《舌尖上的中国》第一季第一集 自然的馈赠 (双语-段段对照)Episode 1 gift of nature

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《舌尖上的中国》第一季第一集 自然的馈赠 (双语-段段对照)Episode 1 gift of nature

第一集 自然的馈赠


China has a large population, and the richest and most varied natural landscapes in the world——plateaus,forests, lakes and coastlines. These various geographical features and climate conditions have helped to form and preserve widely different species. No other country has so many potential food sources as China. By collecting, fetching, digging, hunting and fishing, people have acquired abundant gifts from nature. Traveling through the four seasons, we'll discover a story about nature and the people behind delicious Chinese foods.

自然的馈赠 (1) ---松茸传奇


Shangri-La, Yunnan, in the ancient forests nestled by snowy mountains. The air is wet and cool in the rainy season. It's not easy to catch up with Danzhen Zhuoma in the forest of pines and oaks. Zhuoma and her mother are looking for an elf-like food. Zhuoma has found matsutake under the pine needles. It's a one matsutake every kilometre. Matsutake yield was once high, but the price was low. Its production has fallen this year while the price has surged.'' Matsutake is very expensive. At restaurants in the big cities, a dish of roast matsutake will cost 1600 yuan. Matsutake has an intense scent. After being lightly roasted吉迪村是香格里拉松茸产地的中心。凌晨三点,这里已经变成一座空村,所有有能力上山的人,都已经出门去寻找那种神奇的菌子。卓玛对记者这样说道:“如果不早出来的话,别人在我前面,我就什么都找不到,别人把全部松茸都拔走了。”穿过村庄,母女俩要步行走进20公里之外的原始森林,即使对于熟悉森林的村民,捡拾松茸也是一项凭运气的劳动,品质高的松茸都隐藏在土层之下。卓玛的妈妈找寻着两天前亲手掩藏过的菌坑,沙壤土层中果然又长出了新的松茸,可惜今年雨水不足,松茸太小。卓玛不安的说:“妈妈就是不会注意自己的身体,光顾着找松茸,我就是有一点担心,有一天她头晕倒在山上,毕竟她已经岁数大了。”

Jidi village sits in the center of the matsutake production area in Shangri-La. It’s already empty before 3 am. Villagers who are able to climb mountains are out-searching for the amazing mushroom. “If we are late, the others won’t give us a chance. We won’t find her mother will hike to the ancient forest 20 kilometres away. Even to the villagers familiar with the forest, to find a pit that she concealed two days ago. Under the earth, a new matsutake is growing but it is very small due to a lack of rain. “My mother cares more about looking for matsutake than her own health. I’m a little worried that one day she might faint while in the mountain. She is getting old.”


《舌尖上的中国》第一季第一集 自然的馈赠 (双语-段段对照)Episode 1 gift of nature


Yak-butter-fried matsutake is common in the matsutake production area. Melt yak butter in a black clay pan. Then add the slices of matsutake. The slices are dried rapidly in hot oil and the fragrance’s released. Such luxurious ingredients need only to be cooked very simply. Tibetans didn’t like matsutake before because its strange taste. Matsutake used to be very cheap but recent years its price has shot up. To earn 10,000 yuan in one summer, herdsmen have to work hard in the Matsutake prices are strictly based on grades. The matsutake products are divided into 48 grades before being sold. “This one can be rated as grade one. It’s quite good and big.” Matsutake mushroom can keep fresh for 3days at most so merchants processed it as delicately and as quickly as possible. A matsutake like this can be originally purchased for 80 yuan. And 6 hours later, it will appear at a supermarket in Tokyo priced at 700 yuan.


Zhuoma is waiting with crowds. She is anxious because her matsutake is not so good. “Others raised many more matsutake than I did so I am quite uneasy and anxious.” Over the past day, Zhuoma and her mother walked for 11 hours in the mountains but earned very little. After the rainy season, all the matsutake will be gone. Family


松茸的味道虽然独特,但是流行在餐桌上不过30年! and warm winds rise on the land, blowing hard for the next six months. Not until the end of May will rain fall off shoot up after the heavy rain. But only matsutake is an interest to Zhuoma and her mother. Heavy rain is a gift from nature. Everyone works hard but brings Zhuoma a better harvest. After digging out the matsutake, Zhuoma conceals the pits with pine needles. Only in this way can the forest. Matsutake is unique in flavor. It became a popular delicacy just 30 years ago.



On the menu of traditional Chinese cuisine, there is another dainty food growing in mountains. The cubes of fresh winter bamboo shoots, after being cooked , the various spices, will be a widely popular dish in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces.


《舌尖上的中国》第一季第一集 自然的馈赠 (双语-段段对照)Episode 1 gift of nature


In China, many people rely on bamboo forests. They are also bamboo shoot experts. “Mao bamboo needs to be planted . Otherwise they won’t grow well or produce bamboo shoots.” Bao is a Zhejiang native. The biggest ever bamboo shoot in Suichang was The winter bamboo shoot hides in the earth and it is hard to find on the surface. But Bao can easily locate the bamboo shoots by only observing the color of bamboo leaves. Under the lifeless earth, a bamboo shoot is silently growing. The winter bamboo shoot is seasonal and hard to preserve. After being peeled, it leaves little left to be cooked. Chinese chefs love it because it is a single grain. It’s able to easily absorb the flavor of In particular, it can 浙江的老包找笋,先找到4年生的竹子,顺着竹鞭挖,找到笋之后轻刨轻取,不伤根。笋取出来要盖好土,就地利用自然,可以保鲜两周以上。

Bao always looks for four-year-old bamboo plants before bamboo shoots. Digging along the subterranean stamen, picking the shoots gently are necessary to prevent the roots from being harmed. Covered with earth, the harvested shoots can be preserved for over two weeks in a natural way.

从中国东部的浙江,一路向西南1500公里,就走进柳州盛夏的竹林。阿亮是广西人,他的竹林里生长的是大头甜笋。阿亮对我们描述说:“6月中旬左右到9月中旬,这个时间是采笋的季节,有最细腻的最嫩的竹笋。”通常而言,竹笋破土而出见风则硬,如果不及时采挖就会苦涩变老。阿亮家的笋属于夏天生的鞭笋rhizome shoot,口感远不如冬笋鲜嫩,但这种笋正是用来制作柳州酸笋的原料。

1500 kilometers southwest of eastern Zhijiang, a lush summer falls on a bamboo forest in Liuzhou. Guangxi “The most tender bamboo shoot can be harvested between mid June and mid September.”Bamboo shoots were solidified shortly after breaking to the soil. They turn old and bitter if not dug out in time. Yih’s forest yields the rezoned shoot that grows in summer. It is not as tender as the winter bamboo shoots, but it is the main ingredient for making Liuzhou sour bamboo shoot.


“Sour bamboo shoot is made under the guardianship of ancestral recipe. I’m the oldest grandson, sRaise yellow croaker with soybean, sour bamboo shoot has an authentic Guangxi flavor. Deep fry tiny yellow croakers first. Then cook them with soy beans and the sour bamboo shoot in oil. It’s a great appetizer. The sour bamboo shoot is also an ingredient for cooking snail rice flower noodles. So local snake in Liuzhu. Yih’s sweet bamboo shoots have reached a respiration peak they will begin to soften and rot. Yih and his family will work faster.


Every day he will check the jars containing sour bamboo shoots before he goes to sleep. Under the lamp, he checks the processed shoots. His son says there will be customers tomorrow, but the shoots won’t be ready for another three days. He will have to turn away the customers.


《舌尖上的中国》第一季第一集 自然的馈赠 (双语-段段对照)Episode 1 gift of nature

Bao is cooking soup with winter bamboo shoots. The salted pork and bamboo shoots with a half and half proportion will be fried before being simmered in soup stock. The two flavors melt together. Originally, the soup pickles tuk fresh was cooked with spring bamboo shoots. But Bao has instead used Suichang winter bamboo shoot. 再过一个节气,春笋即将取代冬笋,继续成就精彩的腌笃鲜。

Every lunar February, the spring bamboo shoot succeeds the winter shoot as the main ingredient for making the soup.


其实,除了新鲜食材,有时成就美食的调味料也同样来自于自然。在云南大理北部的诺邓山区,醒目的红色砂岩中间,散布着不少天然的盐井,这些盐成就了山里人特殊的美味。 area in northern Dali, the eye-catching red sandstones are the home to many nature salt wells. The salt is indispensable for making a delicacy in the mountain.


Process to make blood sausages won’t last long. One week is usually enough. Yunnan natives, Huang and his son, Shujiang, are building a cooking stove by a stream. They built such a stove every winter to cook salt. Brine is needed for the salt cooking process. The salt well has been here for over one thousand years. And the salt will help make a local speciality.


“It’s so nice!” Experienced Huang recognizes it is a mature Nuodeng ham. It was salted three years ago and has been air-dried completely. Over the course of three years, the fat in the ham oxidized and created a unique flavor. The ham will be cut into parts before cooking. Each part can be cooked differently. Meat to touch to the bones is the best. Hams over three years old can be eaten rare. Stir fried-ham with asparagus lettuces needs well-marbled ham meat and fresh asparagus lettuces. Garlic is added to season the dish. Local dishes are always cooked with both meat and vegetables.


As the temperature rises at midday, more salt exudes from the earth surrounding the well, attracting the animals nearby. Shujiang has been cooking now for four hours and the salt has gradually crystallized. The in the salt is good for health. And with a mild taste, the salt is perfect for making ham. The mold helps weigh a certain amount of salt. The precise weighing measure proves that salt used to be the most important commodity here.


Huang and his son came to a winter market in Yunnan County to select pork for ham-making. Pigs on the plateau are different. Top-rated Nuodeng hams contain a moderate amount of fat. Fried rice with ham is cooked by mixing rice evenly with diced ham and hot ham. It makes the fragrances of rice and the meat melt together. This

《舌尖上的中国》第一季第一集 自然的馈赠 (双语-段段对照)Episode 1 gift of nature

dish tastes best when hot.


Every year ham is made between the winter solstice and the great cold of the Chinese lunar calendar. At an elevation of 1800 meters, Nuodeng sits where a ferment the hams. “It takes much longer than one or two days to salt a ham. After being salted for a month, it will be hung up and air-dried. Huang and his son salt hams in their own yard. The climate on the mountain keeps changing. A cold sunny day is the best time to make hams. Shujiang has ten years of ham-making experience, but he is still less skilled than his father.


“Yes! Do it like this! Salt it evenly. Press hard! Put on more salt!” The salt giving instruction ,compression is also needed.


“The process of rubbing, blood discharging, salt spreading and the amount of salt needed, all depends on my own judgement.” It’s simple to salt the hams. Just spread self今天的人已经很难体会食盐的珍贵,交通和技术的进步,已经使盐成为成本极低的商品,但我们仍然认为诺邓盐是自然赐给山里人的一个特殊礼物。海拔1800米的河谷渐渐温润起来,从现在起,上千条诺邓火腿开始长霉,这种霉菌即将伴随着火腿的深度发酵。

People today no longer take salt seriously. Advance transportation and technology have made salt common and cheap. But in our eyes, Nuodeng salt is still a gift bestowed by nature. The river valley becomes warm and wet and over 1000 hams begin to mildew. The mould pushes hams into a deep fermentation process.


The dainty delicacy in the mountain is gradually maturing.



In October, autumn falls on the plain areasthe Yangtze begins to drop. The laws of nature provide people with an opportunity to reach the bottoms of the lakes.

圣武和茂荣是兄弟俩,每年湖水下降的时候,他们都会来到湖北的嘉鱼,开始迎接一项艰苦的工作。对兄弟两人来说,新的机遇和挑战就在眼前。圣武和茂荣要来采挖一种自然的美味,这种植物生长在湖水下面深深的淤泥中,要想挖到并不是容易的事。“这里还有一支长到边上来了!”茂荣边挖边和我们讲道。茂荣挖到的植物根茎就是莲藕,是一种湖泊中高产的蔬菜。 “我家里盖房子的钱,孩子的读书钱,全是我挖藕挣得,身体好,像这个活儿还可以多搞几年!”茂荣感慨的说着。“这东西要身体,一般身体素质差的,一锹土下去,没这个体力,搞不下来就不想搞了”圣武接着茂荣的话对我们这样说道。

Every year, brothers Shengwu and Maorong come to Jiayu for a hard job when the water level drops. New opportunities and challenges are waiting for them. The brothers are going to dig out a delicious vegetable. It grows deep in the silt and is difficult to dig out. This jam Maorong has dug out. “Here is another one. It’s more to this side. I built my house and provided for my kids to go to school with the money I am doing.” This jam that Maorong

《舌尖上的中国》第一季第一集 自然的馈赠 (双语-段段对照)Episode 1 gift of nature

has dug out is a lotus root, a high yield vegetable that grows in lakes.

“Excellent physical condition is necessary for the work. It requires a strong body. People who are not so strong are incapable of digging through the silt. So they have to give up.”

挖藕要有耐心和技巧,才能取出完整的一段藕。摸清楚整根藕的走势和长度,然后再逐段地清除淤泥。藕断了就破了卖相,灌进了淤泥就更卖不出价格,所以每一个挖藕人都要小心地把藕完整地挖出来。 away the silt around it bit by bit. If it is broken and contaminated with silt, the value will be ruined. So workers must be very careful to dig the roots out without breaking it.


Lotus root is rich in starch. Hubei natives are good at cooking it. A fried lotus root sandwich is always cooked this way. You peel the skin, cut it into thin slices. Place the minced meat stuffing evenly in between the two


Lotus root is a kind of natural food that demands a lot of human labor. So it has more added value than any other vegetable. The only way to get lotus root is to harvest it by man power. No matter how large a lake is, lotus root can not be harvested by machine. When harvest season comes, workers leave their hometowns for the for seven months. It’s a comfortable salary that attracts them to do the job. They understand that the harder the job is, the more money they will earn. Before last spring festival, the price of lotus root shot up, attracting more workers to Jiayu.


“My waist hurts. One of my arms is aching. One of my legs is tingling. My stomach is also hurt. My wife has 挖藕的人喜欢天气寒冷,这不是因为天冷好挖藕,而是天气冷买藕吃藕汤的人就多一些,藕的价格就会涨。在湖北,藕最常见的做法就是煮汤。这是武汉及鄂中一带的家常菜---莲藕炖排骨。在湖北,几乎所有人家,在每月都要煨一两次排骨藕汤,选肉厚的猪胸骨切块儿放入砂锅,烧开后小火煨一小时,将新鲜的藕刮皮洗净,切块儿入汤,先猛火,滚开后,小火煨半小时即成。

The workers like cold weather not because the cold can make the work any easier, but because on cold days more people cook lotus roots soups that create a price hike. Hubei people usually use lotus root to cook the soup. In Wuhan and other parts in central Hubei, stew ribs in lotus root is a common dish. Nearly all local households cook this soup once or twice every month. Put hot rib cubes in an earthenware pot. Simmer them in a slow heat


“It’s us that have dug them out. When we see lotus roots at markets, we get a special feeling. It’s us that dug them out, right? We certainly feel that way. We feel close to them.”

《舌尖上的中国》第一季第一集 自然的馈赠 (双语-段段对照)Episode 1 gift of nature


Five more months are still needed to finish the harvest in the lake. At the Zhen Lake, three hundred professional workers work from sunrise to sunset every day. In Hubei, abundant in fresh water lakes, the same scene takes place every single year.

自然的馈赠(5)--- 冰湖渔歌


Several months later, thousands of miles away, on a group of professional fishermen are starting their work season. Dry air and extreme cold have frozen the lakes on the Gorlos grass land.


At a restaurant in Beijing, chefs are making the most popular dish. The big fish head comes from the northeast, hundreds of kilometers away. Without being fried, the fish head will be stewed for 25 minutes in a big pot with soup stock. Chefs make the freshly cooked pancakes beside the dish. The dish will be ready after the broth is well absorbed. Fish head dish is a favorite speciality of Chinese people. High quality fish heads are more expensive than fresh fish.

凌晨4点,查干湖的渔民趁夜色出发,他们穿戴着棉袜子、毡嘎达(靴子)、狗皮帽子,夜晚赶路,向选定的下网地点出发。要知道现在脚下已经不是陆地,而是冰面。赶车的人最害怕遇上没有封冻的裂缝,人和马一旦踏上,落水甚至丢掉性命都是有可能的。往哪里走,谁也不敢乱说话,一场依靠经验的赌博要持续数个小时。 they are heading to the previously chosen fishing spot. It’s not land underneath them, but a frozen lake. The grooms are very afraid of unfrozen cracks. If stepped on, the men and their horses will fall into thewater and probably lose their lives. Which is the right direction? Nobody daresto say. This gamble will last for hours and it is only to be won by those with rich experience.

今天阳光明媚,冰下的含氧量提高,鱼群的密度会很大。长达两千米的渔网很快沉入水底,冰下的温度是零下4度,这样的低温中,鱼群会聚集不动,但是定位不准,坏运气也会像传染病蔓延好几天。渔工们各自干着活,没有人讲话,焦虑和紧张弥漫在冰面上,厚重的衣服使简单的动作变得异常迟缓。渔把头很在意今天自己的判断是否准确,因为这关系到他在众人中的威信和面子。 It’s a sunny day, oxygen in the water increases and the fish crowd together. A 2000-meter fishnet quickly sinks to the bottom. At such a low temperature, the fish keep still. But a failure in locating the fish may bring a bad luck streak that could last for days. The fishermen are working in silence. Anxiety and nervousness shroud the lake. The thick clothes make people move slowly evenwhen doing simple work. The chief fisherman cares most about his accuracy of judgement because it concerns his reputation and pride.



“I have been engaged inthis since I was fifteen years old.” 77-year-old Shi Baozhu is experienced and actually rather famous in this area. “I’m 77 years old. How many years do youthink I have been doing this?” I have never

《舌尖上的中国》第一季第一集 自然的馈赠 (双语-段段对照)Episode 1 gift of nature

stopped this work or left the wateror the fish. That’s enough for today. I have work to do at the frozen lake.”


Fishermen are setting up a capstan on the ice. A rope has been wound around the capstan. Horses are driven to pull the 2000-meter long net underneath the ice. Thebreath-taking moment arrives. Under the icy surface, the fishnet moves slowly. Thescene indicates that the sunshine is moderate and the thickness of ice isproper. But can it promise that fish are nearby?


Spring festival is approaching. In tradition, there will be a sacrifice for the lake and fish. Tourism and commercial operations make the ceremony even more grand. Shi will play aleading role in the performance. Though the ritual has been changed a lot, Shi still prays piously to the lake god for a good harvest next year.


Eight hourslater, it’s time to pull out the nets. “Coming up, fish!” The entire load of fish has been extracted. The lucky locals have received generous gifts from nature once again. The moment arouses people’s thoughts and feelings. Thefishermen are excited at the big fat fish. But no one notices that there are no tiny fish that weigh less than two kilograms in the nets. Only Shi knows. It’sa strict rule among the fishermen that has been passed on for generations. Each mesh of the fishnet is twenty centimeters in diameter. This specific design enables the net to only trap fish over five years old. The young fish are able to escape. As the Gorlos Mongo saying goes, “Always leave something for the next hunt.” It’s a sound principle.


“You must do it every year. You must abide by the long lasting tradition. It represents a wish for an annual surplus. Let’stake all the fish hunted today!”


The big fish just caught are to be cooked at Shi’s family for the dinner on the lunar New Yea’s Eve. Traditionally, it’s a rich feast of fish. It’s the main ingredient of all the dishes. Shi’s son-in-law cooks well and will serve the entire family. He exhausts his ability to complete all fourteen dishes on the fish menu. The main dish is stewed fishes seasoned with a special sauce from the northeast. First, stew the bighead carp thoroughly. Then, add in several other fishes one by one. Thecombination represents the straightforward character of the locals. Children accompany the elders for a drink after a tough and busy year.

“这个是生鱼、生鱼片,这个是银鱼,武昌鱼,这个是鱼肉段儿。”石把头给我们介绍着各种鱼的佳肴。 鱼鲜混杂的味道,弥漫在查干湖渔村的夜晚。

“Let’s do not think but enjoy fish and alcohol tonight! This is sashimi. This is white bait.Wuchang fish and

《舌尖上的中国》第一季第一集 自然的馈赠 (双语-段段对照)Episode 1 gift of nature

fish-made cubes.” The scents of various fish fill the night ofthe little fishing village.

自然的馈赠(6)--- 海洋恩赐


Gifts from the lakes have nourished the residentsnearby while the ocean is an even more important source of food that Chineserely on.


On the Three Islands of Guangxi, inhabited by Jing ethnic groups, thefishermen used to fish on stilts. Fish usually swarm in the morning and eveningwhen the southwest monsoon dominates. By casting the fishnet while standing onstilts, the fishermen can efficiently catch fish in the shallow sea. Facing thesea, people could not help but sigh over the shrinking availability of natural resources. Today, the once prosperous fishing method can be seen only infolklore performances. These are the last five men capable of the stunts inWanwei, Jing ethnic village. To the seaside residents, the deep ocean is much more attractive.


China has a coastline of 18,000 kilometers. The further thefishermen are away from land, the more dangerous the task. After praying at theMazu temple, the fishermen will set out. Hainan native, Lin Hongqi, is tocaptain the boat. It’s winter. Diesel, fresh water and food have been loaded onto Lin’s boat. It’s now ready to sail. Of the twenty crew members abroad, allare young or middle age. The decreasing number of fish made fishing much moredifferent. But Lin knows that nature won’t satisfy man all the time. Sometimesman has to take his chance.


Lin catches a wolfish at evening. We cansee its emerald green bones after it has been cut open. The fish is tastyenough after simply being boiled. Instant noodles and the fish make for apleasant supper, but Lin will not be having a relax supper. Fishes areattracted to light. After toiling for two hours, they’ve got nothing but a fewjellyfish. It comes as no surprise but the captain is under great pressure. Ifthere’s still fruitless half a month later, Lin will take the responsibility. Mackerelis the main food for the sailors out at sea. The salted fish can be preservedfor a long time. Fish heads and tails can be cooked with pickled cabbage into atasty soup.


There are 22 islands and 7 shores in the South China Sea, the biggestand deepest sea of China. Red snails on the islands take perfect after being boiled with sea water. Fishermen fishing around the Xisha islands have to goashore in bad weather. Deep sea fishing costs a lot. Lin has gone out to sea twice this year, ultimately losing tens of thousands of yuan. They have gotnothing since departure. Lin is under great pressure. The crew places all their hopes on him. He is the captain and responsible for locating fish shoals.

《舌尖上的中国》第一季第一集 自然的馈赠 (双语-段段对照)Episode 1 gift of nature


Travellinglong distances within one day, the people who dependent on the sea finallyreceive generous gifts from nature once again. But pelagic fishing only runssix months a year, there is no time to be lost. But the fishermen have a uniqueway to celebrate the harvest——a rich feast of fish. The decocted mackerel can retain its original flavor after being cooked alone. Chizi fish tastes good after being braised with garlic. Shell fish has the fine quality of making soup with sour bamboo shoots. The dishes all retain the original flavor of sea food. Lin returns with an entire boat of fish. But he knows that it will be a short stay.


Only time can see how human beings will adapt to the changing ocean.

自然的馈赠(7)--- 丰收余韵


. Zhuoma and her mother earned 5000 yuan in the matsutake harvest season. Their hard work paidoff.


In the evening, Shengwu pulls the boat to shore. He is going to cover today’s harvest with a tarp.


Shi comes to the ice-covered lake on the lunar NewYear’s Day. 250,000 kilos of baby fish will be put into the lake at spring. Heis looking forward to another great harvest.


When we enjoy delicacies, we should appreciate the people who make it happen through their hard work andtheir wisdom. Nature tends to be generous and forthcoming with her rewards for men.

