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Lesson 1 China’s Foreign Trade(中国的对外贸易)


1、link 连接(这里为往来)* 2、pattern 模式、结构*

3、substantially 相当大的、重大的* 4、in return for 作为…地交换 5、manufactured goods 工业产品

6、capital equipment /goods 资本设备/货物 7、industrialization programme 工业项目 8、heavy industry 重工业

9、produced gains in 从… 中获利* 10、economic imbalances 经济失衡 11、national income 国民收入 12、contract 收缩、下降 13、aid 援助

14、shift away form …towards 从…转移到…* 15、consistent theme 一贯的主题

16、strong emphasis placed on 强调、重视 17、trade relating 贸易往来

18、fell sharply 急剧下降(下滑) 19、grown rapidly 迅速增长* 20、sign in 签订

21、in the wake of 在…之后

22、normalization of diplomatic relations 外交关系正常化 23、come into force 生效*

24、most-favored nation treatment最惠国待遇 25、accounted for 占……* 26、category 种类* 27、item 项目

28、US dollar value of 以美元计算的

29、increased at an average rate of 平均以……比率增长 * 30、per annum 每年

31、visible trade surplus 有形贸易余额 32、rise sharply 迅速上升、猛增* 33、play a major role 起重要作用* 34、undue strain 沉重负担

35、a net grain exporter 粮食净出口国* 36、pattern 模式*

37、reverse 逆转,相反 38、jump 暴涨*

39、visible trade account 有形贸易收支 40、in deficit 赤字、逆差* 41、buoyant 趋于上升* 42、attribute to 归因于…… 43、re-reported 再出口*


44、leading 最主要的* 45、decline 下降、减少* 46、supplier 供应者*

47、industrial country 工业化国家 48、expect 期望*

49、boost 推动、提高*

50、recovered strongly 很大恢复*

51、introducing advanced technology of 向…引进先进技术* 52、sophistication 精密、尖端

53、invisible account 无形贸易收支 54、balance of payments 国际收支 55、earnings 收益、收入* 56、current account 经常项目

57、in /trade surplus 处于/贸易顺差、有盈余* 58、reserves 储备、储量*

59、the balance 收支平衡*余额 60、specializes in 专门从事* 61、balance 平衡*

62、earnings and requirements 收入和需求 63、run-down 减少、缩减* 64、as a means of 作为

65、international economic co-operation 国际经济合作 66、mount 举行、进行

67、trade fairs 商品展销会 68、practice 惯例

69、compensation trade 补偿贸易 70、raw materials 原材料 71、in return 作为报答 72、barter 易货贸易

73、counter-trade 反向贸易 74、a series of 一系列 75、designed to 旨在

76、joint venture 合资企业

77、The China International Trust Investment Corporation(CITIC)中国国际信托投资公司 78、transfer 转让*

79、for the time being 目前、暂时 80、direct investment 直接投资 81、access 接近的机会、享用权*

82、the international capital markets 国际资本市场 83、commercial terms 商业条件 84、compile 收集、汇集

85、OECD 经济合作和发展组织

86、Bank for International Settlements 国际清算银行 87、bulk 绝大部分、主体

88、in the short-term 从短期来看 89、over the longer term 从长期来看


90、representative offices 办事处 91、raw materials 原材料 92、Central Bank 中央银行 93、customs duties 关税 94、EEC 欧共体 95、Comecon 经互会 三、课后问题:

1、 What‘s the meaning of ―the pattern of China‘s foreign trade‖?

―The pattern of China‘s foreign trade‖ refers chiefly(主要的) to the commodity structure of China‘s foreign trade and her trade partnership with the world.

2、 What kind of clause is introduced by ―when‖ in the sentence of the third paragraph, section 1?

An adverbial (状语) clause or an attributive (定语) one? An attributive clause

3、 “Official recognition that foreign technology could play a major role in modernizing the Chinese

economy had caused imports to rise by more than 50 per cent in 1978 placing undue strain (过度负担)on the national economy.‖(中国政府认识到,国外技术对本国经济现代化作用重大,这使1978年中国的进口额增长了50%以上,结果国民经济背上了沉重的负担。)

Why did the more than 50% rise in imports of 1978 place undue strain on China‘s national economy?

More foreign exchanges(外汇) is required for more imports. All sections of China‘s national economy would have to work harder and better to export and earn more for the imports increased.

4、 What‘s ―a net grain exporter(粮食净出口国)‖? Does it mean one who has never done any


“A net grain exporter‖ should be one who has done both imports and exports of the item, but finally exported more than imported within a period of time.

5、 ―The strong increase in imports last year is attributed to buoyant economic activity as well as to

the success of the Government‘s trade and foreign investment policies.‖(去年进口额的大大增加不仅是由于政府贸易政策与对外投资政策的成功,而且是由于趋于上升的经济。)

What did China‘s foreign investment policies have to do with(与…有关) her strong increase in imports?

Foreign capital(外资) has flowed into (流入)China mostly in the form of foreign industrial investors to set up production facilities(生产设备) locally(在地方上,本地) together with their Chinese partners or alone. For production efficiency(效率) and other reasons, as a rule they bring in technology and

equipment from abroad to equip(装备) themselves. Thus (因此)it would result in a rise in imports. 6、 ―Chinese officials stress the importance of introducing advanced technology to domestic industry,

but the need is for technology of varying degrees of sophistication, not necessarily for advanced technology as the term is understood in the West.‖(中国官员强调向国内工业部门引进国外先进技术的重要性,但他们需要是不同先进程度的技术,而不是一定需要西方国家所理解的那种纯粹的先进技术。)

What‘s the implication (含义)of the underlined part of the paragraph quoted(引用) above? China is a developing country with her own economic condition. In introducing advanced technology into our country, we would first choose those most needed and applicable(可适用的) at the present stage(阶段,时期)of our economic development.


7、“The authorities do not consider it appropriate to incur large mounts of external debt until a

number of practical bottlenecks in the economy ,such as an inadequate transport network and energy constraints, have been tackled.(在经济中的许多实际障碍——如运输能力不足和能源缺乏——被克服之前,中国政府不赞成招来大笔外债的做法。)

Why did China refuse to borrow more until their transport capacity and energy supply have further increased?

China‘s financial borrowing is for industrialization and modernization. Without well-developed transport network and enough energy supply, however, industry and the entire(整个的,全部的)

economy could not be further(促进,更多的) expanded(扩大的,展开的) successfully. Therefore(因此), it‘s no time for borrowing them then, which could not be effectively(有效的) used and result only in heavy interest payment. 8、 ―China‘s access to(有权使用) substantial (大量的) sums of money from the World Bank also

reduces the need to borrow on commercial terms.‖(中国可以在世界银行中借贷巨额资金,这减少了中国以商业条件进行接待的数量)

What does ―borrow on commercial terms‖ imply(暗示)here? And why does China prefer

loans from the World Bank?

“Commercial‖ carries(意味) the meaning of having profit –making as the aim.(以获得利润为目

标) ―To borrow on commercial terms‖ is to borrow at the regular business interest rates (without any special favor received from the bank). China borrows from the World Bank Group for lower interest rates and other favorable conditions

Lesson 2 China’s Absorption of Foreign Direct Investment (中国吸引外商直接投资) 二、重点词组: 1、section 部分 2、roll up 卷起

3、bamboo curtain 竹幕

4、The special economic zone 经济特区 5、coastal city 沿海城市 6、incentive 鼓励*

7、provincial capital 省会 8、attract 吸引*

9、assemble 汇集,形成 10、piecemeal 逐渐

11、the State Council 国务院 12、albeit 尽管

13、promulgate 颁布 14、even as 正在…时候 15、battle with 与…斗争

16、in an effort to fulfil 努力实现 17、do business with 与…做生意 18、growing 变得*

19、showpiece 典范,样板*

20、introduce…into 向……引进……* 21、in particular 特别


22、standard of living 生活水平 23、aspire to 渴望

24、take note of 注意到 25、sales 销售的*

26、taken literally 从字面上理解

27、this does not make much sense没有多大实际意义 28、infrastructure 基础设施 29、cope with 履行、应付

30、transfer…to… 传入,传到 31、share with 分享 32、inner regions 内地

33、foreign-exchange reserves 外汇储备 34、repay 偿还*

35、upgrade 改善、提高*

36、capital stock 实际资本、股本 37、combined 结合、和* 38、preferential 优惠的* 39、due…to… 由于

40、intensity 激烈、强烈* 41、couple with 和、加上

42、from scratch 白手起家、从零开始 43、estate 地产*

44、joint venture 合资企业

45、cooperative enterprise 合作企业

46、wholly foreign-owned operation 外商独资企业 47、operation 企业*

48、consumer goods 消费品 49、capital goods 资本货物 50、customs duties 进口税 51、uniform 统一的、一致的* 52、plant 全套设备*

53、technical transformation 技术改造 54、readily obtainable 轻易得到 55、prior to 再…之前

56、Economic and Technical Development Zone (ETDZ) 经济技术开发区 57、uniform tax rate 统一税率 58、waive 免除、放弃*

59、profit-remittance 利润汇款 60、preferential tax rate 优惠税率 61、be liable to 应付(税)的*

62、be not entitled to 没有资格、没有权利* 63、authority 权利*

64、municipal government 市政府 65、be well aware of 最知情(清楚)

66、China International Economic Consultants Inc. 中国国际经济顾问有限公司67、China International Trust an Investment Corp. 中国国际信托投资公司


68、arm 提供*

69、stir up the enthusiasm 调动积极性 70、grassroots units 基层单位

71、rules and regulations 规章制度* 72、comprehensive framework 综合准则

73、it will be some time before the dust settles 等到尘埃落定还需要一段时间* 74、has yet to 有待 75、in the driver‘s seat

76、public ownership of the means of production 生产资料公有制 77、means of production 生产资料 78、stock-taking of 对…评估

79、National People‘s Congress 全国人民代表大会 80、seventh five-year plan 第七个五年计划 三、课后问题: 1、“A clearly confident China has rolled up large section of its bamboo curtain ,declared itself ?open to the outside world‘ and hung signs on nearly all its cities inviting foreign investors to come and do serious business.‖(一个显然是自信的中国已卷起了一大截竹幕,宣布他要“对外开放”,并几乎在每一个城市都挂出了招牌,欢迎外商前来做正当生意。)

In what is China confident in opening the country to the outside world?

The country is fully confident in he social system(社会体系)——Socialism(社会主义) with Chinese characteristics when China is opened to the outside world though it seems unavoidable(不可避免的) that all sorts of(各式各样的) Western ideas and their way of life are to be brought in together with (加上,和)the inflow of (流入所需资本和技术)the needed capital and technology.

2、―The four special economic zones (SEZs) in Guangdong and Fujian provinces, 14 coastal cities (all former treaty ports) and Hainan island (19―open‖ areas in all ) have specifically designed tax and other incentives for the foreign investor.‖(广东与福建两省的四个经济特区,14个沿海开放城市(均为以前与清政府的条约所开放的城市,及海南岛(共19个地区)都有为国外投资者特地制定的税收和其他鼓励投资政策。)

What part of the sentence is the word tax here?

Here tax (a noun名词) is used as an attribute to (归因于)modify(修饰) ―incentive‖.

3、Why was foreign direct investment considered ―a real element of competition(真正的竞争因素)‖ in ―the country‘s economic-development programme‖(在该国的经济发展中)?

At the time of writing the article (1984), the reform(改革) of China‘s economic structure just began, and most of her own enterprises were not quite self-responsible(自我负责) yet for gains and losses in their business operation. In contrast(相反), the enterprises with foreign funds were organized on the principle(法则、原则) of the market economy and they had to be active in competition for survival(生存), with no ―same big pan(平底锅)‖ to eat from. In this sense(从这种意义上说、在这方面), they were considered ―a real element of competition.‖

4、Could you find a substitute(代替品) for the word race in ―the race to get foreign technology and funds‖?(竞相引进国外技术与资金) drive (n.) 运动

5、―The Chinese … aspire to own color TV sets, refrigerators, trucks, washing machines and better radios, bicycles and clothing.‖


What is implied(暗指) by using the word ―better‖? (Does ―better‖ refer merely(只不过,仅仅) to the quality of goods here, or something more?)

“better‖ implies that they had already had things like radios, bicycles and clothing, but expected to have better ones.

6、―Even local factories are taking note of the vast potential(潜力) sales in their own domestic market.‖(即使当地厂商也注意到其国内市场巨大的销售量潜力) In what sense is the word sales used in the sentence?

In the given context the meaning of sales is quantities to be sold.

7、How would you paraphrase ―taken literally‖?(从字面上讲)

If Gu Mu‘s statement(陈述) is understood in the word-for-word (逐字的)way.

8、What does ―administrative support‖(行政支持) in the text refer to?

Administrative setups responsible for(为…负责) absorbing(吸引) foreign direct investment and relevant(有关的) local rules and regulations(官方的规章制度).

9、What is ―a well-placed source‖?(消息灵通人士)

Source here is used in the sense of a source of information, which might refers to a person or organization, ―A well-placed source‖ should be an official who is well-informed because of his special position.

10、“The central government‘s determination to raise the level of industrial technology is clearly behind the decision to open the 14 coastal cities.‖(中央政府决心提高工业技术水平显然是作出作出开放14个沿海城市的决定的原因)。

What ?s your paraphrase(解释) of the above sentence? Does it mean that the ―determination‖ was the reason for the decision?

The reason for the decision was the determination.

11、―The combined industrial output(产量) of the 15 coastal areas is reportedly (据报道)equal to a quarter of the nation‘s total.‖(据报道,15个沿海市、区的工业产量总和相当于该国工业总产量的四分之一)

What is the meaning of ―combined‖ in the sentence? Could you find another word to replace it? What is that? Together

12、―But while the reasons for throwing 19 areas and cities open to foreign investment and technology transfer are clear…‖(决心向外国投资与技术转让开放19个区、市的原因是清楚的)

―Throwing…open‖ basically(主要的,基本的) means having… open, doesn‘t it? Then what is the difference in meaning between ―throwing 19 areas and cities open‖ and having … open? What more does it mean when the word throw is used?

Throw carries the meaning of doing that with force-determination(果断) in the sentence quoted(提到) above.

13、―…, how the preferential systems will operate (in the 19 open districts) is not (clear).This is due largely to (由于)the intensity(激烈) of competition among the 19…(但诸项优惠制度将如何运作,这一点却还不得而知。其主要原因是19个开放地区和城市间的竞争激烈。)

How could ―the intensity of competition among the 19‖, if there was one, lead to some confusion(混淆)in absorbing foreign direct investment?


According to the author‘s own understanding, as the 19 open areas and cities were competing actively(激烈的) with one another or more foreign direct investment, they made their preferential systems more and more attractive(有吸引力的) and thus complicated(错综的、复杂的), hard to operate.

14、―This is due largely to the intensity of competition among the 19, coupled with (加上)the inexperience of most local authorities both in making decisions and in dealing with the outside

world.‖ (其主要原因是19个开放地区和城市间的竞争激烈, 加上大部分当地政府在决策与处理对外事务方面还缺乏经验。)

What does ―coupled‖ mean here? Could you find some substitutes for it? Together /along

15、What are ―target projects‖?(重点工程) key projects 中点(工程)项目

16、―One official who is well aware of the confusion afflicting both local authorities and foreign

investors is Jing Shuping, president of China International Economic Consultants(顾问、咨询) Inc. which is the consultancy arm of the China International Trust and Investment Crop.‖(对这一令当地政府与外国投资者都头痛的混淆不轻的问题,中国国际经济咨询有限公司的总裁荆舒平最知情,该公司是中国国际信托投资公司附属的咨询性公司)

What is the meaning of the word ―arm‖ here? Could you find some other word to substitute? Branch(分部)/department(部门)

17、―The time will come when the cities and zones will ask for help in coordinating(协调) their efforts.‖(有一天,这些市和区事会寻求援助以协调它们的工作的)

What kind of clause(从句) does ―when‖ introduce? An attributive(定语) or an adverbial (状语)one? Why?

an attributive clause.

18、―…, while a comprehensive framework(综合准则) for the country‘s modernization has been provided(提供) by the central committee‘s(中央委员会) 21 October 1984 decision to reform the economic structure, it will be some time before the dust settles and local authorities and foreign

investors can deal with one another in a systematic way.‖(虽然中央委员会1984年10月21日改革经济体制的决定为该国的现代化提供了一个综合的准则,但要等到尘埃落定、要等地方政府与外国投资者能有条不紊的打交道还需要一段时间)

What‘s you understanding of ―the dust settles‖? The confusion is removed.

19、What‘s ―stock-taking of the open policy‖?(对开放政策评估) reviewing (回顾、评论) (reexamining复试)of the open policy.

Lesson 3 中国在崛起 二、重点词组:

1、give way to 让路、让步

2、commercial hub 商业活动中心 3、dynamic 有活力* 4、boom 繁荣*

5、reach for 搜查,探寻 6、state council 国务院 7、bounce 反弹*


8、dominant 有统治权的,占优势的*

9、the world‘s dominant economy 世界经济强国 10、per capita 人均

11、Gross national product(GDP) 国民生产总值 12、American administration 美国政府 13、China hands 中国通(这指华人) 14、slight to … 对……的轻视 15、waning shot 警示

16、an intensifying rivalry 不断的竞争 17、punitive import tariffs 惩罚性进口关税

18、securities and real estate markets 证券及房地产市场 19、“Greater China‖ trade bloc ―大中华‖贸易集团 20、gross domestic product 国内生产总值 21、no more than 只是 22、joint ventures 合资企业 23、collectives 集体企业

24、private businesses 私有企业 25、account for 占

26、compared with 与……比较

27、competitive advantage 竞争优势

28、high-tech, high-wage economy 高技术,高工资经济

29、General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 关税及贸易总协定30、boost 促进、推动* 31、surge 波动、汹涌*

32、buoy (-ed) 浮起、支持*

33、consumer electronics 电子产品

34、trade surplus with 对…… 的贸易顺差* 35、record 记录* 36、renewal 恢复*

37、human rights 人权问题

38、preferred status 优惠地位、优先权 39、retaliation 报复*

40、most-favor nation 最惠国

41、have (large) stake in sth. 与…有利害关系 42、worth of 价值的……* 43、30 times more 超过30倍* 44、contract 合同、约定* 45、rushing to 竞相

46、state-owned conglomerate 国有跨行业公司 47、in cooperation with 与……合作 48、outbid 出价高于……

49、semiconductor chips 半导体集成电路芯片 50、branching out 扩展范围* 51、brokerage services 经纪业务 52、climbed back 上升* 53、double digits 两位数



1、“If there is a road to China‘s future, Highway 204 out of Shanghai is it.‖(如果有通往中国的未来之路的话,那便是始自上海的204国道。)

1) What is the exact meaning of ― out of‖ here in the sentence?

2) Why does the author compare(比喻) Highway 204 to the road to China‘s future? (you may

answer the question after you‘ve studied the whole article.)

答:1)“Highway 204 out of Shanghai‖ is one leading out of Shanghai.

2)The traffic on Highway 204 is so thick (拥挤)that the trip along the road is hard. It indicates(表明) that though China‘s economy is booming(繁荣), it is still backward and there is a long and there is a long and difficult way yet to China‘s brighter future—becoming the strongest economic power in the world. Rapid development in China is overwhelming(势不可挡) its backward(落后) transport networks, to be more accurate(准确), its infrastructure(下部构造) and even its economic conditions, which limit its further development.

2、“Migrant(迁移)workers crowd the narrow shoulders‖ What does ―shoulders‖ refer to ? 答:“Shoulder‖ here means the edges of a road.

3、“Eventually(结果、最后、终于), industry gives way to rice fields, which is eing dug up to build still more factories.‖

1) What does the phrase(短语) ―to give way to something‖ mean in the above sentence? 2) What does the author mean to convey(传达) to the readers when he used the word

― eventually‖?

答:1)To give way to something means to make room for something(让位于某物) in the sentence. 2) Eventually sometimes implies(暗指) an inevitable(必然的、不可避免的) result. 4、Please explain the following phrases as they appearing their in their respective(各自的) contexts: ― dynamic(活跃的、生机勃勃的) economy‖( paragraph 2)

―the world‘s dominant(占优势的、占统治地位的) economy‖( paragraph 3 )

答:According to their respective contents, ―dynamic economy‖ refers to an economy full of energy(活力) and activity(活跃)精力充沛、旺盛; ―the world‘s dominant economy‖ means the world‘s major economic power.

5、“We don‘t have people, we don‘t have time,‖ says one. ―Things are moving too fast.‖

What is the meaning of ―We don‘t have people‖ in the above sentence? (Don‘t the officials think we‘ve already had the largest population in the world?)

答:China is short of technical and management professionals(管理专业人员). 6、“Many economists believe a standard estimate of China‘s per capita gross national product ($370) is already two to three times too low.‖( 许多经济学家认为,对中国人均国民生产总值的权威估计太低了(370亿美元),实际上应该比这一数字再高出2-3倍)

According to the information given, could you figure out the economists‘ idea about China‘s per capital GNP?

(How much do these economists believe the estimate of China‘s per capita CNP should be?) 答:$740-$1110 7、“Bill Clinton has appointed China hands to top Asia posts at the State and Treasury departments.‖ Please translate the above sentence into Chinese and explain the implication of Mr. Clinton‘s action.



8、Can you paraphrase the following sentence in your own words, especially the phrase a work in progress? (显然,中国的经济正处于发展之中,远没有发挥出其十亿多人口的巨大潜力。) ―Clearly, China‘s economy is a work in progress, nowhere near realizing the potential of its billion-plus population.‖

答:Clearly, China‘s economy is in the process of development, far from(远没有) realizing(实现) the potential of its population of more than 1 billion.

9、―China remains primarily a nation of farmers, and the transition to an industrial free market is much like the traffic on Highway 204—unpredictable.‖(中国首先仍然是一个农业国家,他向工业化的自由市场转变,这种转变就像是204国道的交通状况一样——不可预知.)

1) What does the author mean by comparing(比较、对比) the transition to ―the traffic on

Highway 204‖?

2) According to the information from the article (given in the next two sentences following the

above one), what changes does China need in order to realize the market economy in the author‘s opinion? Is it totally acceptable to Socialist China?

答:1) What the author meant to say is that moving on Highway 204 were both local(当地的、地方的) old-style(旧式的、老派的) vehicles(车辆、交通工具) and foreign autos (汽车)of the latest fashion(最新样式), and like that in China‘s economy co-exist(共存) her national enterprises originally(最初、原始) founded(创建) for the planned economy and other businesses founded for or adapted to (适合)the market economy: the structure of China‘s economy is under change but not decided definitely(明确地) yet.

2)The state- owned firms should be sold or privatized, and the equipment and facilities in those firms should be renovated. No, it isn‘t.

10、―Last year the BeiBei Company in Zhangjiagang cleared $14million on exports of 10 million pairs of shoes to US department store.‖ (张家港的贝贝公司,向美国百货商场格出口了1000万双鞋,赚取了1400万美元)

P lease explain the underlined part in the above sentence.

答:The underlined part refer to gain $ 14 million as a profit on exports. 11、“Just two years ago South Korean manufacturers were flourishing(繁荣、兴旺) on contracts from western athletic(运动的) footwear giants……‖

What does ―on‖ mean? Can you give some more examples? 答:On here is used in the sense of according to or in the basis of . e.g. They made their own judgment on his report.

She studies in Cambridge University on scholarship.

12、“Since then much of the business has shifted to China, dealing a hard blow to the South Korean shoe industry.‖ 自那以后,大多数业务转向中国,这严重打击了韩国的制鞋业。 1) Please explain the meaning of ―shift‖ and find a synonym?

2) What part of the sentence is the phrase introduced by dealing? What does it show? 答:1)转移 transferred

2) adverbial(状语) ; an adverbial of result 13、“Membership in this club, which includes all the world‘s leading economies, could provide a huge boost for a low-wage export economy.‖ 这个组织的成员包括了所有世界经济强国,成为其成员国可以大大促进低工资出口经济的发展。


How many reasons are mentioned in the sentence for ―a huge boost‖? In what way could low wages promote the export? 答:1)one

2) Low wages means low costs of the goods produced, and lost costs result in low prices which render(致使) the goods competitive in the world market.

14、“Already though, China‘s commercial strength is staring to worry competitors.‖ 尽管如此,中国商贸的实力使中国开始成为令人担心的竞争者。

What part of speech is the word ―though‖? What part of the sentence is it? And what is the meaning it implies(暗指)?

答:Adv.(副词), adverbial(状语), however.

15、“The trade surplus itself will be the No. 1 problem this year,‖ says one Chinese official. ―After Japan we‘ll be the first in line for retaliation.‖ “贸易顺差本身就将成为本年度的首要问题”一位中国政府官员说。“我们将是在日本之后第一个遭到报复的国家。”

Can you find out why trade surplus would be a problem and for what reason(s) or on what excuse ―we might be retaliated?

答:One country‘s trade surplus would be some other country‘s trade deficit(逆差、赤字). If it‘s too big, it would be a loss for the importer, both financially and economically. The country with huge trade surplus might be accused(控告、归罪) of dumping(倾销) or using other‘s import quota illegally(非法的、不合法的) as in the textile trade.

16、“And the rest of the world will look foolish if it lets itself be caught by surprise.‖ 而世界上其余的国家,如果仍对此感到惊奇的话,那他就未免显得太愚蠢了。 What does the author imply by the above words?

答:It is quite natural for China to become one of the world‘s largest economies in the 21st century. People needn‘t feel surprised.

Lesson 4 The world economy

( 世界经济)

二、重点词组: 1、in a row 连续*

2、stagnate (经济等)不发展、停滞*

3、per capita gross domestic product(GDP) 人均国内生产总值* 4、aggregate 合计的、总的*

5、advance 增加*、提高、促进、预支….

6、weak performance 成绩不好,这里为不景气* 7、easing 下降趋势、放松* 8、growth 增长*

9、compare with 与…….比较* 10、sustain 维持、保持* 11、increase in 增加、增大*

12、high rates of growth 高增长率 13、the Gulf crisis 海湾危机

14、international conditions 国际环境* 15、deteriorate 恶化、变坏、下降* 16、slowdown 减速、降低速度*


17、the G-7=the group of seven 七国集团 18、continental Europe 欧洲大陆

19、disinflationary policies 反通胀政策 20、weakness in demand 需求疲软

21、cyclical deceleration in investment spending 周期性的投资下降 22、contribute to 贡献,这里做致使* 23、drop 下降*

24、compound 是复杂*

25、short-term dollar interest rates 短期美元利率 26、nonoil commodity prices 非石油商品价格 27、foreign exchange 外汇 28、hard currencies 硬通货 29、moderate 使缓和、减轻* 30、robust 强有力的、强健的* 31、carry over 持续、继续

32、in the range of 在……范围内

33、debt rescheduling 重新安排债务的偿还计划 34、severely indebted 负债严重的 35、consecutive 连续的*

36、the Uruguay Round of GATT 关贸总协定乌拉圭回合* 37、breakthrough 突破*

38、commodity market 商品市场

39、nominal(dollar) terms 名义(美元)价 40、constant (dollar) terms 不变(美元)价 41、real terms 实际价

42、all-time 创纪录的、空前的

43、the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development 联合国环境和发展会议 44、with respect to 关于 45、decelerate 减速* 46、setbacks 退步* 47、onset 开始*

48、dampen 使沮丧、受挫、缓冲* 49、slacken 减弱、放慢* 50、edged down 缓缓*

51、anti-inflationary monetary policy 反通货膨胀货币政策

52、GDP(GNP) deflator 消除国内(民)生产总值通货膨胀指数 53、the broad trend 大趋势

54、the cyclical slowing of investment 周期性投资放缓 55、slump 暴跌、衰落*

56、tax-cut-induced boom 有减税引发的繁荣 57、interest rate 利率

58、financing 融资、筹措资金* 59、tightening 紧密、固定

60、structural problems 由于社会体系和管理制度不完善而引起的问题 61、highly leveraged corporate transactions 公司用大量借来的钱进行的交易 62、unemployment rate 失业率


63、financial stress 金融压力 64、bring on 引起、导致

65、in particular for 特别的、尤其 66、play some part 起了一些作用 67、tightening of credit 紧缩信贷 68、narrowing 减少* 69、depreciation 贬值* 70、appreciation 增值*

71、current account 经常项目

72、transfers (component) 资本转移(部分) 73、war-related payments 战争费用的支付 74、current-account deficit 经常项目赤字 75、slope 斜率

76、yield curve 收益曲线

77、European Monetary System (EMS) 欧洲货币体系 78、accommodative monetary policy 肯通融的货币政策 79、nominal short-term interest rates 名义短期利率 80、real output 以不变价格计算的产品价值 81、manufacture 制造品*

82、merchandise 商品、货物* 83、spike 猛跌*

84、compression 压缩、浓缩*

85、structural transformation结构转变、体制改革 86、trading partners 贸易伙伴 87、adverse 不利的、相反的* 88、a pick-up 恢复、好转*

89、the population-weighted growth rate 人均加权增长率 90、debt restructuring 债务调整 91、direct investment 直接投资 92、portfolio investment 证券投资 93、per capita income 人均收入 94、fiscal adjustment 财政调整

95、investment liberalization 投资自由化 96、help to 有助于、促进 97、gain 获利*

98、double-digit 两位数的* 99、diversification 多样化

100、trade-oriented region 贸易导向型地区

101、market-oriented regional integration 市场导向型地区统一化 102、multilateral trade agreements 多边贸易协议 103、rein in 控制、止住* 104、devaluation 贬值*

105、budget deficit 预算赤字

106、emergency stabilization measures 紧急稳定措施 107、tight credit policies 信贷紧缩政策 108、exchange-rate devaluation 汇率贬值


109、the Gulf countries 海湾国家

110、bottoming-out (经济衰退局面等)降至最低点后即将复苏* 111、the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (CMEA) 经互会 112、contribute to 捐献、导 三、课后问题

1、What‘s the meaning of aggregate in ―Aggregate output‖ and ―Aggregate statistics‖? 答:Aggregate (adj.): made of several parts, total.

2、Put the following sentence into Chinese and see what part of the sentence the underlined part is. ―Excluding Central and Eastern Europe, growth in developing countries in1991 was3.4 per cent, compared with 3.8 per cent during the 1980.‖



2)It is an adverbial modifier for comparison(比较状语修饰语) 3、“Estimates of GDP grown by major geographic region show an acceleration in Latin America and in sub-Saharah Africa,…‖

What does the report mean to emphasize using the word ―geographic‖?(Is there any other way in dividing区分的、划分的 the world?)

答:That is that in estimating the GDP by group, the countries were not classified definitely(明确的) by the

level of industrialization into developing countries, developed ones, etc, as often.

4、How did international conditions for growth in developing countries deteriorate (使)恶化in 1991?(In what way could the slowdown in industrial countries affect developing countries?)( paragraph 3 and 4) 答:After World War II, the economic growth of many developing countries depends substantially(主要的、

充分的) on export. With the Western economies slackening(放缓、减少) then, they could not enjoy as much as overseas market as before.

5、“The seven major industrial countries(the G-7) experienced significant slowdown in GDP growth---- from 2.8 per cent in 1990 to 1.9 per cent during 1991 as recession gripped Canada, the United Kingdom, and the United States and growth rates slowed in continental Europe and Japan.‖ 由于加拿大、英国、美国的经济持续出现衰退,欧洲大陆和日本经济增长速度放缓,七个大工业国(七国集团)的国内生产总值的增长明显减缓——由从1990年增长2.8%降到了1991年增长1.9%。

What does the word ―grip‖ imply(暗示、意味) in this sentence?

答:The basic meaning of grip (v.) is to hold firmly. In the given context, it implies that the recession(不景

气、退后) was hard for the countries to get rid of.

6、What were the main reasons for the recession, according to Paragraph 3?

答:The main reasons were: weakness in demand more closely related to the loss of momentum(要素、动

力) that had built up(加强、增进) during the long period of expansion(扩充、开展) that began in1983; the cyclical deceleration in investment spending(周期性的投资下降). 7、“Against this deteriorating global background, the improvement in economic performance in a few developing regions in 1991---which carried over into 1992---was especially noteworthy.‖在全球背景恶化的背景下,1991年,少数发展中地区的经济出现了改善的迹象,——并持续到1992年——尤其引人瞩目。

Can you find what ―which‖ stands for(代替)?.


答: ― The improvement ‖.

8、 ―Also noteworthy was the implementation by the Paris Club of a new menu of enhanced

concessions in debt rescheduling for the severely indebted, low-income countries.‖同样引人注目的是,巴黎俱乐部为债台高筑的低收入国家的冲洗安排债务偿还计划而实施的新的家大让步的计划。 What does the word ―menu‖ in the above sentence mean? (Can you find some other word to replace it?


9、―It continues to decelerate in North America and edged down in Japan.‖(通货膨胀)在北美和日本继续下滑

Can you tell the difference between decelerate and edge down. 答:To edge down is to decelerate slowly.

10、What does structural mean in the ―structural problems‖ discussed in the second paragraph of the section under the title of ―major Industrial Countries‖?

答:It means ―of or concerning(关于) the social system or managerial system‖.

11、What does ―the four largest European economies‖ mentioned in the same paragraph? 答:They are France, Germany, Italy and the United Kingdom.

12、“Weak growth of credit and a fall in some asset prices probably slowed consumption(消费量), as


1)Did ―a fall in some asset prices‖ have anything to do with ―weak growth of credit‖?

2)What does ―consumption‖ refer to here? Is it consumption of the consumer goods or that of the capital goods?

3)How could ―weak growth of credit and a fall in some asset prices‖ slow down consumption? 答:1) Less credit limited investment and consequently(结果) the demand for some assets had to be reduced,

which would result in lowered prices for the items.

2) Consumption of both capital goods and consumer goods.

3) The tightening of credit and a weak market means less funds for enterprises in investment and reduced income for either bosses or workers, which would affect consumption.

13、“The trade component(组成、构成) of the deficit narrowed as lower inflation and earlier dollar

depreciation improved competitiveness,...‖ 由于较低的通货膨胀和先前的美元贬值加强了竞争,贸易赤字部分降低,……

1) What is your paraphrase of ―the trade component of the deficit‖?

2) In what way could lower inflation and earlier dollar depreciation improve competitiveness? 答:1) The effect of trade as a cause of the deficit.

2) For the exporter, lower inflation at home could help cut down the cost of their exports

and enable them to lower prices for competition abroad(海外); a national currency‘s depreciation(货币贬值) could reduce prices of their exports in foreign countries automatically(自动的) and legally(合法的), in favor of(有利于) their competitiveness overseas.

14、Read carefully the information on Germany in Paragraph 11 of the text and answer the following


Why could the appreciation (增值、感激、评价)of the deutsche(德国马克) mark cause the German current account to swift(迅速的、立刻的) from a surplus(余额) to a deficit(赤字)?


答:An appreciation of the national currency usually hampers one country‘s exports as it lifts(上升) the prices of their products in international trade.

15、What is an ―accommodative monetary policy‖(肯通融的货币政策)? 答:Accommodative means helpful, cooperative.

16、Read the first paragraph of the section with the title of ―Developing Countries‖ and answer the following questions:

1) What does ―output‖ refer to in the first sentence? Could you think of some more common wording for the same idea?

2) What does ―ease‖ mean in ―…real output eased …‖?

3) How do you understand ―broad-based(无限的、包含广泛的) (factors)‖ and ―more specific 具体 (factors)‖ in the third sentence?

答:1) GDP of the developing countries (see Table 2-3 attached). 2) Ease here carries the meaning of beginning to fall.

3) In the given context, ―broad-based‖ factors refer to those applicable(可适用的) to many or most cases; ―more specific‖ ones should be those just applicable to a few cases or even just some particular one.17、“Because slowdown in industrial-country growth dampened demand for exports of both primary commodities and manufactures from developing countries, the volume of merchandise exports of developing countries declined by 2 per cent.‖ 由于工业化国家的经济增长缓慢,降低了对发展中国家的初级产品和制造品的进口需求,发展中国家商品出口量下降了2%。 What is ―merchandise exports‖? What is the other kind of trade?

答:Merchandise usually includes all items for sale. In the text it refers specially to physical to physical goods for export as contrast to services exported. 18、“Structural transformation and the collapse of trade with the Soviet Union and its successor states combined to induce a deep recession in most of Central and Easter Europe,…‖大多数中欧和东欧国家的结构调整(体制改革)和与前苏联及其后出现的各共和国的贸易额骤降,使其出现了大萧条, What does the author mean by ―structural transformation‖? 答:A change in the political and economic systems.

19、“… a pick-up in China helped sustain Asian activity.‖中国的经济好转有助于维持亚洲的经济活力。

In what way would the pick-up in China help sustain Asian activity?

答:1) Estimates of GDP for each grouping of the world countries, which are categorized(分类) on the basis of their geographic positions.

2) The pick-up enabled(激活的) China to absorb more imports from abroad, including Asian countries.

20、What is market diversification(多样的)?

答:Market diversification is making the markets various in form.

21、“The GDP growth rate in 1991 of the South Asia region was 2.8 per cent, down from 5.9 per cent in 1990. The decline was partly caused by India‘s reining in(控制、限制)of its budget deficit(预算赤字) and short-term effect of the implementation(执行、实施) of strong emergency stabilization measures.(紧急稳定措施)‖ 这部分的是由于印度控制他们的预算赤字和执行了强有力的紧急稳定措施的短期影响,加上苏联市场的瓦解和美国的衰退,造成了其工业活力和出口额的急剧下降。 1) What is the meaning of ―reining in‖ in the context?

2) What is the main content of the ―emergency stabilization measures‖? Find the answer in the

fourth paragraph of the section from the bottom.


3) Why are the two underlined parts of the sentence quoted above counted(计算、认为) as causes

of the decline in the GDP growth rate of the South Asia?

答:1) The meaning ―reining in‖ in the given context is controlling or checking.

2) The emergency stabilization measures included a severe(严格的、严峻的) compression (压缩)of imports, tight credit policies(紧缩信贷政策) and exchange-rate devaluation(汇率贬值). 3) India‘s reining in its budget deficit means less investment spending; on the short run, a severe

compression of imports reduces the volume of consumption and thus weakens the domestic demand, tight credit policies leads to less investment, and exchange-rate devaluation results in weak domestic consumption(消费).

22、“Such sustained losses in terms of trade have contributed to growth performance in West Africa that is poorer than in East and Southern Africa.‖就贸易方面而言,这种持续的损失导致西非的经济增增长情况不如东非和南非国家。

In what sense is the word ―contribute‖ used in the given context? Does it mean to add something positive or helpful to the ―growth performance(增长情况)‖, or just the opposite(相反的)? 答:It means adding something negative(消极的、负的、减少) to the ―growth performance‖.

Lesson 5 关于美国的贸易策略与政策 ( On the US Strategy and Policy in Trade

二、重要词组: 1、tough 强硬的*

2、Clinton administration 克林顿政府 3、get better 好转

4、be prepared to do something 有准备的、准备好的 5、trading partners 贸易伙伴 6、move 提议、提出*

7、discrimination against 歧视….* 8、retaliate 报复*

9、trade representative 贸易代表 10、trade policies 贸易政策 11、sanctions 制裁*

12、trade sanctions 贸易制裁 13、sanctions on 制裁…… 14、trade barrier 贸易壁垒

15、escalate 逐步升高、逐步上升 16、escalate into sth.

17、protectionism 贸易保护主义

18、General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)关税及贸易总协定 19、the future of 前景

20、trade surplus 贸易赤字 21、results-oriented 结果导向 22、frictions 摩擦、冲突、矛盾* 23、a range of 一系列的

24、North American Free-Trade Agreement (NAFTA)北美自由贸易协定 25、trade priority 贸易优先权

26、live with the consequences 承受后果


27、trade hawks 贸易鹰派、贸易强硬派 28、procurement 采购*

29、government procurement 政府采购 30、stick by our guns 坚持己见 31、balanced against 与……相对

32、free-trade agreement 自由贸易协定 33、business 商会 34、bully 威吓* 35、get off 开始

36、trade signals 贸易信号


1、“The Clinton administration is drawing the first lines of tougher U.S. policy on trade, signaling to Europe and Japan that it will demand fairer treatment for American exports and is prepared to see relationships with U.S. trading partners get worse before they get better.‖ 克林顿政府正在开始制定一个更为强硬的美国贸易政策,这向欧洲和日本发出信号,它将会为美国出口要求更公平的待遇,并且克林顿政府已经做准备,任凭其与贸易伙伴的关系在好转之前先恶化。

What would happen (how would they react) if the U.S. demand for ―fairer treatment‖ were rejected, according to the context?

What‘s the implication of their being ―prepared to see relationship with U.S. trading partners get worse before they get better?‖

答:1) They are prepared to see relationships with U.S. trading partners get worse before they get better. 2) They meant that they would insist on their demand regardless(不管、不顾) of the consequences后果 (at any expense代价、损失、费用) until it was satisfied. 2、“An insistence that Europe and Japan create a ?level playing field‘ for trade by agreeing to give U.S. exporters the same access to their markets as foreign companies receive in the United States.‖ 坚决主张欧洲和日本答应给予美国出口公司进入欧洲和日本市场的机会,就如外国公司在美国的道德待遇一样,从而创造一个“公平竞争领域‖

What did the U.S. mean by a ―level playing field‖ for trade? 答:A market with the least barriers against American exporters.

3、“This push to expand U.S. manufacturing exports is considered essential politically to fulfill President Bill Clinton‘s campaign promise of more ?high-wage, high-skill‘ jobs for American.这一扩大美国制造业出口的推销运动被认为是必要的政治举措,以便实现比尔.克林顿竞选总统时所作的为美国提供更多的?高工资,高技术工作?的诺言。

In what way could this push help ―fulfill President Bill Clinton‘s campaign promise‖? 答:As long as(只要) the manufacturing exports were expanded, the U.S. manufacture would be expanded and profitable(有益的、有利可图的), thus there would e more high-wage and high-skill jobs for Americans.

4、Why would the administration not be deferred(延迟、延期) from exercising the more

aggressive(强硬) policy by complaints(抱怨) that it had moved to ―protectionism‖?(Paragraph 5) 为什麽克林顿政府不会在对其走向?贸易保护主义?的指责中推迟实施更强硬的贸易政策? 答:Because the administration officials saw little risk that their more aggressive policy could escalate into a full-fledged trade war that would shock the world‘s fragile economies, they would not be deferred by

complaints that it has moved to ―protectionism‖.因为政府官员并不认为有这样的风险:即者以更富有挑



5、What attitude did the U.S. administration take towards the new General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade according to Paragraph 6? 答:The administration was indifferent (冷淡的、不关心的)to the new General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade.

6、?To the administration , Tokyo appears more ?results-oriented‘ than the Community, prompting hopes that bargains(合同、契约、交易) can be reached with Japan to ease frictions(摩擦) on a range of issues.‖该届政府认为,日本好像比欧共体更注重结果,因此希望与其达成协议,以减少两国在一系列问题上的争执。

1) What doe ―bargains‖ mean in the above sentence? Deals, agreements, lower prices, or

something else?

2) What is the meaning of ―results-oriented‖(结果导向的)? 答:1) Agreements

2) Attaching(附上、连接) great importance to results.

7、Read Paragraph 9 of the text and answer the following questions.

1) ―Some of the Clinton administration‘s tough(强硬) talk‖ is described as being ―tactical(策

略性的)‖ in the text. What is the implication(暗示) of tactical in the given context? 2) Was the U.S. really as tough as it looked on trade questions according to the text? Why? Try to find some information within the paragraph to support your viewpoint. 答:1) What is implied by ―tactical‖ here is that the US ―tough talk‖ was merely(仅仅、只不过) a method(方法), adopted(采用) to attain(获得、达到) their goal(目的、目标) of expending exports, with no attempt(努力、尝试) to touch off(触发) a trade war.

2) No, it was. It‘s because ―it appears the officials are prepared to turn up the temperature on trade—and live with the consequences.‖看上去官员们准备让贸易问题升温——并承担其后果。

8、Read the Paragraph 10 and try to explain ―the … well-trod path‖ and see what ―the well-trod path‖ specifically refer to.

答:―The … well-trod path‖ means the policy frequently (经常的、常常的) acted on (按……行动).

―The … well-trod path‖ specifically refers to the tough trade policy of threatening(胁迫的) sanctions against its trading partners and walking away from the negotiations which would provide only small gains for U.S. companies. 指以贸易制裁来威胁其贸易伙伴,退出为美国公司带来很少利益的谈判

9、?‘I think it clearly indicates(指出、表明) a resolve(决心) to stick by our guns,‘ a government official said.‖一名政府官员说,我以为这清楚表明了政府坚持其立场的决心。

Paraphrase the official‘s words in plain(平常的、简单的) language according to the context (Paragraph 11)

答:I think it clearly indicates a determination to insist on our own standpoint(观点、立场).‖

10、Could you make a brief(简要) summary(概要) of the divergent(分歧) reactions(反应) to the Clinton administration‘s trade policies? (Information on the reactions is given in Paragraph 14-19)

答:The various responses(反应) to the policy distinctly(明显的、清楚地) differed from each other. Abroad, EC officials fiercely(猛烈的) criticized(批评) them, while Latin America applauded(赞同、称赞) them. At home, some representatives(代表) of U.S. business approved(赞许) them. But some economists emphasized(强调) the risks the policies would bring on.


11、?Whenever the United States starts to act like all the other countries in exercising its trade right, everybody gets mad…‖任何时候美国象其它国家一样开始行使他的贸易权力时,人人都会愤怒的发疯。

What exactly you find in reading between the lines of the above statement by a U.S. business reprehensive? 答:He meant that is reasonable(合理的、适当的) for America to practice tough trade policy to protect its own interest in the world at anytime(任何时候).

12、What exactly does the word ―lights‖ mean in the following sentence?

―Some of the administration‘s leading lights are persuaded that confrontation can succeed.‖克林顿政府的一些要员相信对抗能获得成果。

答:It means ―prominent(突出的、显著的) officials‖.

13、Translate the following sentence into Chinese so as to get a clearer meaning.

―Anyone who thinks Europe and Japan will be bullied into meeting American deadlines and priorities isn‘t awake to the changes that have occurred.‖

May we say from the above words that the speaker didn‘t believe that the United States could succeed by taking a tough stand in the negotiations?

答:任何人如果认为欧洲和日本会被胁迫而满足美国的最后期限和优先考虑的事情,他就还没有清楚地意识到已经发生的变化。 Yes, we may. 14、?The world needs to hear from the new president what his trade signals mean and where they are leading …‖世界需要听新总统讲讲他的贸易信号的意图和导向……

What does ―they‖ stand for in the sentence? 答: ―his trading signals‖

Lesson 6 The Development of EU 重点词组:

1、European Community 欧洲共同体(欧共体) 2、take effect 实施、见效、 这里意为启动或成立 3、the single market 统一大市场*

4、the European Community‘s vast single market 欧共体的统一大市场 5、big bang 创世大爆炸

6、barrier-free market 无壁垒市场 7、European integration 欧洲一体化 8、the internal market 内部市场 9、political will 政治意愿

10、marriage contract 结婚契约

11、Maastricht Treaty 马斯特里赫特条约 (欧洲联盟条约) 12、integration 一体化*

13、political and economic integration 政治经济一体化 14、political integration 政治一体化 15、free-trade zone 自由贸易区 16、tire of 厌烦

17、free-market philosophy 自由市场理论 18、sour 恶化、变坏


19、be bursting to do sth.渴望, 急着要做(某事)

20、be not bursting to do sth. 不渴望, 不急着要做(某事) 21、gush over(v.)滔滔不绝地说、津津乐道 22、translated into 翻译成, 转化为* 23、community wide 全欧共体范围内 24、skid 急剧下降*

25、economic benefits 经济利益 26、economic activity 经济活动 27、flat (市场等)呆滞、无增减的* 28、soared 剧增, 骤升,高飞* 29、annual growth rate 年增长率 30、plant modernization 工厂现代化 31、budget cuts 预算消减* 32、deregulation 撤销管制* 33、privatizations 私有化* 34、merger 兼并


1、“What more does the word trouble mean than difficulty in the title?

(Economic Troubles Cloud New Market‘s Future经济困境笼罩着新市场前景) 答:Besides ―difficulty‖, ―trouble‖ means ―riots and conflicts‖.

2、What are ―holiday fliers‖?(乘飞机外出度假的人)

答: ―Holiday fliers‖ are the people who travel to other countries by plane on holidays. 3、What conclusions(结论、结束) could you draw from the pictures(描绘了怎样一幅情景) presented(提到) in the 1st paragraph?

答:At the start of the single market one could not see much change and many Europeans would look at it with reservation(疑惑), according to the writer.

4、?Yet in its current dour mood, Europe risks almost overlooking(忽视) the revolutionary step forward(革命性的进步) it has taken in creating the world‘s largest and wealthiest barrier-free market—and on a continent where, for centuries, economic battles have led to some of history‘s

bloodiest wars.‖(然而、在当前抑郁的氛围中,欧洲几乎忽视了它在创建世界上最大、最富有的无壁垒市场方面所迈出的革命性一步的危险——而是在数个世纪以来经济纷争曾酿成历史上最血腥的一些战争的大陆上迈出的。)

1) I what sense am revolutionary used here?

2) What did the writer worry about for Western Europe in the article? 答:1)Drastic 激烈的;猛烈的;急剧的

2) The writer feared that making drastic changes in such a large and wealthy area might sharpen(加深、加强) interest conflicts(冲突) between EU member countries, if handled(运用, 买卖, 处理, 操作) improperly(不合适的; 不正常的), and arouse (唤醒, 唤起, 鼓励, 引起)unexpected(意外的, 想不到的) confusion.(混乱;疑惑)

5、?… those EC countries looking for more than a glorified free-trade zone could tire of the single market‘s free market philosophy.‖(……那些寻求比一个美化了的自由贸易区更为理想的共同体的成员国,就有可能厌倦统一大市场的自由市场理论。)


Do you think that the single marker means the same thing as a free trade zone in the sentence? How do you know?

答:No, I don‘t. The single market embodies (包括, 包含), both the free trade zone and the deeper political integration, neither of which can stand alone(孤立).

6、“… we are not safely beyond a backlash against the new world of competition.‖(…… 我们并非会安然无恙,处于对这个以竞争为特点的新世界的强烈抵制之外。)

How do you understand ―the new world of competition ―according to the context?

答: ―The new world of the competition‖ refers to the newly established single market in the text. 7、?If Europeans aren‘t bursting to give the single market a coming-out party, it may simply be that markets aren‘t the kinds of things people gust about,…‖(如果说欧洲人不急于宣传统一大市场,那可能仅仅因为市场并不是人们所能侃侃而谈的。)

Explain the underlined words and phrases and then find out what the writer really wants to convey to his readers? 答:?Bursting‖ here means ―(be) filled to(充满、充分) the breaking point(转换点)‖, ―coming-out‖ means ―(a party) held for a girl who first takes part in social activities‖, ―gush about‖ means ―talk about excitedly(兴奋的) and endlessly(不断的)‖. 8、Please find out the reasons from the text why Europeans may not be very enthusiastic(热情) about the coming out of the Single Market?

答:?Europeans will wake up new year‘s day with the same 10 percent unemployment and doubts about European unity.‖(新年清晨醒来,欧洲人将依旧面临10%的失业率,依旧对欧洲一体化疑虑重重。)

―As Europe‘s economy has soured, free-market ideas that are new to much of Europe face new


―The fact that free movement of people—an aspect of the market that will be most evident to the

average person — is not yet a reality also plays a role.‖(人员的自由流动——对于普通人来说这是统一大市场最显然的一个方面——迄今为止还没有实现,这也是人们态度冷淡的一个原因)

9、?The fact that free movement of people—an aspect of the market that will be most evident to the average person — is not yet a reality also plays a role.‖

1) How many subordinate(从属的)clauses(从句) does this sentence contain(包含)? 2) What kinds of clause are they respectively(分别地)? And what parts of the sentence? 答:1) Two

2) An appositive clause(同位语从句) and an attributive(定语从句) one. Both are used as attributes in the sentence.

10、How would you interpret the word ―translate‖ in the sentence ―By Jan. 1 we will have passed 95 percent of what we sought in 1986 to create the single market, and much of that will already have been translated into national law‖?(截止到1月1日,我们将会通过我们1986年为创立统一大市场所拟出提案的95%,而且其中许多都已经转变为国家法律)

Can you find an appropriate(适当的) Chinese equivalent(相等的, 相当的, 同意义的)for it? 答:In the given context, the word translates means to change one from to another. Its Chinese equivalent might be 转化,or just 变

11、 ―Adjustment to the market has been going on for years and won‘t be expected over-night.‖(数年来一直在对这一市场进行调整,它不可能在一夜之间完成。)


Paraphrase(解释) the above sentence. 答:Adjustment to the market has dragged on (拖延) rather(有点, 相当) long and won‘t be (could not be) completely very soon.

12、?Both EC and independent analysts say that business anticipated the economic benefits of the single market, …‖(欧共体的分析家和独立分析家都说,商界预料到了统一大市场会带来的经济利益) What does the word business represent(代表、表现、描绘) here? 答:The business circles.

13、Define the word ―approach‖ in the following sentence according to its context.

―But beyond the short-term statistics, many analysts say the real revolution of ?1992‘ …is how it has changed the way Europe works and how it approaches (处理) business.‖(除了这些短期统计数据,许多分析家说,?1992?—……—的真正大变革,在于它如何改变了欧洲的行为方式,以及它怎样应用于商业。)

答:?begin to deal with‖.

14、 ―1992 is a set of laws, and because of the mutual stakes no one would take a breach of those laws lightly.‖(1992年计划所产生的是一系列法律,由于各国有共同利益,没有哪个国家会轻易违反这些法律)

1) What‘s the implication(含义) of ―1992‖ here?

2) What do stake and lightly mean respectively in the sentence?

答:1)The great program in 1992 to finish preparing for the establishment of the single market.

2) Stake means ―interests‖; lightly means ―not seriously‖.

15、?Everyone is politically weak back home, which leads to fighting instead of compromise over Europe.‖(每个国家的领导者在国内的政治地位不稳固,这将导致欧洲各国之间的冲突而不是和解) Why could the weak positions of EU countries‘ leaders at home lead to fighting instead of compromise over Europe?

答:When the leaders of some EU countries felt weak politically at home, to improve(改善) their domestic positions, they would try harder in dealing with the EU common(共同的、普遍的) question to protect(保护) and promote(促进) each of their own national interest, instead of the common good, which would lead to more fighting among them than compromise.

16、?What the community has completed rather well is the legal framework, but it is not a blueprint for how the single market will actually work.‖(欧共体所圆满完成的是确立了法律框架,但这并不是统一大市场实际操作的详细计划)

Is there any difference between ―a legal framework‖ and a ―blueprint‖? What is that? 答:Legal framework : a set of outlined(大纲、要点) laws;

Blueprint: a detailed( 详细的, 逐条的)plan of actual work. 17、When you finish the article, have you got an idea of the viewpoints(观点) of the European people on the single market and the EC? Make a summary(摘要) of your gains.

答:EC people are not optimistic(乐观) about the future of the single market and EC. The single market is the center of EC. However, without the prospect(前景) of a single European currency and the political will to moving forward, as Europe‘s economy has soured(恶化), free-market ideas that are new to much of Europe face new challenges(挑战). Many of the market‘s original(最初的、原来的) directives(方针) have already been implemented(实现、执行) and much of the burst (爆发、爆炸)of economic activity has already occurred. Adjustment to the marker has been going on for years and won‘t be expected


over-night. Because of the mutual interests, no country would take a breach(违背、打破) of the 1992 laws lightly. Leaders are politically weak at home now. The legal framework is the outline(大纲、概要), but European people need to work out detailed(详细的) plans their own.

Lesson 7 On Japan‘s Position on trade

( 关于日本的贸易地位)


1、import targets 进口指标* 2、thrust 推行、推进*

3、quantifiable results 定量结果、量化结果 4、white paper 白皮书

5、Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI)日本通商产业省 6、in addition to 除了

7、somebody‘s side of an argument 某人对这个论点的态度

8、take sb. to task for sth. 为某事责备某人 (也可用call和bring代替take) 9、Uruguay round of trade talks 乌拉圭回合谈判 10、free-trade 自由贸易

11、at pains to do sth. 尽力做某事 12、tariff 关税*

13、average tariff 平均关税 14、manufactured goods 制成品 15、trade sanctions 贸易制裁 16、trade surplus 贸易顺差 17、bilateral surplus 双边顺差

18、fiscal packages 财政一揽子计划

19、exporting its way out of 通过出口摆脱……* 20、trade in goods 货物贸易

21、international bodies 国际组织 22、OECD 经济合作与发展组织 23、see 经历*

24、depend upon 依赖, 依靠 25、out of kilter 不协调、不合拍 26、strengthening 加强、加固*

27、industrial commodities 工业商品 28、business cycle 商业周期 29、of its own accord 自动的 30、pick up 加快, 加速

31、economic cycle 经济周期

32、parts and components 零件、部件、零部件 33、be of less concern 关系不大 34、managed trade 管理贸易 35、consumer goods 消费品 36、market share 市场份额*

37、export-driven 以出口为导向的、注重出口的* 38、export one‘s way out of trouble 靠出口摆脱困境 39、in due course 及时地, 在适当时


40、albeit 尽管

41、households save 家庭储蓄 42、budget deficit 预算赤字 43、 trade balance 贸易差额 44、trade policy 贸易政策 45、public opinion 公众舆论 46、trade deficit 贸易逆差 47、cave in 下陷, 投降, 屈服 48、count on 依靠, 指望

49、concentrate on 集中, 全神贯注于 50、regardless of 不管, 不顾 51、trade reprisals 贸易报复 52、give way 让路, 退让


1、“An unwilling Japan has decided to draw the line.‖(日本勉强接受了它能接受的底线) What in the meaning of the underline part in the above sentence?

答:To draw the line划一界线, 划定最后界限: to set limits, to set a limit on what one is willing to do. 2、 ―Once, when Japan faced pressure form abroad, it would either give in reluctantly(不愿意的, 勉强的) or keep quiet and hope that the fuss would die down.‖(从前,但日本面临外来压力时,它要么会勉强屈服,要么会保持平静,希望那些谴责逐渐消失)

1) Could you guess what sort of pressure the writer refers to?

2) Please give a synonym(同义字)to the expression (表达) ―give in‖.

3) Explain the above underlined part of the sentence, paying special attention to the word ―fuss‖. 答:1) According to the context of the article and developments in international trade in recent years, the ―pressure‖ mentioned here should include mostly economic sanctions or threats(威胁) of that.

2) To give in: to yield (屈服, 屈从), surrender(投降;屈服)

3) Fuss(使焦虑;使紧张;烦扰): nervous activity or excitement(激动, 骚动)(complaint抱怨, 牢骚, annoyance烦恼, 可厌之事etc.) ―…the fuss would die down‖ is that that would become weak.

3、Translate the following sentence into Chinese:

―Instead Japan is undertaking a detailed(具体的、细节) defense(辩护) of its record on trade.‖ 答:相反,日本正在为其贸易高记录作具体的辩护

4、“Both reports argue for(赞成) trade governed by multilateral rules and call for the completion of the Uruguay round of trade talks.‖(两份报告都主张贸易要由多边规则来制约,并要求完成乌拉圭回合谈判)

Find a word to replace(替换, 代替)―multilateral‖ for the same idea. 答:Multipartite多方的adj. (having many sides 边)

5、“With the economy still barely growing, despite two fiscal packages in the past nine months, Japan‘s critics say that the country is once more exporting its way out of recession(工商业之衰退, 不景气).‖(日本经济依旧是微弱增长,尽管过去9个月中政府实施了两个财政计划,日本评论家却认为,该国又是在凭借出口走出经济衰退的低谷)

Paraphrase(解释)―exporting its way out of recession.‖ 答:Get through the recession by exporting.


6、Read Paragraph 6 and try to sum up(概括, 总结)in a few words the MITI‘s defending (辩护) point on the trade surplus question.

答:MITI‘s defense is that most trade statistics(数据统计) don‘t include services. If Japan‘s imports of service had been included in its trade statistic, then the trade surplus would have been lower. 7、Sum up the explanations given in the analysis by Mr. Haraoka‘s office for the recent rise in Japan‘s trade surplus.(See paragraph 1-2 of the second section.)

答:Firstly, because of the domestic depression(萧条,不景气), Japan reduced imports of luxuries(奢侈品). Secondly, owing to(由于) the slow growth elsewhere, the prices of the commodities that Japanese industry depends upon were low. Thirdly, exports of Japanese machinery were still smooth(平稳的)because the Asian countries that bought them kept booming(繁荣).

On the other hand, America developed economy which caused an increase in imports from Japan, while Japanese demand for foreign goods declines, And a large proportion(部分) of American exports to Japan were industrial commodities which were highly sensitive(敏感) to the business cycle. 8、 ―However, it says, a persistent(持续的)surplus is inevitable改善as long as Japanese households save more than Americans and America‘s bigger budget deficit remains untamed(难控制的).‖ (然而,他认为,只要日本的家庭储蓄高于美国,美国的预算赤字依旧失控,持续的贸易顺差是不可避免的)

Please find out the relationship between ―a persistent surplus‖ and the Japanese households‘ higher savings rate and the America‘s bigger budget deficit. What effects would the two factors have on Japan‘s trade surplus?

答:The fundamental(基本的)reason of trade surplus is macroeconomic(整体经济) factors which include Japanese higher household savings and America‘s bigger budget deficit. With higher saving rate, Japanese would not buy more goods from foreign countries. And the bigger budget deficit increased the American needs to import goods from abroad.

9、How do you understand the last paragraph of the text? Does the writer believe that America‘s trade deficit with Japan could be improved(改善) once Japan gives in to their pressure? 答:No.

Lesson 8 South Korea & Other Fast-developing Asian Countries

—Their Progress and Problems

(南朝鲜及其它发展迅速的亚洲国家——其发展和问题 )


1、 corporate headquarters 公司总部* 2、 conglomerate 跨行业公司、集团公司 2、Silicon Valley 硅谷 3、delve into 深入研究

4、state-of-the-art 目前工艺水平、目前最先进的 5、surge(-ing) 汹涌、涌出、这里译为迅速崛起* 6、churn out 艰苦(费力)的做出* 7、affiliate 联号

8、joint venture 合资公司


9、subsidiaries 子公司、附属公司 10、annual sales 年销售额 11、no more than 只不过

12、nation economic machine 国家经济机构 13、industrial infrastructure 工业基础设施 14、investment capital 投资资本 15、target 把……作为目标、瞄准* 16、all-out 竭尽全力 17、antidumping 反倾销*

18、antidumping suits 反倾销起诉 19、touch off 触发,激起

20、intrude on(upon) 侵入、闯进 21、keep sb. from doing 阻止

22、licenser 许可证颁发者、转让人 23、edge 优势*

24、per capita income 人均收入 25、hover 盘旋、徘徊*

26、exporting its way out of poverty 通过出口摆脱贫困 27、fledging conglomerates 新兴(刚起步)的跨行业公司28、government-backed loans 政府担保贷款 29、light industrial goods 轻工产品 30、year in and year out 一年到头 31、annual growth rate 年增长率 32、living standard 生活水平 33、literacy rate 脱盲率、识字率 34、middle class 中产阶级 35、for all 尽管

36、deep pockets of poverty 极度贫困、赤贫 37、eke out 勉强维持

38、subsistence livings 勉强糊口的生活水平 39、nouveau riche 暴发户

40、human-rights restrictions 人权限制 41、political opposition 政治反对派 42、step down 辞职, 下台

43、political liberalization 政治自由化 44、driving force 驱[传, 主]动力

45、labor-cost advantage 劳动力成本优势 46、toe-to-toe 面对面的,直接的 47、electronics industry 电子工业 48、state-of-the-ate 最先进的 49、industrial group 工业集团 50、revamp(-ing) 改组

51、basic industries 基础工业 52、power 推动*

53、industrial structure 工业结构 54、cope with 应付、与…竞争


55、boil down to 归因于

56、industrial giants 大工业企业 57、monopoly 垄断、垄断者 58、inefficiency 低效率

59、vulnerable 脆弱的、敏感的*

60、business setback 商业(企业)挫折 61、rein in 控制,放慢, 止住 62、contribution to 贡献 63、step on the toes 触怒 64、tax breaks 税额优惠

65、entrepreneurship 企业家精神 66、the lion‘s share 最大份额* 67、direct subsidies 直接补贴 68、insolvent (v.) 无偿付能力 insolvency (n.) 无偿付能力 69、get the message 领会 70、market forces 市场力量 71、financial system 金融体制 72、self-sufficient 自给自足的* 73、official interest rates 官方利率 74、float 浮动*

75、siphon 吸收、调出*

76、cash-strapped 先进短缺的* 77、consumer market 消费市场 78、penetrate穿入;透过;渗入* 79、home turf

三、课后问题 1、“What is the implication(暗示) of Korea, Inc.? (Read the 3rd paragraph and the 4th sentence of the 6th paragraph of the text for hints.)

答:1)It implies that the South Korean government favored(优惠的) the country‘s big conglomerates with preferential(优先的, 特惠的)polices so as(只要) to sharpen(增强; 加深)their competitiveness(竞争) in the world market and aimed at(瞄准, 针对)establishing a strong national economic machine(机构)based on their strength which would propel(推进, 驱使)forward the whole of the economy. “Inc.‖ refer to the collaboration(合作).

2、“As one of Koo‘s lieutenants(副手、助手) puts it: ?Our future lies in becoming a truly global company.‘‖ (正如库的一名助手所说的那样:“我们的未来在于成为一个真正的全球性的公司。”) Paraphrase the lieutenant‘s quotation (引证; 引用语) . 答:They pinned all their hopes of success and prosperity (繁荣;兴旺)on (归罪于) the overseas expansion(扩大,扩张).

3、“For South Korea as a whole, that seems as much(同样多)a prophecy as an ambition.‖(对整个南朝鲜来说,那似乎既是一个预示,同样也是一个雄心。)

Rewrite the sentence in plainer(简单的, 明白的)words, having the central idea clarified(阐明). 答:For South Korea as a whole, that seems both a prophecy and an ambition.


4、“Another colossus, the $ 9 billion Samsung, has started marketing a ?supertech‘ 256K computer chip — encouraging some Koreans to speak confidently(自信的) of the day when they will become the world‘s second largest manufacturer of basic electronic components(电子元件), outstripping(超过) America and running just behind Japan.‖ (另一个大企业,年销售额为90亿美元的三星公司,已经开始推销一种“超技”256K的计算机芯片——促使一些南朝鲜人自信的说,有一天,他们将超过美国,仅次于日本,成为世界上的第二大基本电子元件生产者。)

What‘s introduced by ―when‖ in the syntax(句子构造, 句法)? An adverbial clause(状语从句), or an attributive one(定语从句)? How do you know?

答:An attributive clause, for it modifies(修饰)noun-―the day‖.

5、“Still, the comparisons with Japan, Inc. are more than empty flattery; in fact, they signal Korea‘s gathering clout.‖(尽管如此,与Japan, Inc.的种种比较不仅仅是空洞的恭维话,事实上,它们标志着南朝鲜的不断扩大的影响力。)

What‘s ―gathering clout‖ in the given context?

答: Clout (n.): power and influence(势力, 有影响的人(或事)). ―gathering(聚集, 渐增) clout‖ means increasing influence.

6、“The once provincial(乡气的) capital of Seoul teems with(充满) energy and sophistication(先进).‖(汉城这个曾带有不少乡气的首都,如今却充满活力,洋溢着先进的气息。)

In what sense is the word sophistication used here? What might it refer to specifically(特定的、明确的) and what has it to do with energy?

答:In the given context, it means the advancement of technology. It refers specially to their (technically) modernized municipal(地方性的) facilities(设备, 工具), which helps give people the impression(印象) that it‘s a place full of ―energy‖.

7、“For all the progress, deep pockets of poverty (极度贫困、赤贫)exist throughout the country.‖(尽管取得了所有这些进步,南朝鲜各处都存在着赤贫现象。)

1) What is the usual meaning of the expression (表达)―a deep pocket‖? 2) What does ―deep pockets‖ mean here?

3) Why is the expression used this way in the text? It is used ironically here, isn‘t it? 答:1)“a deep pocket(口袋, 钱)” usually means ―a large sum of money.‖

2) Here ―deep pocket‖ means serious problems, a terrible state(国家) situation(情形, 境遇).

3)It is used ironically(说反话地, 讽刺地)to indicate(指出, 显示)that in spite of(不管) fast economic growth in South Korea, sad(令人不快的)poverty still exists throughout the country. 8、?If South Korea is to carry its momentum(势头、动力)into the next decade, however, it will have to achieve a huge economic leap forward.‖(然而,如果南朝鲜想让其活力持续到九十年代,它将不得不实现一个经济上的大跃进。)

―Such challenges and opportunities are to be expected as Korea enters a new era.‖(南朝鲜进入一个新时代时应该预料到这样的挑战和机遇。)

What do ―is to …‖ and ―are to …‖ mean respectively(分别地)? Do they mean the same thing? 答:‖…is to…‖ means ―…plan to…‖; ―…are to…‖ means ―…should be…‖

9、What does the writer mean by ―the outer frontiers of high technology‖?(高科技的最前沿) 答:The most advanced high technologies.


10、How do you understand ―Daewoo, Samsung and Dong Ah helped put Korea on the world‘s corporate map‖?(大宇、三星和东阿等公司有助于使南朝鲜进入世界贸易大国行列)

答:These companies‘ successful expansion overseas helped Korea begin to take rank among(在……之中) the trade powers with numerous(众多的, 许多的)giant(庞大的, 巨大的)multinationals(跨国公司)and global economic influence(势力, 有影响的人(或事)).

11、?Give the stakes involved, …?(鉴于有关的个人利益……) What does ―given‖ mean here?

What does ―the stakes‖ refer to in the given context? What‘s the meaning of ―involved‖ here?

答:1) Considering or in view of.( 考虑到, 由于)

2) ―The stakes‖ refer the personal interest. 3) Concerned(有关的).

12、?That‘s no small order, but the Koreans think it can b filled fairly simply.‖(这决非易事,但南朝鲜人认为他们可以轻而易举的办成)

What‘s compared to an order in the given context?

答:Here ―order‖ is used figuratively(比喻地)with the meaning of task or requirement.

13、 ―At bottom, says Nam Due Woo, chairman of Korea Traders Association, South Korea needs only ?some degree of sweet and some degree of technological sophistication.‘ And that‘s precisely(正好) what has already lifted Korea, Inc. into contention.‖(南朝鲜贸易者协会会长南督戊说,实际上,南朝鲜“只需要若干程度的艰苦劳动和若干程度的技术水平。”而这正是使南朝鲜由政府倡导和支持的、大公司大企业进行的扩大出口的运动进入世界竞争行列的因素。) 1) What does the writer mean by the word ―sweat‖?

2) What does ?technological sophistication(先进)‖ refer to? 3) Can you explain ―… lifted Korea, Inc. into contention‖? 答:1) It means to make great efforts(努力)-slave(辛勤努力).

2) It refers to the advancement of technology.

3) What‘s meant is that, it‘s those things mentioned above that has made Korea a rising world trading power and able to compete with countries like the U.S. and Japan in the international market.

U9 Newly-Emerging Trading Stars ( 贸易新星) 一、重点词组:

1、Gulf region 海湾地区 2、soar 剧增* 3、order for 定购* 4、wary about 警惕

5、sovereignty dispute 主权争端 6、for the moment 目前

7、add weight to 扩大影响、增强优势 8、to be inclined to do 倾向于;想要

9、GCC (Gulf Co-operation Council) 海湾合作委员会 10、IDEX 93 (1993 International Defense Equip- -ment Exhibition) 1993年国际国防设施展览会 11、Gulf states 海湾国家 12、riding high 飞速发展*

13、OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting


Countries) 石油输出国组织 14、head off 阻止

15、carbon tax 双重税收 16、involve 包括*

17、materialise= materialize 实现*

18、going to 定位、转到,这里为投入* 19、financing n. 筹措资金 * 20、phase 阶段 \\时期* 21、firm order 实盘

22、non-oil trade 非石油贸易 23、unaffected 未受影响的*

24、recession 退后, 工商业之衰退, 不景气*25、capacity 能力*

26、manufacturing capacity 生产能力 27、trade surplus 贸易顺差 28、current account 经常项目 29、current account 经常项目顺差 30、government grants 政府津贴 31、central bank 国家中央银行 32、risk-weighted 风险架权

33、risk-weighted assets 风险加权资产 34、come into effect 开始生效, 开始实施 35、cut back on 减低 36、oust 代替; 取代*

37、slip 滑落, 下降, 减退* 38、visible trade 有形贸易

39、steadily 稳定地,稳固地,有规则的* 40、export destination 出口国* 41、trade fair 贸易交易会 42、market share 市场份额 43、category 种类、品种*

44、conduct 实施、经营、处理* 45、re-export 再出口、复出口

46、non-oil foreign trade 非石油对外贸易 47、non-oil export 非石油出口 48、add up 加算;合计 49、work out 计算出、作出

50、import surcharge 进口附加税 51、smuggling 走私* 52、seesaw 起伏、涨落*

53、repeat 重复, 使再现,这里译为持平* 54、bettered 更多;更好, 这里译为超过* 55、certificates of origin 产地证明书* 56、foothold 立足处* 57、silly 愚蠢的*

58、upward (向上)spiral(盘旋的) 向上攀升*


59、fuel 支持*

60、buoyant 活跃的*

61、profit margins(利润, 差数) 利润* 62、the developing areas 开发区 63、worth 价值*

64、lucrative fees 利润报酬*

三、课后问题 第一部分: 1、“According to the first paragraph of the text, what was the question that dominated discussions(主要议题) at the GCC(海湾合作委员会) Summit(参加最高级会议的)? 答:The topic of defense(国防).

2、“Naval requirements are now being considered and could produce orders for six or seven vessels…‖(目前,政府正在考虑海军的要求,在以后的三到四年内可能定购六、七艘军舰) In what sense is the word ―produce‖ used in the sentence? 答:Result in (something)

3、“Domestically, the UAE is following the line of other Gulf states in promoting wider popular consultation.‖(在国内政策上,阿联酋象其它海湾国家一样在发动更广泛的协商)

What does popular mean in the sentence? Does it mean ―liked and admired(赞美) by the people‖, or something else?

答:Here popular means: carried on(继续开展, 坚持) by the people. 4、?It probably has more teeth than other consultative assemblies.?(它很可能比其他协商机构拥有更大的权力)

What does ―to have more teeth‖ mean in the given context?

答:It has more effective means to have the relative laws enforced(强迫的). 5、?The only sour note has been struck by new energy tax proposals in the U.S. and the EC. Talks on the subject between GCC/OPEC oil ministers and EC officials are due to be held on 11 May…‖(其中唯一的不协调音是美国和欧共体的新的能源税提案。海湾合作委员会或欧佩克的石油部长和欧共体官员定于5月11日就这一议题进行会谈。)

1) What was the ―new energy tax proposals in the US and the EC‖ about?

2) Why was the ―tax proposals‖ ―a sour note‖ for the oil producers, according to the given


答:1) New energy tax proposals aim to levy tax on energy, including oil.

2) Because it may slow the growth in demand for oil and compromise Gulf capacity expansion plans.(因


6、?The emirate is now firmly on the world sporting map and reaping the rewards (奖赏报答)of more publicity.‖(该酋长国现在已在世界体育界占据了一席之地,并获得越来越多的关注。) 1) What is the meaning of ―more publicity(注意)‖?

2) W hat‘s the good of being ―firmly on the world sporting map for a country? 答:1) It means ―more public notice or attention‖.

2) It brings Dubai more publicity which is providing(供给, 提供) the emirate with more opportunities(机会, 时机), such as foreign investment.


7、?Tennis has been added to the growing list of sporting events, with a BMW/Dubai Duty

Free-sponsored tournament in February.‖(不断增加的运动项目又增加了网球,2月份就有一场由宝马汽车有限公司资助和迪拜政府通过免税共同主办的锦标赛)

Change the phrase introduced by ―with‖ into an adverbial clause (状语从句)(of time or reason) for the same idea.

答:…as a tennis tournament was held (there), which was sponsored by the BMW/Dubai Duty Free (the name of some tnterprise).

8、?Major investment is going to the Dubai-based Emirates airlines,…‖(大笔投资正在投入总部在迪拜的酋长国航空公司)

What is meant by ―Dubai-based‖?

答:With their headquarters (head office) in Dubai.

9、?Emirates now employs almost 3,500 staff, making it one of Dubai‘s largest employers.‖(酋长国航空公司现在雇用了将近3500名职员,成为迪拜最大的雇主之一) What does ―Emirates‖ stand for according to the context? 答:Dubai-based Emirates airlines

10、 ―Soon, $2,000 million in financing will have to be arranged for the next phase of development, which will cover deliveries from 1996—2000.‖(该航空公司不久需要筹措20亿美元资金用于下一步的发展, 这将用于支付1996年到2000年的交货费用)

What does ―which‖ represent in the sentence? 答: ―Which‖ stand for ―$2,000 million in financing‖


11、?China shows how it‘s done in Dubai‖(中国显示其在迪拜的作为)

What does the abbreviation ―it‘s‖ represent? It is or it has? 答:It has…

12、Paraphrase the underlined part in the following sentence.

―The Chinese city of Guangzhou, situated a mere 50 minutes flying time from Hong Kong, was expecting buyers from more than 400 UAE companies to attend its Chinese export commodities spring fair held from 15-24 April.‖(乘飞机到香港只需50分钟的中国城市广州,期待着阿联酋的400多个公司的买主参加于4月15日至24日举行的中国出口商品春季交易会。) 答:a place to which it takes a traveler only 50 minutes to go from Hong Kong by plane.

13、Translate the following sentence into Chinese, paying special attention to the sentence structure.

―The Chinese consulate‘s commercial section in Dubai reported a continual stream of visitors in the run-up to the exhibition from companies wanting to do business for the first time with China.‖ 答:中国驻迪拜领事馆的商务处报道说,在展览会的准备期,来自各公司希望与中国做首笔生意的商人源源不断地到来。

14、?Last year, however, it ousted the US to become the second largest exporter to the emirate with goods worth more than $1,000 million, or 8 per cent of Dubai‘s total import bill.‖(然而,去年它取代了美国,成为对酋长国的第二大出口国,共向其出口价值10亿美元的货物,占迪拜进口支出的8%。) 1) According to the context, does ―to oust‖ mean ―to drive out(逐出)‖ or something else more

proper? If it does not, what does it mean in the sentence? What other word can be used to replace ―ousted‖?

2) What is the meaning of ―bill‖ in the context?


答:1) Replace(取代, 替换, 代替)

2) Spending(开销,花费)

15、Why is there a discrepancy(差异) in the value of imports between the figures provided by the Chinese government and Dubai?

答:Because Dubai‘s figures show all goods manufactured in China including those by Taiwanese or Hong Kong joint ventures.

16、?What the statistics do not reveal(显示, 揭示) is how much is unofficially(非官方的,非正式地)re-exported from the country. This is acknowledged by Dubai‘s customs department. ?The re-export figures are indicative of markets rather than volumes‘, a spokesman says. ?If you add up the import figures and work out that 85 per cent of it is supposed to stay in the country then the UAE would be the best stocked warehouse in the world.‘‖(该统计数字并没有显示非官方的再出口额,迪拜海关署也承认这一点。?官方的再出口数字显示的是在出口的目标国而不是再出口的出口量,?一位发言人称,?如果你把进口的数字加在一起,会算出这样的结果,进口的85%应该是留在国内以待再出口,这样的话,阿联酋就成了世界上最好的存货仓了。?)

1) Do the UAE‘s statistics on trade show the volume of all its re-export?

2) What is meant by ―The re-export figures are indicative of markets rather than volumes‖?

3) What does ―stay‖ mean and imply in ―…85 per cent of it is supposed to stay in the country…‖? 答:1) No. The unofficial re-exports‘ figures were not included.

2) The re-export statistics could inform(获悉, 告知) you only of the destination countries, but not of its actual volumes as the figures of the unofficial re-exports are not given there.

3) To be kept for re-export. 17、?The number one re-export destination is Iran, with re-export up 23 per cent on the 1991 figure to Dh 2,678 million – or almost 30 per cent of the total, according to official statistics.‖

Translate the above sentence, paying special attention to the meaning and the usage of the prepositions: up, on and to.


18、Why did re-exports to Kuwait between 1990 and 1992 experience(经历) sharp rise and fall? 答:Because of Iraqi invasion(入侵)and the subsequent closure(关闭,使终止)of Kuwait‘s ports.(因为伊拉克的入侵和随后封锁了科威特的港口)

19、What opinion(意见, 看法)does Mr. Abdul Rahman al-Mutainee have regarding 1993 non-oil trade?

答:He expected a considerable(相当大(或多)的)growth in exports and re-exports in 1993.


20、?It is no coincidence that government departments in the various emirates are welcoming bids from consultants that are new to the area. Easily lured away from the recession-hit West by the notion that the streets of Abu Dhabi and Dubai are paved with gold, these companies are tending to submit very low offers to gain a foothold in the area.‖(各酋长国的政府部门都很欢迎该地区还很陌生的许多公司的投标,这绝非巧合。阿布扎比和迪拜的街道铺满了黄金的想法,很容易把这些公司从受经济衰退打击的西方吸引过来,它们倾向于出很低的价以赢得在该地区的立足点。)

1) What does ―offers‖ refer to in the second sentence quoted above? Could you find the answer in

the first sentence?

2) What is meant by ―Dubai are paved with gold‖?


答:1) bids

2) It‘s a promising(有希望的, 有前途的) place offering(提供)an access(途径)to wealth.

21、What are ―the established consultants‖(地位已稳固的承包商) in Paragraph2? Are they the same ones mentioned in Paragraph 1 of this section?

答:No, they aren‘t. ―The established consultants‖ refer to the consultants whose positions in the area have been firm and which are not new to the area.

22、?There is a massive(大量的)number of mainly British consultants coming in at silly(愚蠢的)prices to gain entry into the market,‖ says one. ―But they may well find that the loss leader

philosophy only leads to more losses. There is a desperately(猛烈的, 厉害的)competitive market out here.‖(?有大量的投标者,主要是英国的,除愚蠢的低价以便进入这的市场‖,其中一个称。?但他们肯定会发现,这种亏本招徕哲学只会导致更多的损失。这儿是个充满残酷竞争的市场。) 1) Are ―silly prices‖ high ones, or low ones according to the context? 2) What is the ―loss leader philosophy‖?

3) Why would ―the loss leader philosophy only lead to more losses‖ in the case? 4) What does well mean in ―… they may well find that…‖? 答:1) low price

2) The loss leader refers to an article(商品)that is sold at a price well below its cost in order to

attract(吸引)customers. The loss leader philosophy is the idea of that held as a marketing strategy(策略) in the article given.

3) Because the market there is desperately competitive.

4) It means ―probably(大概、或许), suitably(适合的, 适当的)‖.

23、Translate the following into Chinese and then explain the underlined parts of the sentence.

―In Abu Dhabi, these projects are let through the Khalifah committee or the Department of Social Services to local consultants, but in Dubai there is more of an international spread(范围,区域).‖


24、Read the 7th paragraph carefully and then answer the following questions.

In what way are ―the new road projects‖ different from ―the two major ones‖? Which word (an adverb) helps you find out the difference?

答:The two new roads are expected to be built around developing areas.

The word ―however‖

25、?Everything up for grabs(夺取)is already secured(获得,取得)…‖(可供争夺的一切都已经名花有主了)

In what sense is ―up‖ used here?

答:?Up‖ is used here as an adj., meaning ―ready‖.

26、?This covers requirements for the next 25 years, including the interconnection of Ajman,Umm al-Qaiwain, Ras al-Khaimah and Fujairah and the possibility of a central power and desalination plant(海水淡化工厂)which could cost up to Dh 2,500 million.‖(这项研究涉及未来25年的种种需求,包括阿治曼、乌姆盖万、哈伊马角和富查伊拉之间的相互联网,及建立耗资25亿迪拉姆的中心能源和海水淡化厂的可能性)

What does the writer mean by ―This covers requirements for the next 25 years‖? What is the meaning of to cover in the context?


答:This includes requirements for the next 25 years. ―Cover‖ mean ―include(包括, 包含)‖. 27、Read the first two sentences of the third paragraph from the bottom and find out the wording ―the power side‖, and try to see what it stands for. 答:power capacity

28、From the last sentence of the last paragraph, can you tell what‘s the way for the consultants to secure continuity of work and revenues, faced the severe competition?

答:The only way forward is diversification into project management in the oil and gas sector. (唯一的出路是兼营尤其行业的工程管理) 29、After reading the whole article, do you think China should further develop her economic relations with UAE? And how could she increase her share in the UAF marker? 答:Yes. Open for discussion.

Lesson 10 On GATT-WTO ( 从关贸总协定到世界贸易组织) 一、重点词组:

1、difference 差别, 分歧* 2、narrow 使收缩, 使缩小*

3、Uruguay round of GATT talks 关税及贸易总协定乌拉圭回合谈判 4、GATT(the General Agreement on Tariffs and

Trade) 关税及贸易总协定 5、free trade 自由贸易

6、on a conservative estimate 据保守估计 7、spur 促进、激励*

8、economic growth 促进经济发展 9、common agricultural policy (CAP) 共同农业政策 10、liberal trade 自由贸易

11、subsidy-subsidies 补贴、津贴* 12、market forces 市场力量 13、tariffs 关税 14、quotas 配额

15、monopoly purchasing boards 统购部门 16、allow for 顾及、考虑到

17、carry one‘s heart in his boots 焦急万分 18、production subsidies 生产补贴* 19、export subsidies 出口补贴* 20、settle for 满足于

21、replace…with 代替、取代 22、pose a threat 形成一种威胁*

23、be in reach of 违反……、与……相违背 24、reflect on 思考, 反省

25、the administration‘s goals 政府目标 26、reflect on 思考, 反省 27、draft 草案*


28、technical standards 技术标准

29、anti-dumping measures 反倾销措施

30、countervailing duty 抵销性关税, 反补贴税, 反倾销税 31、government procurement 政府采购 32、barriers to trade 贸易壁垒

33、intellectual property right 知识产权 34、trade in services 服务贸易

35、farm-trade liberalization 农业贸易自由化 36、be obliged to 不得不 37、carry out 进行

38、trade policy 贸易政策 39、majority vote 多数选票

40、straight forward right of veto 直接否决权 41、drag on 拖延

42、for the taking 自由的拿取


1、Interpret(解释, 说明)the title ―Free Trade, with Luck(好运)‖ after your study of the whole article. 答: Freer international trade is faced with luck.

2、 ―On a conservative estimate, the Uruguay round would permanently raise global welfare by more than $100 billion a year, spur economic growth everywhere (especially in the world‘s poorest

countries) and extend competition to hitherto(迄今为止) sheltered(受保护的), and therefore backward, parts of all economies.‖(根据保守估计,乌拉圭回合谈判会持久地每年给全球增加1000多亿美元的财富,会促使各地的经济增长(尤其是世界上最贫困的国家),会把竞争扩展到所有经济方面至今仍坚持保护政策因而落后的国家。)

1) On what grounds does it say ―the Uruguay round … would spur economic growth


2) What does ―sheltered‖ mean here? Why would an economy be backward once it is ―sheltered‖ 答:1) According to the doctrines(学说) of absolute advantage and comparative advantage, international trade could help a country make better use of its advantages and thus ―spur economic growth‖, and the Uruguay round could promote(促进) trade between countries.

2) ―Sheltered‖ here means ―protected‖ (economically). When one country‘s is ―sheltered‖ and with little competition, it‘s most difficult for them to make good use of their absolute and comparative advantages, leaving the country far behind in economic development.

3、 ―In certain respects, the farmers claim, the GATT deal now in prospect would take that reform further, damaging their interests even more.‖(在一些方面,现在将要达成的关贸总协定的协议会使这项改革进行得更深入,因而进一步损害它们的利益。)

What part of the sentence is the participial phrase introduced by ―damaging‖? 答:An adverbial(副词的, 状语的) modifier(修饰语)of result.

4、What the meaning of ―so long as‖ (只要)in the first sentence of the 3rd paragraph? 答:If only(只要)or on condition that…(如果)

5、What expression best replaces ―see off‖ in the last sentence of the 3rd paragraph ―Other EC

governments must see off France, and start hailing a gain for liberal trade‖?(其他欧共体国家必须顶住法国,然后开始为自由贸易的胜利而欢呼)。


And what is the exact meaning of ―hailing‖? Does it mean ―welcome‖? 答:?… see off…‖ here means to make a clear break with(与...绝交, 结束),(France on the question of farm trade). 6、?For decades governments everywhere have suppressed market forces in agriculture with subsidies, tariffs, quotas, monopoly purchasing boards and all the other paraphernalia(复杂的程序) of

mule-headed intervention.‖(几十年来,各国政府通过津贴、关税、配额、统购部门和顽固的干涉的其他所有的繁琐程序,压制农业界的市场力量) 1) What does ―market forces‖ refer to chiefly?

2) In what way could ―subsidies‖ suppress market forces in the farm trade? 答:1) It chiefly(主要地) refers to the pattern of demand and supply.

2) In farm trade, if governments provide(供给)farmers with subsidies, the prices of farm products will not be set by the relationship(关系) between demand and supply, but by governments.

7、The word ―awkward(不协调的)‖ in the middle of Paragraph 4 could mean ―inconvenient(不便的, 有困难的), improper(不适当的, 不合适的)or embarrassing(令人为难的)‖. Which of these could best fit the context? 答:improper 8、?What exactly are those (CAP) reforms?‖(这些改革究竟有哪些内容呢)This question is brought forth in the 5th of the text. Can you find the answer to the question?

答:The benchmark(基准) of the planned reforms remains the scheme(方案)set out by Arthur Dunkel: on cereals(谷物), he suggested cuts of 20% in the value of the CAP‘s production subsidies, 36% in the value of export subsidies, and 24% in the volume of its subsidized exports。(这些改革计划主要基于亚瑟。邓克尔提出的方案:自谷物产品上,他建议把共同农业政策规定的生产补贴削减20%,把其出口补贴削减36%,把其补贴出口规模削减24%)

9、?On cereals, where Europe and America have squabbled(争吵) most fiercely(猛烈地), …‖(在谷类问题上,欧美争吵的最为猛烈)

In the above sentence quoted, the word squabble is used. Could you guess from his wording what the writer thought about the argument(争论,) between Europe and America?

答:Squabble: to fight or argue(争论, 辩论), often about unimportant(不重要的, 琐碎的)things.

10、In Paragraph 5, the GATT director-general suggested cuts in the EC‘s subsidies to their farmers and on this ―America said it would settle for nothing less.‖(美国称他不会在降低条件) What attitude(态度) do you think America took towards the reforms suggested by Dr. Dunkel for the EC?(What does to settle for something mean?)

答:America firmly(坚定地) supported the reforms suggested by Mr. Dunkel.

―settle for(满足于)‖ means ―be satisfied with‖.

11、Why couldn‘t the target of 24% cut in the volume of the EC‘s subsidized exports be met? 答:Because France came up with a new plan to reform the CAP, whose main ides is to replace some production subsidies with direct payments to farmers, and these payments, though semi-detached (半分离)from output, will be not entirely divorced(完全分离) from it, the volume of output actually subsidized would fall by too little to meet the target of a 24% cut in the volume of subsidized exports.(法国提出一个改革共同农业政策的新方案,只要旨是:用直接付款给农民代替一些生产补贴,这些直接付给农民的钱并未完全从产品中分离,将是半分离的,而产量可能会下降很少,这就不符合补贴出口量削减24%的目标。)


12、Paraphrase the underlined part of the following sentence: ―On October 13th, however, agreement on both points moved within reach.‖(然而,在10月13日,双方接近达成共识) 答:Both sides were to reach an agreement. 13、?Officials on both sides were optimistic that a deal on farming, which would unlock the rest of the round, was within reach.‖(双方官员对农产品协议的达成表示乐观,认为将会解决本回合谈判的剩余问题的农产品协定即将达成。)

1) What does ―the rest of the round‖, refer to ? 2) Can you find a word to replace ―unlock‖? 答:1) The other problems of the round. 2) To solve(解决). 14、?… twice GATT has ruled against the EC.‖ What is the meaning of ―to ruled‖ in the give context? 答:To adjudicate (裁定)

15、?Governments need to reflect on the broader deal that because of this progress in the farm trade talks, has once again moved within their grasp(抓紧, 掌握).‖(由于农产品谈判的进展,又有可能进行更广范围的交易,有关政府需要充分考虑这样的交易) 1) What does ―to reflect on something‖ mean here? 2) What does ―the broader deal‖ refer to? 答:1) To consider fully.

2) It refers to a deal in a broader range of trade, or one other than farm trade.

16、 ―In 1985, just before the round was launched, America‘s chief trade negotiator set out the

administration‘s goals(目标)for the talks. They were suitably ambitious. On nearly every heading, the round as it now stands has declined.‖(1985年,就在这一回合谈判开始前,美国主要贸易官员宣布了政府为谈判确定的目标。这些目标可谓野心十足。本回合谈判迄今为止几乎实现了所有这些目标)

What does ―heading‖ refer to here? 答:goals 17、?To promote trade and innovation be promoted with safeguards offered to intellectual property.‖(为了促进贸易和创新,协议草案为知识产权所有者提供了新的保障) 1) Define ―safeguards‖ (防护, 保护)

2) Why would trade and innovation be promoted with safeguards offered to owners of intellectual


答:1) Things that serve(供应)as a protection from risks or dangers.

2) Intellectual property covers a broad range of products(广泛的产品范围), including not only artistic(艺术的)works and inventions but also trade marks and names of businesses, so if owners of intellectual property are offered(提出)with safeguards, both innovation and trade would be promoted.

18、?Gattcha‖ (the heading for the 2nd paragraph from the bottom)

―Gattcha‖ is compound word coined by the writer, which is supposed to be composed of 2 parts—Gatt and ―cha‖. Cha-cha is a rhythmic(节奏的)dance originated(起源, 发生) in Latin America.

Could you make out what is meant by ―Gattcha‖ here, with the information given above?


答:Trade talks under GATT should be conducted(引导, 管理) in good order and harmoniously(和谐地, 调和地) to end with success, though unavoidably(不得已地, 无可奈何地) with rise and fall, just like a nice cha-cha featuring(特征,特色)strong rhythm.

19、?… Without allies(同盟者), its only course(方针, 路线) would be to block the decision by citing (引用,引证) vital(重大的) national interests—the sort of profoundly(深深地)unEuropean thing that Britain might do, but France would rather not.‖(没有支持者,它将只能通过引用?重要的国家利益?这一原则去阻碍决议的通过——这种对欧共体不利的事情英国也许做得出,但法国倒不会) 1) What does ―course‖ mean here?

2) What is your understanding of the ―unEuropean thing‖? 答:1) Policy(政策, 方针) or principle(法则, 原则).

2) Acts against the unity(统一, 一致) and the unified(统一的)interest of the European Union.

20、Make a brief summary of the farm trade issue(发出,产生于)that bedeviled(使苦恼)the Uruguay round of GATT talks and the way to settle it according to the text.

答:In order to gain the lion‘s share of the markets of farm products, as soon as the Uruguay round began, the U.S. proposed that both itself and EC eliminate(消除)the subsidies(补贴) and trade barriers concerning farm products. Mainly because of France, whose farm trade had maintained(维持)a favorable(有利的)balance for long, EC firmly objected(反对) to the proposal(提议, 建议), and the round of talks could not make substantial(实质的)progress for several years. On Dec. 7,1993, both sides finally reached an agreement on subsidized exports of farm products.

According to the author, the way to settle the issue lies in both sides being flexible(灵活的)or compromising(妥协, 折衷).

Lesson11 Barter Still in Use (易货贸易仍在使用 ) 一、重点词组: 1、arrange for 安排

2、international financial institution 国际金融机构 3、in cash 用现金* 4、proceed 收入*

5、dip into 动用、浏览

6、currency reserves 货币储备 7、secure 获得、得到* 8、locate 找到*

9、steer 指导、指点*

10、benefited from 受益于……* 11、hot 激烈的*

12、of equivalent value 同等价值* 13、up to 高达……*

14、subject to 使服从, 使隶属, 属于* 15、countertrade 对等贸易、反向贸易 16、primary 主要的、首要的* 17、mean of trade 贸易方式*

18、force…upon… 强加于, 强迫...接受 19、client states 附属国

20、in return for 作为...的报答、对换


21、bargain-price 廉价的* 22、raw materials 原材料

23、prohibit sb. from doing sth. 禁止某人做某事 24、free from 解除

25、hammer out 设计出

26、International Monetary Fund (IMF) 国际货币基金组织 27、break down 垮掉, 分解,崩溃 28、flourish 繁荣、兴旺*

29、multilateral trade 多边贸易 30、convertible 可兑换的*

31、convertible currency 可兑换货币 32、burden of debt 债务负担 33、broke 破产的、一文不名的* 34、be compelled to 被迫

35、devote… to…. 把...献给、把...专用于 36、debt service= interest payment 利息付款* 37、debtor 债务人*

38、debtor nation 债务国 39、creditor 债权人*

40、export earning 出口收入 41、foreign exchange 外汇

42、multinational corporations 跨国公司 43、expertise 专门知识* 44、tap 开发;利用*

45、list price 挂牌价,订价, 价目表所列之价格* 46、at the expense of 在损害...的情况下* 47、cartel 联合企业、卡尔特 48、counterpurchase 互购、回购 49、offset 弥补, 抵消*

50、compensation agreements 补偿贸易协定 51、clearing agreements 清算协定 52、bilateral pacts 双边协议 53、balance v. 平衡* 54、hard currency 硬通货 55、stick with 陷入困境 56、specifications 规格* 57、credit-starved 信用危机 58、set out 打算

59、finance 供资金给* 60、made out to 收讫* 61、letter of credit 信用证 62、took title 获得所有权


1、“We are told in the first paragraph of the text that Saudi Arabia decided to buy 10 aero planes from Boeing then.


What was the purchasing price? 答:$100 million each. 2、“International trade was supposed to(应该, 被期望)be freed from bartering‘s constraints in July 1944…‖(国际贸易从易货贸易的束缚中解脱出来从法律上说应该在1944年7月) Paraphrase the underlined part of the aboved-quoted clause. 答:“…was supposed to …‖: … was required by law to … 3、?Barter was as antiquated as the horse-soldier. Or so it seemed.‖(易货贸易就像骑兵一样过时了。或看似如此。)

What difference does the use of the word ―seem‖ make in meaning or tone(语调)between the above-given two sentences? 答:The basic meaning of ―to seem‖ is ―to appear to be‖. When it‘s used in a sentence like the one of the text, it implies that the speaker (writer) is not quite sure of what he says, or speaks (writes) with some reserves(保留). 4、?Nations with serious debt problems, such as Mexico, Brazil and Argentina, have been compelled to devote almost all their export earnings to debt service,…‖(具有严重债务问题的国家,比如墨西哥、巴西和阿根廷,已被迫把他们几乎所有的出口收入都用于利息付款……) What is ―debt service?‖

答:Here it refers to loan payments. 5、?Countries that lack expertise in international marketing try to use countertrade as leverage to tap(着手利用) the networks(网络) of global firms.‖(缺乏国际市场销售专门知识的国家试图通过对等贸易来进入诸跨国公司的内部市场) 1) What does ―global firms‖ refer to?

2) What does the network of a so-called (所谓的)―global firm‖ usually consist of(由...组成)? 3) What‘s meant by ―tap the networks of global firms‖? 答:1) Multinational corporations

2) The network of a multinational corporation usually consists of the headquarters, their affiliates. Normally each is independent(独立的) in operation (运转着, 生效)and self –responsible(自主负责) for their own gains and losses, but they tend to(注意, 趋向)do business with one another whenever it is possible and beneficial to the entire(整体的) firm.

3) To find access(进入) to ―the network‖-―the global firms‖ internal market.

6、?Yoffie sees countertrade as aform of protectionism. ?It can help one group and hurt another,‘ he says.‖(约菲把易货贸易看成是贸易保护制的一种形式。?它可能会帮助一个群体,而损害另一个群体)

In what sense is countertrade seen as a form of protectionism?(Or in what way could it help protectionism?

Protectionism(保护贸易制):the policy of controlling imports in an effort to achieve an specific objective, which is against competition

Free trade(自由贸易):the policy of having no controls over imports or exports, which encourages competion.

答:Counter trade involves conditional buying or allows no free choice in importing. That‘s both competition and free trade.

Lesson 12 Market Competition



1、be spoiling for 极想, 切望 2、retail 零售的*

3、market share 市场份额 4、on the defensive 处于守势* 5、dominate 支配, 占优势* 6、live up to 达到、符合* 7、test market 试销市场 8、bottler 经销商、装瓶商

9、to make way for 为……让路(让道)* 10、flagship 标志, 特征, 旗舰* 11、brokerage 经纪业* 12、hold 占,占据, 持有*

13、executive 经理主管人员, 执行者* 14、baby-boomers 生育高峰期出生的人 15、segment 部分;片段*

16、compete with 与…… 竞争*

17、at the expense of 在损害...的情况下 18、consumer coupons 消费优惠券 19、discounts 折扣* 20、challenge 挑战* 21、security 有价证券

22、sleeper 出人意料的成功者 23、roll out 铺开

24、price promotions 价格促销、降价促销 25、persuade sb. to do sth. 泉说某人做某事 26、count on 依靠, 指望

27、exclusive(排外的,唯一的)contract 独家经销合同 28、distributing 分配,分发,分布*

29、deep* discounts 高额折扣、很大的折扣* 30、franchise 特许经营权

31、competitive in price and quality 价格和质量 上的竞争力*

32、all-out sales campaigns 大规模销售战役* 33、hard sell 硬卖、硬销售

34、heavy discounting 大幅度打折* 35、soft drink 软饮料 36、retail sales 零售

37、reformulation 重新配方 38、coupons 优惠券

39、special promotion 特殊的促销

三、课后问题 1、“In the US soft drink industry, where 1% of the market is worth $300 million in retail sales,…‖(美国软饮料行业1%的市场份额就意味着3亿美元的零售额) How much is the total of the market worth?


答:$30 billion.

2、“… The other is in the back alleys of the smaller, non-cola market.‖(另一条战线在较小的非可乐市场的穷街陋巷里。)

What does ―the back alleys‖ refer to?(The retail business or the distribution area? Don‘t make your choice till you have read through the text.) 答:Distribution(销售)area.

3、“As growth of high-calorie colas slows, however, Coca-Cola and Pepsico are invading new

territory.‖(然而,随着高热量可乐生产的增长速度减慢,可口可乐公司和百事有限公司正在侵入别的地域) Where is a hint(暗示, 提示)dropped in the sentence as to the reason for the slow growth of the colas?

答:High-calorie(高热量). 4、“If these products live up to their early performance in test markets—a big if—they could produce $3 billion a year in retail sales.‖(如果这些产品达到其最初在试销市场上的销售水平——这是个颇值得怀疑的假设——这两个大企业每年就能生产30亿美元的零售产品) What does ―a big if‖ mean? 答: ―If‖ here is used in the sense of possibility(可能性), ―A big if‖ is a very or rather(有点、相当) doubtful(可疑的)possibility. 5、?It‘s too early to tell how the reincarnated Coke is selling, since many bottlers are still working off old inventories.‖(现在要断定新型可口可乐的销售情况还为时过早,因为许多经销商仍在售原有存货)

Do you think that the new Coke would get into the market without difficulty, according to the lines quoted?

Why not? Why would ―old inventories(存货)‖ prevent the new Coke‘s entrance(进入)? 答:No, it wouldn‘t.

It‘s because many bottlers are still selling old inventories, which would prevent the new Coke‘s

entrance. Old inventories would prevent the new Cokes entrance because the bottles have to concentrating on(集中, 全神贯注于)selling old inventory above all to win back their capital spending.

6、?Compared with Americans, who guzzle more soda than water, the rest of the world is still in the sipping stage….Company executives think a less filling, more ?guzzleable‘ new Coke will help (the increase of their overseas sales).‖(美国人狂饮的汽水多于喝的水,与此相比,世界其他国家的人喝汽水仍处于浅尝阶段。…… 该公司的经管人员认为,容量较少,更“便于狂饮”的新型可乐将会起到预期作用)

1) What‘s the difference between guzzle and sip in meaning? 2) What does ―less filling‖ mean in the given context?

Does the rest of the world like or hate more soda in Coke, according to the lines quoted?Who prefer more soda?

答:1) ―Guzzle‖ means ―drink eagerly(,急切地)and greedily(贪食地)‖, while ―sip‖ means ―drink by taking only a little into the front of the mouth‖.

2) (The beverage饮料) filled with less soda, making one not feel so full in drinking.

7、?But the cola makers may experience more growing pains, at least with the high-calorie colas,… Baby-boomers are showing a strong preference for healthier, less fattening drinks as they age—everything from diet soda to bottled water to fruit juice.(但可乐制造商在增长过程中或许体验了更多的苦楚,至少对〈占总销售额的一半的〉高热量可乐来说是如此。生育期高峰出生的人随着年纪渐



The slow increase of the sales of colas is repeated once and again in the text. Could you find some reason for that in the lines quoted? What is that?

答:Yes. One of the reasons for the slow increase of the sales of cola is: as they age, baby-boomers are showing a strong preference for healthier, less fattening drinks, everything from diet soda to bottled water to fruit juice, thus the sales of the bulk of(大多数) the cola makers‘ products, the high – calorie colas, can‘t go up(上升, 增长)rapidly. 8、?The drink probably won‘t do as well when it is rolled out nationally, since consumer coupons and price promotions have been helping it along.‖(在全国大量生产时,该饮料的销售情况将很可能不会同样好,因为在试销市场上消费增货券和各种降价促销活动一直在起着作用。) What‘s your understanding of ―price promotions‖ here?

答:?Price promotion?is to promote sales by means of various price reduction.

9、 ―Bottlers have a symbiotic but occasionally fractious relationship with the syrup makers.‖(经销商和浆汁制造商之间有一种共生的,但有时是难以驾驭的关系。)

What‘s the ―symbiotic‖ aspect of the relationship between the two? And what‘s its ―occasionally fractious‖ aspect?

答:The symbiotic aspect of their relationship is their interdependence(互相依赖)on each other in business—without the syrup maker‘s regular supply, the bottlers would have nothing of this kind to sell, and without the collaboration(协作)of the bottlers, the syrup makers would have no ready access to the market, but sometimes their interests conflict with(冲突)each other, as described(描述)in the text (Paragraph 11), when the bottlers would become ?fractious(难驾驭的)‘ to the syrup makers.

10、?To convince(使确信)bottlers that the new products can match or exceed the sales of existing brands without heavy discounting or couponing, Coca-Cola and Pepsico will have to cut back on special promotion, then ply the bottlers with the resulting sales data.‖(为了使经销商确信,新产品不用大幅度打折和大量发行增货券就可以敌得过或超过现有品牌的销售额,可口可乐公司和白事有限公司将不得不减少特殊的促销,然后不断向经销商提供因而产生的销售数据) What is the implication of ―resulting here?

答:(The sales data)resulting from(由...产生)sales with the ?special promotion‘ cut back.

11、?Bottlers may come in for a little arm-twisting as well. ?It ?s often very subtle,‘ says an industry executive who prefers not to be named. The Coca-Cola representative will say, ?That decision is not going to sit very well in Atlanta,‘ or something like that.‖(经销商也可能受到压力。?压力通常非常微妙?,一个不愿意公开自己姓名的企业经管人员说,?可口可乐的代表会说,‘那个决定在亚特兰大将不会被接受’,或一些类似的话) 1) Whose decision is ―that decision‖?

2) Does ―that decision‖ refer to something in line with Coca-Cola‘s top leaders‘ opinion(意见, 看

法)or conflicting(斗争, 冲突)to theirs? 3) Please paraphrase the underlined part. 答:1) It‘s the bottlers‘ decision

2) It refers to something conflicting to Coca-Cola‘s top leaders‘ opinion. 3) That decision is not going to be accepted by the Coca-Cola‘s top leaders.

Lesson 13 Market Analysis ( 市场分析 ) 一、重点词组:

1、export market* 出口市场*


2、popular 受欢迎的* 3、eightfold 八倍地*

4、eightfold increase 八倍地增长 5、up (价格、质量)上涨,提高* 6、outlet 市场、销售网络* 7、fast food shop 快餐店 8、packing 包装* 9、grading 按级分类* 10、wholesaler 批发商* 11、retailer 零售商

12、the method of packing 包装方式 13、advantage 优势*

14、competitive edge 竞争优势 15、growing 日益增长、成长的* 16、market share 市场份额

17、subsidized competition 补贴性竞争 18、supermarket 超市 19、grocery store 杂货店 20、wet market 鲜货市场

21、the remaining 剩余的、其余的* 22、the retail market 零售市场 23、competitiveness 竞争力* 24、in the territory 在这个领域 25、promote sales 促销商品 26、USDA 美国农业部 27、luck draw 幸运抽奖

28、Export Enhancement Program 增加出口计划 29、structure of trade 贸易结构 30、preserved duck eggs 咸鸭蛋

31、eggs cooked in sale or tea leaves 咸鸡蛋或茶叶蛋


1、“Hong Kong is tops at cracking U.S. shell eggs.‖(香港是美国蛋类出口的大市场) What‘s the implication of the heading of the market report?

答:The heading means literally that Hong Kong is very good at cracking—consuming US shell eggs, with the implication that H.K. is a big market for the eggs from US.

2、 ?The market alone accounted for half of the volume and 40 per cent of the value of total U.S. exports of shell eggs for food use.‖(仅那个市场就占了美国食用蛋类出口量的一半,占其总价值的40%)

Why did the market account for only 40 per cent of the value while it accounted for half of the volume of total US exports of eggs? 答:It is a matter of difference in price between the US eggs exported to H.K. and those sold elsewhere(在别处).

3、What should be the objects of study when you make a study of a market, following the given market report‘s example?


答:Following the example of the given market report, a survey(纵览)of the market might take as its objects the items(项目, 条款) below:

1) The general quantity demand (size) of the market for the subject article;

2) The market response(反应) to each of the different kinds of the article and their respective (各自的)

market share

3) The distribution of the market—the share for each supplier;

4) The competitors, their advantages and disadvantages as compared with your own, and their market


5) The operating mechanism (工作[操作]机构)of the market. 6) The prospects(前景) for the market. 7) Suggestion and proposals.意见和建议

4、What is the significance(意义, 重要性)of studying your (potential潜在的) customers in market-research(作市场调查), as you have seen in the report?

答:Different people in different places have different tastes and demands. If suppliers know them clearly, they can change market strategies to account for more shares in the market, and gain more profits. So it‘s very important to make a market-research on consumers. 5、Why should much of you interest be concentrated on(集中, 全神贯注于)your rivals(竞争者, 对手)and their products in the market, especially their advantages and disadvantages while investigating(调查, 研究)a market?

答:If you know both of your rival‘s advantages and disadvantages, you can refrain9(避免)from their advantages and make the most of their disadvantages to beat them.

6、What constitute(组成)the marketing channel(途径,渠道,方法) for eggs from the Mainland(本土)or abroad in H.K.? Could you imagine(想象, 设想)how it operates? 答:Importer, wholesalers, retailers

Generally, importers sell eggs to wholesalers that in turn sell them to retailers where consumers buy the products.

Lesson 14 Commodities Market 重点词组:

1、soft commodities 非耐用初级产品 2、at historic lows 处于前所未有的低点* 3、expect 预料;预期,预计* 4、recover (商品价格)回升*

5、agricultural commodities 农产品 6、real terms 实际价格 7、to cope with 处理、应付 8、surplus produce 剩余产品* 9、flat 呆滞的、无力的* 10、speculator 投机商 11、futures 期货

12、financial futures 以期货形式交易的有价证券 13、security 有价证券

14、yield 利润,产量, 收益*

15、the equity market 一般的股票市场 16、the money market 货币市场


17、contrast with 和...形成对照 18、spiral 不断的急剧上升*

19、basic raw materials 基本原材料 20、terms of trade 贸易条件

21、International Monetary Fund (IMF) 国际货币基金组织 22、UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) 联合国贸易和发展会议(贸发会) 23、currency movements 货币变动* 24、dollar-denominated 以美元标价的 25、tumble 暴跌*

26、Special Drawing Right 特别提款权 27、food price index 食品价格指数 28、rebound (价格)上升、反弹 29、rally(价格)止跌、回坚 30、 inflation 通货膨胀 31、combine with 加上 32、explanation 解释*

33、glut of supplies 供应过剩*

34、arrest the decline 阻止……下降* 35、devastating consequences 毁灭性后果 36、spin-offs 副作用* 37、take its toll 造成损失* 38、cash-strapped 现金短缺* 39、sluggish 呆滞的 40、at its weakest 萧条

41、services sector 服务部门 42、squeeze 压缩,压榨*

43、official austerity programmes 政府紧缩计划 44、maximize 使增加到最大限度

45、foreign exchange earnings 外汇收入*

46、unit commodity price 单位初级产品价格* 47、live with承认, 忍受 48、get used to习惯于

49、inflationary 通货膨胀的 adj. 50、real interest rates 实际利率 51、carrying 拥有* 52、inventory 库存

53、on the way down (价格)即将下跌 54、investment funds 投资资金 55、stores of value 储备价值* 56、liquid assets 流动资产* 57、price volatility 价格多变* 58、speculative business 投机生意

59、the pattern of supply and demand 供需模式* 60、downward trend 下跌趋势 61、tend to 注意, 趋向


62、across the board 全面的* 63、higher-yielding 高产出的 64、rival 竞争对手*

65、protectionism 保护(贸易)主义 66、rigid 僵化的*

67、export quota 出口配额

68、at work 发挥作用,在工作, 在运转 69、in short supply 供应短缺*


1、“What are ―soft commodities‖? Could you name a few, according to the text? 答:Soft commodities are agricultural commodities.

The other category of commodities is basic raw materials or industrial raw materials. 2、“ And—with most soothsayers forecasting flat, or still lower, prices—the markets themselves have lost much of their allure.‖(而且,大多数预言家预言价格呆滞,或者会更低——这些市场自身已失去了其大部分吸引力)

1) What does ―flat‖ mean? Could you find proper Chinese equivalent(同意义的)for it ?

2) To whom had the soft commodity markets lost much of their allure? (To the buyers who would

be end-users, or some other dealers?)

答:1) ―Flat price‖ implies that the prices were inactive(停止的)remaining at the same level and showing a tendency(趋向)to fall. 呆滞

2) To some other dealers(经销商, 商人).

3、As pointed out(指出) in the text, the first half of the 1980s were grim years for most commodities. When were they in strong demand and commanding(掌握;控制) escalating((物价)上涨)prices?Could you find some grounds(范围)within the text for your conclusion? 答:In the 1970s.

Some grounds within the text: Speculators who profited handsomely from the price volatility of the 1970s have deserted soft commodities for the newer excitement. 1970s is the ―resource decade‖. …

commodities were bought in(大宗买进)1970s as stores of value.(二十世纪七十年代的价格变化无常中获利颇丰的投机者已舍弃了非耐用商品,而去追逐新刺激。七十年代是“资源十年”……由于储藏价值初级商品被大宗买进。) 4、“In the first half of 1980s … the exceptional strength of the dollar was partly responsible for—and helped to offset—the increasing weakness of dollar-denominated commodity prices.‖( 二十世纪八十年代上半期……美元一场坚挺部分的导致了——同时也有助于补偿——以美元标价的初级商品价格的日益降低。)

1) Why was then the ever rising dollar partly responsible for(是造成...的原因)the increasing

weakness of dollar-denominated commodity prices?

2) How could the same dollar, on the other hand, help to offset the increasing weakness of

dollar-denominated commodity prices?

3) Could commodity-exporters profit much from importing from the U.S. in the period? Why? 答:1) There might be reason like this: the exceptional strength of the dollar means the appreciation(增值) of the dollar; provided(规定) the value of a certain commodity is stable(稳定的), the dollar-dominated commodity price will decrease(减少). 2)There might be reasons like this:


