orCAD - PADS学习笔记

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如何在orCAD中批量修改元器件属性? 1. 选择项目文件(*.dsn),点击Tools\\Export Properties。

2. 设置参数。

Scope:Export entire design or Library(导出全部项目或库文件)。 Contents:part Properties(器件属性)。

Mode:Export Instance Properties(使用当前属性)。

3. 进入存放路径,右击导出的*.exp文件,选择用Excel打开。 4. 修改表中需要修改的参数,保存并选择“是”。

5. 回到原理图环境下面,点击Tools\\Import Properties,导入刚保存的Excel文件,完毕。 注意:修改时不能修改或删除属性文件的第一行和每一行的第一项和第二项。

orCAD如何生成BOM表? 1. 选择项目文件(*.dsn),点击Tools\\Bill of Materials。

2. 设置参数。

Scope:Export entire design or Library(导出全部项目或库文件)。 Contents:part Properties(器件属性)。 Mode:Export Instance(Properties)(使用当前属性)。 3. Line Item Definition中:(以下为我常用的)


Combined property string:{Item}\\t{Value}\\t{pcb footprint}\\t{Quantity}\\t{Reference}\\t 4. 选中Open in Excel。 5. 点OK就可以了。

为什么orCAD中无法输出网表? 1. DRC检查时问题特征为: ERROR [NET0021] Cannot get part.

[FMT0024] Ref-des not found. Possible Logical/Physical annotation conflict. [FMT0018] Errors processing intermediate file.

2. 问题的原因是因为使用了orCAD中的Pspice器件库。

3. 解决方法:点击Edit\\Find,输入“*”查找全部器件,找到库文件不同的器件。删除并重



1. 从项目管理器中选择器件,选择Tools\\Split Part。

2. 在“NO. of Sections”中输入要分割的块数,在下表中的Section部分选择序号,将元件


3. 单击View\\Package,可以看到中个封装中的元件,然后保存。



2.选择Add Intersheet References,点确定,出现如图对话框:



将一个或一些元件定义在一个ROOM的好处是,在进行PCB布局时可以按ROOM定义摆放元件,从而大大提高摆放效率。 1. 双击器件,“Filter by”栏选择Cadence-Allegro类,在ROOM栏输入ROOM名,如“CPU”,

并将“Filter by”栏选择为“Current properties”。


1.子原理图中加好port后,点击根原理图,选择对应hiererchy,右击选择synchronize up,pin会出现在对应hiererchy的右下角。

2.或者根原理图中加好pin后,点击根原理图,选择对应hiererchy,右击选择synchronize down,port会出现在子原理图的右上角。



Update entire design:更新整个设计 Update selection:更新选择的部分电路 Action:

Incremental reference update:在现有的基础上进行增加排序 Unconditional reference update:无条件进行排序 Reset part reference to “?”:把所有的序号都变成“?”

Add Intersheet References:在分页图纸间的端口的序号加上图纸编号 Delete Intersheet References:删除分页图纸间的端口的序号上的图纸编号 Combined property:把对话框中的属性相结合

Reset reference numbers to begin at 1 each page:编号时每张图纸都从1开始 Annotate as per PM page ordering:

Annotate as per page ordering in the Title block: Do not change the page number:不要改变图纸编号 Include non-primitive parts:包括非基本的器件



Check entire design:DRC检查整个原理图 Check Selection:DRC检查选择的部分电路 Mode:

Use occurrences:选择所有事件

Use instances(preferred):使用当前实体(建议) (所谓实体是指放在绘图页内的元件符号,而事件指的是在绘图页内同一实体出现多次的实体电路。例如,在复杂层次电路图中,某个子方块电路重复使用了3次,就形成了3次事件;不过子方块电路内本身的元件却是实体。) Action:

Check design rules:进行DRC检测

Delete existing DRC marker:删除DRC检测标志 Report:

Create DRC markers for warnings:进行DRC检测若发现错误,在错误之处放置警告标志 Check hierarchical port connection:检测阶层端口的连接性

Check off-page connector connection:检测分页图纸间接口的连接性 Report identical part references:报告是否有重复的器件序号 Report invalid packaging:报告无效的封装

Report hierarchical ports and off-page connection:报告阶层端口和分页图纸间接口的连接 Report Misleading Tap Connection:报告易误解的连接 Check visible unconnected power:检测未连接的可见电源 Check unconnected net:检测未连接的网络

Check SDT compatibility:检测对于SDT文件的兼容性 Report off-grid objects:报告未放置在格点上的器件 Report all net name:报告所有网络名称


3 state:三态动作输出逻辑门符号

Active Low Left:低电平动作输入符号,信号管脚在左边 Active Low Right:低电平动作输入符号,信号管脚在右边 Amplified Left:放大器,信号管脚在左边 Amplified right:放大器,信号管脚在右边 Anolog:模拟信号输入符号

Arrow left:信号方向为由左到右的箭头符号 Arrow right: 信号方向为由右到左的箭头符号 Bidirectional:双向箭头符号

Dynamic left:动态信号符号,信号管脚在左边 Dynamic right:动态信号符号,信号管脚在右边 GE:大于等于的符号

Generator:信号产生的符号 Hysteresis:施密特触发的符号 LE:小于等于的符号 NE:不等于的符号

Non logic:非逻辑的符号

Open circuit H-type:开路输出高电平符号 Open circuit L-type:开路输出低电平符号 Open circuit open:开路输出空接状态符号 Passive pull down:被动式输出低电平符号 Passive pull up:被动式输出高电平符号 PI:(未知)

Postponed:暂缓输出符号。以下降沿触发的主从式触发器为例,当输入信号由低到高,再由高到低电平变化时,其输出信号才会变化。 Shift left:数据右移的符号,信号管脚在左边 Shift right:数据左移的符号,信号管脚在右边 Sigma:加法器符号

orCAD常见的DRC错误及解决方法: 1. [DRC0001]Invalid port type: 2. [DRC0002]Invalid pin type:

3. [DRC0003]Port has a type which is inconsistent with other ports on the net **:端口类型和其


4. [DRC0004]Possible pin conflict:可能的管脚类型冲突。引脚类型错误或DRC设置错误。 5. [DRC0005]Unconnected pin:引脚没有连接,不用的引脚最好添加不连接符号,“Place\\No


6. [DRC0006]Net has fewer than two connections **:有网络但没有连接。

7. [DRC0007]Net has not driver source **:引脚类型为Power,但却没有连接电源。

8. [DRC0008]Two nets in same schematic have the same name, but there is no off-page

connector **:没有添加Off-Page符号。

9. [DRC0009]No matching off-page connector **:与错误8同时出现,没有添加Off-Page符


10. [DRC0010]Duplicate reference **:与错误31同时出现,位号重复。

11. [DRC0011]Reference is invalid for this part **:位号错误,不是有效格式,或者是把Ref


12. [DRC0012]Pin has no matching port in implementation below **:根目录原理图端口与阶层


13. [DRC0013]Port has no matching pin in part instance above **:根目录原理图端口与阶层原


14. [DRC0014]Type of pin above does not match the pin type of corresponding port below **:根

目录原理图端口与阶层原理图端口冲突 15. [DRC0015]Pin buses exist in the schematic:

16. [DRC0016]User properties exist on an object that is not a part instance: 17. [DRC0017]Pin number is greater than 255: 18. [DRC0018]Pin number is not numeric:

19. [DRC0019]Pin has been placed on top or bottom of hierarchical block: 20. [DRC0020]More than 8 user properties exist on this part instance: 21. [DRC0021]More than 1 titleblock exists on this page:titleblock重复 22. [DRC0022]The schematic contains multiple pages and hierarchy: 23. [DRC0023]The package contains more than 16 parts: 24. [DRC0024]The package contains different types of parts: 25. [DRC0025]The comment graphic is not a single dashed line:

26. [DRC0026]This reference has already been assigned to a different package type Y1:与错误

10同时出现,Y1位号重复。或者是两者被重新编辑保存过,器件库不同。 27. [DRC0027]Other parts in this package have different values or PCB footprints Y1:与错误11


28. [DRC0028]Bus has multiple names with conflicting ranges: 29. [DRC0029]Bus has no name and therefore defines no signals: 30. [DRC0030]Bus width does not match port width:

31. [DRC0031]Same Pin Number connected to more than one net:与错误10同时出现,位号重


32. [DRC0034]Two wires/busses of different nets intersect visually, yet nets are not connected :


33. [DRC0037] Net has two or more aliases - possible short:

34. [DRC0038]Visible unconnected Power Pins are connected to global nets:电源或地没连接。

PADS 2005篇


1. 点击Tools\\Basic Scripts\\ Basic Scripts Editor。

2. 复制以下代码(分割线中部分),另存为“17 - Excel Part List Report.BAS”

*************************************分割线************************************ ' This sample demonstrates how to generate PADS Layout reports in Excel. '

' For more details, please refer to the PADS Layout Basic Editor Help File. '

Sub Main ' Open temporarly text file Randomize filename = DefaultFilePath & \ & CInt(Rnd()*10000) & \ Open filename For Output As #1 ' Output Headers Print #1, \Space(32); Print #1, \Space(24); Print #1, \Space(32); Print #1, \ Space(6); Print #1, \ Space(26); Print #1, \Space(24); Print #1, \ Space(30); Print #1, \ Space(29); Print #1, \ Space(7);

Print #1, \ Space(0)

' Lock server to speed up process LockServer

' Go through each component in the design and output values

For Each nextComp In ActiveDocument.Components ' Boolean b index = 0 b = False For Each nextAttr In nextComp.Attributes

If nextAttr.Name = \ index = index + 1

b = True

Next nextAttr

If b = True Then Print #1, nextComp.Attributes(\;Space$(40-Len(nextComp.Attributes(\ Else Print #1, \ Space$(30-Len(nextComp.Name)); End If Print #1, nextComp.Name; Space$(30-Len(nextComp.Name)); Print #1, nextComp.Decal; Space$(40-Len(nextComp.Decal)); Print #1, nextComp.Pins.Count; Space$(10-Len(nextComp.Pins.Count)); Print #1, ActiveDocument.LayerName(nextComp.layer);Space$(30-Len(ActiveDocument.LayerName(nextComp.layer))); Print #1, nextComp.Orientation; Space$(30-Len(nextComp.Orientation)); Print #1, nextComp.PositionX; Space$(30-Len(nextComp.PositionX)); Print #1, nextComp.PositionY; Space$(30-Len(nextComp.PositionY)); Print #1, nextComp.IsSMD; Space$(10-Len(nextComp.IsSMD)); Print #1, nextComp.Glued; Space$(10-Len(nextComp.Glued)) Next nextComp ' Unlock the server UnlockServer ' Close the text file Close #1

' Start Excel and loads the text file On Error GoTo noExcel Dim excelApp As Object Set excelApp = CreateObject(\ On Error GoTo 0 excelApp.Visible = True excelApp.Workbooks.OpenText FileName:= filename excelApp.Rows(\ With excelApp.Selection .Font.Bold = True .Font.Italic = True End With excelApp.Range(\ Set excelApp = Nothing End

noExcel: ' Display the text file Shell \

End Sub

*************************************分割线************************************ 3. 点击Tools\\Basic Scripts\\ Basic Scripts…\\Load File…,导入生成的文件17 - Excel Part List



1. 点击Tools\\Verify Design,如下图:

2. 点击setup,选择1.项,如下图:

3. 选择Clearance(Connectivi或High Speed),点击Start,即可查看错误。如图:发


在PCB中导入asc文件时提示储物,问题特征为: “*Bad *PART* ascii data line format


是因为PADS不接受空格字符,将“RED OUT”改为RED_OUT等值即可。



