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1.The millions of calculations involved, had they been done by hand, ______all practical value by the time they were finished.

A. could lose B. would have lost C. might lose D. ought to have lost 2. Had Paul received six more votes in the last election, he our chairman now.

A. must have been B. would have been C. were D. would be 3. Look at the terrible situation I am in! If only I your advice A. follow B. would follow C. had followed D. have followed 4. If the horse won today, it thirty races in five years.

A. would have won B. won C. must have won D. did have won

5. There is a real possibility that these animals could be frightened, _______a sudden loud noise.

A. being there B. should there be C. there was D. there having been 6. The board deemed it urgent that these files right away. A. had to be printed B. should have been printed C. must be printed D. should be printed

7. I would have gone to visit him in the hospital had it been at all possible, but I ______ fully occupied the whole of last week. A. were B. had been C. have been D. was

8. If you hadn’t taken such a long time to get dressed, we’d there by now. A. be B. circles C. is circling D. be circling

9. The sun rises in the east and sets in the west, so it seems as if the sun ________round the earth.

A. were circling B. circles C. is circling D. be circling 10. I wish that I ______ with you last night.

A. went B. had gone C. could go D. could have gone 11. George would certainly have attended the proceedings, .

A. if he didn’t get a flat tire B. if the flat tire hadn’t happened 第 页 共 14 页 教务科监制

C. had he not had a flat tire D. had the tire not flattened itself 12. Looking round the town, he felt as though he away for ages. A. has been B. was C. is D. had been 13. Your advice that______ till next week is reasonable. A. she waits B. she wait C. wait she D. she waited 14. John is so strongly built that he looks as if he as elephant. A. lifts B. is lifting C. lifted D. could lift

15. Most insurance agents would rather you anything about collecting claims until they investigate the situation.

A. do B. don’t C. didn’t D. didn’t do

16. Although most adopted persons want the right to know who their natural parents are, some who have found them wish that they the experience of meeting. A. hadn’t B. didn’t have had C. hadn’t had D. hadn’t have(虚拟) 17. There _____ beautiful clothes displayed in the shop window. A)is



D)were 18. He _____ eggs and toast for breakfast tomorrow morning. A)has B)have

C)will have


19. I think Red Team will win the final game; it’s very likely that _____.

A)they will

B)they can C)they would

D)they could

20. The car won't start because the battery _____. A)runs down B)run down

C)has run down D)have run down

21. Ever since Picasso’s paintings went on exhibit, there _____ large crowds at the

museum everyday. A)is

B)has been

C)have been

D)are being

22. Mrs. Brown is supposed _____ for Italy last week. A)to have left B)to be leaving C)to leave

D)to have been left

23. We _____ our breakfast when an old man came to the door.

A)just have had

B)have just had

C)just had

D)had just had

24. He asked not be re-elected for he _____ chairman for seven years.


A)was B)has been C)had been D)were 25. She was glad that her success _____ things easier for the women who would

follow. A)make

B)will make


D)would make 26. My wife said her letter that she _____ hearing from you sometime. A)appreciates B)would appreciate




27. Pick me up at 8 o'clock. I _____ my bath by then. A)will have had

B)will be having C)can have had

D)may have

28. By the end of April, Peter _____ here for three months. A)will have stayed B)will stay C)stays

D)has stayed 29. By the end of this month, we surely _____ a satisfactory solution to the problem.

A)have found B)will be finding

C)will have found

D)are finding 30. The police _____ the records of all those involved in the crime. A)is looking into B)look into C)are looking into D)looked into 31. The bridge was named _____ the hero who gave his life for cause of the people. A)after B)with


D)from 32. My sole object was to get shelter _____ the snow, to get myself covered and warm. A)for



D)over 33. Then the speaker _____ the various factors leading to the present economic crisis. A)went after B)went into

C)went for

D)went on 34. In the experiment we kept a watchful eye _____ the developments and recorded

every detail. A)in




35. What do you suppose _____ if the director knew you left that day. A)will happen B)happen

C)would happen D)happens

36. _____ today, she would get there by Saturday.

A)If she leaves

B)Were she to leave

C)Was she leaving D)Would she leave 第 页 共 14 页 教务科监制

37. Even if I had known her address, I _____ time to write to her. A)cannot have had

B)will not have had

C)might not have had

D)must have had 38. My cat would not have bitten the toy fish _____ it was made of rubber. A)if she has known

B)if she knew

C)she should have know

D)had she knew

39. _____ for your laziness, you could have finished the assignment by now.

A)Had it not been

B)It were not

C)Weren't it D)Had not it been 40. How I wish I _____ a pilot at that moment! A)am




41. He didn't go to the party, but he does wish he _____ there. A)had been B)has been C)would have been

D)would be 42. He wish he _____ with you tomorrow.

A)can go B)could go C)would go

D)is going 43. We desire that the tour leader _____ us immediately of any change in plans.




D)has informed 44. He suggested _____ to tomorrow's exhibition together.

A)us to go

B)we went

C)we shall go

D)we go

45. It was essential that the application forms _____ back before the deadline. A)must be sent

B)would be sent C)be sent

D)were sent

46. It's necessary _____ the dictionary immediately. A)that he will return B)that he returned

C)that he return D)that he

has to return

47. It was proposed that the matter _____ discussed at the next meeting. A)will be




48. Look at the terrible situation I am in! If only I _____ your advice.


B)had followed C)would follow

D)have followed

49. Pupils _____ will be promoted to the next grade.

A)who pass the test B)whom pass the test


C)they pass the test D)themselves and pass the test

50. Not long ago, a person _____ very well was involved in an accident.

A)him I know B)whom I know

C)himself I know

D)who I know

51. The residents,_____ had been damaged by the flood, were given help by the Red


A)all their homes B)all whose homes

C)all of whose homes

D)all of their homes 52. He spoke confidently,_____ impressed me most.

A)so that

B)that C)it D)which

53. There are certain occasions _____ people who are in the middle of do something. A)while you must interrupt B)you must interrupt C)when you must interrupt

D)we must interrupt

54. Mr. Smith drove slowly on the way home until he reached the highway _____ the speed limit was 60 miles an hour. A)where B)though C)when D)because 55. He explained the reason _____ they behaved like that.



C)for D)why 56. An investigation was made into the accident,_____ fifth people were killed. A)in which



D)for that 57. Helen was much kinder to her younger child than she was to the others,_____, of course made the others jealous. A)who B)that


D)which 58. She's a good dancer, _____ she sing much better.

A)and B)but



59. I had barely left my room _____ it began to rain.




D)just 60. _____ I do my work, the boss doesn't mind what time I arrive at my office.

A)so far as

B)so long as

C)so long

D)so far

61. Lisa will surely succeed _____ she works very hard. 第 页 共 14 页 教务科监制

A)when B)while C)because D)after 62. Young people should go _____ they are most needed by the motherland.



C)to where

D)than 63. Go and wash the skirt _____ you can wear it tomorrow.




D)so that

64. I will finish writing the paper _____ it takes me all night. A)so that


C)even if D)before 65. He talks _____ he knew everything about it.

A)as if

B)even if


D)if only

66. We can't claim _____ what we don't know. A)knowing B)to be known C)to know D)have known 67. His uncle narrowly escaped _____ in the famous battle. A)to kill

B)being killed


D)to be killed

68. I regret _____ your advice.

A)having accepted B)not having accepted C)to accept

D)not to accept

69. David tried _____ the window, but he couldn't. It was stuck.


B)to close


D)having closed

70. Don't worry, Philip is quite used _____ such heavy traffic as this. A)to driving

B)to have driven

C)to be driving D)to drive 71. If you want _____ you have to get the fund somewhere. A)that the job is done

B)the job done

C)to have done the job

D)the job that is done

72. Go straight into the cave and find out what's in there,_____?

A)don't you

B)will you

C)do you

D)can you

73. All _____ is a continuous supply of the basic necessities of life. A)Which is needed B)for our needs C)the thing needed

D)that is needed

74. The minister had his secretaries _____ a press conference.


A)arrange B)to arrange C)arranging D)arranged 75. There is no point _____ the piano, unless you practise every day. A)to learn to play

B)in learning to play C)by learning to play

D)having learned to play 76. No sooner had we reached the top of the hill _____ we all sat down to rest.




D)until 77. _____ in 1943 _____ the harmful smog made its appearance in Los Angeles. A)Only/that

B)It was/then

C)That it was/when

D)It was/that

78. _____ she first heard of the man referred as a specialist. A)That was from Stephen B)It was Stephen whom C)It was from Stephen that

D)It was Stephen that

79. My camera _____ to take pictures in cloudy or sunny conditions.

A)be adjusted

B)was adjusted

C)was to adjusted D)can be adjusted 80. Nuclear science _____ to benefit the people rather than harm them.

A)should be developed

B)will be developed

C)can be developed

D)may be developed

81. A Dream of the Red Chamber is said _____ into dozens of language in the last

decade. A)to translate B)to have translated

C)to be translated

D)to have been translated

82. I couldn't find _____, and so I took this one. A)a large enough coat B)an enough large coat C)a larger coat enough

D)a coat enough large 83. He loves _____ very much. A)two their little children B)two little their children C)their two little children

D)their little two children

84. They usually have less money at the end of the month than _____ at the beginning. A)which is

B)which was

C)they have D)it is 第 页 共 14 页 教务科监制

85. It wasn't such a good dinner _____ she had promised us. A)that

B)which C)as


86. She never laughed,_____ lose her temper. A)or she ever did

B)nor did she ever C)or did she ever

D)nor she ever did

87. Only by shouting at the top of his voice _____ . A)he was able to make himself hear

B)he was able to make himself heard

C)was he able to make himself hear D)was he able to make himself heard 88. Never before that night _____ the extent of my own power. A)had I left

B)I left

C)did I left

D)I had left 89. _____ student with a little common sense should be able to answer the question.





90. We had a party last month, and it was a lot of fun, so let's have _____ one this

month. A)another


C)the other D)other 91. No agreement was reached in discussion as neither side would give way to _____. A)the other B)any other C)another D)other 92. Either you or I _____ to go to the company.





93. Neither his traveler's checks nor the money he had brought _____ enough to pay for the rent. A)be B)is C)are D)was 94. Every teacher and every student _____ a book.





95. Nobody except my grandparents _____ anything about it.

A)know B)knows C)knew

D)knowing 96. Many a student and teacher _____ practice in this factory.



C)is having


97. _____ loads of big oranges on the ground.


A)There is B)There are C)There will be D)There were 98. At that time politics _____ often a topic for discussion among them. A)is

B)be C)was


99. The trousers _____ in the upper left drawer. A)be


C)are D)was 100. Every means _____ tried. A)has been B)have been C)was

D)were 101. The means of communication between the two cities _____ interrupted.

A) is



D)to be

102. Having no money but _____ to know, he simply said he would go without dinner. A) not to want any

B)not waiting anyone C)wanted no one

D)to want no one

103. To my great _____ you two failed to pass the final examination.

A) excitement B)impatience



104. The twin sisters are so much alike that we often _____ one for the other. A) look B)regard C)view

D)mistake 105. I used to _____ the room with my elder brother.

A) hold



D)separate 106. Your composition is quite good _____ some mistakes in spelling. A)besides B)apart from

C)except for


107. Mr. Smith was _____ rude man _____ his workers said they would not work for


A) so...that B)so...when C)such a...that D)such a...when 108. When my grandparents _____ the old times, they are very sad. A) rediscover B)remind C)recognize D)recall 109. Lucy liked the party as the food was greatly _____ her taste.

A) for




110. I can't talk with you now, but I'll _____ you this afternoon by phone. 第 页 共 14 页 教务科监制

A) connect with B)get in touch with C) communicate with

D)have a link with

111. Jane is absent today, She _____ ill.

A)must be

B)shall be C)should be

D)will be

112. The students jumped with joy when they _____ the good news. A)heard for B)heard of

C)heard from D)heard over 113. At last, he couldn't bear his wife's _____ tongue any more.




D)anxious 114. He knows her only interest is _____.



C)the concerts D)to go to concert 115. My carelessness _____ the failure in the experiment. A)resulted in B)resulted from C)brought in D)brought from 116. It was 10 sharp when the train _____ into the station. A)entered

B)pulled C)drew

D)dragged 117. We _____ back the house at the original price. A)regained B)relieved

C)purchased D)redesigned

118. It is impolite to _____ a speaker when he is making a speech.





119. She said that she hated to see letters _____ in pencil. A)write

B)to write



120. Did you admit _______ the money? A)borrowing to B)to borrowing C)be borrowed D)to borrow 121. _____ to the doctor right away, you might have been better now.

A)If you went

B)Were you gone

C)Had you gone

D)Should you have gone

122. I think there is _____ in giving him advice A)of no use B)without any use

C)of no benefit D)not much point

123. When _____ why she was late again, she just kept silent.

A)asked B)asking C)been asked D)to be asked


124. Jim and John _______ skating together during their children. A)used to going B)were used going C)used to go D)were used to go

125. They have been _____ with the company for many years.




D)dealing 126. He told me how to get here but perhaps he _____ me a map. A)had to give

B)ought to give

C)must have given D)should have given 127. It was under the desk _____ Mary found her pen. A)which B)that

C)on which


128. In the end of the plane _____ into the clouds.





129. The famous company is _____. A)my father-in-law B)my fathers-in-law

C)my father-in-law's

D)my father's-in-law's

130. Without their help, She _____ in passing the entrance examination.

A)doesn't succeed B)didn't succeed C)couldn't succeed

D)couldn't succeeded

131. The doctor advised that her nephew _____ an operation at once in order to save

his life. A)have B)had

C)would have

D)was going to have

132. It is quite necessary that a good student _____ his lessons after class.


B)can review


D)has reviewed

133. Her remarkable performance in the competition proved that she was a _____

winner. A)worth




134. Police officers working on the murder have _____ many people. A)enquired B)asked C)demanded


135. We'd better have our car _____ immediately, or we will be late for the movie.


B)repairing C)repaired D)to be repaired 第 页 共 14 页 教务科监制

136. The writer thoroughly understood the society _____ A)she had grown in it

B)she had grown up C)which had she grown up in

D)in which she has grown up

137. Let's take _____ of this opportunity to work hard for our country.

A)profit B)benefit


D)advantage 138. They have _____ their youngest child by giving her whatever she wants.


B)uneducated C)spoiled


139. Most of the streets were flooded in the morning. There _____ violent rainstorm during the night. A)must be B)must have been

C)must to be

D)has been 140. What I expect is a _____ answer.





141. Little _____ wine. A)she cares for B)she does care for C)she did care for

D)does she care for

142. Please tell him to wait here for me _____ he comes.

A)since B)unless C)if

D)in case 143. My mother is interested in _____ I have told her.


B)all that

C)all which

D)all what

144. We should have invited him to our party, but we _____ him well. A)hadn't known B)doesn't know C)didn't know D)don't know 145. He asked me if I was _____ on reading.





146. Her cousin was stopped by a policeman when he was driving home and was _____ him of speeding. A)blamed


C)accused D)warned

147. Never before in his country _____ for women. A)so much has been done

B)has been so much done

C)has been done so much D)has so much been done


148. Don't advise him what to do next; he must use his own _____ . A)judgment




149. I was so tired that I _____ when I was sitting in the armchair reading. A)dropped away B)dropped out C)dropped off D)dropped through 150. As she was ill, she had to _____ the meeting.





151. Nobody would believe that my motive was _____ despite my explanation about






152. _____ he been here, he could have explained it.

A)Would B)Have


D)Should 153. The boss ordered that the waiter _____ fired.


B)were C)is

D)be 154. I wonder where you _____ going for your winter vocation. A)mean




155. She will help me when she _____ her homework.

A)finish B)will finish C)has finished D)will have finished

156. Her proposal is that I _____ the red coat.


B)am buying


D)be bought

157. He asked if I knew the name of _____ . A)little, funny, the red insect B)the funny, little, red insect C)the red, little, funny insect D)the red, funny, little insect 158. She is positive that Richard has been here and _____ .

A)has done what required him B)did what required him

C)does what is required him

D)has done what was required of him

159. It is very strange that even you _____ so.

A)should say B)will speak C)would say D)would speak

160. Arriving home, he _____ down and soon fell asleep.



C)lay D)lain 第 页 共 14 页 教务科监制

161. If only the accident _____ ! A)does not happen

B)not happens

C)had not happened D)not happened

162. It is no use _____ to repair the bicycle. It is too old.

A)trying B)to try

C)by trying

D)having tried

163. I think that your composition is much better than _____ in the class.

A)the others B)any other's C)the other students D)any student's 164. He hates to be disturbed if he _____ A)works B)is working

C)will work

D)has worked 165. There is not the _____ doubt about that.


B)thinnest C)slightest


166. The _____ lady burst into scream at the sight of the snake. A)frightening B)frightful C)fright


167. Mr. Wang ought to go by plane, _____ ?

A)would he B)should he C)wouldn't he


168. You _____ football on the playground when she visited you.

A)must play

B)must have been playing C)must be playing

D)must have played

169. Mr. Haggard is _____ a famous scientist.

A)ranked B)entitled C)known as

D)classified into

170. I have already _____ my position on the point.




D)verified 171. It is high time that the boy _____ go to bed.

A)should B)would C)is to

D)must 172. Do you know what _____ her strange behavior?

A)brought in B)brought about C)brought to D)brought up 173. The young man was caught _____ money from the old lady.

A)to steal




174. At that moment, we were having a(an) _____ discussion about the problem.


A)hot-tempered B)complicated C)spirited D)irritated

175. He _____ go abroad when he was passed the coming TOEFL exam.

A)could B)is able to

C)is capable of D)will be able to 176. The texts in Book II are _____ difficult.

A)quite too

B)too very

C)rather too

D)fairly too

177. More teachers than one _____ the suggestion. A)has opposed B)have opposed C)opposed D)is opposed 178. _____ you do it or not is none of my business.

A)Either B)If



179. He is _____ every day by the slow bus service in that small city.


B)horrified C)impressed


180. The kind of stories my grandfather told me in my childhood _____ again. A)has never heard

B)has never been heard C)have never heard

D)have never been heard

181. She did not believe their nice words _____ frightened by their threat. A)she was not B)neither she was C)nor was she D)so wasn't she 182. It was quite urgent that the police _____ notified of the accident immediately. A)be B)is


D)was 183. He ran away _____ he should be seen.





184. It was very clever _____ at the answer so quickly. A)of her arriving B)for her arriving

C)of her to arrive

D)for her to


185. If you become a college student, you will be free to study _____ you. A)whatever interests B)whatever that interests C)whatever interesting

D)whatever which interests 186. I would like to _____ Daisy to you for the job. She is very clever and diligent.





187. Later he discovered, _____ was news to him, that Pamela was the Mayor's 第 页 共 14 页 教务科监制

daughter. A)who




188. Ralph is _____ his sister. A)two years senior than

B)two year senior than C)two years senior to

D)two year senior to 189. She was _____ how to answer the letter.





190. Henry has _____ many prizes for his country. A)carried back B)carried on

C)carried off

D)carried through 191. The question _____ now is what to do next.

A)discussing B)discussed C)being discussed

D)to be discussed 192. If your parents had known that you were going, they would have _____ it.





193. I would prefer to go the day after tomorrow, _____ it's all the same to you.


B)as if



194. To succeed in accomplishing the difficult task, _____ . A)you need persistent nature B)one needs to be persistent C)persistence is needed

D)persistence is what you need 195. Julia was jealous _____ her younger brother when she was young.

A)at B)on



196. It will be eight years _____ we have a chance of meeting again.




D)before 197. _____ being intelligent, he is also very hardworking. A)Except B)Beside C)Besides

D)Not only

198. Mr. Lytton _____ to give his opinions on the current political problems.

A)afforded B)declined



199. _____ the bad weather, the baseball match had to be put off till next Saturday.


B)Due to


D)Owing to

200. I was asked to _____ the important things while we were having the meeting.


A)set back B)set at

C)set down D)set off 201. He is constantly _______ not to do that, but he still goes on doing it all the same.

A) telling B)being told


D)having been told

202. The necessity for more wage _______ for food has lowered the standard of

living. A)to be paid


C)to pay

D)being to be


203. Social reformer Jane Smith _______ a prominent role in the foundation of the National Progressive party. A)playing

B)who played


D)to play

204. If I _______ George had wanted to get up early, I would have woken him. A)knew B)know C)have known D)had known

205. The job would require that he _______ at the laboratory at 8 every morning.

A)will be

B)would be



206. You _______ all the trouble had you known he was not there. A)mustn't take B)mustn't have taken C)needn't take

D)needn't have taken 207. The idea for the new machine came to Mr. Lane _______ to work last week. A)as he drives B)while was driving

C)While driving

D)when he has driven 208. He said he felt bad because he _______ late the night before.

A)sit up B)was sitting up

C)has sat up


been sitting up

209. We are familiar with the idea _______ all matter consists of atoms . A)which B)where C)that

D)whose 210. He spoke of the peasants and the villagers _______ he had visited .

A)that B)which

C)in which


211. The girl in the red hat _______ is the person I've been waiting to see.



C)same D)just 第 页 共 14 页 教务科监制

212. You can fly to New York this afternoon _______ you don't mind changing planes in San Francisco. A)provided

B)so far as



213. A new car in excellent condition with whitewall tires and air conditioning is _______ sale by the owner. A)in




214. He told his wife as little as possible, _______ she spread the news all over the

town. A)if


B)so that D)even if 215. _______ has stopped moving resists being moved again. A)The thing




216. --\A)a singer and a dancer

B)a singer and dancer

C)the singer and the dancer D)singer and dancer 217. He keeps all his documents in a _______ box.

A)strong black metal B)metal strong black C)strong metal black

D)black strong metal 218. _______ he is not in good health, he often helps others. A)While B)When


D)Now that 219. Do you know why John didn't _______ at the party yesterday evening?

A)show off

B)show down

C)show up

D)show in

220. Badly beaten, the intruders _______ in disorder.

A)fell off

B)fell out

C)fell back

D)fell away

221. A university is an educational institution which awards degrees and _______

research. A)carries out

B)carries through C)carries off D)carries about

222. Hospital doctors don't go out very often as their work _______ all their time. A)takes away

B)takes in

C)takes over




223. When you buy anything expensive, you should ask the dealer to give you the _______. A)remedy B)render C)reference D)receipt 224. The album is _______ as it was the only one ever signed by the president. A)unusual




225. Mary wanted to go to New York by herself, but her parents would not give their

_______. A)consent




226. The prize went to a _______ doctor in that hospital. A)distinguishable




227. Mr. Kent must work out his projections in great _______. A)detail




228. I’ll send somebody to _______ you at noon. A)relieve B)relief C)release D)substitute 229. Peter _______ a car from the garage for the afternoon.





230. The crafty salesman was able to _______ my friend to buy a new car, even though my friend did not need one. A)convince B)advise



231. I know better than _______ him.

A)believe B)to believe C)believing D)believed

232. Old men sat on the park benches, watching the village youths _______ football.


B)to play



233. Never _______ very fond of cards, I made some excuse and went out for a walk in the garden. A)being

B)having been

C)have been


234. If only I _______ the books on the reading list before I attended the lecture. 第 页 共 14 页 教务科监制

A)read B)would have read C)have read

D)had read

235. If you had spoken clearly, you _______. A)would have been understood B)be understood C)can understand

D)can be understood

236. While crossing the mountain areas, all the men had guns for protection lest they _______ by the local bandits. A)be attacked B)must be attacked

C)were attacked


be attacked

237. Robots _______ \A)are often referred to as B)often refer to C)name after

D)are often named after

238. I just saw John at the bookstore. I didn't think he _______back until tomorrow. A)was to come B)will come

C)is coming




239. Tom said he wasn't feeling well, _______? A)isn't he

B)was he

C)wasn't he


240. The science of medicine, _______ progress has been very rapid lately, is perhaps the most important of all sciences. A)to which

B)in which

C)with which

D)among which

241. Up went the prices, _______. A)down the living standard came

B)the living standard came down C)down came the living standard

D)came down the living standard

242. He burned all the important documents _______ that they should fall into the

enemy's hands. A)unless



D)for fear

243. Although he is more serious _______ his studies than I am, my grades are better

than his.

A)with B)about C)for D)at


244. They were just going to give up the question, _______ suddenly they found the answer. A)until B)unless C)after

D)when 245. Thinking that you know _______ in fact you don't is a disastrous mistake.





246. Aluminum as well as most metals _______. A)is a good conductor B)are good conductors C)is a good insulator

D)are good insulators

247. Yesterday our professor gave us a _______ assignment.

A)twenty pages B)twenty-page C)twenty-pages D)twenty page 248. A great effort must still be made _______ the ideas can be turned into really. A)before B)after



249. We have _______ various approaches to the problem.

A)tried on

B)tried for C)tried out D)tried with 250. On entering another country, a tourist will have to _______the Customs . A)pass through B)pass by

C)pass over

D)pass for 251. People can _______ new ideas which nobody ever considered before .

A)come into

B)come out

C)come up with


along with

252. Scientists have to _______ past experiences in making new ideas. A)draw in B)draw back C)draw out D)draw on 253. He lost his _______ and hit her.





254. During their first teacher-training year, the students often visited local schools for the _______ of lessons.

A)observation B)investigation C)observance D)inspection 255. The number of _______ species increases every year as natural habitats disappear. 第 页 共 14 页 教务科监制

A)dangerous B)endangered C)serious D)hazardous

256. As far as your family is _______. You won't have to worry about them any more.





257. Although it is not our normal _______ to give credit, this time I think we should consider the matter. A)state




258. Outlines are used most often to _______ the contents of long, complex paper before the actual writing begins. A)sketch




259. Economics is a social science _______ the production, distribution, and consumption of goods. A)associating B)relating C)affecting D)concerning 260. This house is large enough to _______ up to ten people.





261. _____first place in the woman's ten meter platform diving event, Xu Yanmei became China's first gold medal winner in the 1988 Summer Olympic Games in Seoul. A)To win

B)Being won


D)Having won

262. Scientists agree the American's native Indian population came from Siberia; however they disagree on the number and dates of _____ migrations. A)typical




263. _____, all matter is formed of molecules. A)It doesn't matter if the complex B)No matter how complex C)How complex is not a matter

D)It's not a complex matter 264. In 1850 California, the Golden State, was _____ to the union.





265. Some people find it _____ that Ronald Reagan began his career as an actor in


A)surprisedly B)surprised C)surprising



266. Children who are always _____ to by their parents soon spoiled. A)given up

B)given out

C)given away D)given in

267. The retired worker, who once was a labor model, is still held _____ in the cotton


A)in great respect B)in a great respect C)in great respects

D)in the great respect

268. There are some people who hang _____ to their job long after they should have

retired. A)behind B)back


D)up 269. Compared to the parents' expectation, what he has achieved is _____ little.

A)so far

B)far too

C)too far



270. More and more graduates of medical school _____ to concentrate on limited areas of their professions. A)are tending


C)are tended D)have tended

271. We know the old soldier _____ in the Liberation War. A)having once been injured B)having once injured C)to have once been injured

D)to have once injured

272. Mr. Blair was reluctantly approved, the significant factor in his favor being his

_____ to the position. A)recess


C)approach D)reproach

273. _____ could more effective ways to deal with inequities in educational opportunity provide direct payments to families. A)Five years later

B)Only after five years C)After five years has passed

D)Five years after

274. It was urgent that they _____ the intellectual background to meet the challenge. A)should have B)had to have C)would have had D)could have had

275. It's true we won the match, but since the opposing team was so obviously 第 页 共 14 页 教务科监制

inferior to ours, our success does not _____ much.

A)count for B)count on C)count up D)count out 276. _____ appealing to his better nature, we persuaded the boy to change his behaviour. A)through

B)With C)By


277. We can take care of this matter _____ payment is made in advance. A)in the hope that

B)regardless the fact that

C)on the grounds that

D)on condition that 278. _____ her work was still not as good as she wanted it to be?

A)It was why that

B)Why was it that

C)That is why it

D)Why it is that

279. Many animals have evolved _____ ways of transferring environmentally learned information to other members of their species. A)complicated B)composed C)completed D)comprehended 280. The football match had to be cancelled on _____ of the awful weather. A)point




281. To my surprise, he hadn't realized _____. A)that a girl she was pretty B)what she was a pretty girl C)what a pretty girl she was

D)what pretty a girl she was

282. Further arms limitations negotiations were _____ when Congress failed to grant

the treaty. A)held down

B)called off C)brought out D)left behind 283. Should their plot have succeeded, that _____ to a repeat of old society. A)has been leading B)has led

C)would lead

D)would have led

284. Nothing can discourage the girl _____ going ahead with her plans. A)from




285. _____ that the new faces are people who know the business climate well.

A)The fortune B)To be fortune C)Fortunately D)It is fortunate


286. The age of a tree can be determined accurately by counting the number of tree rings it has _____. A)achieved




287. _____ professional baseball is played, the more certain it becomes that Walter Johnson's shut-out record will never be beaten. A)The longer than

B)How long

C)However long

D)the longer

288. Certain diseases of the brain are suffered by human being _____. A)lonely




289. _____ of decorating houses at preset, that of papering interior walls was probably the most popular. A)All the means

B)Of all the means

C)Means of all

D)The means

290. Electrical resistance is a common property of all materials._____. A)differs only in degree

B)it only differs in degree

C)only in degree it differs

D)differing only in degree

291. Attempting to reach his home before the storm, _____ . A)the bicycle of John broke down B)it happened that John's bike broke down

C)the storm caught John

D)John had an accident on his


292. The workers waited patiently _____ A)that is ship is arrived

B)that the ship should arrived

C)for the ship to be arrived D)for the ship arrived

293. No one expected _____ A)the old man to disappear B)the old man disappearing C)to disappear the old man

D)disappearing the old man 294. The patient looks _____ ill for a long time. 第 页 共 14 页 教务科监制

A)as if he had been B)as if he was C)as if he is

D)as if he has been

295. _____ that he wasn't able to come. I wouldn't have sent him the invitation letter. A)Since I had known B)Had I known C)Did I know D)If I knew 296. _____ the English examination I would have gone to the concert last Sunday. A)In spite of

B)But for

C)Because of D)As for 297. The English of her composition is too good. She can't _____ it herself. A)have to write

B)have written

C)had written

D)be written

298. The values of a people, their customs, and their perceptions of the world _____

their language.

A)are influenced B)be influenced C)influencing D)influence 299. The ancient Romans cared less about philosophy and pure mathematics _____ the Greeks. A)than did

B)than that of

C)that what of

D)than those of

300. _____ is announced in today's paper, they have succeeded in solving many problems in accordance with the new theory. A)Which B)As

C)What D)That

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第 页 共 14 页 教务科监制

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