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Audio-Visual-Oral Material for

Pharmaceutical English


张宇辉 13851467351


Table of Content

Unit 1 New Drug R&D Unit 2 Diseases Unit 3 Pharmacology Unit 4 Unit 5 Unit 6 Unit 7 Microbiology Biochemistry GC and HPLC

Pharmaceutical industry2

Unit 1 New Drug R&D

Part 1


Roche 罗氏制药 high throughput test(screen) 高通量实验(筛oncology [ɑn‘kɑ?l?d?i] 肿瘤学 选) diagnosis[?da??ɡ‘no?s?s] 诊断 host宿主 pharmacogenetics: 药物遗传学 isolate[‘a?s?le?t] 分离 identify[a?‘dent?fa?] 鉴别 successional 连续的 lead compound 先导化合物 tolerated 耐受的 lead optimization 先导优化 characterization 表征 preclinical 临床前的 converge[k?n‘v??rd?] 集中 efficacy[‘ef?k?si] 疗效,功效 drug candidate候选药物 compound library化合物库

Short-answering questions:

1. What are the general steps for new drug development? 2. How to define “target”?

3. What are the two options for finding lead compounds? 4. What’s the goal of high throughput tests?

5. What about the approach for the discovery of large biological molecules?

6. What are the general steps to find an optimal chemical molecule? And what methods are


7. What are the challenges for large biological molecules?

Part 2


hurdle [?h?:dl] 困难,障碍 tolerability 耐受性 tolerability 耐受性 culture 培养 culture 培养 organism [??:g?niz?m]机体 organism [??:g?niz?m]机体 indication [?indi?kei??n]适应症 indication [?indi?kei??n]适应症 alternative [?:l?t?:n?tiv]另外的 alternative [?:l?t?:n?tiv]另外的 volunteer志愿者 volunteer志愿者 effectiveness有效性 effectiveness有效性 administration [?d?minis?trei??n]给药 administration [?d?minis?trei??n]给药 maximum [?m?ksim?m]最大的

maximum [?m?ksim?m]最大的

Short-answering questions:

1. What do the preclinical studies focus on? 2. What’s the significance of animal testing?

3. What are the purposes for three stages of clinical trials? 4. What are the features of phase 1 study?

5. What about the information generated from phase 2 study?


6. What’s the principle adopted in phase 3 study?

Part 3


dosage form 剂型 patent ['p?tnt]专利 drug delivery system 药物给药系统 exclusivity [?eksklu??s?v?ti] 独享 stringent [?str?nd??nt] 严格的 expire [?k'spa??r] 过期/expiration facilities 设施 generic 通用的 hygiene 卫生 biosimilar 生物仿制药

Short-answering questions:

1. How long does it take to develop a new drug? And what about the cost? 2. What is the function of patent? 3. What are generics and biosimilars? 4. What is essential to create biosimilars?


Unit 2 Diseases

Part I

Glossary Preview

diabetes [.dai?'bi:ti:z]糖尿病 pancreas ['p??kri?s]胰脏

insulin ['insjulin, 'ins?lin]胰岛素 glucose ['glu:k?us]葡萄糖 blocker ['bl?k?]阻断剂 hormone [?h?:?m??n]激素 thrush [θr??] 鹅口疮

autoimmune [??:t?ui?mju:n]自身免疫 lenz [lenz]晶状体

Task I Short-answering questions

1. Under normal conditions, how does human body make use of foods to produce energy? What is the function of insulin in this process?

2. How does the body keep blood glucose within a normal range? 3. What is the cause of type I diabetes?

4. What are the main symptoms of type I diabetes?

5. What are the differences between type I and type II diabetes?

Task II True or False

1. The reason why some people develop type I diabetes is entirely known. 2. Type I diabetes is the most common type of diabetes in childhood.

3. The incidence of type I diabetes is much higher than that of type II diabetes.

4. A number of patients with type II diabetes may not experience any symptoms in the first few years.

Part II

Glossary Preview

cholesterol [k??lest?r?l]胆固醇 obesity [???bi:s?ti:]肥胖症 juvenile [?d?uv??na?l]青少年 gestation [d?e?ste???n]妊娠 Please fill in the blanks

1. You can keep your diabetes under control by daily monitoring of ________________________. 2. Diabetes is a________________of the pancreas, a small gland located____________________ _______________________.

3. Symptoms of diabetes include_________________, _____________, __________________, __________________, ___________________. 4. Until recently, type I diabetes was known as__________, because________________________.

5. Everyone diagnosed with type I diabetes must_________________________in order to survive.


5. What is first-order elimiantion? 6. What is elimination half life?

Part IV

Glossary Preview

herbal supplement [??:b?l, ?h?:-] [?s?pliment] 草药补充剂 expiration date [?eksp??re???n]有效期 失效期 rip off 欺诈 敲竹杠 interaction 相互作用 depression 抑郁

digoxin [dai?ɡ?ksin]地高辛

blood thinning medication 血液稀释剂, anticoagulant [??ntik?u??ɡjul?nt]抗凝剂 contraceptives [?k?ntr??sept?v] 避孕药

warfarin [?w?:f?rin] 华法林 coumadin 香豆定 post-menopausal period 绝经期

anesthesia [??n?s?θi:??] 麻醉 anesthetic [??n?s?θet?k] 麻醉剂 pesky [?peski:] 烦人的,恼人的


1. Before choosing an herbal supplement, we should consider its safety and efficacy because____________________________________

2. Findings after testing what is in some herbal supplements A.________________________________ B._________________________________

3. What you need to check when you buy a herbal supplement: A.______________ B.________________

4. Examples of herbal supplements having potential risks:

A. Saint John's wort:_______________________________________________ B. Gingko Biloba:___________________________________

C. Red clover:___________________________________________

D: Kava and valerian:___________________________________________ 5. Advice to those who have pesky, personal health problems

A.______________ B.________________C.__________________


Unit 4 Microbiology

Part I

Glossary preview

retrovirus [?retr?u?vai?r?s]逆转录病毒 envelope [?env?l?up]包膜

reverse transcriptase [tr?ns?kripteis]逆转录酶 conformation [?k?nf?:?mei??n]构造,构象 capsid [?k?psid]衣壳

proofreading [?pru:f?ri:d??]校对 integrase [?inti?ɡreis]整合酶 protease [?pr?utieis]蛋白酶

endoplasmic reticulum [ri?tikjul?m]内质网

chemokine coreceptor [?ki:m???ka?n]趋化因子复合受体(辅助受体)

Task I Short-answering questions

1. What are the functions of the following enzymes in the life cycle of HIV? reverse transcriptase: integrase

RNA polymerase protease

Task II

Please fill in the blanks

1. The virus itself with this outer envelope protein actually directly infects_______________.

2. The binding between envelope protein and its receptor on the surface of T helper cell causes_______________________________________________________________________. 3. The insertion of HIV into the hosts' chromosome establishes__________________________.

Part II

True or False

1. Swine flu virus can easily affect humans.

2. Some other animals can also transmit the virus to humans. 3. You can not get swine flu by eating cooked pork or pork product 4. A previous flu shot can make you immune to the swine flu.

5. Swine flu as well as other flu viruses attack healthy young bodies.

6. Tamiflu and Relenza are most effective when they are taken within 48hours of the onset of symptoms.

7. If you are flu free a week after a trip, you are probably not infected.

Part III

Glossary preview

tuberculosis [t??b?:kj??l??s?s] 肺结核


lyme disease 莱姆病

symbiosis [?s?mbi:???s?s, -ba?-]共生 unicellular [?ju:ni?seljul?]单细胞的 eukarya 真核

nucleoid [?nju:kli?id]拟核,类核 flagellum [fl??d?el?m]鞭毛 pilus [?pail?s],pili [pi?li:] 菌毛

Short-answering questions

1. What are the good side and bad side of bacteria?

2. What are the differences between our cells and bacterial cells? 3. How do bacteria reproduce? 4. How do bacteria get variation?

5. How did Alexander Fleming discover penicillin? Part IV

Short-answering questions

1. What are major sources of antibiotics?

2. What are the possible source of antibiotics with completely new structure? 3. Why can the superhero bacteria produce new antibiotics? 4. How do the good bacteria kill the bad bacteria? 5. Why do we need to find new antibiotics?

6. How to discover new antibiotics from the cave? 7. Why should we be less afraid of bacteria?


Unit 5 Biochemistry

Part I

Glossary preview

nucleotide [?nu:kli:??ta?d, ?nju:-]核苷酸 adenosine [?'den?si:n]腺嘌呤 thymine ['θaimi:n]胸腺嘧啶 guanine ['gwɑ:ni:n]鸟嘌呤 cytosine ['sait?usi:n]胞嘧啶 Short-answering questions

1. What are the components in one nucleotide?

2. What are the differences between DNA and RNA?

Part II

Glossary preview

nucleic acid [?nju:kliik ??sid]核酸 hereditary [hi?redit?ri]遗传的

central dogma [?sentr?l ?d?:gm?] 中心法则

ribonucleic acid (RNA) [.raib?u'nju:kli:ik]核糖核酸

deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) [di:.?ksi:raib?unu:'kli:ik] 脱氧核糖核酸 retrovirus [?retr?u?vai?r?s]逆转录病毒 polymerase [?p?lim??reis] 聚合酶 mitosis [mi?t?usis]有丝分裂

Short-answering questions

1. Try to explain the following words appearing in the central dogma: replication, transcription, translation, reverse transcription and gene expression

2. What are the differences between replication and transcription?

Part III

Glossary preview

gene manipulation 基因操作 recombinant DNA 重组DNA miosis [mai??usis] 减数分裂

bacteriophage [b?k?tiri?feid?]噬菌体

restriction endonuclease [r??str?k??n ?end??nju:kli?eis]限制性内切核酸酶 genotype [?d?en?taip] 基因型 phenotype [?fi:n?taip] 表型

palindrome [?p?lindr?um] 回文序列 palindromic nucleotide 核苷酸 base 碱基

Short-answering questions

1. What are the differences between the DNA recombination in miosis and the DNA recombination in genetic engineering?


2. What will happen when a bacteriophage infects a bacterial cell? 3. How do the bacteria defend against the viral attack? 4. What is restriction site and what are its features?

5. How do bacteria protect their own DNAs from being cleaved by restriction endonucleases?

Part IV

polypeptide [?p?li?peptaid]多肽 amide [??maid] 酰胺

zwitterion [?tsvit?rai?n]两性离子 chiral [?ka?r?l]手性的 superimposable 可重叠的

enantiomer [i?n?nti?um?] 对映异构体


1.Proteins and polypeptides are biopolymers that consist of linear chains of ___________. 2. ______________is the characteristic functional group that occurs along the peptide chain. 3. The amino acid differs in the nature of the_______________.

4. The zwitterion of amino acid is formed by___________________________________

5. All the amino acids other than glycine are_________molecules, because__________________. 6. In nature, amino acids are found in _________enantiomer.


Glossary preview

reactant [ri??kt?nt]反应物 catalyst [?k?tl?st]催化剂 collide [k??la?d]碰撞,撞击 analogy [??n?l?d?i]类比,比喻 globular [?ɡl?bjul?]球状的 denature [di:?neit??]变性 Short answer questions 1. What is activation energy?

2. What is the function of a catalyst during a reaction? 3. What are enzymes? 4. What is an active site?

5. How do high temperature, very acidic and basic pH affect the function of an enzyme?

Part VI

Glossary preview

humanized monoclonal antibody [?hju:m?naizd] [?m?n??kl?un?l]人源化单克隆抗体 malignant [m??liɡn?nt] 恶性的,致命的 cytotoxicity 细胞毒性

complex [?k?mpleks]络合物

Short-answering question


What are the possible mechanisms of action of rituxan? Try to describe each of them in details.


Unit 6 GC and HPLC


Glossary preview mobile phase 流动相 FID flame ionization detector 火焰离子化检stationary phase 固定相 测器 helium ['hi:li?m]氦 retention time 保留时间 volatile [?v?l?tail]挥发性的 mass spectrometer [spek'tr?mit?]质谱仪

TaskⅠ short-answering questions 1. What is GC suited for?

2. What are the features of GC?

3. What’s the principle by which FID works?

4. What’s the relationship between peak area and the amount of component?

TaskⅡPlease fill in the blanks

1. Generally, columns in GC include ____ column and ___column. 2. The most commonly used carrier gases are ___ , ____and ___. 3. Stationary phase is ___ liquid, which has a high ___ and high ____

4. The retention time is for ____analysis while the peak area represents ____. 5. High accuracy of GC means that when we do _______, we get good results. 6. Samples in GC must be ___ so that they can be easily carried by _______.


Glossary preview

cellulose ['seljul?us]纤维素 reservoir [?rez?vwɑ:]储库 affinity [??finiti] 亲和性 vaccum degasser 真空除气器gradient [?greidi?nt]梯度

TaskⅠ short-answering questions

1. How to make the tubing which connects the column of HPLC stand high pressure? 2. What is the function of pump?

3. What’s the principle by which UV detector works?

4. How to perform the mixing of mobile phase for gradient analysis?

5. Please describe the separation process of 3 –color components of mixture.

TaskⅡPlease fill in the blanks

1. HPLC is used for ____ mixtures. It also can be used to __________ in a mixture.

2. In paper chromatography, the stationary phase consists of ____ in paper. How fast the sample

moves depends on____________.

3. When the detector reading__, the compound which ________ is coming out of column and

passes through detector.


Unit 7 Pharmaceutical Industry

Part 1 Pharmaceutical plant introduction Glossary:

HPLC (chromatography [?kr??m??t?gr?fi]) mold霉菌 高效液相 yeast酵母菌 atomic absorption (spectroscopy staphylococcus aureus [?st?f?l??k?k?s] 金黄[spek?tr?sk?pi])原子吸收光谱 色葡萄球菌 elemental analysis元素分析 disintegration崩解 apparatus仪器 quarantine [?kw?:r?nti:n]隔离 dissolution test溶出度测试 kitting room 配送室 bioavailability生物利用度 V mixer V型混合器 salmonella沙门氏菌 label 标签 E. coli大肠杆菌 punch 冲头 total plate count菌落总数 coating 包衣 Short-answering questions:

1. What departments are included in USANA?

2. What instruments have been mentioned in the analytical laboratories? And what about their

specific functions?

3. How to conduct the microbiological tests?

4. What are the general steps of tablets manufacturing?

5. What should be done for quality control in the manufacturing process? 6. What’s the production quantity in a 8-hour shift? 7. What’s the purpose for coating process?

Part 2 The production of monoclonal antibodies Glossary:

fanciful [?f?ns?f?l] 富于想象的 centrifugation [sentr?fj?'ge???n离心 conventional [k?n?v?n??n?l ] 传统的 filtration [f?l?tre??n]过滤 propagate [?prɑ:p?ge?t] 扩增 infrastructure 基础设施 bioreactor生物反应器 crane [kren ] 起重机 hose [ho?z ] 软管 residual [r??z?d?u?l] 残留的;残渣 sterile [?ster?l] 无菌的

Short-answering questions:

1. Why is the production of biopharmaceutical products fanciful? 2. Where does the manufacturing process start?

3. What are the features of cells? And what should be done by the manufacturers?

4. How to examine the sample to determine whether the sample can move to the next step? 5. Why does it need a critical examination of samples in large bioreactors? 6. How to separate the cells from solutions?

7. Please state the function of infrastructure briefly.

8. What is used as the major measure in the purification process?


