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6A Unit5 Signs 一、词组

1.at a shopping centre 在购物中心

2.be careful 当心

3.Wet floor. 小心地滑

4.a juice shop 一家果汁店

5.want some juice 想要一些饮料

6.litter everywhere 到处乱丢垃圾

7.take it into... 把它带进


8.go in 进入

9.eat noodles in a restaurant 在餐厅吃面条

10.smell the flower 闻闻花香

11.my mother s birthday 我妈妈的生日

12.on an outing 户外远足

13.time for lunch 该吃午饭了

14.time to have lunch 该吃午饭了

15.feel tired and hungry 感觉又累又饿

16.look for him 寻找他

17.bring some bananas 带一些香蕉


18.sweet grapes 甜葡萄

19.walk on 继续行走

20.look around 四下张望

21.design signs 设计标识

22.public places 公共场所

23.ask and answer 问答

24.put in on the wall 把它放在墙上

25.No swimming. 禁止游泳

26.No climbing. 禁止攀爬

27.No smoking. 禁止吸烟

28.No eating or drinking. 禁止饮食



1. A: What does it mean?


B: It means the floor is wet.


2. It means you can t smoke here.


3. It means you can t eat or drink here.


4. It means you can t litter here.



5. You can read books in the library.


6. They see a lot of monkeys around them.


7. A: What do these signs mean?


B: They mean you can t swim here.


6A Unit6 Keep our city clean


1. keep our city clean保持我们的城市整洁


2. look at these pictures of our city看我们城市的这些图片

3. make our city dirty 使我们的城市变脏

4. smoke from cars汽车尾气

5. make the air dirty使空气变脏

6. black smoke from factories来自工厂的黑烟

7. make the streets messy使街道变乱

8. in the water在水里

9. take the bus and the metro to school乘公共车和地铁上学

10. walk to school走路上学

11. move some factories away把工厂搬走

12. put rubbish in the bin把垃圾放进垃圾箱

13. plant more trees种更多的树

14. help keep the air clean有助于保持空气洁净

15. your ideas你们的主意

16. well done干得好

17. throw rubbish on the floor 把垃圾扔在地上

18. walk home 走回家

19. after school放学后


20.live in the city 住在城里

21. clean and beautiful又干净又漂亮

22. throw a banana skin on the ground把香蕉皮扔在地上

23. eat bananas吃香蕉

24. do that那样做

25. pick it up 把它捡起来

26. too late 太迟了

27. slip on the banana skin在香蕉皮上滑倒

28. go to hospital 去医院(看病)

29. these picture of our city我们的城市的这些图

30. Smoke from cars 汽车排出的烟

31.make the air dirty 使空气变脏

32. black smoke from factories 来自工厂的黑烟

33. messy and dirty 又乱又脏


34. in the water 在水里

35.the fish are dead 鱼死了

Unit7 Protect the earth 一、四会单词

1. use 使用、利用

2.much 很多

3.oil 石油

4.drive 开车,驾驶

5.other 其他

6.glass 玻璃


1. protect 保护


2. Earth地球

3. save 节约

4. useful 有用的

5.waste 浪费

6. reuse 再利用

7.energy 能源 8.most 大部分

9.coal 煤炭 10.wood 木头,木材的 11.plastic 塑料 12.project课题

13.poster 海报 14.gate 大门 15. environment 环境

16.too many 太多 17.too much 太多

http://www.77cn.com.cne from 从……来,来自 19.cut down 砍伐,砍掉

20.second 第二 21.twenty-second 第二十二 22. fifth 第五

23.April 四月 24. June 六月


1. protect the Earth 保护地球 2. drink water 喝水


3. useful things有用的东西 4. use water to clean things 用水洗东西

5. every day 每天 6. in many places 在许多地方

7. too much water 太多水 8. too many bags 太多的包

9. waste water 浪费水 10. reuse and save water 再利用和节水

11. most of our energy 许多能源

12. use a lot of energy 使用许多能源

13. save energy 节能

14. come from coal and oil 来自煤矿和石油

15. drive so much 多开车

16. come from trees来自于树木

17. use wood to make chairs 用木头制作椅子

18. the other students 其它的学生

19. many other things 许多其它的东西

20. cut down too many trees 砍掉太多的树

21. help keep the air clean 帮助净化空气

22. use too much plastic 用太多的塑料


23. be bad for the Earth 对地球有害

24. use paper bags用纸袋子/ 包

25. glass bottles玻璃瓶

26. collect plastic bags 收集塑料袋

27. reuse these things 再利用这些东西

28. reuse paper to make a box 再利用纸做盒子

29. reuse plastic bottles to make a toy 再利用塑料瓶做玩具

30. have fun 有乐趣

31. every morning and afternoon每天早晨和下午

32. Earth Day 地球日

33. World Environment Day 世界环境日

34. on 22nd April 在4月22日

35. on 5th June 在6月5日

36. love and protect our Earth 喜爱和保护我们的地球

37. on Earth (on the Earth) 在地球上

38. do a project 做一个任务

39. know this知道这个

40. make a poster 做一张海报


41. tell them about it 告诉他们关于它

42. start drawing 开始画画

43. let me draw the Earth first 让我先画个地球

Unit 8 Chinese New Year


1. at Chinese New Year 在春节

2. on Chinese New Year’s Day 在大年初一

3. get an e-mail from her e-friend 收到网友的电邮

4.next week 下周

5. write an e-mail to him 给他写一封电子邮件

6. next year 明年


7.talk about their plans for Chinese New Year谈论他们的春节计划

8. be excited 激动的,兴奋的

9. an exciting news 一则令人激动的新闻

10.on Chinese New Year’s Eve 在除夕

11. make some cakes and tangyuan 做些蛋糕和汤圆

12. buy some new clothes and food 买一些新衣服和食物

13. have a big lunch with my parents 和父母亲吃一顿丰富的午餐

14. a rich man 一个富人

15. give me red packets(give red packets to me) 给我红包

16. watch a lion dance 看舞狮


17. on Children’s Day在儿童节

18. on the second day of Chinese New Year在年初二


19. at Mid-Autumn Festival在中秋节

20. at Christmas 在圣诞节

21. on Christmas Day 在圣诞节

22. at spring festival在春节

23. the third day第三天

24. the first holiday第一个节日

25. look at a cook book看烹饪书

26. cook us something good 给我们烧一些好吃的


27. the most important festival in China 在中国最重要的节日

28. cook dumplings in the kitchen 在厨房烧饺子



A: What are you going to do at Chinese New Year?

B: I am / We are going to watch fireworks.


A: What are they going to do on Chinese New Year’

B: They’re going to light firecrackers.

3、你的妈妈/她打算做什么? 她打算买新衣服。

A: What is your mother/ she going to do? s Day?


B: She is going to buy new clothes.


A: Who are you going to visit?

B: I am going to visit my aunt.

5、你打算去吃什么? 我打算去吃汤圆。

A: What are you going to eat?

B: I am going to eat tangyuan.


A: What food are you going to make?

B: I am going to make cakes.



A: What places are you going to visit?

B: I am going to visit the band.



2、以“Day”结尾用 “on”,其余用 “at”


(1)、be going to . / will 加动词的原形


tomorrow 明天 the day after tomorrow 后天

next year 明年 next week 下周 next autumn 明年秋天



1、 Teachers’ Day 教师节(9.10)

2、 Children’s Day 儿童节(6.1)

3、 Women’s Day 妇女节(3.8)

4、 Mother’s Day 母亲节(in May)

5、 Father’s Day 父亲节 (in June)

6、 Easter 复活节(in March or April)

7、 Christmas / Christmas Day 圣诞节(12.25)

8、 Thanksgiving Day 感恩节(in November)

9、 New Year’s Day 元旦(1.1)

10、Chinese New Year/ Chinese New Year’s Day 春节

ary or February) (in Janu


11、Spring Festival 春节 12、National day 国庆节(10.1)



1.---Today is the _________(twelve) of January.

--- Oh! It’s Mum’s birthday today.

2.I want to go ______(skate) too.

3.Let’s_______(play) basketball together.

4.The sign on the wall means ”No________(park)”

5.It’s time _______(have) PE lesson.

