外贸函电英语课后练习 - 图文

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Unit 1 I. Put the following Chinese into English: 询盘 报盘 报价 订单 传真 电子邮件 电子商务 互联网 交货期 目录 文档 支付 结帐 余额 客户 国民经济 市场经济 营销

II. Fill in the following blanks with the given words in their proper forms:

economy trade market 1. Your home _____ is flourishing, and your foreign trade is expanding fast. 2. This is possible because of the continuous advance of our national _____. 3. They have been in the wool _____ for quite a number of years.

4. During the past few years the course of world _____ has been marked by a succession of

dramatic developments.

5. The damaged goods are hardly _____.

6. The tourist _____ is the country‘s main source of income. 7. We must make out a _____ research report in two weeks. 8. An increasing number of European firms are _____ with China. 9. They counted on imports to stimulate their _____.

III. Read the following introduction to general business letters: (1) 信头(Heading ) (2) 日期(Date) (3) 我方参考号码(Our Ref. No.) 对方参考号码(Your Ref. No.) (4) 封内地址(Inside Address) (5) 称呼(Salutation) (6) 事由(Subject) (7) 正文 (Body of the Letter) (8) 结尾套语 (Complimentary Close) (9) 签名(Signature) (10) 经办人代号(Reference Notation) (11) 附件(Enclosure) (12) 抄送(Carbon Copy) (13) 附言(P.S.) 以上是英语商业书信的基本结构,其中第1、2、4、5、7、8、9等七个部分是最常用的。但各信的格式不尽一致,有些项目是否要用应视具体情况而定。

下面就以上格式中13个项目逐一介绍: (1)信头(Heading)



地址下面写发信日期,次序是月、日、年,如Feb.27,2005;或日、月、年,如27 Feb.,2005 (3)信函编号(Reference Number)

信函编号是为了信件归档、查找之用,通常有我方编号(Our Ref.)和对方编号(Your Ref.)组成,如:

Our Ref.:CS 49/77005 Your Ref.:2005/IB318

(4)信内地址 ( Inside Address)

现代商业信件,通常把收信人姓名和地址打在信上,这样可以保持函件的完整,并便于归档立卷。 如收信人为某公司,而寄信人要求该公司某特定人收阅和经办,则可写上Attention (缩写为Attn.),格式如下:

Pacific Marine Insurance Company 643 Powell St.

San Francisco, Ca. 94108 Attention:Mr. H. S. Kennedy (5)称呼 (Salutation)

常见的正式称呼有:Dear Mr Smith, Dear Mrs Black, Dear Miss Brown, Dear Ms. White。Ms.用于不知是否已结婚的女子姓名之前。若称呼多个男性,则在姓名前用Mr.的复数形式Messrs。Mrs没有复数形式,若称呼多个女性,则在姓名前用Mmes.,如Mmes. White and Gray。

写给一个公司时,可以用Dear Sirs, 也可以用Gentlemen, 美国人一般用Gentlemen。称呼后用冒号或逗号均可,但前者显得更正式。Gentlemen后常用冒号。

(6)事由 (Subject)


(7)正文 (Body of the Letter)

正文的每一段开头可以用缩行式(Indented Form),也可用并列式(blocked form),由于电脑普及,为了方便,并列式被广泛使用,这也包括信函的其它所有项目,如日期、事由、结尾套语??等都紧贴信纸左边开始。为清楚起见,采用并列式的各项目之间,通常空一行,正文的各段之间也空一行。

函件只写在信纸的一面,很少两面都用。如果正文较长,一页纸不够,第二页应至少有三行正文,不可没有正文而只有一个签名。第一页最后一行的右边写上to be continued。第二页信纸不用信头,颜色、大小应与第一页相同。第二页第一行要写上收信者单位、页数和日期,如:

Collins Telecom Company, —2— March 24, 2005。 (8)结尾套语 (Complimentary Close)


在商业书信中,最常见的结尾套语有:Yours faithfully, Faithfully yours, Yours truly, Truly yours,也可用Yours sincerely, Sincerely yours.




Truly yours, (Signature)

Alfred Johnson, Office Manager South Philadelphia Mobiles Company

(10)经办人代号(Reference Notation)

经办人代号是由信件口授者(dictator)和秘书(或打字员)的姓名的首写字母组成,用冒号或斜线号分开,如:FCM/HL, FCM:HL, FCM/hl, fcm:hl。

信件打上经办人代号是为了提供此信件产生的信息资料,便于必要时查对之用。 (11)附件(Enclosure)

信中如有附件,则在签名下方左下角注上Enc.或Encl.。其复数形式是Encls. 。附件有两件以上时,应注明数字。如附件特别重要,应给以简短的标题,例如: Encls:1. Annual Report 2 copies

2. List of Major Accounts 3. Profit and Loss Statement (12)抄送(Carbon Copy)


C.C: Rotic Co.

341 Queen Avenue Yakima Wa. 98902

cc to:CEO

cc: Mr Carl Mason Copy to: Sales Manager Copies to: directors (13) 附言(P.S.)


IV. Make corrections in the format of the following business letter: INTEGRATED COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY CO. LTD. Rm 808,Kyo-Won-Kong-Jea 35-2 Yeoido Young Dung Po Seoul South Korea Tel: 822-782-4641 Fax: 822-785-4245 16 June 2004 KJ: rh Enclosures 2 Cc: Kim Sang-Chul Moon Young-Seung Subject: Integrated Circuit Boards Dear Dr Brenda Yeoh We have just received your order for 400 integrated circuit boards (item No. KR10779) Unfortunately, these circuit boards are no longer produced as they have been replaced by our model KR2000, which is cheaper, more reliable and more efficient than the circuit boards that you ordered. With this in mind, we imagine that you will be happy to change your order. The prices of the KR2000 and peripheral equipment are as follows: KR2000 integrated circuit board: @US$23,200 KT200X ?Toolkit‘: @US$15,500 KC200X connectors: (2 per pack) @US$10,000 I should be grateful if you could contact me to tell me what you wish us to do about your order. Yours faithfully Kim Jungsup for INTEGRATED COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY CO. LTD. Attention Dr Brenda Yeoh, PhD ATT Computers Corp. Pte Ltd. 88 Kitchener Road,#02-15 Jalan Besar Plaza Singapore 208512 PS Forgot to mention it, but there are lots of bargains in the brochure and price list which I am sending you.

V. Address the following envelope in English: 美国纽约百老汇大街20号AUTOS公司 邮编:10027 威廉·史密斯先生收 中国北京广安门南街12号 中国北方工业公司 邮编 100053

