2019高考英语大一轮复习资料 Book2 Unit2

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1.aboard prep.上(船、飞机、火车、汽车等) 2.accommodation n.住宿;膳宿 3.destination n.目的地;终点 4.enjoy v.欣赏;享受乐趣;喜欢 5.guide n.导游;向导 6.luggage/baggage n.行李 7.place of interest名胜 8.be struck by...被……迷住 9.have a good trip旅行顺利 10.take a picture拍照 话题佳作


参观城市及 景点介绍 米开朗基罗广场、大卫塑像、乌菲兹美术馆…… 参观感受及 旅游计划 佛罗伦萨位于…… 敬仰古代伟大的艺术家…… 准备明天进行下一城市的参观(威尼斯) 佳作欣赏 Oct.4th,FridayFine Here I am in Florence,a world-famous tourist city in the middle of Italy.It is not only the most famous cultural art center in Europe,but also the home of the Renaissance.Firstly,I came to the Piazzale Michelangelo,from where I looked over the beautiful sights of the whole city.Then,standing in the middle of the square is the sculpture of David,which is the symbol of the city.I couldn’t help showing my respect to the ancient artists.At last,I came to the Uffizi Gallery,where a lot of artworks are displayed by great artists.

I am so attracted by them that I really want to stay here for a few more days.However,I must leave for Venice,another famous city in Italy tomorrow morning. 名师点睛

作者能够仔细审题,按照题目要求,出色地将题中的要点表达出来。写作中作者能够灵活地运用所学单词和短语,如in the middle of,couldn’t help doing,show one’s respect to,display,be attracted by,leave for,not only...but also...以及定语从句、倒装句、结果状语从句等高级表达方式,同时,一些过渡词,如firstly,then,at last,however等的使用,使行文流畅,衔接自然。

Ⅰ.写作必记单词 1.arrange vt.&vi.安排

arrangement n.排列,布置;安排;约定,协议 2. altogether adv.总共 3.protection n.保护

protect vt.保护

protective adj.保护的,防护的

4.advance n.前进;预先;vi.前进;进步 advanced adj.先进的;高级的 5.supply n.&vt.提供,供给,补给 6.scare vt.使恐惧,惊吓 scared adj.感到恐惧的 scary adj.恐怖的

7.tiring adj.让人疲劳的,累人的 8.atmosphere n.空气;大气层 9.schedule n.&vt.计划

10. view vt.观看;看待;n.景色;观点 11.bury vt.埋葬;埋藏 12.publish vt.出版;发表 13.announce vt.宣布,宣称 announcement n.宣布;宣告;通告 14.wander vi.&vt.漫游,游荡;徘徊;漂泊 15.surrounding adj.周围的,附近的 surroundings n.环境

surround vt.包围;围绕,环绕 16.harmony n.和谐,协调,融洽 harmonious adj.和谐的;协调的 Ⅱ.阅读识记单词

17.adventure n.冒险;冒险经历 18.extraordinary adj.不同寻常的 19.desert n.沙漠;vt.抛弃,舍弃 20.shade n.阴凉处;背阴;树阴 21.brilliant adj.明亮的;鲜艳的

22.uncomfortable adj.不舒服的,不自在的 23.rough adj.汹涌的;粗糙的;大概的 24.defence n.防御;保护 25.tourism n.旅游业 tourist n.游客

tour n.& vi.&vt.旅游,旅行 26.explore vt.&vi.探索;勘探 exploration n.勘探;探测 explorer n.探险家;勘探者 27.destination n.目的地 28.beauty n.美;美好的人或物 29.highway n.(尤指城镇间的)公路,干道,交通要道 30.steep adj.陡峭的;急剧的 31.officially adv.官方地,正式地 official adj.正式的,官方的;n.官员 32.spot n.地点,场所

33.tower vi.高耸,屹立;超过;n.塔,塔楼 34.reflect vt.反射(声、光、热等);反映 reflection n.反射;反映

35.endless adj.无限的,无休止的 36.mild adj.平和的,温和的;温暖的 语境活用 [用所给词的正确形式填空]

1.Thanks to the advanced(advance) technology,communication.(2015·北京)

we live in an age of bettered 2.It was a fun thing but I was scared(scare) from the start.(2016·天津)

3.It was with sincerity and faithfulness that we created a harmonious(harmony) atmosphere.(2014·江西)

4.From tomorrow,I will be their UK ambassador.The title will be officially(official) given to me at a ceremony in London.(2016·全国Ⅰ)

5.Tourism(tour) is the major source of income for this area.(2015·陕西) 6.I am too busy to listen to her endless(end) complaint. 7.Children’s bad behavior is often a reflection(reflect) on their parents. 8.He pushed her roughly(rough) out of the door.

1.be busy (in) doing sth.忙于做某事 2.in case万一

3.in advance提前,预先 4.up close靠近地

5.tower over远高于(周围的人或物) 6.at a loss不知所措

语境活用 [运用上述短语完成片段]

I have 1.been busy arranging(忙于安排) for my winter holiday recently.I have bought a round-trip ticket 2.in advance(提前).Now I’ve made up a schedule for a three-day trip to Sanya.I,along with my parents,am taking a flight to Sanya on the first day.On the second day,we’ll wander on the beach,where we can view the beauty of the sea 3.up close(靠近地).We’ll wear life jackets 4.in case(万一) we fall into the sea.On the third day,we’ll visit Nanshan temple and taste the local food there.

1.“wish+从句”用虚拟语气 Wish you were here 如果你在这里就好了

仿写 埃伦是一位了不起的舞蹈家。要是我能跳得像她一样好那该有多好啊!(2015·陕西) Ellen is a fantastic dancer.I wish I danced as well as her. 2.even though引导的让步状语从句

We’ll try to get as close as possible to the animals,even though they’re dangerous,so that we can take some really good photographs.

尽管这些动物很危险,但是我们还是要尽可能地靠近它们,以便能拍到一些真正好的照片。 仿写 尽管我的祖父已经九十多岁了,但他仍不时打网球。(2016·北京) My grandfather still plays tennis now and then,even though he’s in his nineties. 3.This/It is(was)+the+序数词+time(that)+完成时

I was very excited because this was the first time I had seen one wildlife. 我很兴奋,因为这是我第一次见到野生动物。

仿写 广州恒大赢了亚足联冠军联赛,创造了历史,这是中国球队第一次赢得这种比赛。 Guangzhou Evergrande made history by winning the AFC Champions League title for China,which is the first time a Chinese club has won such a competition. 4.get+过去分词

The sun can be so brilliant that you’ll need to keep covered or you’ll get burnt... 阳光非常强,你需要把自己遮盖起来否则会被灼伤…… 仿写 这个士兵在战争中受了伤。 The soldier got hurt in the battle. 5.be about to do...when...

Colin was about to get off the camel when a child ran towards him. 科林正要从骆驼上下来,这时一个孩子向他跑来。

仿写 我正要放弃这时我父亲走过来鼓励我坚持下去。(2014·福建) I was about to give up when my father came and encouraged me to keep going.

arrange v.安排;筹备;整理;排列;布置

(1)Parents arrange everything for their children and spare no effort to pave the way for their success.


(2)If you are interested,please sign up at the office before 5:00 pm next Thursday so that we will make necessary arrangements. 若感兴趣,请在下周四下午5点钟前到办公室签名,以便于我们做些必要的安排。

(1)arrange to do sth.安排做某事 arrange for sb.to do sth.安排某人做某事 (2)arrangement n.安排;布置 make arrangements/an arrangement for...为……做安排 名师点拨

不能说arrange sb.to do sth.,且arrange后跟that从句时,从句中谓语动词用“(should+)动词原形”。


(1)He arranged for the meeting to be put (put) off for a week. (2)Have you arranged to meet (meet) Mark this weekend? (3)It was arranged that they (should) leave (leave) the following spring. [根据提示语填空]

Now everything for the conference to be held tomorrow (4)has been arranged(已准备就绪).I have

(5)arranged for Tom to pick up(安排Tom开车去接) the experts at the airport.Then I’m to (6)arrange to meet(安排接见) Mr.Wang.In a word,all (7)the arrangements we made(我们做出的安排) were completed.

advance v.促进;前进;预支;提前;提出(想法、理论、计划)


(1)Scientists have advanced many theories about why human beings cry tears,none of which has been proved.


(2)England is an advanced industrial country. 英国是一个发达的工业国家。

(1)advance on/towards...向……前进 in advance预先;事先;预付 make an advance/advances 取得进步 (2)advanced adj.先进的;高级的;深奥的 名师点拨



(1)A robot will do what people tell it to do,however advanced(advance) it may be. (2)Name three advances in science and technology at this time. (3)The crowd advanced towards/on the station. 写作能力提升——[一句多译] (4)我们预付他一个月的工资。

①We advanced him a month’s salary.(advance v.)

