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A: B! 送你一张我的签名照!快拿着! B: Your autograph? why do I want that? A: 告诉你,我快成明星啦!

B: Really? You will be a super star? 你被张艺谋看中了?

A: 不是。我参加“阳光女生”的海选,击败了众多对手......对了,海选你明白么?Sea selection! 谁都能参加! 也有人管它叫甄选。

B: Sea selection? 哦,(chuckle) I see. In English, it's called \open audition\Everyone can walk in the door, perform and compete, like American Idol.

A: 没错,就是那种!原来这叫 \开放的,audition, a-u-d-i-t-i-o-n, audition试演选拔,连在一起,open audition就是“海选”或是“甄选”。这么说,I am the winner of the open audition!

B: Well, I don't think you can call yourself a \to advance to the next round.

A: 也是,这次一共一百人过关,进入下一轮比赛。但不管怎样,I was selected! B: Yeah, congratulations! You can also say you made the cut.

A: 哦,make the cut, 就是被选中,过关了。哎,那要是被刷下来,该怎么说呢? B: Then you could say you got eliminated. e-l-i-m-i-n-a-t-e-d, eliminated. A: 明白了,eliminate是淘汰,被淘汰就是get eliminated.

B: That's right. I sure hope you can make it to the final round and not get eliminated!


A: B! 上次我给你的签名照呢?快还给我!

B: Why? 你不是参加“阳光女生”的比赛,要当super star了么? A: 别提了! I got eliminated! B: 被刷下来了?!

A: 是啊。虽然过了第一轮海选,可第二轮一上来就被刷了! 哼! 这里面肯定有潜规则! 对了,潜规则美语怎么说啊? B: Well, if you suspect the competition has some secret, back-door deals, you can say there are some \rules\

A: 哦,unspoken, u-n-s-p-o-k-e-n, unspoken就是“没有明说的”,rules规则;unspoken rules就是“潜规则”喽! B: That's right! So, you think you were cut because the selection process wasn't fair and open, like the competition is following some unspoken rules. Right? A: 没错! 我看,获胜者可能是内定的!

B: If that's true, then the whole competition is rigged! A: rigged?

B: Yes! r-i-g-g-e-d, rigged 就是内定. It means the outcome has been predetermined by the producers. A: 哦,比赛结果被“内定”就是 rigged! 那还比个什么劲儿啊!

B: I agree. Rigged competitions aren't worth attending, because someone is pulling the strings from behind the scenes.

A: 等会儿,你说 someone is pulling the strings from behind the scenes,“从后面拉线”,就是有人幕后操纵的意思,对不对? B: Exactly!


B: A,What are you planning on doing Friday night? A: 星期五晚上我要和几个特别好的朋友聚会,都是女孩儿! B: Wow....A girls' night out! That's awesome!

A: Girls' night out? 没错! 只有女孩参加的姐妹淘聚会! 我们打算在朋友家里吃饭、看片、唱歌,当然,最重要的就是--八卦! 对了,八卦怎么说?

B: 八卦就是 gossip. It means a trivial chat among friends.

A: 哦,聚会时的闲聊八卦就是 gossip. I enjoy gossiping with my friends. 我喜欢和朋友们瞎聊。 But, B, 八卦这个词也有不好的意思,就是传流言蜚语,gossip 也有这种意思么? B: Yes! Gossip can also mean spreading rumors.

A: 哎! 这倒让我想到另外一个和八卦有关的词---八卦杂志,小报儿,怎么说?

B: Those are called tabloids. tabloid is spelled t-a-b-l-o-i-d, tabloid. In America, tabloids usually refer to media that follow celebrity scandals.

A: 哦,tabloid 就是专门报道名人丑闻的八卦媒体。所以我可以说 tabloid magazines, 八卦杂志,也可以说 tabloid web site,八卦网站。 B: 对。

A: I see. So, what about the reporters who gather information for the tabloids---狗仔队! 怎么说?doggies? B: No! 狗仔队是paparazzi, p-a-p-a-r-a-z-z-i, paparazzi. It's in plural form.

A: 那我可以说. The local paparazzi are following this movie star everywhere.当地的狗仔队四处跟踪这个电影明星。对么?

B: 没错! 你好聪明呀,哈哈~


A: Hi B, how was your year at college? B: It was great! How was your year?

A: It was good. Do you have a girlfriend at school?

B: Yes, I'm dating someone. Her name is Amanda. C: 怪不得B在大学里过得这么高兴,原来是交了女朋友!

D: That's right, C. If you have a boyfriend or a girlfriend, you can say that you're dating someone.

C: 哦, 如果我有男朋友,就可以说 \或者说\。那我现在没有男朋友,该怎么说呢?

D: Then you can say that \

C: 哦,\就是说我没恋爱,还是只身一人。 D: That's right, C. Now let's hear how B met his girlfriend. A: How did you meet your girlfriend? B: I met Amanda through a friend.

A: That's great. Did you start dating right after you met, or did you become friends first? B: We started dating right away.

D: C, did you hear where B met his girlfriend?

C: 他们是通过朋友介绍认识的,而且立刻开始约会! 不知道他们交往多久了。 D: Well, let's listen and find out!

A: When did you and Amanda meet each other? B: I met her about one year ago.

A: So you met her right after you got to school? B: That's right. We've been dating since last September.

C: 他们俩人从去年九月开始约会,这么说他们在一起一年了! 看起来他们对这份感情还挺认真的。 D: That's right, C. They sound like a serious couple.

C: 像B这样专一的男生现在可不多了,不知道怎样才能找到这么好的男生。 A: So you said you and Amanda met through a mutual friend. How did it happen? B: Well, my roommate was friends with Amanda, so he introduced us. A: Did he tell you what she was like first?

B: Yes, he described her to me, and she sounded like my type. C: D Bowman, B说 Amanda 听起来是他的\这是什么意思? D: Your \

C: 哦,原来 your type 就是你喜欢的那种人。B 的室友一跟B描述Amanda, B就觉得,这个女孩正是他心目中的理想女友!

A: So B, what is your type?

B: I like girls who like to have fun, and aren't too serious. A: I agree. I like guys that can make me laugh.

B: That's true. Having a very serious boyfriend or girlfriend can be boring. C: 其实B和A听上去倒是挺班配的。

D: Yes, they both like people who like to have fun and make them laugh. C: B跟Amanda交往那么久,两人一定很合得来,就是不知道是不是一见钟情。 D: Let's listen and find out. A: How did you first meet?

B: My roommate invited both of us to dinner.

A: Was it love at first sight? Did you fall in love with her the first time you met her? B: Yes! The first time I saw her I knew we would fall in love.

C: 果然是一见钟情! 好浪漫哦! 不过,还多亏了B室友这个月下佬帮忙!

D: That's true, C! Match people are important! Do you know computers now can work as match makers?

C: 哦, 您说的是专门替人找对象的网站吧! 的确,很多人现在用这种online dating来寻找伴侣,只要在电脑上输入your \电脑就会帮你找到你的另一半。不过真交往起来并不一定合适。 D: That's true. C, we've heard a lot about B's relationship. Now let's find out about A. B: What about you, A? Have you dated anyone recently? A: I started to date someone recently, but it didn't work out. B: That's too bad. What happened?

A: Well ... that's a long story.


A: C 给D做媒,让她和自己的另一位朋友E 约会。

B: Today C and D have met for coffee to talk about how D's date with E went. C: So D, what did you think of E? Did you guys have a nice time on your first date?

D: Oh yeah, it was great! He took me to an Italian restaurant and we had an amazing conversation. I told him about how many kids I want, and how my parents will be so excited to meet him. C: You said all that on the first date? Alright .... Well are you two going out again?

D: Yeah! I called him after I got home to arrange our next date, but unfortunately his grandma is sick so he has been busy every night visiting her in the hospital.

A: B Bowman,看来这个E还真是a catch! D好象对他很满意,甚至提到去见父母和生孩子的事呢!不过,第一次约会就说这么严肃的事儿,会把男生吓跑的。

B: Judging from my personal experience, that's very possible! Did you hear that E's grandmother got sick right after his date with D? That's a little odd.

A: 就是啊! D一约E,E就说自己奶奶病重,哪有这么巧的事?! 八成是他不想再见面,所以找的借口! C: E told you that his grandmother is sick, huh? What exactly did he say?

D: He said his grandmother got cancer and has only a few weeks to live. It's really so sad! But when I talked to him on the phone, it sounded like he was holding up really well. C: It didn't sound like he was too upset, huh? What did you tell him?

D: I asked if there was anything I could do to help his family, and I told him that I could be a shoulder for him to cry on.

C: Well I hate to tell you this D, but both of E's grandmothers passed away more than five years ago. A: B Bowman, C说 E 的祖母五年前就“passed away”了, “pass away”不是去世的意思么?

B: Exactly. Sometimes people say that someone \ A: 怪不得E在电话里 holding up so well---没有悲恸欲绝,原来奶奶生病真是他编出来的借口!

D: What do you mean his grandmothers are already dead? Wait a minute, you don't think he's avoiding me, do you? C: Well you know, claiming that your grandmother is sick is the classic excuse used to get out of doing something. D: Oh man, I hate rejection. It really makes you feel terrible, especially when you really liked the person. C: Is there anything I can do to help? Just remember that I'm there for you if you want to talk about it. A: B, 我常听美国人说“being there for somebody,”这到底是什么意思呢?

B: \period.

A: Oh, being there for someone就是某人遇到困难时在他身边支持他,鼓励他。

D: Thanks. Sometimes talking with a friend is a great way to get over something. Do you mind if I vent a little bit? C: Of course not. If you're feeling bad and want to let your emotions out, you can just say whatever you want to me. D: Great, because I am really mad at E. I mean, what kind of an idiot wouldn't be able to appreciate a smart, beautiful woman like me? Anybody who would be friends with that guy has to be really dumb. 天下乌鸦一般黑,男人全都靠不住!

C: Uh, D .... you know I'm friends with E.

D: Oh right .... present company excluded, of course! 额~~当然了,在场者除外嘛~ 嘿嘿……

