六年级英语下册 Unit 8 I’m watching TV(第4课时)教学设计 鲁教版五四制

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六年级英语下册Unit 8 I’m watching TV (第4课时)教学设计鲁教版五四制

watching TV教学目标


1、Master the following word formation: race, study, American, any, other, young, child, miss, wish, delicious, still

2、 Master the following drills:His mom and aunt are making zongzi、The mother is reading a story、What’s Zhu Hui doing?


1、Learn to talk about what people are doing、

2、 Be able to get correct information from the passage、教学重

点 Words, phrases and target language in this class、教学


1、Use the target language to talk about what people are doing、




第 1 页共 3 页


造条件。教学准备 Pptataperecorder教学过程:


标测评集体备课个人备课Step One: Show the preview works

in layers、 (5m)Teacher:

1、Draw a check table on the blackboard、

2、 Watch the students and guide them to do better、

3、 Show the aims for students to choose、(At the same time, students step into the second step slowly,

some by some、)Step Two: Learn by themselves、


1、Choose learning aims、

2、 Learn the new content、1)

Look at the blocks and ask your partner about the time、2)

Read the passage in2b and answer the questions、 Read again, translate the passage into Chinese、 Mark the difficulties、3)

Read and try to recite it、Teacher: Watch the

students and help them whenever necessary、 Gather questions、Step Three: Discussion (5m)Talk about the problems together、 Step Four: Practice: (10m)Retell the TV report in layers、Step Five: Summary and Test (5m)Step

第 2 页共 3 页

Six: Show students how to preview for next class、 (3a-


1、Review the passage in2b、

2、配套 Section B II, VIII, IX(选做)小结:

学科知识构建与板书设计Unit8 I’m watching TV、Target language: His mom and aunt are making zongzi、The mother is reading a story、What’s Zhu Hui doing? talk on the phone反思与重建附:


二、课堂达标检测题:Complete the sentences、


不,他在游泳池中游泳。--______ the man ______ in a river?--No, ____ ____、 He is ______ in a pool、2、北京现在几点?早上8点。--______ ______ is it in Beijing now?--It’s _______ _______ in the morning、3、他的爸爸和叔叔在观看龙舟赛电视节目。His dad and uncle ______ ______ the boat races _____ _____、


1、Review the passage in2b、

2、配套 Section B II, VIII, IX(选做)

第 3 页共 3 页

