托福口语:Describe a traditional Chinese festival-智课教育旗下智课教育
更新时间:2023-08-19 08:53:01 阅读量: 高中教育 文档下载
Describe a traditional Chinese
Describe a traditional Chinese festival
Just like you have Christmas in western countrieswe
Chinese hold spring festival to celebrate our Chinese new year. Ittakes place on the first day of our lunar calendarand the mostexciting night is the Eve. On the Eveall families will be sittingaround the same table in our grandpas'feastingtoasting andchit-chatting. We will all be watching TV waiting for the comingof the New Year. At 12 sharpwe Chinese "guonian". "guo" inEnglish means to drive awayand "nian" is the name of a
horrible creature in our Chinese fairy tale that visits our land oncea year destroying our homes devouring our crops. That's themain reason why we Chinese will let out fire works and ter on after thatwe visit our friends and fellow workerstosend our best regards for the coming New Year. The old will sealmoney into red pockets making "lucky money" and hand out thekids to make their growing up one year older.
托福口语:Describe a traditional Chinese festival-智课教育旗下智课教育08-19
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