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第32卷 第4期2011年4月

发 光 学 报


V ol 32N o 4

A pr .,2011

Artic le I D :1000 7032(2011)04 0363 05

Optim ization of Two step A lN Buffer of a plane

Ga N Film s Grown on r plane Sapphire byMOCVD

H E Tao ,CHEN Y ao ,L IH ui,DA I Long gu i,WANG X iao li,

XU Pe i qiang,WANG W en x i n *

,CHEN H ong

(Be i jing N ationa lL abora t ory of Cond e n se d M a tter ,In stit u t e of P hy sics ,

C hinese Acad e my o f S cie n ces ,B eiji ng 100190,Ch i na )

Abst ract :N onpo l ar (1120)a p l ane G aN fil m s w ith t wo step A l N buffer(a lo w te m perature (LT )and a h i gh te m perat u re (HT )A l N lay ers)we re g rown on (1102)r plane sapph i re by m eta l organ ic chem ical vapor depo siti on (M OCVD ).T he as g rown fil m s w ere i nvesti g ated by h i gh reso l ution X ray diffracti on (XRD )and pho t o l um inescence (PL ).T he t w o step A l N bu ffer has been proved t o be advantageous i n crysta l quality compared w it h one step LT G a N o r HT A l N buffers i n our ea rl y w orks .In this repo rt ,the t h ickness of t he t w o step buffer w as f u rt her opti m ized ,and much less an isotropic a p l ane G aN fil m s w ere achieved .

It w as f ound t hat t he LT A l N layer o f the t w o step buffer

p l ayed a key role i n reducti on of an i so tropy of the G aN fil m gro w n .K ey words :G a N;aniso tropy ;XRD;A l N ;buffer layer

CLC nu m ber :O 472;O482 31 PACS :71 55 Eq ;78.55.Cr PACC :7155F ;7855E Docum en t code :A DO I :10.3788/fgxb20113204.0363

R ecei ved date :2011 01 20;R ev i sed date :2011 02 07

Foundati on ite m:Project s upported by t he N ati onalNatura l Science Foundation of Ch i na (60890192,60877006,50872146);

t he Ch i n ese

Science and Technology M i n i stry ( 863 ,No .2009AA033101)

Bi ography :HE Tao ,born i n 1982,m al e ,H ub eiP rovi n ce .H is w ork focuses on co m pound se m i condu ctorm aterial s .

E m ai:l b lizz ardcas @s i na .co m,Te:l (010)82649053

*:C orres pondi ng Author ;E m ai:l w x w ang @aphy .iphy .ac .cn,Te:l (010)82649208

1 Introducti on

Ga N based se m iconductors have attracted much attenti o n for their successful applicati o n in optoelec tron ics as e m issi o n w ave length rang ing fro m green to ultrav io l e t due to theirw ide band gap

[1 8]

.H owever ,conventional (0001)c p lane quantum w e ll struc tures i n Ga N based optoelectron ic dev ices suffer fro m t h e quantu m confine m en t Star k effect due to the ex istence o f strong piezoe lectric and spontaneous po lar izations

[9 12]

.These fields can spatially separate electr ons and holes in t h e quan t u m w e lls and reduce t h e overlaps o f their w ave f u nctions ,resu lti n g in re ducti o n of t h e reco m binati o n effic iency and red shift of the e m ission w avelengths i n li g h t e m itti n g de vices .One o f the pr o m ising m et h ods to eli m inate po larizati o n i n duced electric field effects is to gro w

group n itri d e layers i n d irecti o ns per pend icular to t h e [0001]c ax i s where t h ere is no polarization field perpendicu l a r to the layer i n terfaces

[13 23]


H o w ever ,the difficulty i n g r ow i n g these non po lar gr oup nitri d e epilayers lies in the anisotropy of i n plane strai n and ato m diff u sion length [13,15]

.U sually a



or aHT Al N


layer was used as t h e buffer

layer for the gro w th o f a plane Ga N on a r p lane sapph ire substrate .M any other g roups g re w a p lane Ga N w ith ep itax ia l latera l over g ro w th (ELO )

[15 16]


H o w ever ,the a plane Ga N gro w n still exh i b its obv i ous an iso tropy and is far fro m high perfor m ance po larizati o n free dev ices .The t w o step A l N buffer w as proved to be advan tageous i n cr ystal quality i n our early wo r ks


.I n th is repo r,t w e opti m ized the

t h ickness of the t w o step A l N buffer f u rther and achieved m uch less anisotrop i c a p lane Ga N fil m s .


发 光 学 报第32卷2 Experi m ents

Nonpo lar a plane Ga N fil m s w ere gro w n on r

plane sapph ire substrates by a lo w pressure,ro tating

disk MOCVD syste m.The5.08c m(2 i n ch)sub

strate w as co mm erc i a ll y availab l e and requ ired no ex

situ preparati o n befo re loading i n to reactor.A fter

loadi n g,the substrate w as i n itiall y treated in a hy

drogen a m b i e n t at1100 for10m i n,then the

t w o step A l N buffer w as gro wn under a reactor pres

sure o f1.1 104Pa(gro w t h para m eters i n details

sho wn in Tab le1),fi n ally a1.5 m th ick Ga N fil m

w as g r own w ith a gro w t h rate o f2.0 m/h and a

/ rati o of1200.T ri m ethy l g a lli u m(TMGa),

tri m ethyla l u m inu m(TMA l)and a mm onia(NH3) w ere used as t h e precursors for the Ga,A,l and N sources,respecti v e l y.H ydrogen w as used as the carrier gas.The as gro w n sa m ples w ere characte rized by HRXRD and PL.HRXRD m easure m en ts w ere carri e d out fo r eva l u ating the crystalli n e qua lity and i n p l a ne str uctural an isotropy,usi n g a B ede D1 high reso l u ti o n double ax is diffracto m eter.PL w as dispersed w ith a0.5m m onochro m ator and detected by a photo m ultiplier tube at a l o w te m perature o f 28K to assess the crysta l quality.A10mW H e Cd laser w as used as the excitation source.

Table1 G ro w th para m eters of the t w o step A l N buffer for sa mp les A,B and C

LT A l N HT A l N

t/ d/n m t/ d/n m A80001100400



3 R esults and D iscussion

HRXRD m easure m ents w ere carried out to eva l u ate the structura l an iso tropy of the as g r own sa m ples.The experi m ental geo m etry o f the HRXRD sy mm etry scan is sho w n i n Fig.1(a).Defi n e the azi m uth ang le as zero w hen the pro jecti o n of the i n c i d ent bea m is paralle l to the[0001]c ax is,w ith o f 90 correspondi n g to the m ax is.By ro tating t

h e sa m ple fro m-180 to180 w ith an i n cre m enta l

step of15 ,the F WHM of a plane Ga N X ray sy m m etric scan as a function o f azi m ut h ang le w as m easured,as sho w n in Fig.1(b).Sa m ple A exhibits obv ious anisotropy,reaching a m ini m um F WHM o f 0.222 a l o ng the c ax is and a m ax i m u m of0.430 along the m ax is.For sa m ple B,t h e anisotropy is less pronounced,reachi n g a m ini m um of0.192 along the c ax i s and a m ax i m um of0.306 along the m ax is,as repo rted in our early w orks[14].Sa mp le C sho w s a c lear reduced anisotropy,reach i n g a m ini m um o f0.208 along t h e c ax is and a m ax i m um o f 0.245 a l o ng the m ax is.The upper and lo w er li m it values of t h e F WHM for the three sa m ples are sho wn i n Fig.1(c).Compari n g t h e three sa m p les,as the

F ig.1 (a)T he exper i m enta l geome try o f t he azi m uth depen

dence HRXRD sy mme try scan,defi n i ng t he azi

m uth ang l e as zero when the pro jecti on of t he i nc i

dent beam is para llel to the c ax i s;(b)T he F WHM o f

a p l ane G a N X ray symm etr ic scans o f sa m ples A,

B and

C as a f uncti on o f t he azi m uth angle ;(c)T he

FWHM of a p l ane G a N X ray sy mme tr i c scans

a l ong t he c ax is and t he m ax i s for sa m ples A,B

and C.

第4期HE T ao ,et al :O pti m i zati on of Two step A l N Buffer o f a p lane G a N F il m s 365

t h ickness o f the LT A l N layer increases ,the F WHM val u e along the m ax is decrease rap i d ly w ith that along the c ax i s varies sli g htly ,i n d icating a clear

reducti o n of structura l an isotropy .

The PL spectra of the as gro wn t h ree sa m ples m easured at 25K w ere sho w n i n Fig .2.The strong e m issi o n locating at 3.426e V assoc i a tes w ith struc tura l defects ,and particu larly ,the i n tensity of t h is peak w as found to re late w it h the density of t h e basa l plane stacking fau lts

[21 23]

.A ccor d i n g to t h e results

of L iu et al .and Paskov et al .,the 3.3e V peak i n vo lves i m purities ,w hich decorate the partia ld isloca ti o ns ter m i n ating t h e basa l plane stacking faults .The 3.21e V peak m ay re l a te to the DAP of G a N.The w ide peak at the energy of 3.475e V be l o ngs to the near band edge e m ission (NBE )of a plane Ga N,and co m prises t w o peaks ,arisi n g fro m reco mb i n ation of free exc itons and excitons bound to shallo w neu tra l donors

[21 23]

,respecti v e l y .The i n tensity of NBE

of sa m ple C w as found to be m uch stronger than that of sa m p les A and B ,suggesti n g a high qua lity o f sa mp le C


F ig .2 PL spec tra of t he samp l es m easured at 25K

As w e kno w,because of the different ato m ic arrange m ents ,t h e m i g rati o n ability of Ga along the c ax is is m uch stronger than that along the m ax is ,resu lti n g i n better cr ystal qua lity that of a l o ng the c ax is for a plane Ga N


.I n our experi m ents ,the

i n troduction of t w o step buffer layer ,especia lly LT A l N layer ,p lays a key role in the reducti o n o f struc tura l anisotr opy o f the gro w n a p l a ne G a N.B ecause at l o w te m perature ,

t h e ato m ic m i g ration ability o f

A lw as m uch lo w er than t h at of Ga and A l at high te mperatures ,w hich would reduce the d ifference o f ato m ic m igration ability bet w een the c ax is and the m ax is .The HT A l N l a yer gro w n on t h is LT A l N layer is of high qua lity ,w hich prov i d s a te mp late for the gro w th o f the fo ll o w ing a plane Ga N [14]


t h e a plane Ga N gro w n w it h the t w o step A l N buffer

is o f reduced an isotropy and h i g h quality .

Consi d eri n g sa m ples B and C ,the increase o f t h e LT A l N th ickness cou l d f u rther suppresse the ato m ic m i g rati o n ability along the c ax i s and favor t h at a l o ng the m ax is ,leadi n g to an i n crease o f the F WHM va l u e along t h e c ax is and an decrease o f t h at a l o ng the m ax is i n a plane Ga N.

4 Concl usi on

N onpo lar a p lane Ga N fil m s w ith a t w o step A l N buffer w ere gro w n on r p lane sapph ire by MOC VD .The thickness o f the t w o step buffer w as opti m ized .a plane Ga N fil m s w ith m uch less an iso t ropy and better quality w ere ach i e ved co m pared w ith our prev i o us w ork .

It w as found t h at t h e LT A l N

layer o f the t w o step buffer played a key role i n the m i prove m ent of crystal quality for the gr o w th of Ga N.

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第4期HE T ao,et al:O pti m i zati on of Two step A l N Buffer o f a p lane G a N F il m s 367


a面GaN中两步A lN缓冲层的优化

何 涛,陈 耀,李 辉,戴隆贵,王小丽,徐培强,王文新*,陈 弘

(中国科学院物理研究所凝聚态国家重点实验室,北京 100190)

摘要:采用两步A l N缓冲层(一层低温A l N和一层高温A l N)在r面蓝宝石衬底上生长了非极性的a面G aN,并利用高分辨X射线衍射和光致荧光谱对所生长的材料进行了研究。两步A l N缓冲层在我们之前的工作中已被证明比单步高温A l N或低温G a N缓冲层更有利于减小材料各向异性和提高晶体质量,本文进一步优化了两步A l N缓冲层的结构,并得到了各向异性更小,晶体质量更好的a面G aN薄膜。分析表明,两步A l N缓冲层中的低温A l N层在减小各向异性中起着关键作用。低温A l N层能抑制了优势方向(c轴)的原子迁移,有利于劣势方向(m轴)的原子迁移,从而减小了A l原子在不同方向迁移能力的差异,并为其后的高温A l N缓冲层和G a N层提供 生长模板 ,以得到各向异性更小、晶体质量更好的a面G aN材料。

关 键 词:G a N;各向异性;X射线衍射;A l N;缓冲层

中图分类号:O472;O482 31 PACS:71.55.Eq;78.55.Cr PACC:7155F;7855E 文献标识码:A

文章编号:1000 7032(2011)04 0363 05

DO I:10.3788/fgxb20113204.0363

收稿日期:2011 01 20;修订日期:2011 02 07

基金项目:国家自然科学基金(60890192,60877006,50872146);科技部 863 计划(2009AA033101)资助项目


E m ai:l b li zzardcas@sina.co m,T e:l(010)82649053

*:通讯联系人;E m ai:l w xwang@aphy.i 0b13e4efe009581b6bd9eb5f,Te:l(010)82649208

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