人教版精通英语6下册Lesson 8 教案

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Lesson 8 教案


Teaching Aims:

Knowledge Aims: To learn the words: beside between…and the sentence: There is …. Ability: 学会运用There be 句型来表示地区概况,培养学生语言表达能力,综合描述能力。 Emotion:教育学生热爱自己的社区环境,热爱自己的家乡,养成健康良好的饮食习惯。 Key points:学会表达8个方位介词的用法。 Difficult points: between 和across的运用。 Teaching tools:PPT ,a recorder ,pictures

Teaching methods:游戏法,操练法,情景假设法 Teaching procedures: Step one: Warm-up

1.Sing a song: ,after this, invite a student to give the answer: It’s in the box.

(一是活跃气氛,缓解学生上课前的紧张情绪,二是为复习以前学过的介词,做一下铺垫) 2,Show some place pictures: bank bookshop hotel clothes supermarket hospital Let students speak them one by one.(巩固复习社区设施名称)

3.Show pictures of some prep words: in on beside near between behind…(检查7课的介词知识掌握情况)

Step Two: Presentation

利用PPT学习in front of, behind beside between across, near, Drill in line , Drill one by one

Speak out the sentences with the prep words, according the pictures and sentence pattern. Teacher will write on the blackboard: There is a___ ___the ___. Practice some times.

When students speak “supermarket”, Teacher ask ,What do you buy from supermarket? They will answer蔬菜 水果等等,进而go on to learn :vegetable health food. Let the students listen and drill.(适时教育学生养成健康的饮食习惯,杜绝垃圾食品)

While teacher teach :beside and near, 提示学生 beside 比near 在距离上要近一些。

Teach the word “between” , pay attention to between …and ….的搭配使用,For example: Teacher point to a student ,and speak : Lili is between Zhang Hong and Zhou Hua. I’m between Peter and you.(这样做,能够增强学生的直观性,更有效地理解between是在。。。和。。。之间的意义。 Step Three: Practice

Play the tape some times,

First, let the students listen , then repeat. At last , drill by themselves.

Ask some pairs to do asking and answering.

Look at the picture of Susan’s community, then talk it in groups with the prep words.

(学生操练由先听说,再问答,最后模仿创造的顺序循序渐进地感悟There be句型和介词的搭配使用,会使学生感受到学习的轻松和快乐) Step Four: Have a rest

Teacher play the cartoons two times, then invite a student to make a short

summarization, 字母组合ed在清辅音后发[t] Step Five: Assessment

Play a game “A Good Driver”让学生把课前自己画好的社区图片,贴到黑板上,记住自己的位置,找几个同学扮演司机去接同学上学,同学告诉司机Hello, I’m Li Yan, I’m here. It’s between a bookshop and a bank.司机根据图示,回答,Oh,You are in a hotel.回答正确的司机在hotel下面画个圆圈,证明接到了学生,并且获得了good driver 的奖励。如果,司机不能接到学生,那么也可以求助其他同学扮演售票员,从而成功的完成任务。(这个游戏趣味性强,参与互动性高,既巩固了本课所学重点,难点,而且还使学生团结互助,培养了交流表达能力) Step Six: Homework

Must to copy the words and sentences three times in your exercise-books, then remember them.

Try to speak some new sentences with the eight prep words. Step Seven:Writing on the blackboard: Lesson 8

park near my home. There is a { river behind the park.

supermarket between a hotel and a bookshop. |

healthy food vegetable Step Eight: Notes

预计本课学习healthy food, vegetable ,学生掌握发音会有点难度,需要重点练习,反复巩固。

