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1、请设计一课时基于完形填空复习教学的运用能力培养的学生学习方案简案。 2、请设计10小题完形填空试题,并简要说明每一小题的命题思路。 1. 请设计一课时基于运用能力培养的完形填空复习教学方案简案。 2. 请设计10小题完形填空试题,并简要说明每一小题的命题思路。


今天专家讲到完型填空的产生与格式塔心理学有着密切的联系,它强调不能通过各部分的分析来认识整体,要理解整体的全部性质,就必须“自上而下”地分析整体结构到各个组成部分的特征。 近几年,完形填空主要考察学生对语篇的理解能力,很小或几乎不直接考察学生的语法知识。同一小题的四个选项多是同一词类,且为同一语法实词形式。



1. Grasp the main idea of the whole passage. 2. Pay special attention to the first sentence.

3. Analyze the structure of the passage or sentences. 4. Try to get hints(暗示) from the context(上下文)

a. information given in the passage may be the repetition of the same words, or words with similar meaning or relevant words.(词汇重复) b. the context (语境选择) Step2.Practice:

在这一环节中,针对第一步所总结的方法,用PPT给学生一些相应的练习,要说明的是,这种练习不是一整篇的文章,而是完型的片段,这样练习目的更明确,针对性更强。例如: Obama attended the _____ which was held to celebrate his daughter’s birthdayin Washington. A. meeting B. party C. conference D. summit

初步判断attend跟四个选型的搭配都对,可是根据红字部分我们知道只能选party.这就是不能只根据语法搭配,而重在看文章的上下文中information words. Step3. Cloze test.

在这一环节里,学生将根据我们所总结和展示的方法尝试做一篇难易适度的完形填空。15分钟之后我们公布答案,进行讨论,让选错的同学讲,共同分析他们出现的错误及原因,这样我们能更好的发现他们在做题过程中是否重视的首句,把握了开篇;是否通读全文掌握了大意;是否注重了前后照应,灵活作答;是否复读全文,验证了答案。 Step4. Discussion

How many methods are used when you do the cloze test?


最后要特别强调学生的一个坏习惯:我叫它“追求破碎的完美”,也就是有的学生做题时,一定一个空一个空挨着填,不会的就蒙一个,接着再做,他们说空着选不上往后做觉得心里很别扭。可是这种追求完美很可能造成连串的错误,所以我提倡“宁缺毋滥”。 Homework: Finish Cloze tests 2 and 3 after class, using what we learned today.


学情分析: 心理问题:







跳过空格,通读全文,把握大意——跳读 结合选项,综合考虑,初定答案——细读 再读全文,仔细检查——回读


① 考察: 抓住文章中心,获取关键信息的能力

The amount of usable water has always been of great interest in the world. ____ spring and streams sometimes means control. A. Using B. Holding C. Owning D.Finding

命题思路: 学生在实际做完型的过程中,往往抓不住文章的中心. 所以选项的选择也大都是通过固定短语和句型来判断的. 旨在考查学生利用首句抓中文章中心,获取关键信息的能力.

②考察 : 明确文章语境,辨析词语差异的能力

【例】 Second, they believe that forcing students to work without 16 goes against the law.

A. cost B. pay C. care D. praise

命题思路: 选项的设置均属于同一词类,有的甚至在意义上也非常接近。考察学生明确文章语境,辨析词语差异 , 比较四个选项的细微差别,推敲什么是最佳答案的能力与技巧。这就要求学生平时的词汇学习中, 更应该在语境中理解单词的意思, 而不是用汉语来理解词汇的意思.

③考察 :紧跟上下文语境, 寻找上下文提示的能力

【例】 I remember as a child I said something 40 about somebody, and my father said, “Any time you say something unpleasant about somebody else, it’s a reflection of you.”

A. unkind B. unnecessary C. unimportant D. unusual



④ 考察: 根据因果关系推理的能力

___26___(Another) place where unplanned short sleep __27__(goes on )is in the lecture hall where a student will start snoring(打鼾)so ___28____that the professor has to ask another student to___29___(wake up) the sleeper awake.

A. bravely B. happily C. loudly D. carelessly

命题思路: 上下文的作用在完形填空的作用不可小觑,从后文的教授不得不请旁边的同学把他叫醒,可以推断出该同学睡的太沉了以致于发出了很大的声音。选项和利用so---that前后的因果关系得出答案。


A more embarrassing(尴尬)situation occurs when a student starts falling into

sleep and the ___30___ of the head pushes the arm off the___31___, and the movement carries the__32___ of the body along.

30.A. size B. shape C. weight D. strength 31.A. cushion B.desk C. shoulder D. book 32.A. action B. position C. rest D. side

命题思路:考察学生大小,形状,重量,力气这一类名词的逻辑分析能力. 解析;从上文的embarrassing(尴尬)situation ,a student starts falling into sleep,以及pushes the arm off_____..以及四个选项“大小,形状,重量,力气”可以判断出应当是因为头的重量的推动作用使得胳膊从书桌上滑下来同时也带动了身体的其余部分。联系上下文根据逻辑推理可以得出30题选择weight,31题选择desk.32选择 rest.


【例】 A person’s feeling depends, in a sense, according to Dr. Green, ___ the climate.

如果知道according to Dr. Green是插入语,depend on被故意拆开的话,答案就非常容易了。

命题思路: 学生往往在做题的过程中,考虑的很少, 不会排除句中的插入成分,以致据一步明确, 这题的设计在原来的搭配结构中插入较长的文字结构,造成搭配

关系的松散现象, 考察排除插入语或干扰语,重新整合句子的能力.

⑦ 考察: 根据同义复现选择答案的能力

例There were many ways to prevent this from happening: hanging a knife over the baby’s head while he slept or covering him with some of his father’s clothes were just two of the recommended 27 . A. cases B. tools C. steps D. methods

命题思路: 考察学生根据前句 “避免这类的事发生有许多方法(ways)”,冒号后的解释,“在小孩睡觉时在其头上悬挂一把刀,或者用其父亲的裤子盖着他,就是其中值得推荐的两种________”,承前逻辑,根据同义复现自然是其中的两种“方法”,与ways同义的是methods,

⑧考察: 根据反义词的复现选择答案的能力

例: The strange thing was that practically all the students went to class, and very few people stayed up late at night. Only the new people stayed up or ___ class.

A. attended B. took C. missed D. studied

命题思路: 首先学生应该能看出: 文章中or连接的是并列成分,所以空格中的内容应与上文went to class 构成相反的意义,该题属于反义词复现现象。


【例1】Are your table manners much better when you are eating at a friend’s home or in a restaurant than they are at your own home? Probably so, 1 (because) you are aware that people judge you by your table manners. You take special pains when you are eating 2 .

A. in public B. at home C. at ease D. in a hurry

【例2】If you asked high school girls to name their favorite sports, most would probably say basketball or volleyball. I happen to be one of the few girls who would 36(answer): surfing(冲浪运动). But isn‘t that a boy thing? Some

people 37 ,most certainly not. I started surfing about five years ago and 38(fell) in love with the sport on the very first day. Riding that first 39 was the best feeling I had ever experienced.

37. A. wonder B. understand C. reply D. believe

39. A. wave B. storm C. sail D. boat

命题思路: 通过文章深层意义来选择答案,是完形填空难度最大的一种形式,要求考生能够驾驭全文,不仅理解文章的表层意义,而且要弄清文章的深层意义。

⑩考察: 学生利用语法关联,推理最佳选项的能力

【例1】That day, he (Lang Lang) told his father 45 he had been waiting to hear—that he wanted to study with a new teacher.

A. that B. what C. which D. when

命题思路: 虽然高考完型填空的考查越来越淡化语法,但一个语义连贯的语篇必须通过省略、指代、时间或地点关联等语法关系来实现。考察学生利用已有的名词性从句的知识选择选项的能力.

总结: 完形填空虽为难度较大的一种综合性试题,但考生只要平时勤学苦练,不断积累并熟练掌握语言、词汇、语法等扎实的基础知识和基本技能,适当增加阅读量,启发自己的发散性思维,提高运用所学知识解决实际问题的能力,就能在解题时得心应手。同时解题过程也要注意运用适当的技巧,把多种方法结合起来,克服急躁心理,最终一定会获得事半功倍的效果

③ 根据同类关系推理 ⑤

⑥ 根据并列关系

.These tell the story of a mother whose baby grows 23 and pale and has changed so much that it is almost unrecognizable to the parents. 23. A. sick B. slim C. short D. small 解析:从题中的and 可以断定前后填空中的词应当和pale是并列关系选项中只有ill才与pale有相关性(因果关系),即因为“生病”,所以脸色才会“苍白”,故选A。

.Edgar Allan Poe is also remembered as the father of modern detective fiction, stories of an investigator who has to solve murders and other 27 27. A. accidents B. crimes C. eventsD. incidents

因为“murder(凶杀)”是各种“crimes(犯罪)”行为中的一种,所以与“murder(凶杀)”并列应是“其他各种犯罪行为”,故选B。 ⑦ ⑧

⑨ 词语固定搭配及辨析


The other day I was sitting in a small restaurant having a quiet drink and a talk with a few friends when it suddenly 1 me that almost everyone in the restaurant was smoking. It wasn’t long 2 the whole room was filled with smoke. 1. A. seemed B. struck C. sank D. showed 2. A. ago B. after C. before D. now

⑩ 生活常识及文化背景知识


Everyone has seen the Olympic Games at some time---either in Montreal, Barcelona. and everyone knows that_1__started the Games. But most people don’t know the real story. 1.a.Greeks b.French c.Americans d.English

One thing we all do now and again is to lose our 54 with a friend and close relatives. The odd thing is that we more often display great 55 towards someone we are fond of than towards 56 .

54. A. mind B. memory C. manner D. temper 55. A. anger B. interest C. love D. respect 56. A. strangers B. friends C. relatives D. colleagues

在日常生活中人们通常会对亲戚朋友或者自己发脾气,但却不在陌生人身上。 加上more…than…的句型,则可以判断出答案了。


完型填空原创设计 高考大纲对于完型填空命题的原则和特征:


2.留出的空格有一定的均衡行, 但不破坏语篇全貌,设空平均间距13个词左右。

3.设空的词汇以动词,名词,形容词为主。 4.设问注重语境的意义,淡化语法。 5.设问注重上下文前后呼应。


所选材料出自China daily一篇新闻报道:

Yao continues basketball life as Chinese club boss

SHANGHAI - \Yao Ming said here on Wednesday at a news conference to ____1____ his retirement. Yao, turning 31 in September, was __2_ the towering center of NBA's Houston Rockets, but also the sole owner of Shanghai Sharks ___3__ he grew into a national idol.H \o Laoban as some fans ___4__ called him. \_5____opens.\ Yao __6____ the club in 2009 when it was in its lowest point, second to the last in the 18-team Chinese professional league and the number of ____7___ dropping as low as 200 at one time.

The Shanghai native bought the club all the same, __8___the unanimous opposition from the Yao team.

\one would see their Alma Mater running down without doing anything,\d.

But the role-changing may not be easy for Yao after he carved out a successful career at the NBA as the first draft pick in 2002 and an eight-time All-Star starter in nine seasons.

His good pal and Shanghai team captain Liu Wei almost transferred elsewhere in a falling out with Yao not long after Yao became the boss due to an unsuccessful contract negotiation.

After many efforts, Yao __9____ managed to solve the problem and keep his buddy in the team, which

\___10__joy to my hometown,\Yao said.

1 A declare B. announce C tell D say

(命题思路:本题旨在考察学生动词词义在具体语境中的辨析能力和背景知识能力) 2 A yet B still C not only D also

(命题思路:本题旨在考察学生上下文联系,下句有个but also,及对于基本句型的了解) 3 A where B which C that D when

(命题思路:本题旨在考察学生基本语法知识,定语从句关系词的选择,长难句子的理解) 4 A happily B. excitedly C patiently D affectionately

(命题思路:本题旨在考察学生根据具体语境推理能力,及对副词词义辨析) 5.A another B the other C other D one

(命题思路:本题旨在考察学生根据上下文固定搭配,代词用法的考察) 6 A took up B took over C took down D came over

(命题思路:本题旨在考察学生有效提取信息词语境推理能力,动词短语辨析) 7 A audiences B witnesses C spectators D trainers

(命题思路:本题旨在考察学生名词词义辨析理解,根据常识选择) 8 A as if B in case C despite D since

(命题思路:本题旨在考察学生根据上下文的联系及上下句的逻辑关系,连词词义辨析) 9A. eventually B actually C really D. Occasionally

(命题思路:本题旨在考察学生上下文语境after many efforts,来确定最后的副词) 10 A present B supply C offer D bring


