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8B Unit 1 短语和句型
Welcome 短语:
1. 过去和现在 past and present *在过去 in the past *目前 at present 2. 一个小时前 an hour ago
*碗里的事物 the food in the bowl
3. 过去常常和我一起分享食物 used to share food with me 4. 曾经对我如此的好 used to be so kind to me
5. 在过去的几年里北京的变化 the changes in Beijing over the years 6. 不同时代的交通运输 transport at different times 7. 坐长途汽车去其他城市 go to other cities by coach 句型:
8. It was in the bowl an hour ago. 一个小时前它还在碗里。 9. I’ve just eaten it. 我刚把它吃掉。 10. You’ve changed. 你变了。
11. Why didn’t you take a bus. 你为什么不坐公交车
12. It took a long time to wait for the next one. 等下一班车要等很长时间。 Reading-Vocabulary 短语:
13. 采访和面时某人 interview sb.
14. 对…很了解 know/learn… well 15. 从那时起 since then
16. 和父母住在一起 live in the northern part of town with my parents 17. 搬家 move house 18. 结婚 get married
19. 搬离两个街区 move two blocks away
20. 从那时起住在这片区域 have lived in this area since then 21. 变化很大 change a lot 22. 几年前 years ago
23. 有一些小餐馆和商店 have some small restaurants and shops
24. 在镇中心有一个邮局和一家电影院 have a post office a cinema in the town centre 25. 把镇中心的一部分变成一个新的公园 turn part of the town centre into a new park 26. 有一家显得剧院和一个大型购物中心 have a new theatre and a large shopping mall 27. 一家钢铁厂 a steel factory
28. 把废弃物排入、置于河中 put the waste into the river
29. 采取措施来改善这样的情形 take actions to improve the situation 30. 干净的多 much cleaner 31. 从某种程度上说 in some ways
32. 一个美丽的现代化城镇 a beautiful modern town 33. 我老朋友中的大部分 most of my old friends 34. 变得很不可能 become impossible
35.尽可能频繁地相互见面 see each as often as possible
36. 过去常常一起打牌或下中国象棋 used to play cards and Chinese chess together
37. 时不时地感到一点孤独 feel a bit lonely from time to time 38. 看到镇上惊人的变化 see the amazing changes in the town 39. 发生、举行 take place
40. 采访某人 interview sb./have an interview with sb. 41. 因为孤单而不高兴 not happy because of being along 42. 他的一生 all his life
43. 搬去两个街区以外的另一栋公寓 move to another flat two blocks away 句型:
44. I’v lived here since I was born. 自从我出生,我就住在这儿
45. Has the town changed a lot over the years? 这些年这个镇改变了很多 46. Now, the government has turned part of the town centre into a new park. 现在,政府已经把镇中心变成一座新的公园
47. Was pollution a problem before? 以前污染是个问题吗?
48. There was once a steel factory near Sunshine River.在阳光河的附近曾经有一家钢铁厂 49. Later the government realized the problem and took action to improve the situation. 后来政府意识到了这个问题,并且采取措施来改善这种情形 50. It was become impossible for us to see each other as often as before 对我们来说,像以前一样频繁地见面已经变得不可能了 51. Anyway, it’s good to see the amazing changes in the town. 不管怎样,看到镇上这些惊人的变化总是好的
52. Amazing changes have taken place in Sunshine Town = Sunshine Town has changed a lot 阳光镇已经发生了惊人的变化
53. What was the town like in the past? 过去这个镇是什么样子的? Grammar 短语:
54. 读这本书很多遍 read this book many times 55. 修理不止十辆自行车 repair over ten bicycles
56. 很多年没有见面 have not seen each other for years
57. 教我们很多关于中国历史的事情 teach us a lot about the history of China 58. 在过去的那个世纪 over the past century
59. 学习更多关于北京的过去和现在 learn more about Beijing’s past and present 60. 计划再看一遍 plan to see it again 句型:
61. Have you seen any films recently? 你最近有看一些电影吗? Integrated Skills 短语: 62. 碧绿的山 green hills
63. 干净又清新的空气 clean and fresh air 64. 居住条件 living conditions
65. 借一本关于…的书 borrow a book about… 66. 搬进新的公寓 move into new flats
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