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Unit1 college life Passage A

Read and think 2

1. The students were going to take their last exam at college. →解析: 参见短文的第一句话。

2. They were confident and felt ready for the exam. They think the coming exam is a snap. →解析: 参见短文第一、二、三段,尤其是第三段的第一句话。

3. They turned out to be difficult, because none of the questions could be answered by the students.

→解析: 参见老师在收回考卷后的提问以及学生的表情可以推断出考试题很难。 4. The professor said the result was what she had expected, but she would allow the students to pass the course any way.

→解析: 参见短文倒数第6行“That is exactly what I expected”和倒数第3行“You will all pass this course1 ”。

5. Because she wanted to make her students realize that even though they had finished four years of study in college, there was still much to learn and their education had just begun.

→解析: 参见倒数第3行“1 , but remember that even though you are now college graduates, your education has just begun”。

Read and complete 3


1. discussing 2. due to begin 4. commencement and jobs

7. bring any books 8. only that 10. smiles broadened

Read and complete 4

1. conquer →译文: 为了攻克语言的难关,他们努力学习英语。 2. impressed →译文: 老师对学生上网冲浪的能力感触颇深。 3. seniors →译文: 目前许多高年级学生开始考虑选择一个职业。 4. was approaching →译文: 春节快到了,许多人都回家团圆。 5. surveying →译文: 他向窗外望去,审视着乡下的风景。 6. confident →译文: 我们有信心能够克服困难。 7. graduate →译文: 汤姆是今年最出色的哈佛毕业生。 8. shifted →译文: 院长长时间的讲话使得他不耐烦地在座位上晃来晃去。

3. confidence

5. talked of 6. felt ready and able to 9. filed into

9. broaden →译文: 学院帮助比尔扩展他的爱好。 10. obscure →译文: 蒙蔽真理的言辞一定要弃之不用。 5

1. due to →译文: 八点三十分的班机因大雾而推迟起飞。 2. passing out →译文: 大学生从事各种各样的兼职,如:派发广告传单、家教、送报纸。 3. filing into →译文: 讲演定在三点钟开始,学生们现在依次进入会场。 4. impressed upon →译文: 他们要孩子们牢记永远说实话是一种美德。 5. no longer →译文: 他不再是个孩子,应该允许他自己作决定。

Read and translate 6

1. →译文: He has no longer written to his friends ever since he got a mobile phone. 2. →译文: Even though he is very busy, he spends at least two hours every day surfing the Internet, aiming to know about the latest development in this area / field.

3. →译文: Professor Li made a short speech at the commencement, his words of which were

deeply impressed upon my memory.

4. →译文: Talking of the final exams the students were not nervous at all. On their faces was


5. →译文: To write a short passage of about 100 words within 30 minutes would be a snap to

most students in their class.

PassageB Read and think


1. B →解析: 2. D →解析: 3. C →解析: 4. B →解析: 5. A →解析:

Read and complete



1. graduate 2. panicking 3. learning 4. sophomore 5. feel like 6. Walking 7. commitment 8. torture 9. cherish

Read and complete


1. amused →译文: 听说他坐到了未干的油漆上,我们都感到非常好笑。

整篇文章都是作者对校园生活的留念,所以B是正确答案。 作者提到上课时给老师画漫画,不是给报社投稿。 答案C最全面,答案A、B、D是包含在答案C中的。

从整篇文章看作者的写作基调都是对校园生活恋恋不舍。 只有A正确表达了作者的心情。

10. reluctantly

2. convince →译文: 他的父亲非常固执,想让他承认错误几乎是不可能的事。 3. involves →译文: 这份兼职的工作需要晚上工作。 4. permanent →译文: 他总是换工作,所以没有固定的地址。 5. panicking →译文: 他总是一听到火警声音就惊惶失措。

6. remarkable →译文: 这位教授因其对土木工程的杰出贡献而受到尊重。

7. surrounded →译文: 这是老妇人的80岁生日,她坐在椅子上被他的儿孙们簇拥


8. envy →译文: 我非常羡慕你。我希望我的字能像你的字一样漂亮。 9. failures →译文: 在找到正确途径之前她经历了很多失败。 10. reality →译文: 他给人留下为人慷慨的印象,但事实上却是一个非常自私的人。 13

1. looked back

→译文: 毕业典礼时他被授予学士学位。在回宿舍的路上,他回想起


2. At the idea of →译文: 一想到国庆节将至,我就很难聚精会神地学习。 3. fee like →译文: 天气真好,我想去河里游泳。 4. come to →译文: 一个月前,他还对互联网一概不知,可现在他认识到互联网


5. change their mind →译文: 在大学,学生们如果发现他们不喜欢原来选的专业,可


Read and translate


1. →答案: I抳e found myself having great interest in spoken English.

2. →答案: Driving on the highway, I realized that enormous changes had taken place in China’s automobile way system in recent years.

3. →答案: I can hardly believe that he has learned to how to work a computer in such a short time / period.

4. →答案: Three years has passed and the time has come. In less than two weeks, I will go

back to my country.

5. →答案: Many people I know can抰 wait to go abroad, but I would rather stay with my

family in my country.

Write and apply


1. Tom is a hardworking young man, but he does not always make progress. →译文: 汤姆是一个勤奋的年轻人,但是他并不是总能取得进步。 2. Both John and Ted like football very much. →译文: 约翰和特德都非常喜爱足球。 3. Neither my father nor my mother went to university. →译文: 我的父母都没有上过大学。

4. He was getting tired, so he stopped his work. →译文: 他感到很累,所以就停下工作。 5. Take this medicine, or you will not recover.

→译文: 吃了这药,否则你的病不会好转。

6. When I woke up in the morning, it was almost eight o’clock.. →译文: 我早晨醒来时,已经快到8点钟了。

7. I woke up to find I was late, so I jumped out of bed quickly and ran to school. →译文: 我起床时发现已经迟了,所以我迅速跳下床跑步去学校。 8. After I rushed out of the bedroom, I took a look at my watch and turned back. →译文: 我冲出卧室后,看了一下表又转过身来。

9. I couldn抰 help laughing to myself because I had mistaken seven for eight. →译文: 我禁不住嘲笑自己,因为我把7点钟错看成8点钟了。

10. It was just seven o’clock. I couldn抰 believe and took a look at my watch again. →译文: 是7点钟,我不能相信便又看了一次表。

Write and correct 18

1. It is not a good idea to go shopping on Sunday, for / because the shops are very crowded.

→解析: 上下句的关系是因果关系,所以应该用“因为……所以”关系的连词for / because。 2. Since you are a college student, you shouldn抰 depend too much on your parents.

→解析: 揵ecause4 引导的句子表示理由时,只能放在主句后面。所以应用可以放在句首的since。 3. It rained a lot this summer, so we didn抰 have to water the flowers in the garden.

→解析: “since”通常是引导因果状语从句的“因”,而“so”所在的从句是“果”。 4. When she read the funny stories she laughed aloud in her bedroom. →解析: 从句子的逻辑关系来看,是由于看到“funny stories”所以才大笑起来。所以“when”应该引导读好笑的故事作状语从句。 5. The student didn抰 quite understand the teacher’s point; therefore, he asked him to repeat it. →解析: 揾owever4 有转折的含义,可译为“然而”;“therefore”有顺承的含义,在这里可译为“于是”。 6. The girl was a little nervous in class, so the teacher asked her to sit down at last. →解析: 原句主从句之间缺少因果关系的连词“so”,又 揳t last4 不能接在“so”后面,应移到句尾。

7. Although he was very tired, he tried to finish his work on time.

→解析: 去掉but。“but”与“although”意思相同,且英语中两者只用其一即可,否则就画蛇添足了。

8. As you know, all the students are eager to learn English well.

→解析: 去掉that。“that”使整个句子成为没有主语的病句,所以应该去掉。 9. I抎 like to know when the American teacher will come to join in our English party.

→解析: 宾语从句中的问句应该使用陈述句语序,因此when后面的will应该放到come前面。

10. He was in a hurry to go out when his telephone rang. →解析: “and”是并列连词,而两个句子之间的逻辑关系是“当……的时候,……”。

Write and improve


The First Day I Came to College

I still remember the first day when I came to college. It was a sunny day and everything seemed fresh to me. I was very excited like other freshmen, because my dream of becoming a college student had come true. This was really a turning point in my life. Looking at the modern classroom buildings and the grand library, I felt proud of my college. I knew that it would be a good opportunity for me to obtain a great deal of knowledge useful for my future career and the society. However, studying at college was also a great challenge to me; therefore, I had to learn how to overcome the difficulties in my study and life at college. Anyway, I was determined to study hard in order to live up to the expectations of my parents and my friends. I was sure that I could face the challenges and make the best of the opportunities, proving myself a worthy college student.



Unit 2 study online

Read and think 2

1. A typical conventional classroom was a room where teachers and students could work together in person, but without computers.

→解析: 短文第一段的第三句提到传统教学方式。

2. Because they can have many choices on different courses and schedules.

→解析: 第二段的内容提及在线学习可以提供给学生的灵活学习方式。

3. They exchange thoughts, opinions and information with their classmates through writing e-mails.

→解析: 第四段倒数第一行提到“via e-mail”。

4. According to the author, there is no limitation for the classroom is not an issue.

