二轮复习-- 名词与介词的固定搭配

更新时间:2023-12-01 17:33:01 阅读量: 教育文库 文档下载



常见的与介词about搭配的名词有: Make enquiries about sth

Argue/ quarrel / debate with sb about / over /on sth Make a forecast about sth

常见的与介词above搭配的名词有: Above the horizon

On average / normal below average/normal Above suspicion / criticism 不会遭到怀疑/批评

常见的与介词at搭配的名词有: Make an attempt at doing sth / to do sth feel at ease / put sb at ease Be at a loss what to do Be at war / at sb’s wits’ end At dusk /dawn/ midnight At the expense / cost / risk of …

At the mercy of …/ under the control of / in the command of At sb’s invitation / command / request / urging

At a steady pace / at a high price / speed / rate of … at the age of Be at an end/ put sth to an end / sth come to an end /stop//pause /halt

常见的与介词against搭配的名词有: Act as Barriers against … In the battle against … Have prejudice against …

Insurance against accident and sickness 意外事故和疾病保险

Lean against the wall / sth stands out against the background / run against the time

常见的与介词beyond搭配的名词有: Beyond endurance

Beyond description / Beyond question / doubt / belief / recognition Beyond one’s reach / out of one’s reach

常见的与介词by搭配的名词有: Learn sth by heart

By law / the rules / the standard By the window By air/ ship/sea By airmail

Take sb by the arm / grab the hammer by the handle


At length / at last / in the end / eventually At stake / risk / in danger At the least / the most / the wrost At one’s best

At the bottom of one’s heart At the top of … At the peak of …

Against one’s will / wishes Against the law

What is 48 divided by 8? We are paid by the hour

By accident / coincidence / by chance / mistake /design By means of By check / in cash


Make an adaptation from … / to …

Provide temporary relief from depression/acute pain Take shelter from / run for shelter from the rain His absence from class has been noted

Draw a conclusion from … / Come to a conclusion Gain independence from Make a recovery from


Make a bid for sth Make a reservation for sth/sb Have a reputation / fame for sth Make an assessment for

Have a passion / love / liking /affection for sth Have a preference for / show preference to Have a good/poor appetite for sth Have a taste for …

Make an arrangement for … Have a gift for / have a talent for sth

Make preparations for … / be in preparation for … Sb take the blame for sth lay/put the blame for sth on sb Shoulder / Take responsibility for … For the sake of sth/sb For sale/ rent / hire

For one thing …, and for another …

常见的与介词of 搭配的名词有:

Make use of Be of high quality Take notice of a variety of Get the hang of

A herd of / a flock of / a school of A loaf / bar / pile / string / … Out of work/job out of sight / mind

As a matter of fact / in fact / in truth / in reality Run out of patience / petrol Take a chance/ risk of doing sth As a result / consequence of With the help of

Catch sight of / catch a glimpse of / lose sight / touch of a mouthful / spoonful / handful of peanuts


on a tight budget

On the scene / the spot / the ground leave a good impression on sb be back on one’s feet put one’s hands on / find sth On purpose

Place reliance / dependence on On time / duty

On the decline/ rise / fall

Lay/place restrictions / limits/restraints on sth Have an influence/ effect/impact on sth Make a comment/ remark / reflection on …

Play jokes / tricks on … make jokes about / make fun of On/upon one’s departure / command/ arrival On a daily/regular basis / On the basis of Be on a tight budget Have mercy on …

On behalf of / on sb’s behalf On the march 在行军中 Be on strike Be on a diet

On a large/ small scale On impulse 一时冲动

Concentrate/fix / focus / center one’s attention / mind/thought on doing sth



Out of curiosity / pity / interest / sympathy / justice /respect Carve sth out of a stone cut sth out (of a piece of paper) One out of ten Be out of breath / Hold one’s breath

Out of doubt / the question / shape / order / storage / out of date / out of fashion/ circulation


Strike sth into one’s heart Take sth into consideration/account Make much progress in… Have fluency in …

Take interest/delight/pride in there is no sense/ point in have confidence / faith in sth have perseverance in

Keep balance in … / strike a balance between... and … Fall in love with / Play a part/role in A break in the routine Have its roots in In sb’s absence / presence In comparison with

In surprise / amazement /horror In disbelief / relief In a flash / in a dash

In height / length / width / depth In a low / harsh / broken voice In detail

Be in danger/ at risk / at stake Be in a row

In contrary to / contrast to In defense of

Come (in)to power / existence/being /come to life be an expert at / in /on sth / Be a specialist in

Burst into tears/ laughter/roars burst out crying/laughing/roaring Make an accomplishment / an advancement / an improvement in … In one’s uniform / the blue / German / pencil / one’s thirties Have difficulty/trouble/ problems in doing sth

Be in a dilemma / in ruins / rags / pieces / debt / comfort Be In correspondence with / consistence with / touch with in good/ bad condition / in a good / bad state of health in this aspect / this way / with this method / by this means

Be in conflicts with / be in a dispute with / be in harmony with / be in peace with


In memory / honor of In case / emergency of In the face of

In need of / want of / pursuit of In response / reply / reaction to … In relation to In addition to

In return for / exchange for In charge of In total/all

Be in trouble / danger Be in search of / in the search for Be in a mess / in order In the distance / the future In the form of … in the company of sb In person / in the flesh In the shade of In an emergency In circulation In conclusion in vain

in the majority / minority in advance / ahead of time

in place 在适当的位置 out of the place In brief / short / a few words / summary In a way / to some extent / to some degree


Make an adjustment to sth Make a contribution to doing sth Make a devotion/dedication to doing sth Pay / draw /attract one’s attention to sth Have a /no tendency to/towards sth There is no tendency to do sth Show/express one’s gratitude to Show mercy to …/ have mercy on Make a recommendation to sb Make a commitment to doing sth Make sacrifices to Submit an application to …

Make a resolution to do sth / pass/adopt a resolution Make a / no difference to Make every endeavor to do sth Take measures / action / steps to do sth jump/ rise / spring / leap to one’s feet

Change one’s mind / make up one’s mind to do sth The entrance/ exit / key / approach to sth

To one’s surprise / amazement / relief/ pleasure / disappointment / anger/delight Much to one’s regret /Express one’s deep regret at

Be bored / frightened / choked / worked /bled/scared to death

Make efforts to do sth Spare no efforts to do sth Take the trouble to do sth Give birth to

live up to one’s expectation apply pressure to sth have access to

raise objections to doing sth turn one’s back to Show respect to … to one’s credit

Make an apology to sb for sth Make a voyage to Do damage / harm to

Put up a strong resistance to … / offer little resistance to sth come to one’s assistance / help / aid

Have the impulse / desire / temptation to do sth

Lose one’s heart to / Lose heart / confidence / hope / courage /face


make an appointment with sb for sth Make a bargain with sb about sth

make little acquaintance with / know little about sth make one’s acquaintance/the acquaintance of sb make a compromise with sb make contact with sb keep pace with sb fall behind with sb

have nothing/ something to do with … find faults with sb get/keep in touch with sb Have fun with

Enjoy popularity with/ among sb meet with one’s approval with dignity / respect

with certainty / for sure / for certain


Without doubt / hesitation / delay / question / pause Without one’s permission


Under construction / investigation / discussion / consideration / repair Under the name of


Under the guidance / instructions /direction of …

