Inventory- mobile Internet revenue model to explore-毕业论文翻译

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Inventory: mobile Internet revenue model to


(Research papers Download Communications) mobile Internet products profit model is the Internet has long been exploring the question of how the characteristics for mobile Internet products, without compromising the user experience at the expense of valuable profitable is a question worth considering. LinkedIn launched its first mobile advertising, its profit model is gradually clear up. mobile Internet products profit model is the Internet has long been exploring the question of how the characteristics for mobile Internet products, without compromising the expense of valuable user experience is profitable a question worth considering. now inescapable face several common profit model, the mobile Internet company really is no other choice yet?

Those mainstream profit model

The mainstream of current mobile Internet products can be divided into three categories profit model: Advertising, IAP, Freemium. These three profit model has its own characteristics, the charges against the crowd and 1

toll strategies are also different.


Applications embedded advertising revenue model can be said that mobile Internet products using the most common form of profit model, we see part of the application and most of the games are using this profit model. Applications embedded advertising mode operation is relatively simple, just banner ads placed in the application interface fixed position (usually the top or bottom) to the same time, different application also provides different ways to advertising have to go through paid advertising applications downloaded to achieve the boring ads part of the purpose of user fees, but also more modest way by finding win user contributions provided on the basis of sympathy to advertising services. embarrassments Wikipedia iPhone client is seeking contributions to advertising the way a typical example.

Application embedded advertising ways shortcomings are obvious. Embedded advertising of varying quality, most advertisers and application of any link does not exist in itself, embedded advertising space occupied by the user’s visual, affecting the user 2

experience, earnings results and no quite that good, although shortcomings obvious, but there are still a considerable number of mobile Internet company that uses advertising revenue model, can not find a better product for their own profit model before, embedded ads can only be counted as an expedient meter, can not be maintained for long.

IAP (In-App Purchase)

IAP (in-app purchase) more common mode of mobile games, provided the purchase is basically the game takes coins or other consumables. Others have tried using the IAP applications profit model, App Store application while ago recommended list the famous Repix is ​​a very typical profit model using IAP application. Repix initially contains very limited in a small portion of the filter brushes available to the user experience, and more brush bag filter is set to be purchased by Unlock form. insourcing model the basic idea is the most basic functions in the application will be open to users. soon as the user of the application’s functionality or the formation of an interest in a preliminary usage, the application can be purchased by 3

the user provides advanced features or additional features to unlock service. IAP mode depends on the user’s initial experience is very strong, if you open the basic functions are not well attract users or to give users a better experience, it is difficult to let users further for this application spend more money.

Compared with other types of applications, mobile games using IAP mode is more common, and the results are better, relatively speaking the game is relatively easier to make a specific user group (ie for a specific game types) have some sticky sex, but also can more easily take advantage of gamers psychological and personality weaknesses, and then set the appropriate purchase price within the effect will be significantly better than other types of applications, while the tools can not be applied if a good grasp of the fundamental needs of the user , provided insourcing difficult to achieve the desired effect, and may even have been criticized by users. IAP mode mobile Internet company can bring some benefits, but the income is not stable, the effect is not satisfactory.


The so-called Freemium model, meaning that 4

through the part of the free service to attract users, and then through the provision of value added services, a portion of the free users into paying customers. Freemium model is the most common in the network disk, mail client, web albums, cloud notepad and telephone network and so many different types of Internet products. This model is a bit obvious, a free service to the greatest extent possible to the user the best experience, even free users can make good use of the vast majority of applications function, when part of the free user-generated sticky enough, the higher needs of the users into paying customers will naturally come to enjoy value-added services. Freemium model and IAP biggest difference lies in the concept. IAP trying to restrict the larger part of the function and the additional property to force users to pay for the use of such applications the user will have a feeling of being abducted, while Freemium follow is “Pareto’s Law”, that 80% of users are free users, only 20% or less proportional High-end users will become paying customers through the use of a long process, so there is no pressure on the part of the user or a sense of not being forced on the basis of naturally into paying customers to 5

pay for value-added services, so that the application of this model to use There is a user in the initial process of accumulation, in this process produces almost no paying customers when the number of users, when accumulated to a certain extent, the use of the basic form habits, then the amount of paid subscribers will begin to grow, while only one small part of the paying customers for the company’s revenue to make up for the early stages offers free services to bring upfront expenditures.

Evernote Freemium model as the most successful application of a typical case, the Internet company has set a good example. Evernote users can make free use most of the functionality, but the cloud space to expand and mobile devices such as password protection and other high value-added features for an extra fee. Evernote paying customers is not high, but the monthly income has so many Internet companies catch up. Freemium model currently is generally considered a better profit model of Internet companies, but also the most suitable characteristics of a mobile Internet revenue model .

But also how to earn money

Due to the characteristics of the mobile Internet, 6

mobile Internet for profit model is also subject to certain restrictions. Several profit model in front of a handful of Internet companies really have no other choice yet? Here are two ideas, Although not necessarily suitable for all types of mobile Internet products, but if trigger our thinking, perhaps you can get some inspiration.

For a long time, the mobile terminal product revenue mostly from the user, which means users need to pay some of the services they receive money. And if for an idea, rather than allowing users to get some lose some, but from another channels to get income, so that both allow users to more easily accept, Internet companies can profit from.

Allowing users to get and not lose

“Micro errand” is the front-end time on the line a crowdsourcing form of task docking platform APP, Internet companies and other brand enterprises, enterprises will provide labor tasks through crowdsourcing in the form of APP is provided to the user, while registered users through the completion APP provides tasks to receive rates.

This application uses crowdsourcing form, in fact, 7

