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Part I Writing


Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on How to Spend a Meaningful University Life. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.

1. 大学生活的重要性

2. 人们选择不同的方式度过了大学生活 3. 在我看来…


How to Spend a Meaningful University Life

My dear friends,

Thanks very much for attending the speech. At first, I want to say \to our university\And I really feel honored to be here giving you some guidance on how to spend a meaningful university life. Hopefully, it will help.

As is known to all, university provides you with abundant knowledge in specific fields, shapes enquiring minds and establishes solid foundations for your future development. Even though some students may be surely aware of this, they also lose themselves sometimes. Some may fail in several exams and will not graduate from university on time; some may find a steady job upon graduation, only to be frustrated in life. So, how to live a meaningful university life?

First, you should set up a clear goal, both professionally and personally, to give you a clear picture of the priorities in your university life. Then, take actions. If you want to pursue further studies, pay special attention to all the subjects in your major. And if you just want a job, do research on the qualifications needed for that particular job. What's more, do make several good friends and take part in activities and physical exercises with them. Meanwhile, talking with parents, friends, teachers and even consulting professionals will be helpful to some confusions, frustrations as well as misunderstandings you have at universities.

By setting up goals and striving for them, I wish every one of you a happy and meaningful life here. Again, thanks for your coming!



Part II Listening Comprehension Section A

Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer.

1. [听力文本资源]

W: Winter is coming. I am expecting the first snow. The pure white is always my favorite.

M: But as it's colder and colder, my eagerness to get up early and my desire to do some morning exercise is fading out. I need to figure out some other ways to keep fit.

What can we learn about the man? [听力文本资源]

A) He doesn't like winter because it is cold.

B) He likes winter because it could help him keep fit. C) He doesn't like winter sports so he wants to do some

other sports instead.

D) He thinks the cold weather reduces his interest in doing sports in the morning. √

答案: D 解析: 音频中,女士喜欢冬天的原因在于其喜欢纯白的雪,而男士则觉得,冬天寒冷的气候使其对于晨练的热情逐渐消退了(fading out)。因此他要再找些其它保持身材的办法。所以选D。 2. [听力文本资源] M: Have you heard the news that the new high technology weapons help the local police to reduce the crime rate in out area? It is comforting news, isn't it? W: Well, I think the policemen should have the wits to tame the local criminals rather than using their weapons. What is the woman's attitude towards the new high technology weapons? [听力文本资源] B) Negative.

A) Optimistic. C) Positive. D) Sympathetic.

答案: B 解析: 当地犯罪率降低的原因是警察用了高科技武器(high technology weapons),男士觉得这个消息是很安慰人的。可女士的意见则是,警察应该用他们的智慧(wits)而非武器来制服罪犯。因此,女士对于此则消息的态度是消极的(negative)。所以选B。

3. [听力文本资源]

W: How was your party last night? I've heard you had a wonderful time. M: Well, the first half was good. But a neighbor came around half way through the party to complain about the noise we made. So we had to call it a day.

What can be inferred about the party? [听力文本资源]

A) It might be too loud. √ B) It was a successful one. C) It lasted for a whole day.

D) A neighbor was invited to the party. 答案: A 解析: 因为男士的派对有些吵,所以,他的邻居中途来抱怨派对的噪音,因此他们不得不提前结束了(call it a day)。所以选A。 4. [听力文本资源] W: Helen told me that Doris failed in the chemistry final exams. I plan to go for a visit and try to comfort her. Do you want to join? M: I heard that when Doris was upset, she prefered to isolate herself from other people for a little while.

What does Doris probably do at this moment? [听力文本资源]

A) Learn chemistry.

B) Complain to her friends.

C) Stay alone for a short time. √ D) Cry over her chemistry exams. 答案: C 解析: 音频中女士说Doris化学考试没及格,所以想去安慰一下她。男士告诉女士,Doris伤心时,比较喜欢自己一个人呆着(isolate herself from others),因此,此刻,Doris很有可能是自己一个人呆着。所以选C。 5. [听力文本资源] M: We will go camping this weekends as the weather forecast said the weather would be fine. Do you want to come along? W: I hope I could. The head of the department asked me to work up some sample compositions and give them to the students next Monday. What will the woman probably do during the weekends? [听力文本资源] A) B) C) D)

Stay in the department. Write some compositions. √ Go camping with her friends.

Discuss with some students about the composition.

16. [听力文本资源] Which is the benefit of buying train tickets online according to the passage? [听力文本资源]

A) They don't have to go to the railway station to get the ticket.

B) They could get a discount buying online tickets. C) They could click the mouse and choose the seat online. D) They could save the trouble of buying high price tickets from some agencies. √ 答案:D 解析:D文中提到过,是网上购买火车票的好处。文中并没有提及网络购票让人们可以不用去火车站取票,因此A是不准确的;选项B,C是文中没有提及的,所以选D。 17. [听力文本资源] Why are some people still making phone reservation rather than booking tickets online? [听力文本资源] A) B) C) D)

They like the feeling of interaction.

They cannot book slow train tickets online. √ They don't know how to use the computers.

They think booking tickets online is not reliable.

答案:B 解析:刘瑞同学说,虽然网上定火车票好处颇多,但他要定慢车(slow train)的票,却只能通过电话预定的方式,因为网上并不能定慢车票。所以选B。

18. [听力文本资源] What is the worst thing foreigners view about buying train tickets? [听力文本资源]

A) They are queuing up a long time in front of the ticket windows. √

B) They are annoyed by the crowded surroundings. C) They think the booking website should be international.

D) They could not speak or understand Chinese instructions when buying tickets. 答案:A



There are growing concerns about food insecurity in the developing world. Rising food prices, weather emergencies and political problems are deepening the struggle of families in many countries.

Three United Nations agencies published a report last week before Sunday's World Food Day. This year's \high prices are likely to continue. Gregory Barrow, who works with the World Food Program in Rome, said that if we look at the places where World Food Program works particularly in developing countries, we see populations of people who might be spending sixty, seventy, eighty percent of their salaries

on purchasing food for their families.

The report says even short-term price increases can have a long-term effect. Reducing nutritious food early in a child's life can affect mental and physical development and limit future earnings.

East Africa is suffering its worst drought in years. In Kenya, at least three and a half million people are going hungry, especially in the North.

Farmers say bad roads and a lack of transportation make it difficult for them to get their produce to market. Storage is another problem. And they complain about a big drop in food prices.

People at Kenya said the government should make some arrangements—perhaps even give transport. Then, they can buy food at a good price, then give it to those people instead of asking for food from overseas, which is very bad.


19. [听力文本资源] Which is one of the causes of food insecurity? [听力文本资源]

A) Political conflicts. √ B) Struggles of families. C) Some health D) A decrease in food emergencies. price. 答案:A 解析:从文中开篇可知,引发粮食安全问题的原因有三:食品价格上涨,突发天气和政治问题(Rising food prices, weather emergencies and political problems), 因此,此题应选A。

20. [听力文本资源] What effects will food insecurity bring about? [听力文本资源]

A) It will affect the transportation system.

B) It will cause some problems in overseas affairs. C) It will have a long-term effect on family harmony. D) It will affect the mental and physical health of children. √ 答案:D 解析:粮食安全问题将会引发一系列的问题,而文中主要提及的是对于儿童的影响,儿童早期营养食物的减少会影响智力和身体发育,并限制未来的收入(Reducing nutritious food early in a child's life can affect mental and physical development and limit future earnings)。所以选D。 21. [听力文本资源] What do people at Kenya suggest the government do? [听力文本资源] A) B) C) D)

Solve the storage problem. Ask for food from overseas.

Give them some help in transportation. √

Make some arrangements to reduce the food price.


解析:音频结尾部分,肯尼亚人民建议政府提供运输(give transport),合适价格购买食物(buy food at a good price),而不是寻求海外粮食援助(instead of asking for food from overseas)。所以选C。


Having reached the top, the thin youth looks down through his black-framed glasses and poses on the edge of the roof like Spider-Man.

\it as a game. Tall buildings are like final monsters in a computer game and I'm the brave player,\said the 21-year-old firmly.

Zhang, from Linyi city of Shandong province, used to climb up to the roof of his house when he was a little boy, which always annoyed his parents. He could go up to the top of houses more quickly than other children of his age. A scar, a reminder of falling from a roof, can be clearly seen below his left eyebrow.

He didn't become serious about scaling buildings without equipment until last September when he posted a photo online showing him atop a residential building.

But instead of people being surprised, as he had expected, most citizens doubted the authentic of the picture and thought he was trying to grab fame. He was puzzled by or even angry with those responses for a couple of days, because he really likes climbing without equipment and just wanted to make friends, who are also interested in it.

He admired the French climber Alain Robert. But he said the French man plans before climbing, but his climbing is at will.

\about most is the freedom of standing in the air,\


22. [听力文本资源] Why does Zhang compare climbing as a computer game? [听力文本资源]

A) Because both of them were forbidden by their parents. B) Because the tall building was shaped like the monster. C) Because both of them need the courage to finish the challenge. √

D) Because computer game and climbing are both Zhang’s hobbies. 答案:C 解析:音频一开始,张先生将攀岩和电脑游戏做比较,仅仅是因为两者都只有勇敢者才能完成任务,而高楼则像最后的怪兽一样,只有勇敢的玩家才能征服他们(Tall buildings are like final monsters in a computer game and I'm the brave player)。所以选C。 23. [听力文本资源] What is people's reaction to the photo that Zhang was at the top of a residential building? [听力文本资源] A) B) C) D)

They were marveled at him. They turned blind eyes to him.

They viewed the photo as a fake one. √ They believed this man would become famous.


解析:张先生在网上贴出他在没有道具的帮助下攀登到大楼顶部的照片时,人们的反应并没有如他意料的那样惊奇(marveling at him),相反,他们质疑照片的真实性(authentic),同时觉得他是想出名(grab fame)才这样做的。所以选C。 24. [听力文本资源] What is the major difference between Zhang and Alain Robert in climbing? [听力文本资源] A) Alain uses some equipment while Zhang does not. B) Alain prefers climbing alone while Zhang would like to do it with his friends.

C) Alain likes to plan before climbing while Zhang does it at will. √

D) Alain challenges the same building until he succeeds while Zhang only challenges a building once without

considering the result. 答案:C 解析:张先生和他偶像法国Alain Robert的本质区别就在于Alain Robert攀岩之前是有计划的,而张先生则是随意为之的(at will)。选项D中,关于张先生的描述是正确的,对于Alain Robert是否每栋楼只挑战一次则没有提及,因此,不能选D。所以选C。 25. [听力文本资源] Which statement about Zhang is true? [听力文本资源] A) He has a scar below his right eyebrow. B) He is strong and has a good eyesight.

C) He wants to become as famous as Alain Robert, the French climber, and even defeat him.

D) He went to the top of the houses more quickly than other children of his age when he was little. √ 答案:D


Section C

Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks with the exact words you have just heard. Finally, when the passage is read for the third time, you should check what you have written.

Numerous studies have shown the crucial role Earth's forests play in storing carbon and mitigating (减轻) the effects of global warming. But according to the latest research, forests may be less capable of coping with climate change as previously thought. As temperatures rise and regions of favorable growing conditions shift towards the poles, experts expected plant species would migrate to survive , though it turns out not to be the case.

Duke University professor James S. Clark, a leading expert on how climate change impacts trees, says that most forests in the eastern US aren't migrating as effectively as was once believed. Instead of inching north towards higher altitudes and more familiar conditions, research suggests that 60% of plant species were experiencing contracting habitats, while only 21% showed some movement north. Clark says \models have suggested that trees will migrate rapidly to higher latitudes and elevations in response to warming temperatures, but evidence for a consistent, climate-driven northward migration is essentially absent in this large analysis.\

It may be too soon to tell whether Clark's findings are unique to forests in the eastern US, or if tree species across the planet will find climate change similarly difficult to cope with. There was once some cold comfort in the notion that despite the nefarious (极坏的) effects of global warming on Earth's delicate ecosystems, plant life was capable of adapting via migration. Unfortunately, in lieu (代替) of evidence to the contrary, we can now count forests among the likely casualties of a warming world.

Part III Reading Comprehension Section A

Directions: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank before the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.



Is physical frailty (虚弱) inevitable as we grow older? Until recently, the evidence was discouraging. A large number of studies in the past few years showed that after age 40, people typically lose 8% or more of their muscle mass each decade, a process that accelerates significantlyafter age 70. Less muscle mass generally means less strength, mobility and independence among the elderly. However, a growing body of newer science suggests that such decline may be changed. Exercise, the thinking goes, and you might be able to rewrite the future for your muscles.

Consider the results of a stirring study published last month in the journal The Physician and Sportsmedicine. For it, researchers at the University of Pittsburgh recruited 40 competitive runners, cyclists and swimmers. They ranged in age from 40 to 81, with five men and five women representing each of four age groups: 40 to 49, 50 to 59, 60 to 69, and 70-plus. They

completed questionnaires detailing their health and weekly physical activities. Then the researchers measured their muscle mass, leg strength and body composition, determining how much of their body and, more specifically, their muscle tissue was composed of fat. Other studies have found that as people age, they not only lose muscle, but the tissue that remains can become infiltrated (渗透) with fat, degrading its quality and reducing its strength.

There was little evidence of deterioration in the older athletes’ musculature (肌肉组织), however. The athletes in their 70s and 80s had almost as much thigh muscle mass as the athletes in their 40s. There was, as scientists noted, a drop-off in leg muscle strength around age 60 in both men and women. They weren't as strong as the 50-year-olds, but little additional decline followed. The 70- and 80-year-old athletes were about as strong as those in their 60s.

\think these are very encouraging results,\said Dr. Vonda Wright, a surgeon and founder of the Performance and Research Initiative, who oversaw the study. \muscle mass and function as they grow older. The changes that we've assumed were due to aging and therefore were unstoppable seem actually to be caused by inactivity. And that can be changed.\

\certainty is that any activity is better than none,\Wright says, \that it looks as if how we age can be under our control. Through exercise, you can preserve muscle mass and strength and avoid the decline from vitalityto frailty.\

A) assumed B) encouraging C) certainty D) ranged E) specifically F) vitality G) oversaw H) surveyed I) mobility J) significantly K) unstoppable L) saddening M) deterioration N) exceptional O) evident

Section B

Directions: In this section, you are going to read a passage with ten statements attached to it. Each statement contains information given in one of the paragraphs. Identify the paragraph from which the

information is derived. You may choose a paragraph more than once. Each paragraph is marked with a letter. Answer the questions by marking the corresponding letter.

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