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Unit 3 Fast Food

Objectives In this unit, you will

— read an article about one person’s first day working at McDonald’s; — enlarge your vocabulary relating to western and Chinese foods and drinks; — get some idea about healthy eating; — get some tips about the adverbial clauses of purpose and result in English; — learn how to read and write a note of congratulations.


Unit 3 Fast Food

Warm-up Listening and Speaking Text A Grammar Tips Text B Comprehensive Exercises Practical Reading and Writing


Unit 3 Fast FoodBackground InformationDiscussion

American Table Manners During a meal, Americans show their hospitality differently from Chinese. An American host or hostess will usually offer food or drink only once. If you want something to eat or drink, accept it the first time it is offered. Do not refuse it, expecting that the host or hostess will make a second offer or insist on serving the food or drink. If the food served is something you are unfamiliar with, ask for just a little. If you do not like it, you should be honest and polite. Frequently guests are


Unit 3 Fast FoodBackground InformationDiscussion

expected to help themselves to food and it is polite to finish all the food on your plate. In a restaurant, you must tip the waitress or waiter. It is customary to tip 15% of the bill, and to tip more if the service is good. It is not necessary to tip people in cafeterias or fast food restaurants. In European and some Asian restaurants, service is often included in the bill. In such situations, it is not necessary to leave a tip.


Unit 3 Fast FoodBackground InformationDiscussion


Unit 3 Fast FoodBackground InformationDiscussion

McDonald’s McDonald’s is the world’s best-known fast food chain. With its familiar logo of golden arches, McDonald’s serves its world-famous French Fries, Big Mac, Quarter Pounder, Chicken McNuggets and Egg McMuffin. It is the leading global foodservice retailer, with more than 30,000 restaurants serving nearly 50 million people in more than 119 countries each day. The first McDonald’s restaurant was opened in San Bernardino, CA, America in 1954 and operated by two brothers, Dick and Mac McDonald.


Unit 3 Fast FoodBackground InformationDiscussion


Unit 3 Fast FoodBackground InformationDiscussion

Questions: Do you like the food at McDonald’s or KFC? What attracts/frustrates you most there?Hints

1. I enjoy eating at McDonald’s or KFC because (1) the food there is varied; (2) with the soft background music, the whole environment looks clean and tidy; and (

3) the service there strikes me as efficient and friendly.


Unit 3 Fast FoodBackground InformationDiscussion

2. I don’t enjoy eating at McDonald’s or KFC primarily because (1) the food there, though tasty, is not nutritious; and (2) eating too many burgers or other similar junk food increases one’s weight and causes obesity, which leads to more fat-related diseases in the end.


Unit 3 Fast FoodListeningSpeaking

I. Listening A. Choose the best answer according to what you hear.Script

1. A. Two. B. Three. C. One D. Six.


Unit 3 Fast FoodListeningSpeaking

2. A. A burger and some soda.B. French fries and some soda. C. A burger and French fries. D. Some soda.


Unit 3 Fast FoodListeningSpeaking

3. A. He likes making apple pies.B. He likes eating apple pies. C. His mother makes good apple pies. D. His mother cannot make good apple pies.


Unit 3 Fast FoodListeningSpeaking

4. A. He likes the chocolate for dessert.B. He wants to wait for some other dessert. C. He thinks the chocolate tastes good. D. He chooses not to take dessert.


Unit 3 Fast FoodListeningSpeaking

5. A. Yes, but only a little bit.B. Not at all. C. Yes, very much. D. Yes, sometimes.


Unit 3 Fast FoodListeningSpeaking

B. Fill in the blanks of the following passage according to what you hear.

Fast food restaurants are popular in the United States because they are typical of the American (1) way ________ of life . First of all, a customer may wear any kind of clothing there. Second, the (2)______ service there is fast. People who are busy do not want to spend time (3) ________ preparing their own food or waiting for a long time while someone else is making it. In fast food restaurants the


Unit 3 Fast FoodListeningSpeaking

food is usually ready before a customer (4) ______ orders it.

Finally, the food in a fast food restaurant is notexpensive. Many customers may not be able to afford to eat at a more (5)____________________ traditional and expensive restaurant

very often.


Unit 3 Fast FoodListeningSpeaking

II. Speaking Talk about your favorite food based on the following questions: 1. What is your favorite food? 2. Why do you like it? 3. How does one cook the dish? 4. Do you like Western food? Why or why not?


Unit 3 Fast FoodListeningSpeaking

1. M: Can we have a table for three, please? W: Sorry, all the tables for three are reserved. Q: How many p

eople come to eat? 2. W: Would you like French fries with your burger? M: No, thanks, but I would like some soda. Q: What does the man buy? 3. W: What do you think of the apple pie? I made it myself. M: Very delicious indeed. Even my mother’s cannot match it. Q: What can we know from the man’s response?


