年产10亿片健胃消食片设计说明书(定稿)(1) - 图文

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Yibin University



题 目:年产10亿片健胃消食片前处理车间工艺设计 专 业:制 药 工 程 姓 名:郑旸 陶莉 周秋 杨岚 潘秀娟 年 级:2 0 1 3级 指导老师:朱登磊 贾春梅 谢蒋平


摘 要


设计内容包括物料流程图、物料衡算、工艺设备计算与选型、车间布置设计、带控制点工艺流程图和平面布置图,并编写了设计说明书。本设计根据任务书的要求,通过工艺计算,对工艺流程、设备选型、车间总布局进行合理设计,同时根据物耗确定主要设备,并对生产管理、三废治理和安全生产等进行了设计。 关键词::健胃消食片 工艺流程 车间布置



The curriculum introduces the annual output of 3000000 pieces of stromach digestion pre-treament process design. The presciprition for the yam,hetrerophylla, hawthorn, fried malt, orange peel .The design process route is: Take half of the amount and yam heterophylla crushed into fine powder, dried tangerine peel, etc. the rest of the shamisen, and the remaining Prince Edward attend boiled twice 2 hours, combined decoction filtration,the filtrate concentrated to a thick paste temperature or condensed into a relative density of 1.08 ~ 1.12 (65 ℃) of clear paste, spray drying.Adding the powder, the amount of sucrose and dextrin, mixing, made of particles, pressed dried, into tablets

This product is brown particles, sweet, bitter or sweet taste, slightly bitter flavor (no sugar). All content including design of process design, material balance, calculation of process equipment, material flow, process flow diagram with control points, in part section in piping design, writing design specifications. The design according to the requirements of the mission statement, calculated through the process of process, a reasonable selection of equipment designed, according to the main equipment to determine energy and material consumption, and production management, waste management and other design. The design of the raw materials for recycling, which routes the advanced technology used, low cost, product quality. Keywords: The stromach digestion Pian, Process design, Workshop arrangement.



目 录

摘 要 ................................................. I Abstract .................................................. II 第一章 生产任务及设计依据 ............................... 1

1.1 生产规模及生产任务 ................................ 1 1.2 设计依据 .......................................... 1 1.3 设计原则 .......................................... 1 1.4 工艺装备设计概况 .................................. 1 第二章 处方、处方来源及方解 ............................. 2

2.1 健胃消食片处方 .................................... 2 2.2 制法 .............................................. 2 2.3 性状 .............................................. 2 2.4 鉴别 .............................................. 2 2.5 检查 .............................................. 3 2.6 含量测定 .......................................... 3 2.7 功能与主治 ........................................ 3 2.8 用法与用量 ........................................ 3 2.9 规格 .............................................. 4 2.10贮藏 .............................................. 4 第三章 生产过程 ......................................... 5

3.1 生产工艺流程 ...................................... 5 3.2 生产流程 .......................................... 6 3.2.1 原生药材的整理炮制 .............................. 6 3.2.2 原药材的水提浓缩过程 ............................ 6 3.2.3 制片包装过程 .................................... 6 第四章 物料衡算 ......................................... 8

4.1所用数据和相关参数................................. 9 4.2工作任务 ........................................... 9 4.3各工段物料衡算 ..................................... 9 4.3.1 粉碎工段 ......................................... 9 4.3.2 水提工段 ........................................ 10 4.3.3 浓缩工段 ........................................ 12 第五章 工艺设备计算及选型 ............................... 14

5.1切药机 ............................................ 14 5.2多功能提取罐 ...................................... 14 5.3三效蒸发器 ........................................ 15 第六章 车间布置设计 .................................... 17

6.1简述 .............................................. 17 6.2厂址选择与工厂布置................................ 17 6.2.1厂址的选择 ...................................... 17 6.2.2工厂布置 ........................................ 19 6.3车间设备布置 ...................................... 20 6.4工艺管道布置 ...................................... 22



第七章 主要生产岗位操作规程 ............................. 22

7.1前处理生产岗位生产要点 ........................... 22 7.2提取浓缩岗位生产要点 ............................. 23 7.3多功能提取罐设备运行和操作规程 ................... 23 7.4三效浓缩设备运行和操作规程 ....................... 24 7.5生产流程控制要点.................................. 24 第八章 安全生产和“三废”处理 ........................... 25

8.1 严格按照生产操作规程操作 ......................... 25 8.2 主要污染物及处理方法 ............................. 25 8.2.1 废气 ............................................ 25

8.2.2 废水 ............................................ 25 8.2.3 废渣 ............................................ 25 8.2.4 噪声 ............................................ 25 8.3编制依据 .......................................... 25 8.4设计采用的环保标准................................ 25 8.4.1 环境质量标准 .................................... 25 8.4.2 排放标准 ........................................ 25 8.5主要污染源及主要污染物 ........................... 26 8.5.主要污染源 ........................................ 26 8.5.2主要污染 ........................................ 26 小 结 .................................................. 28 致 谢 .................................................. 28 参考文献 ................................................. 29 附录一 设备一览表

附录二 带控制点的工艺流程图 附录三 车间平面图


