剑桥国际英语教程 练习册 2(123419)

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Acknowledgments vi 1 A time to remember 2 Caught in the rush 3 Time for a change! 4 I've never heard of that! 5 Going places 6 OK. No problem! 7 What's this for? 8 Let's celebrate! 9 Back to the future 10 I don't like working on weekends! 11 It's really worth seeing! 12 It could happen to you! 13 Good book, terrible movie! 14 So that's what it means! 15 What would you do? 16 What's your excuse?

1 7 13 19 25 31 37 43 49 55 61 67 73 79 85 91


Illustrations Tim Foley 22, 80 Travis Foster 2

Randy Jones 4, 6, 13, 16, 17, 21, 36, 38, 39, 48, 50, 54, 55, 59, 68, 72, 77, 79, 82, 85, 88, 92, 94

Photo credits

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1 A time to remember

Past tense was / were ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ Verb laugh become move open have do Past tense ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ 1 Past tense

A Write the past tense of these verbs. Verb be lose scream get write hide B Complete this paragraph. Use the past tense of each of the verbs in part A. My best friend in school was Miguel. He and I ________ in Mrs. Gilbert's third grade class, and we ________ friends then. We often ________ crazy things in class, but I don't think Mrs. Gilbert ever really ________ mad at us. For example, Miguel ________ a pet rat named Curly. Sometimes he ________ it in Mrs. Gilbert's desk. Later, when she ________ the drawer, she always ________ loudly and the class ________ After two years, Miguel's family ________ to another town. We ________ letters to each other for a few years, but then we ________ contact. I often wonder what he's doing now.

2 Complete the questions in this conversation. Mary: Are you from around here? Silvio: No, I'm from Brazil.

Mary: Oh, really? Were you born in Brazil? Silvio: No, I wasn't born there, actually. I'm originally from Portugal. Mary: That's interesting. So, when ________ to Brazil?

Silvio: I moved to Brazil when I was in elementary school. My parents immigrated there. Mary: ________ in Brazil? Silvio: Yes, I grew up in Brazil. Mary: Where ________ ?

Silvio: We lived in Recife. It's a beautiful city in northeast Brazil. Then I went to college. Mary: ________ to school in Recife? Silvio: No, I went to school in Sao Paolo.

Mary: And when ________ to the United States?

Silvio: I came here last week. I'm Silvio Mendes. It's nice to meet you. Mary: Nice to meet you, too. I'm Mary Burns. 3 Answer these questions. 1. Where were you born? ________ 2. Did you grow up there? ________

3. Did you move when you were a child? ________ 4. Did you have pets when you were young? ________

5. What hobbies did you have when you were a kid? ________ 6. When did you begin to learn English? ________

4 Lucy Liu

A Do you know the actress Lucy Liu? What do you know about her? B Read about Lucy Liu. Lucy Liu

Lucy Liu was born in 1968 in Queens New York. She is one of three children of Chinese immigrants. In 1990, she graduated from the University of Michigan with a degree in Asian languages and cultures As a student, she also took classes in dance, voice, fine arts, and acting. During her last year of college, Liu auditioned for a small part in a production of Alice in Wonderland and won the lead role Encouraged by this experience, she decided to try to become a professional actress. She moved to Los Angeles and soon got a guest appearance as a waitress on Beverly Hills 90210. That performance led to more parts on other popular television shows, including ER and The X-Files.

Liu first appeared on the big screen as an ex-girlfriend in the 1996 movie Jerry Maguire. In 1997, she got her big break as a lawyer on the television series Ally McBeal This role really started Liu's film career. In 1999, she was cast in the Mel Gibson action movie Payback. The next year brought even larger roles: first as a kidnapped princess in Jackie Chan's Shanghai Noon, and then as one of the crime-fighting trio in Charlie's Angels. In 2003, Liu followed with two more hits: as a master spy in Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle and as an international assassin in Quentin Tarantino's film Kill Bill:Vol. 1.

These days, Liu's many off-screen hobbies include the martial art of Kali-Eskrima-Silat (knife-and-stick fighting), skiing, rock climbing, horseback riding, and playing the accordion. Liu is also a gifted artist. In 1993, she exhibited some of her works in a gallery and won a grant to study art in China.

C Check (√) True or False. For statements that are false, write the correct information. 1. Lucy Liu was born in Los Angeles. 2. She has a degree in acting from the University of Michigan. 3. She worked as a waitress in Beverly Hills. 4. Her first film role was in the movie Jerry Maguire. 5. She has appeared in films with some very famous actors. 6. She used to have a lot of hobbies before she started acting. 5 Choose the correct word or phrase. 1. I used to collect comic books (hobbies / scrapbooks / comic books) when I was a kid. 2. My favorite pet was a ________ (cat / comic / kid) called Felix.

3. We used to go to ________ (sports / camp / school) during summer vacations. It was really fun.

4. Our neighbors had a great ________ (painting / summer camp / tree house) in their backyard. We used to sleep in it.

6 Look at these childhood pictures of Kate and her brother Peter. Complete the sentences using used to.

True False □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □

1. In the summer, Kate and Peter sometimes used to play in their tree house. 2. They also ___________________________ Their dog Bruno always used to follow them. 3. And every year they __________________ ____________________________________ 4. During the winter, Peter ________ ____________________________________ 5. Kate and Peter both ______________________


7 Look at the answers. Write the questions using used to. 1. A: What did you use to do in the summer? B: We used to go to the beach.

2. A: _______________________________

B: No, we didn't collect shells. We used to build sand castles. 3. A: _________________________________

B: Yes, we did. We used to go swimming for hours. Then we played all kinds of sports. 4. A: Really? What _______________________

B: Well, we used to play beach volleyball with some other kids. 5. A: ___________________________________

B: No, we didn't. We used to win!

8 How have you changed in the last five years? Write answers to these questions.

1. What hobbies did you use to have five years ago? What hobbies do you have now? I used to. .. Now,...

2. What kind of music did you use to like then? What kind of music do you like now? _________________________________________ _________________________________________

3. What kinds of clothes did you use to like to wear? What kinds of clothes do you like to wear now?

_________________________________________ __________________________________________

9 Complete the sentences. Use the past tense of the verbs given. Maria: I'm an immigrant here.

I was (be) born in Chile and ________ (grow up) there. I ________ (come) here in 2001. I ________ (not be) very happy at first. Things ________ (be) difficult for me. I ________ (not speak) English, so I ________ (go) to a community college and ________ (study) English there. My English ________ (get) better and I ________ (find) this job. What about you?

10 Choose the correct responses. 1. A: Are you from Toronto?

B: Well, no. I'm originally from Morocco. · Well, no. I'm originally from Morocco. · Neither am I.

2. A: Tell me a little about yourself. B: ____________________________ · Sure. Nice to meet you. · What do you want to know?

3. A: How old were you when you moved here? B: ____________________________________ · About 16.

· About 16 years ago. 4. A: Did you learn English here?

B: ______________________________________ · Yes, I was ten years old. · No, I studied it in Morocco. 5. A: By the way, I'm Lisa.

B: ______________________________________ · What's your name? · Glad to meet you.

2 Caught in the rush

1 Choose the correct compound noun for each picture. □ bicycle lane □ news stand □ taxi stand □ bus stop □√ street lights □ traffic jam 1. street lights 2. ________ 3. ________ 4. ________ 5. ________

6. ________

2 Problems, problems

A Choose a solution for each problem. Problems

1. no places to take children: build more parks 2. dark streets: ________ 3. no parking spaces: ________ 4. crime: ________ 5. car accidents: ________ 6. traffic jams: ________

B Look at these solutions. Write sentences explaining the problems. Use too much, too many, or not enough and the problems in part A. 1. There aren't enough places to take children. The city should build more parks.

2. ___________________________________ The city should hire more police officers. 3. ____________________________________ The city should install modern street lights. 4. ____________________________________ The city should build a subway system. 5. ____________________________________ The city should install more traffic lights. 6. _____________________________________ The city should build a public parking garage.

Solutions □ install modern street lights □ build a subway system □ install more traffic lights □ hire more police officers □√ build more parks □ build a public parking garage

C Find another way to say the problems in part B. Begin each sentence with There should be more/less/fewer

1. There should be more places to take children. 2. ___________________________________ 3. ___________________________________ 4. ___________________________________ 5. ____________________________________ 6. ____________________________________ 3 City blues

A Match the words in columns A and B. Write the compound nouns. A B □√ subway □√ district □ business □√ lines □ parking □ system □ air □ train 1. subway lines 2. ________ 3. ________ □ officers 4. ________ □ garages 6. ________ □ police □ pollution 5. ________ B Complete this letter to a newspaper using the compound nouns in part A. To the Editor Dear Editor,

Life in this city needs to be improved. For one thing, there are too many cars, and there is too much smog, especially during rush hour. The air pollution is terrible. This problem is particularly bad downtown in the ________. Too many people drive their cars to work.

So what should we do about it? I think there should be more ________ at busy intersections. They could stop traffic jams. We also need fewer ________ downtown. The city spends too much money building them. It's so easy to park that too many people drive to work. On the other hand, the city doesn't spend enough on public transportation. There aren't enough ________ , and the ________ needs a lot of improvement.

C Write two paragraphs about a problem in a city you know. First describe the problem and then suggest solutions.

_________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________

4 Transportation in Hong Kong

A How many kinds of public transportation do you have in your city? Does your city have any of the types in these pictures? subway cable car rickshaw ferry

B Read about transportation in Hong Kong. Match the photos in part A to the descriptions. Hong Kong has an excellent transportation system, both old and new. If you fly there, you will arrive at one of the most modern airports in the world. And during your visit, there are many ways to get around Hong Kong.

1. _______________________________________________________________________ This word comes from the Japanese jinrikisha. It is a two-wheeled vehicle that is pulled by one person. Today, there are still a few of them in Hong Kong, but they are only for tourists.

2. _______________________________________________________________________ Take one of these to cross from Hong Kong Island to Kowloon or to visit one of the other islands. You can also use them to travel to Macau and Guangdong. They are safe and comfortable, and one of the cheapest boat rides in the world.

3. _______________________________________________________________________ Hong Kong's underground railway is called the MTR—the Mass Transit Railway. It is the fastest way to get around. Two tunnels cross under the harbor and go from Hong Kong Island to Kowloon.

4. _______________________________________________________________________ These are found on Hong Kong Island and take you to the top of Victoria Peak—548 meters (about 1.798 feet) above sea level. The system is over 100 years old. In that time,there has never been an accident. Two cars carry up to 120 passengers each.

C Which kind of transportation would you prefer to use? Why?

5 Complete these conversations. Use the words in the box. □ bus station

□√duty-free shop

□ sign

□ cash machine □ schedule

1. A: Could you tell me where I can buy some perfume? B: You should try the duty-free shop. 2. A: Can you tell me where the buses are?

B: Yeah, there's a ________ just outside this building. 3. A: Oh, no. I don't have enough money. B: There's a ________ right there.

4. A: Do you know what time the last bus leaves for downtown? B: No, but I can check the ________ for you. 5. A: Could you tell me where the taxi stand is? B: Sure. Just follow that ________

6 Complete the questions in this conversation at a hotel Guest: Could you tell me where the gym is? Clerk: Sure, the gym is on the nineteenth floor. Guest: OK. And can you ________?

Clerk: Yes, the coffee shop is next to the gift shop.

Guest: The gift shop? Hmm. I need to buy something for my wife. Do you ________?

Clerk: It closes at 6:00 P.M. I'm sorry, but you'll have to wait until tomorrow. It's already 6:15.

Guest: OK. Oh, I'm expecting a fax to arrive for me. Could you ________? Clerk: Don't worry. I'll call you when it arrives.

Guest: Thanks. Just one more thing. Do you ________?

Clerk: The airport bus leaves every half hour. Anything else? Guest: No, I don't think so. Thanks.

7 Rewrite these sentences. Find another way to say each sentence using the words given.

1. There are too many cars in this city. (fewer) There should be fewer cars in this city. 2. We need fewer buses and cars downtown. (traffic) ________________________________ 3. Where's the subway station? (Could you) _________________________________

4. There isn't enough public parking. (parking garages) __________________________________ 5. How often does the bus come? (Do you) __________________________________

6. What time does the last train leave? (Can you) ___________________________________

8 Answer these questions about your city or a city you know. The streets are closed to cars in a traffic-free zone.

1. Are there any traffic-free zones? If so, where are they located? ____________________________________ 2. How do most people travel to and from work? ____________________________________ 3. What's the rush hour like?

____________________________________ 4. What's the city's biggest problem?

____________________________________ 5. What has the city done about it?

____________________________________ 6. Is there anything else the city could do?


3 Time for a change!

1 Opposites

A Write the opposites. Use the words in the box. □ dark □ old □ expensive □ safe □√ inconvenient □ small

□ noisy □ spacious

1. convenient / inconvenient 5. bright / ________ 2. cramped / ________ 6. modern / ________ 3. dangerous / ________ 7. quiet / ________ 4. big / ________ 8. reasonable/ _______

B Rewrite these sentences. Find another way to say each sentence using not.., enough or too and the words in part A.

1. The house is too expensive.

The house isn't reasonable enough. 2. The rooms aren't bright enough. ____________________________

3. The living room isn't spacious enough for the family. _____________________________ 4. The bathroom is too old.

_____________________________ 5. The yard isn't big enough for our pets. ______________________________ 6. The street is too noisy for us.

______________________________ 7. The neighborhood is too dangerous. ______________________________ 8. The kitchen isn't convenient enough. ______________________________

2 Add the word enough to these sentences. Grammar note: enough

Enough comes after adjectives but before nouns. adjective + enough enough + noun It isn't spacious enough. There isn't enough space. The rooms aren't light enough. It doesn't have enough light.

1. The apartment isn't comfortable∧enough. 5. The neighborhood doesn't have street lights. 2. There aren't bedrooms. 6. There aren't closets. 3. It's not modern. 7. It's not private. 4. There aren't parking spaces. 8. The living room isn't spacious.

3 Complete this conversation. Use the words given and the comparisons in the box. (Some of the comparisons in the box can be used more than once.)

just as many... as many... as almost as... as not as... as

Realtor: How did you like the house on Twelfth Street?

Client: Well, it's not as convenient as the apartment on Main Street. (convenient) Realtor: That's true, the house is less convenient.

Client: But the house is ________ the apartment. (cramped) Realtor: Yes, the house is more spacious.

Client: I think there are ________ in the apartment. (closets) Realtor: You're right. The closet space is the same.

Client: The wallpaper in the apartment is ________________ in the house. (shabby) Realtor: I know, but you could change the wallpaper in the house.

Client: Hmm, the rent on the apartment is ________________ the house, but the house is much bigger. (expensive) Oh, I can't decide. Can you show me something else? 4 Home, sweet home

A Complete this questionnaire about where you live and find your score below. How does your home measure up? The outside 1. Are you close enough to shopping? 2. Is there enough public transportation nearby? 3. Are the sidewalks clean? 4. Are there good restaurants in the neighborhood? 5. Is there a park nearby? 6. Is the neighborhood quiet? 7. Is the neighborhood safe? 8. Is there enough parking nearby? 9. Is the building in good condition? The inside 10. Are there enough bedrooms? 11. Is there enough closet space? 12. Is the bathroom modern? 13. Is there a washing machine? 14. Is there enough space in the kitchen? 15. Do the stove and refrigerator work well? 16. Is the living room comfortable enough? 17. Is the dining area big enough? 18. Are the walls newly painted? 19. Are the rooms bright enough? 20. Is the building warm enough in winter? To score: How many “yes” answers do you have? 16-20

Yes □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ Yes □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ No □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ No □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □

It sounds like a dream home! 11-15

Great! All you need now is a swimming pool! 6-10

Well, at least houseguests won't want to stay too long! 0-5

Time to look for a better place to live!

B Write two short paragraphs about where you live. In the first paragraph describe your neighborhood, and in the second paragraph describe your home. Use the information in part A or your own information.

__________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 5 Wishes

A Which words or phrases often go with which verbs? Complete the chart. □ my appearance □ happier □ no homework □ my job □ more free time □√ healthier □ somewhere else □ to a new place

be change have move healthier ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________

B Describe what these people would like to change. Use I wish and words or phrases in part A.

1. I wish I were healthier. 2. ___________________ 3. ___________________ 4. ___________________ 5. ___________________ 6. ___________________ 6 Wish list

A Find six things Don would like to change in his life. Write sentences with He wishes.

I used to enjoy life more. Nowadays, I just go to work in the morning and come home in the evening. I don't enjoy my job anymore, but I must say the money is good. I don't go out as often as I used to. I used to go to the movies once a week. Now I go to the movies only once a month. And I used to visit my friends all the time. Now I never see them. My weekends are really boring, too. I spend my time cleaning the house and watching TV. Why don't I go out more often? I guess I just got lazy. Perhaps I should buy a car. Yeah, I've saved a lot of money. I'll go buy a new car right now!

1. He wishes he enjoyed his job. 2. _______________________ 3. _______________________ 4. _______________________ 5. _______________________ 6. _______________________

B Think of five things for a wish list. Then write your wishes in order of importance (1 = very important; 5 = not very important). 1. _______________________ 2. _______________________ 3. _______________________ 4. _______________________ 5. _______________________ 7 Choose the correct responses. 1. A: I wish I could change my lifestyle. B: Why? · Why?

· I don t like my job, either. 2. A: I wish I could retire. B: ________

· I don't like it anymore. · I know what you mean.

3. A: Where do you want to move? B: ________ · Somewhere else. · Something else.

4. A: I wish I could find a bigger apartment. B: ________ · Is it too large?

· It's very nice, though.

8 Rewrite these sentences. Find another way to say each sentence using the words given.

1. There should be more bedrooms. (enough) There aren't enough bedrooms. 2. The neighborhood is safe enough. (dangerous) _________________________

3. My apartment doesn't have enough privacy. (private) __________________________

4. Our house has the same number of bedrooms as yours. (just as many) ____________________________

5. I don't have enough closet space. (wish) __________________________

6. We wish we could move to a new place. (somewhere else) __________________________

7. The apartment is too small. (big) ___________________________

8. I wish housework were easy. (not difficult) ______________________________

4 I've never heard of that!

1 Complete the conversation with the correct tense.

Isabel: I went to Sunrise Beach last week. Have you ever been (Did you ever go / Have you ever been) to Sunrise Beach, Andy?

Andy: Yes, ________ . It's beautiful. (I did / I have) ________ there on (Did you go / Have you gone) the weekend?

Isabel: Yeah, I ________ (did / have) I ________ on Sunday. (went / have gone) ________ at 4:00 A.M. (I got up / I've gotten up)

Andy: Wow! ________ that early! (I never woke up / I've never woken up)

Isabel: Oh, it wasn't so bad. I ________ (got / have gotten) to the beach early to see the sun rise. ________ a sunrise, Andy? (Did you ever see / Have you ever seen) Andy: No, ________ . I prefer sunsets to sunrises. (I didn't / I haven't)

Isabel: Really? Then I ________ swimming (went / have gone) around 6:00, but there were some strange dark shadows in the water. ________ of sharks at Sunrise Beach? (Did you ever hear / Have you ever heard)

Andy: Yes, ________ . I ________ a news report about sharks last summer. (I did / I have) (heard / have heard)

Isabel: Gee! Maybe I ________ a lucky escape on Sunday morning! Why don't you (had / have had) come with me next time? Andy: Are you kidding? 2 Have you ever... ?

A Look at this list and check (√) five things you have done. Add your own ideas if necessary.

□ eat raw fish

□ have green tea ice cream □ try Indian food

□ cook for over ten people □ go horseback riding □ read a novel in English □ go to a classical concert □ travel abroad □ take a cruise □ ride a motorcycle □ ________ □ ________ □ ________ □ ________

B Write questions about the things you checked in part A. Use Have you ever... ? 1. Have you ever had green tea ice cream? 2. ________________________________ 3. ________________________________ 4. ________________________________

5. ________________________________

C Answer the questions you wrote in part B. Then use the past tense to give more information.

1. Yes, I have. I had some in a Japanese restaurant. It was delicious! 2. ___________________________________________________ 3. ___________________________________________________ 4. ___________________________________________________ 5. ___________________________________________________ 3 Do I have a food allergy?

A If a kind of food always makes you feel sick in some way, it may mean you have a food allergy. Do you have any food allergies? If so, what shouldn't you eat? What happens if you eat it? B Read about these people with food allergies. Food Allergies

Luis always had headaches and stomachaches. First, Luis's doctor gave him some medicine, but it didn't work. Then his doctor asked him about his favorite foods. Luis said he loved cake and ice cream. His doctor said, \eating sweets.\Luis stopped, but he still got headaches and stomachaches. Next, his doctor asked more questions about his diet. Luis said he ate a lot of fish. His doctor said to stop eating fish. When Luis stopped eating fish, he felt much better.

Sharon often had a very sore mouth after eating. First, she stopped drinking milk and eating cheese, but this made no difference. Then, in the summer, the problem became really bad, and it was difficult for Sharon to eat. Her doctor asked about her diet. She said she had a tomato garden, and she ate about ten tomatoes a day. Sharon's doctor told her not to eat tomatoes. When she stopped eating tomatoes, Sharon's mouth got better.

Fred is a mechanic, but he was not able to hold his tools. His hands were swollen. First, he went to his doctor, and she gave him some medicine. The medicine didn't work. He still couldn't hold his tools. After that, his doctor asked him about his diet. Fred told her he ate a lot of bread. She told him not to eat bread or pasta. After ten days, Fred could hold his tools again. C Complete the chart. Luis Fred Problem __________ __________ What didn't work _______________ _______________ _______________ What worked _____________ _____________ _____________ Sharon __________

4 Eggs, anyone?

A Here's a recipe for a mushroom omelet. Look at the pictures and number the sentences from 1 to 5

________ After that, pour the eggs into a frying pan. Add the mushrooms and cook. ________ Then beat the eggs in a bowl. 1 First, slice the mushrooms.

________ Next, add salt and pepper to the egg mixture.

________ Finally, fold the omelet in half. And enjoy! Your omelet is ready. B Describe your favorite way to cook eggs. Use sequence adverbs.

How to cook: __________________________________________________________________________

__________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 5 Complete the conversation. Use the past tense or the present perfect of the verbs given.

Sylvia: I went (go) to a Thai restaurant last night. Jason: Really? I ________ (not eat) Thai food. Sylvia: Oh, you should try it. It's delicious!

Jason: What ________ you ________ (order)?

Sylvia: First, I ________ (have) soup with green curry and rice. Then I ________ (try) Pad Thai. It's noodles, shrimp, and vegetables in a spicy sauce.

Jason: I ________ (not taste) Pad Thai. ________ (be) it very hot?

Sylvia: No. It ________ (be) just spicy enough. And after that, I ________ (eat) bananas in coconut milk for dessert. Jason: Mmm! That sounds good. Sylvia: It was.

6 Choose the correct word.

1. We had delicious guacamole dip and chips on Saturday night. It was a great snack (dinner / snack / meal).

2. I had a huge lunch, so I ________ (ordered / skipped / tried) dinner.

3. What ________ (appetizers / ingredients / skewers) do you need to cook crispy fried noodles?

4. First, fry the beef in oil and curry powder and then (pour / mix / toast) the coconut milk over the beef.

5. We need to leave the restaurant now. Could we have the ________ (check / recipe / menu), please?

7 Choose the correct responses.

□ Yuck! That sounds awful. □ That sounds strange. □ Mmm! That sounds good.

1. A: Have you ever tried barbecued chicken? You marinate t0he meat in barbecue sauce for about an hour and then cook it on the grill.

B: ________________________________________________________________

2. A: Here's a recipe called Baked Eggplant Delight. I usually bake eggplant for an hour, but this says you bake it for only five minutes!

B: ________________________________________________________________ 3. A: Look at this dish—frog's legs with bananas! I've never seen that on a menu before. B: _________________________________________________________________

8 Crossword puzzle: Verbs Use the simple past or present perfect of these verbs to complete the crossword puzzle.

1. A: What if I get in shape this summer? B: ________

· You might be able to come rock climbing with me. · You won't be able to come rock climbing with me. 2. A: What will happen if I stop exercising? B: ________

· Well, you won't gain weight. · Well, you might gain weight. 3. A: What if I get a better job? B: ________

· You won't be able to buy new clothes. · You'll be able to buy some new clothes.

4. A: What will happen if I don't get a summer job? B: ________

· You may be able to find a roommate when school starts. · You'll probably have to find a roommate when school starts. 6 Verb pairs

A Which words go with which verbs? Complete the chart. □ a cold □ married □ dieting □ relaxed □√ energetic □ exercising feel energetic ________ □ touch □ weight lose ____ ____ quit ____ ____ get ____ ____ B Write sentences with if. Use some of the words in part A. 1. If I feel energetic, I might go for a walk. 2. _______________________________ 3. _______________________________ 4. _______________________________ 5. _______________________________

6. _______________________________

7 Complete these sentences with your own information. Add a comma where necessary.

Grammar note: Conditional sentences with if clauses The if clause can come before or after the main clause. Before the main clause, add a comma.

If I move to a cheaper apartment, I'll be able to buy a car.

After the main clause, do not add a comma.

I'll be able to buy a car if l move to a cheaper apartment. 1. If I go shopping on Saturday, I might spend too much money. 2. I'll feel healthier _______________________ 3. If I get more exercise ______________________

4. If I don't get good grades in school ________________________ 5. I might get more sleep _______________________ 6. I'll be happy ________________________ 8 Nouns and adjectives

A Complete the chart with another form of the word given. Noun Adjective Noun energy ________ health ________ environmental ________ ________ Success Adjective medical ________ B Complete the sentences. Use words in part A. 1. There have been lots of medical advances in the past half century, but there is still no cure for the common cold.

2. There are a lot of ________ problems in my country. There's too much air pollution and the rivers are dirty.

3. My ________ is not as good as it used to be. So I've decided to eat better food and go swimming every day.

4. My party was a great ________ . I think I might have another one soon! 5. If I start exercising more often, I might have more ________.

9 Rewrite these sentences. Find another way to say each sentence using the words given.

1. If I stop eating rich food, I may be able to lose weight. (diet) If I go on a diet, I may be able to lose weight. 2. In the future, not many people will use cash to buy things. (few) ________ 3. Today, people use bicycles less often than before. (used to) ________ 4. If I get a better job, I can buy an apartment. (be able to) ________

5. There's going to be a big new shopping center downtown. (mall) ________

10 Write three paragraphs about yourself. In the first paragraph, describe something about your past. In the second paragraph, write about your life now. In the third paragraph, write about your future. I used to live in a very quiet place ... Now, I live in a big city. My job is.... If my English improves, I may be able to get a job in an international company ...

Next year ... I might ... ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


10 I don't like working on weekends!

1 Choose the correct responses. 1. A: I enjoy working in sales. B: ________

·Well, I can. · Neither do I. · So do I. 2. A: I like working night shifts. B: ________

· Gee, I don't. · Neither do I. · Neither am I. 3. A: I can't stand getting to work late. B: ________

· I can't. · Neither can I. · Well, I do. 4. A: I'm interested in using my language skills. B: ________

· So am I. · Oh, I don't. · Oh, I don't mind.

2 Complete the sentences with the words and phrases in the box. Use gerunds. □ commute

□ start her own business

□√ work under pressure

□ learn languages □ use a computer □ work with a team

1. Teresa enjoys being a journalist. She has to write a news story by 4:00 P.M. every day, but she doesn't mind working under pressure. 2. Ichiro is a novelist, but he hates ________.

3. Gwen usually works alone all day, but she enjoys ________ , too. 4. Ellen works for a large company, but she's interested in ________.

5. Carlos has to use Portuguese and Japanese at work, but he's not very good at ________. 6. Cindy has to drive to work every day, but she doesn't like ________.

3 Rewrite these sentences. Find another way to say each sentence using the words given.

1. I'm happy to answer the phone, (mind) I don't mind answering the phone. 2. I can't make decisions quickly. (not good at) ________ 3. I hate making mistakes. (stand) ________

4. I don't enjoy working alone. (with a team) ________

4 Complete these sentences about yourself. Use gerunds. On the job or at school

1. I like meeting people, but I'm a little shy. 2. I can't stand ________ 3. I don't mind ________ In my free time

4. I'm interested in ________ 5. I'm not interested in ________

At parties or in social situations 6. I'm good at ________

7. I'm not very good at ________ 5 Choose the correct words.

1. Sam doesn't smile or laugh a lot. He often looks worried about things. He's a very ________ person. (serious / strange / strict)

2. You can trust Rosa. If she says she's going to do something, she'll do it. She's very ________. (hardworking / level-headed / reliable)

3. Joe isn't good at remembering things. Last week he missed another important business meeting. He's so ________. (efficient / forgetful / moody) 6 Jobs on the Internet

A Have you ever looked for a job on the Internet? What jobs have you seen advertised? B Read these job ads. Match the job titles in the box with the ads below. □ flight attendant □ stock broker □ journalist □ truck driver Internet Post board

1 ____________________________________

Are you hardworking? Do you enjoy using computers? Do you like learning about world news? This job is for you. Must be good at working under pressure. Some evening and weekend work.

2 ____________________________________

Must be well organized, energetic, able to make decisions quickly, and good with numbers. Applicants must be level-headed and able to take responsibility for handling other people's money. No weekend work, but some evening work required. 3____________________________________

No previous experience necessary, but applicant must have a special license. Successful applicant will also be punctual and reliable. Excellent position for someone who enjoys traveling. 4 ____________________________________

Are you good at communicating with people and solving problems? Can you speak at least two foreign languages? Do you enjoy traveling abroad? Then this job might be for you.

C Which job would be the best for you? the worst? Number them from 1 (the best) to 4 (the worst) and give reasons. List your special experience, preferences, or personal traits. Job ____stock broker ____journalist ____truck driver Reason ____ ____ ____ ____flight attendant ____ 7 Read what these people say about themselves. Which job should they do? Which job should they avoid? Write sentences using the phrases given and because.

I enjoy helping people, but I can't stand working nights and weekends. I want to be a nurse or a social worker.

1. (make a good / could never) Jim would probably make a good social worker because he enjoys helping people. He could never be a nurse because he can't stand working nights and

weekends. I think you have to work long hours to be a nurse! I really like doing things with my hands. I also enjoy working with wood. I don’t enjoy working in the same place every day, and I hate being in noisy places. I think I'd like to be a factory worker or a carpenter.

2. (could / couldn't) _________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I'm really interested in meeting people, and I enjoy wearing different clothes every day. I'm not so good at organizing my time, and I can't stand computers. I might become a model or an accountant.

3. (would make a good / would make a bad) _____________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I'm really good at selling things. I also love helping people. But I'm not so good at solving problems. I think I'd like to be a salesperson or a detective.

4. (could be / wouldn't make a good) ___________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 8 Add a or an in the correct places.

1. Jerry could never be a nurse or teacher because he is very bad-tempered and impatient with people. On the other hand, he's efficient and reliable person. So he would make good bookkeeper or accountant.

2. Christine would make terrible lawyer or executive. She isn't good at making decisions. On the other hand, she'd make excellent actress or artist because she's very creative and funny. 9 Opposites

A Write the opposites. Use the words in the box. □ boring □ forgetful □ lazy □ outgoing □√ disorganized □ impatient

□ moody □ unfriendly

1. efficient / disorganized 2. friendly / ________ 3. hardworking / ________ 4. interesting / ________ 5. level-headed / ________ 6. patient / ________ 7. quiet / ________ 8. reliable / ________

B Complete the sentences with words in part A.

1. Su Yin is an ________ person. She really enjoys meeting new people.

2. I can't stand working with ________ people. I like having reliable co-workers. 3. Becky is very ________ . One day she's happy and the next day she's sad. 4. Philip is an ________ person. I'm never bored when I talk to him.

□√ be □ bring □ decide □ drive □ forget □ have □ ride □ take □ break □ buy □ do □ eat □ give □ make □ skip □ try Across

1 We have never ________ to a Chinese restaurant. 3 I ________ all the ingredients with me. 7 ________ you eat a huge dinner last night?

8 We ________ my mother to the new Chilean restaurant. 11 I haven't ________ a birthday gift to my father yet. 12 Have you ever ________ a horse? It's great!

13 I have never ________ snails. What are they like?

14 Have you ________ what kind of pizza you would like? Down

1 I ________ this chicken for $5.

2 Oh, I'm sorry. I just ________ a glass.

4 Victor ________ Chinese chicken for dinner.

5 I wasn't hungry this morning, so I ________ breakfast. 6 Oh, no! I ________ to buy rice.

7 Have you ever ________ a sports car?

9 I ________ Greek food for the first time last night.

10 Have you ever ________ Peruvian ceviche? It's delicious.

5 Going places

1 Vacation plans

A Which words or phrases often go with which verbs? Complete the chart. Use each word or phrase only once. □ a camper

□√ long walks

□ some fishing

□ camping □ lots of hiking □ something exciting

□ a car □ my reading □ swimming □ my studying □ sailing lessons □ a vacation □ a condominium □ my e-mail □ on vacation

take rent go

long walks ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ catch up on do

________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________

B Write four things you plan to do on your next vacation. Use be going to and. the information in part A or your own information. Vacation plans

1. _______________________________________________ 2. _______________________________________________ 3. _______________________________________________ 4. _______________________________________________

C Write four sentences about your possible vacation plans. Use will with maybe, probably, I guess, or I think. Use the information in part A or your own information. Possible plans

1. ______________________________________________ 2. ______________________________________________ 3. ______________________________________________ 4. ______________________________________________

2 Complete the conversation. Use be going to or will and the information on the notepads.

Dave: So, Stella, do you have any vacation plans?

Stella: Well, I'm going to paint my apartment because the walls are a really ugly color. What about you? Are you going to do anything special? Dave: ________ and take a long drive. Stella: Where are you going to go?

Dave: I'm not sure. ________ I haven't seen her in a long time. Stella: That sounds nice. I like to visit my family, too.

Dave: Yes, and ________ for a few days. I haven't been hiking in months. How about


Are you going to do anything else on your vacation?

Stella: ________ . I have a lot of work to do before school starts. Dave: That doesn't sound like much fun.

Stella: Oh, I am planning to have some fun. ________. I love to swim in the ocean! DAVE'S PAD Stella's Pad rent a car - yes paint my apartment - yes visit my sister Joanne - probably catch up on my studying - probably go to the mountains - maybe relax on the beach - yes

3 Travel plans

A Look at these answers. Write questions using be going to. 1. A: Where are you going to go ?

B: I'm going to go someplace nice and quiet. 2. A: _______________________________ B: I'm going to drive.

3. A: _______________________________

B: I'm going to stay in a condominium. My friend has one near the beach. 4. A: _______________________________ B: No, I'm going to travel by myself.

B Use the cues to write other answers to the questions in part A. 1. I'm not going to go to a busy place. (not go / busy place) 2. ____________________________ (maybe / take the train) 3. ____________________________ (not stay / hotel)

4. ____________________________ (I think / ask a friend) 4 Travel ads

A Do you ever read travel ads on the Internet? Have you ever purchased a vacation online? If so, how was the trip?

B Read this online travel ad.

The Perfect South American Vacation* See two exciting cities and one of South America's natural wonders* 11 days for $799 + airfare! Rio de Janeiro

There's a lot to do in this exciting city! There's opera and ballet as well as museums, churches, parks, and great beaches. And just outside the city, you should visit Sugadoaf and the Corcovada Mountains. Dining starts late in Rio, around 9 P.M. And dancing in the clubs begins around 11. Buenos Aires

In this unique city of art, culture, and history, there are over 150 parks, 42 theaters, and museums and shops everywhere. You must visit Avenida 9 de Julio, the widest avenue in the world. The food is excellent, and you simply have to by the steaks! The home of the tango also offers great nightlife—all night long! laguacu Falls

Bigger than Niagara Falls, this is truly an unforgettable wonder. For a real adventure, you

ought to take a beat ride. And you must explore the national parks near the falls. Reserve online, or call 1 - 800 - 555 - TRIP for more information.

C Check (√) True or False. For the statements that are false, write the correct information. 1. People have dinner late in Rio de Janeiro. 2. Niagara Falls is bigger than Iguacu Falls. 3. Both Rio de Janeiro and Buenos Aires have an exciting nightlife. True □ □ □ False □ □ □ □ 4. Rio de Janeiro, Iguacu Falls, and Buenos Aires have unforgettable parks □ and beaches. 5 Circle the correct word or words to give advice to travelers. 1. You ought (check/ to check) the weather.

2. You should never (leave / to leave) cash in your hotel room. 3. You need (take / to take) your credit card with you. 4. You have (pay / to pay) an airport tax.

5. You should (let / to let) your family know where they can contact you. 6. You'd better not (go / to go) out alone late at night.

7. You must (get / to get) a vaccination if you go to some countries. 8. You don't have (get / to get) a visa for many countries nowadays. 6 Take it or leave it?

A Check (√) the most important item to have in each situation. 1. A vacation to a foreign country 3. A sailing trip □ an overnight bag □ a hotel reservation □√a passport

□ a first-aid kit

□ a driver's license □ hiking boots 2. A mountain-climbing vacation 4. A visit to a temple □ a suitcase □ a credit card □ a visa □ suitable clothes □ a windbreaker □ a plane ticket

B Give advice to these people. Use the words or phrases in the box and the items in part A. Use each word or phrase only once. □ ought to

□ need to

□ should

□√ had better ('d better)

1. Yuko is going on a vacation to a foreign country.

She'd better take a passport. 2. Michelle and Steven are going on a mountain-climbing vacation. ________________________

3. Philip and Julia are planning a sailing trip. ________________________ 4. Jack is going to visit a temple. _________________________

7 You don't need to take that!

Your friends are planning to drive across North America and camp along the way. What advice can you give them? Write eight sentences using the expressions in the box and some of the

cues below. You must... You need to... You have to... You'd better... You ought to... You should ...

You don't have to... You shouldn't...

take your driver's license remember to bring a jacket buy good quality camping equipment forget a first-aid kit bring cooking equipment take a lot of cash forget your passport or identification buy maps and travel guides take a credit card remember to bring insect spray pack a lot of luggage

1. You have to take .your driver's license. 2. _______________________________ 3. _______________________________ 4. _______________________________ 5. _______________________________ 6. _______________________________ 7. _______________________________ 8. _______________________________

8 Rewrite these sentences. Find another way to say each sentence using the words given.

1. I'm not going to go on vacation on my own. (alone) ________ 2. I don't want to travel with anyone. (by myself) ________ 3. You ought to travel with a friend. (should) ________ 4. You have to take warm clothes. (must) ________ 9 I'm going on vacation!

A Read these notes for a vacation you are going to take to Portugal and Spain. Then write a description of your vacation. Use be going to for the plans you've decided on. Use will with maybe, probably, I guess, or I think for the plans you're not sure about. Trip to Portugal & Spain

√ arrive in Lisbon, Portugal, on July 6 √ check in at the Tivoli Hotel √ go shopping (not sure)

√ spend three days in Lisbon sightseeing

√ take a tour bus across the border to Seville in Spain √ visit the cathedral (not sure)

√ see some flamenco dancing in the evening

√ rent a car and drive to Malaga on the Costa del Sol √ visit the old city center (not sure) √ spend time on the beach (not sure)

