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交际语 ? Is dinner ready, Carol?【 It’s nearly ready】 ? (Are you married )?---Yes, I am.

? (Are you ready to order ?) --- Ice cream for me please ? (Can I help you )? Yes ,please. I?d like to reserve a room.

? (Have you been to America)? -- I?ve never been there but I hope to go there in the future. ? (Shall we go to the cinema this evening )?--- I’d rather stay at home. ? (What’s your job ?) --I’m a journalist. ? (What?s your job)? --I?m a journalist.

? (When did he go to America)? --Two years ago.

? (When did you visit Japan?) --Two years ago.

? (Why do you come to live in China)? --Because I got a job here. ? 【 Are you married ?】Yes, I am.

? 【 What’s your job ? --- I’m a journalist.

? 【 When did he go to America ?--- Two years ago. ? 【 When did you visit Japan ?】--- Two years ago.

? 【 Why do you come to live in China 】? --- Because I got a job here. ? 【Are you married ?】---Yes, I am.

? 【Are you ready to order】 ?【 Ice cream for me please.

? 【Shall we go to the cinema this evening 】?--- I’d rather stay at home.

A ? Afternoon, sir. Where to?-- _______A____________.【A. Please get me to the airport】 ? Are you married? Yes, I am. 【A.Right】

? Are you ready to order ? Ice cream for me please【 A.Right】. ? Are you ready to order? (A Yes. I?ll have a chicken salad please). ? Are you ready to order? (B Yes. I?ll have a steak, please).

? Are you ready to order? Yes. I’ll have a chicken salad please 【A.Right】 ? Are you ready to order? (C Could I have a glass of wine please?)

? Are you ready to order? Could I have a glass of wineplease?【 A.Right】 ? Are you ready to order? Yes. I’ll have a steak, please.【 A.Right】

? Are you sure about that?— D .【D. Oh, yes. I’m absolutely positive】 C ? Can I get you something to drink?--- (Yes, please. A coca-cola for me).

? Can I get you something to drink? Yes, please. A coca-cola for me.【 A.Right】

? Can I help you to get it down? — C . 【C. Thanks. It’s so nice of you】 ? Can I help you?--- (Yes, please ).

? Can I help you? Nice to see you. 【B.Wrong】

? Can I help you? Yes, please. I’d like to reserve a room. 【A.Right】 ? Can I help you?【Yes, please】 .

? Can you remember the doctor?s telephone number? (Yes, It?s 6825612).

? Can you remember the doctor’s telephone number? Yes. It’s 6825612 【A.Right】

? Can you turn down the radio, please?-A.【A. I’m sorry, I didn’t realize it was that loud 】? Could I have a bottle of water, please?--- (Certainly, madam)


Could I have a bottle of water, please? Certainly, madam .【 A.Right】

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D ? ? H ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? I ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

Do you like your job?--- (Yes. I find it very interesting) . Do you like your job? I’m a nurse. 【B.Wrong】

Have you been to America?--- (Yes. I went there last year) .

Have you been to America? Yes. I went there last year.【 A.Right】

Have you been to America?I’ve never been there but I hope to go there in the future. 【A.Right.】 Have you ever tried sailing? --- (No. I?d like to try).

Have you ever tried sailing? No.I’d like to try【.A.Right】

Have you ever tried windsurfing? (No, I haven?t).

Have you ever tried windsurfing? It’s very kind of you.【 B. Wrong.】

Hello, could I speak to Don please? --B 【B. Who’s speaking】

Hello, may I talk to the headmaster now?-C【_C. sorry, he is busy at the moment】 Hello, Xiaoyan. How was the party? Hi Jack. We had a great time. 【A. Right】 Hello, Xiaoyan. How was the party?【 Hi, Jack. We had a great time .】 How about drinking some coffee?--- I?d prefer to drink some tea

How about drinking some coffee? I’d prefer to drink some tea【 A. Right】 How are you feeling today? I’d rather stay at home.【 B. Wrong】

How can I book a cheap hotel? If I were you. I’d phone a travel agent.【 A. Right】 How can I book a cheap hotel?( If I were you,I?d phone a travel agent).

How can I book a cheap hotel?【If I were you, I’d phone a travel agent 】.【 Great .】 How do you like the film? (It?s very good. I like it).

How do you like the film? It’s very good. I like it.【 A. Right】 How is the weather today? I’m fine, thank you.【 B. Wrong】 How is the weather today?( It is really nice). How old are you? Yes, I am. 【B. Wrong】

How was the weather?--- (It was really nice ). How was the weather?【It was really nice】 .

How’s the movie? Interesting?— C 【 C. Far from. I should have stayed home watching TV D.I was seated far away in the corner】

How’s the movie? Interesting?—B【B. Far from. I should have stayed home watching TV】

I have an appointment with Dr. Johnson.-- __________C__________.【C. Please wait for minute. He is busy now 】 I think the Internet is very helpful.-- ________A___________.【A. Yes, so do I 】. I think the Internet is very helpful.-- A 【.A. Yes, so do I】

I went to a fashin show last night. (What was it like)?

I went to a fashion show last night. What was it like.【 A. Right】

I went to a fashion show last night. Who took away my book?【 B. Wrong】

I’m trying to call Marie, but there’s no answer.— D . 【D. Really? Maybe she’s out 】 Is dinner ready, Carol? It’s nearly ready.【 A. Right】

Is dinner ready, Carol?--- (It?s nearly ready)

Is there a bank near here? Yes. I saw him this morning?【 B. Wrong】

Is there a bank near here? Yes. There is one just down the road 【A. Right】

Is there a bank near here?(Yes. There is one just down the road).

Is this the motel you mentioned?— B .【B. Yes, it’s as quiet as we expected 】 Is this the motel you mentioned?—A .【A. Yes, it’s as quiet asweexpected 】

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? It’s very easy to clean up the room. Anyone can do it. .【 A. Right】


? Let’s take a walk. -- C 【C.Yes,please11.】 M

? May I know your address? – A【A. Sure. Here you are】 O ? Oh, sorry to bother you.-C.【C. That’s okay】 S ? Shall we go to a restaurant? See you later.【 B. Wrong】

? Shall we go to a restaurant?( Great.)

? Shall we have something to eat before we go? Nice to meet you.【 B. Wrong.】 ? Shall we have something to eat before we go?( Good idea). ? Shall we have something to eat before we go?【Good idea】

? Shall we see a film tonight? (I?d rather not, I?m quite tired).

? Shall we see a film tonight? I’d rather not, I’m quite tired.【 A. Right】 ? Shall we see a film tonight?【 I’d rather not, I’m quite tired .】 ?

Shall we see a movie tonight? See you later.【B. Wrong】

? Shall we see a movie tonight?( Good idea). W

? We enjoy【 swimming 】very much,because it is good to our hdalth. ? Well, Mary, how are you?-- C .【C.I’mfine 】

? What a nice day! Yes. Let’s go camping, shall we ? . 【A. Right】

? What are you going to do this evening? ( I?m going to meet some friends).

? What are you going to do this evening? I saw a film with my son. 【B. Wrong】

? What are you going to do this evening? I went there with some friends. 【B. Wrong】 ? What are you going to do this evening? I’m going to meet some friends 【A. Right】 ? What are you going to do this evening?【 I’m going to meet some friends .】

? What are you going to do tomorrow morning?【I’m playing tennis with some friends 】. ? What did you think of the film? I thought it was really great.【 A.Right】 ? What did you think of the film?【I thought it was really great .】 ? What does he look like? He is tall and thin. 【A. Right】 ? What does he look like?【He is tall and thin】

? What if my computer doesn’t work? —B【B. Ask Anne for help 】

? What kind of TV program do you like best?—A【A. It’s hard to say, actually 】 ? What time will the next train leave? At 8.19 【A. Right】 ? What time will the next train leave【At 8.19.】

? What world you like to have?( An orange juice, please.)

? What would you like to drink, madam? Can I have a glass of white wine? 【A. Right】 ? What would you like to drink, madam?【 Can I have a glass of white wine ?】 ? What would you like to have? An orange juice, please.【 A. Right】 ? What would you like to have?【An orange juice, please .】

? What did you have for breakfast? Coffee and toast. .【 A. Right】

? What’s the problem, Harry?- A 【.A. I can’t remember where I left my glasses 】 ? What?s you job?( I?m a nurse).

? What’s your job? I’m a journalist.【 A. Right】 ?

What’s your job? I’m a nurse.【 A. Right】

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? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Y ? ? ?

When did he go to America? Two years ago. 【A. Right】 When did you first come to China?( 10 years ago).

When did you first come to China?10 years ago.【 A.Right】 Where did you go for your holiday? Two years ago【. B. Wrong】 Where did you go in China? (I went to Xi?an).

Where did you go in China? (I went to Xi?an and Guilin).

Where did you go in China? I went there by train .【B. Wrong.】 Where did you go in China? I went to Xi’an and Guilin .【 A. Right】 Where did you go in China?【I went to Xi’an and Guilin.】

Which picture do you like? B: I think the big one is better.【 A. Right】 Why do you come to live in China? Because I got a job here.【 A. Right】 Why don’t we go to a restaurant? Great 【. A. Right】

Why don?t we go to a restaurant? ( Great).

Would you like to go to the cinema this evening? Yes, that’s a good idea【 A. Right】 Would you like to go to the cinema this evening?( Yes,that?s a good idea.)

Would you like to go to the cinema this evening?【Yes, that’s a good idea .】

Would you like to go to the cinema with me? I’d rather stay at home.【 A. Right】

Would you like to have dinner with us this evening? -B .【B.Sorry, but this evening I have to go to the airport to meet my parents 】

Would you like to see the menu?— A .【A. No, thanks. I already know what to order 】 Would you mind if I open the window for a better view? – C【 C. Of course not】 Your friend Sally phoned you this afternoon. ( What did she say)?

Your friend Sally phoned you this afternoon. Can I help you? .【A. Right】 Your friend Sally phoned you this afternoon.【What did she say?】


? (Every) of them has a bedroom and a stuly

? (Have you seen) my glasses? B:Yes,I saw them on your bed a minute ago.

? (Having received) an answer,he decided to write~

? (How about)another piece of chicken, Sally?B: No, thanks. It was delici0t~s, but Um really full. ? (How much)is this beautiful handbag?

? (If)it rains tomorrow,we?ll go to the cinema.

? (In spite of)the rain,they went to work as usual.

? (Neither) of her brothers came to the wedding. They don?t like her new husband. ? (Neither) her mother (nor) she was at home when the thief came in. ? (Someone) stole his camera while he is lying on the beach. ? (Stop)!That fire is dangerous.

? (Tell) her I'll pick up the airline tickets tomorrow.

? (The) majority of people are highly~~

? (Unless) he studies hard ,he will~~ ? (What) I saw was two men crossing the street

? (What) they are doing has never been~ ? (Which) of these books are yours?

? (Which) one is yours, Julie? B:The bule one with white flowers on it.

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? (Who do you think) is the richest man in our city~ ? ? ? ?

(Who) is at the door? B: It must be our new neighbour, Mrs Jones.

_ C __for the Olympic Games begin about ten years in advance. 【C. Bidding 】 __ A __fine weather it is! A. What

__ B ____ he said is quite right.【 B. What】

? __D___ it with me and I’ll see what I can do. 【 D. Leave】 ? 【 If 】it rains tomorrow, we’ll go to the cinema

? 【 In spite of 】 the rain, they went to work as usual

? 【 Neither 】her mother【 nor 】she was at home when the thief came in ? 【 Stop !】 That fire is dangerous ? 【 Which 】f these books are yours?

? 【Neither 】of her brothers came to the wedding They don’t like her new husband ? 【Someone 】stole his camera while he is lying On the beach ? 【Tell】 her I'll pick up the airline tickets tomorrow A ? A car hit her when she was walking 【across 】 the road ? ? ? ?

A concert will be held in the school hall 【 at pm 【 on 】Tuesday A lecture hall is ____ C ____ where students attend lectures.【 C. one 】

A: Could I see the manager now?B: I’m sorry you can’t He has 【 gone to Hong Kong】 A: Have you ever seen the film The Day After Tomorrow?B: 【No, I haven’t】

? A: Have you finished your homework?B: 【No, I haven’t】

? A: Have you seen the film Life Without Steve?B: No, I haven't seen it 【yet l】 ? A: Have you sent the fax to the travel agent?B:【Yes, I have 】 ? A: Have you typed the letter for me?B: 【Yes, I have】

? A: I didn’t have time for lunch today B: I didn’t 【 either 】

? A: I haven't sat down all day 【Must 】B: You be very tired

? A: I’m sorry to have kept you waitingB: Oh, not at all, I 【 have been 】 here only a few minutes

? A: Thank you for lending me your dictionaryB: You’re welcome But could you 【give it back 】to me tomorrow? ? A: What did you have for breakfast?B:【 Coffee and toast】 ? A: Where does Mark get his hair cut?B: He cuts it 【himself 】 ? A: Which picture do you like?B: 【I think the big one is better】

? A: Would you like to go to the cinema with me?B: I’d 【 rather】 stay at home ? A: What a nice day!B: Yes Let’s go camping, 【 shall we ?】

? A:【Have you seen 】 my glasses?B: Yes, I saw them on your bed a minute ago

? A:【How about】another piece of chicken, Sally? B: No, thanks It was delicit~s, but Um really full ? A:【Who 】is at the door? B: It must be our new neighbour, Mrs Jones ? ? ? ?

A:Have you had your breakfast? B:No, I haven’t had it 【yet 】 A:I haven’t eaten all day B:You【 must 】be very hungry A:Thank you for lending me your dictionary B: You’re welcome But could you 【 give it back】 to me tomorrow? After _C__ the shopping list, I found that I forgot to buy salt. 【C. checking 】

? After stopping for a few minutes,the bus moved (on) to is~~ ? After they finished (playing) football, they went for a drink in a pub.

? After_ C __the bid, major construction began in Beijing. 【 C. winning 】 ? Afternoon, sir Where to? (Please get me to the airport)

? Afterthey hnished (playing) football,theywent fora drink ina pub. ? All the team members tried their best,we lost the game,(however)

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? Ami , I want this report typed today (It?ll be ready in the afternoon, sir) ? An application form will be sent to you (on request).

? Ancient Greece is the C of western civilization【C. origin 】 ? Ann is studying __ B __ at university. 【B.politics】 ? Are there any drug-stores around here? (-No, it isn?t)

? Are there any good shows on TV tonight? (-Titanic is on the movie channel)

? Are you feeling better today, Mrs Silver? (Yes, thanks doctor But I still feel dizzy) ? Are you on holidau here? (-No, we aren?t,We live here)

? Are you sure about that? (Oh, yes, I?m absolutely positive) ? As a news reporter,James(A has been to )many places in the world. ? As she 【was reading 】 the newspaper, Granny 【 fell 】 asleep

B ? Be careful! Don’t cut 【yourself 】with the knife

? Be sure to __ A ____ your wife when you come here this evening. 【A.bring 】 ? Before I got to the cinema, the film_A 【 A. had begun】

? Before she left on the trip, she _ D _ hard. 【 D. had trained】 ? Before she left on the trip, she __ A __ hard【.A.had trained 】

? Boggis?little~~~herself the (twelve-year-old)girl

? By next yeat,he (will have worked) in NewYork for five years C ? Can I get you a couple of tea? --_______A__________【_A. That’s very nice of you 】 ? Can I help you to get it down? (Thanks It?s so nice of you) ? Can I speak to Franco,please?(One moment,please.) ? Can Mary express 【herself 】in Chinese?

? Can you help me clear up the mess? (No problem) ? Can you tell me how much a T-shirt like this costs? (About forty-five dollars) ? Can you tell me where I can park the car? (Well, just over there) ? car hit her when she was walking (B across) the road.

? concert will be held in the school hall(C at)4 Pm(on)Tuesday.

? Could I see the manager now?B:I?m sorry you can?t.He has(B gone)to Hong Kong. ? Could I thak to Prof Lee? (Yes, speaking)

? Could you please tell me how to get to the nearest bus stop? (It?s on the right corner just ahead) ? Could you please tell us what kind of work 【in which 】 you have got experience? ? Could you tell me how to【 improve 】my English?

D ? Da Uan is east 【Of 】Beiing,;【on】 thecoast

? David is a manager .Now he (is reading )the emails in his office. ? Did you 【get Up 】early this morning?

? Do you know the people 【who 】came here this morning? ? Do you mind if I read the newspaper on the table? (Go ahead, please) ? Do you think the exam will be put off? (Not likely) ? Do you think tommy is (telling)the truth ? Don’t 【disturb】 him He is writing a letter now

? Don?t forget to write to me,(will you)

? Don?t take too long at the coffee shop It?s : (I see We have minutes left) ? Don?t worry,your watch (is being repaired ) and you can~~

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? Don’t worry. There is _ C _ room for all your books here. 【C. enough 】 ? Dr,hoffman proposed that we(put off) the meeting~next week

E ? Edgar began(work)as an office boy years ago

? Everything __ D __ if Albert hadn’t called the fire brigade. 【D.would have been destroyed】 ? Excuse me Is this table taken? (Yeah I?m saving these seats for friends)

? Excuse me, does this bus go to the bookstore? (No you?d change at the next stop) ? Excuse me, I didn?t mean to bother you (That?s quite all right)

? Excuse me, when is the next flight from London due to arrive? (In half an hour)

? Excuse me, which bus goes to the city museum? (You can take No bus)

? Excuse me, which is the express train to Tokyo? (On you right It?ll leave in minutes) F ? Football is so popular that it is played (B by)more than 20million people in mor than 140 countries. G ? Get up! Mary, Tom has (B already) called you three times this morning. ? Go that way and take a seat (Yes,that?s a good way) ? Guilin is (C in) the west of China. H ? Hardly (had I got )home when it began to rian ? Hardly _A_ home when it began to rain.【A.had I got 】 ? Have a nice holiday, Ted (Thank you ,and you too) ? Have you (C ever) seen a tiger?

? Have you ever been to Tokyo? (No, but I hope to go there next year) ? Have you ever seen the film The Day After Tomorrow? B: (No, I haven?t). ? Have you finished your homework? B: (No, I haven?t.).

? Have you got a table for four, Waiter? (Yes, sure This way, please) ? Have you had your breakfast? B:No, I haven?t had it (B yet).

? Have you seen the film Life Without Steve? B: No, I haven't seen it (yet) l ? Have you sent the fax to the travel agent? B: (Yes, I have). ? Have you typed the letter for me? B: (Yes, I have). ? Have you【 ever 】seen a tiger?

? Having heard so much about~~they were(eager)to meet and ? He (was interviewed) by different people in the company. . ? He (was taken) to the hospital after the accident.

? He (went) out with his friends last weekend.

? He 【was interviewed 】by different people in the company ? He 【was taken 】to the hospital after the accident ? He asked the waiter 【 for 】 a glass of water ? He bought two books 【 So did 】 I ?

He failed【 in spite of 】all his efforts

? He has 【 just 】gone out

? He has been ___B____ in hospital for a month. 【 B.in danger】 ? He has lived here for years(though)nobody knows what he is ? He has(A just)gone out.

? He is a doctor, so 【is his wife】 ? He is a good friend of 【ours 】

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? He is really good man, 【isn’t he 】 ?

? He is the man _C_ dog bit me.【 C. whose】

? He keeps _ B ____ at himself in the mirror.【 B. looking 】

? He kept the light in his room __ B ____ the whole night.【 B. burning】 ? He loved (B playing) basketball when he was young. ? He said he (hadn?t) got enough money.

? He said that he 【 would 】try his best to help me ? He spends a quarter of the day _ B__. 【 B. sleeping 】

? He spoke so quickly that I didn?t(make out ) what he said ? He stopped 【 watching 】 TV when the dinner was ready ? He used to 【 work 】 very hard when he was young ? He used to shout 【 at 】 me when I was a child ? He used to(B work)very hard when he was young.

? He was _ C _ about his new job 【 C. over the moon 】

? He, a well as I,(is) astudent ? He, as well as I, _ A _ a student.【A.is 】 ? He【 went out 】with his friends last weekend ? Hello! Can I get a seat on the pm flight to Detroit? (I?m sorry, but it?s completely booked) ? Help yourself to the steak, Maggie (Thanks you, Helen It?s been a nice dinner) ? Her article is(C the best)in the class.


Her parents died when she was very young, so she was __ A ___by her aunt. 【A. brought up】? Hey, BararaYou look so pale (I?m iust getting over the flu)

? His grandfather is very healthy He【 neither,】 drinks 【 nor 】 smokes ? How are you this morning? (Very well, thank you)

? How long will you be away from Italy? (About a month)

? How much is it altogether? (It?s free)

? How often do you have listening classes in a week? (Every Monday and Friday) ? How the fire in the ~started(remains) a mystery

? How was the iourney to London? (It went very well)

? How?s the movie? Interesting? (Far from I should have stayed home watching TV) ? Hurry up, the lecture begins at : (Don?t worry we?ve got minutes) I ? I (A lent) him my bike last weekend.

? I (B was walking)along the street when he shouted at me.

? I (C play)table tennis quite well,but I haven?t had time to play since the New Year. ? I (have been 1iving) here foralmost 20 years. ? I (scarcely) know himl,so I can?t tell you ~~

? I 【 play 】 table tennis quite well, but I haven’t had time to play since the New Year ? I 【began 】to learn French when he was ? I 【have been iving】 here foralmost years

? I 【was walking 】 along the street when he shouted at me

? I am having the TV (A repaired) tomorrow.

? I broke my leg when I _A__skiing in America.【A.was 】

? I didn’t buy the book because I didn’t have 【any 】money on me ?

I didn’t go 【 anywhere 】 in the summer

? I didn?t have time for lunch today.B:I didn?t(C either).

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? I didn?t know what to do but then an ~(occurred to)me ? I don?t know (C how) to explain it to her. ? I don’t know 【how 】to explain it

? I don’t know where the key is, but I suppose I【 could have left 】it at home ? I don?t like the sports porgrams on Sundays (Neither do I)

? I don’t suppose he will attend the meeting, _ B __? 【B. will he 】

? I don?t think I?m late Excuse me, what?s the time? (Itsays : But it?s minutes slow) ? I don?t want to watch (A anything sad).

? I don?t want you to make any touble,(on the contrary),I urge~`

? I feel quite ill (You?d better have a rest)

? I had a sandwich before I played basketball, (A but) I?m very hungry now. ? I have an appointment with DrJohnson (Please wait for a minuteHe is busy now) ? I have given ___C___ eating meat. 【 C. up】

? I have got a pain in my neck (I?m sorry to hear that) ? I have lived here __B__ 1997. 【B. since】

? I have no idea where the cat went She【could have 】gone anywhere ? I have no idea who stole his wallet It 【 could have been 】 anyone ? I have to go now. I have to pick (C up) my son form school. ? I haven?t eaten all day. B:You (must) be very hungry.

? I haven?t read (the whole)book,but I read half of it ~~~ ? I haven?t seen Belly for years (Neither have I) ? I haven't sat down all day. (Must) B: You be very tired. ? I heard your motorcar was stolen (Mine wasn?t but Bill?s was) ? I hope he?s remembered(to buy)some bread~~ ? I hope the weather will fine tomorrow (I hope so too)


I know it isn’t important but I can’t help _ B _ about it【 B. thinking 】

? I know this ie the sedret~~~,and I promise never to(mention)it to anyone else ? I love traveling. I (A have been to) most places in the world.

? I must tell you how(pleased I was to receive)a letteer from ? I prefer classic music B pop music. 【B. to】

? I really enjoy pop music, What?s your favorite? (Well, actually I like classical music) ? I saw him 【 reading a book 】in his office when everyone was looking for him ? I spent half an hour (woking on )this difficult~~

? I think all these are main points __B___ much attention.【 B. worthy of 】 ? I think the internet is very helpful (Yes, so do I)

? I tried ( finishing) the book in a few days~~` ? I was (A on) my (way) to school when I saw the accident. ? I was watching TV (B when) the telephone rang. ? I was watching TV【 when 】the telephone rang

? I was(on) my (way) to school when I saw the accident.

? I was【 on 】my 【way 】to school when I saw the accident ? I will never forget the time(when) we both stayed~~

? I wish you success in your career (The same to you)

? I wonder if Tim could control the situation (Well , if he can?t control it no one can) ? I wonder of you could help me (Of course)

? I wonder why they (charged) you so much~~a book

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? I~ve always enjoyed 【swimming】

? I?d like to know if everybody is here (Everyone except Tom)

? I?m going to (C rent) a flat near the company I?m working at.

? I’m going to buy Mary a birthday gift Do you have 【anything special 】 in mind? ? I?m going to buy Mary a birthday gift. Do you have (anything special) in mind? ? I?m old enough to wash(my,yours)chothes by myself~~ ? I?m really looking forward to (B hearing) from you.

? I?m sorry Bob?s not in his office (Can you take a message for me) ? I?m sorry I?ve returned your book late (That?s all right) ? I?m sorry to be late Thank you for waiting (Oh I don?t mind I ?ve been here minutes) ? I?m sorry to have kept you waiting.Oh,not at all,I(C will be)here only a few minutes. ? I’m tired I haven’t got 【 enough 】energy (精力)to go to the gym today ? I’m tired. I _ B___ working very hard. 【B.have been】


I’m tired. I haven’t got (enough) energy (精力)to go to the gym today.

? I?m trying to call Marie, but there?s no answer (Really? Maybe she?s out) ? I’ve always enjoyed 【 swimming 】 ? I?ve got tickets for the match,Shall we go and watch it together? (Why not?Let?s go)

? I?ve ordered pizza and salad What else do you want? (A beer is fine for me I?m not hungry yet) ? If I (A were)you,I would buy a house at the seaside.

? If I don?t have to work late on Friday, I might (C go) dancing with friends. ?

If I don't have to work lat& on Friday, I might 【go 】dancing with friends

? If I had a lot of money, I 【would 】buy a boat ? If I【 were 】you, I would buy a house at the seaside

? If there were life on mars,such life forms (would be) unable ? If we (adopt) the plan you suggest,we are~

? If you _ A__ stop smoking, you can only expect to have a bad cough. 【 A. won’t 】 ? If you don?t promise to ~~houses,ordinary people(will not benefit)

? If you go to America,you will~~better(communications),by road,rail~~london ? In china,children (have to start)school at seven

? In my opinion,you?d better take a couple of days off (I?ll take your advice) ? In this factory each~~ a(two-month) training course ? Is it difficult to learn to (A do) Tai Chi? ? Is it difficult to learn to【 do】Tai Chi?

? Is my TV program disturbing you? (Yes, I?m trying to write my paper) ?

Is the supermarket【on】the right or left?

? Is there anything I can do for you? (Yes, It?s very kind of you) ? Is there anything serious,doctor? (NoJust atay in bed and drink more water) ? It happen _C_ a winter night【.C. on】

? It happened ___D___ a winter night. 【 D. on 】

? It is a great race! Do you agree? (Yes, it?s teally exciting)

? It is because English is useful(what we study hard) ? It is difficylut to (carry on) a conversation ~~ ? It is very convenient A here.【A. living 】

? It was unwise of him to (refer to ) the unreliable ~

? It?s a long way to get there. This is (A why) we started so early. ? It’s not safe __C___ in the street.【 C, playing 】

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? It’s quite fine today Would you like to 【play basketball 】with me? ? It?s quite fine today.Would you like to(A play)basketball with me? ? It’s very easy to clean up the room【 Anyone】 can do it ? I've lived in Chongqing 【for】 twenty years

J ? Jack 【used to take 】a walk after supper when the weather was fine ? John didn?t turn up(C until)the meeting had finished

? John enjoys 【 jogging 】 while his brother prefers to go skiing ? John fell asleep ( while )he was listenoing to the music ? John( used )to be a teacher before the war

? John,( having lost )the bet ,had to pay ~~ L ? l (began) to learn French when he was 11.

? Last month,he paid a visit to ~~(where)he had once five years ? Last Sunday,Jane had the windows(C cleaned)

? Learning English well isn't easy【 but】 __ I like it very much

? Let me _B_ the case carefully before I draw a conclusion.【B. look into】

? Let me help you carry this (That?s OK,I can manage)

? Let?s finish our homework in a few seconds;it?s time we(played football) ? Let’s go to the Great Wall by bike,【 shall we ?】

? Let?s not wait any longer, he~not(turn up)

? Linda offered him her congratulations ___D____ his passing the college entrance exams. 【 D. on】 ? Linda, can you give me a lift after work? (No problem We go the same direction) ? Look at the terrible~~only I (had followed)your advice

? Look, offThe , camera is on sale today (Yeah, a surprising bargain I?ll buy it) M ? March the th is 【 Women’s 】 Day ? ? ? ?

Mary forgot _B_ a letter to her mother, so she wrote to her just now.【B. to write 】 Mary is very hard-working,( B isn?t she)?

Mary said she 【 had been to 】 all over the world Mary told Little Tom not 【 to spend 】 all the money

? Mary would like to buy the handbag,【 B which】is very beautiful but also rather expensive. ? Mary’s father is very pleased 【with 】her

? May I help you, madam? (Yes, I?d like kilos of oranges) ? May I know your address? (Sure Here you are) ? May I speak to Jack please? (I?m better turn it off) ? ? ? ?

May Iuse your bike to go shopping? (Certainly) Mike offered to help and so【 did 】John

More and more people in China now _A_ to work regularly【.A.drive 】 Mother told Little Tom not 【 to spend 】 all the money

? Mother was busy,although she was~~on tv,she(was listening to ) in on the radio ,Mark is a clerk (with) a job in a top bookstotr

? Mother was busy. Although she was not watching the basketball on TV, she __A __ it on the radio.【A. was listening

to 】 ? Mr Hilton is not good a music. Neither (A are) his children. ? Mr Smith has (A just) gone out to meet an old friend.

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? Mr Smith told Mary(C to come)to the office next Monday morning. ? Mr. White has a wife and three children to _ A __. 【A. raise 】 ? MrsJohnson, I?ve come to say good-bye (That?s OK)

? My aunt was angry with her family and went away 【by herself 】 ? My brother (who) lives in America is visiting next week. ? My brother told me (C about) his trip to Scotland.

? My buother (B who) lives in America is visiting next week.

? My camera isn?t working properly (Mabey there?s something wrong with it) ? My father told me (B about) his trip to Xin Jiang. ? My parents have (C never) been to the Great Wall. ? My parents have 【never 】been to the Great Wall ? My plant died 【I should have 】watered (浇水)it N ? Nice weather,( C isn?t it)?

? No one can possibly recall~~,since it ( took place )

? No sooner hand they got ~~up( than )it started raining hard

? Northwestern Airlines May I help you? (Yes, I?d like some information about morning …) ? Not always( pople cannot do what )they wants to

? Not only I but also Jane and Mary ___B____ tired of having one examination after another. 【 B. are 】 ? Now Helen works( more carefully )than before O ? Oh, the box is too heavy (Can I help you to carry it)

? On her way to the office, she【 stopped 】to buy a newspaper

? On his first sea _B__, he was still quite young but showed great courage to face the storm.【B.voyage 】 ? On his first sea (voyage), he was

? On his first sea __D___, he was still quite young but showed great courage to face the storm. 【 D. voyage 】 ? One day while mrking wa~,he had a/an(accident)and~~

? Our plane __A___ from London at 7:00 yesterday evening. 【 A. took off 】 P ? Paul (began ) to learn French when he was 11.

? Peter often makes himself( understood )by ~~ ? Please give me a hand ,won?t you? (No problem)

? Please leave the key~door ( in case )you go out

? Please look after my parents during my ( absence ) ? Please tell David not to drink too much (It?s time for lunch) R ? Richard works really hard,and(A so do)you. S ? Sadam (was married) for years

? Sally is looking for a new job She has been bored 【 with 】 her job as a secretary ? Sam,this is my firend Jane (Glad to meet you, Jane) ? Shall we (fix) a“me for our next meeting? ? ? ? ?

She (B didn?t)answer my phone call yesterday. She (goes) jogging every morning. She (went) to town last week.

She 【 didn’t 】answer my phone call yesterday

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? She 【goes】 jogging every morning ? She 【went 】to town last week

? She can hardly wait to hear the news,【 can she ?】

? She has lived here ____B____ three years. 【 B. for 】 ? She orderer the fish, (B didn?t she)?

? She told the children 【 not to】make a noise ? She was convicted _C_ murder.【C.of 】

? She will have the curtain(窗帘) 【Changed 】beforetheguestscome,Shall we 【fix 】a“me for our next meeting? ? She won't leave_ (until) _ her friends come back.

? She’s unlucky, and she’s always suffering __D __ luck one after another. 【 D. ill】

? Shirley 【was writing 】a book about China last year but I don’t know whether she has finished it ? Silk _A by Chinese for thousands of years now【A. has been used 】 ? Since this road is wet and sliooery this morning ,it(must have rained)last nighr ? So sorry to trouble you (It?s your fault)

? Some pop singers have much influence(on)the young~~ ? Sorry, I didn?t know he is a friend of (your brother?s) ? Sorry, I?m not free this evening, (B I?m having) dinner with Mike. T ? Table tennis is (B the most) popular sport in this country.

? Tennis is a (game) invented by an englishman~~ ? Tha lab was being(rebuilt) when we visited the university

? Thank you for lending me your dictionary. B: You?re welcome. But could you (give it back) to me tomorrow? ? Thanks a lot You?ve gone to so much trouble (It?s no trouble at all) ? That’s all settled. It __D___ talked about.【 D. needn’t be 】 ? That?s the(very) gentleman I,ve~~

? The baby is named【 aher 】the nurse who was looking after her ? The bedroom needs ____A_____. 【A. decorating 】

? The big man has always~~on the go,(so) he has got stomachache ? The book was rather expensive, but I bought it 【anyway 】 ? The boy is wearing a (B long baggy) T-shirt.

? The boy(B speaks)fluent French.

? The boys got 【 up 】very late this morning They watched too much TV last night ? The boys got【up】very late this morning They watched too much TV last night ? The buses, 【 which 】were full of people, couldn’t go very fast ? The buses,( B which)were full of people,couldn?t go very fast. ? The child 【speaks 】fluent French

? The child was named(A after)his grandfather.

? The children (are taken good care of) by the nurse ? The children are enjoying【 themselves 】at the party

? The children,( B who)we met in the morning,were very good at singing. ? The difinition leaves _ B for disagreement.【B. much room】

? The doctor told Mr Smith that he wouldn?t get better if he didn?t (A give up)smoking. ? ? ? ?

The farmer caught the boys(stealing)his apples The father wished the twind to be ~,but(neither) of them The film was (so boring) that I fell asleep in the cinema. The film wasso【 boring 】that I fell asleep in the cinema

第 13 页 共 43 页


? The gifts he brought from Britain (were sent out) last week. ? The gifts he brought from Britain【 were sent out 】last week ? The girl stopped (A crying)when her mum came in. ? The hall was almost emptythere were(few)people in it ? The hotel is famous (C for) its delicious food. ? The house was made (of) wood. ? The house was made【 of 】wood

? The manager told all the employees (C not to be)late for meetings. ? The mistake was (caused) by the ~~ ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

The mother didn?t know (who) to blame for the broken

The old man is used to (exercising)early in the morning The patient acted on the doctor’s _C_ and finallyrecovered.【 C.advice .】 The police arrived quickly,【 but 】it was too late

The president claimed the~~~responsible (for)the explosions~~ The roof of our~~~so it needs(repairing)

The sun heats the earth, C is very important to living things.【C. which 】

The sun heats the earth,(which)is very important ,The heavy rain stopped us (from arriving)at the sraion on time

? The population of the city(is;are)increasing fast~

? The teacher spoke so fast~~~student to (take in)what he~~

? The united states is composed of fifty srates,two of(which)are separated ? The work(will have been done) by thetime you get there ? There people,(including a child),were ~~ ? ? ? ? ?

There wasn?t (C anybody) in the house when she got home. There?s no need to ~~,he?s quite(harmless) They (decided to) leave next Friday.

They _ _B___ the train until it disappeared in the distance. 【B. watched 】 They 【 decided to 】 leave next Friday

? They are building a bringe(B across)the river.

? They are friends of (B mine). Please be nice to them. ? They handed in their paper(in turn) ? They named the island (after) its discoverer.

? They named the island 【 after 】 its discoverer ? They(B decided to)leave next Friday.

? This idea hit me when I (C woke up) this morning.

? This jacket is not(C big enough)for me.I need a bigger size.

? This morning I had my finger (C cut) when I was preparing breakfast. ? ? ? ?

This red bicycle is (his) and that blue one is (Tom?s). Tianjin is a two-hour journey(B from)Beijing.

Time is money! We should _ _B___ our time. 【 B. make good use of】 Today is too busy Let’s discuss it 【some time】next week

? Tom helped her mother【 with 】the cooking

? Tomorrow is my mother’s birthday I want to buy 【something special 】for her U ? Unfortunately the poor girl can?t ~~but(sell)all her~~ W

? Wait here and I?ll get my car and go there together (Why bother? It?s within walking distance)

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? We (A used to live)in a small village in the countryside.Now we all live in cities. ? We ___A____ every day when we were children. 【A. used to swim ? We are (confident) in the future of~~

? We are going te have our office(rearranged)to make room~~ ? We built the house (A ourselves). Nobody helped us, ? We built the house (ourselves). Nobody helped us. ? We built the house 【ourselves 】Nobody helped us

? We consider (it necessary that) the instrument~

? We enjoy 【 swimming 】 very much, because it is good to our health ? We enjoy(C swimming)very much,because it is good to our health. ? We have our house(cleaned)every week~~~

? We haven?t seen such a beautiful film (B for the past four years).

? We must make a difference between __A___ language an_____language. 【A. spoken, written】 ? We used to (A ride) bicycles to go to work.

? We?re going (on) holiday in the autumn this year.

? We’re going to 【 either 】 to France【 or 】Spain next year ? We’re going【 on 】 holiday in the autumn this year

? Wealthy as he is ,he is not(generous)with his money~~

? What a fool I have been! Why __ B__ I think of that before? 【B. didn’t 】 ? What a nice day!B: Yes. Let?s go camping, (shall we) ? ? What about another coffee? (No, thank you)

? What do you think of his suggestion? (It?s hard to say, actually) ? What if my computer doesn?t work? (Ask Anne for help) ? What should we have for dinner? (How about fish? It?s very fresh) ? What time is (last)the train to London

? What time is the next flight to Washington? (It?s : pm) ? What was your journey like? (It was terribly interesting)

? What did you have for breakfast?B: (Coffee and toast).

? What’s happened to Tom?-- __A __ to hospital.【A. He’s been taken】

? What?s the best way to get to the Empire Hotel from here? (Walking through the wood) ? What?s the date today? (The Second of July) ? What?s the fare to the museum? (Five dollars)

? What?s the matter with you? (I feel a bit sick)

? What?s the weather like in this area? (It?s rainy)

? When does the next bus leave for Glasgow? (They leave every hour) ? When I saw him, I 【 asked, 】him 【 for 】some money ? ? ? ?

Where are you from? (Britain)

Where does Mark get his hair cut?B:He cuts it(B himself). Where’s【 today’s 】newspaper?

Which do you like better, real movies _ D _ cartoons? -- I prefer cartoons ____ real movies【.D. or, to】

? Which jacket do you like? B: The blue (A one) over there. ? Which picture do you like?B: (I think the big one is better).

? While( raising )money,he had to work very long hours ? Whose book is this?B:It?s (B mine)

? Why are you so late? (I came across an old friend) ? Why not have a glass of beer? (That?s weather is very nice)

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? Will you go on a picnic with us tomorrow? (Sorry, I have an appointment with drBrown) ? Will you have some dessert, Judy? (No, thank you I?m on a diet)

? Will you please turn down the TV? (Sorry I haven?t realized you?re sleeping) ? With his help,you will have(A nothing)to worry about. ? Would you like a tea? (Yes, please)

? Would you like to go the ciema with me?B:I?d (C rather)stay at home. ? Would you like to order now? (Yes I?d like a fish and a soup) ? Would you like to see the menu? (No, thanks I already know what to order) Y ? You _B to lock the door at night.【B. ought】

? You can remember what you do if you 【keep a diary 】

? You look ___D____. What ______ you ________? 【D. tired, have?been doing】 ? You may have seen this film (Actually,I haven?t)

? You must explain _ _C_ _ how they succeeded _____ the experiment.【 C. to us, in 】 ? You should be more patient (C with) your children.

? You won’t get better if you don’t 【give up 】smoking ? You?d better have your hair(B cut)befor going to friend?s wedding. ? You’d better stop【 talking】 We’re listening to the news ? You?re driving (A too fast), slow down!

? Young children soon(pick up) words they~~

? Your brother has made an ( appointment )for you to see~ ? Your scarf soft and warm, What?s it made of? (Wool) ? Your tutors will be ~~you( keep u whit )your work

改句子 ? “ Yes, Polly ,the flight was very easy and not too long,” said Xiaoyan. (用tell?about改写句子) Xiaoyan told Polly about the flight.

? “Arrange a meeting for Friday, Guy” said Max(用to tell改写句子)Max told Guy to arrange a meeting for Friday. ? “Can you get me the list of hotels, Susan?” said David(用ask...to改写句子)David asked Susan to get him a list of hotels.

? “Can you phone me later, Susan?” said David.(用ask, to改写句子)David asked Susan to phone him later.

? “Can you tell me the flight time, please, Susan?” said Xiaoyan.(用ask?about改写句子)Xiaoyan asked Susan about

the flight time.

? “Could you please prepare me a document about publicity, Rose?” said Max(用ask?for改写句子)Max asked Rose ? ? ? ?

for a document about publicity.

“Don’t phone me, Peter” said John.(用tell?to改写句子)John told Peter not to phone him. “Have you got my bag?” she asked.(将句子改成间接引语)She asked if I had got her bag.

“I can’t find my notebook,” she said.(改为间接引语)She said she couldn’t find her notebook.

“I heard a noise under my living room” he said.(改写成间接引语)He said he heard a noise under his living room.

? “I want my laptop back,” said Tim.(改写成间接引语)Tim said if she could have a cup of tea.

? “I want some photographs” she said(改写成间接引语)She said she wanted some photographs. ? “Put the folders on the table, please, Debbie,” said Susan.(用ask?to改写句子)Susan asked Debbie to put the folders on the table.

? “That gives me a good idea” he said(改为间接引语)He said that gave him a good idea.

? “That meeting was long and boring, Max” said Rose.(用tell.. about改写句子)Rose told Max about the meeting.

第 16 页 共 43 页


? “The presentation was good, Jack” said Mary(用tell...about 改写句子) Mary told Jack about the presentation ? “They took my laptop” said Tim(改写成间接引语)Tim said they took his laptop.

? “We don’t know where our things are” they said.(改写成间接引语)They said they didn’t know where their things


? “We need fingerprints” she said(改写成间接引语)She said they needed fingerprints.

? “Yes,Polly ,the flight was very easy and not too long,”said Xiaoyan.(用tell..about改写句子) Xiaoyan told Polly about

the flight.


? Alan bought the things. He bought things he would need for the trip.(用that改写句子)Alan bought the things that he would need for the trip.

? Although it rained, the visit was a success.(用In spite of将两句连成一句)In spite of the rain, the visit was a success. ? Although it rained, the visit was a success.(用In spite of将两句连成一句)In spite of the rain, the visit was a success. ? Are the customers happy? (用he asked改写成间接一般问句)【He asked if the customers were happy ? Are the customers happy? (用he asked改写成间接一般问句)He asked if the customers were happy ? Are the meals ready? (用she asked 改写成间接引语) She asked whether the meals were ready. ? Are the meals ready? (用she asked 改写成间接引语)She asked whether the meals were ready.

? Are the young couple drinking red or white wine? (用he asked改写成间接一般问句)【He asked whether the young couple were drinking red or white wine.

? Are the young couple drinking red or white wine? (用he asked改写成间接一般问句)He asked whether the young couple were drinking red or white wine.

? At the meeting Tim listened to his colleagues. They gave him their opinions.(用动词ing形式改写句子) At the meeting Tim listened to his colleagues giving him their opinions

? At the meeting Tim listened to his colleagues.They gave him their opinions.(用动词ing形式改写句子) At the meeting

Tim listened to his colleagues giving him their opinions


? Can I talk to the guests? (用she asked me改写成间接特殊疑问句)She asked me whether /if she could talk to the guests. ? Can I talk to the guests? (用she asked me改写成间接特殊疑问句)She asked me whether /if she could talk to the guests. D

? Did the customer pay? (用he asked改写成间接一般问句)He asked whether the customer had paid.

? Did the customer pay? (用he asked改写成间接一般问句)He asked whether the customer had paid.

? Do the customers like the new atmosphere? (用she asked me改写成间接特殊疑问句)She asked me whether/if the customers liked the mew atmosphere.

? Does Mr. Sims like his wine? (用he asked改写成间接一般问句)He asked if Mr. Sims liked his wine ? Does the fish taste good? (用he asked改写成间接一般问句)He asked whether the fish tasted good. E

? Everything in that shop is terribly expensive(用so改写句子) Everything in that shop is so expensive


? Finally he had enough money. He bought his ticket.(用so改写句子) Finally he had enough money,so he bought his



? Have you introduced any new dishes? (用she asked me改写成间接特殊疑问句)She asked me whether/if I had introduced any new dishes

? He agrees with Ken(用Who对Jenny提问)Who does he agree with? ? He agrees with Ken(用Who对Jenny提问)Who does he agree with?

? He asked a friend to go with him. The friend couldn’t go. His friend was too busy.(用but、because改写句子He asked

a friend to go with him, but he couldn’t go because he was too busy.

第 17 页 共 43 页


? He bought the trousers. I chose them for him.(用that连接句子)He bought the trousers that I chose for him.

? He called at a travel agent’s. They told him how much the ticket would cost.(用who改写句子)He called at a travel agent’s who told him how much the ticket would cost.

? He cleaned the car. He cleaned my car(用that/which连接句子)The car that/which he cleaned was mine.

? He didn’t run fast. He didn’t catch the bus.(用enough?to改写句子)He didn’t run fast enough to catch the bus. ? He disturbed the burglars.(用被动语态改写句子)The burglars were disturbed by him. ? He hadn’t got enough money. He had to wait for a while(用so改写句子)He hadn’t got enough money, so he had to wait for a while.

? He phoned the friend.The friend lent him money. He didn’t have enough(用who\\ because 改写句子He phoned the

friend who lent him money because he didn’t have enough.

? He phoned the girl. She was his sisters’ friend(用that/who连接句子)The girl that/who he phoned was his sisters’ friend.

? He phoned the girl. She was his sisters’friend(用that/who连接句子)The girl that/who he phoned was his sisters’friend. ? He saw them. They carried Tim’s things to a van.(用动词ing形式改写句子)He saw them carrying Tim’s things to a van.

? He saw them. They left the house. (用动词ing形式改写句子)He saw them leaving the house.

? He saw them.They carried Tim’s things to a van.(用动词ing形式改写句子)He saw them carrying Tim’s things to a van.

? He saw them.They left the house. (用动词ing形式改写句子)He saw them leaving the house. ? He shouldn’t work such long hours. You shouldn’t work long hours(用neither改写句子)He shouldn’t work such long hours and neither should you. ? He shouldn’t work such long hours. You shouldn’t work long hours(用not?either改写句子)He shouldn’t work such long hours and you shouldn’t either. ? He shouldn’t work such long hours.You shouldn’t work long hours(用neither改写句子)He shouldn’t work such long hours and neither should you.

? He shouldn’t work such long hours.You shouldn’t work long hours(用not?either改写句子)He shouldn’t work such

long hours and you shouldn’t either. ? He stole the laptop. (改为被动语态)The laptop was stolen by him.

? He took the computer(将句子改为被动语态)The computer was taken by him.

? He went to a shop. He bought a rucksack there.(用where改写句子) He went to a shop where he bought a rucksack. ? He went to Beijing. He had a friend in Beijing.(用where改写句子)He went to Beijing where he had a friend.

? He’s gone to Shanghai. He’s negotiating a new contract.(用动词不定式将两句连成一句)He’s gone to Shanghai to negotiate a new contract.

? He’s looking after his mother(用who对his mother提问)Who is he looking after?

? He’s really bad tempered. don’t talk to him.(用so改写句子) He’s really bad tempered, so I don’t talk to him. ? His neighbor didn’t phone the police immediately. He rang Tim at the office(用instead of改写句子)Instead of phoning the police immediately, his neighbor rang Tim at the office

? His neighbor heard them. They made a noise.(用动词ing形两个句子改写成一句) His neighbor heard them mading anoise.

? His neighbor heard them. They made a noise.(用动词ing形式将两个句子改写成一句) His neighbor heard them making a noise.

? His neighbor listened to them. They damaged the flat.(用动词ing形式将两个句子改写成一句) His neighbor listened to them damaging the flat.

? His neighbor listened to them. They damaged the flat.(用动词ing形式将两个句子改写成一句) His neighbor listened to them damaging the flat.

? His neighbour heard them. They damaged the flat. (用动词ing形式将两个句子改写成一句)His neighbour heard them

第 18 页 共 43 页


damaging the fla

? How many people are eating? (用he asked改写成间接特殊疑问句)He asked how many people were eating

? How many people are eating? (用he asked改写成间接特殊疑问句)He asked how many people were eating I

? I can’t keep accounts. She can’t keep accounts.(用neither/nor改写句子)I can’t keep accounts and neither/nor can she. ? I can’t keep accounts. She can’t keep accounts.(用not?either改写句子)I can’t keep accounts and she can’t either. ? I don’t like sweet things. They don’t like sweet things(.(用not?either改写句子)I don’t like sweet things and they don’t either.

? I don’t like sweet things. They don’t like sweet things(用neither/nor改写句子) I don’t like sweet things and neither/nor do they.

? I don’t want to read the book. I put it on the table.(用that/which连接句子) I don’t want to read the book that/which I put on the table.

? I have’t got a car. She hasn’t got a car.(用neither/nor改写句子) I haven’t got a car and neither/nor has she. ? I have’t got a car. She hasn’t got a car.(用not?either改写句子) I haven’t got a car and she hasn’t either. ? I haven’t got a car. She hasn’t got a car.(用neither/nor改写句子) I haven’t got a car and neither/nor has she. ? I haven’t got a car. She hasn’t got a car.(用not?either改写句子) I haven’t got a car and she hasn’t either. ? ? ? ?

I heard from Jenny today.(用Who征对Jenny提问)Who did you hear from?

I like the new restaurant and Polly does too.(用so改写句子) I like the new restaurant so does Polly. I like the new restaurant and Polly does too.(用so改写句子)I like the new restaurant so does Polly. I opened the door. They could come in.(用so改写句子)I opened the door, so they could come in.

? I opened the door.They could come in.(用so改写句子) I opened the door, so they could come in. ? I took the flight. It left at 6 a.m.(用that/which改写句子)I took the flight that/which left at 6 am.

? I was too hot. I couldn’t open the window.(用but将两句连成一句) I was too hot but I couldn’t open the window. ? I went shopping. I needed a new pair of shoes.(用because将两句连成一句)I went shopping because I needed a new pair of shoes.

? I’ll apply for that job tomorrow.(用What征对that job提问)What will you apply for tomorrow? ? I’m a teacher and she is also a teacher.(用so改写句子) I’m a teacher and so is she

? I’m going on holiday tomorrow. She is going on holiday tomorrow. (用so改写句子)I’m going on holiday tomorrow

and so is she.

? I’m going on holiday tomorrow. She is going on holiday tomorrow. (用too改写句子) I’m going on holiday tomorrow and she is too.

? I’m going on holiday tomorrow. She is going on holiday tomorrow. (用too改写句子) I’m going on holiday tomorrow and she is too.

? I’m looking for the telephone book.(用what 对telephone book提问)What are you looking for? ? I’m looking for the telephone book.(用what 对telephone book提问)What are you looking for? ? I’m tall and thin. My mother is too.(用so改写句子) I’m tall and thin and so is my mother. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

I’m tall and thin. My mother/brother is too.(用so改写句子) I’m tall and thin and so is my mother/brother. I’ve written to Green Fingers(用who征对Green Fingers提问)Who have you written to? I’ve written to Green Fingers(用who征对Green Fingers提问)Who have you written to?

Is the builder coming tonight? (用he asked改写成间接一般问句)He asked whether the builder was coming tonight. Is the new dish tasty? (用he asked改写成间接一般问句)He asked whether the new dish was tasty. It was a place. He wanted to go there.(用where将两句合成一句) It was a place where he wanted to go. It was a place. He wanted to go there.用where 将两句合成一句)It was a place where he wanted to go. It was raining. We went home.(用so改写句子) It was raining ,so we went home.

? Is the food ready?(用he asked改写成间接一般问句)He asked if the food was ready.

? It was raining. We went home.(用so将两个句子合成一句)It was raining so we went home.

第 19 页 共 43 页


? It was raining. We went home.(用so将两个句子合成一句)It was raining so we went home. ? It was raining.We went home.(用so改写句子) It was raining ,so we went home.

? It was too hot. I couldn’t open the window.(用but将两句连成一句) It was too hot but I couldn’t open the window. J

? Jack is responsible for all the training.(用What针对 all the training提问)What is Jack responsible for?


? Mary didn’t stay at home. She went round to see Tim.(用instead of将两个句子合成一句)Instead of staying at home,

Mary went round to see Tim.


? She bought T-shirts. They were too small for me. (用that/which连接句子)The T-shirts that/which she bought were too small for me.

? She forgot about the meeting yesterday.(用What 针对the meeting改写句子)What did she forget about yesterday? ? She packed the suitcase. She was taking it to Shanghai. (用that/which连接句子) She packed the suitcase that/which she was taking to Shanghai.

? She sold the radio. She had it in her bedroom. (用that/which连接句子) She sold the radio that/which she had in her ? ? ? ?


She was promoted. He was promoted. (用too改写句子) She was promoted and he was too. She was promoted. He was promoted.(用so改写句子) She was promoted and so was he.

She’s coming here. She’s signing the contract.(用动词不定将两句合成一句)She’s coming here to sign the contract. She’s contacted that company. She’s applying for a job(用动词不定式将两句连成一句)She’s contacted that company

to apply for a job.

? She’s forgot about the meeting yesterday.(用What 针对the meeting改写句子)What did she forget about yesterday? ? She’s got a new job. He’s got a new job.(用so改写句子) She’s got a new job and so has he.

? She’s got a new job. He’s got a new job.(用too改写句子) She’s got a new job and he’s got too.

? So he asked a friend called Marcus. The friend was interested in travel. This friend said he would like to go(用who/that、and改写句子)So he asked a friend called Marcus who/that was interested in travel, and he said he would like to go . ? So he asked a friend called Marcus. The friend was interestedin travel. This friend said hewould like to go(用who/that、and改写句子) So he asked a friend called Marcus who/that was interested in travel, and he said he would like to go .

? South America is a continent. South America has always interested Alan a lot(用that改写句子)South America is a

continent that has always interested Alan a lot.


? That cinema is very nice. The tickets are quite expensive.(用but 将两句连成一句) That cinema is very nice but the

tickets are quite expensive.

? That is the company. Their staff work for us.(用whose改写句子) That is the company whose staff work for us. ? That’s the firm. The firm’s manager is Mr. Willetts (用whose改写句子) That’s the firm whose manager is Mr. Willetts. ? The book was on the table. I took it.( 用that改写句子)I took the book that was on the table.

? The burglar broke into my flat. He took a lot of things. (用that/who连接句子) The burglar that/who broke into my flat took a lot of things.

? The burglars didn’t see him. He came downstairs.(用动词ing改写句子) The burglars didn’t see him coming downstairs.

? The firm employed Polly. The firm is called Green Fingers. (用that/which连接句子) The firm that/which employed Polly is called Green Fingers.

? The neighbor contacted the police.(改为被动语态)he police were contacted by the neighbor .

? The people arranged the meeting. They got the time wrong(用that/who连接句子) The people that/who arranged the

meeting got the time wrong.

第 20 页 共 43 页


? The thieves didn’t open the door. They smashed the lock. (用instead of将两个句子合成一句)Instead of opening the door, the thieves smashed the lock

? They are going to look after the cat.(用What 针对the cat改写句子)What are they going to look after? ? They carried the things to the van,(将句子改为被动语态)The things were carried to the van by them.

? They cooked the meal. We had it last night. (用that/which连接句子)They cooked the meal that/which We had last night. ? They decided on a trip. The trip would go from Buenos Aires to Mexico City(用that改写句子)They decided on a trip that would go from Buenos Aires to Mexico City.

? They don’t smoke. He doesn’t smoke. (用not?either改写句子) They don’t smoke and he doesn’t smoke either. ? They don’t smoke. He doesn’t smoke.(用neither/nor改写句子) They don’t smoke and neither/nor does he. ? They kicked the door in.(改为被动语态)The door was kicked in.

? They smashed the window.(改成被动语态)The window was smashed by them.

? They sold the house. It was very modern(用that连接句子) The house that they sold was very modern. ? They were late. They had to drive fast(用so改写句子)They were late, so they had to drive fast ? They’re worried about Jim.(用Who针对Jim提问)Who are they worried about?

? They’ve gone to Bristol. They’re performing in a concert.(用动词不定式改写句子) They’ve gone to Bristol to perform in a concert.

? This is the house. She lives there.(用where改写句子) This is the house where she lives. ? Tim didn’t go to work the next day. He cleared up the flat.(用instead of将两个句子合成一句)Instead of going to work the next day, Tim cleared up the flat.

? Tim didn’t meet Mary. He went home. (用instead of将两个句子合成一句)Instead of meeting Mary, Tim went home. ? Tim didn’t stay in the meeting. He left the office.(用instead of将两个句子合成一句) Instead of staying in the meeting, Tim left the office.

? Tim has lost his camera. I have lost my camera.(用so将两句合成一句) Tim has lost his camera and I have too. ? Tim has lost his camera. I have lost my camera.(用too将两句合成一句) Tim has lost his camera and so have I.

? Tim listened to his secretary. She told him about the burglary.(用动词ing形式改写句子)Tim listened to his secretary

telling him about the burglary.


? We had a meal there. Harry did too.(用so改写句子)We had a meal there and so did Harry.

? We made a trip to Edinburgh. It was very good. .(用that/which改写句子)The trip that/which we made to Edinburgh was very good.

? What problems have you had this evening? (用she asked me改写成间接特殊疑问句)She asked me what problems I had had this evening.

? When can Franco open the restaurant?( (用he asked改写成间接特殊疑问句)He asked When Franco could open the


? When will the restaurant be ready? (用he asked改写成间接特殊疑问句)He asked when the restaurant would be ready. ? Where is the restaurant?(用He asked 改写成间接特殊疑问句)He asked where the restaurant was. ? ? ? ?

Who is working in the restaurant?(用he asked改写成间接特殊疑问句)He asked who was working in the restaurant. Who wants some soup? (用he asked改写成间接特殊疑问句)He asked who wanted some soup. Who’s the builder?(用she asked me改写成间接特殊疑问句)She asked me who the builder was.

Why are the decorators late? (用he asked改写成间接特殊疑问句)He asked why the decorators were late

? Why isn’t the wall finished? (用he asked改写成间接特殊疑问句)He asked why the wall wasn’t finished ? Will you do it again? (用she asked me改写成间接特殊疑问句)She asked me whether/if I would do it again.


? Xiaoyan hasn’t bought a flat. I haven’t bought a flat. (用neither/nor改写句子)Xiaoyan hasn’t bought a flat and

neither/nor does he.

第 21 页 共 43 页


翻译 ( Are you getting on well with your classmates)?(你和你同学的关系好吗?) B:Yes,very well.We are like a family. (Are you free?)你有空吗 on Saturday.

(Because it was late)(因为时间晚了), we didn’t The wall can be (either blue or red )(或是蓝色,或是红色).go to the film.

(Because of the rain)(因为下雨), we didn’t go to the film.

(How are you felling today)你今天感觉如何?

(I used to like singing) (我曾经很喜欢唱歌), but I don’t sing anymore. (I would buy a car) (我就会买一辆车)if I won the lottery. (I‘m not feeling will)我感觉不舒服

(I’d rather) (我宁愿) stay at home watching TV.

(I’m afraid) (我恐怕) I don’t know where the books are.

(I’ve had the website changed).(我已经请人修改了网站.) Now it’s much better. (It’s very enjoyable)(这是部非常有意思的电影)

(Looking after children) (照顾小孩)can be very tiring.

(Shall we have some food)(吃点东西好吗)before we watch the film? B:Sounds great. I know a very nice restaurant close to the cinema.

(We’ve known each other)(我们就互相认识了)since we went to school. (What does he look like)他长什么样儿 (what’s the weather like taday?)今天天气如何?

(Why don’t you)你为什么不go and talk to them face to face? 【Because it was late 】(因为时间晚了), we didn’t go to the film 【I used to play tenni】s ,(我以前一直打网球,)but I haven’t lately. 【I would buy a car 】 (我就会买一辆车)if I won the lottery

【We’ve known each other 】 (我们就互相认识了)since we went to school


A: Shall we have something to eat (吃点儿东西好吗) before we watch the film?B: Sounds great. I know a very nice restaurant close to the cinema.

A: Did you use to get on (well) with your brother? (你曾经和你哥哥/弟弟关系处得好吗?)B:Not too well. We used to fight a lot.

A: Do you ever do any exercise? B: I used to play tennis ,(我以前一直打网球,)but I haven’t lately

A: Do you ever do any exercise?B: I used to swim ,(我以前一直游泳,)but I haven’t lately.

A: How shall I get to the post office?B: You can go there either by bus or by subway(可以坐公共汽车,也可以坐地铁)

A: I am going to play tennis on Sunday

A: I can’t find my bag Have you seen it?B: No. You must have put it (一定是把它放在) behind the door.

A: I put a folder here Where is it now? B: I don’t know. There isn’t any folder here. You must have put it (一定是把它放在) somewhere else.

A: John didn’t come to the party yesterday Where did he go? B: He could have gone (可能去) to visit his parents in Bath.

A: No, it can’t be him (不可能是他) It must be Paul, who is really keen on Irish music

A: Shall we go out for a drink, Mary?B: I’m afraid I can’t, Bill I’m having my TV repaired now (我正在让人帮我修电视呢。)

A: Shall we go out for a drink, Mary?B: I’m afraid I can’t, Bill. I’m having the TV repaired now .(我正在让人帮我修电视呢。)

第 22 页 共 43 页


A: We have plenty of time before the film We could have something to eat (可以吃点儿东西) after the film or go to a pub B: Sounds great.

A: What shall we do this evening?B:Let’s go out for a meal / Let’s eat out (我们出去吃顿饭吧。) A: Where is Jack?B: He is over there.He is in blue jeans . (穿蓝色牛仔裤的。)

A: Where is Richard? B: He is over there. He is wearing a red T-shirt . (他穿着一件红色的T恤衫。)

A: Who is playing the Irish music? B: It must be Dave.

A: Who is playing the Irish music?B: It must be Dave A: No, it can’t be him (不可能是他) It must be Paul, who is really keen on Irish music

A: Why has he gone into town? B: He has gone into town to buy a shirt( 他进城去买件衬衫 ) A: Would you like to order now? B: I’d like a salad, please . (我要份沙拉。)

A: Would you like to order now? B:Salad for me, please/ I’d like a salad, please(我要份沙拉。).

A: Are you getting on well with your classmates?? (你和你的同学关系好吗?)B: Yes, very well We are like a family A:Would you ike to go to the cinema? B:hisverycoldoutside I’d like to (我宁愿)stayathome A:Would you like the silk shirt or the cotton one? B: Either will do(哪个都行)

A: What did he say?B: He said he was going to play tennis on Sunday( 他打算星期天打网球 ) B

Because it was late(因为时间晚了), we didn’t go to the film


Can I use the phone in the hall?(I’m afraid you can’t )(恐怕不能) That’s a fax machine I use for work. Could you ask him to(call me befor 7 o’clock)在7点前给我电话)


Do you ever do any exercise?B(I used to play tennis),(我以前一直打网球,)but I haven’t lately.

Do you ever do any exercise?B: (I used to swim),(我以前一直游泳)but I haven’t lately.

Dolo is wearing blue jeans, a black T-shirt, and Nancy (is wearing a short black cotton skirt)( 穿着黑色的短棉裙 )。 H

Harry Potter is the film(I like best).(我最喜欢的)

He asked 【me if I’d(would) like a cup of tea 】 (我是否想喝一杯茶) He asked me (if I’d like a cup of tea). (我是否想喝一杯茶) He asked me if I would like a cup of tea (我是否想喝一杯茶) He(didn’t use to smoke)(过去不常吸烟),but he does now. Her husband(works in insurance)在保险行业工作。

How long does it take to (go to your office by tube)(乘地铁去你的办公室)? It takes about half an hour. How shall I get to the post office? B:You can go there (either by bus or by tube.) (可以坐公共汽车,也可以坐地铁) I

I (didn’t get up)(才起床)until 11 this morning. I 【didn’t get up 】(才起床) until this morning

I am going to play tennis on Sunday.B: What did he say?C: He said (he was going to play tennis on Sunday)( 他打算星期天打网球 ).

I can’t find my bag. Have you seen it? B:No. You (must have put it)(一定是把它放在) behind the door. I used to like singing(我曾经很喜欢唱歌), but I don’t sing anymore. I work(form 8 am to 3 pm)从早上八点到下午三点

I would buy a car (我就会买一辆车)if I won the lottery I’m late, ( aren’t I )(是不是)? I’m late, aren’t I (是不是)?

I’m not feeling well.I think(I have got a cold)我得了感冒。

I’m sorry she’s nor in.(Could you leave a message, please)您要留言吗?

第 23 页 共 43 页


I’ve had the website changed (我已经请人修改了网站。) Now it’s much better If it rains tomorrow, (we’ll have to stay at home)( 我们将不得不留在家 ). If my brother calls, 【tell him to meet me at six 】(告诉他六点钟和我见面。) I'm very hungry now I want to buy 【something to eat】 。 (一些吃的东西)


John didn’t come to the party yesterday. Where did he go?B: He (might have gone) (可能去) to visit his parents in Bath. L

Let’s go and watch a football game, 【shall we】 ?(好吗?) Looking after children (照顾小孩)can be very tiring


Mr Hilton is not good at sports. _ (Neither are his children).(他的孩子也不擅长体育) My comprter is not working.I need to(have it repaired).(让人帮我修一修) My friend (works in computers)(在计算机行业工作) . P

Peter, you need to (have your hair cut).(该理发了)


Shall we (have something to eat) (吃点儿东西好吗) before we watch the film?B: Sounds great. I know a very nice restaurant close to the cinema.

Shall we go out for a drink,Mary? B:I’m afraid I can’t,Bill.(I’m having my TV repaired now.)(我正让人帮我修电视呢.) She asked 【whether she could have a cup of tea 】(她是否能喝一杯茶) She looks like her mother, (doesn’t she)(是不是)? She looks like her mother, doesn’t she (是不是)? She said (she used to lived here).(她曾经住在这里) She’s your girlfriend,(isn’t she)?(是不是)

Soccer is one of(the most dangerous sports)(最危险的体育活动)in the world. T

The bang is(opposite the supermarket)在超市对面 The living room is(not comfortable enough )(不够舒服).

The room, 【which is in a mess】, (乱七八糟的)needs to be cleared up immediately. The room, which is in a mess, (乱七八糟的)needs to be cleared up immediately The wall can be either blue or red (或是蓝色,或是红色) The wall can be (either bule or red). (或是蓝色,或是红色) There’s enough salad, (isn’t there)? (是不是)

There’s enough salad, isn’t there? (是不是)

These shoes (are too big) (太大了). I need to get them changed.

They said (they didn’t know where the books were)(他们不知道书在哪儿) This T-shirt is mine and 【that one’s /one is yours】(那件是你的) This T-shirt is mine and (that one’s)(那件是你的) Tom(is not good at)不擅长playing football


We have plenty of time before the film.B:We(could/can have something to eat)(可以吃点儿东西)after the film or go to a pub.Sounds great.

We’ve known each other (我们就互相认识了)since we went to school What shall we do this evening? B: (Let’s eat out)(我们出去吃顿饭吧) What would you do if you won the lottery ( 如果你赢了彩票 )?

第 24 页 共 43 页


what’s the time? – It is(a quarter past seven)七点一刻 When I see her, 【I’ll tell her about her brother 】(我会告诉她有关她弟弟的事情) Where is Jack.B: He is overthere.(He is in blue jeans)(穿蓝色牛仔裤的)

Where is Richard? B: He is over there, (He is waering a red T-shirt.)(他穿着一件红色的T恤衫) Which is (the best football team)(最好的足球队) in the world?

Which of these two (do you prefer)(你更喜欢)? I prefer the green one.

Who is playing the Irish music? B: It must be Dave. A: No,( it can’t be him) (不可能是他) It must be Paul, who is really keen on Irish music.

Why has he gone into town? B:(He has gone into town to buy a shirt)(他进城去买件衬衫 ). Would you 1ike to go to the cinema?B:hisverycoldoutside. 【I’d like to 】(我宁愿)stayathome. Would you like the silk shirt or the cotton one?B:【 Either will do】(哪个都行) Would you like to order now? B:(I’ll have a salad please.)(我要份沙拉.) Y

Yes(that’s a good idea) 是个好主意

Yes,bur it is(not as exciting as London)不如伦敦那样令人兴奋

You can’t park(_in__front of the office building_)(在办公楼前)I’m afraid. You’ll be here tomorrow, (won’t you?) (是不是)

Your hair is too long. You need to【 have it cut】 。 (理发了) 其他

才起床 didn't get up

吃点儿东西好吗? How about have something to eat 该理发了 have you hair cut

过去不常吸烟 didn't use to smoke 好吗? shall we?

她曾经住在这里。 she had ever lived here

可以坐公共汽车,也可以坐地铁。a Feither by bus or by subway 那件是您的 that one's yours

你和你的同学关系好吗?Do you get well with your classmates? 让人帮我修一修 have it repaired

是不是 won't you

他穿着一件红色的T恤衫。He wears a red T-shirt 他穿着一件绿色的衬衫 He is wearing a green T-shirt 太大了 are too big 我恐怕 I'm afraid

我们就互相认识了We've known each other 我宁愿 I'd rather 我要份沙拉。 I'd like a salad, please 我以前一直打网球 I used to play tennis 我最喜欢的。 I like best

一定是把它放在 must have put it

这是部非常有意思的电影 This is a very interesting 最好的足球队 the best football team

最危险的体育活动 the most dangerous sports

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A ? ? ? ? ? ? B ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? D ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? F ? ? H ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

After they landed, they went to the conference(他们降落后,他们去了会场)

Although it is very enjoyable, the film is too long. 虽然这部电影非常令人愉快,但是太长了 Although she was very poor, the woman set aside part of her income for the education of her child Are you for or against the proposal?

Are you ready to order A coffee for me(你准备好了点餐吗?请给我来杯咖啡) At first I didn?t know how to do it By and by I have got used to it Because of the rain因为下雨

Because it was late, we didn’t go to the film 我们没去看电影,因为时间晚了 Before I went to see my girlfriend ,I had my hair cut 在我见女朋友前,我理了发 Before they left, they had a coffee他们离开前喝了杯咖啡

Beijing is an hour’s drive from Tianjin. 北京离天津1个小时的车程 Both of the boys are good at singing这两个男孩都擅长唱歌。 By taking exercise, we can always stay healthy

Chengdu is northwest of Chongqing成都在重庆的西北部 Could I have a glass of white wine, please? (我可以喝杯白酒吗)

Dave’s picking up van tomorrow. 大卫明天会去取车

Did you use to get on well with your brother? 你曾经和你哥哥/弟弟关系处得好吗? Do you get on well with your classmates你和你的同学关系好吗? Do you like reading English newspapers? 你喜欢读英语报吗? Do you take after your mother or father? 你是像你的爸爸还是像你的妈妈 Do you take after your mother or father? 你像你的母亲或父亲吗? Do you take after your mother or father?你长得像妈妈还是爸爸? Every student has free access to all the resources in the library

Football is played by more than 20 million people in more than l40 countries. 超过140个国家的2000多万人都踢足球 Football is the most popular sport in the world (足球是世界上最流行的体育运动)

Habits and customs vary from place to place风俗习惯因地而异 Hardly had I gone out of the building when it began to rain我刚走出大楼就下雨了 He asked me if I would like a cup of tea 他问我是否想喝一杯茶

He asked when the work would be completed他问什么时候将完成这项工作。Q He bought the trousers that I chose for him. 他买了我给他挑选的裤子

He came across an old painting at his friend’s house他在他朋友家看到一幅古老的画.

He came across an old violin at his aunt’s house 他在他姑(姨)妈家偶然发现了一把旧提琴。 He could have gone to visit his parents in Bath他可能去百期看他的父母 He didn\他过去不抽烟,而现在抽烟了) He didn’t get up until 他直到点才起床

He found this pair of trousers too long and had it shortened by one inch他发现这条裤子太长了,只好请人改短一寸 He got on well with his classmates. 他和同学关系处得很好

He got on well with his sister他和他的姐姐(妹妹)相处得很好.

He had not slept all night, and was completely worn out他整整一夜没睡觉,累坏了 He has lived in London for three years他已经在伦敦住了三年了 He in not very tall and wears glasses 他不是很高戴着眼镜

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He is fond of chatting on the Internet in his spare time他在业余时间里喜欢在互联网上与人聊天 He is good at wed-design, much better than her 他擅长网站设计,比她强的多。 He is over there The one who is wearing blue jeans 他站在那儿,穿蓝色牛仔裤的。 He is ready to give a hand to anyone in need他随时准备帮助有困难的人 He is wearing a green(red) shirt他穿着一件绿 (红)色的衬衫

He isn’t a programmer He is an engineer. 他不是一个程序员,他是一个工程师。 He left very early for fear of missing the train他担心会误了火车,所以早早就出发了 He pointed out that she needed a better violin 他指出她需要一把更好点儿的提琴。 He saved the little girl at the risk of his own life and set a good example to us He studies in a university west of Beijing (他在北京西部一所大学读书) He studies in a university west of Beijing他在北京西部的一所大学学习。 He used to play basketball every Sunday(他以前每个星期天都去打篮球) He used to play basketball every Sunday. 他以前每个周日都打篮球 He used to play basketball every Sunday他过去每周日都打蓝球。

He used to work very hard when he was young. 他年轻的时候工作非常努力

He walked by me without speaking他走过我的身旁,没有说话 He walks towards the window他朝窗户走去 He is wearing a white shirt他穿着白衬衫

His father came across a really old instrument at his aunt’s house他父亲在他姑母家偶遇一个真的很旧的乐器。 His hard work made up for his lack of experience他的勤奋弥补了他经验的不足 How many days did you stay in Beijing? 你在北京呆了几天?

I am getting the TV repaired tomorrow. 我明天要把电视拿去修 I am getting the TV repaired tomorrow我明天要把电视拿去修

I am looking for a flat on the ground floor 我正在找一套在一楼的公寓。

I came to London when I was 18. 我18岁地时候来到伦敦

I can’t find the key I must have left it in the car(我找不到钥匙了我肯定是把钥匙丢在车上了)

I can’t go back until this evening今晚我点后才回来。

I did not have the courage to cope with the problems then我当时没有足够的勇气来应对面临的问题 I didn’t get up until 11.30 this morning. 我今天上午十一点半才起床 I didn’t have breakfast this morning. 今天早上我没有吃早饭

I feel terrible I’ve got a headache, backache and a sore throat我感觉很难受、头痛、背痛和嗓子痛

I go to a gym twice a week with my friendsWe swim and work out there他有一头褐色、波浪式的短发和一双蓝色的眼睛、及短胡子。

I had the windows cleaned yesterday. 我昨天请人把窗户给擦了

I happened to pass by when the boy fell into the river那个小孩掉到河里去的时候我正好经过那里

I have had the web sit improved我已经请人修改了网站。

I have the car serviced every three months. 我的车每三个月保养一次 I have the car serviced every three months我的车每三个月保养一次

I have to move out of my room on Friday be |'困为弗兰克有了新房客,我不得不在星期五搬出我的房间。/ m* Y a i* H S a

I have to move out of my room on Friday because Franco has got another tenant. 我周五得从房子里搬出来,因为弗朗哥又招了一个房客

I haven’t got a car, and nowhere to live. My family is putting me up at the moment. 我没有车,也没有地方住,现在跟家人住一起

I must get some slides made. 我必须(让人)做一些幻灯片

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I must have left the camera in the shop. 我一定是将相机丢在了商店里 I need to be at the airport by 6.00 o’clock. 我得在六点前到达机场 I need to be back home by 6 pm. 我6点前得回家

I started playing football when I was ten (我十岁的时候开始踢足球) I used to swim , but I haven’t lately 我以前一直游泳,但后来不游了

I was caught in the rain on my way home As a result I had a bad cold我再回家的路上遇到大雨,结果得了重感冒 I was driving along the motorway when my car broke down. 我正在高速公路上行驶,突然车坏了

I will do everything I can to help him我将尽一切努力帮助他 I would be great to see you to catch up on all oure news你知道了我们所有的消息,太好了。 I need something beautiful我需要一些漂亮的东西 I need to have it repaired 我需要让人帮我修一修

I used to like singing,but I don’t sing anymore我曾经很喜欢唱歌,但现在都不唱了 I want to buy something to eat 我要一些吃的东西 I would buy a car 我就会买一辆车

I’ll finish my homework by o’clock我会在点前完成家庭作业

I’m going to buy him a violin for his birthday他生日的时侯,我打算给他买一把小提琴

I’m having my TV repaired我正在让人帮我修电视呢。 I’m in a meeting until 1.00. 我开会开到一点钟

I’m sorry I can’t hear what you’re saying Can you speak more loudly?对不起,我听不见你在说什么,你可以说大声一点吗?

I’m sorry that we have taken up so much of your valuable time非常抱歉,我们占用了你这么多宝贵的时间 I’m tired I’ll take a taxi to go there我累了,我想打的去 I’m tired. I’ll take a taxi to go there. 我累了,我想打的去 I’m late ,aren’t you 我迟到了,是不是?

I’m supposed to pick up my child at 我被允许五点接我的孩子。 I’ve asked John to check the computer. 我已经让约翰去检查计算机了 I’ve been learning English for three years. 我已经学了三年英语了

I’ve got the same sense of humour as my mum我和我妈妈一样,有幽默感.

I’ve never been to Greece, and I’d love to go there. 我从没去过希腊,我很想去那儿

I’ve played table tennis a lot, but I’ve never tried tennis. 我乒乓球打得很多,网球却从未打过 If I won the lottery, I’d buy a flat 如果我中了彩票,我就买一套公寓。

If I won the lottery, I’d buy a flat(large house)如果我中了彩票,我就买套公寓(房子) If I won the lottery, I’d buy a flat. 如果我中了彩票,我就买一套公寓

If my brother calls, tell him to meet meat at six如果我兄弟打电话来,告诉他六点钟和我见面。

If she feels like it, she can work in a hospital as a part-time nurse如果她愿意的话,她可以去医院做兼职护士 If it’s were fine 如果天气好的话

In addition to English, students have to take many other courses学生除了学习英语以外,还必须学习许多其它课程 In case they arrive before I come back, please ask them to wait for a few minutes万一我还没回来他们就到了,你就请他们等几分钟

In darkness we mistook the man in a gray overcoat for our English teacher 在黑暗中,我们把穿灰色大衣的男人误认作我们的英语老师了

It is very cold outside I’d rather stay at home外面非常冷,我宁愿呆在家里

It must be noted that learning must be done by a person himself必须指出的是,学习只能靠自己 It takes 45 minutes to get to the city centre from the hotel. 从宾馆到市中心需要花45分钟时间

It takes forty minutes to get form the airport to the city center by taxi从机场坐出租车到市中心要四十分钟。 It would be great to see you again. 能再见到你那该多好啊

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It would be great to see you to catch up on all our news. 到时见了面咱们把这些日子发生的事好好聊一聊,会多开心啊

It would be great to see you again再见到你真是太好了 It's a very interesting film这是部非常有意思的电影

I've been learning English for three years. 我学英语已经三年了

Judging from his appearance, I guess he is a teacher从他的外表看,我猜想他是位教师 Let’s go out for dinner 我们出去吃顿饭吧。

Let’s go and watch a football game, Shall we? 我们一起去看球赛,好吗?

Let’s take turns doing the experiment让我们轮流来做这个实验 Listening to music enables us to feel relaxed听音乐能使我们放松

London is busy,noisy,crowded and exciting But it’s expensive 伦敦是一个忙碌的、喧闹的、拥挤的和令人兴奋的,但是消费也很贵

Looking after children can be very tiring照料小孩可能会很累


? Most people were in favor of going to Qingdao when discussing where to spend their summer holidays在讨论暑假里去


? Mr Hilton is not good at sports Neither is his child 希尔顿先生不擅长体育,他的孩子也不擅长 ? My dad used to be a farmer and so did my grandfather. 我父亲以前是个农民,我爷爷也是 ? ? ? O ? ? P ? ? S ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

My family is putting me up at the moment,but I am thinking of buying my own flat.我现在和家人住在一起,但是我在考虑买套公寓自己住。

My home is far from the city centre我家离市中心很远 Not until noon did it stop raining直到中午雨才停止

One of the biggest sporting events in the world is the Olympic Games. 奥运会是世界上规模最大的体育比赛之一 Our designer, who joined us last year, works very hard. 我们的设计师工作很努力,他是去年加入我们的 Peter, you need to have your hair cut 彼特你该理发了

Polly(波莉)is worried about her lack of experience. 波莉担心自己缺乏经验 Salad for me 我要份沙拉。

Sandy is wearing a long, black,silk dress桑迪穿了条黑色的长丝裙

Seeing the little boy fall into the river, she shouted for help at the top of her voice看到小孩掉到河里,她高声呼救 Shall we have something to eat我们吃点东西好

She borrowed the book and gave it back on Monday. 她借了那本书,后来星期一把书还了

She doesn’t like borrowing things from others她不喜欢向别人借东西

She doesn’t like swimming and neither does her sister. 她不喜欢游泳,她妹妹也不喜欢 She got on well with the violin她拉小提琴进步很快。

She is careless about the kind of clothes she wears她不注意她所穿的是什么衣服 She is Japanese by birth and Chinese by marriage她原是日本人,但嫁了中国人

She is talking to a customer right now 现在她正跟一位用户交谈。 She looks like her mother, doesn’t she她长得象她母亲,是不是?

She looks like her mum They have the same eyes她看起来像她妈妈。她们的眼睛一模一样。 She needs to return the book by next Friday. 她得在下周五之前把书还回去

She was in charge of the library when Mr Green was ill格林先生生病期间由她负责图书馆

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She was so weak that she was out of breath after walking for only a few minutes她身体很虚弱,走了没几分钟就已经气喘吁吁了

She would buy a large house if she won the lottery如果她中了彩票,就会买一套大房子 She asked if she could have a cup of tea 她问她是否能喝一杯茶 She used to live here她曾经住在这里

Smoking has a great influence on our health抽烟对我们的健康有很大的影响

Soccer is one of the most dangerous sports in the world英式足球是世界上最危险的体育活动

Someone broke into my room and stole my computer last night昨晚有人进了我的屋子偷走了我的电脑 Someone stolen my wallet as I was having a cup of tea我在喝茶的时候有人偷了我的钱包。

Taking exercise is closely related to health做运动与健康息息相关 That accident resulted in the death of five people那场事故导致了五人丧生 That box is too heavy for her to carry home. 那个盒子太重了,她抬不回家

The accounts ,which are in a bit of a mess ,have to be ready for next month. 账目有点乱下个月要准备好

The accounts, which are in a bit of a mess, have to be ready for next month 帐目现在有点乱,必须要在下个月清理好。 The accounts, which are in a bit of a mess, have to be ready for next month 帐目现在有点乱,必须要在下个月清理好。 The bride was dressed in a long white dress. 新娘穿着白色的长裙

The doctor performed an operation on him as soon as he was sent to the hospital他被送到医院后,医生立即给他做了手术

The flat was in a bit of mess.公寓里有点乱

The hotel is surrounded by fields and woods饭店四周田野树林环绕。 The little boy takes after his father那个小男孩长得很像他父亲

The month after next, I do gym sessionsa week 下下个月,我有两个时段的健身项目。

The more books we read, the more learned we become书读的越多,我们就越有学问 The new suitcase which Xiaoyan(晓燕)got yesterday is full already. 晓燕昨天新买的箱子已经装满了

The old man was knocked down by a taxi when crossing the street老人再过马路时被一辆出租车撞倒了

The reason why we have to grow trees is that they can supply fresh air for us我们必须种树的原因是它们能为我们供应新鲜的空气

The room ,which is in a mess needs to be cleared up immediately 那个乱七八糟的房间需要打扫了 The teacher asked the students to write their research papers on their own老师要求学生独立完成科研论文 The window was smashed and the lock on the front door is broken. 窗户给砸了,前门的锁也被弄坏了 There is enough food to for them through the winter他们有足够的粮食度过冬天 There is no doubt that the increase in demand caused the rise in prices毫无疑问,需求的增长导致了价格的上涨 There’s enough salad, isn’t there? 那的沙拉够了,是不是? They enjoyed themselves at the party他们在晚会上玩得很开心. They enjoyed themselves at the party他们在舞会上玩得好开心。

They lived in a village north of London. 他们住在伦敦北边的一个村子里

They said they didn’t know where the books were他们说他们不知道书在哪儿

They searched for the missing child, but in vain他们寻找那失踪的孩子,但是找不到 They set to work as soon as the plan was made计划制定好了以后,他们马上就开始工作 They walked slowly along the road. 他们沿着那条路慢慢地走着

They enjoyed themselves at the party他们在聚会上玩的很开心

This shirt is too small No, I think it’s big enough这件衬衫太小了。不,我觉得够大了 This T-shirt is mine and That one I s yours这件T恤是我的,那件是你的

Tired of the noisy big cities, more and more people are longing for a peaceful life in the country越来越多的人厌倦了都市的喧嚣,向往乡间的宁静生活

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To our surprise, the scientific expedition team covered the whole distance within three days出乎我们意料之外,科学探险队在三天内就走完全程


? We could have something to eat after the film or go to a pub我们看完电影后可以去酒巴吃点儿东西 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Y ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

We have enough money to improve the website. 我们有足够的钱改进网站

We have known each othersince we went to school自从我们上学后我们就相互认识了 We have too much cheese in the fridge 我们的冰箱里有太多奶酪了。

We needed to have the website redesigned. 我们需要重新设计网站

We should get into the habit of eating vegetables我们应该养成吃蔬菜的习惯 We’ve become good friends since last summer. 从去年夏天起我们就成了好朋友 We’ve got enough money to hire extra staff. 我们有足够的钱额外雇用员工

what (或How)about playing football tomorrow afternoon?明天下午踢足球(或-如何)怎么样?

What do you mean by that? 你这么说是什么意思? What do you think of the weather here? 你觉得这里的天气怎么样?

What worries us is the fact that some students have difficulty in adjusting to campus life使我们感到担忧的事,有些学生难以使自己适应校园生活

When a person is busy making a living, he tends to ignore others’ advice当一个人忙于生计的时候,他往往会忽视他人的忠告

When I finish traveling, I am going to get a job in a bank. 旅行结束后,我打算在银行找份工作做 When I see her , I will tell her about her brother当我见到她时,我会告诉她有关她弟弟的事 Which is the best football team in the world?哪支是世界上最好的足球队

Which of these shirts would you like? B: Neither of them, thanks这两件衬衫你想要哪一件?两件都不想要,谢谢。 Which do you prefer tea or coffee ?你要喝茶还是咖啡

While she was waiting, her phone rang. 她正在等待的时候,电话铃响了 While she was waiting, her phone rang她正等着,她的电话响了

While they were eating, they discussed the website他们一边吃饭,一边讨论网站的事

You are likely to get sick if you do not do physical exercise often如果你不经常锻炼身体,就容易生病 You can get in touch with a friend of mine after you get there你到那儿以后可以和我的一位朋友联系 You can go there either by bus or by tube你去那儿可以坐公共汽车,也可以坐地铁 You must have left it somewhere else你一定把它放哪儿了 You must have put it behind the door 你一定是把它放在门后

You shouldn’t have placed the bottle within the child’s reach你不应该把瓶子放在孩子够得着的地方

You won’t catch the bus unless you run你如果不跑步去,就会赶不上公共汽车 You don’t have to come tomorrow 明天你不必来

You’ll be here tomorrow, won’t you?你明天不会去那,是不是

Your essay is good except for the spelling你的文章很好,只是拼法有错误 Your neighbour says your flat was burgled this afternoon. 你的邻居说你的房子今天下午被盗了

短文理解 \\ 阅读下列短文,并根据短文内容判断其后的句子是否正确(T)、错误(F),还是文字中没有涉及相关信息(NG) A ?

A funny thing happened on the way to the communication revolution: we stopped talking to each other. I was walking in the park with a friend recently, and his mobile phone rang, interrupting our conversation. There we

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were, walking and talking on a beautiful sunny day and – poof! ??问题 1. The author’s experience of walking in a park with a friend recently made him feel ______A_______. A. unhappy 2. According to the author, human contact in a park means _____C_______. C. both A and B 3. According to the author, the more connected we get in communications technology, the _____B______ we are. B. more disconnected 4. What are the examples the author gives to explain his idea that every advance in communications technology is a setback to the closeness of human interaction? _ _C_ C. All of the above. 5.What is the unintended result of communication technology, according to the author? ___B___B. It actually creates a distance between people instead of bringing them together B ?

Benjamin Disraeli, the famous nineteenth century prime minister, said, ―London is not a city, - it is a nation.‖ Today this is an understatement; London, with its vast range of different ethnic groups, is a world. ??问题 1.Why does the writer think that Benjamin Disraeli’s statement is an understatement? Because he thinks London is ____A_____.A. a miniature world thanks to its great cultural diversity 2. London is regarded as the most culturally diverse city in the world due to the following facts EXCEPT that ____B_____. B. many young people are immigrants from different backgrounds 3 Ethnic minority groups will make up ____B_____ of the London population in the future.B. 40% 4. The last paragraph mainly tells us in London ___A_____.A. young people feel at ease with a large number of diversified cultures 5 The passage mainly deals with ____C_____.C. the cultural diversity in London ?

Betty is from Italy. ?? and of course he like staying with Betty.问题 1.Betty’s parents live in Roma. (Wrong) 2.Betty has long beautiful hair. (Right) 3.Ray likes his job. (Wrong) 4.Both Betty and Ray like traveling. (Right) 5.Bay likes slaying at home. (Dosen?t say) C ?

Charlotte Bronte is one of England’s most famous writers.She was born on 21 April 1816 in the north of England and spent most of her life there in the village of Harworth???问题 1.Charlotte came from a rich family.(Doesn’t say) 2.The Bronte chileren started to write in 1826.(Right) 3.Charlotte stopped teching because she did not like it. (Wrong) 4.The first novel Charlotte wrote was the best of all the children. (Wrong) 5.The novel Jane Eyre was a big success. (Right) D ?

David and Xiaoyan arrived at the airport in good time.After checking in at the BA (British Airways) desk,they had their boarding passes checked,put their bags through the x-ray machine and went through the passport control on their way to the departure lounge??问题 1.When they arrived at the airport , they had (plenty of time) .2.They first went(to check-in desk). 3.David realized that his camera was missing when he was(at the gate) 4.They looked for the camera everywhere except(on the plane) 5.David thought he must have left it(in the cafe). ?

David: Good morning. I’d like to make an appointment to see Mr Bond this morning, please.Nurse: I’m sorry. I don’t have any appointments this morning.…Nurse: OK. I can give you an emergency appointment. Can you come at the end of the morning? Come at eleven thirty and wait until a doctor is free. David: OK. Thank you.问题 1. David felt hot and cold during the night. (T) 2. The nurse thinks David has an infection in his throat. (F) 3. Mr Bond is free at 11:30. (T) ?

David:So, what about seeing this flat, Xiaoyan? Do you like it? Why don't you call them? Xiaoyan: Well, I don't

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know — yes, it is the best. David, could you ring them up, please? I'm sometimes ……about what you are looking for. I'll help you find a good estate agent in the phone book.Xiaoyan: Yes, that's a good idea.问题 1.Xiao yan is alwaysss nervou sonth mphone. (F) 2.David doesn't want to phone about the flat in the newspaper.(F) 3. David thinks it is a good idea to go to an estate agent. (T) ?

David:What’s happened about the tickets?Xiaoyan:I’ve got them.Susan has just given them to me.She collectec my visa.I’ve asked??David:Ok I’m in a meeting unitl 1.00,so I’ll come to your office after that.问题 1. Susan (got) the tickets this morning. 2. (Debbie) has prepared the handouts for Xiaoyan. 3. We have to be at the airport by 4. David will have a two hour meeting with (Guy and Rose). 5. David won?t be free for lunch until(1.00) ?

Dear all,This message is just to confirm the details for the next few days. Dave’s picking up the van tomorrow and we’re loading it at his place at 10.00 on Friday morning. ????.问题. 1.They’ll load the van (A) (after Dave has picked it up). 2.They’ll stay in a hotel (B) (for) (one night). 3.Mary will get to the hotel (C) (before 6 pm). 4.They?ll stay at the hotel on (B) (Friday) night. 5. Dave and Paul can meet Mary at the hotel if they (B) (arrive before 7) ?

Dear Sir or Madam,I am writing in response to the advertisement in the Guardian newspaper on the 1st July. I am sending my c.v. with this letter. I look forward to hearing from you.Yours faithfully Jane Simson问题 1.Jane Simson is applying for a job at The Guardian newspaper. (F) 2.Jane Simson is a secretary now. (T) 3.Jane was a student of language at Dangston University. (F) 4.Jane enjoys being a Technology Sales Representative(F) 5.Jane wants to be a Technology Sales Representative. (T) 6.Jane is on holiday for the next two weeks and can?t go for an interview(F) 7.Jane is going to live abroad for her job. (F) 8.Jane is sending her c.v. with the letter. (T) ?

Dear Vicky , I live in Aberdeen, in the north of Scotland.My family live in Cornwall,at the other end of the country?问题 1.The letter-writer wants to(visit his parents who live quite far away)at Christmas. 2.The letter-writer will travel(1000)miles to go to and come back from Cornwall. 3.The letter-writer doesn?t get on well with his boss because(his boss heard the letter-writer and others say very bad things). 4.Vicky advises the letter-writer to (apologize to his boss for what he has done). 5.Vicky thinks the letter-writer?s boss will(be very happy to give letter-writer go)after he hears the explanation.

F ?

From:Xiaoyanlin@163.com To:Sharon Holmes@yahoo.com Subject:Coming home. Hi,I’ve only got 10 days left

in England. Can you believe??I’ll phone as soon as I get back. How are things with you? Love Xiaoyan问题

1. Xiaoyan has been in England for (a year) 2. Franco is going to (have a new tenant.) 3. Xiaoyan needs to buy (a new suitcase) 4. Xiaoyan is going to be back in Shanghai (nearly the end of April) 5. Xiaoyan is going to see Sharon to (talk about what has happened to them.) H ?

Helen’s husband is Mark. Mark and Helen??Andrew also likes piaying football with his brother-in-law,Tom问题. 1.Who is Andrew? (Andrew is Dan’s uncle) 2.Who is Mark?(Mark is Dan’s grandfather) 3.Who is Tom?(Tom is Dan’s father.) 4.Who is Joyce?(Joyce is Tom’s wife) 5.Who is Pam?(Pam is Andrew?s niece)


Hi ,Tim ,Well ,I back here and –how do you say it –nose to the grindstone again.Actually it is ???.So you can expect an initation next month .I’d really like you to meet our team out here .I’ll be in touch again .Please

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give my love to everyone.Xiaoyan 问题 1.What does nose to the“ grindstone” mean here? (It mean working very 3.What is Xiaoyan’s family doing for her ? (They let Xiaoyan live with them ) 4.Is it possible that Xiaoyan can buy her own flat? Why ? (Yes .Because she’s got a higher pay .) 5.What will Tim probably do next month? (He will probaby come and talk about ICT with Xiaoyan’s colleagues). ?

Hi Joe, How are you? I’m sitting on the balcony of my hotel. But I am missing you all in Shanghai. COME AND VISIT!Love,Xiaoyan 问题 1.What does Xiaoyan stay in London for?( She is working) 2.What are Xiaoyan’s London colleagues like?(They are very nice) 3.What does Xiaoyan think of London?(She thinks it is exciting) 4.What does Xiaoyan think of people in London?(She thinks they are friendly) 5.What?s the weather like in London when Xiaoyan is writing this letter?( It is warm) ?

Hi Rob!You want to know about my new boyfriend?See you on Thursday.Love, Poll问题 1. Rob is Polly’s new boyfriend. (F) 2. David is British. (T) 3. David’s parents are British. (T) 4. David’s parents live in London. (F) ?

Hi xiaoyan, You want to know about my gym.?see you there? Jan.问题 1.Jan goes to(yoga class on Tuesday morning) 2.There are a lot of(classes)in the gym. 3.There is the aerobics class in the gym(in the evening) 4.There is a(sauna)in the gym.5.The(cosmetics)is tree in the gym Hi, Sharon,I’ve only got 10 days left in England. Can you believe I’ve already been here for a year? There’s so much to do before I leave! I really must buy presents for my English friends to thank them for all their help. I have to move out of my room on Friday because Franco has got another tenant. ????ll phone as soon as I get back.How are things with you?Love Xiaoyan问题 1 When will Xiaoyan leave England? B B. 10 days later. 2. Where will Xiaoyan live after moving out? AA. She will stay in her friends? place. 3. What hard.) 2.How has Shanghai changed according to Xiaoyan? (There are more buildings and cars ).


will happen to Franco?s flat when Xiaoyan and Mary move out? B.B. It will be rented to other people 4. Why does Xiaoyan need another suitcase? AA. She has got more things than she came with. 5. What would Xiaoyan most possibly do when she sees her friend Sharon? BB. To talk about what happened to them recently. . ?

Hi, Sharon,I’ve only got 10 days left in England. Can you believe I’ve already been here for a year? There’s so much to do before I leave! I really must buy presents for my English friends to thank them for all their help.问题 1. When will Xiaoyan leave England? (B) (10 days later). 2.Where will Xiaoyan live after moving out? (A ( She will stay in her friends? place.) 3.What will happen to Franco?s flat when Xiaoyan and Mary move out? (B) (It will be rented to other people.) 4.Why does Xiaoyan need another suitcase? (A) (She has got more things than she came with.) 5.What would Xiaoyan most possibly do when she sees her friend Sharon? (B) (To talk about what happened to them recently) I ?

I go to the barber(理发师)every month. I don’t like very short hair, so my barber doesn’t cut off much. I have known him for almost four years now, and when I go to him, we always talk a lot.问题 .1. The writer has his hair cut every month. (A) (Right) 2. They got to know each other only a few months ago. (B) (Wrong) 3. Every year the barber goes to some cities or villages in France. (A) (Right) 4. The barber is not very old but he has tried many strange food and drinks. (B) ( Wrong 5. The barber lived in France when he was young. (C) (Doesn?t say) ?

Some people think they have an answer to the troubles of automobile crowding and dirty air in large cities. Their answer is the bicycle, or ―bike‖. In a great many cities, hundreds of people ride bicycles to work every day.

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In New York City, some bike ??问题 1. According to the passage, bicycles ______C______.C.are the solution to 3.“Bicycle lanes” in the third paragraph probably means _____C_______.C. special parts of the road for bicycle riders only 4. Which of the following is not true according to the passage? ___A___A. In New York City, many people use bikes as they have special lanes 5. The best title for this passage is ______C______.C. Solution to Traffic Problem in New York ?

In Britain the weather is very changeable. but in fact it is not often often foggy now.问题 1.It(often)rains in Britain. 2.The average temperature of Britain is 5 degrees in(winter) 3.It is(sometimes warm)in summer in England. 4.It is often(cloudy)in England. 5.Foreingers thing it is always foggy in(England) ?

some city problems 2.The idea of special bicycle lanes is most favored by ____B_____.B.some bike riders

In schools all over the world, boys and girls ?Many millions of schoolboys and schoolgirls are trying to do so. 问题 1.Learning foreign languages is very useful. (Right) 2.There are about 1500 languages in the world. (Wrong) 3.A lot of languages in the world are very important. (Wrong) 4.Peple in Brazil also speak English. (Doesn?t say) 5.About 200,000,000 people are learning English. (Wrong) ?

It is Sunday morning . Mrs Brown is working in the kitchen . She is cooking the Sunday dinner ?Mrs Brown is a good cook . She enjoys cooking . Her family enjoy her cooking .(饭菜)问题 1、The Browns have their dinner in the evening on Sunday .(Wrong) 2、Mr Brown has a big family . (Dodsn’t say) 3、Mr Brown doesn’t go to work on Sunday . (Right) 4、Mr Brown likes working in the garden on Sunday .(Right) 5、The family enjoy Mrs Brown’t cooking . (Right) ?

It is Sunday morning John’s just sitting around and doing nothing. ?He hates watching TV.问题 1.John and his wife live in a big house(Dosen’t say). 2.John is keen on sports. (Right) 3.John doesn’t like watching TV. (Right) 4.Both John and his wife enjoy going out. (Wrong) 5.John is at home and his wife is at the gym now. (Wrong)


Ivydale Guesthouse *** Bath Tourist Association Approved Ron and Ann welcome you to Ivydate, where

modern comfort and traditional hospitality meet.·Coveniently located – a short walk from the city center.问题 1.The owner of the guesthouse (A) (is/are) (Ron and Ann) 2.The guesthouse is(B) (near to) the city center.

3.Guests can (C) (make tea in their room.) 4.The guesthouse is(B) (peaceful and quiet). 5.People ((B)are not allowed to) smoke in the guesthouse. ?

Ivydale Guesthouse **** Bath Tourist Association Approved Ron and Ann welcome you to Ivydale, where modern comforts and traditional hospitality meet.· Conveniently located – a short walk from the city centre.· Well-equipped – all rooms have an en suite bathroom, colour TV with satellite channels, tea/coffee-making facilities, mini bar and phone.· Excellent food – we offer full English and buffet breakfasts. Vegetarian food available on request.· Peace and quiet – Ivydale is situated in its own gardens, offering the perfect atmosphere for business travellers and tourists.· Please note that we operate a strict no-smoking 1.The owner of the guesthouse is/are ____B____ B. Ron and Ann 2.The guesthouse is _ A_ the city center.A. near t 3.Guests can ____A______.A. make tea in their room 4. The guesthouse is ___B_____. B. peaceful and quie 5. People ____C______ smoke in the guesthouse. C. are not allowed to

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policy.· Mini-break deals available.For reservations or a brochure, please call (01225) 1212355问题

K ?

Kathy lives in Sydney.?does housework and goes shopping On Sunday she relaxes or goes to the cinema.问题

1.Kathy is never late for work.(Right) 2.Kathy types very fast(Doesn’t say) 3.In the afternoon Kathy stays work at 1.30(Right) 4.In the evener, Kathy always stays at home watching TV. (Wrong) 5.Kathy never does any work on Sunday. (Right) L ?

Last week Polly decided to give up her job . She is fed up with it, she finds it boring and she wants to change her career?..but is worried about her lack of experience in some areas.问题 1. Polly has decided to ask for a higher salary. (Wrong) 2. She doesn’t like her boss. (Right) 3. Her friends agreed that she should resign. (Right) 4. She has experience of banking. (Wrong) 5. She?s worried about her lack of experience. (Right) ?

Let me tell you about my new job . It’s great . I work for Center Company?He is in insurance , and sometimes we have a drink in the pub in the eveving--but at the moment he is having a holiday in Scotland . 问题 1、The writer works in(marketing) 2、The writer(like his)new job . 3、The writer thinks the tube is too(busy) 4、The writer works for about(8 hours)on weekdays . 5、The writer and his brother(sometimes see each other) ?

Lily is 70 years old and she takes care of her 91-year-old mother. She told us about caring for her mother.????hat to my mother.问题 1. Lily wakes before her mother. 【T】 2. Joan sometimes spends the day with Lily’s mother. 【T】 3. Tilly is satisfied with her hairdresser.【 NG】 4. Lily’s brother comes to visit every three weeks. 【 F】 5. Lily and her mother play cards more than they watch TV.【 F】 ?

Linda was a few minutes late. Wilson had left the office when she got there .His secretary told her he would be back in a few minutes. She had to sit down and wait for a few minutes in the outer office.问题 1.Linda was late for the interview because she got up too late. (C) (Doesn?t say.) 2.Wilson left the office to meet Linda. (B )(Wrong) 3.Linda went into Wilson?s office by herself. (B) (Wrong) 4.Linda was experienced in radio and television work (B) (wrong) 5.Linda was surprised she could get the job. (A) (Right)


? Mary began playing the violin when she was only six.Her father came across a really old instrument at his aunt’s house,and he brought it back home with him.问题 1.Mary’s father (got the violin from his aunt) .2.Mary began to need a better violin when she was about( 11 ) .3.The man at the concert told Mary’s parents that (she had real talent) 4.Mary (set up her own group)when she was 16. 5.Eric Sound was the name of (Mary’s music group) ?

Mary:Right,I’ve made a seating plan.We just need to add three people.Tim:Who are they? Mary:Well,I’m

worried about Karen.She’s really shy.If she sits with noisy people.she won’t enjoy herself???.问题

1.Karen likes to sit with noisy people.(F) 2.It would be a good idea for Karen to sit next to Helen.(T) 3.Uncle Albert is a smoker.(T) 4.Adam and Peter ate not smokers.(F) 5.Jenny has just come back from America.(T) ?

Mr Johnson is the boss of a computer company. His office is in a mess (杂乱).Mr Johnson is sitting in his chair and smiling, ‘Mrs Santana, when can you start?’问题 1.Mr Johnson needs a young and beautiful secretary to help him. ( Wrong) 2.Mr Johnson interviews Mrs Santana on the telephone. ( Wrong)

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3.Mrs Santana believes she can do the job well. ( Right) 4.Mrs Santana agrees that Mr Johnson?s wife can be a good secretary. ( Doesn?t say) ?

Mr Spinney has got a great love for puppets(木偶)He is now over sixty.He started working with puppets when he was only eight years old.In the late sixties,he was lucky enough to have a chance to work on Sesame(芝麻街),a very famous American television show for children.??..问题 1.Mr Spinney is an actor. (A) (Right) 2.He started making puppets when he was eight. (B) (Wrong) 3.Sesame Street is popular in America and other countries. (A) (Right) 4.Mr Spinney has got a lot of money playing the part of Big Bird. (C) (Doesn’t say) 5.The child knows that Big Bird is actually played by an actor(B) (Wrong) ?

Mrs Black was having a lot of trouble with her skin (皮肤),so she went to her doctor about it. He could not find anything wrong with her, so he sent her to the hospital for tests.问题 1. Mrs Black’s doctor didn’t know what was wrong with her skin. (A) (Right) 2. The hospital sent Mrs Black the test results. (B) ( Wrong) 3. Mrs Black took the piece of paper with her to the party(B).(Wrong) 4. Mr Black usually does the shopping for the (C) ( Doesn?tsay.) 5. Mr Black thought his wife needed the things written on the paper. (A) ( Right ?

My grandfather was a completely different person before he had a stroke. He worked as a chief accountant, and he worked really long hours. People used to say that he was a workaholic. When he came home, he was always tired and this used to make him irritable. He didn’t use to be sociable at all????elaxed man问题 1.My grandfather used to ____B______. B. work very hard 2 He was ____C______ when he came home. C. easy to get angry 3. When I was a child, I _____C_____. C. was afraid of him 4. Doctors asked him to ___A___after he had a stroke. A. stop working 5. When he died, he _____C_____. C. was a happy man


My grandfather was a completely different person before he had a stroke.He worked as a chief accountant,and he

worded really long hours.问题 1.My grandfather (B) (used to)(work very hard). 2.He

was(C) (easy to get angry)(when) he came home. 3.When I was a child,I(C) (was afraid of him). 4.Doctors asked him (A) (to)(stop working)after he had a stroke. 5.When he died,he(C) (was a happy man). ?

My name is Helena. I am from Greece and I am an English student in London. Four other students are in my class. Theyare all European (欧洲人). ??They have got a flat in Frankfurt(法兰克福). He is 65 years old, but she is 42. They have got two children.问题 1.There are(5)students in Helena?s class. 2. Carla lives (with Helena) in London. 3.Yuri likes(playing football)in his free time. N ?

New York , London , Paris and other cities are exciting places to live in . There are many interesting things to

see and to do .Befor people move to big cities , they should think about the problems of living there .问题 1、There are a lot of interesting things to do in big cities .(Right) 2、People move to live in big cities because they can always find jobs there . (Wrong ) 3、The houses are very expensive in big cities .(Doesn’t say) 4、Everyone enjoys living in big cities in spite of(尽管)the problems . (Wrong) 5、It’s better to think carefully before you decide to move to big cities . (Right) P ?

People all over the world today are beginning to hear and learn more and more about the problem of pollution.

Pollution is caused either by man’s release of completely new and often artificial (人造的) ??问题 1 .The main cause of pollution is ____A______.A. the release of artificial or natural substances into the environment

2. Much of the pollution could be controlled if only _____C_____.C. all sides concerned would make more efforts

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3. Food packages, bottles and tins for drinks can cause _____B_____.B. both a litter problem and a waster of resources 5. What does the underlined word “litter” mean in paragraph 2? _ _C_ _C. industrial pollution

? Polly now works for Green Fingers .Her main job is managing the office ,which means keeping the diary ane filling in everybody’s appointments.问题 1.Polly’s job includes answering phone calls and checking emails. (Right) 2.Polly is working on ghe tax return now. (Right) 3.Karen and Bobert have 4. Which of the following can not help solving the problem of pollution? _ _C_ _C. Eating.

always been careful about acccounts .(Wrong) 4.Only Karen and Bobert visit customers’ houses.(Wrong) 5.“Green Fingers”will get a large sum of money from the work for the actress.(Wrong) R ?

Receptionist: In Shape, good afternoon. Can I help you?Xiaoyan: Hello. Yes, I'd like some information about the gym.…Receptionist: Well, all day including the evenings - but the best time is between 5.00 pm and 11.00 pm. There are a lot of trainers here in the evening. Xiaoyan: Thank you very much.问题 1.The gym is open from 6.00 am to 11.00 pm on Saturday and Sunday. (F) 2.The swimming pool is open every day. (T) 3.There aren't any Tai Chi classes at the gym. (F) 4.There are Aerobics classes on Saturday and Sunday morning. (T) ?

Right/Wrong/Doesn’t say1.Mrs Black was having a lot of trouble with her skin (皮肤),so she went to her doctor about it. He could not find anything wrong with her, so he sent her to the hospital for tests. The hospital, of course, sent the result of the tests to Mrs Black’s doctor, and the next morning he telephoned her to give her a list of the things that he thought she should not eat, because any of them might be the cause of her skin ………………, when I got home, I found your shopping list beside the telephone and bought everything you have written down.” 问题

1. Mrs Black’s doctor didn’t know what was wrong with her skin. AA. Right. 2. The hospital sent Mrs Black the test results. B.B. Wrong.. 3. Mrs Black took the piece of paper with her to the party. B . B. Wrong.. 4. Mr Black usually does the shopping for the family. C C. Doesn?t say. 5. Mr Black thought his wife needed the things written on the paper. A A. Right. S ?

Sarah Peters was born on January 4th, 1973 in Brighton. She and her family lived in Brighton until she was ten. Then they moved to Oxford and stayed there until she left school --- that’s Fendale Secondary School --- at eighteen. Then she went to London Business College and got a diploma (文凭) in Marketing(市场营销)???lovely daughters(女儿). Besides (除了)being an excellent marketing expert and a good mother, she is also a good writer. She has written two books about her marketing experiences.问题 1. Sarah Peters received her secondary education (中学教育) in Brighton. BB. Wrong .2. She studied Marketing in London Business College. AA. Right.. 3. She got her first job in 1993. B B. Wrong.C. Doesn’t say. 4. She got on well with people working in the business company in London. C C. Doesn?t say. 5. She wrote books about how to be a good mother and a marketing expert. BB. Wrong. ?

Steve: I was in Shanghai last year.?Xiaoyan: OK, I’ll show you My London. Steve: And perhaps one day, I’ll show you My Shanghai.问题 1.teve was in Shanghai last week. (F) 2.Steve thinks Shanghai is fast and exotic(T). 3.Xiaoyan thinks London is less exciting than Shanghai. (F) 4.Steve thinks Shanghai is more modern than London. (T) 5.Steve thinks business life in Shanghai is exactly (完全地)the same as business life in London. (F) T ?

The ancient Olympic Games were part of a religious festival in honour of the Greek god Zeus, the father of all Greek gods and goddesses. The festival and games were held in Olympia, a religious sanctuary. The athletes came to Olympia from all parts of the Greek world, from as far as Spain in the west and Turkey in the east??1939,。

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问题 1. The ancient Greeks held the first Olympic Games in 617 BC. 【F】 2. The ancient Greeks held the Olympic Games for 393 years. 【 F】 3. They did not allow women to compete in the ancient Olympic Games. 【 T】 4. They first used the Olympic flag in 1908. 【 T 】 5. Both the Olympic Games and the Marathon Race are very popular for old and young people in many countries of the world.【NG】 ?

The day was like any other day in his life. Tom walked past the shop on the street corner. He stopped to look at the front row of shoes, and he felt happy to see that the pair of shoes he wanted very much were still …………―I have never eaten this food before, so I am not going to eat it now.”问题 1. The writer has his hair cut every month. AA. Right. .2. They got to know each other only a few months ago. BB. Wrong. .3. Every year the barber goes to some cities or villages in France. AA. Right.. 4. The barber is not very old but he has tried many strange food and drinks. B B. Wrong.. 5. The barber lived in France when he was young. C C. Doesn?t say. ?

The day was like any other day in his life.. He went away and smiled, thinking he was happier.问题 1. Tom passed the shop by bus. (Wrong.) 2. Tom stopped in front of the shop to look at the shoes he liked.(Right) 3. The pair of shoes were too expensive for Tom and his mother. (Right.) 4. The boy sitting in the wheel chair had no legs.( Wrong.) 5. Tom went home to tell his mother about what had happened.( Doesn?t say.) ?

The permanent employees get a salary every month,?At Christmas the boss gives us extra money-a bonus.问题 1.How often do temporary employees get their pay?(Every week) 2.Tip is closest in meaning to(money for good service) 3.What does the writer do?(He serves customers in a restaurant.) 4.The writer(often works on Saturday and Sundays.) 5.The writer doesn?t have enough money to(see his parents in Italy) ?

There have been changes in all sorts of different areas of British society. In recent years in the UK we have had a very large increase in the number of couples who get divorced. ??问题 1. What does the passage mainly discuss? ____C_____C. The increasing divorce rate in the UK. 2. During the last ten years, ____ A____.A. the marriage rate has gone down more rapidly in the UK 3. According to the passage, the cohabitation rate in the UK tends to ____A____A. soar (急剧上升) 4. According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT true? __ B__B. The highest divorce rate was around 1969. 5. The last paragraph tells us ____B____.B. the birth rate in the UK is decreasing rapidly now ?

Tim: Holle.Where have you been?you look hot. Xuaiyan: Yes,I am.I’ve been to the tennis club. I’ve had a tennis lesson. Tim: How did you manage?问题 1.Xiaoyan has had a tennis lesson. (Right)

2.She has had a lesson at the public tennis courts. (Wrong.) 3.She has played a lot of tennis in China. (Wrong.) 4.She has eaten a sandwich before she played. (Right) 5.Mary and Tim haven?t eaten yet. (Right) ?

Tim: Holle.Where have you been?you look hot. Xuaiyan: Yes,I am.I’ve been to the tennis club. I’ve had a tennis lesson. Tim: How did you manage?问题 1.Xiaoyan has had a tennis lesson. (Right) 2.She has had a lesson at the public tennis courts. (Wrong.) 3.She has played a lot of tennis in China. (Wrong). 4.She has eaten a sandwich before she played. (Right) 5.Mary and Tim haven?t eaten yet. (Right) W ?

Welcome to the historic and beautiful City of Lincoln.Thank you for calling the Lincoln Tourist Information

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Office?问题 1.The office opens later and closes later on Sunday. (B) (Wrong) 2.The office provides information for tourists in the city. (A) (Right) 3.If you take the bus tour,you can get a free map of the city. (C) (Doesn?t say) 4.You are not allowed to get off the bus before the tour ends. (B) (Wrong) 5.This is the tour driver talking to a group of tourists. (B) (Wrong) ?

Welcome to the historic and beautiful City of Lincoln?. You can get off the bus at five places of interest and continue your journey later.问题 1.The office hour is from 10.30 to 3 on Sunday. (Wrong)

2.The office provides information about where to eat (Right) 3.There is a tour guide on the bus who tells you about the places of interest. (Wrong) 4.You are not allowed to get off the bus before the tour ends. (Wrong) 5.This is a telephone message. (Right) ?

Well, I am back here and-how do you say it –nose to the grindstone again. Actually it is good to be back although I do miss London already.问题 1.What does ‘nose to the grindstone’means here? (A) (It means working very hard.) 2.How has Shanghai chaned according to Xiaoyan?(There are more buildings and cars.) (C) 3.What is Xiaoyan?s family doing for her? (A) (They let Xiaoyan live with them.) 4.Is it possible that Xiaoyan can buy her own flat? Why? (B) (Yes. Because she?s got a higher pay.) 5.What will Tim probably do next month?(C) (He will probably come and talk about ICT with Xiaoyan?s colleagues). ?

When I first knew Mike ,we lived in a amall village in Scotland .It was very different from Mike’s life in London now ?.Nothing’s changed really .Oh ,and I still can’t swim.问题 1. Mike now lives (in) London . 2.( Mike ) got up late every morning. 3.25 years later, (Mike )still islate as in the past . 4. As boys both of them liked (riding) bicycles .5. They walked 5 miles back home because they (were drunk) ?

When I first knew Mike, we lived in a small village in Scotland, It was very different from Mike’s life in London

now. We went to school together on our bicyeles. Every morning I went to his house and knocked on the door.问题 1.Mike and I went to school together in (A) (Scotland ) 2. (B) (Mike and I were) always late for school every morining. 3.Mike wasn?t late for his wedding because (C) (we didn?t tell him the real time fo his wedding) 4.We used to spend a lot of time to (C) (search and discover)5.We walked 5 miles back home because we(A) (were drunk). ?

When I was a child ,I lived in Sicily.I lived there for 18 years .Our house was in a small village in the countryside.问题 1.I used to live in a small village in the countryside of Sicily.(Right) 2.Both of my parents are Italians. (Wrong) 3.It was crowded in London. (Right) 4.We had a farm in London. (Wrong) 5.I?m about 48 years old now . (Right) ?

\host city spends years getting ready for the event. Before deciding which city will …………Why does it take so long to prepare? Building the infrastructure costs huge amounts of money. Holding the World Cup in 2002 in Japan and ????Why do countries want to host the Olympic Games? Hosting the games has a major effect on the economy and brings international prestige to the country. Thousands and ??问题 1. Bidding for the Olympic Games usually starts _____C______ before the games are really held. C. ten years 2. Beijing was one of the ___A____ bidders for the 2008games.A. five 3. The World Cup 2002 was held in ______C_______. C. A and B 4. What construction projects did Beijing start after winning the bid?

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__D_ _D. All of the above 5. Why do countries want to host the Olympic Games? __D_ _D. All of the above.\ ?

Who will stage the games? Dear all,This message is just to confirm the details for the next few days. Dave’s picking up the van tomorrow and we’re loading it at his place at 10.00 on Friday morning. I’ve booked us all into The Tolly for one night. …………ee you all,Mary问题 1. They’ll load the van ___A____.A. after Dave has picked it up 2. They’ll stay in a hotel for __B____.B. one night 3. Mary will get to the hotel ___C_____.C. before 6 pm 4. They’ll stay at the hotel on __B______ night.B. Friday 5. Dave and Paul can meet Mary at the hotel if they ___B___. B. arrive before 7 C. get up early in the morning ?

Xiaoyan.I thought you’d like to know what has happened to your report about improving the website. Last week I had a meeting with the?Have you got time for a coffee on either Wednesday or Thursday moring?David问题 1. David had a meeting with the designers yesterday. (Wrong) 2. David had made the icons larger. (Wrong) 3. The speed of access has been made quicker.(Wrong) 4. David is going to make a presentation in Paris. (Right) 5. David would like some help from Xiaoyan. (Right)

? 阅读理解 (原文丢失,只有问答题)

? 25 later, 【Mike 】still islate as in the past


? A lot of American adults go to summer schools now because they had little education before【 Wrong 】 ? As boys both of them liked【 riding 】bicycles C

? Charlotte came from a rich family 【Doesn’t say 】


? Dave and Paul can meet Mary at the hotel if they【 arrive before 】 ? Doctors asked him to 【 stop working 】after he had a stroke E

? Every year the barber goes to some cities or villages in France【Right】


? Guests can【make tea in their room】 H

? He was 【easy to get angry】 when he came home

? How has Shanghai changed according to Xiaoyan?【There are more buildings and ears】 ? How many miles will the letter-writer travel to go to and come back from Cornwall? C 【 miles】 I

? Is it possible that Xiaoyan can buy her own flat? Why? 【Yes Because she’s got a higher pay】 M

? Mary will get to the hotel【 before pm 】 ? ? ? ?

Mike now lives【 in 】London

Mr Black thought his wife needed the things written on the paper 【 Right】 Mr Black usually does the shopping for the family 【 Doesn’t say】 Mr John Smith usually spends his holidays outside the country【 Right】

? Mr John Smith was paid by his company to go to the summer school【 Doesn't say】

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? Mr Spinney is an actor 【Right】

? Mrs Black took the piece of paper with her to the party 【 Wrong】

? Mrs Black’s doctor didn’t know what was wrong with her skin【 Right 】 ? My grandfather used to 【 work very hard 】


? One of the reasons people take adult education is to make a better living 【Right】 P

? People【 are not allowed to 】smoke in the guesthouse S

? Sarah Peters received her secondary education (中学教育) in Brighton 【Wrong 】 ? She got her first job in 【 Wrong】

? She studied Marketing in London Business College【 Right】

? She wrote books about how to be a good mother and a marketing expert【 Wrong】 ? Some ofthe courses are offered by large universities 【 Right】


? The barber is not very old but he has tried many strange food and drinks【 Wrong 】 ? ? ? ?

The barber lived in France when he was young【C Doesn’t say】 The boy sitting in the wheel chair had no legs 【Wrong】 The Bronte children started to write in 【Right】 The guesthouse is 【peaceful and quiet 】

? The guesthouse【 is near to】 the city center

? The hospital sent Mrs Black the test results 【Wrong】 ? The office hour is from to on Sunday 【Wrong 】

? The office provides information about where to eat【 Right 】 ? The owner of the guesthouse is/are【 Ron and Ann 】

? The pair of shoes were too expensive for Tom and his mother【 Right 】 ? The writer has his hair cut every month 【Right】

? There is a tour guide on the bus who tells you about the places of interest 【Doesn’t say】 ? They got to know each other only a few months ago【B Wrong 】 ? They walked miles back home because they 【were drunk 】 ? They’ll load the van 【after Dave has picked it up 】 ? They’ll stay at the hotel on 【Friday 】night ? They’ll stay in a hotel for 【one night 】 ? This is a telephone message【 Right】

? Tom passed the shop by bus 【Wrong 】

? Tom stopped in front of the shop to look at the shoes he liked 【Right 】 ? Tom went home to tell his mother about what had happened【 Doesn’t say】


? What does ‘nose to the grindstone’ mean here?【 It means working very hard】

? What does the letter-writer want to do at Christmas? 【He wants to visit his parents who live quite far away】 ? What does Vicky advise the letter-writer to do? 【To apologize to his boss for what he (the letter-writer) has done】 ? What does Vicky advise the letter-writer to do?【 To apologize to his boss for what he has done】

? What does Vicky think the letter-writer’s boss will do after he hears the explanation (解释)? He will probably be very

happy to give the letter-writer a longer holiday】

? What does Vicky think the letter-writer's boss will do after he hears the explanation 【 He will probably be very happy to

give the letter-writer a longer holiday】

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? What is Xiaoyan’s family doing for her? 【They let Xiaoyan live with them】

? What will happen to Franco’s flat when Xiaoyan and Mary move out?【 It will be rented to other people】 ? What will Tim probably do next month? 【He will probably come and talk about ICT with】

? What will Tim probably do next month?【 He will probably come and talk about ICT with Xiaoyan’s colleagues】 ? What would Xiaoyan most possibly do when she sees her friend Sharon? 【To talk about what happened to them recently】

? When he died, he【 was a happy man 】 ? When I was a child, I 【 was afraid of him 】 ? When will Xiaoyan leave England?【 days later 】

? Where will Xiaoyan live after moving out? 【She will stay in her friends’ place】 ? Why does Xiaoyan need another suitcase? 【She has got more things than she came with】

? Why doesn’t the letter-writer get on well with his boss?【 His boss heard the letter-writer and others say very bad things

about him】

? Wilson left the office to meet Linda 【Wrong】


? You are not allowed to get off the bus before the tour ends【 Wrong 】 阅读理解 1(原文丢失,只有问答题

? Charlotte stopped teaching because she did not like it 【Wrong】 ? He started making puppets when he was eight 【Wrong 】

? Linda was experienced in radio and television work【 Wrong 】

? Linda was late for the interview because she got up too late 【Doesn’t say】 ? Linda was surprised she could get the job 【Right 】

? Linda went into Wilson’s office by herself 【Wrong 】

? Mr Spinney has got a lot of money playing the part of Big Bird【 Doesn’t say】 ? Sesame Street is popular in America and other countries 【Right】

? She got on well with people working in the business company in London【 Doesn’t say】 ? The child knows that Big Bird is actually played by an actor 【Wrong 】 ? The first novel Charlotte wrote was the best of all the children【 Wrong】 ? The novel Jane Eyre was a big success 【Right 】

? What does 'nose to the grindstone' mean here? 【It means working very hard 】 ? 【Mike 】 got up late every morning

阅读理解 2(原文丢失,只有问答题

1. Mr John Smith usually spends his holidays outside the country.. (Right).

2. Mr John Smith was paid by his company to go to the summer school.. (Doesn't say.)

3. A lot of American adults go to summer schools now because they had little education before. (Wrong.) . 4. One of the reasons people take adult education is to make a better living. (Right.) 5. Some ofthe courses are offered by large universities. (Right.).

1. What does the letter-writer want to do at Christmas? (He wants to visit his parents who live quite far away)

2. How many miles will the letter-writer travel to go to and come back from Cornwall?(1000 miles).

3. Why doesn?t the letter-writer get on well with his boss? (His boss heard the letter-writer and others say very bad things about him.)

4. What does Vicky advise the letter-writer to do? (To apologize to his boss for what he has done)

5. What does Vicky think the letter-writer’s boss will do after he hears the explanation (解释)? (He will probably be very happy to give the letter-writer a longer holiday.)

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