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(Nov. 16, 2006)

Part I Listening Comprehension (30 points) Section A

Directions: In this section, you will hear 10 short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. Mark the your answer on the Answer Sheet. 1. A) Everyday. B) On weekends. C) On weekdays. D) Seldom.

2. A) The woman was not quite sure why it was so rainy. B) They both loved the season very much. C) The man didn't expect the woman to answer the question. D) They didn't see eye to eye with each other.

3. A) Thursday afternoon. B) Thursday morning. C) Tuesday morning. D) Tuesday afternoon.

4. A) Freshmen and their parents' fears. B) Parents' problems. C) Parents' dream. D) The start of college. 5. A) He was too late to bring it. B) He thought the store would deliver it. C) He asked Mary to get it.

D) To get food from stores is the last thing he would like to do.

6. A) At the information desk. B) On the platform. C) On the train. D) Near the stairs. 7. A) He is very busy. B) He is not familiar with the city. C) He just came from the airport. D) He didn't take the bus yesterday.

8. A) She feels that the trip will take too long. B) The students haven't chosen a teacher. C) The teacher has to choose a place first. D) It's not certain if the trip will take place.

9. A) Walked around the classroom. B) Tested the students. C) Reviewed the previous lessons. D) Checked the students' homework. 10. A) Coldly. B) Gladly. C) Angrily. D) Unkindly. Section B

Directions: In this section, you will hear several short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.

Questions 11 to 14 are based on the following passage:

11. A) Collapse and delirium. B) Indigestion and depression. C) Liable to lose one's temper and become thin. D) Complications and illness.

12. A) Eating or drinking to excess. B) Taking a sleep. C) Spending hours in talking with their friends. D) Screaming loudly. 13. A) Singing and dancing. B) Eating and drinking. C) Screaming and dancing. D) Shopping and watching movies.

14. A) Stress may cause serious problems. B) There are many methods of coping with stress. C) What is the most important is that people can deal with stress effectively

rather than how people cope with it.

D) What are the most effective methods of relieving stress.

Questions 15 to 19 are based on the following passage:

15. A) Gold was discovered. B) The first railroad was completed. C) The Golden Gate Bridge was constructed. D) Telephone communication was established.

16. A) In 1776. B) In 1848. C) In 1862. D) In 1937. 17. A) Two million. B) Three million. C) Five million. D) Six million.

18. A) It is more than one mile long. B) It cost thirty-two million dollars. C) It was completed in 1937. D) All of the above.

19. A) He is giving a lecture about San Francisco. B) He is working as a tourist guide. C) He is chatting with his friends. D) He is giving a lesson to his students.

Questions 20 to 22 are based on the following passage:

20. A) Several years ago. B) A hundred years ago. C) A thousand years ago. D) Thousands of years ago.

21. A) A small profit on more sales. B) A large profit on more sales. C) A large profit on fewer sales. D) None of the above. 22. A) Few of them. B) A few of them. C) Half of them. D) Most of them.

Section C

Directions: Listen to the piece of news from BBC and then decide whether the statements are true or false. Write “T” for true and “F” for false. 23. Yahoo and Google are social networking sites.

24. MySpace is one of the top five English-language websites.

25. It is more difficult for young people in UK to manage the social lives on the net. 26. MySpace claims to have 95 million members with 500,000 new members joining the community each week.

27. The success of MySpace lies in its simplicity.

28. Love of chatting is at the heart of the community in MySpace. 29. Users of social networks pay for service.

30. Members of social networks can meet each other and communicate online.

Part II Reading Comprehension (30 points) Directions: There are several passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.

Questions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage:

Most western people regard the cat as a pet and cherish it very much. It is

reported that some famous western person look on the cat as their child, but others hate it in their bones. This forms a very sharp contrast. The famous British Prime Minister Winston Churchill loved cats very much in his later years. He raised a white cat. Whenever he had his meal, he must share it with his cat, or he would have no desire to eat his meal and he would also be in low spirits. Sometimes his loving cat wasn't at the table. He must send his servant to find it or he wouldn't have his meal until his cat came back. It's hard for us to understand this. The well-known American general Bert Lears always mentioned the cats he raised whenever he wrote to his family. In the war between America and Mexico he wrote to his daughter, Alice, asking her to send his big cat to his big headquarters at the front, as soon as possible. He wanted the cat to boost his courage and cheer him up. As a result, he was triumphant in battle.

But, on the other hand there are some famous persons who hate cats terribly. The most terrible behavior may be from the famous English poet Percy Bysse Shelley. Shelley wrote his poems with affection, but treated his cats unfriendly. Once when he flied a kite to make an electricity experiment like Franklin, he tightly tied up a male cat under the kite. Then he sent the kite into the air in the presence of wind and lightning, accompanied by crashes of thunder. The cat with a sorrowful voice was burned to death like a piece of coal. However, Shelley was very happy. If Shelley had taken this action today in England, he would be sentenced to imprisonment for life and fined a lot of money because of killing the animal.

31. Churchill loved his cat so much so that ____. A) he would have no appetite in the absence of the cat B) he would ask his servants to give some food to the cat whenever he ate


C) he slept with the cat at nights D) he would not do anything without the company of the cat

32. Lears sent for his big cat most probably because ____. A) it could bring him good luck B) he missed the cat very much C) in the presence of the cat, he could be in high spirits D) he needed the cat to encourage his soldiers to fight bravely

33. Which of the following statements is TRUE? A) Churchill had meals with his cat in his later years. B) Lears eventually lost the battle. C) Churchill's cat often ran out of the house. D) Lears' cat had certain magic power.

34. When Shelley flied the kite, there was no____. A) wind B) lightning C) rain D) thunder

35. According to the passage, had Shelley lived in modern times, ____. A) he would treat animals more friendly B) he would be able to write more affectionate poems C) he would have no chance to raise a cat D) he would be put into prison for his cruel acts

Questions 36 to 40 are based on the following passage:

We don't have beds in the space shuttle, but we do have sleeping bags. During the day, when we are working, we leave the bags tied to the wall, out of the way. At bedtime we untie them and take them wherever we've chosen to sleep. On most space shuttle flights everyone sleeps at the same time. No one has to stay awake to watch over the spaceplane; the shuttle's computers and the engineers at Mission Control do that. If anything goes wrong, the computers ring an alarm and the engineers call us on the radio.

On the space shuttle, sleep time doesn't mean night time. During each ninety-minute orbit the sun \and shines through our windows for about fifty minutes; then it \the sun out of our eyes, we wear black sleep masks.

It is surprisingly easy to get comfortable and fall asleep in space. Every astronaut sleeps differently. Some sleep upside down, some right side up. When it's time to sleep, I take my bag, my sleep mask, and my tape player with earphones and float up to the flight deck. Then I crawl into the bag, and float in a sitting position just above a seat, right next to a window. Before I pull the mask down over my eyes, I relax for a while, listening to music and watching the Earth go by beneath me.

36. When it's bedtime, astronauts put their sleeping bags ________. A) near the windows B) in the flight deck C) above the seats D) in any place they like

37. \ A) take care of B) see C) look at D) pay attention to

38. How long does it take for the space shuttle to go round the Earth? A) Twenty four hours. B) Fifty minutes. C) Ninety minutes. D) Nineteen minutes.

39. According to the passage, in order to get comfortable and fall asleep in space, it is necessary to ________. A) wear a sleep mask B) listen to music C) sleep upside down D) sleep sideways

40. The best title for this passage is \ A) Bedtime Doesn't Mean Night Time B) Sleeping in Space C) Orbiting the Sun D) Sleeping on the Space Shuttle

Questions 41 to 45 are based on the following passage:

Of many problems in the world today, none is as widespread, or as old, as crime. Crime has many forms, including crimes against property, person, and government. Crime, in all its forms, penetrates every layer of society and touches every human being. You may never have been robbed, but you suffer the increased cost of

store-bought items because of other’s shoplifting and you pay higher taxes because of other's tax evasion. Perhaps your house is not worth as much today as it was a few years ago because of the increased crime rate in your neighborhood, or maybe your business is not doing as well as it used to because tourism is down due to increased terrorism in your part of the world. Whatever you do, wherever you go, you are a victim of crime whether you like it or not, whether you know it or not. Crime, especially violent crime, has risen to a point where many people are afraid to walk alone in their own neighborhoods, afraid to open their door after dark. Expert argues whether the number of crimes committed is actually on the rise. This issue is particularly true in cases of family violence, the abuse of husbands, wives or children. Throughout much of history, cases of family violence and neglect often went unreported because of the attitude of society, which considered family matters to be private.

41. Which description about crime is NOT correct, according to the passage? A) It is the most widespread problem. B) It has the most distant origin. C) It has many forms. D) It has very little to do with ordinary people.

42. “Tax evasion” in the first paragraph means ____. A) \ B) \ C) \ D) \

43. According to the author, people became victims of crime ____. A) only when they are robbed or kidnapped B) even they are not directly involved in any crime C) when they witness some crime scenes D) because they tend to commit certain crime

44. Violent crime nowadays ____. A) is most widespread B) arouses greatest attention C) is severer than ever before D) makes people less self-confident

45. It can be inferred from the passage that ____. A) cases of family violence are on the rise B) there have been more cases of family violence than those recorded C) cases of family violence are fewer than those of other crimes D) victims of family violence don’t report for fear of losing face

Part III Vocabulary and Structure (30 Points)

Directions: Fill in the gaps with words or phrases listed below. Change the form where necessary: exhaust conduct embrace justify attach bet initial succeed liable dumb cultivate priority relevant qualify constant exceptional respond involve executive junior

1. The newly appointed manager was anxious to ________ the trust of his staff.

2. She was married at the age of seventy-seven to a man seventy years her ________.

3. The pupil sat in front of the screen _________ to questions by pushing either of the two buttons.

4. Eighty-five percent of international telephone conversations ____________ in English, as are three-fourths of world mail and telexes(电传电报). 5. When the king dies, his eldest son would _______ to the crown.

6. The temperature in the museum is maintained at a ________ 16 degrees Celsius. 7. Do not ________ too much importance to what he said. He is always flashy.

8. My _______ reaction was one of great relief when informed that the meeting was cancelled.

9. Your speech is full of __________ information. Please come to the point. 10. He was already thirty-four before he _________ as a doctor.

11. After ________ all her ready excuses, she could think of nothing else to say. 12. Company ________ are always looking out for talented college graduates to hire as junior employees.

13. He ____ me a hundred pounds that I wouldn’t get through with my work before the deadline.

14. Developments in the last decades of the 20th century seemed to ________ the title of one of the era’s most influential books, The Declining Significance of Race (1978) by W.J.Wilson.

15. The development of a harmonious society seems to be China’s highest ________.

in due course call in take on lay down trade for apply for keep … in suspense not in the least come over on occasion in charge of in retrospect hold to consist of appeal to be liable to out of line get away with end up on the run

16. The social structure of the Cherokee people ____________ a form of clan kinship in which there were seven recognized clans.

17. These magazines are both interesting and instructive. No wonder they ___________________ the reading public.

18. That was so serious a matter that I had no choice but to ____________ the police. 19. Frequently single-parent children ____________ some of the functions that the

absent adult in the house would have served.

20. At first the refused to accept any responsibility but he ____________ apologizing. 21. The ring was handed down to her from her grandmother and she wouldn’t


it ____________ anything.

22. We were waiting for the doctor’s opinions, but they __________ us

____________ for over two days. 23. I am __________________ touched by the Marilyn Monroe kind of beauty. 24. Steve spend almost all his time doing his research, but, ______________, he would take his son to see a film.

25. The young man knew ____________ that he should have married his fist love Emily.

26. How many jobs had you ________ before you were offered this one?

27. John _______________ his belief that you can be successful as long as you work hard.

28. The school authorities have issued a new booklet _______________ regulations for students.

29. All we were told before leaving the office was that the committee would consider our applications _______________.

30. The college ___________ to stop her scholarship because of her failure in the final exam.

Part IV Translation (10 Points)

1. 我不想夸大困难,但是除非你努力,否则你不可能在几年内达到掌握英语的目的。

2. 你这是怎么啦?你还不至于糊涂到拿社区的福利去换取自己名誉的地步吧! (Text A, U.3)

3. 美国父母认为,如果经常向孩子演示如何做某件事,那他就不太可能学会独立思考和解决问题

4. 回想起来,我清楚地意识到,这件小事反映了两国在教育和艺术实践上的重要差异。

5. 最令我不安的是,他至今还没有意识到这种行为是不合法的。(Text B, U.3)

Answer Sheet

姓名/Name: 院系/School:

学号/ID: 得分/Score:

Part I Listening Comprehension Section A

1._____2._____3._____4._____5._____6._____7._____8._____9._____10._____ Section B

11.___________12.___________13.___________14.___________15.___________ 16.___________17.___________18.___________19.___________20.___________ 21.___________22.___________ Section C

23.___________24.___________25.___________26.___________ 27.___________28.___________29.___________.30.___________

Part II Reading Comprehension

31.___________32.___________33.___________34.___________35.__________ 36.___________37.___________38.___________39.___________40.__________ 41.___________42.___________43.___________44.___________45.__________

Part III Vocabulary

1.___________2.___________3.___________4.___________5.___________ 6.___________7.___________8.___________9.___________10.___________ 11.___________12.___________13.___________14.___________15.___________ 16.___________17.___________18.___________19.___________20.___________ 21.___________22.___________23.___________24.___________25.___________ 26.___________27.___________28.___________29.___________.30.___________

Part IV Translation

1. __________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ 2. __________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ 3. __________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ 4. __________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ 5. __________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________

