高中英语Unit4Pygmalion课时跟踪练二WarmingUp&Reading - LanguagePoints新人教版选修8

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Unit 4课时跟踪练(二)Warming Up & Reading — Language Points


1.The new settler tried his best to make a quick adaptation (适应) to the new environment.

2.The city is condemned_(谴责) for high crime rate.

3.He warned his friend not to betray (泄露) the secret to anyone else. 4.He recommended me a classic(经典的) book on Buddhism. 5.The referee blew his whistle(口哨), and the game stopped. 6.The little girl feels uncomfortable (不自在的) with strangers. 7.The man over there is a brilliant (才华横溢的) young musician.

8.It's extraordinary (不同寻常的) that he should make exactly the same mistake again.

9.We can't judge a person on such short acquaintance (相识).

10.Parents should teach their children to behave properly (恰当地) in public. Ⅱ.单句改错

1.The little boy made adaptation to his new school finally. adaptation前加an

2.Now there are many young men in our society dreaming of making fortune without hard work.fortune前加a

3. Do not hesitate tell us if you have a problem.hesitate后加to 4.What he said at the meeting was of great valuable. valuable→value

5.I did not condemn him on what he had done.on→for

6.Some lazy persons usually pass off themselves of disabled ones to get help from others.of→as

7.We adapted us quickly to life in Paris.us→ourselves

8.General speaking, men are stronger than women.General→Generally Ⅲ.选词填空

in all directions, betray oneself, generally speaking, hand over, in terms of, make the acquaintance of, a handful of, be mistaken about, pass off ... as ..., hold up 1.In_terms_of his own situation, he has to give up this chance.

2.Generally_speaking,_we have much work to do every day. 3.He passed_off himself as a policeman to cheat.

4.The manager had handed_over all his work to his successor before he left his office.

5.Don't be_mistaken_about the man, and he just wanted to offer a hand. 6.You can't make_the_acquaintance_of the stranger on purpose. 7.We invited twenty people, but only a_handful_of them came.

8.In the dry weather, once the fire breaks out, it will spread in_all_directions quickly.

9.The tourist guide held_up his little flag and waved it to attract our attention.

10.He has a heavy accent, and once he opens his mouth, he betrays_himself. Ⅳ.课文语法填空

MyFairLady was the title of a successful musical and later a film 1.based (base)

on George Bernard Shaw's classical Pygmalion. In the musical, Professor Higgins takes 2.a bet from Colonel Pickering 3.that he can transfer an unrefined 4.dirty (dirt) flower girl Eliza Doolittle 5.into a lady, and fool everyone into 6.thinking (think) she really is. He does so, and thus young aristocrat Freddy Eynsford-Hill falls 7.madly (mad) in love with her.

When Higgins takes all the credit and forgets 8.to_acknowledge (acknowledge) her efforts, Eliza angrily leaves him for Freddy. Only then does Higgins realize he 9.has_been_accustomed (accustom) to her face and can't live 10.without her.


昨晚我观看了一场戏剧,是萧伯纳的一部经典(classic)小说的改编本(adaptation)。这部戏剧的情节(plot)非常简单。就它的意义而言(in terms of),这部戏剧是极好的。它向我们显示了我们所说的语言决定着我们的生活。一般来说(generally speaking),我们的口语就暴露(betray)了我们的身份(status)。在这部戏剧里,这一点得到了充分的证实。如果一个来自较低层社会的人在语言方面得到正规(properly)训练的话,他/她就会改变成(pass off as)一个较高层(upper)社会的人。




One Tuesday afternoon I went home, tired. I had much homework to do that night. Then a __1__ voice broke in, “Hey, Katie, don't forget about our SPAC performance tonight at the __2__. See you at seven!”

It was Adam, the president of Students in the Performing Arts for the Community. We __3__ SPAC to serve the community by performing at hospitals. At that moment, __4__, I considered the performance as a trouble.

I __5__ the hospital with my guitar in one hand and my workbook in the other, hoping to do a little __6__. I entered the hall and saw a __7__, pale girl of about 13 among a group of old people in wheelchairs. I wondered why someone so __8__ was stuck in this place.

Toward the end of the __9__, my friend Sarah asked if anyone had any __10__. The girl raised her arm and asked if she could sing MyHeartWillGoOn. Sarah happily invited her to __11__ the microphone and the girl hobbled (蹒跚) through the wheelchairs. When she and Sarah began to __12__, I noticed the girl's eyes shined. At that moment, I forgot my __13__ and remembered the true meaning of SPAC: __14__ the quality of life for others.

After the performance we talked with the girl and __15__ she wanted to be a singer. She told us that we had helped her remember her __16__. Then, she asked if we could all get together for a picture __17__ she could remember this night and never __18__ her dream.

I __19__ longer than I'd planned. I was amazed by what one hour of my time could __20__ — helping someone find confidence.

语篇解读:本文是记叙文。作者正在为繁重的作业发愁时被同学叫去医院为病人义演,虽然一开始作者有些不情愿,但是一个小时的义演却让作者收获很多。 1.A.lucky C.worried

B.happy D.nervous

解析:选B 对于组织义演的学生会主席亚当来说,义演是一件非常有意义的事情,因此他的声音应该是快乐的。

2.A.neighborhood C.school

B.cinema D.hospital

解析:选D 根据下文内容可知,他们是要到医院去义演。

3.A.started C.advertised

B.liked D.left

解析:选A 这里讲述的是他们成立SPAC的目的。 4.A.thus C.however

B.therefore D.otherwise

解析:选C 尽管他们去义演是一件有意义的事情,但是这次演出对于作者来说却是一个负担,因为她还有很多作业要做。

5.A.picked out C.returned to

B.arrived at D.looked for

解析:选B 作者一手拿着吉他,一手拿着练习册到了医院,希望能有机会学习一会儿。 6.A.playing C.training

解析:选D 参见上题解析。 7.A.thin C.strange

B.brave D.determined B.sleeping D.studying

解析:选A 根据下文所讲的那个女孩走路蹒跚可知这个女孩很瘦弱。 8.A.sick C.young

B.clever D.special

解析:选C 一群老人当中坐着一个女孩儿,作者首先疑惑的是这么年轻的一个女孩儿怎么会在这里。

9.A.minute C.hour

B.quarter D.day

解析:选C 根据文章最后所讲的“what one hour of my time ...”可知,作者他们到医院义演的时间是一个小时,所以在一个小时快结束的时候,萨拉询问病人们是否还有别的要求。

10.A.excuses C.problems

解析:选D 参见上题解析。 11.A.share C.touch

B.offer D.save B.suggestions D.requests

解析:选A 根据后文所讲的萨拉和那个女孩儿一起唱歌可知,萨拉邀请那个女孩儿和她一起用话筒唱歌。

12.A.discuss C.smile

B.sing D.dance

解析:选B 当那个女孩儿唱歌时,作者发现她此刻神采奕奕。 13.A.purpose C.job

B.behavior D.homework

解析:选D 作者此刻完全沉浸在歌声中,忘记了作业。 14.A.changing C.improving

B.feeling D.showing

解析:选C 看到一个孱弱的女孩儿在唱歌时的神采让作者想到了他们成立SPAC的初衷:改善他人的生活质量。

15.A.doubted C.believed

B.discovered D.agreed

解析:选B 通过和那个女孩儿交谈,他们发现她有一个愿望,那就是成为一名歌手。 16.A.goal C.condition

B.power D.suffering

解析:选A 女孩儿还告诉他们,是萨拉和她的合唱使她找回了自己的目标。 17.A.if C.though

B.so D.because

解析:选B 女孩儿请求作者他们和她合影,这样她就会记住这个晚上,不会放弃她的目标。

18.A.care about C.give up

解析:选C 参见上题解析。 19.A.waited C.slept

B.performed D.stayed B.settle down D.go through

解析:选D 表演结束之后他们还和那个女孩交谈了一会儿,所以作者那晚在医院待的时间比原计划要长。

20.A.achieve C.prove

B.contain D.last

解析:选A 根据下文的“helping someone find confidence”可知,此处要表达的意思是短短的一个小时却完成了一件重要的事情:帮助别人找到信心。


One day I woke up and smelled fire. I got back and ran out of the apartment immediate. Outside I see a woman in a second-floor window holding out a newborn baby. She asked me to catch. Without the second thought, I rushed over and held out my arms. After I knew it, the baby had landed in my arms. I was so much happy that it

was fine. The mother had to jump out of the window, either. Later, she thanked me for save her baby. It felt greatly to be a good neighbour.

答案:第二句:back→up; immediate→immediately 第三句:see→saw 第四句:catch后加it 第五句:the→a 第六句:After→Before 第七句:去掉much 第八句:either→too 第九句:save→saving 第十句:greatly→great

