module12 学生导学案

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Module 12 Help

Unit1-1 What should we do before help arrives? 导学案 学习人: 学习时间: 主备人:关海琴 一、学习目标:

1. 记住M12U1中medical等14个单词

2. 能够听懂并描述突发事故和急救的话题。

3. 了解应对突发事故的方法和措施,增强防范意识和能力。 二、学习重难点:能够利用所学词汇描述如何急救


Ι. Warming up (热身)

1. Self-check

单词:1.破碎的______________2.玻璃______________3.楼梯_____________ 4.帮助;救助_______________ 5.医学的______________ 6.想象_______________ 7.底部;下端___________8.错误的__________________ 9.问题;麻烦___________ 10.举起;抬起_____________11.有害的___________ 12.使落下______________ 13.训练;培训________________ 14.盖上____________

短语:15.急救 ___________________16.在…底部____________________ 17. …怎么了?_________________ 18.确保;确认____________________

19. 抬起;提起____________________

2. Work in pairs and talk about the pictures. (PPT)

Π. Presentation(呈现) Task1. Listen and answer :

A. Where is the boy lying?

B. Do they lift him up?

Task2. Listen and fill in the blanks

Ms James: This morning’s class is about _____________ _____________, or giving someone basic __________

help. Let’s imagine an accident. A boy is lying at the ___________ of the stairs. He is in

pain. What can we do the help him?

Betty: First of all, find out what’s____________ with him. Ms James: How do we do that? Betty: Ask him.

Ms James: OK. But he could have _____________ hearing you or speaking to you. Ling ling: Shout for help? Call 120?

Ms James: Good idea, but what do we do before help arrives? Tony: Make him _____________. Ms James: And how can we do that? Tony: Lift him up and sit him on a chair? Ms James: No, that could be _____________! Betty: Make sure he’s warm. Cover him with a coat.

Ms James: That’s such good advice that you could be a doctor, Betty! Task3. Read in pairs and finish A3

Ш. The consolidation of practice ( 巩固练习 )

1. Read in groups and finish A4. 2. 完成句子

1)__________ __________ __________ him? 他怎么了?

2)______ him _____ and sit him on the chair? 把他抬起来让他坐椅子上吗?

3)A boy lying _________ __________ ___________ ________ the stairs. 一个男孩正躺在楼梯的底部。

Ⅳ.Extension (拓展延伸)


Ⅴ.Summary Ⅵ.Homework 1. 背单词

2. 熟读课文,并找出第二课时学案中的自主预习环节

Module 12 Help

Unit1-2 What should we do before help arrives? 导学案 学习人: 学习时间: 主备人:关海琴 一、学习目标:

1. 能够运用新词汇

2. 能够掌握祈使句的使用。

3. 了解情态动词表推测的用法。


三、学习过程: Ι. Preview (预习)

1. 给某人基本的医疗帮助__________________________ 2. 在楼梯底部__________________________

3. 首先_____________________________________

4. 找出,发现_____________________________________ 5. 他怎么了?_____________________________________ 6. 让他舒服点_____________________________________

7.做一些基本的医疗培训_____________________________________ 8. 给他盖上一件外套_____________________________________ Π. Presentation(呈现)

Task1. 读对话并找出里面的祈使句。

_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________

Task2.Group work (合作探究祈使句的使用)


祈使句一般以动词__________开头,无时态和数的变化。 常见的祈使句型有两种: 1.动词原形开头的祈使句:

此类祈使句暗含的主语是________,但通常省略。否定句往往以_________ 例如: Open the door! (否定句) ________ ________ ________ 2. let’s 构成的祈使句:


Let’s spend this weekend in the countryside. 这周咱们到乡下度周末吧。 __________ ________ ________ ______, please. 我们去野餐吧。 Task3. 将Task1 中的祈使句变成否定句。

_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Task4. 情态动词must, can, could 表示推测

1.情态动词must 可以表示推测,意思是“________________” 通常只用于_________ 中。

Eg:Betty, you must know! 贝蒂, 你肯定知道! 2.mustn’t 表示禁止。

Eg: You mustn’t smoke here 禁止在此处吸烟 Eg:禁止拍照。You _________ take photos.

Ш. The consolidation of practice ( 巩固练习 ) 1. P100. Exercise1


Ⅴ.Extension (拓展延伸)

1.P102. 7


Module 12 Help

Unit2-1Stay away from windows and heavy furniture 导学案 学习人: 学习时间: 主备人:关海琴 一、学习目标:

1. 能够记住本单元的重点词汇 2. 能够理解文章大意并完成相关习题 3. 了解地震逃生的办法 三、学习重难点:理解文章大意

三、学习过程: Ι. Warming up (热身)

1. Work in pairs . Look at the pictures and ask and answer the questions. Where are the people? What are they doing? Why? 2. Ask and answer:

1.A: If an earthquake happens, what will you do? B: I will...

3. Loot at the title of the passage and think about what to do in an earthquake.

Π. Presentation(呈现)

Task1. Read the passage quickly and answer: 1. Can we use the lift when the earthquake happens? 2. What should we pay attention if we were in the mountains?

Task 2. Read carefully and finish A4.

Ш. The consolidation of practice ( 巩固练习 )

1. Read it again and answer questions: 1)What should we do if we were in a bus?

______________________________________________________ 2) What should we do if we were on the beach?

______________________________________________________ 3) (T/F)

We shouldn’t leave buildings quickly when the ground stops shaking. ( ) 4) Translate. (翻译)

Earthquake always happen suddenly, so it is difficult to warn people about them. _____________________________________________________________________


Ⅴ.Extension (拓展延伸)

1.P100. 3


Module 12 Help

Unit2-2 Stay away from windows and heavy furniture 导学案 学习人: 学习时间: 主备人:关海琴 一、学习目标:

1. 能够运用本单元的重点词汇 2. 能够掌握本单元重点语言点 3. 运用所学制作地震来临的紧急预案

二、学习重难点:语言知识点的掌握以及运用所学制作地震来临的紧急预案三、学习过程: Ι. Warming up (热身)

1. Revise words in this module (pair-check)

2. Did you remember what we should if an earthquake happens?

Π. Presentation(呈现)

Task 1. Read the passage and find these phrases.

对... 几乎没有认识________________________远离窗户____________________ 停止震动____________________ 保持冷静_________________ 不和...接触______________________ Task2. Read the passage again and finish A5 Task3. Group work (10min) 四人合作制作地震来临的紧急预案 预案要求:1、地点和预防措施要明确

2、语言要简洁明了 3、图文并茂有讲说

Ш. The consolidation of practice ( 巩固练习 )

When there is an earthquake , we should___________________________.We can

______________________________. We can’t ______________________________. We mustn’t_______________________________________. If we were in the classroom, we should__________________________________. If we were in the mountain, we should__________________________________. If we can follow what we learn in school ,we can be safe and we can also help others.


Ⅴ.Extension (拓展延伸)

地震之前的小动物们 动物异常:

震前动物有前兆,发现异常要报告 牛马骡羊不进圈,猪不吃食狗乱咬 鸭不下水岸上闹,鸡飞上树高声叫 冰天雪地蛇出洞,老鼠痴呆搬家逃 兔子竖耳蹦又撞,鱼儿惊慌水面跳 蜜蜂群迁闹轰轰,鸽子惊飞不回巢


Module 12 Help Unit3 language in use 导学案

学习人: 学习时间: 主备人:关海琴 一、学习目标:

1. 能够运用本模块的重点词汇 2. 能够掌握本模块重点语言点 3. 完成相关习题

二、学习重难点:语言知识点的掌握 三、学习过程: Ι. Warming up (热身)

1. Read the words in this module and check them. (orally) 2. 记忆时光机

急救________________ 在...的底部__________________ 抬起、提起_______________ 确保__________________ 不和...接触__________________ 怎么了?_________________

Π. Presentation(呈现)

Task 1. Read Language practice twice Task 2. 回顾祈使句的用法和情态动词的用法 Task3. 祈使句造句 (check in groups)


Task4. 情态动词造句


Ш. The consolidation of practice ( 巩固练习 )

1. Finish A2 (individually) 2. Finish A4 (pair work) 3. Finish A5 (group work)


Ⅴ.Extension (拓展延伸)


( )1. ---So many people support you. You ______ be happy. --- Yes, you are right. I’m really excited. A. may B. can C. must D. need

( )2. That man _________ be my English teacher. He has gone to Canada. A. needn’t B. mustn’t C. can’t

( )3. There is a date _________ the bottom _____ this page. A. at; n B. at; of C. in; of D. in; at

( )4. David can’t find his younger sister, so he ________ her name on the street. A. said B. spoke C. talked D. shouted

( )5. The stone is heavy, but the man ______ it ____ easily. A. lifted up B. looked up C. picked up D. cleaned up ( )6. ---________? --- I have a cold.

A. How are you B. Are you John

C. What’s wrong with you D. What are you doing


