playway 2 Unit 9 Breakfast

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Unit 9 Breakfast


单词:cornflakes; muesli; milk; butter; honey; jam; hot chocolate; toast; pancake

听力练习:1. Speaker: Linda

2. On Monday Max has got hot chocolate with rolls and honey.

歌谣:What’s in your bowl?

行动故事:You’re hungry.

卡通故事:Grass is boring







Lesson 1

1. 听写单词,head ,feet, ears, hands,arms,teeth, toes,legs,fingers, knees,hair.20,30, 40,50,100,0,念句子。全对加20分。

2. 复习歌曲the magician .

3. 学习新曲。

4. 介绍新单词:cornflakes; muesli; milk; butter; honey; jam; hot chocolate; toast; pancake,rolls,tea, brown bread(有实物拿实物),P1图片卡的cornflakes,milk, butter.,(举一反三,大小声,炸弹)1,上来指图, 2,图片卡分给一些孩子,手拿着卡片的站起来并且大声念出来。

5. 听力儿童用书P40先按着节奏来说,

Cornflakes, muesli, milk, butter, honey, jam, hot chocolate, toast, rolls, brown bread, tea.

后用高声,低声,尖声,,低沉,喜悦,伤心,气恼的来念出来,后来用图片贴在黑板上,画出一颗心或哭脸,随后说:I Like~~~,I don’t like~~后用听力P40 ,并拿出红绿笔,画出Benny喜欢的和不喜欢的,两遍。

Speaker: Linda. Speaker: Benny.

Linda: I like cornflakes and milk. And… Benny: I like muesli and brown bread Yeah, I like hot chocolate. With butter and honey.

I don’t like toast or rolls or jam. I don’t like tea.

6. *游戏:1、clap clap snap snap stamp stamp 不同的学生说不一样的单词。

2、My grandma likes honey/tea. 一人说一句。

3、记忆游戏:1~7数字,图片卡,给孩子时间记忆,What’s number is cornflakes? What is numeber six?

Lesson 2

1. 复习单词。

2. 听力迷宫,划掉每一竖行听到的单词

Cornflakes, milk, tea, jam, butter, toast, honey, brown bread, rolls, muesli.

What has Max got for breakfast?

3.What do you eat for breakfast? 活动用书P28和P47,

4.活动用书P29,what do you like for breakfast? 有孩子来相互问。先把自己填好,有孩子自己来问别的2个人,老师问Who like .....? 学生回答。学生用书P42 页,然后回答。

5.行动指令:1、You’re hungry.2、Get a big bowl.3、Get a banana, some cornflakes,some milk and some nuts. 4、Peel the banana and take a bite, Mmmmm.5、Drink some milk. Lovely. 6、Taste the cornflakes and the nuts. 7、Put it all in the bowl. 8、Look in your bowl.

9、You are not hungry any more.



Lesson 3

1. 给孩子们看日历,一周七天,指出Monday,Tuesday, Wednesday,Thursday,Friday, Saturday, Sunday

2. 重复七天的名称,并以前两个字母作为标志,打节奏的念出来




On Monday have muesli. On Tuesday I have cornflakes. On Wednesday I have toast with jam. On Tursday I have rolls. Oh Friday I have brown bread. On Saturday and Saturday and Sunday I have

A lot of pancakes. And then I go and play, oh yeah! Hip hip hoo—ray! And then I go and play!

6.卡通故事播放,02-3 15mins,问故事大意。


8.再放一遍,按时间来演。故事角色:Me:storyteller. Daivd:sheep,Jack:剩余角色 第二组同样。

Sheep: Baaaa, baaaa. Grass, Squirrel: Have a nut.

Grass, grass. Boring. Sheep: Oh, thank you. Och!

Storyteller: It’s Tuesday. The sheep Storyteller: It’s Friday.

Has got an idea. Sheep: Baaaa…I’m hungry.

Sheep: Baaaa. Fish. Yummy. Stork: Here you are.

One, two, three,baaaa! No, no, thank you very

Storyteller: Well…fishing isn’t easy. It’s Sheep: much.

Wednesday. Storyteller: The sheep runs home.

Sheep: Baaaa. What a lovely Sheep: Baaaa,baaaa.

Bone. Storyteller: On Saturday the sheep is

Dog: This is my bone. Go away. Very happy.

Sheep: Baaaa, baaaa. Sheep: Baaaa, baaaa.

