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Concepts of Land Economics
Raleigh Barlowe. Land resource economics,1986
Like most fields,land economics has several specialized concepts and terms that must be understood if they are to be useful as tools of analysis. These terms are introduced and explained in the chapters that follow.At this point,emphasis is given to four basic ideas:(1)the economic concept of land and land resources,(2)a classification of land uses by type,(3)the concept of land use-capacity,and(4)the concept of highest and best use.
Economic concept of land 土地的经济学概念
The term land suggests different things to different people, depending on their [1]
outlook and their interests at the moment. In its most widely accepted use,this term refers to the solid portion of the earth’s surface.But it may also apply to a nation,a people,or a political division of the earth’s surface.People often refer to ground,soil,or earth as land and speak of land as something on which they can walk,build a house,plant a garden,or grow a crop.These commonly accepted definitions of land should not be confused with the more technical concepts use by lawyers and economists. [2]
From a legal standpoint,land or real estate may be considered as any portion of the earth’s surface over which ownership rights might be exercised. These rights relate not just to surface area but also to things such as trees,which are attached to the surface by nature;to buildings and other improvements attached by man;and to those objects of value that lie either above or below the surface.
Because of their concern over distinctions between land and capital,economists
often differ in their opinions regarding the natural of land. Many economists accept broad definitions similar to those used by lawyers; others treat certain aspects of this broad concept as capital. [3] For our purposes,the economic concept of land can be viewed as being synonymous with the legal concept of real estate. It involves the natural and man-made resources that individuals,groups,or communities control through possession of portions of the earth’s surface.
This broad concept of land includes all of the earth surface-water and ice as well as ground.In addition to building sites,farm soil, growing forests,mineral deposits,and water resources,it also involves such natural phenomena as access to sunlight,rain, wind,and changing temperatures and location with respect to markets and other areas.Moreover,it includes all those man-made improvements that are attached to the surface of the earth and cannot be easily separated it. [4]
Concepts of land
The term land often means different things depending upon the context in which it is used and the circumstances under which it is considered.Like a cut diamond,it has many facets.Most important among these are the views of land as(1) space,(2)nature,(3)a factor of production,(4)a consumption good,(5) situation,(6) property,and(7) capital.Other facets of land may also he noted.Some cultural groups view land as a deity that possesses itself and that can exercise certain controls over the people who use it.Investors sometimes see it as a store of wealth that possesses unique advantages over alternative areas of investment. Others have viewed it as a gene bank –a potential source of new species and products –and as a source of pleasure and recreation. [5]
土地一词往往有不同的含义,这取决于所使用的环境和内容。如同一块切割过的钻石,有许多方面。在这所有观点众人们主要把土地视为1)空间,2)自然界。3)一种生产要素,4)一种消费品,5)位置,6)财产,7)资本。土地含义的其他方面也要注意。有些文化组织将土地看作自我拥有的,掌控着使用这片土地的人们的神。投资者有时把选择投资的具有特殊优势的土地看作财富仓库。还有一些人把土地看作产生新物种和新产品源的基因库或者 将土地看作休闲游乐源泉。
Considerable importance is attached in the modern world to the concept of land as situation. [6] This concept involves location with respect to markets, geographic features,others resources,and other countries.It is significant because the value and use of land is determined largely by its location and accessibility and also because of the economic and political significance that is often attributed to the control of strategic sites.
The concept of land as property involves real estate and has legal connotations. It is concerned with the areas over which individuals, groups, or sovereign powers exercise rights of possession and use and with the nature of the rights and responsibilities they hold. [7] Property institutions change with time,but the interpretations accepted at any given moment always wield a powerful influence in shaping attitudes and actions concerning land and how it can or should be used.
While land may be treated as a unique and separate factor of production,it is often realistic to view it as a type of capital. The early classical economists argued that land was a free gift of nature, whereas capital was man-made. [8] Capital
represented past savings and store-up production and was expendable,whereas land was seen as durable.These distinctions have some validity but tend to break down and blend together when they are applied in twilight cases.One might ask,for instance,if one field is land because its owner settled on productive soils while a second is capital because the owner started with poor soil and built up a productive farm unit.Similarly,one may question how free land actually is and how durable soil, forest, and mineral resources are in comparison with capital goods. [9] These problems have led many economists to regard land as a species of capital,while others assert that space and situation are the only singular characteristics of land.
Whether land should be clearly separated from capital is an academic issue and
has little bearing on the issues considered here.Suffice it to say that the characteristics of land can be similar to those of capital,Land may be fixed in quantity,durable in nature,and a nature-supplied good from the standpoint of society; but the average investor sees it as a resource that must be purchased or leased like other capital goods.In this sense, land is capital to the individual even though it may be viewed differently from the standpoint of society. [10]
Land resources
Because of occasional confusion and lack of agreement regarding the precise meaning of the term land when applied in economics,it is often desirable to speak of land resources or real estate rather than land.With this substitution of terms, it is possible to clarify the general meaning of this central concept and at the time avoid quibbling over details. [11] As used here, the concepts of land resources and real estate are treated as roughly comparable to the economic concept of land.These terms are used interchangeably throughout with no distinction in meaning.The first two terms are concepts representing a merging of the economic and legal concepts of land and definitely Include buildings and other capital improvements attached to the land as well as he natural characteristics of land.
As a descriptive term in economics,land resources is both broader and narrower than the term natural resources.It is broader because it includes the man-made improvements that are attached to land.Natural resources can involve a broader concept in that it includes all nature-given resources from the center of the earth to the highest heavens, whereas the term land resources,when treated as an economics concept, is limited to surface together with the thin layer of subsurface and supra-surface resources that people use in their daily lives. [12]
Principal types of land use
Various classification schemes can be used to describe the principal types of land use found throughout the world. One of the more workable and more inclusive of these calls for the following tenfold classification of land uses [13]:
Residential lands,commercial and industrial sites,cropland,pasture and grazing land,forestland,mineral land,recreation land,transportation lands, service areas,and barren and waste.
Residential lands and commercial and industrial sites account for most of the land area of cities but cover only a small proportion of the earths surface.These uses and their various subclasses are particularly important in the modern world because they represent the areas where three-fourths of the residents of the developed nations and almost a third of those of the development countries live and where most economic activity takes place.They involve the areas most subject to intensive human use and the sites of highest market value. [14]
Because of their contributions to agricultural production,the next three
classifications are often grouped together as agricultural uses.These uses account for most of the world’s surface land area that has economic value. [15] Cropland includes the cultivated areas used in the production of food, feed,fibers,and other crops.As a land use concept,it includes not only cropland harvested but also planted areas that suffer from crop failure and cropland areas that temporarily idle or fallow. [16]
Aside from the residual class of barren and waste lands,most of the remaining types of land use may be grouped together as special-use areas.Mineral lands vary from open-pit sources of coal or iron ore to the much smaller surface areas required to support the operation of oil wells and underground mines. [17] Recreation lands include parks, beaches, resort areas, racetracks, game preserves, and open space and scenic areas that are used largely for recreation and closely related purposes. Transportation lands include those areas used for highways,streets,alleys,parking purposes,railroads,airports,harbors,and wharves.The concept of service areas overlaps that of other special-use areas but applies specifically to uses such as military
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