. 4.2.1 截止阀不应该配备阻碍完全关闭的旁支或者方式。

4.2.2 The requirement in 4.2.1 does not apply to a feature provided to permit a take-off to recirculate uid or to supply a pilot or other individually controlled outlet.

4.2.2 在4.2.1的规定不适用于可循环液体或者提供引导的或者在出水口有独立控制系统的特征的阀门。

4.2.3 The appropriate operating positions or the direction of movement shall be clearly indicated for a manual operating lever or reset handle included in a nonself-closing type valve.

4.2.3 非自动截止阀门中适当的操作位置或者移动方向可以为手动操作杆或者重置手柄提供清晰的指示。

4.2.4 An automatic shutoff valve shall function as a shutoff regardless of the position of any damper or external operating lever or any reset device. The manipulation of a manual-reset device shall not cause the valve to function as an automatic-reset valve.

4.2.4 自动截止阀不论挡板或者其他外在操作或设置在哪里都有一个自动关闭功能。一个手动复位装置操作阀门不能作为自动复位阀门。

4.2.5 An automatic shutoff valve shall not be equipped with means for manually latching the valve in the open position in a manner which prevents the


valve from functioning as a shutoff.

4.2.5 自动截止阀门不能再打开位置配备手动把手,以避免阀门被手动关闭。

4.2.6 An automatic shutoff mechanism shall be guarded to prevent interference with the intended operation of the mechanism. 4.2.6 自动关闭机制应加以防护避免干扰。

4.2.7 When a mechanically actuated indicator is provided to show whether the main valve is open or shut, it shall be visible from a distance of at least 5 feet (1.52 m).

4.2.7 应当在至少5 feet (1.52 m)的地方可以看见,显示主阀打开或截止状态的机械开关装置。

4.2.8 An automatic shutoff valve shall close independently of the energy supplied by the medium owing. The medium owing is not prohibited from being used to exert supplementary forces on the valve seat.

4.2.8 自动截止阀独立于介质流动提供的力量。流动的介质可用作对阀门本身施加的力量补充。 4.2.9 An automatic shutoff valve shall close upon accidental escape of the actuating media. 4.2.9 当流动介质意外泄漏时,自动截止阀会关闭。

4.3 Hose nozzle valves

4.3.1 A hose nozzle valve shall be of the manually-operated or of the automatic type. A manually-operated valve requires the valve to be manually held open during the entire filling operation without the aid of hold-open devices or latches, but is capable of closing automatically. An automatic valve requires the valve to:

4.3.1 软管喷嘴阀有手动操作型和自动型。手动操作的阀门要求阀门在没有打开或者闭锁装置时,整个灌装过程中手动保持打开状态但能自动关闭。自动型阀门对阀门有以下要求:


a) Be manually opened, but is capable of being held open during the filling operation by a latch or other device and


b) Is provided with automatic closing features.


4.3.2 A hose nozzle valve shall be of the normally closed type. It shall be self-closing upon the manual or automatic release of the operating lever. 4.3.2 软管喷嘴阀门为常闭型。它应该能在手动或者自动操作时能自动关闭。

4.3.3 A guard shall be provided to guide or protect the free end of an operating lever and to prevent opening of the valve or damage to an operating part if the valve is dropped. A guard shall be of such strength as to permit operation of the valve subsequent to its being subjected to mechanical strength tests. See the Hose Nozzle Valve Strength Test, Section 15.

4.3.3 需要提供一个防护装置保护操作杆末端和当阀门摔落时对操作部分提供保护。这个防护装置在机械强度测试之后仍能正常工作,详见15部分,软管喷嘴阀强度测试。

4.3.4 An operating lever shall possess the strength required to resist bending or breaking when tested in accordance with these requirements. See the Endurance Test, Section 21.

4.3.4 当按这些性能要求进行测试时,操作杠杆需要有抗弯和抗裂的能力,详见21,耐力测试。

4.3.5 The closing action of a hose nozzle valve shall be in the direction of uid ow. A seat seal or valve disc shall consist of resilient material and shall provide proper seating of a disc.

4.3.5 软管喷嘴阀门的关闭装置应该装在它水流方向。密封座或者阀瓣应由弹性材料组成或者提供合适的seating of a disc.

4.3.6 A hose nozzle valve shall be equipped with a spout not exceeding 12 inches (305 mm) in length. Nozzles shall be of corrosion resistant material, such as brass or aluminum.

4.3.6 软管喷嘴阀配备的阀嘴不能超过12英寸长(305毫米)。阀门嘴必须用耐腐蚀材料,如铜或铝。

4.3.7 A sand casting employed as a pressure con ning part of a hose nozzle valve shall have a wall thickness of minimum 0.094 inch (2.38 mm). 4.3.7软管喷嘴阀部分由翻砂铸造的,壁厚不能低于minimum 0.094 inch (2.38 mm)。


4.3.8 A exible metal spout shall be tted with a threaded adapter that overlaps an end at least 3/4 inch (19.1 mm) for attachment to the body of a valve. The discharge end of a exible metal spout shall terminate in a smooth ferrule.

4.3.8 喷嘴旋入阀体螺纹内,螺纹旋合长度大约为3/4inch(19.1 mm)。螺纹需要旋转自如。

4.3.9 The means for attaching a spout to a valve body shall permit ready replacement of a spout in the eld with the use of ordinary hand tools. 4.3.9 连接管口到阀体应该可以用现成的普通工具就能操作的。

4.3.10 A hose nozzle valve shall provide electrical continuity from the spout to the body inlet so that when in use, continuity is provided for grounding of static charges. Such continuity shall be inherent in the construction and shall not be accomplished by a jumper wire. See the Electrical Continuity Test, Section 23.

4.3.10 软管喷嘴阀应该再使用时可以提供从阀嘴到阀体连续的的不间断的静电。这种连续应该是结构中固有的不是由跳线来完成的,详见23.电气连续性测试

4.3.11 A hose nozzle valve intended for use in salt water marine or boat yard environments shall be constructed so as to comply with the applicable construction and performance requirements except that the tests speci ed in Sections 15, 16, 20, 22, and 23 are to be conducted following exposure to a salt enriched atmosphere as described in 24.2 – 24.6.

4.3.11软管喷嘴阀在造船厂咸水环境下使用时这个性能和结构必须符合15, 16, 20, 22, and 23章节的要求,同时符合24.2 – 24.6所述的 暴露在浓缩盐雾中的要求

Exception: A hose nozzle valve is not required to operate in accordance with the requirements of Section 16 when, due to accumulation of salt in the sensing port, the hose nozzle valve does not operate to deliver uid.


4.3.12 A hose nozzle valve for use in salt water or boat yard environments shall be of the automatic closing type without a latch-open device. 4.3.12 为在盐水或修船厂环境下使用软管喷嘴阀应为无闩锁开启装置自动关闭的类型。


5 Materials 材料

5.1 Fluid-con ning or operating parts of a valve, when failure of the part allows leakage or impairs operation, shall have the strength and durability to provide reliable service of the parts and of the assembly.

5.1 阀中封闭液体和操作的部分需要为配件提供一定的强度和耐久性,否则故障的部分会导致泄漏或者影响运作。

5.2 To conform to 5.1, a material other than a valve disc or soft seat, a seal ring, a diaphragm, or a gasket shall have a melting point (solidus temperature) of minimum 510°C (950°F) and a tensile strength of minimum 10,000 psi (69 MPa) at 204°C (400°F).

5.2 为了符合5.1的要求,材料(除了一个阀门圆盘或者软座,一盒密封圈,一个隔膜或者沉淀)要有一个融化点(固相线温度)不低于950°F(510°C)跟一个张力的力度不低于1000psi(68.9Mpa),400°F(204°C)。

5.3 A material not in conformance with 5.2 is not prohibited from being employed in a hose nozzle valve used only in dispensing service. 5.3 不符合5.2规定的材料只能作为软管喷嘴阀的涂料使用。

5.4 A part in contact with the uid to be handled shall be resistant to the action of such uid.

5.4 阀体中与液体接触的部分要有能抵抗这种液体副作用的能力。

5.5 A part made of an elastomer shall not crack or show visible evidence of deterioration following exposure in an air oven for 70 hours at 100°C ±2°C (212°F ±3.6°F).

5.5 阀门中用橡胶做成的部分在100°C ±2°C (212°F ±3.6°F)的空气炉中暴露70小时不能有开裂或者变质现象。

5.6 When atmospheric corrosion of a part interferes with the intended function of a valve, the part shall be of a corrosion resistant material or be provided with a corrosion resistant coating.

5.6 当受大气腐蚀部分影响了阀门的功能,这部分必须用为耐腐蚀材料或用耐腐蚀涂层。


5.7 A coating complying with 5.6 shall provide resistance against corrosion to a degree not less than that provided by the coatings speci ed in 5.8. 5.7 遵照5.6的涂层要求的耐腐蚀性涂料不能低于5.8规定的涂层要求。

5.8 Cadmium plating shall be minimum 0.0003 inch (0.008 mm) thick and zinc plating shall be minimum 0.0005 inch (0.013 mm) thick other than on parts where threads constitute the major portion of the area, in which case the thickness of the cadmium or zinc plating shall be minimum 0.00015 inch (0.0038 mm).

5.8 镀镉的厚度最低为0.0003 inch (0.008 mm),镀锌最低为0.0005 inch (0.013 mm),其他主要部分镉或锌镀层厚度应最低为0.00015 inch (0.0038 mm)。

5.9 A hose nozzle valve intended for use in salt water marine or boat yard environments shall be resistant to corrosion so as to comply with the requirements of the Salt Spray Test, Section 24.

5.9 在咸水或者造船厂环境下使用的软管喷嘴阀应有符合24 烟雾测试要求的耐腐蚀性。

5.10 A plant ber gasket used to seal a uid-retaining joint shall be not more than 1/32 inch (0.8 mm) thick. A cork composition gasket shall be shellacked in place on one side and coated with graphite on the other. A synthetic rubber gasket shall have a thickness of not less than 1/64 inch (0.4 mm) and not more than 3/32 inch (2.4 mm).

5.10用植物纤维垫圈做密封的厚度不能超过1/32 inch (0.8 mm)。软木垫片做的密封圈,应该一边用shellacked,另一边用石墨涂层。合成橡胶垫片厚度要在1/64 inch (0.4 mm) --3/32 inch (2.4 mm)之间。

6 Bodies and Covers 主体和壳体

6.1 A threaded section of a body intended for the connection of pipe shall have a section to serve as a wrench grip. 6.1 要和管道连接的阀体上的螺纹部分要有可以握住的部分。

6.2 Pipe threads shall be in accordance with the Standard for Pipe Threads, General Purpose (Inch), ANSI/ASME B1.20.1. 6.2管螺纹应符合ANSI/ASME B1.20.1.管道螺纹的标准。

Exception: Valves intended for use in installations where pipe fittings incorporate other than NPT type threads shall be permitted to be provided with pipe threads complying with a national pipe thread standard compatible with those fittings. The pipe thread type shall be identified in accordance with



6.3 Joints in a body formed of two or more parts shall be prevented from loosening as the result of the turning effort exerted by connecting or disconnecting piping. See the Deformation Test, Section 12.

6.3 用两个或者两个以上部分组成阀体可以防止管道连接或者拆开时接口处产生的松动。详见12章的分离测试。

6.4 A valve assembly intended for attachment to pipe larger than 4 inch (102 mm) nominal size shall be provided with flanged pipe connections. A flange shall conform to the appropriate American National Standard for Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings covering the material from which the flange is made, or it shall be found by investigation to be acceptable for the application. See 4.1.2.

6.4 用于连接管道的阀门大于额定尺寸4寸,必须用法兰式管道。法兰必须符合美标法兰管道,和法兰接头,包括法兰的制作材质;或法兰必须符合实际使用。

6.5 Openings for bolts or screws used for assembly shall not extend through the outer walls of a body into a liquid-handling section. 6.5 装配用螺栓孔不得延伸至阀体流道内。

6.6 When warping of a casting affects the tightness of uid-con ning joints or the required t of parts, the casting shall be stress-relieved to reduce the risk of warping.

6.6 当铸件翘曲会影响到流体狭小连接处或要求配合的部位的紧密性,铸件应进行应力释放以减少翘曲的危险。

6.7 Each cleanout and drain opening shall be closed by a standard pipe plug or a threaded shouldered plug. A gasket shall be retained by the valve body or the plug when the plug is removed.

6.7 每个清洗或者排水口都应该由标准管道堵帽或者螺纹堵帽关闭着。当堵帽被移除是,垫片应该保留住。

7 Seals and Stuffing Boxes 阀座和填料箱

7.1 A valve shall include a stuffing box or other means for sealing to prevent leakage at the valve stem.


7.1 阀门里需要有一个填料箱或者其他的可以防止阀杆处泄漏的密封装置

7.2 When packing is used to prevent leakage around a valve stem, and when it is required for the user to adjust or renew the packing during intended usage or as wear occurs, a stuffing box conforming to the following shall be used.


a) The stuffing box shall be provided with a removable, shouldered, unthreaded follower gland, with a nut or other means for adjusting the

gland to maintain pressure on the packing. 填料箱必须配备一个可移动的、有肩的、无螺纹的压盖,同时可用螺帽或者其他方式进行调整。

b) The stuffing box gland shall be made of corrosion resistant material. 填料箱压盖必须用防腐蚀性材料做成 c) The stuffing box shall be fully packed prior to shipment of the valve. 在包装之前填料箱需要完全被填充

7.3 An adjustable stuffing box used to seal an automatically actuated stem of a valve shall be such that any adjustment of the packing take-up will not bind the stem sufficiently to prevent the valve from functioning automatically.


7.4 A spring-loaded follower gland shall employ a spring made of corrosion resistant material or of material provided with a corrosion resistant coating.

7.4 用弹簧支撑的压盖应该采用耐腐蚀性材料或者有防腐蚀性材料涂层的弹簧。

7.5 When corrosion of a valve stem results in damage to a packing or seal material and results in leakage, or binding of the assembly, the stem shall be of corrosion resistant material or be provided with a corrosion resistant coating or treatment.

7.5 当阀杆的腐蚀影响到填料或者密封件导致泄漏或者binding of the assembly,阀杆应该用防腐蚀性材料或者进行防腐蚀性处理或者涂层。

7.6 A valve stem shall not be capable of being completely withdrawn from the valve by reverse rotation. Threads of a valve stem shall not enter a stuffing box recess.

7.6 阀杆应该在阀门反向旋转使用时也可使用。阀杆的螺纹不能深入填料箱。

