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一、 单词拼写

题型一 根据句意及所给汉语提示或英文释义写出单词

一、 (2018·江苏常州)

1. —How much time do you need to carry on with the project?

—Another ________(四) days.

2. Do you know what the exact ________(人口) of China is?

3. Finally,we managed to hand out all the 1,000 posters ________(凭借) others' help.

4. Miss Gao can always come up with ________(幽默) ideas to make her class lively.

二、 (2018·江苏盐城)

1. You should be ________(勇敢的)enough to face your life.

2. It is the 200th anniversary of the________(生日) of Karl Marx this year.

3. Give every day a ________(机会)to become the most beautiful of your life.

4. The teens took a photo of smiling faces to welcome World Smile Day in ________(五月).

5. The 2022 Beijing Olympic Games ________(鼓励) the public to pay attention to winter sports.

三、 (2018·江苏宿迁)

1. Although she is in her ________(八十),Tu Youyou still keeps on doing research on medicine.

2. Zhu Zhiwen won a talent show called TheSound





________(嗓音) and wonderful acting skills.

3. Before travelling,my mother often ________(准备) everything well.

4. Neil's coach gave him several suggestions to ________(避免) getting lost.

5. Natural resources are very important for us. And we should use them ________(明智地).

6. According to a survey,the average number of ________(日常的) steps of people across the world is 4,961.

7. It was ________(粗心的) of my little brother to leave the door open when he went to the cinema last night.

8. It's ________(not interesting) for me to stay at home all day long.

9. —Why are you in such a hurry,Cathy? —My dad and mum don't ________(let someone do something) me to stay out late.

四、 (2018·江苏泰州)

1. Shared bikes can help people travel around freely in cities without ________(污染).

2. Last weekend,at the welcome party,

the host ________(介绍) the history and culture of Taizhou to the guests.

3. People all over the country feel proud that all China's spacecraft have ________(成功地) returned to the earth.

4. The driver ________(后悔) his carelessness in driving and went to the hospital to say sorry to his passengers.

5. The Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge is considered as one of the “seven wonders of the ________(现代的) world”.

五、 (2018·江苏苏州)

1. Come on! Suzhou Museum is only a few ________(步) further.

2. How ________(幸运的) they are to have such a good teacher!

3. Mr. Sigmund Friend is used to________(处理) with all kinds of problems.






________(条件) if you want to achieve success.

5. A long time ago it was ________(广泛地) believed that there was life on Mars.

6. With all her efforts,the children finally ________(接受) her as one of the family.

7. When talking to British people,we should ________(避免) subjects like age,weight or money.

六、 (2018·江苏南京)

1. Simon,________(推) hard when I tell you to.

2. —What's the ________(日期) today,Millie?

—It's 17 June. Oh,tomorrow is Dragon Boat Festival.

3. Students can ask for help ________(无

论何时) they need it at school.

4. Lin Tao was________(勇敢的) enough to save his neighbour from a fire.

5. Look,our library is ________(东) of the classroom building. It looks modern.

七、 (2018·江苏连云港)

1. Diana was a little fat in the past. But now she is much ________(瘦的) than before.

2. Paul has found a new job and is ________(考虑) moving to a new flat near his company.

3. —Do you like watching these TED ________(演说) online?

—Yes,I've learned a lot from them. 4. Some foreigners living in our city will be ________(邀请) to share their life experiences with us.

5. —Have you ever use Meitu?

—Of course. It's one of the most ________(广泛地) used free photo editing apps in the world.

八、 (2018·江苏扬州)

1. Visitors to Yangzhou can enjoy a bite of ________(当地的) dishes at Yechun Tea House.

2. Ge Garden with an area of 12,000 ________(平方的) meters houses over 60 types of bamboo.

3. Some valuable jewellery in that shop was ________(偷) last week.

4. Yangzhou Eight Eccentrics were a group of________(艺术家) who create their own style.

5. China ________(速度) has changed our country and impressed the world.

九、 (2018·江苏南通)

1. In Western culture,“Black ________(星期五)” sometimes represents an unlucky day.

2. How calm and brave the command ________(飞行员) was to fly the plane back safely in such a dangerous situation!

3. We don't ________(be not sure if something is true) the great achievements China has made in the past 40 years.

4. The Chens have moved into a new flat,leaving their old house ________(having nobody inside).

十、 (2018·江苏镇江)

1. Kitty________(邮寄) a special present to her father last Father's Day.

2. Giraffes are quite tall. Their long necks help them eat the________(树叶) from trees.

3. —Don't tell the secret to a third person. Just keep it to________(我们自己).

—Trust me,please.

4. We depend on nature to live,so it is necessary for us to protect it________(明智地,充满智慧地).

5. —Would you mind________(分享) your ideas?

—Certainly not. 十一、 (2018·江苏无锡)

1. Hey! What are you listening to? It's a ________(私人的) conversation.

2. When you have the ________(选择) of being right or being kind,choose kind.

3. It's a tradition of this school to ________(命名) its buildings after great people.

4. Frank hasn't got any hobbies ________(除非) you call watching TV a


十二、 (2018·广西贵港)

1. Today is the boy's ________(第九) birthday. His mother made him a big cake.

2. For your own ________(安全),please do not smoke inside the plane.

3. Walk along the road and you can find the subway station ________(容易地).

4. They believe in ________(他们自己) and they can overcome the difficulties.

5. Before we make a decision,we should ________(讨论) it carefully together.

十三、 (2018·广西桂林)

1. My pet animal is a ________(猫). 2. Wang Ling goes to school by ________(公共汽车).

3. Guilin is a ________(美丽的) city. 4. Chinese often ________(微笑) when we meet visitors.







十四、 (2018·湖北荆门)

1. Many young people look up to space________(英雄) and want to become like them.

2. Careful________(准备)for the exam is necessary for us students.

3. Ms. Lee is always________(耐心的) with her class for she never gets angry.

4. After three years' hard work,he finally ________(赶上) up with his classmates.

十五、 (2018·山东滨州)

1. You'll be ________(惩罚) if you break the traffic rules.

2. In my hometown,there was a big old

tree ________(在……对面) the school.

3. In most countries,Thanksgiving is always on the fourth ________(星期四) in November.

4. On March 14th,2018,the world-famous British ________(科学家),Stephen Hawking,made many mistakes in this math test.

3. Whenever I go out,my mother is always worried about my________(安全).

4. I find the life move________(慢慢地) in this city.

5. The hospital always________(提供) died at 76 in Cambridge,UK.

5. Maybe you are just one of millions in the world,but to me,you are the ________(整体的) world.

十六、 (2018·山东济宁)

1. People often fly kites on sunny and ________(多风) days.

2. It's a good habit to brush your ________(牙齿) after a meal.

3. The stamp I bought yesterday ________(花费) me 20 yuan.

4. When we left,the kids said goodbye to us________(礼貌).

十七、 (2018·四川南充)

1. Although Peter's mom is ________(残疾的),he still takes pride in her.

2. It is good for our health to eat more fruit and ________(蔬菜).

3. He's a nice boy. He always talks to others ________(礼貌地).

4. On her ________(第十二) birthday,she received a valuable present from her aunt.

5. Our graduation ceremony is coming. Let's come up with some useful ideas to ________(庆祝) it.

十八、 (2018·四川德阳)

1. If you work hard,your________(梦想) can come true.

2. Tom was so________(粗心的) that he

the best medical service for us.

十九、 (2018·四川乐山)

1. Tom,take out the rubbish. Mum will be ________(发疯) if she sees this mess.

2. During the next few days,I have decided to have a good rest by taking a walk or seeing a film. I really need to ________(放松).

3. To sing an English song ________(正确地),I listen to the CD again and again,and check every word in the dictionary.

4. I couldn't help laughing loudly when I heard such a ________(humorous) story.

5. TiangongⅠ,China's first space lab,________(come back) to the earth after finishing its job on April 2 this year.

二十、 (2018·浙江宁波)

1. April is the________(第四) month of the year.

2. The________(努力) you work,the more progress you'll make.

3. There will be a high-speed railway ________(在……之间) Ningbo and Zhoushan.

4. The use of new energy cars helps to reduce air ________(污染).

5. Drinking too much juice can be ________(有害的) to people's teeth.

6. I met a friend of ________(她的) in the

street yesterday.

7. I can't hear you ________(清楚地). Please speak a little bit louder.

8. —Who is ________(敲) at the door? —Maybe it's the postman.

9. Liu Chuanjian is considered a ________(英雄) because he safely landed the hard.

3. To better understand the habits of elephants,the government spent a lot of money doing________(科学研究).

二十四、 (2018·甘肃天水)

1. Her ways of learning English are similar to ________(我的).

damaged plane.

10. Mr. Smith ________(亲吻) his wife and kids before he goes to work every day.

二十一、 (2018·山东烟台)

1. To my surprise,he has________(完全) forgotten the pleasant trip.

2. Eating too much salt ________(增加) the risk of high blood pressure.

3. We all like to be with Rita because she is very ________(诚实) and kind.

4. Generally speaking,excellent learners have some good habits in________(相同).

5. Liu Chuanjian is one of the most outstanding ________(飞行员) that I have ever known.

二十二、 (2018·四川遂宁)

1. A famous writer will come to my school to give a speech next ________(星期六).

2. More and more people have realized that we shouldn't ________(浪费) food.

3. The government pays more attention to the ________(传统的) festivals.

二十三、 (2018·云南曲靖)

1. —Without an________(身份证),you can't go anywhere in today's world.

—I agree. It's of great use.

2. I was feeling cold outside but warm inside,while the ________(北风) was blowing

2. Asking for help ________(礼貌地) is very important.

二十五、 (2018·广西河池)

1. I saw two ________(猫) running from the old house.

2. This problem is very ________(容易的) for me.

3. There is a river ________(在……附近) my school.

二十六、 (2018·山东泰安)

1. China has been making many great ________(成就) in every field these years,which amazes the world.

2. Teenagers should be ________(鼓励) to learn and spread Chinese traditional culture.

二十七、 (2018·湖北孝感)

1. We take ________(自豪,骄傲) in our traditional Chinese culture.

2. My grandfather keeps ________(健康的) by eating well and exercising regularly.

二十八、 (2018·四川凉山)

1. It rained heavily. It was too dark for us to see the road ________(清楚).

2. Scrooge is mean and only thinks about himself. And he doesn't ________(对待) others nicely.

二十九、 (2018·安徽)

1. My grandparents are ________(忙碌) making zongzi for the Dragon Boat Festival.

5. You'd better not stay out ________ with your friends. You need to come back by 9 p.m.

二十三、 (2018·贵州铜仁) 1. To be a teacher is my d________. 2. Tom is old enough to take c________ everyday lives.

二、 (2018·湖北孝感)

1. The students in the village go on a ropeway to ________/kr?s/ the river to school.

三、 (2018·山东威海)

of himself.

3. There are seven days in a w________. 4. S________ is the first season in a year. 5. They often r________ a bike to work. 二十四、 (2018·新疆阜康米泉) 1. S________ is the first day of the week. 2. You're good at drawing. Why not j________ our school art club? 3. You should drink e________water every day,at least eight glasses.

题型三 根据句意和音标提示写出单词

一、 (2018·湖北随州)

1. Nothing is a ________/we?st/ if you have a creative mind.

2. We ________/ 'v?lju? / the time we spend with our family and friends in our

1. I looked into the classroom but I found it ________/'empt?/.

2. Tina is a ________/'spe??l/ friend of mine.

3. Most of the teenagers admire ________/'h??r??z/.

4. The ________/'si?kr?t/ of his success was hard work.

5. I ________/n?kt/ at the door,but there was no answer.

6. She was seriously ill,but now she is out of ________/'de?nd??/.

7. The boy ________/θru?/ a stone at a bird but missed it.

8. They tried hard to provide a beautiful ________/?n'va??r?nm?nt/ for the children.

二、 词形变化

题型一 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空

一、 (2018·江苏徐州) 1.






4. Qian Xuesen ________(consider) as “ Father of Missile(导弹) in China”.







________(tidy). You should learn to be organized.

6. Miss White often has us ________(tell) ________(dance).

2. Their house is just like our house,but ________(we) has a bigger balcony.

3. Yuan Longping is one of the ________(great) people that have ever lived,I think.






________(simple) because it was cheap.

5. I need ________(silent) when I am studying.

二、 (2018·江苏无锡)

1. —I really hate myself for what I said to Mum the other day.

—I know the ________(feel). It's awful,isn't it?

2. How can I trust you? You've ________(lie) to me again and again.

3. It's ________(high) possible that humans have to move to Mars in the future.

4. The tourists had waited at the airport for







三、 (2018·江苏宿迁) 1. —Can I help you,sir?

—A box of ________(tomato),please. 2. I ________(not finish) my homework yet. I am afraid I can't go to the park with you.

3. Our earth is becoming more and more ________(pollute) because of the rapid increase in population.

interesting stories in her English class.

7. Deep in his heart,Nelson Mandela wanted to help the black people to live ________(free).

8. At present there are many online courses and we can choose some to study by


9. Squirrels always like saving some food before winter comes. But they forget where ________(find) it from time to time.

10. Besides beautiful forests and sunny beaches,Hainan Province has a lot more for you








四、 (2018·江苏盐城)

1. It is ________(polite) to speak loudly in public.

2. All of us should look straight ahead and keep ________(run).

3. Dickinson's poems are very popular with ________(read) even today.






________(rapid),and we should keep up with the pace of change.

5. Modern Chinese Art ________(it) needs new works to keep it alive and moving forward.

五、 (2018·江苏淮安)

1. On ________(rain) days,the traffic is heavier than usual.

2. Man can't live ________(with) air or water.

3. Come on,Sam. Believe in ________(you). You can work out the problem on your own.

4. You look very tired. Why not ________(take) a rest?

5. RobinsonCrusoe(《鲁滨逊漂流记》) by Daniel Defoe is ________(wide) read by teenagers in our city.

6. The two ________(president) wives also took part in the charity show.

7. He tried all the ways he could think of ________(protect) himself against all possible dangers.

六、 (2018·江苏常州) 1. —Is this your umbrella?

—No,it's another ________(visit). 2. —How much should I pay?

—18 yuan in all,________(include) the pen you picked out just now.

3. Time is limited. You'd better make a ________(decide) right now.

4. Nothing is ________(possible). It means everything can happen if you make efforts.

七、 (2018·江苏扬州)

1. Cells are the ________(small) and most basic units of living matter.

2. There is a place in my heart where all nations will live ________(peace) some day.

3. Tom is thinking about going as a cowboy for the ________(five) year at Halloween.

4. Dad ________(bring) them to our house and Mum soon had a lunch ready for them.

5. The librarian was ________(smile) at

me and seemed friendly.

八、 (2018·江苏南京) 1. —It's raining again!

—Yeah,this is the ________(four) rainy day in the week!

2. You watch TV all the time. You should ________(go) out and relax!

3. We are going to Paris next week. It's a good chance to try some ________(France) dishes.

4. Shi Yuqi,a badminton ________(play) from Jiangsu,helped China win the 2018 Thomas Cup.

5. Thanks for all the ________(member) hard work! More and more people have learned how to keep kids from danger now.

九、 (2018·江苏泰州)

1. As China continues developing quickly,the Chinese language becomes ________(popular) than before.

2. Stephen Hawking ________(die) for over 3 months,but his spirit still lives on.

3. My uncle often listens to soft music to relax ________(he) after a busy day.





________(separate) by the Yangtze River,and a new bridge will connect the two cities in the near future.

5. All the family members are busy getting ready for my father's ________(forty) birthday party.

十、 (2018·贵州贵阳)

1. To achieve our dreams,we must take every life choice ________(serious).

2. If more people give up ________(drive) cars,the air will get much cleaner.

3. Nostalgia was ________(write) by the

famous Chinese poet Yu Guangzhong.

4. Mark is very ________(help). He often fixes up people's broken bikes for free.

5. The true ________(mean) of Christmas is sharing and giving love to people around us.

十一、 (2018·甘肃兰州)

1. There are many ________(different) between the twins. One is shy,but the other is national________(hero). We should learn from him.

5. Everyone was________(surprise) to see her at the party hast night.

十三、 (2018·湖北荆门)

1. The weather report says it will be________(sun) in the following two days.

2. As a mountain climber, Aron is used outgoing.

2. I didn't watch TV last night,because my TV set was ________(break).

3. Before you answer the question,please think it ________(careful).

4. As we all know,Teachers' Day is in the ________(nine) month of the year. It is the best time for us to show our love and respect to them.

5. It is raining outside. Why not ________(take) an umbrella with you?

6. Though the little boy is young,he can dress ________(he) without anyone's help.

7. After finishing ________(do) your homework,you can have a good rest.

8. Teenagers should be ________(allow) to make their own decisions.

9. The more trees we plant in our city,the ________(beautiful) Lanzhou will be.

10. Look! The Smiths ________(eat) dinner in the kitchen.

十二、 (2018·广西北部湾)

1. He is too weak. It's ________(possible) for him to move the heavy box.

2. My cousin has a pet dog.________(it) name is Wangwang.

3. I________(forget) to turn off the light when I left my room yesterday.








to________(take) risks.

3. Every coin has two sides. My bad luck has ________(unexpected) turned into a good thing.

十四、 (2018·甘肃武威)

1. An apple a day ________(keep) the doctor away.

2. Too much sugar is bad for your ________(tooth).

3. The days of spring are ________(wind) and bright.

4. You shouldn't be too hard on ________(you).

5. Many April Fool's jokes may end up ________(be) not very funny.

6. I haven't seen them ________(recent). 7. This machine can ________(translate) simple messages into 24 different languages.

8. I





________(two) but he hasn't given me any


9. Please be quiet. The children ________(sleep).

10. My father usually goes to work early ________(avoid) heavy traffic.

十五、 (2018·贵州安顺)

1. December is the________(twelve) month of a year.

2. Tom is one of the________(popular)

students in the class.

3. The famous star has________(die) for nearly 15 years.






the________(pronounce) of the new word?

5. Look! So many________(girl) students die because of air ________(pollute).

6. Jimmy could not sleep at first. He finally fell ________(sleep) when the rainstorm stopped at midnight.

7. It is very ________(help) for me to have conversations with friends in English are enjoying themselves on the playground.

十六、 (2018·湖南常德)

1. John likes ________(strawberry) very much.

2. Jack is________(tall) and more outgoing than me.

3. Teenagers should________(allow) to choose their own clothes.

4. There ________(be) a book and two rulers on the desk.

5. If he ________(go) to the party,he'll have a good time.

6. —Could you please tell________(he) to call me back?

—Sure,no problem. 7. It





children________(learn) how to do chores at


十七、 (2018·山东临沂)

1. Children will be in danger in a swimming pool if their parents don't take good care of ________(they).

2. Chinese scientists have successfully cloned (克隆) two ________(monkey). They are named Zhong Zhong and Hua Hua.

3. The oceans are ________(heavy) polluted by plastic waste.

4. An American father made pretty dresses for his daughter out of his ________(wife) old shirts.

5. Every year,about 6.5 million people

every day. My speaking skills have certainly improved.

8. We should protect the endangered wild animals,or they will ________(appear) in the near future.

十八、 (2018·山东烟台)

1. Father had his car________(repair) in the 4S shop last week.

2. We're supposed ________(spread) positive energy everywhere we go.

3. Town Cinema has ________(comfort) seats than Guangming Cinema.



haven't made a________(decide)where to



summer vacation.

5. The old lady living on the ________(five) floor sometimes dances with her husband on the square.

十九、 (2018·甘肃武威)

1. An apple a day ________(keep) the doctor away.

2. Too much sugar is bad for your ________(tooth).

3. The days of spring are ________(wind) and bright.

4. You shouldn't be too hard on ________(you).

5. Many April Fool's jokes may end up ________(be) not very funny.

6. I haven't seen them ________(recent). 7. This machine can ________(translate)

simple messages into 24 different languages.

8. reply.

9. Please be quiet. The children ________(sleep).

10. My father usually goes to work early I





________(two) but he hasn't given me any

a ________(sudden) change of our plan.

5. Mark was the only student that was ________(choose) to attend the meeting.

6. —Perhaps one day I may go on a ________(relax) holiday.

—Yeah,dream on!

7. This shirt is a little expensive. Can you ________(avoid) heavy traffic.

二十、 (2018·四川遂宁)

1. It's our duty to help parents to do some________(clean) at home.

2. To my surprise,our P. E. teacher can speak English________(perfect).

二十一、 (2018·湖北孝感)

1. Molly studies________(hard) than her best friend Mary.

2. When I was free, I really enjoyed________(walk) around the town.

二十二、 (2018·山东莱芜) 1.






________(quiet) in the library.

2. Teenagers should learn how to protect ________(they) from all kinds of danger.

3. This is Mary's ________(three) time to visit the beautiful city.

4. The second-hand car is much ________(cheap) than the new one.

二十三、 (2018·内蒙古包头)

1. Before reaching an ________(agree),they had a heated discussion.

2. —I am ________(awful) sorry. I broke your camera by accident.

—Never mind. I'm sure you didn't do it on purpose and it can't be helped.

3. Her father ________(drop) her off at the school gate and then drove to work.

4. Because of the bad weather,there was

show me a ________(cheap) one?

8. Good luck is when a chance comes and you're ________(prepare) for it.

9. —Can you tell me the way to the Central Hospital?

—Sorry. I myself am a ________(strange) to this city.

10. They've been friends for many years and they both ________(value) their friendship very much.

二十四、 (2018·上海) 1.






________(stamp) in his spare time.

2. Look! The________(six) lady from the left in the photo is my favourite teacher.

3. Jessie cooked a meal for her big family by________(she) on New Year's Eve.

4. Shirley is an early bird. It was________(usual) for her to be late for school today.





was________(serious) hurt in the earthquake several weeks ago.

6. The ________(develop) of AI (人工智能) will enable us to learn more about our brains.

7. I will never________(forgetful) the days I spent with my host family in Britain.

8. As we all know,a________(care) driver is always a danger to the public.

二十五、 (2018·云南曲靖)

1. —What do you usually do on weekends?

—I sometimes go to the old people's home as a ________(help).

2. Beipanjiang Bridge in my hometown is________(cool) one I have ever seen.

3. Boys and girls,safety comes first! It's important







4. —I have been running into a lot of troubles these days.






________(worry) are normal in daily life.

5. With great courage and effort,Liu Chuanjian,a national hero,________(success) landed the plane,saving over 100 people.

二十六、 (2018·云南)

1. Grace loves dancing. She wants to be a________(dance) when she grows up.

2. It's important for everyone to know how to ask for help ________(polite).

3. The young should learn to make decisions by ________(they).

4. 2018 Football World Cup is being held in Russia now. It is the________(twenty-one) Football World Cup.

5. ________(friend) are those who make you smile,always open their hearts to you and encourage you to succeed.

二十七、 (2018·吉林长春)

1. It is ________(polite) to talk loudly in public places like a library.

2. Li Fang is one of the most beautiful ________(teach) in our country.

3. Doing homework ________(careful) is a good habit and it helps a lot.

4. Amy practices ________(play) the

piano for over two hours every day.

5. Russia




________(twenty-one) FIFA WORLD CUP


二十八、 (2018·黑龙江绥化)

1. It's 9:00 o'clock in the morning. Zhu Hui's parents ________(make) zongzi at home.

2. She used to ________(be) shy,but now she's outgoing.

3. My watch doesn't work. I'll have it ________(repair).

4. Gina always keeps ________(silent) in class.

5. We've worked for a long time. Let's stop ________(have) a rest.

6. I'm going to be a ________(science) when I grow up.

7. No one knows what robots will be able ________(do) in the future.

二十九、 (2018·黑龙江龙东)

1. There ________(be) two glasses of milk and an egg on the table.

2. Children had fun ________(play) in Disneyland on Children's Day.

3. You should learn to make a ________(decide) by yourself.

4. He is always ready to help others and he thinks ________(much) of others than himself.

5. My bike is broken. I want to get it ________(repair).

6. I want to invite some of my friends to my ________(twenty) birthday party.






________(usual) in the next door?

—No,I was chatting online with friends.

8. ChinaDaily is worth ________(read), and we can learn a lot from it.

9. When we go abroad,we can see many things ________(make) in China.






________(care) after you finish it. We hope you can get good grades.

题型二 用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空

一、 (2018·江苏常州)

1. —Why do you buy so many flowers,Justin?

—________(celebrate) birthday.

2. —Bad luck! My watch doesn't work well.








3. —Why are you still waiting here? —Doctor Yu promised to attend the party,but he ________(not appear).

4. Zhu Ting,one of the best volleyball players of China,says she will return whenever she ________(need).

5. —Do you want to go to the talk on recycling?

—Great!I ________(look) for some



information for my article on the topic.

二、 (2018·江苏无锡)

1. I'd like to give my thanks to Alice for ________(share) her exciting experiences in Africa.

2. You ________(promise) to take our boy to Disneyland last year. Don't let him down again.

3. The survey shows that few people believe robots ________(control) our planet one day.





________you ________(expect) someone?

—Yes. My e-friend is coming over. We've never seen each other before.

5. “How am I supposed ________(live) without you?” Jane said to Dad,tears in eyes.

6. The only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you ________(not find) it yet,keep looking.

7. —Oh dear! My mobile phone has turned into a brick. It's not working at all.

—Well,it ________(happen). Take off the battery and put it back on later.

8. Stephen Hawking ________(consider) to be “the greatest scientist in history”,along with Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein.

三、 选词(组)填空


一、 (2018·江苏南通)

silent;sun;secretary;visit;complete 1. Two ________ are needed by this


world-famous international company.

2. The taxi driver found a foreign ________ passport and returned it to him at once.

3. You can have a bird's-eye view of the whole city on a ________ day on the mountain

4. Mr Wu,I can't understand the ancient poem ________. Could you explain it to me?

5. Though people often say ________ is gold,it's better for students to be active in class.

二、 (2018·江苏淮安) 错误!

1. You should ________ before making 错误!

1. My grandmother is used to ________ after supper.

2. We ________ all the fruit already,so we'd better go to the supermarket to buy some.

3. What a creative boy he is! His mind ________ strange ideas all the time.

4. —There's something wrong with the an important choice.

2. Children are ________ eating rice dumplings at the Dragon Boat Festival.

3. The less litter we drop,the ________ our hometown will be.

4. Be confident! Everyone has the ________ to learn new skills.

5. Huai'an is a beautiful city. Come here and I will ________ it!

6. The foreign teacher is helping him ________ the English competition.

7. The visitors took a photo ________ the school gate before they left.

8. In fact,________ of the two cars belong to our company.

三、 (2018·江苏徐州) 错误!

1. If you are lucky enough,you will get a concert ticket ________.

2. Mary,I shall ________ our pleasant talks when you leave.

3. As an old saying goes,“He who has ________been to the Great Wall is not a true man.”

4. When Tom was running after the dog,he lost his________ and fell over.

5. You can eat ________ you like,my dear.

四、 (2018·江苏连云港)


—Take it easy. The computer will start ________ in a few seconds.

5. China's star skater Wu Dajing ________ men's 500m short track speed skating world record in the quarterfinals of the Pyeongchang Winter Olympic Games.

6. It seems that we use cash less and less these days. You can ________ goods with WeChat or Alipay on your mobile phone.

7. —Where is Leo now?

—He ________ with his brother in the garden.

8. Over the past 22 years,Ren Jianguo has carried on volunteer work to protect ________ of wild ducks on the Changbai Island in Jilin.

9. —Nora,why didn't you go to Lisa's party at 7 a.m. yesterday?

—Because I ________ the coming maths exam.

10. —It's said that purple is the most fashionable colour in 2018.

—Really? I also like purple because it ________ mystery.

五、 (2018·江苏南通)

imagine;warn;beat;work;match 1. Listen! How heavily the rain ________ against the car windows!

2. Emily,don't feed tigers and lions in the zoo. I ________ you many times.

3. The police have found out that the suspect's fingerprints ________ those left at the scene.

4. —What is Su Ning's job?

—She's a manager. But she once ________ as an accountant in a big company for 5 years.

5. —Why didn't you hear me when I called your name in class?

—Sorry,sir. I ________ how to spend the coming summer holiday.

六、 (2018·浙江台州)

exactly;two;safety;beside;good 1. Richard's dad was right ________him,helping him stand up and try again.

2. Since we are friends,I know________ how she feels now.

3. Ann was so close to the winner,but the ________place made her feel pretty good too.

4. For your________,please mind your steps when getting off the train.

5. Kids' brains are like a question machine and one of their ________ways to learn is by asking a lot of questions.

七、 (2018·海南)

agree;high;science;seven;club 1. Five-finger Mountain is the ________ mountain in Hainan.

2. They ________ with each other because they have different ideas.

3. There are many ________ in our school. You can join any of them.

4. Miss Lin lives on the ________ floor. She is tired of climbing stairs.

5. Stephen Hawking,a well-known ________,died on March 14th,2018.

八、 (2018·贵州黔南) 错误!

1. Sally is an honest girl. She always tells the________.

2. The ________writer has written many popular novels all his life.

3. I ________be a teacher,but I am now a research scientist.

4. The actress is________. Her family has called the police.

5. It began to rain________ when the train arrived.

九、 (2018·贵州安顺) 错误!

1. The 2020 Winter Olympics________in Beijing,China.

2. To his surprise,Alex's teammates all nodded________.

3. Listen! It________a girl singing next door.

4. As soon as she reached Guizhou,Sara________it.




Waterfall and its fresh air.

十、 (2018·山东滨州)

hero;imagine;different;person;we 1. It's bad manners to ask others ________ questions,such as age and marriage.

2. Helping others is helping ________,so we should try our best to help those in need.

3. Through watching AmazingChina,we can't stop ________ what our country will be like in 50 years.

4. Many people don't always see things the same way so they may describe the same person ________.

5. Liu Chuanjian,the captain of Sichuan Airlines 3U8633 flight,is considered to be one of our national ________.

十一、 (2018·山东青岛)

make;raise;travel;watch;cost 1. —Why are they so busy?

—Because they ________ money for homeless people.

2. Usually taking a taxi ________ more than taking a bus.

3. The first cartoon film with sound and music ________ in New York in 1928.

4. The Dragon Boat Festival is coming in a few days. We ________ the boat races and eat zongzi on that day.

5. Beijing is such a fantastic place that Amy ________ there three times.

十二、 (2018·浙江嘉兴舟山)

soft;eight;seldom;quarter;require 1. Sally is such a careful girl that she ________ makes spelling mistakes.

2. The old people ________ more care and attention when they live alone.

3. The young mother told the story in a ________ voice and the baby fell asleep soon.

4. You can find more information about outer space in the ________ unit of SmartScience.

5. A ________ of the students taking the course Basic Football,improved their sports skills.

十三、 (2018·浙江金华) 错误!

1. Which ________ do you like better,spring or autumn?

2. Our new English teacher comes from a small ________ town.

3. To everyone's surprise,their plan sounded similar to ________.

4. Before we ________ rubbish,we usually divide it into different groups.

5. Parents should know that very often they ________ their children in many ways.

十四、 (2018·浙江绍兴)

thirsty;her;grape;since;produce 1. How sweet these ________ taste! 2. Drink whenever you feel ________ during exercise.

3. That's not Mary's son. ________ has a round face.

4. Tea is ________ in many different areas in China.

5. We've been friends________ we were at school together.

十五、 (2018·浙江温州)

confident;twelve;box;offer;along 1. I'm happy to find some ________ of chocolate in my bag.

2. There is a cinema on the ________ floor of the shopping center.

3. Orange juice ________ after each meal when I stayed at the hotel.

4. My grandpa often takes a walk ________ the river early in the morning.

5. After winning the speech competition,Bob became ________ than before.

十六、 (2018·湖北武汉) 错误!

1. We value the time we spend with our

family and friends in our ________ lives.

2. My best friends helps to ________ the best in me.

3. The spirit of these climbers shows us that we should never give up trying to ________ our dreams.

4. Everything that you learn becomes a part of you and ________ you.

5. Amy wants to keep her old things because they bring back ________ memories.

十七、 (2018·湖北恩施) 错误!

1. Jay ________ play computer games after class,but now he would rather go over his lessons.

2. My father and his brother have studied abroad,and ________ are working in the same company now.

3. Our English teacher spoke louder ________ the students in the last row could hear her clearly.

4. It's said that the new model will be ________ next month.

5. The program has helped the poor return to live a normal life. Great,I don't know exactly how they ________ it.

十八、 (2018·新疆乌鲁木齐) 错误!

1. China has made great________in the past forty years.

2. People planted________trees in the suburb of the city,Urumqi.





very________and convenient in the streets of different cities in Xinjiang.

4. In the book ABriefHistoryofTime,the famous British professor Dr. Hawking

describes his theory of black________.

5. Many families are richer now so they can________ a big car like SUV.

十九、 (2018·新疆阜康米泉) discuss;we;produce;safe;three 1. Don't always depend on our parents. We'll live by________ one day.

2. In our English class,we often have a ________ about a topic such as sports or health.

3. Jane took part in the 800-meter race and she won the________ place at last.

4. “Drive________!” Father said and waved goodbye.

5. Wind and sun can be used for________ electricity.

二十、 (2018·内蒙古呼和浩特) 错误!

1. —Do you have trouble ________ the meaning of this poem?

—No,I have learnt it already.

2. My hobby doesn't cost as much as ________. I collect tickets,bus tickets and train tickets.

3. —Billy has made great progress in his maths.

—Exactly. He doesn't do his homework so ________ as he used to be.

4. You can see objects and paintings from different ________ in the Louvre Museum.

5. Many picture-books ________ cartoons in the past 20 years.

6. Thanks to the development of the Internet,it is much ________ to search for information now.

7. —What should I do next? —Choose one ________ these ten.

8. —What did his wife say to him just now?

—He was warned ________ drinking wines while driving.

9. —The party was great! But I didn't see you.

—I didn't go there. I ________ a headache.

10. —How can I become a ________? —I think you need to speak English very well.

二十一、 (2018·贵州贵阳) 错误!

1. We shouldn't ________ what we have to do today till tomorrow.

2. Tea,the most popular drink in the world,was invented ________.

3. Nowadays,plenty of women around the world are doing great things and ________.

4. The earthquake happened ________,but luckily no one was injured in the village.

5. ________ the government,many poor families in the countryside are leading a better life


一、 单词拼写

题型一 根据句意及所给汉语提示或英文释义写出单词 一、 1. four 2. population 3. with 4. humorous 二、 1. brave 2. birthday 3. chance 4. May 5. encourage(s)

三、 1. eighties 2. voice 3. prepares 4. avoid 5. wisely 6. daily 7. careless 8. boring 9. allow 四、 1. pollution 2. introduced 3. successfully 4. regretted 5. modern

五、 1. steps 2. lucky 3. dealing/ doing 4. condition 5. widely 6. accepted 7. avoid 六、 1. push 2. date 3. whenever 4. brave 5. east 七、 1. thinner 2. considering 3. speeches/talks 4. invited 5. widely

八、 1. local 2. square 3. stolen 4. artists 5. speed 九、 1. Friday 2. pilot 3. doubt 4. empty

十、 1. posted/ mailed 2. leaves 3. ourselves 4. wisely 5. sharing

十一、 1. private 2.choice 3.name 4.unless

十二、 1. ninth 2. safety 3. easily 4. themselves 5. discuss 十三、 1. cat 2. bus 3. beautiful 4. smile 5. advantages 十四、 1. heroes 2. preparation 3. patient 4.caught 十五、 1. punished 2. opposite 3. Thursday 4. scientist 5. whole

十六、 1. windy 2. teeth 3. cost 4. politely

十七、 1. disabled 2. vegetables 3. politely 4. twelfth 5. celebrate

十八、 1. dream(s) 2. careless 3. safety 4. slowly 5. offers 十九、 1. mad/crazy 2. relax 3. correctly/right/properly 4. funny 5. returned

二十、 1. 4th/fourth 2. harder 3. between 4. pollution 5. harmful 6. hers 7. clearly 8. knocking 9. hero 10. kisses

