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Chapter Two

Network Economy

2.1 Characteristics of Network Economy 2.2 Basic Laws Governing the Network Economy 2.3 Economics of e-marketplaces and theCompetition In the Digital Economy1

2.1 Characteristics of Network Economy The Digital Revolution Digital Economy An economy that is based on digital technologies, including digital communication networks, computers, software, and other related information technologies; also called the Internet economy, the new economy, or the Web economy.2

Characteristics of Network EconomyAll-weather Economy Global Economy Competitive and Cooperate Economy Innovative Economy Speed-oriented Economy3

2.2 Basic Laws Governing the Network Economy 2.2.1New theory of Network Economy一、 network externality(网络外部性) 1.The definition and types

(一)The network externality (or network effect )

causes a good or service to have a value to a potential customer dependent on the number of customers already owning that good or using that service.4

value to

each user提 供 给 每位客户


number of users 用户数量

(二)Types of network externality (1)Direct network externality and Indirect network externality Direct network externality——The utility ofa product increases with the Consumption of same products. greater

Indirect network externality (INE):The utility of a product increases with the greater availability of compatible complementary products.

(2)Positive network externality andNegative network externality

二.梅特卡夫定律 (Law of Metcalfe) The value of the network equals the square of the number of its nodal points. That is to say, "the value of the network grows geometrically with the increase in the number of users."


V=n2V为网络总效用 n为用户数量8

各获得2单位效用用户2 用户1 用户2




电话用户数与边际效用、总效用的关系电话用户数 边际效用 总效用 1 0 0 2 2 2 3 4 6 4 6 5 8 … … n→∞ 2(n–1) n(n–1) →n29

12 20 …

三. Matthew Effect马太效应 Due to the psychological reaction and the habitual force of behavior, under certain circumstances, The Matthews Effect reflecting the striking contrast between the superior and the inferior in information activities10

市场份额 100% 赢家

50% 输家 时间

Matthew Effect11

2.2.2 新经济规则在信息产品中的体现一. 信息产品(Information Product)消费的特殊性1.锁定(Lock-in):makes a customer dependent on a vendor for products and services, unable to use another

vendor. Lock-in costs which create barriers to market entrymay result in antitrust action against a monopoly.12

2、转移成本(switching cost) Cost to move to competitor’s productCognitive switching costs (learning, corporate retraining)认知转移成本 (学习、公司再培训) Information assets (e.g., customer information an

d data bases) 信息资产(如客户信息) Complementary assets (software, peripherals) 补充性资产(外围设备、软件) Loss Network effects (网络外部性损失)13


为市场主流——锁定用户群——通过产品升级、相关服务收费或收取会员费获利 信息产品的主流化战略原因 1. Critical Mass(临界容量)的存在 2. 信息产品的成本构成的特殊性14


Critical mass



Cost structure

成本结构 初始成本高 边际成本低

High initial cost Low marginal cost

High switching costs


Original and copy are indistinguishable 原件与拷贝毫无差别 Digital goods are infinitely replicable 数字商品可无限复制 Digital goods are easy to distribute 数字商品易于分销



QRegular products Digital products


2.3 Economics of e-marketplaces2.3.1The Economic Effects of EC

1、Production FunctionIT

Capital CostWith EC

Without EC

Q=1000 Q=1000Labor

Production Function

