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In its early history, Chicago had floods frequently, especially in the spring, making the streets so muddy that people, horsesto lower the Chicago River or raise the cityAn engineer named Ellis Chesbrough convinced the city that it had no choice but to build the pipes above ground and then cover them with dirt. This raised the level of the city's streets by as much as 12 feet.The next morning at school,Bob’s teacher asks Bob to make sentences with the words “ you,he and I”.Bob 10.stands(stand) up and says,I am your专题12.8 研究平抛运动

1. (2016上海嘉定一模)用如图所示的实验装置研究平抛运动。某同学按如下的操作得到了一组数据:

① 将碰撞传感器水平放置,在轨道多个位置静止释放小球。

② 将碰撞传感器竖直放置在离开抛出点一定距离处(图中虚线位置),在轨道多个位置静止释放小球,小 ③ 球都击中碰撞传感器。

初速度v0(m/s)飞行时间t(s) 1 1.024 0.246 2 1.201 0.249 3 1.176 0.248 4 1.153 0.173 5 0.942 0.212 6 1.060 0.189 (1)本实验除了碰撞传感器外,还需用到的传感器是。

(2)根据表格可知,碰撞传感器水平放置时,距离小球抛出点的高度约m;碰撞传感器竖直放置时, 距离小球抛出点的水平距离约m。

【参考答案】(1)光电门 (2)0.3,0.2


In its early history, Chicago had floods frequently, especially in the spring, making the streets so muddy that people, horsesto lower the Chicago River or raise the cityAn engineer named Ellis Chesbrough convinced the city that it had no choice but to build the pipes above ground and then cover them with dirt. This raised the level of the city's streets by as much as 12 feet.The next morning at school,Bob’s teacher asks Bob to make sentences with the words “ you,he and I”.Bob 10.stands(stand) up and says,I am your

①平抛运动水平方向分运动是运动。 ②为了能较准确的完成实验,需要。 A.调节装置使斜槽末端保持水平 B.实验所用斜槽的轨道必须是光滑的

③已知方格每格长L,重力加速度为g,则小球到 B点时竖直方向的速度为 。 【答案】①匀速直线 ②A ③2


(1)以下实验过程的一些做法,其中合理的有________. a.安装斜槽轨道,使其末端保持水平 b.每次小球释放的初始位置可以任意选择 c.每次小球应从同一高度由静止释放





