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Unit 3 词语笔记



1. We should protect our eyes. 我们应该保护我们的眼睛。

2. We should protect the Earth from being polluted. 我们应该保护地球免受污染。

【总结】protect作动词,意为 “_________ ”,如例1;句型 “_________”意为“保护某物免受……”,如例2。

Keys:保护;protect sth from doing sth 【运用】

根据汉语提示,完成句子. 1.我们应该保护我们的家人。 We should __________________. 2.这个人保护他的国家免受侵略。

The man _________ his country _________ being invaded.



1. The land belongs to John. 这块地是属于约翰的。 2. The plane lands safely. 飞机安全着陆。

【总结】land作名词,意为 “_________”,如例1;也可以作动词,意为“_________”,如例2。

Keys:陆地;着地 【运用】


3.这块地非常肥沃。 _________ is very rich. 4.飞机晚上六点半着陆。

The plane _________ at 6:30 in the evening.



1. The school provides classrooms for students. 学校为学生提供教室。

2. The book provides us with some stories. 这本书为我们提供了一些故事。


Keys: 提供; provide sb with sth; provide sth for sb 【运用】

根据汉语提示,完成句子。 5.图书馆为人们提供书籍。

The library _________ people _________ books. 6.公司为我们提供早餐。

The company_________ breakfast _________ us.

句型导航 Sentence guide

1. There are forests and rivers, mountains and fields. 【解析】there be句型可表示“某地有某物”。如:

There are pens, pencils and rulers in my pencil-box. 我的笔盒里有钢笔、铅笔和尺子。 2. We must stop doing these things.

【解析】stop doing sth意为“停止做某事”,表示把正在做的事情停下来。如: You must stop singing, because it's too late.


【拓展】stop to do sth意为“停下来一件事去做另一件事”。如: I have to stop to wash dishes, because my mum goes out. 我不得不停下来去洗碗,因为我妈妈出去了。

3. It is important for us to protect the Earth for our future.

【解析】It is + adj. + for sb to do sth句型意为“对某人来说,做某事是……”。如:

It is useful for you to learn the computer. 对你来说,学习计算机是有用的。

4. What is the weather like in different places on Earth?

【解析】“What is the weather like?”意为“天气怎么样?”如: Tom, what is the weather like today? 汤姆,今天天气如何?

【拓展】How is the weather?是\”的同义句,也可表示 “天气怎么样?”。如: How is the weather in Shanghai? 上海天气如何? 跟踪练习:

根据汉语提示,完成句子。 1.桌子上有书、笔记本和橡皮。

_________ books, notebooks and erasers_________. 2.时间到了,你必须停止看电视了。

Time is up, and you must_________. 3.做好这件事对你来说很重要。 _________ for you to do this thing well. 4.伦敦今天天气如何? _________ today in London?

语法运用 Grammar in use




There is some water in the glass. 2.教室里有一些垃圾。

There is some rubbish in the classroom. 3.我们每天都需要很多空气。 We need much air every day. 4.我吃了一个苹果。 I eat an apple. 5.包里有好多书。

There are a lot of books in the bag. 6.铅笔盒里有许多钢笔。

There are many pens in the pencil-case. 【结论】

1._________名词有复数形式,如例句_________和_________ 。 2._________名词前可以用不定冠词a/an修饰,如例句_________。

3._________名词前不能用不定冠词a/an修饰,常和表示数量的短语、 _________、_________等连用,如例句_________,_________和_________。

Keys: 1.可数;5;6;2. 可数;4;3.不可数;some;much;1;2;3 【实战演练】

( ) 1. Here is _________ water. A. some C. an

B. a D. many

( ) 2. There are _________ flowers in the park. A. a C. some

B. an D. much

( ) 3. I drink _________ milk every morning. A. a

B. an

C. a glass of D. many

( ) 4. I eat _________ rice this afternoon. A. many

B. a D. some

C. an

短语收藏夹Phrase collection

Unit 3 短语聚会

1. be covered by被……覆盖 2. on Earth在地球上

3. provide sb with sth为某人提供某物 4. put…into…把……倒入…… 5. set…on fire使……着火 6. one quarter四分之一 7. take a photo照相 8. throw away扔掉

9. for our future为了我们的将来 10. at the beginning of在……的开始 操练场:

根据句意,从上面选择适当的短语,并用其正确形式填空,补全句子。 1. The land _________ snow.

2. I don't know who _________ that house_________. 3. We should not _________ rubbish _________ the river. 4. We should do well _________ the new term.

5. Don't _________ those books, because they are useful. 答案 词语点将台

1. protect our family 4. lands

2. protects; from

3. The land 6. provides; for

5. provides; with

句型导航 1. There are; on the desk

3. It is very important

2. stop watching TV 4. What is the weather like

语法运用 1-4 ACCD 短语收藏夹 1. is covered by

2. sets; on fire 5. throw away

3. put; into

4. at the beginning of

