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2017年 6月第1套 News Report One

Automakers and tech companies are working hard to offer the first true self-driving car, but 75% of drivers say they wouldn’t feel safe in such a vehicle.


Still, 60% of drivers would like to get some kind of self-driving feature such as automatic braking or self-parking the next time they buy a new car. The attitudes are published in a new AAA survey of 1,800 drivers.


Advocates of self- driving cars argue they would be safer than in cars driven by humans because they wouldn’t get distracted or drive when tired. (1) But those surveyed by AAA say they trust their own driving skills. Many feel the technology is too new and unproven. 自我驾驶汽车的拥护者认为他们比在人驾驶的汽车中更安全,因为他们不会在疲劳时分心或开车。(1)但是接受AAA调查的人说他们相信自己的驾驶技术。许多人觉得这项技术太新和未经证实。

(2) John Nielsen, AAA’s managing director of automotive engineering and repair, said tests suggest drivers may be overestimating their own abilities.

(2)John Nielsen,汽车工程和维修AAA公司的常务董事,说测试显示,司机可能高估了自己的能力。

He also believes they will be more likely to trust self-driving cars as they become more

familiar with features such as automatic braking or parking. He estimated that the “comfort lever” will increase considerably in five to ten years.

他还认为,他们将更可能相信自驾车的汽车,因为他们更熟悉的功能,如自动刹车或停车场。他估计“舒适杠杆”将在五到十年内大幅度增加。 News Report Two

One dog has been killed tid multiple dogs have been injured by a snowmobile driver in what appears to be an intentional attack on competitors in the Iditarod Race in Alaska. 一只狗被杀的TID多狗已在什么似乎是一个在阿拉斯加的拉雪橇比赛对手故意攻击雪地摩托司机受伤。

AliyZirkle was the first to report an attack. A snowmobile driver had repeatedly attempted to harm her and her team, and one of Zirkle’s dogs had received a non-life-threatening injury.


Zirkle reported the attack when she arrived in Nulato, Alaska, in the early hours of the morning. (4)


Then Jeff King, a four-time champion, reported a similar attack. His team was hit by a snowmobile driver, injuring several dogs and killing a 3-year-old male dog. Jeff King, 四次冠军,报告了类似的攻击。他的团队受到雪地摩托司机,打伤几个狗杀三岁的公狗。 4) Reporter Zachariah Hughes, says that neither King nor Zirkle was injured. Although this incident very much alters the race of the two participants competing for a win, both are

going to continue on their 4)

记者Zachariah休斯说无论皇帝泽克尔受伤。虽然这一事件很大程度上改变了两人争夺胜利的竞争,但双方都将继续下去。 way toward the finish line.

News Report 3

A tour boat turned over off the coast of Nicaragua, killing at least 13 people and leaving more passengers missing, officials said. (6) The boat was carrying 32 people—25 Costa Ricans, 4 Americans and 3 Nicaraguans.

官方称,一艘观光船在尼加拉瓜海岸附近翻了岸,造成至少13人死亡,造成更多乘客失踪。(6)船上载有32 people-25哥斯达黎加人,4的美国人和3的尼加拉瓜。 The 13 dead were all Costa Rican, the foreign ministry said. 外交部说,13名死者都是哥斯达黎加人。

(5) The boat, traveling between Nicaragua’s Big Corn Island and Little Corn Island, turned over Saturday near the larger island.

(5)小船在尼加拉瓜的大玉米岛和小玉米岛之间航行,星期六在大岛附近转了过去。 Some passengers remain missing, the Costa Rican foreign ministry said, but did not specify how many.

(7)A local radio said an unspecified number of people were rescued, including the tour boat’s owner, Hilario Blandon. 一些乘客仍然失踪,哥斯达黎加外交部说,但没有具体说明有多少人。(7)当地的广播说了不特定多数人获救,包括游览船的主人,

Hilario Blandon。 (5) Nicaraguan naval authorities had banned sea travel in the area

because of bad weather and strong winds, but the tour boat proceeded anyway. (7)Blandon, the boat’s owner, has been arrested by Nicaraguan authorities, the state-run news agency said. (5)尼加拉瓜海军当局禁止了海上旅行的地区由于恶劣天气和强风,但旅游船进行到底。(7)布兰东,船主被尼加拉瓜当局逮捕,新华社的报导说。 Both he and a crew member are being investigated for unintentional murder and exposing people to danger, according to police.

据警方透露,他和一名船员因意外谋杀和将人暴露在危险中而受到调查。 走向终点线。 Alaska State Troopers released a statement saying they’ve arrested Arnold Demoski, 26. He faces trial 阿拉斯加州警察发表声明说,他们已经逮捕了Arnold Demoski,26。他面临审判

on several charges. 关于几个指控。 Conversation OneConversation One 对话一

M: Hi, Susan, you are looking very smart today. M:嗨,苏珊,你今天看起来很聪明。 W: I always look smart, James. Actually, I’m on my way to a job interview. W:我看起来总是很漂亮,杰姆斯。其实,我在路上去面试。

M: What job? Oh, you mean for the summer holidays? M:什么工作?哦,你是说暑假吗? W: Yeah, there’s only two weeks to go. (8) I’ve got a second interview with that big foreign accountancy firm in the city centre. You know the one. W:是的,只剩下两个星期了。(8)我在市中心接受了那家外国会计事务所的第二次面试。你知道那个。 M: That’s fantastic! M:太棒了!

W: (9) The work is just helping out with data input. You know, but the pay isn’t too bad. It

might suit you too. I know they have at least two temporary positions available. And I don’t think they have anyone else yet. W:(9)工作只是帮助输入数据。你知道,但是薪水不算太差。它可能也适合你。我知道他们至少有两个临时职位空缺。我想他们还没有其他人。 M: Um, if they take you on, tell them you know a friend who’d be really good too. (10) I really need the money and the experience will look good on my resume. Maybe we’ll be working together. The dream team! M:嗯,如果他们带你去,告诉他们你认识一个非常好的朋友。(10)我真的很需要钱,简历上的经验会很好。也许我们会一起工作。梦之队! W: Ok, we’ll do. If the boss likes me, I’ll mention it. It will be good to have someone around who I know. I’ll phone you afterwards. But perhaps you should put in an application anyway. W:好的,我们会的。如果老板喜欢我,我会提到的。有我认识的人会很好。我以后再打电话给你。但也许你应该把申请放进去。

M: Thanks Susan, that’s great. Listen, do you want a lift to the city? I have my dad’s car today and nothing else to do this morning. M:谢谢你,苏珊,太好了。听着,你想搭车去城里吗?我今天有爸爸的车,今天早上没有别的事要做。 W: Sure, thanks James. W:当然可以,谢谢杰姆斯。

M: Let’s go then. The car is over there. M:那我们走吧。汽车在那边。

W: By the way, how is your knowledge of accountancy? The interviewer may ask you about it. W:顺便问一下,你的会计知识怎么样?面试官可能会问你这件事。

M: (11) No problem. I think I can survive. I might just have to review a few accountancy terms. Maybe you can give me a practice interview first. M:(11)没问题。我想我能活下来。我可能只需要复习一些会计术语。也许你可以先给我一次面试机会。

W: Of course, let’s go then. Don’t want to be late. W:当然,那我们走吧。不想迟到。

