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2017学年第一学期三年级英语3A 期末复习卷1

Name________ Class________ Number________

I.写出所给单词的反义词。 1. open ___________ 2. go up____________ 3. take off___________ 4. this____________

5. sit down________________ 6. fat____________ 7. tall____________ 8. big____________


E.g. I am a pupil. My name is Lily.(I)

1. Who is _________(he)? ________(he) is __________(I) father. What’s _________(he) name? John.

2. ---_______are a dog.(you) ________ hair is yellow.(you) _______ears are long.(you) What are ________(you)? ---A dog.

3. ---Is _________ (she) __________(you) mother? ---No, ________(she) is Jack’s mother.

4. Kitty and_______ are classmates.(I) ________are good friends.(we) 5. ---What’s ________ name?(you) ---Alice. ---A cake,Alice? ---Yes, please. ---Here __________you.(you) ---Thanks.

6. ---Who is _________friend?(you) ---_________friend is Eddie.(I) _________is tall and big.(he) _________ is strong. 7. Look at _________ and listen to _________ carefully.(I) 8. Look at the picture.This is _________(I) 9. Is _________ grandfather hungry? Yes.(you) 10. ---Are _________ Peter Wang?(you)

---No, ________ am Peter Lu.(I) ________new maths teacher.(you)


11. _________mother is a teacher.(I)__________is beautiful.(she) 12. This is _________dog.(I) I love _________.(it)

13. Look at ___________.(they)___________ are happy.(they) 14. Do you like to play with _________?(we) 15. _________classroom is big.(we)

16. _________ hands are dirty.(you) Please wash _________.(they) 17. _________ am Coco.(I) _________ mother is a teacher.(I) 18. There are some kites in the sky. ___________are beautiful.(they) 19. The rabbit is lovely. _________ears are long.(it) _________hair is white.(it)

20. ---Is _________ little sister short and thin?(you) ---Yes,_________ is small.(she) III.按要求改写句子。

1. The young lady is our new teacher.(对划线部分提问) _______________________________________ 2. The little girl’s name is Amy.(对划线部分提问) _______________________________________ 3. Alice is eight.(对划线部分提问)

_______________________________________ 4. I can sing and dance.(否定句)


5. I can see three peaches on the table.(对划线部分提问) ________________________________________ 6. The boats are blue and yellow.(对划线部分提问) ________________________________________ 7. This is a white balloon.(对划线部分提问) _________________________________________


2017学年第一学期三年级英语3A 期末复习卷2

Name________ Class________ Number________

I. 用“am, is, are”填空。

1. ---Where _________you? ---I _________ in the hall. 2. That _________ a bird. It _________ beautiful.

3. ---_________these plants? ---Yes,they _________tall trees. 4. What colour _________ the sheep? It _________ brown and white. 5. There _________ some juice in the box. It _________ sweet. 6. ---_________your peaches sweet? ---No, they _________.

7. That _______ my big brother.His name _______Bob.His ears _______ big. 8. The leaf _________green.The branches _________ brown. 9. ---_________those ants? ---No, they _________ bees.

10. I _________a cat.My eyes _________small.My mouth _________is big. 11. My ears _________long.My tail _________short._________I a rabbit? 12. ---_________your balloon nice? ---Yes, it _________.

13. How many libraries ________ there in your school? There _______one. 14. What _________that? It _________ a classroom. 15. ---_________this a mouse? ---No,it _________.

16. The sun ________ round. The clouds ________ white.They _________ in the sky.

17. ---Here you _________. ---Thank you.

18. ---_________your sister nine? ---No, she __________ seven. II.用have,has 填空。

1. My friends_________a little dog. It _________ two big eyes. 2. The tree _________ some short roots.

3. The insect _________ a body, two wings and six legs. 4. Her friend _________ a new bicycle.

5. That plant _________ three flowers. It _________ green leaves.


6. This little bird _________two big eyes.

7. I _________ a brother. He _________ a blue ball. 8. May I _________ some apples? Six, please.

9. Bobby_________ a dog.The dog _________ a short tail.

10. We _________ a big playground. There _________ many trees and

flowers in it.

11. How many legs does the insect _________ ? It _________ six legs. 12. Does the plant _________ roots?Yes, the roots are long and thin. 13. My father and I_________ a purple kite.

14. Does your grandmother _________ a yellow boat? Yes, it’s nice. 15. A dog _________ two long ears.

16. There are five ducks. They _________ ten legs. 17. Look at the tree. It _________ many leaves.

18. ---Do you _________ a good friend? --- Yes, her name is Jenny. III.按要求改写句子.

1. You are Mrs Li.(对划线部分提问)

___________________________________________________ 2. My friend is Tom.(对划线部分提问)

___________________________________________________ 3. My mouth is big.(一般疑问句)

___________________________________________________ 4. One small baby is in the rain.(用three 代替one 改写句子) ___________________________________________________ 5. I like my bicycle。(用Kitty代替I改写句子)

__________________________________________________ 6. Jim’s pig is pink.(对划线部分提问)



2017学年第一学期三年级英语3A 期末复习卷3

Name________ Class________ Number________ I.用名词的单复数的正确形式填空。

1. There are some _________(photo) in my classroom. 2. How many _________(peach)? One. 3. I can see three _________(boy) in the room.

4. Your school is big. I can see two _________(library) in your school. 5. The baby’s _________ (hair) is short. 6. Mr. White has three _________(butterfly). 7. I like to eat _________(jam). 8. I don’t like _________(mouse).

9. I am thirsty. Please give me some _________(water). 10. Look at their _________(mouth).

11. We can see some _________(sheep) on the grass. 12. There is only one _________(shoe)under the bed. 13. Look at those _________(bud).

14. There are some _________(toy) in the shop. 15. The little cat is only one _________(year)old. 16. Two lovely _________(baby) are in the rain.

17. The _________(leaf) are green.The _________(branch)are brown. II.根据句意写出相应的反义词.

1. My kite isn’t on the desk.It’s _________ the desk. 2. Do you feel happy? No, I feel _________.

3. My pencil case is old.I want to buy a _________one. 4. It’s too cold outside. But it’s _________ inside. 5. The black dog is nice.The _________one is nice, too. 6. Today it’s rainy.Don’t go out._________ _________,please.


