托福阅读课讲义(花花整理) - 图文

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Reading Comprehension IBT TOFEL


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Reading Comprehension IBT TOFEL

? 怎样的考试和怎样的我们…….

? 托福考试的本质探求——对”Test of English as a Foreign Language”的再认知

? 托福到底有多难?

? 习惯的说法:高考->六级->考研->托福->SAT->GRE->GMAT->LSAT ? 用合理的方式进行难度的评价 ? 从“OF”到“IN” ? Test OF English:“对”英语的测试

? TOEFL (Test Of English as a Foreign Language)

? IELTS (International English Language Testing System) ? TOEIC (Test Of English for International Communication) ? CET-4 (College English Test-Band 4) ? CET-6 (College English Test-Band 6) ? PETS (Public English Test System) ? Test IN English:“用”英语的测试

? GRE (Graduate Record Examination)

? GMAT (Graduate Management Admission Test) ? SAT (Scholastic Assessment Test) ? LSAT (Law School Admission Test)

? NCEE (National College Entrance Examination) ? NGEE (National Graduate Entrance Examination) ? 托福作为语言考试的本质

? 测试考生对英语的综合应用能力——包括听、说、读、写的独立能力和综合能力; ? 测试考生在实际的学习、生活过程中的语言应用能力——所有测试内容均与实际结合; ? 考生的英语水平与分数具有直接相关性——零基础测试假设;

? 包含且仅包含语言使用过程中的所有因素——词汇、句子、语篇、语境、交流方式。 ? 托福考试的本质探求——从形式特征到内容特征

? 托福阅读的形式特征 ? ETTOFEL IBT Reading section includes 3 to 5 reading passages, each approximately 700 The Swords long. There are 12 to 14 questions per passage. You have from 60 to 100 minutes to answer 所all questions in the section. (Official Guide .p.19) 阐述Most questions are worth 1 points but the last question in each set is worth more than 1 points. 的The directions indicate how many points you may receive. (Reading section directions in actual 形test) 式 ? ? ? ? ? ?

文章数量:3或5篇 这样安排是为了为了匹配时间,70%的考生希望遇到56 考试时间:每篇文章20分钟 文章长度:700字左右 题目数量12-14篇



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Reading Comprehension IBT TOFEL




The Reading section is divided into separately timed parts. (Reading section directions in the actual test ) A clock in the top of the screen will show how much time to available to answer these questions.(Reading section direction in the first model test) Within each part, you can go to the next question by clicking Next. You may skip question and go back to them later. If you want to return to previous questions, click on Back. You can click on Review at any time and the review screen will show you which questions you have answered and which you have not answered. From this review screen, you may go directly to any question you have already seen in the Reading section. (Reading section directions in the actual test) Some passages include a word or phrase that is underlined in blue. Click on the word or phrase to see a definition or an explanation. (Reading section directions in the actual test) You have seen all of the questions in this part of the Reading section. You have time left to Review. As long as there is time remaining, you can check your work. Click on Return to continue working. Click on Review to see the review screen for this section. Click on Continue to go on. Once you leave this part of the Reading Section, you WILL NOT be able to return to it. . (Reading section directions in the actual test) ? ? ? ?

笔记区 ? 不要提前,尽量晚开考;考试休息期间别到处走动,可以听听其他人考口语,提前准备自己的口语话题。 准备周期:4—6个月为比较理想; 单词生词率:3-5%; 以后会介绍如何推断单词词义以及如何背单词。 时段划分:2个(20分+40分)或3个(20分+40分+40分); 计时方式:由系统自动进行倒计时;

常用按钮:Next, Back, Review, Return, Continue 单词划线解释:对考生友好还是浪费时间?

考试注意点(口语):声音宏亮,语速稳定,逻辑清晰 - 3 - GRE和TOFEL是全集和子集的关系,一个是all, 一个是none,老俞的红宝书剔除了T’OFEL单Reading Comprehension IBT TOFEL

从PBT到IBT的阅读习惯变化 ? 垂直阅读和水平阅读的差异 ? 视线与思维同步的问题 ? 纸张和屏幕的差异

? 对比度差异所带来的视觉疲劳感 ? 是否可以做标记带来的记忆效果差异

? 托福阅读的内容特征

This section measures your ability to understand academic passages in English. (Reading section directions in the actual test) ? 托福考试的话题特征

Campus life

Academic issue 阅读只考学术文章。


Questions are intended to measure your understanding of the passages in terms of the following: ? Vocabulary and grammar ? ? ? ? Major ideas and important information Relative importance of ideas Relationship of ideas to each other Organization of ideas and concepts. (Reading section directions in the actual test)

? 词汇

? 习惯性认知的误区:提高词汇量就等于提高了阅读能力。 ? 托福的词汇考查方式 词汇认知 一词多义 词汇推断

? 语法

? 习惯性认知的误区,语法不好,英语同样能学好; ? 语法的重要性,语法之于语言正如法律之如社会; ? 托福阅读如何进行语法考查?

? 输出能力(口语和写作)中的语法考查

语言能力的基础查看缺陷解决方案 - 4 -

Reading Comprehension IBT TOFEL


? 输入能力(阅读和听力)中的语法考查 通过语法设置障碍

解释成绩:在ETS 保留的时间是2年,在学校申请日期截止日之前考完即可。 科普阅读建议:大百科全书(大英和微软百科,还有w i ki 百科 )

Discovery ,国家地理,TTC,等

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